Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carrera"" "subject:"carreras""
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Evasão e comportamento vocacional de universitários : estudo sobre desenvolvimento de carreira na graduação / Dropout and university students’ vocational behavior : undergraduation career development studiesBardagi, Marúcia Patta January 2007 (has links)
As preocupações com a escolha profissional e a satisfação de carreira ultrapassaram a barreira da adolescência e configuram questões importantes para o indivíduo em diferentes pontos do desenvolvimento. Esta tese investigou o desenvolvimento de carreira no período da graduação. No primeiro estudo, entrevistas com oito estudantes evadidos apontaram, entre outras coisas, uma fragilidade da escolha inicial, pouca atividade exploratória e expectativas irrealistas sobre a carreira, mostrando ser a evasão uma decisão impulsiva, decorrente de insatisfação de longo prazo e sem relação com novas escolhas de carreira. O segundo estudo investigou características vocacionais de 939 universitários regularmente matriculados nas diferentes áreas de formação, detectando a importância de aspectos como a participação em atividades acadêmicas, a exploração de carreira, o desempenho acadêmico, as percepções sobre o mercado de trabalho e a percepção de estressores para os níveis de comprometimento com a carreira, a satisfação de vida e a probabilidade de evasão. Ambos os estudos apontaram o papel fundamental do professor universitário para a decisão de carreira do estudante e a demanda por intervenções de orientação de carreira na graduação. Estes resultados confirmam a heterogeneidade da experiência universitária e salientam que estratégias favorecedoras do comportamento exploratório e atividades que permitam reflexão sobre a relação desempenho-mercado-profissão contribuiriam para satisfação acadêmica e de vida. Ainda, estratégias de apoio ao universitário devem considerar dificuldades percebidas e características vocacionais segundo área e período do curso. / Concerns about professional choice and carreer satisfaction went beyond adolescence and are now important questions for individuals in different developmentals phases. This dissertation is comprised by two studies that investigated undergraduate career development. In the first study, eight students who dropped out were interviewed. The results showed that the first choice was fragile, they had low exploratory activity and non realistic expectations about their career. The decision to drop out was impulsive, related to long term dissatisfaction and not based in a new career choice. The second study investigated vocational characteristics of 939 undergraduates in different fields of study. The results showed positive correlations among career/course satisfaction and life satisfaction, career commitment, academic performance and activities, labor market evaluation and environmental exploration. Negative correlations were found between career/course satisfaction and dropout probability and stressors. Both studies point to the very important role of the university professor for the carrer decision of the student and the demand for career orientation intervention at the undergraduate level. These results confirmed the heterogeneity of undergraduate experience and highlighted that strategies focused on exploratory behavior and on careerperformance- market connection could contribute to a better life and career satisfaction. Also, the choice of support strategies for students must take into account perceived difficulties and vocational characteristics of the period and of the field of study.
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Mehr Schein als Sein? – Eine Analyse der Selbstdarstellung von Studierenden im Karrierenetzwerk XingStorch, Fabian, Nitsche, Julia, Keysers, Pia, Staar, Henning January 2014 (has links)
Ein altes griechisches Sprichwort lautet „Zeig mir Deine Freunde, und ich sage Dir, wer Dubist.“ Angelehnt an dieses Sprichwort würde man heutzutage wohl eher sagen: „Zeig mir Dein Internetprofil, und ich sage Dir, wer Du bist.“
Die Nutzung von computerunterstützten sozialen Interaktionen ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem wesentlichen Merkmal der Kommunikation zwischen Individuen geworden, somit hat das Internet einen großen Einfluss auf das soziale Leben. Soziale Netzwerke bieten die Möglichkeit, weltweit soziale und berufliche Kontakte zu knüpfen und selbst zum aktiven Gestalter zu werden. Das Web 2.0 gibt Internetnutzern den Raum, miteinander zu kommunizieren und sich zu präsentieren. Die Möglichkeiten dafür sind zahllos. Webbasierte Plattformen sind eine davon.
Das Netzwerk Xing ist eine Karriereplattform, in der mehr als 14 Mio. Mitglieder berufliche und soziale Kontakte verwalten und neue knüpfen können. In Deutschland sind Unternehmen und einzelne Nutzer, wie z.B. Studenten, dort mit insgesamt sieben Millionen Mitgliedern vertreten. Innerhalb dieses Karrierenetzwerkes kann der Nutzer Kontakt zu anderen Usern aufnehmen und sich gleichzeitig durch sein Profil präsentieren. Er ist so für potentielle Arbeitgeber verfügbar und hat die Möglichkeit, Personalverantwortliche auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Selbstdarstellung von Studentinnen und Studenten innerhalb des Karrierenetzwerkes Xing.
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Μια μελέτη περίπτωσης της διαχείρισης ταυτότητας των Ελλήνων ομοφυλόφιλων, καθώς και των εμπειριών διάκρισης, τόσο στην οικογενειακή και κοινωνική ζωή, όσο και στους χώρους της εκπαίδευσης και της εργασίαςΣπυροπούλου, Θεοδώρα 30 April 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται η ποιοτική προσέγγιση των συνεντεύξεων, τριών Ελλήνων ομοφυλόφιλων ατόμων, που ζουν και εργάζονται στην Ελλάδα, της 29χρονης Kacy, του 28χρονου Μανόλη και της 32χρονης Μάρθας. Η έρευνά μας εστιάζει στο αν οι νέοι ομοφυλόφιλοι στην Ελλάδα, αντιμετωπίζουν συμπεριφορές και στάσεις διάκρισης στον εκπαιδευτικό, τον επαγγελματικό χώρο καθώς και την κοινωνική ζωή και πώς αυτή η κατάσταση είναι σε θέση να επηρεάσει την ταυτότητα και τη ζωή αυτών των ατόμων. Τα αποτελέσματα των συνεντεύξεων αναλύονται και περιγράφονται σε έξι βασικές ενότητες με σκοπό την πιο σαφή και εύστοχη επεξεργασία των δεδομένων καθώς και την πιο κατάλληλη τοποθέτησή τους στο χώρο και το χρόνο: 1. Συνειδητοποίηση διαφορετικότητας-η εμπειρία της οικογένειας, 2. διαμόρφωση προσωπικότητας -η εμπειρία του σχολείου, 3. Πρώτες ερωτικές σχέσεις-η εμπειρία του πανεπιστημίου, 4. Η επίδραση της ομοφυλοφιλίας στο μορφωτικό επίπεδο και τις επαγγελματικές επιλογές, 5. Επαγγελματική σταδιοδρομία-η εμπειρία διάκρισης στην εργασία και 6. Η «ιδανική» ζωή. Η επεξεργασία των απαντήσεων των τριών συμμετεχόντων ακολουθεί χρονικά την πορεία της ζωής τους (παιδί, έφηβος, ενήλικας), γιατί θεωρήσαμε σημαντικό να φανεί πώς η διαφοροποίηση της αλληλεπίδρασης στη σχέση του εκάστοτε εξωγενούς περιβάλλοντος με την εκάστοτε ηλικιακή φάση του κάθε ομοφυλόφιλου ατόμου, επηρέασε τα στάδια ωρίμανσής του, καθώς και όλες τις πτυχές της προσωπικής και κοινωνικής ζωής τους. / This paper presents a qualitative approach of the interviews of three Greeks homosexuals, living and working in Greece, 29 year old Kacy, 28 year old Manolis and 32 year old Martha. Our research focuses on whether the young homosexuals in Greece, face anti-gay behaviors and attitudes in education, the workplace and social life and how this state is able to influence the identity and lives of these people. The results of the interviews were categorized into the following basic six sections for a more explicit and targeted processing data and a more appropriate position in space and time: 1. Awareness of diversity-the family experience, 2. Personality shaping- experience of school, 3. Raw sexual relations-the experience of university, 4. The effect of homosexuality in educational attainment and occupational choices, 5. Career experience-discrimination at work and 6. The “ideal” life. The processing of the responses of three participants follows the course of their life (child, teen, adult), because we considered important to reflect on how the modulation of the interaction in the relationship of each exogenous environment with their particular age phase of every gay person, influenced the stages of maturation, as well as all aspects of personal and social life.
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Bendrųjų kompetencijų svarba karjeros planavimui / The importance of general competences for the career planning / Cущности общих компетенций на планирование каръерыMurmienė, Inga 04 September 2008 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninės gerovės augimas. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis moksleivio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad jaunuolis suprastų, jog adaptacija darbo pasaulyje ir asmenybės vidinė harmonija priklauso nuo tinkamo apsisprendimo.
Šiuolaikiniame darbo rinkos pasaulyje ypač aktualus tampa asmens profesinės karjeros planavimas. Profesinė karjera – tai racionalaus profesijos pasirinkimo ir karjeros planavimo rezultatas. Karjerą galima pradėti planuoti tik tuomet, kai žmogus turi atitinkamų bendrųjų kompetencijų, asmeninių savybių, apsisprendžia dėl profesijos, t.y. pasirenka profesiją, nes kiekvieną karjeros planą sąlygoja konkrečios profesijos prigimtis. Susidūrimas su aplinkiniu pasauliu išmoko žmones pažinti save – ką jiems tenka daryti, ką jie geba daryti geriausiai ir kas yra svarbu tieks siekiant karjeros, tiek jų gyvenime.
Baigiamojo darbo objektu buvo pasirinkta bendrųjų kompetencijų svarba karjeros planavimui. Darbo problema išreikšta probleminiu klausimu: kaip bendrosios kompetencijos gali įtakoti mokinių karjeros planavimą? Siekiant išspręsti darbo problemą buvo iškeltas darbo tikslas – išryškinti bendrųjų kompetencijų svarbą karjeros planavimui ir atlikti bendrųjų kompetencijų praktinio ugdymo karjeros planavimui analizę. Tam, kad darbo tikslas būtų pasiektas, apibrėžta bendrųjų kompetencijų, kaip karjeros planavimo veiksnio, samprata, pateikta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The choice of a vocation is one of the most topical problems. Person’s individual welfare development depends on its proper solution. This is the reason why the first decision taken by a pupil should be deliberate, purposive and a young person should understand that adaptation in the labour world as well as the inner harmony of an individual depends on proper decision.
Planning personal vocation career is getting particularly topical in the contemporary world of labour market. Vocation career is a rational result of the vocation choice and career planning. Career may be started being planned when a person possesses appropriate general competences, personal features and when he/she makes choices about the vocation, i.e. a person chooses a vocation because every career plan is conditioned by nature of a particular vocation. Facing the surrounding world teaches people to know themselves, to know, what they have to do, what they can do the best way and what is the most important both in their career and in their life.
The object of the final work is the competence importance for the career planning. The problem in the work is expressed using the question – how general competences can have influence on career plan of pupils? Seeking to solve the problem the aim of the work was chosen, which was to highlight the importance of general competences for the career planning and to accomplish analysis of general competences for practical career education planning. In order to reach the... [to full text] / Выбор профессии в современном мире является актуальнейщей проблемой, от прави��ъного рещения которой зависит рост личного благосостояния человека. Поэтому очень вазно, чтобы принятое решение ученика в выборе профессии было осознанным и целенаправленным. Он должен пониматъ, что успешное внедрение в рыночные отнощения т����да и внутренняя гармония личности непосредственно связана с правильным выбором профессии.
В современном мире рыночных отношений труда вазное место занимает планирование личной карьеры. Это возможно лишь в том случае, если человек обладает соответствующими общими компетенциями, личными качествами б правилъным решением в выборе профессии, так как выбор в плане карьеры обусловлен природой конкретной профессии.
Обьектом дипломной работы является сущности общих компетенций на планирование каръеры. Проблема дипломной работы состоит в том, как обладание общими компетенциями может влиятъ на планирование карьерного роста. Целъю рещения этой проблемы является выяснитъ, каким обраэомобладение общими компетенциями влияет на планирование лицной каръеры и проанализироватъ, в какой степени это практически влияет на планирование каръеры. В современном мире рыночных отношений труда вазное место занимает планирование личной карьеры. Это возможно лишь в том случае, если человек обладает соответствующими общими компетенциями, личными качествами б правилъным решением в выборе профессии, так как выбор в плане карьеры обусловлен природой конкретной профессии.
Обьектом... [полный текст, см. далее]
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La ballata romantica in Italia /Teoli, Maria-Luisa January 1992 (has links)
This work deals with the existence of a wide body of ballads in Italy during the romantic era. It disproves Giovanni Berchet's contention in his "Lettera semiseria", the manifesto of Italian Romanticism. He argued that Italy did not have popular literature and, being unaware of an existing tradition, he translated and proposed two of Burger's ballads as examples to be followed. / The first two chapters of this thesis concentrate on the origins of the popular ballad and its first occurrence in Italy. / The third chapter examines the major ballad writers in Italy. Particular attention is given to Luigi Carrer and Giovanni Prati. / The final chapters are a discussion of Italy's minor ballad writers, followed by a conclusion.
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Lietuvos lengvosios atletikos trenerių sportinės karjeros eigos ypatumai / Peculiarities of sports career of Lithuanian track and field athletics coachesCharisova, Svetlana 20 May 2005 (has links)
Sports career (SC) is a term for the multiyear sports activities of the individual aimed at high sport achievements and self-improvement in sport. The analytical model of sports career considers it as a multiyear process certain stages and transitions. SC were identified: 1) the beginning of sport specialisation; 2) the transition to intensive training in the chosen kind of sport; 3) the transition to high achievement and adult sports; 4) the transition from the culmination to the end of SC and transition to the other professional career. Athletes have to solve „transitional problems“ in order to continue the SC successfully on the next stage. A failure in solving transitional problems leads to a crisis.
The research showed that the most influence to choose the main kind of sport had the coach (95%). In the intensive training in the chosen kind of sport all respondents had the aim, after trainings felt tired (75%) and even 89% of respondents complained of injuries. Most of athletes (74%) noted that sometimes needed psychological support in competitions. Mostly in high achievement and adult sports (55%) changed the coach and every fifth athlete not always successfully collaborated with him, and also came into conflict with other members of the group (28%). In this stage was difficult to adjust sport activity and studies, sport activity and leisure, and also sport activity and job. Most coaches pointed that too early finished trainings by these reasons: difficult to adust... [to full text]
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In Zukunft werden Journalisten Alleskönner seinSattler, Sebastian, Bigl, Benjamin January 2005 (has links)
Die Leipziger Journalistik führte im Projekt „Zukunft des
Journalismus“ (ZdJ) am Lehrstuhl Journalistik des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Michael Haller 2005 die bislang umfangreichste Online-Befragung unter Deutschlands Journalisten durch. Sie liefert erste Befunde über die Zukunft einer bedrohten Profession.
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La ballata romantica in Italia /Teoli, Maria-Luisa January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Problémy ředitelek samostatných mateřských škol v jednotlivých fázích jejich profesní dráhy / Problems of Standalone Nursery School Managers in the Course of Their Professional CareerSedláková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Problems of Standalone Nursery School Managers in the Course of Their Professional Career AUTHOR: Hana Sedláková DEPARTMENT: Center of Educational Management SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Václav Trojan, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the problems which nursery school managers have to face within the course of their professional career and which have not been addressed in specialized literature. The foundation of the thesis is based on the results of the research of different stages in professional career of primary school managers in the Czech Republic which enabled to reveal the characteristic features. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to the existing knowledge of the particular phases of professional career of school managers both in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. It also focuses on their needs and the difficulties they face; in the meantime it treats the issue of managers of independent legal subjects - nursery schools in the Czech Republic. It summarizes and evaluates their position within the Czech educational system bearing in mind the most important characteristics of nursery schools which may be the cause of specific problems occurring within the course of the career of their managers. The empirical part of the thesis is divided into three basic areas: internal, external and...
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個人理財規劃之最適化研究 / The research of optimal individual financial planning王琦樺, Wang,Chi-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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