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Automated Patent Categorization and Guided Patent Search using IPC as Inspired by MeSH and PubMedEisinger, Daniel 07 October 2013 (has links)
The patent domain is a very important source of scientific information that is currently not used to its full potential. Searching for relevant patents is a complex task because the number of existing patents is very high and grows quickly, patent text is extremely complicated, and standard vocabulary is not used consistently or doesn’t even exist. As a consequence, pure keyword searches often fail to return satisfying results in the patent domain. Major companies employ patent professionals who are able to search patents effectively, but even they have to invest a lot of time and effort into their search. Academic scientists on the other hand do not have access to such resources and therefore often do not search patents at all, but they risk missing up-to-date information that will not be published in scientific publications until much later, if it is published at all.
Document search on PubMed, the pre-eminent database for biomedical literature, relies on the annotation of its documents with relevant terms from the Medical Subject Headings ontology (MeSH) for improving recall through query expansion. Similarly, professional patent searches expand beyond keywords by including class codes from various patent classification systems. However, classification-based searches can only be performed effectively if the user has very detailed knowledge of the system, which is usually not the case for academic scientists. Consequently, we investigated methods to automatically identify relevant classes that can then be suggested to the user to expand their query. Since every patent is assigned at least one class code, it should be possible for these assignments to be used in a similar way as the MeSH annotations in PubMed.
In order to develop a system for this task, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the properties of both classification systems. In order to gain such knowledge, we perform an in-depth comparative analysis of MeSH and the main patent classification system, the International Patent Classification (IPC). We investigate the hierarchical structures as well as the properties of the terms/classes respectively, and we compare the assignment of IPC codes to patents with the annotation of PubMed documents with MeSH terms. Our analysis shows that the hierarchies are structurally similar, but terms and annotations differ significantly. The most important differences concern the considerably higher complexity of the IPC class definitions compared to MeSH terms and the far lower number of class assignments to the average patent compared to the number of MeSH terms assigned to PubMed documents.
As a result of these differences, problems are caused both for unexperienced patent searchers and professionals. On the one hand, the complex term system makes it very difficult for members of the former group to find any IPC classes that are relevant for their search task. On the other hand, the low number of IPC classes per patent points to incomplete class assignments by the patent office, therefore limiting the recall of the classification-based searches that are frequently performed by the latter group. We approach these problems from two directions: First, by automatically assigning additional patent classes to make up for the missing assignments, and second, by automatically retrieving relevant keywords and classes that are proposed to the user so they can expand their initial search.
For the automated assignment of additional patent classes, we adapt an approach to the patent domain that was successfully used for the assignment of MeSH terms to PubMed abstracts. Each document is assigned a set of IPC classes by a large set of binary Maximum-Entropy classifiers. Our evaluation shows good performance by individual classifiers (precision/recall between 0:84 and 0:90), making the retrieval of additional relevant documents for specific IPC classes feasible. The assignment of additional classes to specific documents is more problematic, since the precision of our classifiers is not high enough to avoid false positives. However, we propose filtering methods that can help solve this problem.
For the guided patent search, we demonstrate various methods to expand a user’s initial query. Our methods use both keywords and class codes that the user enters to retrieve additional relevant keywords and classes that are then suggested to the user. These additional query components are extracted from different sources such as patent text, IPC definitions, external vocabularies and co-occurrence data. The suggested expansions can help unexperienced users refine their queries with relevant IPC classes, and professionals can compose their complete query faster and more easily. We also present GoPatents, a patent retrieval prototype that incorporates some of our proposals and makes faceted browsing of a patent corpus possible.
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From Subjective Expected Utility Theory to Bounded Rationality: An Experimental Investigation on Categorization Processes in Integrative Negotiation, in Committees' Decision Making and in Decisions under RiskReina, Livia 13 July 2005 (has links)
As mentioned in the introduction, the objective of this work has been to get a more realistic understanding of economic decision making processes by adopting an interdisciplinary approach which takes into consideration at the same time economic and psychological issues. The research in particular has been focused on the psychological concept of categorization, which in the standard economic theory has received until now no attention, and on its implications for decision making. The three experimental studies conducted in this work provide empirical evidence that individuals don not behave according to the perfect rationality and maximization assumptions which underly the SEUT, but rather as bounded rational satisfiers who try to simplify the decision problems they face through the process of categorization. The results of the first experimental study, on bilateral integrative negotiation, show that most of the people categorize a continuum of outcomes in two categories (satisfying/not satisfying), and treat all the options within each category as equivalent. This process of categorization leads the negotiators to make suboptimal agreements and to what I call the ?Zone of Agreement Bias? (ZAB). The experimental study on committees? decision making with logrolling provides evidence of how the categorization of outcomes in satisfying/not satisfying can affect the process of coalition formation in multi-issue decisions. In the first experiment, involving 3-issues and 3-parties decisions under majority rule, the categorization of outcomes leads most of the individuals to form suboptimal coalitions and make Pareto-dominated agreements. The second experiment, aimed at comparing the suboptimizing effect of categorization under majority and unanimity rule, shows that the unanimity rule can lead to a much higher rate of optimal agreements than the majority rule. The third experiment, involving 4-issues and 4-parties decisions provides evidence that the results of experiments 1 and 2 hold even when the level of complexity of the decision problem increases.
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Categorization of Customer Reviews Using Natural Language Processing / Kategorisering av kundrecensioner med naturlig språkbehandlingLiliemark, Adam, Enghed, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Databases of user generated data can quickly become unmanageable. Klarna faced this issue, with a database of around 700,000 customer reviews. Ideally, the database would be cleaned of uninteresting reviews and the remaining reviews categorized. Without knowing what categories might emerge, the idea was to use an unsupervised clustering algorithm to find categories. This thesis describes the work carried out to solve this problem, and proposes a solution for Klarna that involves artificial neural networks rather than unsupervised clustering. The implementation done by us is able to categorize reviews as either interesting or uninteresting. We propose a workflow that would create means to categorize reviews not only in these two categories, but in multiple. The method revolved around experimentation with clustering algorithms and neural networks. Previous research shows that texts can be clustered, however, the datasets used seem to be vastly different from the Klarna dataset. The Klarna dataset consists of short reviews and contain a large amount of uninteresting reviews. Using unsupervised clustering yielded unsatisfactory results, as no discernible categories could be found. In some cases, the technique created clusters of uninteresting reviews. These clusters were used as training data for an artificial neural network, together with manually labeled interesting reviews. The results from this artificial neural network was satisfactory; it can with an accuracy of around 86% say whether a review is interesting or not. This was achieved using the aforementioned clusters and five feedback loops, where the model’s wrongfully predicted reviews from an evaluation dataset was fed back to it as training data. We argue that the main reason behind why unsupervised clustering failed is that the length of the reviews are too short. In comparison, other researchers have successfully clustered text data with an average length in the hundreds. These items pack much more features than the short reviews in the Klarna dataset. We show that an artificial neural network is able to detect these features despite the short length, through its intrinsic design. Further research in feature extraction of short text strings could provide means to cluster this kind of data. If features can be extracted, the clustering can thus be done on the features rather than the actual words. Our artificial neural network shows that the arbitrary features interesting and uninteresting can be extracted, so we are hopeful that future researchers will find ways of extracting more features from short text strings. In theory, this should mean that text of all lengths can be clustered unsupervised. / Databaser med användargenererad data kan snabbt bli ohanterbara. Klarna stod inför detta problem, med en databas innehållande cirka 700 000 recensioner från kunder. De såg helst att databasen skulle rensas från ointressanta recensioner och att de kvarvarande kategoriseras. Eftersom att kategorierna var okända initialt, var tanken att använda en oövervakad grupperingsalgoritm. Denna rapport beskriver det arbete som utfördes för att lösa detta problem, och föreslår en lösning till Klarna som involverar artificiella neurala nätverk istället för oövervakad gruppering. Implementationen skapad av oss är kapabel till att kategorisera recensioner som intressanta eller ointressanta. Vi föreslår ett arbetsflöde som skulle skapa möjlighet att kategorisera recensioner inte bara i dessa två kategorier, utan i flera. Metoden kretsar kring experimentering med grupperingsalgoritmer och artificiella neurala nätverk. Tidigare forskning visar att texter kan grupperas oövervakat, dock med ingångsdata som väsentligt skiljer sig från Klarnas data. Recensionerna i Klarnas data är generellt sett korta och en stor andel av dem kan ses som ointressanta. Oövervakad grupperingen gav otillräckliga resultat, då inga skönjbara kategorier stod att finna. I vissa fall skapades grupperingar av ointressanta recensioner. Dessa användes som träningsdata för ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk. Till träningsdatan lades intressanta recensioner som tagits fram manuellt. Resultaten från detta var positivt; med en träffsäkerhet om cirka 86% avgörs om en recension är intressant eller inte. Detta uppnåddes genom den tidigare skapade träningsdatan samt fem återkopplingsprocesser, där modellens felaktiga prediktioner av evalueringsdata matades in som träningsdata. Vår uppfattning är att den korta längden på recensionerna gör att den oövervakade grupperingen inte fungerar. Andra forskare har lyckats gruppera textdata med snittlängder om hundratals ord per text. Dessa texter rymmer fler meningsfulla enheter än de korta recensionerna i Klarnas data. Det finns lösningar som innefattar artificiella neurala nätverk å andra sidan kan upptäcka dessa meningsfulla enheter, tack vare sin grundläggande utformning. Vårt arbete visar att ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk kan upptäcka dessa meningsfulla enheter, trots den korta längden per recension. Extrahering av meningsfulla enheter ur korta texter är ett ¨ämne som behöver mer forskning för att underlätta problem som detta. Om meningsfulla enheter kan extraheras ur texter, kan grupperingen göras på dessa enheter istället för orden i sig. Vårt artificiella neurala nätverk visar att de arbiträra enheterna intressant och ointressant kan extraheras, vilket gör oss hoppfulla om att framtida forskare kan finna sätt att extrahera fler enheter ur korta texter. I teorin innebär detta att texter av alla längder kan grupperas oövervakat.
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Sortir du placard, entrer en Europe : la fabrique des réfugié∙es LGBTI en Belgique, en France et au Royaume-UniHamila, Ahmed 02 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle avec l'Université libre de Bruxelles / Depuis l’adoption de la Directive Qualification en 2004 et de sa refonte en 2011, l’Union européenne reconnaît explicitement les persécutions du fait de l’orientation sexuelle et de l’identité de genre en tant que motif d’octroi du statut de réfugié∙e, selon le critère de l’appartenance à un certain groupe social. Cependant, il existe toujours des différences considérables dans la manière dont les États européens examinent les demandes des personnes invoquant ce type de persécutions, ce qui contrevient à la volonté marquée de l’UE d’atteindre un Régime d’asile européen commun.
Dans cette thèse je propose de suivre le processus de fabrique de la nouvelle catégorie de « réfugié∙e LGBTI » en Belgique, en France et au Royaume-Uni afin d’apporter une explication au fait que malgré les pressions d’harmonisation de l’Union européenne, les contours de cette catégorie de réfugié∙es diffèrent d’un État européen à l’autre.
M’inscrivant dans la suite des travaux qui proposent d’aborder le processus d’action publique à partir de l’interdépendance entre les institutions et les idées, je suggère d’appréhender la fabrique de la catégorie de « réfugié∙e LGBTI » en tant que processus de traduction multi-niveaux engendré par les logiques positionnelles (institutions) et les logiques interprétatives (idées) d’acteurs en interactions.
Pour ce faire, je développe les notions de « configuration des arènes de traduction » et de « paradigme de traduction » qui me permettent de capturer et de suivre les logiques positionnelles et interprétatives des acteurs tout au long du processus de traduction (genèse, stabilisation et verrouillage). La configuration des arènes de traduction correspond à la somme des institutions formelles et informelles qui contraignent les acteurs dans les trois arènes où s’opère la traduction de la catégorie de « réfugié∙e LGBTI » : l’arène administrative, l’arène associative et l’arène judiciaire. Le paradigme de traduction correspond à l’espace de sens à travers lequel les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de traduction interprètent la catégorie de « réfugié∙e LGBTI ». Il est composé de trois éléments : la définition du problème, la solution politique et l’univers de discours.
La démarche proposée permet quatre principaux apports, à la fois d’ordre empirique et analytique. D’une part, pour ce qui est des apports empiriques, mon approche permet d’articuler plusieurs niveaux de gouvernement (international, européen et national). Elle permet également d’apporter une profondeur historique à l’analyse. D’autre part, pour ce qui est des apports analytiques, ma démarche permet d’articuler plusieurs niveaux d’analyse (institutions et idées). Elle permet également d’articuler plusieurs temporalités du changement de l’action publique (moyenne et longue).
La présente recherche fait deux principales contributions : à la littérature en politiques publiques sur le changement et à celle en études migratoires queer sur l’homonationalisme. D’une part, en proposant de saisir le changement en tant que processus de traduction, ma démarche permet de dépasser les dichotomies latentes entre changements lents et marginaux versus changements radicaux et rapides. Elle permet également de dépasser la dichotomie entre pressions exogènes et pressions endogènes du changement. D’autre part, en prenant au sérieux l’interdépendance entre les institutions et les idées dans la constitution d’une communauté nationale qui intègre les minorités sexuelles, elle suggère de regarder au-delà de l’homonationalisme tel que conceptualisé aujourd’hui pour comprendre la manière dont la frontière entre « nous » et « eux » s’érige. Cette frontière n’est pas la même d’un État à l’autre et se révèle être peu stable, évoluant d’une phase à l’autre du processus d’action publique. Une telle perspective propose ainsi une troisième voie analytique qui se distingue d’une part des tenants du discours de la libération sexuelle et d’autre part de ceux de l’impérialisme sexuel. / Since the adoption of the Qualification Directive in 2004 and its recast in 2011, the European Union has explicitly recognized persecutions on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity as a ground for granting refugee status, according to the criterion of membership of a particular social group. However, there are still considerable differences in the way European states deal with applications from those who claim this kind of persecution, which goes against the EU’s strong desire to achieve a Common European Asylum System.
This dissertation follows the “fabrique” of the new category of “LGBTI refugee” in Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom. It provides an explanation for the fact that in spite of pressures to harmonize the European Union, the contours of this category of refugees differ from one European state to another.
Following an approach that focuses on the public policy process with an emphasis on the interdependence between institutions and ideas, I suggest apprehending the “fabrique” of the category of “LGBTI refugee” as a multi-level translation process, generated by the logics-of-positions (institutions) and the logics-of interpretations (ideas) of actors in interactions.
To this aim, I develop the notions of “configuration of translation arenas” and of “translation paradigm” which allow me to capture and follow the positional and interpretative logics of actors throughout the translation process (genesis, stabilization and lock-in). The configuration of the translation arenas corresponds to the sum of the formal and informal institutions that constrain actors in the three arenas where the translation of the category of “LGBTI refugee” takes place: the administrative arena, the associative arena and the judicial arena. The translation paradigm corresponds to the space of meaning through which the actors involved in the translation process interpret the category of “LGBTI refugee”. It is composed of three elements: the problem definition, the political solution, and the discursive universe.
The proposed approach gives rise to four main contributions, both empirical and analytical. On the one hand, in terms of empirical contributions, this approach allows for the articulation of several levels of government (international, European, and national). It also provides historical depth to the analysis. On the other hand, with regard to the analytical inputs, this approach facilitates the articulation of several analytical levels (institutions and ideas). It also makes possible the articulation of several temporalities of public action change.
Overall, this research makes an important contribution to two literatures, namely the literature on public policy and the literature on queer migration studies. First, by proposing to capture change as a translation process, my approach overcomes the latent dichotomies between slow and marginal changes versus radical and rapid changes. It also overcomes the dichotomy between exogenous pressures and endogenous pressures that explain change in public policy. Second, considering the interdependence between institutions and ideas in the constitution of a national community inclusive of sexual minorities, it suggests looking beyond homonationalism, as it is conceptualized today, for understanding the construction of “us” and “them”. This construction is not the same from one state to another and does not appear to be very stable, as it evolves from one phase to another during the entire public action process. Such a perspective thus offers a third analytical path which differs from the discourse on sexual liberation and the discourse on sexual imperialism.
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Analys av livsmedelsföretags strategier i förhållande till branschens hållbarhetsutmaningar : En studie baserad på förädlingsföretag inom kött- och mejeriproduktion / An analysis of food company’s strategies in relation to the sustainability challenges within the food industry : A study based on companies within meat and dairy productionHagberg, Sara, Lokat, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Today, companies' sustainability work is considered business-critical, and more demands are arising within the area. The requirements are based on environmental factors, where the declining biodiversity and scarce resources make it crucial for companies to find new solutions for both resource efficiency and products. Currently, customers and consumers are putting most pressure on companies, but policies, laws and instruments are also starting to tighten. One industry that is facing major changes and challenges is the food industry, where vegan alternatives are emerging that outcompete the traditional companies. The report examines how food companies in meat and dairy production meet society's sustainability challenges. It studies the companies' sustainability work, what strengths and weaknesses they have, and what their opportunities are considering a long-term survival. In the report, three different categories have been identified, with different attributes and driving forces, to provide guidelines for firms in their future sustainability work. The study shows that many of the traditional companies are not always aware about the vitality of working with a long-term perspective when it comes to sustainability; Thus, missing opportunities to strengthen their competitiveness as well as possible revenue streams and hence miss their chances for long-term survival. Due to the lack of a system perspective and open innovation, companies are working reactively towards the market instead of actively trying to influence it. By working proactively in line with research and daring to work more with open innovation and collaborations, companies instead have an opportunity to steer the market in a favourable direction for both society and for themselves. This way they can also increase the probability of capturing the opportunities that arise and taking advantage of the revenue-generating cascades that are made possible through various collaborations throughout the value chain and outside of it. However, this is based on the companies understanding their role also in systems outside their own value chain, how the environment is affecting them but also how the firms affect the environment themselves. Those firms who have begun to understand the importance of working long-term with sustainability, and thus created more incentives than just financial ones, do not risk prioritize short-term financial gain over their sustainability work. This is believed to benefit the company’s likelihood of dealing with sustainability challenges, since it makes them more self-sufficient, thus increasing their chance to survival long term on the upcoming market. / Idag är företagens hållbarhetsarbete affärskritiskt, och det växer fram allt fler krav och utmaningar från omvärlden som företagen behöver förhålla sig till. Kraven grundar sig ofta i miljömässiga faktorer, där bland annat den minskande biologiska mångfalden och sinande resurser gör det avgörande för företagen att hitta nya lösningar på såväl resurseffektivisering som nya anpassade produkter. I dagsläget är det kunder och konsumenter som hörs mest, men sakta börjar även policys, lagar och styrmedel stramas åt. En bransch som står inför stora förändringar och utmaningar är livsmedelsbranschen, där allt fler veganska alternativ växer fram och börjar utkonkurrerar de traditionella företagen. Genom denna rapport undersöks hur livsmedelsföretag inom kött- och mejeriproduktion egentligen står sig mot samhällets hållbarhetsutmaningar. Här undersöks företagens hållbarhetsarbete, vilka styrkor och svagheter som finns, och vilka möjligheter de har för sin långsiktiga överlevnad. I rapporten har tre olika kategorier identifierats, med olika attribut och drivkrafter, för att kunna ge riktlinjer för företagen i deras framtida hållbarhetsarbete. Undersökningen visar att många av de traditionella företagen är omedvetna om hur vitalt det är för dem att arbeta långsiktigt med hållbarhet och få det att genomsyra företaget. Därmed missar företagen även sina möjligheter till stärkt konkurrenskraft och nya intäktsströmmar, vilket i slutändan innebär att de också missar sina chanser till långsiktig överlevnad. På grund av ett bristande systemperspektiv och öppen innovation, arbetar företagen även reaktivt mot marknaden istället för att själva aktivt försöka påverka den. Genom att arbeta proaktivt i linje med forskning, samt våga arbeta mer med öppen innovation och samarbeten, har företagen istället en möjlighet att på god grund styra marknaden i en gynnsam riktning för såväl samhället som för sig själva. Därigenom kan de också öka sannolikheten att lyckas fånga de möjligheter som uppstår och ta vara på de intäktsskapande kaskader som möjliggörs genom olika samarbeten över hela värdekedjan och utanför. Detta bygger dock på att företagen förstår sin roll även i system utanför sin egen värdekedja, hur omvärlden påverkar dem som företag samt hur de själva påverkar omvärlden. De företag som börjat förstå vikten av att arbeta långsiktigt med sitt hållbarhetsarbete, och därmed skapat fler incitament än endast ekonomiska, riskerar inte att bortprioritera hållbarhetsarbetet för kortsiktig ekonomisk vinning. Fler incitament gör även företagen mer självgående, vilket tros öka deras sannolikhet att hantera hållbarhetsutmaningarna och därmed överleva långsiktigt på den kommande marknaden.
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Categorization of Swedish e-mails using Supervised Machine Learning / Kategorisering av svenska e-postmeddelanden med användning av övervakad maskininlärningMann, Anna, Höft, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Society today is becoming more digitalized, and a common way of communication is to send e-mails. Currently, the company Auranest has a filtering method for categorizing e-mails, but the method is a few years old. The filter provides a classification of valuable e-mails for jobseekers, where employers can make contact. The company wants to know if the categorization can be performed with a different method and improved. The degree project aims to investigate whether the categorization can be proceeded with higher accuracy using machine learning. Three supervised machine learning algorithms, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Decision Tree, have been examined, and the algorithm with the highest results has been compared with Auranest's existing filter. Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 score have been used to determine which machine learning algorithm received the highest results and in comparison, with Auranest's filter. The results showed that the supervised machine learning algorithm SVM achieved the best results in all metrics. The comparison between Auranest's existing filter and SVM showed that SVM performed better in all calculated metrics, where the accuracy showed 99.5% for SVM and 93.03% for Auranest’s filter. The comparative results showed that accuracy was the only factor that received similar results. For the other metrics, there was a noticeable difference. / Dagens samhälle blir alltmer digitaliserat och ett vanligt kommunikationssätt är att skicka e-postmeddelanden. I dagsläget har företaget Auranest ett filter för att kategorisera e-postmeddelanden men filtret är några år gammalt. Användningsområdet för filtret är att sortera ut värdefulla e-postmeddelanden för arbetssökande, där kontakt kan ske från arbetsgivare. Företaget vill veta ifall kategoriseringen kan göras med en annan metod samt förbättras. Målet med examensarbetet är att undersöka ifall filtreringen kan göras med högre träffsäkerhet med hjälp av maskininlärning. Tre övervakade maskininlärningsalgoritmer, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM) och Decision Tree, har granskats och algoritmen med de högsta resultaten har jämförts med Auranests befintliga filter. Träffsäkerhet, precision, känslighet och F1-poäng har använts för att avgöra vilken maskininlärningsalgoritm som gav högst resultat sinsemellan samt i jämförelse med Auranests filter. Resultatet påvisade att den övervakade maskininlärningsmetoden SVM åstadkom de främsta resultaten i samtliga mätvärden. Jämförelsen mellan Auranests befintliga filter och SVM visade att SVM presterade bättre i alla kalkylerade mätvärden, där träffsäkerheten visade 99,5% för SVM och 93,03% för Auranests filter. De jämförande resultaten visade att träffsäkerheten var den enda faktorn som gav liknande resultat. För de övriga mätvärdena var det en märkbar skillnad.
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Att se problem där inga finns : En kritisk diskursanalys av framställning av asiater på ett svenskt internetforumChon, Sieun January 2023 (has links)
Länge har det funnits en föreställning om att den rasism som riktas mot öst- och sydostasiater är en ”positiv” sådan, eller så har asiater helt enkelt varit frånvarande i anti-rasistiska diskurser. I samband med covid-19 eskalerade hatbrott mot asiater, vilket synliggjorde anti-asiatisk rasism som ett aktuellt samhällsproblem som alltid funnits. I denna uppsats undersöks hur öst- och sydostasiater representeras diskursivt i det svenska internetforumet Flashback i syfte att öka medvetenhet om rasism mot asiater och vidare bidra till att motarbeta de kvarstående ojämlikheterna mellan olika etniska grupper. Studien tar avstamp i ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv på språk och diskriminering och den kritiska diskursanalysen (CDA) som övergripande analysramverk. Sammanlagt 22 diskussionstrådar som behandlar ämnen som Asien, asiat och de östasiatiska nationerna har analyserats med hjälp av Membership Categorization Analysis (MCA) och den diskurshistoriska analysen (DHA). Undersökningen utgörs av tre delstudier som ska belysa tre olika aspekter av diskriminering av asiater: 1) kategorisering av asiater; 2) de diskursiva strategier som används av skribenterna för att förneka och rättfärdiga nedsättande kommentarer; 3) diskussioner om den så kallade ”guling-humorn”, det vill säga de rasstereotypiska framställningarna av asiater som präglas av humor och komik. Resultatet visar bland annat hur kategorin asiat tillskrivs högst motsägelsefulla egenskaper och förväntningar, och att kontexten spelar en avgörande roll för att interaktionsdeltagarna ska kunna välja ut de mest relevanta föreställningarna om asiater. Detta påvisar att diskrimineringen av asiater inte enbart är ”positiv” utan kategorin kan ofta förknippas med tydligt negativa värderingar i olika sammanhang. Den andra delstudien har sedan belyst att olika diskursiva strategier kan användas beroende på två sammanhang: när rasism som sådan förnekas och när de enskilda nedvärderande kommentarerna riktade mot asiater rättfärdigas. Förnekandet av rasism förekommer främst i de diskussionsämne som har direkt koppling till det svenska samhället såsom mångkulturalism och invandring, medan nedsättande kommentarer om östasiater framträder mer frekvent i de trådar där de enskilda östasiatiska nationerna står i fokus. I den sista delstudien identifieras de olika diskursiva strategier som skribenterna använder för att förneka den kränkande aspekten hos ”humoristiska” karikatyrer av östasiater, vilket bidrar till att bevara Sveriges positiva självbild som världens mest toleranta och antirasistiska samhälle.
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[pt] Este é um trabalho sobre a natureza das razões as quais a Suprema Corte dos
Estados Unidos recorre para resolver casos envolvendo a liberdade de discurso.
Considero que sejam dois os tipos de razões que orientam o processo decisório da
Primeira Emenda: as formais e as substantivas. As razões substantivas são aquelas que o
direito compartilha com outros domínios da ação social humana, como a moral, a
economia e a política. As formais, por sua vez, são razões jurídicas autoritativas - no
sentido de derivarem de uma norma jurídica válida (Constituição, leis, regulamentos,
precedentes, contratos, e outros documentos normativos afins) – e compulsórias (ou
excludentes), pois geralmente excluem do horizonte do raciocínio decisório razões
substantivas concorrentes. O meu objetivo nesta dissertação é descrever a maneira pela
qual o raciocínio jurídico formal e o raciocínio jurídico substantivo foram em certa
medida conciliados no âmago da prática decisória da Suprema Corte norte-americana.
Para tanto, esforço-me em apresentar, comentar e comparar entre si alguns dos mais
emblemáticos julgamentos levados a cabo pela Corte ao longo de mais de um século de
jurisdição constitucional da Primeira Emenda. Procuro mostrar também que os métodos
adjudicatórios por ela desenvolvidos podem ser classificados de acordo com a
importância que cada um deles atribui às razões formais (ou, por outro lado, às razões
substanciais) da liberdade de discurso. Por exemplo: o conflito entre “balanceamento” e
as metodologias pertencentes a “tradição definicional” (e.g., absolutismo, categorização)
nada mais representa senão uma instância particular do conflito mais geral entre forma e
substância no pensamento jurídico norte-americano. Mas se até meados da década de
1960 a discussão sobre métodos decisórios da liberdade de discurso era completamente
dominada pela oposição entre balanceamento e absolutismo, aos poucos a Suprema Corte
dos Estados Unidos, em companhia com grandes nomes do pensamento jurídico daquele
país, foi abrindo seus olhos para a existência de pontos médios entre aqueles dois
extremos. O resultado disto foi a criação de novas teorias normativas da decisão (e.g., o
balanceamento definicional), bem como de uma série de testes, fórmulas, parâmetros e
presunções, tornando assim possível que elementos formais e substantivos do raciocínio
jurídico da Primeira Emenda passassem a conviver no domínio das mesmas metodologias
decisórias. Para além do meu esforço em reconstruir racionalmente as transformações
pelas quais passaram as abordagens metodológicas da Suprema Corte ao longo das
últimas décadas, me proponho também a dotá-las de algum sentido. Interpreto que a
preocupação que a Corte historicamente tem demonstrado com a estabilização de seus
procedimentos decisórios, bem como com a previsibilidade de seus julgamentos, guarda
íntima relação com a crença de que as justificativas subjacentes à Primeira Emenda (e.g.,
maior controle do governo pelo povo; busca pela verdade e autoexpressão artística e
intelectual) são mais eficazmente promovidas mediante a adoção de uma abordagem
decisória que priorize o alcance de melhores resultados em um nível global em detrimento
daquilo que muitas vezes parece ser o melhor resultado para o caso mais imediato. / [en] This is a paper about the nature of the reasons that the United States Supreme
Court uses to resolve cases involving freedom of speech. I believe that there are two types
of reasons that guide the First Amendment decision-making process: formal and
substantive. Substantive reasons are those that law shares with other domains of human
social action, such as morality, economics and politics. Formal reasons, in turn, are
authoritative legal reasons - in the sense that they derive from a valid legal norm
(Constitution, laws, regulations, precedents, contracts, and other related normative
documents) - and compulsory (or exclusionary), because they generally exclude
competing substantive reasons from the horizon of decisional reasoning. My aim in this
dissertation is to describe the way in which formal legal reasoning and substantive legal
reasoning have to some extent been reconciled at the heart of the decision-making practice of the US Supreme Court. To this end, I endeavor to present, comment on and compare with each other some of the most emblematic judgments carried out by the Court over more than a century of First Amendment constitutional jurisdiction. I also try to show that the adjudicatory methods she has developed can be classified according to the importance each of them attaches to the formal reasons (or, on the other hand, the substantial reasons) for freedom of discourse. For example: the conflict between balancing and the
methodologies belonging to the definitional tradition (e.g., absolutism, categorization)
represents nothing more than a particular instance of the more general conflict between
form and substance in American legal thought. But while until the mid-1960s the
discussion about methods of deciding freedom of speech was completely dominated by
the opposition between balancing and absolutism, little by little the United States
Supreme Court, in company with the great names of legal thought in that country, opened
its eyes to the existence of middle points between those two extremes. The result was the
creation of new normative theories of decision (e.g., definitional balancing), as well as a
series of tests, formulas, parameters and presumptions, thus making it possible for formal
and substantive elements of First Amendment legal reasoning to coexist in the realm of
the same decision-making methodologies. Beyond my effort to rationally reconstruct the
transformations that the Supreme Court s methodological approaches have undergone
over the last few decades, I also propose to give them some meaning. I argue that the
Court s historical concern with the stabilization of its decision-making procedures, as well
as with the predictability of its judgments, is closely related to the belief that the
justifications underlying the First Amendment (e.g., greater control of government by the
people; the search for truth; and artistic and intellectual self-expression) are most
effectively promoted by adopting a decision-making approach that prioritizes the
achievement of better outcomes on a global level over what often appears to be the best
outcome for the most immediate case.
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Élèves considérés à risque : analyse critique des discours en interaction lors d’un débat médiatisé sur l’inclusion en milieu scolaire montréalaisDoré, Emmanuelle 10 1900 (has links)
L’objet de cette recherche est le discours sur l’élève dit à risque. D’un point de vue critique, cette recherche décrit et interprète ce discours par l’étude d’un cas : un débat médiatisé sur l’inclusion scolaire survenu à Montréal en 2016-2017.
Intégré aux pratiques en éducation et en recherche, le discours sur l’élève dit à risque véhicule de multiples conceptions et reflète un certain sens commun (Brown, 2016; Portelli et al., 2007; Hardy et Maguire, 2016). Par cette recherche, il est étudié selon l’approche de l’analyse critique du discours (ACD) (Fairclough et al., 2011). L’ACD est fondée sur les idéaux de la critique sociale : la démystification des rapports de pouvoir et la contribution à la transformation sociale pour favoriser l’émancipation (Assoun, 2001).
Cette recherche analyse quatre dimensions du discours tirées de la théorie critique par l’ACD : les formes linguistiques, l’explication, le processus de production, de circulation et de consommation du discours et les pratiques sociales. À partir de ces dimensions, une typologie a été bâtie en y intégrant des discours sur l’élève dit à risque identifiés par Portelli et al. (2007) : les discours axés sur les déficits, les discours libéraux, les discours éducatifs officiels et les discours critiques.
Une « boite à outils » pour l’analyse linguistique (Wodak et Boukala, 2015) a aussi été développée selon une approche en ACD, celle de l’analyse historique (AHD) (Reisigl et Wodak, 2001, 2009; Wodak, 2001; Wodak et Boukala, 2015). L’AHD s’attarde à des processus discursifs définissant les rapports de pouvoir : les stratégies discursives et les dispositifs linguistiques. Trois stratégies discursives proposées en AHD ont été analysées : (1) les stratégies de références et de nomination; (2) les stratégies de prédication; et (3) les stratégies d’argumentation. Pour les expliquer, les dispositifs linguistiques suivants ont fait l’objet d’un repérage et d’une interprétation : les métaphores et les schèmes argumentatifs.
L’analyse porte sur un corpus de textes médiatisés (N = 33) publiés en 2016-2017 dans le cadre du débat : des textes d’un syndicat enseignant (n = 22), d’une commission scolaire (n = 3) et des textes médiatiques (n = 8). La validation des résultats par une analyse diachronique a nécessité la constitution d’un corpus de validation externe (N = 7) réunissant des textes sur des enjeux québécois relatifs à l’inclusion, parus entre 2010 et 2019.
Les discours étudiés recoupent des dimensions des discours axés sur les déficits, des discours libéraux et des discours éducatifs officiels. Les discours critiques sont cependant peu représentés. Or, les données n’ont pas permis d’explication évidente à partir de la typologie inspirée de Portelli et al. (2007). Selon nos résultats, pour le cas étudié, la situation des élèves dits à risque est définie comme une contrainte systémique. Une conclusion significative de cette recherche découle de ce constat. En effet, les résultats ont permis de proposer, par un deuxième registre d’analyse, un nouveau type de discours sur la situation de l’élève dit à risque : le discours axé sur la contrainte systémique. / The target of this research is the discourse about the student designated as at-risk. From a critical perspective, this research describes and interprets this discourse through a case study: a mediated debate on inclusive education that occurred in Montreal in 2016-2017.
Embedded in education and research practices, the discourse on the student designated as at-risk conveys multiple conceptions and reflects a certain common sense (Brown, 2016; Portelli et al., 2007; Hardy & Maguire, 2016). Through this research, it is studied using the critical discourse analysis (CDA) approach (Fairclough et al., 2011). CDA is based on the ideals of social criticism: demystifying power relations and contributing to social transformation to foster emancipation (Assoun, 2001).
This research analyzes four dimensions of discourse drawn from critical theory by CDA: linguistic forms, explanation, the process of production, circulation and consumption of discourse, and social practices. Based on these dimensions, a typology was constructed by incorporating discourses about the student designated as at-risk that were identified by Portelli et al. (2007): deficit discourses, liberal discourses, official educational discourses, and critical discourses.
A “toolkit” for linguistic analysis (Wodak & Boukala, 2015) has also been developed using a CDA approach, that of discourse‐historical approach (DHA) (Reisigl & Wodak, 2001, 2009; Wodak, 2001; Wodak & Boukala, 2015). DHA focuses on discursive processes that define power relations: discursive strategies and linguistic devices. Three discursive strategies proposed in AHD were analyzed: (1) strategies of reference and naming; (2) strategies of predication and (3) argumentative strategies. To explain them, the following linguistic devices were identified and interpreted: metaphors and argumentative patterns.
The analysis focuses on a corpus of mediated texts (N = 33) published in 2016-2017 in the context of the debate: texts from a teachers’ union (n = 22), a school board (n = 3), and media texts (n = 8). Validation of the results through a diachronic analysis required the constitution of an external validation corpus (N = 7) gathering texts on Quebec issues related to inclusion between 2010 and 2019.
The discourses studied overlapped with dimensions of deficit-oriented, liberal, and formal educational discourses. Critical discourses, however, are poorly represented. Yet, the data did not allow for a clear explanation based on the typology inspired by Portelli et al. (2007). According to our results, for the case studied, the situation of the student designated as at-risk is defined as a systemic constraint. A significant conclusion of this research stems from this finding. Indeed, the results have made it possible to propose, through a second register of analysis, a new type of discourse about the situation of student designated as at-risk: the discourse based on systemic constraints.
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Совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами (запасами) производственного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the working capital (inventory) management system of a manufacturing enterpriseКривова, О. С., Krivova, O. S. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке методического инструментария, направленного на совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами на предприятии. В качестве научной новизны выявлена обратно-пропорциональная корреляция между рентабельностью оборотных активов и оборачиваемостью запасов предприятия, а также установлена обратно-пропорциональная зависимость между инфляцией и оборачиваемостью запасов. Автором предложен методический подход к определению потребности в запасах материалов на основе календарного плана-графика, разработаны методические основы для внедрения категорийного подхода к управлению закупками на предприятии. Полученные результаты и рекомендации могут использоваться специалистами предприятий при разработке тактических и стратегических мероприятий по управлению оборотными средствами. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of methodological tools aimed at improving the working capital management system at the enterprise. As a scientific novelty, an inversely proportional correlation between the profitability of current assets and the turnover of stocks of the enterprise was revealed, and an inversely proportional relationship between the turnover of stocks and inflation was also established. The author has proposed a methodological approach to determining the need for stocks of materials based on a calendar schedule, developed methodological foundations for introduction of a categorical approach to procurement management at enterprise. The obtained results and recommendations can be used by specialists of enterprises in the development of tactical and strategic management measures for working capital.
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