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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från färdiginspelat låtmaterial till mastrings-ideal, digitala distributionsavtal, ersättning från en radiokanal, pressade CD-skivor i kartongfodral och en budget med god vinstmarginal

Wiss, Erik, Theander, Andrée January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med det examensarbete som genomförts har varit att kartlägga processen för att på egen hand lansera sin musik i form av ett fullängdsalbum tillgängligt att köpas både i form av digitala nedladdningar och som traditionell CD-skiva. I arbetet har vi bekantat oss med viktiga aspekter angående distributionsavtal, upphovsrätt, marknadsföring, design, foto, logotyper, texter och koder man bör känna till. En stor del av arbetet har även ägnats åt att förklara och utreda den sista delen i ljudbearbetningen - mastring. Dessutom har vi satsat på marknadsförning och exponering på Internet samt olika betalningslösningar som möjliggör skivans försäljning. För att erhålla de nödvändiga delarna i arbetsprocessen har kontakt upprättats med bland andra: IFPI, Grammotex, N©B och Dicentia. I rapporten får vi följa den progressiva rockgruppen Cap Outrun och deras väg till målet i form av en fallstudie.

On the combination of a low energy hydrogen atom beam with a cold multipole ion trap

Borodi, Gheorghe 26 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Der erste Teil der Aktivitäten dieser Arbeit bestand in der Entwicklung einer modernen Ionenspeicher Apparatur zur Untersuchung chemischer Prozesse mit atomarem Wasserstoff. Die Integration eines differentiell gepumpten Radikalenstrahls in eine vorhandene temperaturvariable 22-Pol Speicherapparatur erforderte größere Änderungen an dieser. Da astrophysikalische Fragestellungen im Vordergrund standen, führt die Einleitung zunächst in das Gebiet der Astrophysik und -chemie ein. Die Grundlagen der Ionenspeicherung in temperaturvariablen Hf-Speichern sind ausführlich in der Literatur dokumentiert. Daher ist die Beschreibung der Apparatur (Kapitel 2) relativ kurz gehalten. Viel Mühe wurde in die Entwicklung einer intensiven und stabilen Quelle für Wasserstoffatome aufgewandt, deren kinetische Energie variiert werden kann. Das Kapitel 3 beschreibt dieses Modul in vielen Details, wobei der Einsatz von magnetischen Hexapolen zum Führen der Atome und die chemische Behandlung der Oberflächen zur Reduzierung der H-H Rekombination einen wesentlichen Platz einnimmt. Durch die außergewöhnliche Empfindlichkeit der Speichertechnik kann das neue Instrument zur Untersuchung von vielen Reaktionen eingesetzt werden, die von astrochemischer und fundamentaler Bedeutung sind. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind im Kapitel 4 zusammengestellt, einige Reprints und Entwürfe von Publikationen findet man im Anhang. Die Reaktionen von CO2+ mit Wasserstoffatomen und -molekülen erwiesen sich als sehr geeignet, um in situ H and H2 Dichten über den gesamten Temperaturbereich der Apparatur zu bestimmen (10 K - 300 K). Zum ersten mal wurden Reaktionen von H- and D-Atomen mit den Kohlenwasserstoffionen CH+, CH2+, and CH4+ bei Temperaturen des interstellaren Raums untersucht. Ein sehr interessantes, noch nicht ganz verstandenes Stoßsystem ist die Wechselwirkung von protoniertem Methan mit H-Atomen. Im Ausblick der Arbeit werden einige Ideen aufgezeigt, wie man das Instrument verbessern kann, und es werden einige Reaktionen erwähnt, die man als nächste untersuchen könnte. Diese Dissertation ist einen Beitrag zum Projekt 5 der Forschergruppe Laboratory Astrophysics: Structure, Dynamics and Properties of Molecules and Grains in Space, die von der DFG im Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2006 unterstützt wurde. / The first part of the activities of this thesis was to develop a sophisticated ion storage apparatus dedicated to study chemical processes with atomic hydrogen. The integration of a differentially pumped radical beam source into an existing temperature variable 22-pole trapping machine has required major modifications. Since astrophysical questions have been in the center of our interest, the introduction first gives a short overview of astrophysics and -chemistry. The basics of ion trapping in temperature variable rf traps is well-documented in the literature; therefore, the description of the basic instrument (Chapter 2) is kept rather short. Much effort has been put into the development of an intense and stable source for hydrogen atoms the kinetic energy of which can be changed. Chapter 3 describes this module in detail with emphasis on the integration of magnetic hexapoles for guiding the atoms and special treatments of the surfaces for reducing H-H recombination. Due to the unique sensitivity of the rf ion trapping technique, this instrument allows one to study a variety of reactions of astrochemical and fundamental interest. The results of this work are summarized in Chapter 4, some reprints and drafts are reproduced in the appendix. Reactions of CO2+ with hydrogen atoms and molecules have been established as calibration standard for in situ determination of H and H2 densities over the full temperature range of the apparatus (10 K - 300 K). For the first time, reactions of H- and D-atoms with the ionic hydrocarbons CH+, CH2+, and CH4+ have been studied at temperatures of interstellar space. A very interesting, not yet fully understood collision system is the interaction of protonated methane with H. The outlook presents some ideas, how to improve the new instrument and a few reaction systems are mentioned which may be studied next. This thesis is a contribution to the project 5 of the research unit Laboratory Astrophysics: Structure, Dynamics and Properties of Molecules and Grains in Space which has been supported by the DFG from 2000 to 2006.

Surface Complexation Modelling of the Adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II) to the Roots of Triticum turgidum

Boyle, David 14 January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this study was to characterize the binding sites on the surface of wheat roots, Triticum turgidum, involved in the adsorption of protons and metals, and quantify the thermodynamic constants needed for a surface complexation model to predict metal binding. The adsorption of protons, Cd(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II) to the root surface as a function of pH and ionic strength in single metal exposure scenarios was quantitatively described using potentiometric titrations, batch metal adsorption experiments, and the least squares fitting program FITEQL. Model predictions from single metal exposures were compared to measured metal adsorption concentrations when roots were exposed to binary and ternary combinations of the metals. Proton dissociation was a function of three discrete monoprotic acid sites on the root surface with log proton dissociation constants of -4.50, -6.23, and -7.37 respectively, upon which varied ionic strength had no effect. The total proton binding capacities for the three sites were 2.58 x 10-4, 1.29 x 10-4, and 2.58 x 10-4 M, respectively. Metal complexation was best described by a two-site model having conditional stability constant log values of 3.04 and 3.30 for Cd(II), 3.21 and 3.25 for Cu(II), and 2.83 and 2.84 for Ni(II) at ionic strength 0.01M. At ionic strength 0.1 M the conditional stability constants log values were 2.37 and 3.36 for Cd(II), 3.11 and 2.56 for Cu(II), and 2.18 and 3.00 for Ni(II). When roots were exposed to binary or ternary mixtures of the metals, the two monoprotic acid single metal model did not provide ideal fits to the data indicating that adsorption in a metal mixture scenario cannot be considered additive and is dependent on the combination of metals present in the exposure environment. The experimentally determined proton dissociation constants and metal stability constants could be used in commercial geochemical speciation programs such as Visual MINTEQ to predict metal adsorption to plants. / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, The Mining Association of Canada, Ontario Power Generation, Environment Canada.

Capteur photorefractif d'ultrasons : choix et optimisation d'un matériau holographique ; étude et réalisation d'un prototype. Senseur photorefractif d'ultrasons : choix et optimisation d'un matériau holographique ; étude et réalisation d'un prototype.

De Montmorillon, Louis-Anne 15 April 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Les matériaux photorefractifs sont ici mis en oeuvre pour l'analyse sans contact des très faibles vibrations engendrées en surface d'une pièce mécanique brute et donc rugueuse. Nous réalisons un couplage entre un faisceau de référence et un faisceau signal issu de la surface vibrante et construisons, grâce a l'effet photorefractif, un oscillateur local qui va interférer en teinte plate avec le faisceau signal transmis quelle que soit la structure spatiale de ce dernier. De plus, le matériau photorefractif va s'adapter aux phénomènes lents, correspondant a des vibrations parasites ou a des déréglages du système, tout en restant sensible aux vibrations de hautes fréquences (ultrasons). Le cdte:v est le matériau photorefractif que nous avons choisi. Il présente des performances adaptées a notre application sur une plage de longueur d'onde comprise entre un et un virgule cinquante-cinq micromètre. Nous présentons une étude des propriétés photorefractives de ce matériau et en particulier une méthode qui nous a permis de déterminer avec précision la densité effective de pièges des échantillons testés. Nous avons ensuite mis au point un senseur photorefractif qui présente des sensibilités comparables a celles des techniques classiques qui elles ne fonctionnent qu'avec des ondes planes. Pour cela, nous avons applique un champ électrique continu au cristal photorefractif afin de mettre en quadrature le signal transmis et l'oscillateur local. Un avantage de cette technique sous champ est la très faible influence du phénomène de compétition electron-trou, présent dans nos cristaux, permettant une réponse indépendante de la longueur d'onde utilisée. Enfin, nous travaillerons en régime d'atténuation car on évite ainsi un phénomène de résonance gênant tout en accédant a la même sensibilité qu'en régime d'amplification

The Cinematisation of Computer and Console Games : Aesthetic and Commercial Convergence in the Film and Game Industries

Majek, Dee January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the growing trend of cinematisation in computer and console games, where both visual styles and industrial practices are concerned. The ever-increasing runtime of cinematic cutscenes in games, and the stylization of game graphics in accordance with established film genres are of primary focus regarding the gaming industry's absorption and interpretation of cinematic visuals. Comparisons of film-game convergence are based on the proliferation of non-gameplay promotional trailers and their role in hype-generation; as well as game producer strategies of franchising, cross-promotion, and initial-sales business model. Comparison is thus accomplished with regards to a number of fundamental similarities in both industries' business and commercial tactics, as stemming from the risk and reward-based investment financing system prevalent in both industries. Finally, a selection of user and industry professional video responses to the aforementioned trends are examined, both for their value in counter-balancing the assumptions of success which often follow staggeringly high initial sales figures; and for their value in layering the depth of film-game convergence even further, as they respond to the recent, filmic trends in games using the very language of film.

Från färdiginspelat låtmaterial till mastrings-ideal, digitala distributionsavtal, ersättning från en radiokanal, pressade CD-skivor i kartongfodral och en budget med god vinstmarginal

Wiss, Erik, Theander, Andrée January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med det examensarbete som genomförts har varit att kartlägga processen för att på egen hand lansera sin musik i form av ett fullängdsalbum tillgängligt att köpas både i form av digitala nedladdningar och som traditionell CD-skiva.</p><p>I arbetet har vi bekantat oss med viktiga aspekter angående distributionsavtal, upphovsrätt, marknadsföring, design, foto, logotyper, texter och koder man bör känna till. En stor del av arbetet har även ägnats åt att förklara och utreda den sista delen i ljudbearbetningen - mastring. Dessutom har vi satsat på marknadsförning och exponering på Internet samt olika betalningslösningar som möjliggör skivans försäljning.</p><p>För att erhålla de nödvändiga delarna i arbetsprocessen har kontakt upprättats med bland andra: IFPI, Grammotex, N©B och Dicentia.</p><p>I rapporten får vi följa den progressiva rockgruppen Cap Outrun och deras väg till målet i form av en fallstudie.</p>

Sistema de gerenciamento da informação: alterações neurológicas em chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos / Information Management System: neurological disorders in non-cardiac chronics chagasic.

Samuel Sullivan Carmo 27 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho ocupa-se no desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional de gerenciamento da informação para auxiliar os estudos científicos sobre o sistema nervoso de chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos. O objetivo é desenvolver o sistema requerido, pelo pressuposto de praticidade nas análises decorrentes da investigação. O método utilizado para desenvolver este sistema computacional, dedicado ao gerenciamento das informações da pesquisa sobre as alterações neurológicas de seus sujeitos, foi; compor o arquétipo de metas e a matriz de levantamento de requisitos das variantes do sistema; listar os atributos, domínios e qualificações das suas variáveis; elaborar o quadro de escolha de equipamentos e aplicativos necessários para sua implantação física e lógica e; implantá-lo mediante uma modelagem de base de dados, e uma programação lógica de algoritmos. Como resultado o sistema foi desenvolvido. A discussão de análise é; a saber, que a informatização pode tornar mais eficaz as operações de cadastro, consulta e validação de campo, além da formatação e exportação de tabelas pré-tratadas para análises estatísticas, atuando assim como uma ferramenta do método científico. Ora, a argumentação lógica é que a confiabilidade das informações computacionalmente registradas é aumentada porque o erro humano é diminuído na maioria dos processamentos. Como discussão de cerramento, estudos dotados de razoável volume de variáveis e sujeitos de pesquisa são mais bem geridos caso possuam um sistema dedicado ao gerenciamento de suas informações. / This is the development of a computer information management system to support scientific studies about the nervous system of non-cardiac chronic chagasic patients. The goal is to develop the required system, by assumption of the convenience in the analysis of research results. The method used to develop this computer system, dedicated to information management of research about the neurological disorders of their human subject research, were; compose the archetypal matrix of targets and requirements elicitation of the system variants; list the attributes, qualifications and domains of its variables; draw up the choice framework of equipment and required applications for its physical and logic implementation, and; deploying it through a data modeling, an adapted entity-relationship diagram and programmable logic algorithms. As a result the required system was developed. The analytical discussion is that the computerization makes the data processing faster and safer. The more practical information management processes are: the operations of registration, queries and fields\' validations, as well as the advanced and basic queries of records, in addition to table formatting and exporting of pre-treated for statistical analysis. The logical argument is that the reliability of the recorded computationally information is increased because is insured that bias of human error is absent from most of the steps, including several the data processing operations. As end discussion, scientific studies with reasonable amount of variables and research subjects are better managed if they have a dedicated system to managing their information.

Mitteilungen des URZ 1/2002

Riedel, 27 February 2002 (has links)
Inhalt: Jahresrückblick 2001 Der Computer und das Euro-Zeichen Software-News 4. Chemnitzer Linux-Tag - Vortragsprogramm

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2002

Heik,, Wegener,, Ziegler,, Jehmlich,, Krause,, Horbach,, Riedel,, Hübsch,, Wegener, J., Dippmann,, Brose,, Heide,, Fischer, 30 August 2002 (has links)
Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2002 (Inhalt siehe Schlagwörter)

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/2004

Arnold,, Brose,, Kupfer,, Müller,, Richter,, Riedel,, Schier,, Trapp,, Ziegler, 06 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nutzerinformationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums

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