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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den trovärdiga, kunniga och öppna myndigheten : En kritisk analys av värdegrundstexters ideologiska förankring och ideationella struktur

Leibring Svedjedal, Carin January 2016 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöks svenska statliga myndigheters värdegrundstexter. Uppsatsen skrivs inom projektet ”En ny genre och dess arkeologi: Svenska myndigheters värdegrundstexter”, och syftet är att se vilka språkliga medel som uttrycker önskade värderingar. Tre frågeställningar om värdeord, deras samband med texternas rubriceringar, och önskade värderingar hanteras med hjälp av en teoretisk och metodisk utgångspunkt i critical discourse analysis (CDA) kompletterad med en analys av texternas ideationella struktur. Analysmaterialet utgörs av 40 värdegrundstexter från 10 olika departement. Den kritiska diskursanalysen ger svar på vilka värderingar som uttrycks av myndigheterna. Detta kopplas till begreppet ideologi, och vilken ideologi som verkar ligga till grund för värderingarna. I den ideationella analysen undersöks texternas teman, propositioner och perspektiv. I denna analys klargörs också vilka värdeord och rubriceringar som finns i texterna, samt om det finns något samband mellan hur en text är rubricerad och vilka värdeord den innehåller. Resultatet visar att värdeord kopplade till kunskap och etik är mest frekventa i texterna. Det finns ett samband mellan texters rubricering och värdeord så att rubriceringar med ordet värde innehåller ord om kompetens och etik, medan texter med vision i sin rubricering följs av ord om framtidsvisioner.   I diskursanalysen framkommer en modelläsare som är tänkt att vara en anställd vid myndigheten. Detta förmedlar en ideologi som har sin utgångspunkt i den nyliberala marknadsdiskurs som gör att myndigheter ska försöka sälja in sitt ”varumärke”. Detta görs genom att de anställdas beteenden regleras, för att ge medborgarna som tar kontakt med myndigheten en uppfattning av vilket bemötande de kan förvänta sig. De önskade värderingarna hos myndigheten och dess medarbetare är att de ska vara kompetenta, inkluderande, pålitliga och serviceinriktade. / En ny genre och dess arkeologi: Svenska myndigheters värdegrundstexter

Positionering av en blivande statsminister : Kritisk diskursanalys och textanalys av ett politiskt tal

Skwarski, Samuel January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks sambanden mellan text och samhälle i Stefan Löfvens politiska sommartal den 25 augusti 2013. Studien intresserar för hur olika språkliga strategier kan användas för att positioneraStefan Löfven som blivande statsminister. Studien utgår teoretiskt i från Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys men innehåller också delar ursystemisk-funktionell grammatik och samtalsanalys. Resultaten pekar på att talets övergripande syfte är att positionera talaren som statsministerkandidat både på ett nationellt och internationellt plan. Positioneringen sker dels textuellt genom användningen av pronomen för att etablera en gemensam plattform mellan talare och åhörare, dels diskursivt genom en blandning av olika diskurser som positionerar talaren i en nationell/internationell kontext. Resultaten pekar också ut dialektiska kopplingar mellan text, diskurs och social praktik nivå av Löfvens sommartal. Analyserna visar också att den sociala praktiken som ett politiskt tal ingår i bidrar till att reproducer amaktförhållanden som är ojämlika mellan talare och åhörare. Resultaten visar att det politiska talet innehåller en bred interdiskursivitet mellan både höger- och vänsterideologiskt präglade diskurser, vilket kan vara tecken på förändring och diskursiv kamp om vad den diskursiva praktikens diskursordning ska bestå av. Denna förändring kopplas till förändringar så som individualisering, globalisering och en politisk likriktning i den bredare sociala praktiken. / This study examines the causality between texts and society in a political speech. The study does so byanalyzing both text and aspects of the wider context, which the political speech is part of.The study is based on a mix of theory from both Faircloughs critical discourse analysis (CDA), systemicfunctional grammar (SFG) and conversation analysis (CA). The results show that the main goal of the political speech is to position the speaker as head of Swedishgovernment at both a national and international level by using a wide variety of discourse and by usingpronouns to establish common ground with the speaker and the listeners. The results also points out that the social practice which a political speech is part of is reproducing and maintaining power relations in which the speaker and the listener are not equal. The results also show how changes such as individualization, globalization and political uniformity can be seen as affecting discourse and social practice.

The voice of silence as echoed by female filmmakers : reading between the shots

Thabet Mezghani, Wafa 16 December 2016 (has links)
La présente recherche vise à explorer des formes multiples de silence représentées dans un film et à étudier la façon dont le silence a été perçu et conçu par des cinéastes femmes selon la perspective de l’analyse critique de discours (ACD). Dans ce contexte, nous avons choisi quatre longs métrages produits durant le XXIe siècle par quatre femmes cinéastes originaires de deux milieux culturels différents — à savoir les États-Unis et la Tunisie, à travers lesquels nous avons abordé notre problématique. Nous avons adopté l’approche développée par Fairclough (1989) qui consiste en trois étapes analytiques : description, interprétation et explication, combinant pragmatisme et analyse sémiotique. Cette recherche introduit également le concept de ‘voicing’ en référence aux signes sémiotiques et aux techniques cinématographiques qui sous-tendent la signification du silence et sa dimension pragmatique. Les résultats de l'étude démontrent que l'utilisation de ‘voicing’ s’avère un moyen efficace pour créer une méthode systématique d'analyse du silence au cinéma. Ils montrent également qu’en dépit des différences, des thèmes abordés et du contexte socio-culturel des cinéastes, il existe un dénominateur commun entre les quatre films, à savoir leur positionnement féministe ou pro-féministe.En outre, il ressort de notre analyse que les films en question constituent des barrières de résistance à l'hégémonie patriarcale du cinéma grand public qui sont fortement influencées par les perceptions individuelles des cinéastes, leurs expériences personnelles et le contexte culturel auquel elles appartiennent. / The current research aims to explore several of the manifold states of silence represented in film and to investigate how silence and silencing have been perceived and conceived by female filmmakers from a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) perspective.This is achieved by examining the case studies of four feature films produced in the twenty-first century by four female filmmakers from two different cultural backgrounds–namely the USA and Tunisia. Research questions are qualitatively applied to a corpus of four films, following Fairclough’s (1989) three analytic stages: description, interpretation and explanation, using pragmatics combined with semiotic analysis. The thesis also introduces the concept of ‘voicing’ with reference to the semiotic signs and film techniques that underpin the meaning of silence and its pragmatic dimension.The findings of the study show that using ‘voicing’ has proved to be effective in creating a systematic method of analyzing silence in films. They also show that even though the cinematographic practices, the themes dealt with and the socio-cultural background of the filmmakers may be different, there is a common denominator between the four films: their feminist or pro-feminist agenda.Further, it argues that the films under discussion may be considered as barriers of resistance to the hegemonic patriarchal mainstream cinema and that these barriers are strongly influenced by the filmmakers’ own individual perceptions, personal experiences and cultural background.

Yttrandefrihet eller personlig integritet? : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur värdekonflikten mellan yttrandefrihet och personlig integritet framställs i den svenska dags- och kvällspressen

Granat, Angelica, Johansson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
This essay has examined the current debate between freedom of speech and personal integrity in the in Swedish news media. Freedom of speech and personal integrity is a controversial debate and they are two values that creates opinions and conflicts between different instances in the society. The essay´s methodology is a critical discourse analysis and the study has gained ground in both theory and methodology in Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis with its three dimensions; text, discourse practice and the sociocultural practice. The study is based on 17 reviewed articles, the articles are all published in the Swedish press and includes the current debate between freedom of speech and personal integrity. The two sides have strong arguments and what is clarified is that the democracy will be threatened if laws concerning freedom of expression are taken, and especially journalists are not happy about the proposal. What also emerges in the study was that the technology development is seen as the reason for why regulations are needed in the society. The internet has created a new arena to find and retrieve information about other citizens but also made it possible to disseminate information without any ethical approaches.

Könsstympning i svenska tidningsmedier : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur fem av Sveriges största tidningsmedier framställer könsstympning. / Female genital mutilation in Swedish newspapers: : A critical discourse analysis of the representation of female genital mutilation in five of Sweden’s largest newspapers.

Färdigh, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Könsstympning är en sedvänja som främst förekommer i ett trettiotal afrikanska länder och i ett antal länder i Mellanöstern och Asien. På grund av ökad migration har ämnet kommit att bli mer aktuellt i Sverige. Enligt en rapport från Nationellt Centrum för Kvinnofrid ser majoriteten av den svenska befolkningen könsstympning som en främmande företeelse. Vid frågor som är svåra för vanliga medborgare att erfara blir massmedier ofta den huvudsakliga källan till information. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur ämnet förmedlas i svenska tidningsmedier. Genom kritisk diskursanalys har jag undersökt artiklar om könsstympning i fem svenska nyhetstidningar under perioden 30 november 2014 – 30 november 2016. Ett antal återkommande teman har förekommit i materialet såsom att det i flera artiklar finns indikationer på att sedvänjan upprätthålls i Sverige. Analysen visar en diskurs om ingreppet som ett övergrepp och ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. I lite mer än en fjärdedel av artiklarna förekommer det flickor och kvinnor med egna erfarenheter av ingreppet som uttalar sig om sedvänjan. Men det är i hög grad representanter från samhällsinstitutioner som definierar problemet och presenterar åtgärdsförslag i artiklarna. Utöver diskursteori har dagordningsteorin och gestaltningsteorin varit teoretisk grund för studien. / Genital mutilation is a practice that mainly occurs in about thirty African countries and in several countries in the Middle East and Asia. The topic has become more relevant in Sweden due to the increased migration. Most of the Swedish population sees genital mutilation as an alien phenomenon according to a report from the Swedish National Center for Protection of Women. The mass media often tend to be the main source of information when issues are difficult for ordinary citizens to experience. The purpose of the study was to find out how the issue is conveyed in the Swedish newspaper media. I have analyzed articles on genital mutilation in five Swedish news magazines during the period November 30, 2014 - November 30, in 2016 using critical discourse analysis as method. Several recurring themes have appeared in the material such as frequent indications that the practice is maintained in Sweden. The analysis reveals a general view of the procedure as an abuse and a violation of human rights in the discourse. In more than a quarter of the articles there are girls and women with personal experience of the procedure who speak out about the practice. But it is mostly representatives of social institutions that define the problem and presents proposals for action in the articles. The discourse theory, the agenda-setting theory and framing theory has been the theoretical basis for the study.

You are soooo cuteee!!!! : A critical discourse analysis of gender ideologies among YouTube comments / Du är såååå söööt!!!! : En kritisk diskursanalys av ideologier om kön bland YouTube-kommentarer

Pärlbåge, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines YouTube comments to videos with male and female streaming players of the online game League of Legends. The research carries out a critical discourse analysis with the aim to find gender relevant language in order to analyze ideologies about gender stereotypes among viewers of streamers. The results showed that comments concerning players’ bodies and appearance were more common in comments on female than male players. There was also a higher expectation for female players to match sexual stereotypes close to the imagery of avatars than for male players to do so. Female players received more comments with sexual implications. Both male and female players received offers of sexual acts, but violent acts were only aimed against women. Written comments defending female players showed that there are ideological power struggles between viewers in this specific genre and that some viewers defend the female players’ place in the scene of streamed gaming. / Denna studie undersöker kommentarer på YouTube-videos med spelare av ett online-spel vid namn League of Legends. Undersökningen för en kritisk diskursanalys med syfte att hitta diskurs relevant för kön för att utreda vilka ideologier om kön och sexuella stereotyper som återfinns bland konsumenter av sådana videos. Resultatet visar att kommentarer som nämner spelarens kropp och utseende är betydligt vanligare för kvinnliga än manliga spelare. Resultatet visade också att det fanns en högre förväntan att kvinnliga spelare skulle matcha sexuella stereotyper som liknar bilden av kvinnliga avatarer än att manliga spelare skulle göra det. Kvinnliga spelare fick fler kommentarer av sexuell karaktär. Både manliga och kvinnliga spelare fick erbjudanden om sexuella handlingar, men våldsamma sexuella handlingar var bara riktade mot kvinnor. Svar på kommentarer som försvarar kvinnliga spelare visar på en kraftmätning mellan de som tittar på manliga och kvinnliga spelare inom denna specifika genre och att kvinnliga spelares plats inom denna sfär försvaras av vissa tittare.

“Tis the season to be vegan” : Discursive identity formations and the discursive construction of veganism in the communication event #veganuary

Sernhede, Saralie January 2021 (has links)
Offering contemporary insights into movement activities, this study explores the discursive identity formations and discursive constructions of veganism in the communication event #veganuary on Twitter. In a tentative attempt to understand #veganuary as a site of discursive and socio-cultural change, this study seeks to answer the research questions: (1) “What discursive identity formations take part in the semantic battle for the meaning of veganism in the communication event #veganuary on Twitter?”, (2) “How is veganism discursively constructed in the communication event #veganuary on Twitter?”, and (3) “How can we understand #veganuary on Twitter as a site of discursive and socio-cultural change?”. Relying on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) both as a theoretical and methodological framework, this study places itself in the field of media and communication studies in the intersection between studies on discourse, veganism, Twitter usage, and the everyday activism of Lifestyle Movements (LMs). Four main identity formations were identified and analyzed in the communication event, discursively constructing very different definitions and implications of veganism – as a diet, a challenge, a lifestyle, an identity, activism, a market opportunity, and a brand mission. Ultimately, #veganuary on Twitter can be understood as a site for discursive and socio-cultural change as a hemeratopian everyday alternative space, in which new interdiscursive mixes and discursive practices are interlaced in creative ways, inviting and involving new voices to the communication, imagination, and development of alternative ways of living.

"Analýza politického diskurzu o migraci na půdě Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu České republiky." / "Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic."

Kovalev, Ilia January 2021 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Sociological Studies Department of Sociology Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic: restrictive or liberal approach? Abstract of the Master's thesis Author: Ilia Kovalev Study programme: Sociology Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. Year of the defence: 2021 References KOVALEV, Ilia. Analysis of the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic: restrictive or liberal approach? Prague, 2021. 80 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociological Studies. Department of Sociology. Supervisor doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. Length of the thesis: 120256 characters Abstract Most of the previous research that has examined migration in the Czech Republic has focused primarily on the development of migration flows and changes in government strategies in this area, not on how we think about this issue and how we talk about it. Therefore, the aim of this Thesis is to analyze the political discourse on migration in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on the hypothesis of the existence of two consistent discourse attitudes, which represent restrictive and...

Jak se byznys zelená: kritická diskurzivní analýza korporátní zelené zodpovědnosti / Business going green: critical discourse analysis of corporate green responsibility

Tušková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis introduces an analysis of a part of public corporate communication through which large international companies present a positive image of their brands, technologies, operations and, above all, their values vis-à-vis the issue of environmental protection. It would likely not provoke much dispute, shall it be stated that environmental protection has over the several past decades climbed to the top of the list of the world's priority agenda. Yet whether an ecological crisis is or is not a real threat, or whether the parties involved really do or do not take the proclaimed steps necessary for the improvement of the state of the natural environment, is not a matter of importance here. The important thing is that people (companies) are talking about the environment. In the context of a global ecological threat companies are on one hand pressured into accepting green responsibilities, on the other hand in building their green image they actively adopt certain aspects of green discourse and articulate their own environmental diagnoses and propose possible remedies. Using critical discourse analysis this thesis tries to uncover the ways of construction of corporate green responsibility discourse aiming to answer questions regarding the selection of discourse strategies and use of language,...

Crisis Communication and Management using SocialMedia: a Crisis Response to Ethiopian Airlines ET302 Crash

Mohammed, Zuhura January 2020 (has links)
On the Sunday 10th of March 2019 Nairobi-bound Boeing 737MAX8 Flight ET302 of EthiopianAirlines plunge in to the ground and kills all 157 passengers onboard. Consequently, the accidenttook attention of international media and people around the world. This study therefore aims atinvestigating the communication strategies employed by EAL when managing ET302 planecrash and various issues associated with the crash using the two stages of crisis management. Toachieve the purpose, Nethnography and CDA methods were employed. To analyze thecommunication strategies SCCT was used. Accordingly, it was found out that, EAL highlyapplied “apology”, “shifting blame”, and “corrective action” strategies in its crisiscommunication via Facebook and Twitter pages. Additionally, the fairly immediate responsesgiven to each issue, the media monitoring system and the empathetic approach contributed to thegood crisis management. The study also finds out that more attention was given to the Twitterand updates were faster than the Facebook page. The study concludes that previous good imageof EAL plays a significant role to the impact a crisis would have in addition to its effective crisismanagement via social media. Finally, it’s recommended that EAL should communicate moreefficiently on its Facebook page to uplift its accomplishments and meet its online publics in awide range.

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