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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internet-based electronic payment systems

Kortekaas, Birgit Friederike 01 January 2002 (has links)
As today, the traditional payment systems of cash, cheques and credit cards are being supplemented by electronic cheques, electronic credit card-based systems, and token-based systems, online security is of utmost importance and one of the biggest criteria used for evaluating electronic payment systems. Electronic payment systems must guarantee the essential security requirements: confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability. authentication, non-repudiation as well as anonymity and trust. This paper compares the various payment systems (both traditional and electronic) available today mainly according to their security aspects. Secure processing can be accomplished including access controls and detection techniques, such as, encrypted communication channels, user and/or message authentication, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, digital certificates and firewalls. These effective security measures, which are outlined in detail in this paper, will protect the information and payment systems against security risks that currently threaten the Internet / Computing / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Reducing Swedish Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Basic Industry and Energy Utilities : An Actor and Policy Analysis

Stigson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the design of the present climate and energy policies. The main focus is on how the policy instruments affect the Swedish stakeholders who are included in the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). In-depth interviews have been carried out with representatives from the basic industry, energy utilities as well as industrial and green organizations. The purpose is to illustrate have how these stakeholders view the current policy framework and what amendments that they view as necessary. Suggestions to the Government are given regarding the design of national policies and policy instruments to provide for an improved policy framework. The information and synthesis have furthermore been collected through extensive literature studies as well as participating at conferences and seminars. The thesis is written as a monograph in order to address a larger group of readers interested in the transition of energy systems towards sustainability as well as policy makers and Swedish stakeholders. The common understanding that the global energy systems have to undergo a transition to renewables and higher energy efficiency due to the earth’s finite sources of fossil fuels and uranium presents large challenges for policy makers and business sectors as well as the society in general. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to be drastically reduced and the work to achieve this has started through international negotiations such as the Kyoto Protocol. As the present commitment levels are low, an important issue in a short-term perspective is to develop a more comprehensive and efficient system with a much wider participation and more stringent emission targets. In order to achieve current national policy goals and international GHG emission commitments the Swedish Government utilizes a number of policy instruments that are either nationally self-assumed or called for by international agreements or the European Union. The Swedish stakeholders that are included in the EU-ETS face a broad policy framework that has a large impact on their daily operations and future investment strategies. It is imperative for the policymakers, i.e. the Government, to act in accordance with the long-term perspective that the climate change issue and the transition of the energy system require. It is likewise important that any actions are in accordance with the operational and investment climate that the business sector faces. It is argued that these aspects are not fully considered as the success of the next national budget or term of public office seems to overshadow these issues. A long-term perspective is required to provide the business sector with stable and reliable incentives. This is needed to provide the economic conditions under which the businesses can realize investments that will result in emission reductions. Short-term policies reinforce the view of environmental investments as a form of risk investments. This negatively affects the possibility of the policy instruments to effectively achieve established policy goals. Paying attention to these requirements is however not a simple task for policy makers as it will require agreements between the political parties. This demonstrates the main political difficulty with climate change – the requirement of a long-term and full commitment by all state authorities. It should be noted that the thesis does not attempt to describe the Swedish policy makers as neglecting the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change. The national agenda is far to advanced from an international perspective for such statements. The thesis however pinpoints some important issues highlighted by stakeholders, within the business sector and other organizations, who are concerned with the present climate and energy policy framework. Some of the findings are as follows: • Reducing GHG emissions in order to combat climate change must include a long-term perspective • The design of policy instruments should consequently be long-term to increase the support for investments in GHG emission reducing technologies • The design of policies that promote low GHG production alternatives within the energy utilities should be improved • The large potential for reduced GHG emission available through fuel switching and energy efficiency improvements in the Swedish basic industry should be promoted by amended policies • Reformulate or abandon the national GHG emissions target goal with the current formulation • Strive for an emission rights allocation system that is as transparent, fair and predictable as possible • The policy framework should aim for a high level of stability through interaction with the affected stakeholders • These factors are inherently important for the overall efficiency of the policy framework

Impact de la mise en place d'un Centre d'Epidémiologie Périnatale en Wallonie et à Bruxelles sur les données en santé périnatale et analyse des nouvelles données sur la santé périnatale des immigrants et sur l'impact de l'indice de masse corporelle maternel / Evaluation of the creation of a Centre of perinatal epidemiology in Wallonia and Brussels and analysis of collected data regarding immigration status and maternal obesity

Minsart, Anne-Frédérique 18 June 2013 (has links)
La Communauté française décide en concertation avec la Région bruxelloise et la Région wallonne, de financer un Centre d’Epidémiologie Périnatale (CEpiP). Les Communautés et Régions chargent le CEpiP de les assister dans la vérification, le remplissage et la correction des certificats concernant les naissances à partir du 1er janvier 2008. Le CEpiP est également chargé d’encoder les certificats bruxellois, les certificats wallons étant toujours encodés par un sous-traitant.<p>Un problème souvent rencontré dans l’analyse des certificats de naissance est la présence de données manquantes. Des informations manquaient sur 64.0% des certificats bruxellois de janvier 2008 (situation de base). Le renforcement de l’enregistrement par le CEpiP durant l’année 2008 est lié à une diminution des informations manquantes sur les certificats initiaux (à la sortie des maternités et services d’état civil) après la première et la deuxième année d’enregistrement :20,8% et 19,5% des naissances en décembre 2008 et 2009 respectivement. Le taux résiduel de données manquantes après correction grâce aux listes envoyées aux maternités et services d’Etat civil est faible. En particulier, la nationalité d’origine des parents était souvent manquante, jusqu’à 35% à Bruxelles (données non publiées), et ce taux est passé à 2.6% en 2008 et 0.1% en 2009. Certaines données manquantes ne sont pas distribuées de façon équivalente selon la nationalité de la mère, même après correction. Les mères d’origine sub-saharienne ont les taux de remplissage les moins élevés. Enfin, le taux de mort-nés a augmenté par rapport aux données de 2007, au profit des mort-nés avant l’âge de 28 semaines, et suggère une amélioration de l’enregistrement suite au renforcement de l’information.<p>Les données concernant l’indice de masse corporelle des patientes sont donc relevées depuis 2009 pour l’ensemble des mères qui accouchent en Belgique. L’obésité maternelle et l’immigration sont en augmentation en Belgique, et ont été rarement étudiées au travers d’études de population sur les certificats de naissance. Des études ont pourtant montré que ces mères étaient à risque de complications périnatales, comme la césarienne ou la mortalité périnatale. L’obésité et l’immigration ont en commun le fait qu’elles recouvrent des réalités médicales, sociales et relationnelles face au personnel soignant, qui les mettent à risque de complications périnatales.<p>Des différences en termes de complications obstétricales et néonatales entre populations immigrantes et autochtones ont été observées en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, mais elles sont encore mal comprises. <p>Dans un premier travail d’analyse, nous avons évalué les taux de mortalité périnatale chez les mères immigrantes, en fonction du fait qu’elles étaient naturalisées ou non.<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères immigrantes (8.6‰) que non-immigrantes (6.4‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères non naturalisées (10.3‰) que chez les mères naturalisées (6.1‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale varie selon l’origine des mères, mais dans chaque sous-groupe étudié, les mères non naturalisées ont un taux plus élevé de mortalité périnatale.<p><p>Des études ont successivement montré davantage, ou moins de césariennes chez les mères immigrantes. Peu de facteurs confondants étaient généralement pris en compte. Dans un second travail d’analyse, nous avons comparé les taux de césarienne dans plusieurs sous-groupes de nationalités.<p>Les taux de césarienne varient selon les sous-groupes de nationalités. Les mères originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne ont un odds ratio ajusté pour la césarienne de 2.06 (1.62-2.63) en comparaison aux mères belges. L’odds ratio ajusté n’est plus statistiquement significatif après introduction des variables anthropométriques dans le modèle multivariable pour les mères d’Europe de l’Est, et après introduction des interventions médicales pour les mères du Maghreb.<p><p>Peu d’études ont analysé la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les complications néonatales, et la plupart de ces études n’ont pas ajusté leurs résultats pour plusieurs variables confondantes. Nous avons eu pour but dans un troisième travail d’analyse d’étudier la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les paramètres néonatals, en tenant compte du type de travail (induit ou spontané) et du type d’accouchement (césarienne ou voie basse). Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 38% d’admission en centre néonatal après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle multivariable (intervalle de confiance à 95% :1.22-1.56) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 45% (1.21-1.73) et 34% (1.10-1.63) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 18% (0.86-1.63) et non statistiquement significatif.<p>Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 31% de taux d’Apgar à 1 minute inférieur à 7, après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle mutivariable (1.15-1.49) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 26% (1.04-1.52) et 38% (1.12-1.69) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 50% (0.96-2.36) et non statistiquement significatif.<p><p>In 2008, a Centre for Perinatal Epidemiology was created inter alia to assist the Health Departments of Brussels-Capital City Region and the French Community to check birth certificates. A problem repeatedly reported in birth certificate data is the presence of missing data. The purpose of this study is to assess the changes brought by the Centre in terms of completeness of data registration for the entire population and according to immigration status. Reinforcement of data collection was associated with a decrease of missing information. The residual missing data rate was very low. Education level and employment status were missing more often in immigrant mothers compared to Belgian natives both in 2008 and 2009. Mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest missing rate of socio-economic data. The stillbirth rate increased from 4.6‰ in 2007 to 8.2‰ in 2009. All twin pairs were identified, but early loss of a co-twin before 22 weeks was rarely reported.<p>Differences in neonatal mortality among immigrants have been documented in Belgium and elsewhere, and these disparities are poorly understood. Our objective was to compare perinatal mortality rates in immigrant mothers according to citizenship status. Perinatal mortality rate varied according to the origin of the mother and her naturalization status: among immigrants, non-naturalized immigrants had a higher incidence of perinatal mortality (10.3‰) than their naturalized counterparts (6.1‰). In a country with a high frequency of naturalization, and universal access to health care, naturalized immigrant mothers experience less perinatal mortality than their not naturalized counterparts. <p>Our second objective was to provide insight into the differential effect of immigration on cesarean section rates, using Robson classification. Cesarean section rates currently vary between Robson categories in immigrant subgroups. Immigrant mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa with a term, singleton infant in cephalic position, without previous cesarean section, appear to carry the highest burden.<p>If it is well known that obesity increases morbidity for both mother and fetus and is associated with a variety of adverse reproductive outcomes, few studies have assessed the relation between obesity and neonatal outcomes. This is the aim of the last study, after taking into account type of labor and delivery, as well as social, medical and hospital characteristics in a population-based analysis. Neonatal admission to intensive care and low Apgar scores were more likely to occur in infants from obese mothers, both after spontaneous and <p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Elektronické zabezpečení zdravotnické dokumentace v prostředí zdravotnického IS / Security of Electronic Documentation in Medical Environment

Hauserová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Thesis is analyzing czech laws which are related to medical documentation. Describes the points  which are mandatory for information system, so the medical documentation can be stored electronically. Includes various algorithms for implementation of certain electronic signature and for  identification of person. This thesis deals with asymmetric cryptography, specifically RSA, DSA, and ECDSA. Describes the hash functions and their functions and their characteristics. Describes the principle of the certificate, ways of its obtaining, invalidation and their formats. Analyzes medical information system and suggests ways to create a program for signing medical records. Then based on that analysis, the program is implemented. At the conclusion of the work is discussed, if created program meets the criteria.

Är det möjligt att marknadsföra på ett hållbart sätt? : En studie om slow fashionföretags förhållningssätt till marknadsföring / Is it possible to do marketing in a sustainble way? : A study of slow fashion companies approach toward marketing

Robertsson, Ella, Nylander, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Företag inom slow fashion arbetar mer med hållbarhet, både för konsumenterna och deras anställda. Det är stort fokus på att miljön ska bevaras medan företagen konkurrerar med fast fashionkedjor som massproducerar kläder och säljer till låga priser. Det stora problemet inom industrins produktion handlar om hur man ska försöka minska utsläpp och påverkan på miljön samt hantera överkonsumtionen genom hållbar marknadsföring. Studiens syfte är att utvärdera vilka karaktärsdrag slow fashion företag har gentemot fast fashion företag och hur slow fashion företag inom klädindustrin marknadsför sitt hållbarhetsarbete till konsumenterna. Studien undersöker även hur företagen arbetar med marknadsföring för att nå ut till sina nuvarande och framtida konsumenter. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet samlas in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra slow fashion företag. Vi har även samlat in empiriskt material genom undersökningar av företagens offentliga material så som hemsidor och sociala medier för att komplettera intervjuerna. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begreppen slow- jämfört med fast fashion och marknadsföring. Vidare analyseras företagens ansvar med hjälp av begrepp och modeller inom triple bottom line, corporate social responsibility, certifieringar och legitimitet. Det sista inom studien som analyseras är konsumentens ansvar i form av politisk konsumtion samt aktiviteterna bojkott och buycott. Resultaten visar att alla fyra företagen är positiva till att arbeta med hållbarhet för att förbättra miljön och deras arbete kommer inte avta men att företagen vill nå ut till fler konsumenter och minska konsumtionen genom att påverka konsumenterna till att göra färre onödiga inköp. / Slow fashion companies work more with sustainability, both for consumers and their employees. There is a strong focus on preserving the environment while companies compete with fast fashion chains that mass-produce clothes and sell at low prices. The big problem in industrial production is about how to try to reduce emissions and impact on the environment and manage overconsumption through sustainable marketing. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the characteristics of slow fashion companies in relation to fast fashion companies and how slow fashion companies in the clothing industry market their sustainability work to consumers. The study also examines how companies work with marketing to reach their current and future consumers. The study has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material is collected through semistructured interviews with four slow fashion companies. We have also collected empirical material through studies of the companies' public material such as websites and social media to supplement the interviews. The results are analyzed with the help of previous research and the concepts of slow- vs. fast fashion and marketing. Furthermore, corporate responsibility is analyzed with the help of concepts and models within triple results, corporate social responsibility, certifications, and legitimacy. The last thing in the study that is analyzed is the consumer's responsibility in the form of political consumption and the activities boycott and buycott. Results show that all four companies are positive about working with sustainability because the environment and their work will decline, but that the companies want to reach more consumers and choose consumption by influencing consumers to make fewer unnecessary purchases.

The role of socioeconomic factors in the succesful completion of matric education among young mothers in the Soutpansberg East circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Hatuugari, Livingstone 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation was carried out to try to describe the role of socio-economic factors in the successful completion of schooling up to matriculation level (matric), among young mothers in the Soutpansberg East Circuit in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The researcher used the social capital theoretical framework. A questionnaire was administered to 128 young mothers, aged 18 and above, after a pilot survey had been carried out. The data was captured, exported and analysed The data was then exported to the latest model of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 where it was analysed. The research used independent T-test analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis. The independent T- test was used to determine if the views of young mothers differed by the number of children, form of support from father, school policy and presence of educators as counsellors. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done to determine whether the views on the role of socioeconomic factors in the successful completion of matric among young mothers in the Soutpansberg East Circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa differed by age, grade, type of family and who takes care of the child. The findings showed that there were several socioeconomic factors that assisted young mothers to complete matric, among them were, family supports, child support grants, intra-school environment and policies. They provided critical support to the young mother in different forms among others taking care of children while they were at school, financial support, encouragement. The study also found other that schools in the Soutpansberg East Circuit also provided a significant amount of support to young mothers. The study also found a general trend of absentee fatherhood in the caring of children. The study found out that there was a complicated interplay of different socioeconomic factors to the completion of matric among the young mothers. The researcher, therefore, concluded that socio-economic factors are critical for the successful completion of schooling up to matric level in the Soutpansberg East Circuit. The study found out the need for more empirical study in the role of socioeconomic factors to the complication of matric among young mothers. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)

Contributions à la vérification formelle d'algorithmes arithmétiques / Contributions to the Formal Verification of Arithmetic Algorithms

Martin-Dorel, Erik 26 September 2012 (has links)
L'implantation en Virgule Flottante (VF) d'une fonction à valeurs réelles est réalisée avec arrondi correct si le résultat calculé est toujours égal à l'arrondi de la valeur exacte, ce qui présente de nombreux avantages. Mais pour implanter une fonction avec arrondi correct de manière fiable et efficace, il faut résoudre le «dilemme du fabricant de tables» (TMD en anglais). Deux algorithmes sophistiqués (L et SLZ) ont été conçus pour résoudre ce problème, via des calculs longs et complexes effectués par des implantations largement optimisées. D'où la motivation d'apporter des garanties fortes sur le résultat de ces pré-calculs coûteux. Dans ce but, nous utilisons l'assistant de preuves Coq. Tout d'abord nous développons une bibliothèque d'«approximation polynomiale rigoureuse», permettant de calculer un polynôme d'approximation et un intervalle bornant l'erreur d'approximation à l'intérieur de Coq. Cette formalisation est un élément clé pour valider la première étape de SLZ, ainsi que l'implantation d'une fonction mathématique en général (avec ou sans arrondi correct). Puis nous avons implanté en Coq, formellement prouvé et rendu effectif 3 vérifieurs de certificats, dont la preuve de correction dérive du lemme de Hensel que nous avons formalisé dans les cas univarié et bivarié. En particulier, notre «vérifieur ISValP» est un composant clé pour la certification formelle des résultats générés par SLZ. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à la preuve mathématique d'algorithmes VF en «précision augmentée» pour la racine carré et la norme euclidienne en 2D. Nous donnons des bornes inférieures fines sur la plus petite distance non nulle entre sqrt(x²+y²) et un midpoint, permettant de résoudre le TMD pour cette fonction bivariée. Enfin, lorsque différentes précisions VF sont disponibles, peut survenir le phénomène de «double-arrondi», qui peut changer le comportement de petits algorithmes usuels en arithmétique. Nous avons prouvé en Coq un ensemble de théorèmes décrivant le comportement de Fast2Sum avec double-arrondis. / The Floating-Point (FP) implementation of a real-valued function is performed with correct rounding if the output is always equal to the rounding of the exact value, which has many advantages. But for implementing a function with correct rounding in a reliable and efficient manner, one has to solve the ``Table Maker's Dilemma'' (TMD). Two sophisticated algorithms (L and SLZ) have been designed to solve this problem, relying on some long and complex calculations that are performed by some heavily-optimized implementations. Hence the motivation to provide strong guarantees on these costly pre-computations. To this end, we use the Coq proof assistant. First, we develop a library of ``Rigorous Polynomial Approximation'', allowing one to compute an approximation polynomial and an interval that bounds the approximation error in Coq. This formalization is a key building block for verifying the first step of SLZ, as well as the implementation of a mathematical function in general (with or without correct rounding). Then we have implemented, formally verified and made effective 3 interrelated certificates checkers in Coq, whose correctness proof derives from Hensel's lemma that we have formalized for both univariate and bivariate cases. In particular, our ``ISValP verifier'' is a key component for formally verifying the results generated by SLZ. Then, we have focused on the mathematical proof of ``augmented-precision'' FP algorithms for the square root and the Euclidean 2D norm. We give some tight lower bounds on the minimum non-zero distance between sqrt(x²+y²) and a midpoint, allowing one to solve the TMD for this bivariate function. Finally, the ``double-rounding'' phenomenon can typically occur when several FP precision are available, and may change the behavior of some usual small FP algorithms. We have formally verified in Coq a set of results describing the behavior of the Fast2Sum algorithm with double-roundings.

Gestione del rapporto di lavoro e intervento pubblico nel sistema giuslavoristico / Management of the Labour Relationships and the Public Intervention in the Labour Law System

CRO, PAOLO 23 February 2007 (has links)
L'opera esamina l'intervento pubblico nella gestione del rapporto di lavoro sotto il profilo storico e giuridico nelle tre fasi d'instaurazione, gestione e cessazione del rapporto. Si valorizza anche il ruolo specifico dei tre poteri legislativo, esecutivo e giudiziario, con particolare riguardo all'analisi sistematica del diritto amministrativo del lavoro. L'opera intende porre in luce gli elementi logici, giuridici ed assiologici di questo ramo del diritto del lavoro, per ricondurne le fattispecie esaminate ad un sistema coerente e razionale e per suggerirne sia un metodo d'analisi de iure condito sia una prospettiva per una lettura ed una proposta de iure condendo. / This work analyses how public powers affects labour relationships both from the historical and the juridical points of view. The three main phases of labour relationships beginning, management and end are examined separately. The specific contributions by the three public powers legislative, administrative and judiciary especially by the public administration, are also dealt with. The goal is to illustrate the logical, juridical and ethical elements of this branch of the labour law, in order to build a rational system for both the analysis de iure condito and the debate de iure condendo.

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