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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling and Analysis of Swedish Heavy Industry Supply Chain Data Management to Improve Efficiency and Security / Modellering och analys för att förbättra effektivitet och säkerhet inom Svenska tungindustrins leveranskedja

Karlsson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Product certificates are sent throughout the supply chain of Swedish heavy industry in order to show provenance and physical characteristics of objects such as screws. The data management of the certificates has been, and still is, a very manual process. The process requires extensive work in order to maintain a correct record of the certificates. In particular, tracing causes of errors and establishing compliance takes a long time and effort. The company Chaintraced is developing an application to automate the process by acting as a third party to digitalize and manage the certificates. Introducing a third party into a business-to-business process requires that data integrity is preserved and that information reaches its expected destination. Recent research has indicated that distributed ledger technologies showpromise to fulfill these requirements. In particular, blockchain-based systems offer immutability and traceability of data, and can reduce the trust needed between different parties by relying on cryptographic primitives and consensus mechanisms. This thesis investigates the application of distributed ledger technology to further automate the Swedish heavy industry supply chain and reduce the trust needed in a third party managing the certificates. Requirements for an industrial strength system is set up and several distributed ledger technology solutions are considered to fit the use case of Swedish heavy industry. A proof of concept based on the findings is implemented, tested and compared with a centralized database to explore its possible usage in the supply chain with regard to feasibility, immutability, traceability and security. The investigation resulted in a prototype based on Hyperledger Fabric to store product certificates. The solution provides certain guarantees to immutability and security while being developed with feasibility for deployment in mind. The proposed solution is shown to be slow compared to a centralized solution but scales linearly with number of certificates and is considered within bounds for the use case. The results also show that the proposed solution is more trustworthy than a centralized solution, but that adopting blockchain technology is an extensive task. In particular, trustworthiness and guarantees provided by the solution is highly dependent on the feasibility aspect and the investigation concludes that adoption of blockchain technology within the Swedish heavy industry must take this into consideration. / Hanteringen av produktcertifikat inom den svenska tungindustrin är en mycket manuell process vilket resulterar i att ett enormt arbete krävs för att upprätthålla en korrekt hantering av certifikaten. Att spåra orsaken till fel och att kontrollera efterlevnaden av krav inom industrin tar lång tid. Chaintraced har utvecklat en applikation som automatiserar hanteringen av certifikaten genom digitalisering och att som tredje part lagra informationen. Att introducera en tredje part i affärsverksamheter kräver att integriteten av datan bibehålls och att information anländer till korrekt mottagare. Ny forskning har visat att distribuerade liggare har möjligheten att uppfylla dessa krav. Framförallt gällande blockkedjetekniken med dess många egenskaper och garantier som företag letar efter, så som oföränderlig och spårbar data. Blockkedjetekniken reducerar också förtroendet som behövs för parter inom nätverket genom att förlita sig på kryptografi och konsensus mekanismer. Den här rapporten utreder användningen av distribuerade liggare för att ytterliggare automatisera den svenska tungindustrins leveranskedja och minska tilliten som krävs för en tredje part som hanterar certifikaten. Krav ställs upp för ett system och flertalet distribuerade databastekniker undersöks för att passa in i fallet angående den svenska tungindustrin. En prototyp är utvecklad baserad på kraven, prototypen är testad och jämförd med en central databas för att undersöka hur implementationen står sig vad gäller genomförbarhet, oföränderlighet, spårbarhet och säkerhet. Undersökningen resulterade i en prototyp baserad på Hyperledger Fabric. Prototypen lagrar produktcertifikaten och ger vissa garantier till oföränderligbarhet samt säkerhet. Möjligheten för aktörer i kedjan att använda prototypen hade stor inverkan på hur systemet utvecklades. Prototypen visar sig vara långsammare än en centraliserad lösning men mätningarna kan anses vara inom kraven för ett system inom tungindustrins leveranskedja. Skalbarheten av lösningen är beroende av kraven på säkerhet men är linjär i antalet certifikat som skickas och lagras. Resultaten visar också att den föreslagna lösningen inger mer tillit än en centraliserad lösning men att introducera blockkedjetekniken är en komplex process. Trovärdighet och garantier som ges av lösningen är till stor del beroende av komplexiteten vilket rapporten kommer fram till är det viktigaste för svensk tungindustri att ha i åtanke vid eventuell antagande av blockkedjeteknik.

The Electricity Market A broken system or an exciting opportunity?

Gustafsson, Vincent, Olin, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
The electricity market is facing major changes in the coming years, with major production facilities that must be replaced and climate targets that are required to be met. The approach to the targets in the electricity market has been to invest in renewable energy, mostly in the form of wind power. However, it is an intermittent production type where production depends on weather conditions and planning cannot be predetermined. As a result, the price of electricity has varied a lot in recent years and has also become very low, which causes profitability challenges for the electricity producers. One consequence is the closure of four nuclear reactors due to lack of profitability. This creates a more uncertain environment for the Swedish industry, which is dependent on both low electricity prices and reliable power supply. A way to counter this has been the “Energy Agreement”, that partly aims to promote the use of nuclear power for their total technical service life. The electrical system will change until 2030 in many ways, but how this will go is difficult to predict. By creating three different scenarios that reflect likely future changes, it has been possible to draw conclusions about what is necessary to change for the electricity system to be robust and competitive in the future. These scenarios consider wind power, active nuclear reactors, export opportunities and future electricity prices. These three scenarios have included identification of the most important parameters that need to be changed or considered by 2030. These parameters have been divided into price issues, delivery security and taxes with subsequent proposals. The most important items under these are to maintain the marginal cost based pricing model, create incentives for flexibility of electricity users and for manufacturers to provide the power grid with inertia. These require special focus to create a robust and flexible system, but remaining points are required as well to handle these issues. These points resulted in a framework that should form the basis for decision making. The framework should also be used in its entirety to analyze situations that may arise during the transition from today's market to the future's renewable electricity system. / Elmarknaden står inför stora förändringar de kommande åren, med stora produktionsanläggningar som måste ersättas och klimatmål som förväntas uppfyllas. Tillvägagångssättet har på den svenska elektricitetsmarknaden varit att satsa på förnybar energi, mestadels i form av vindkraft. Det är dock ett intermittent produktionsslag där produktionen är väderberoende och inte går att planera. Elpriset har till följd av detta varierat mycket under de senaste åren och blivit väldigt lågt, något som orsakar lönsamhetsproblem för producenterna. Ett resultat av detta är stängningen av fyra kärnreaktorer till följd av bristande lönsamhet, vilket skapar en oroligare situation för den svenska industrin som är beroende av både låga elpris och en tillförlitlig eltillförsel. Ett sätt att möta konflikten mellan producenternas olönsamhet och industrins krav är Energiöverenskommelsen, som delvis syftar till att göra kärnkraften med konkurrenskraftig. Elsystemet kommer att förändras till 2030 på många vis, men hur detta kommer gå till är svårt att förutsäga. Genom att skapa tre olika scenarion som speglar troliga framtida förändringar, har det gått att dra slutsatser om vad som är nödvändigt att förändra för att elsystemet ska vara robust och konkurrenskraftigt även i framtiden. Dessa scenarion tar hänsyn till vindkraftsutbyggnad, aktiva kärnreaktorer, exportmöjligheter och framtida elpris. Dessa tre scenarion har inburit identifiering av de viktigaste parametrar som måste förändras eller tas i beaktande till 2030. Dessa har delats upp i prisfrågor, leveranssäkerhet samt skatter med efterföljande förslag. De viktigaste punkterna under dessa är att behålla marginalprissättningen, skapa incitament för flexibilitet hos elanvändare och för producenter att tillhandahålla svängmassa. Dessa kräver särskilt fokus för att skapa ett robust och flexibelt system, men resterande punkter behövs för att hantera dessa frågor. Dessa punkter resulterade i ett ramverk som bör ligga till grund för beslutsprocesser. Ramverket bör också användas i sin helhet för att analysera situationer som kan uppstå under omställningen från dagens marknad till framtidens förnybara elsystem.

Digital Certificates for the Internet of Things

Forsby, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This thesis will investigate the possibility of developing a lightweight digitalcertificate solution for resource constrained embedded systems in 6LoWPANnetworks. Such systems are battery powered or energy harvesting devices whereit is crucial that energy consumption and memory footprints are as minimalas possible. Current solutions for digital certificates are found to be moredemanding than what is desirable and therefore an issue that needs to besolved.The solution that is proposed in this thesis is a profile for the X.509 cer-tificate standard for use with constrained devices and the Internet of Things(IoT). Furthermore, a compression mechanism is designed and implementedfor certificates following this X.509 profile.Results show that compressing certificates is a highly viable solution, de-spite the added complexity it brings.This new lightweight digital certificate solution will allow resource con-strained systems to be able to run for longer without being interrupted orneeding maintenance. / Denna avhandling undersöker möjligheten att utveckla lättviktslösning förinbyggda system med begränsade resurser i 6LoWPAN-nätverk. Eneheter isådanna system drivs på batteri och återvunnen energi från omgivningen därminimal energi- och minnesanvänding är avgörande. Nuvarande lösningar fördigitala certifikat anses vara mer krävande än önskvärt och det är därför ettproblem som behöver lösas.Lösningen som presenteras i denna avhandling är en profil för certifikatstan-darden X.509 för användning med begränsade enheter inom Internet of Things(IoT). Utöver det är en komprimeringsmekanism designad och implementeradför certifikat som följer denna X.509-profil.Resultat visar att det är högst genomförbart att komprimera certifikat,trots den ökade komoplexiteten det medför.Denna nya lösning för digitala certifikat tillåter resursbegränsade enheteratt köras längre utan att behöva avbrytas eller underhållas.

Analysing the effects of 24/7 Carbon-free Energy procurement strategies on the electricity system : Case Study of commercial and industrial sector in the Netherlands

JABŁOŃSKA, NINA January 2023 (has links)
Considering the growing importance of the electricity sector in the worldwide decarbonisation efforts, as well as large volumes of energy consumed by the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector, corporate power procurement is found to be a significant contributor to building a net zero economy. Within this topic, hourly matching of carbon-free electricity supply with demand, or 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (24/7 CFE), is identified as a next-generation power procurement framework, with growing interest from a wide range of stakeholders in the energy sector and benefits backed by robust research evidence. This thesis focuses on analysing the potential impacts of 24/7 CFE on the C&I consumers, as well as the wider system, in the context of the energy transition in the Netherlands, where some hourly matching initiatives already take place. The analysis is performed with the use of an existing open-source PyPSA model, with key elements of 24/7 CFE embedded in the code. The study finds that following the hourly matching strategy by the C&I consumers has larger environmental benefits for both the user and the system, than the currently used approach. Furthermore, the price premium connected with following this ambitious framework can be significantly reduced, if advanced storage and clean generation technologies are developed. 24/7 Carbonfree Energy procurement can also complement more ambitious national decarbonisation goals, or EU-wide emission reduction mechanisms, such as the ETS. It also allows for hedging against various risks, for instance by building a generation portfolio independent from volatile natural gas prices, which is especially relevant in importing countries like the Netherlands. Finally, it is concluded that increased participation in 24/7 CFE strategies and cooperation between the private and public sector in developing technologies such as long-duration energy storage, Allam cycle or the hydrogen infrastructure, could accelerate the transition to a net zero electricity system in a cost-efficient manner. / Med tanke på den växande betydelsen av elsektorn i de globala ansträngningarna för att minska koldioxidutsläppen, såväl som stora volymer energi som förbrukas av den kommersiella och industriella (C&I)-sektorn, har företagens kraftanskaffning visat sig vara en betydande bidragsgivare till att bygga en nettonollekonomi. Inom detta ämne identifieras timvis matchning av kolfri elförsörjning med efterfrågan, eller 24/7 Carbon-free Energy (24/7 CFE), som nästa generations ramverk för kraftanskaffning, med växande intresse från ett brett spektrum av intressenter inom energisektorn och fördelar som backas upp av robusta forskningsbevis. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på att analysera de potentiella effekterna av 24/7 CFE på C&I-konsumenter, såväl som det bredare systemet, i samband med energiomställningen i Nederländerna, där vissa timmatchningsinitiativ redan äger rum. Analysen utförs med användning av en befintlig PyPSA-modell med öppen källkod, med nyckelelement av 24/7 CFE inbäddade i koden. Studien visar att det att följa C&I-konsumenternas timmatchningsstrategi har större miljöfördelar för både användaren och systemet än det för närvarande använda tillvägagångssättet. Dessutom kan prispåslaget i samband med att följa detta ambitiösa ramverk reduceras avsevärt om avancerad lagrings- och ren generationsteknik utvecklas. 24/7 Koldioxidfri energiupphandling kan också komplettera mer ambitiösa nationella utsläppsmål, eller EU-omfattande utsläppsminskningsmekanismer, såsom ETS. Det gör det också möjligt att skydda sig mot olika risker, till exempel genom att bygga en generationsportfölj oberoende av volatila naturgaspriser, vilket är särskilt relevant i importerande länder som Nederländerna. Slutligen dras slutsatsen att ökat deltagande i 24/7 CFE-strategier och samarbete mellan den privata och offentliga sektorn för att utveckla teknologier som långvarig energilagring, Allam-cykeln eller vätgasinfrastrukturen, skulle kunna påskynda övergången till ett netto-noll-elsystem på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt.

Data-driven retrofitting strategy for buildings in Minneberg, Stockholm

NOHRA, MARC January 2020 (has links)
Complying with the Paris agreements requires substantial efforts in the building sector, and especially within the existing building stock which is responsible for a considerable amount of emissions and energy consumption. This master thesis focuses on the residential district of Minneberg, located in the west of Stockholm in Bromma. The urban building energy modelling (UBEM) approach is used to model the situation of the current district. This method uses real-life data provided by the district, as well as information found in energy performance certificates and in public databases. Based on that, a virtual archetype building representing the whole district is modelled and calibrated. Suitable energy-efficient solutions that can contribute to reducing the energy consumption are identified and applied in two different scenarios. The first scenario consists in retrofitting the current building stock, while the second represents the case where the building has to be designed from scratch today to comply with Boverket’s requirements on nearly zero-energy buildings ("New Minneberg" scenario). The aggregation of the results shows that the current district is already quite energy-efficient, with the installation of solar panels seeming to be the only economically viable retrofitting option. As for the "New Minneberg" scenario, it is possible to comply with the requirements and achieve a C-class building by reducing the primary energy consumption, but that comes at the expense of a higher actual energy consumption. / Att följa Parisavtalen kräver stora ansträngningar inom byggsektorn, och särskilt inom det befintliga byggnadsbeståndet som står för en betydande mängd växthusgasutsläpp och energianvändning. Examensarbetet fokuserar på det svenska bostadsområdet av Minneberg, som ligger i västra Stockholm i Bromma. UBEM-metoden (urban building energy modelling) används för att modellera situationen i det nuvarande distriktet. Metoden använder verkliga data från fastighetsområdet, liksom information som finns i energideklarationer och offentliga databaser. Därefter modelleras och kalibreras en virtuell arketypsbyggnad som representerar hela distriktet. Lämpliga energieffektiva lösningar som kan bidra till att minska energiförbrukningen identifieras och tillämpas i två olika scenarier. Det första scenariot består i renovering av det nuvarande byggnadsbeståndet, medan det andra representerar fallet om byggnaden hade designats från grunden idag, för att uppfylla Boverkets krav på nollenergihus ("New Minneberg" scenario). Resultaten visar att det nuvarande distriktet redan är ganska energieffektivt, där installation av solpaneler verkar vara den enda ekonomiskt lönsamma åtgärden. Gällande "New Minneberg" scenariot är det möjligt att uppfylla kraven och uppnå en C-klass byggnad genom att minska primärenergitalet, men det resulterar i en högre verklig energiförbrukning.

Internet-based electronic payment systems

Kortekaas, Birgit Friederike 01 January 2002 (has links)
As today, the traditional payment systems of cash, cheques and credit cards are being supplemented by electronic cheques, electronic credit card-based systems, and token-based systems, online security is of utmost importance and one of the biggest criteria used for evaluating electronic payment systems. Electronic payment systems must guarantee the essential security requirements: confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability. authentication, non-repudiation as well as anonymity and trust. This paper compares the various payment systems (both traditional and electronic) available today mainly according to their security aspects. Secure processing can be accomplished including access controls and detection techniques, such as, encrypted communication channels, user and/or message authentication, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, digital certificates and firewalls. These effective security measures, which are outlined in detail in this paper, will protect the information and payment systems against security risks that currently threaten the Internet / Computing / M.Sc. (Information Systems)

Ahmad al-Rabbât al-Halabî : sa bibliothèque et son rôle dans la réception, diffusion et enrichissement des Mille et une nuits. / hmad al-Rabbât al-Halabî : his library and his role in the reception, diffusion, and enrichment of the Thousand and One Nights

Akel, Ibrahim 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de faire découvrir le personnage d’Ahmad al-Rabbât al-Halabî, un libraire syrien qui a vécu entre la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle et la première moitié du XIXe siècle, de répertorier et présenter ses manuscrits et d’enquêter sur les utilisateurs « lecteurs » de cette archive culturelle : ce qui peut permettre d’apporter des réponses concrètes à certaines questions sur la littérature arabe, la création et la circulation des textes. Les recherches ont conduit à identifier environ 240 volumes, dispersés un peu partout dans le monde, de la bibliothèque initiale d’al-Rabbât. Les marges de ces manuscrits contiennent un grand nombre de certificats de lecture rédigés par plusieurs générations de lecteurs. Le travail sur les sources manuscrites a aussi donné la possibilité de créer une base de données sur les copistes, les propriétaires et les lecteurs des manuscrits, de déterminer le rôle qu’ont joué les voyageurs occidentaux et les agents consulaires dans la vie de ces documents. / The aim of this thesis is to bring to light the unknown figure of Ahmad al-Rabbât al-Halabî, a Syrian bookseller, who lived between the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century, to catalog and present his manuscripts and to investigate the users « readers » of this cultural archive: it can provide concrete answers to questions raised in the Arabic literature, the creation and circulation of texts. The research led to identify about 240 volumes, scattered around the world, from the initial library of al-Rabbât. The margins of these manuscripts contain a large number of reading certificates written by many generations of readers.The work on the manuscript sources also presented an opportunity to create a database of the copyists, the owners and the readers of manuscripts, and to determine the role played by Western travelers and consular agents in the production and the history of the manuscripts.

Reducing Swedish Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Basic Industry and Energy Utilities : An Actor and Policy Analysis

Stigson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis is to analyze the design of the present climate and energy policies. The main focus is on how the policy instruments affect the Swedish stakeholders who are included in the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). In-depth interviews have been carried out with representatives from the basic industry, energy utilities as well as industrial and green organizations. The purpose is to illustrate have how these stakeholders view the current policy framework and what amendments that they view as necessary.</p><p>Suggestions to the Government are given regarding the design of national policies and policy instruments to provide for an improved policy framework. The information and synthesis have furthermore been collected through extensive literature studies as well as participating at conferences and seminars.</p><p>The thesis is written as a monograph in order to address a larger group of readers interested in the transition of energy systems towards sustainability as well as policy makers and Swedish stakeholders. The common understanding that the global energy systems have to undergo a transition to renewables and higher energy efficiency due to the earth’s finite sources of fossil fuels and uranium presents large challenges for policy makers and business sectors as well as the society in general.</p><p>Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to be drastically reduced and the work to achieve this has started through international negotiations such as the Kyoto Protocol. As the present commitment levels are low, an important issue in a short-term perspective is to develop a more comprehensive and efficient system with a much wider participation and more stringent emission targets.</p><p>In order to achieve current national policy goals and international GHG emission commitments the Swedish Government utilizes a number of policy instruments that are either nationally self-assumed or called for by international agreements or the European Union. The Swedish stakeholders that are included in the EU-ETS face a broad policy framework that has a large impact on their daily operations and future investment strategies. It is imperative for the policymakers, i.e. the Government, to act in accordance with the long-term perspective that the climate change issue and the transition of the energy system require. It is likewise important that any actions are in accordance with the operational and investment climate that the business sector faces. It is argued that these aspects are not fully considered as the success of the next national budget or term of public office seems to overshadow these issues. A long-term perspective is required to provide the business sector with stable and reliable incentives. This is needed to provide the economic conditions under which the businesses can realize investments that will result in emission reductions. Short-term policies reinforce the view of environmental investments as a form of risk investments. This negatively affects the possibility of the policy instruments to effectively achieve established policy goals.</p><p>Paying attention to these requirements is however not a simple task for policy makers as it will require agreements between the political parties. This demonstrates the main political difficulty with climate change – the requirement of a long-term and full commitment by all state authorities. It should be noted that the thesis does not attempt to describe the Swedish policy makers as neglecting the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change. The national agenda is far to advanced from an international perspective for such statements. The thesis however pinpoints some important issues highlighted by stakeholders, within the business sector and other organizations, who are concerned with the present climate and energy policy framework.</p><p>Some of the findings are as follows:</p><p>• Reducing GHG emissions in order to combat climate change must include a long-term perspective</p><p>• The design of policy instruments should consequently be long-term to increase the support for investments in GHG emission reducing technologies</p><p>• The design of policies that promote low GHG production alternatives within the energy utilities should be improved</p><p>• The large potential for reduced GHG emission available through fuel switching and energy efficiency improvements in the Swedish basic industry should be promoted by amended policies</p><p>• Reformulate or abandon the national GHG emissions target goal with the current formulation</p><p>• Strive for an emission rights allocation system that is as transparent, fair and predictable as possible</p><p>• The policy framework should aim for a high level of stability through interaction with the affected stakeholders</p><p>• These factors are inherently important for the overall efficiency of the policy framework</p>

Faculty Senate Minutes December 2, 2013

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 29 January 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Living Under Security Certificates: Experiences of Securitization of Detainees and their Families

Wadhawan, Subhah 06 December 2018 (has links)
Security and race have historically been entangled in the politics of nation-building, whereby national security discourses have constructed the ‘public’ whom it should protect as ‘white’ while demonizing persons of colour as a threat to that public. In the current war against terrorism, these racialized discourses, underwritten by a colonial logic, have materialized through the symbolic and literal displacement of Muslim persons. Under this imperative of national security, both existing and novel legislations have either been suspended, contorted, or implemented to be used against Muslims, or anyone who visibly appears Muslim. Security certificates are one of such judicial tools. This thesis seeks to explore the experiences of securitization, analyzing how this legislation strips the subjects of the security certificate program of their legal rights and social connectedness. To explore this, I interviewed three of the five men from the ‘Secret Trial Five’ cases and some of their family members. I investigate how securitization manifests in the lives of those who have been securitized, exploring the practices that are used to maintain and reinforce the othering and the displacement of Muslim populations.

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