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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alienação de unidades produtivas isoladas em processos de recuperação judicial: delimitação do conceito, efeitos e modalidades / Le vente détablissements dans les procédures de redressement judiciaire: définition du concept, effets et modalités

Borges, Leandro Vilarinho 20 May 2014 (has links)
Um dos meios de recuperação judicial facultados ao devedor em crise pela LRE é a alienação de unidades produtivas isoladas. O art. 60, parágrafo único da LRE estabelece que o objeto de tal alienação estará livre de qualquer ônus e não haverá sucessão do arrematante nas obrigações do devedor. Esta determinação é de grande relevo na obtenção de interessados na aquisição de ativos do devedor e, consequentemente, na obtenção de recursos para pagamento dos credores, na superação da crise econômicofinanceira e na preservação da empresa. O presente trabalho apresenta o tratamento normativo dado pela LRE à alienação de UPIs em processos de recuperação judicial e os desafios que esta disciplina impõe na prática. / La loi brésilienne sur les faillites autorise le débiteur à procéder à la vente détablissements. Il sagit là dun moyen de redressement de la société reconnu et apliqué par les tribunaux brésiliens. Larticle 60 de la loi brésilienne sur les faillites établit que cette biens seront cédés libre et quitte de tout privilège et aucune responsabilité de sera transmise à lacheteur. Cette disposition constitue un avantage majeur permettant au débiteur de trouver facilement des acheteurs afin de disposer de ses actifs, et pouvoir ainsi liquider ses dettes auprès de ses créanciers. Cette mesure permet de gérer les difficultés économiques et financières que peut rencontrer une société et ainsi assurer la préservation de l\'entreprise. Cette dissertation nous permet détudier la manière dont la loi brésilienne sur les faillites appréhende la vente dun établissement dans le contexte du redressement de sociétés en difficulté, ainsi que les défis de lapplication pratique de cette loi.

The pactum de non cedendo :a re-evaluation

Kelly Dawn Sunkel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since the pactum de non cedendo is prohibitory by its nature and operation, our law should have proceeded with caution when determining its effect. This, unfortunately, is not what transpired in the locus classicus decision. Nor did subsequent cases correct this fatal ratio. The distressing truth is that the old authorities, upon whom the locus classicus judgment is based, were in all probability not writing about pacta de non cedendo. Strangely enough, when this was suggested by an academic in the field, it elicited no response. The lack of response evidences a lack of interest in the topic in general, partly due to the uncertain state of affairs in which the pactum de non cedendo operates, and partly due to the courts&rsquo / unwillingness to rectify the situation. Despite the waning interest, the pactum de non cedendo is prevalent and appears in many types of contracts, most recently in the powerhouse factoring industry, and cannot simply be swept under the rug. This dissertation breathes new life into the pactum de non cedendo and discusses its validity and effect from a fresh perspective: A commercial perspective with a strong influence from American law. Hopefully this re-evaluation of the pactum de non cedendo will re-capture the attention of academics and judges alike, so that those in the position to do so, will re-consider its validity and effect.</p>

Coup Coup Land : A Comparative Study of the Coups of Fiji

Purcell Sjölund, Anita January 2008 (has links)
A thesis presented on the political history of Fiji from cession to Britain in 1874 compares and analyses the country’s four political coups. A military coup occurred in 1987 by Lt. Col Sitiveni Rabuka. Six months later he staged a self-coup. In 2000 George Speight staged an armed civilian coup or putsch, and in 2006 Commodore Frank Bainimarama, head of Fiji’s military forces, overthrew the government of Laisenia Qarase. This paper is an internal comparison of the four coups of which the aim is to examine why coups occur in Fiji. The conclusion is that the level of influence of the country’s traditional paramount chiefs is a strong causal factor in events leading to the political overthrows. Issues such as ethnicity, constitutionalism, democracy, traditionalism, and modernity make the study of the Fiji coups complex. All of the major actors involved have been present or have been somehow linked to each coup. Questions of leadership arise as do issues regarding pluralism and multiculturalism. These issues are discussed in this paper. The end result is that if the question of traditional leadership is not addressed within a democratic framework then Fiji will continue to have coups.

Asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje ypatumai / Peculiarities under persons changes in obligation

Krukonis, Tautvydas 13 January 2007 (has links)
Civilinės teisinės apyvartos dalyviai neretai savo teises ir pareigas realizuoja, taikydami asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje institutą, tačiau netinkamas minėtą institutą reglamentuojančių teisės normų aiškinimas gali tapti kliūtimi įgyvendinant ir vykdant asmenų teises bei pareigas. Todėl darbe keliama problema: kaip turi būti aiškinami kai kurie asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje aspektai ir kokių reikalavimų turi būti laikomasi, siekiant tinkamai realizuoti kreditoriaus ir skolininko pasikeitimo sutartinėje prievolėje institutus. Siekiant išspręsti iškeltą problemą šiame darbe atskleidžiama asmenų pasikeitimo sutartinėje prievolėje samprata, apžvelgiami reikalavimo perleidimo, faktoringo, subrogacijos skolos perkėlimo reglamentavimo ypatumai pagal romėnų teisę, kai kurių užsienio valstybių teisę, būsimąjį Europos civilinį kodeksą, reikalavimo perleidimas ir skolos perkėlimas atskiriami nuo į juos panašių institutų. Darbe taip pat atskleidžiami esminiai reikalavimo perleidimo ir faktoringo teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai: atvejai, kai draudžiama ar ribojama perleisti reikalavimo teisę, skolininko padėtis perleidžiant reikalavimą, cesijos ir faktoringo sutarties samprata, forma, turinys, pradinio kreditoriaus atsakomybės ypatumai. Parodant kai kuriuos skolininko pasikeitimo sutartinėje prievolėje aspektus, atkreipiamas dėmesys į draudimus perkelti skolą, skolos perkėlimo būdus, skolos perkėlimo sutarties sampratą, formą bei turinį, analizuojama kreditoriaus sutikimo reikšmė, skolos... [to full text] / The participants of civil legal turnover often use the institute of a change of persons to implement their rights and obligations. However, inaccurate interpretation of legal norms regulating this institute may hamper the realization of the rights and obligations. Therefore, the problem arises - how some aspects of a change of persons in an obligation should be interpreted and what particular requirements should be followed in pursuance of appropriate realization of institutes of a change of creditor or debtor in a contractual obligation. In order to solve the problem pointed out this work reveals the concept of a change of persons in a contractual obligation, analyses peculiarities of regulation of the assignment of claims, factoring, subrogation and delegation of debts upon Roman law, law of some of the foreign countries and the future European Civil Code, as well as distinguishes the assignment of claims and delegation of debts from similar institutes. The work also covers the essential theoretical and practical aspects of the assignment of claims and factoring: the injunctions and restrictions to assign a claim, the status of the debtor of the assignment of the claim, the conception of the cessio and factoring agreements, its form, content, and undertakings of an assignor. While analysing some aspects of the change of a debtor in a contractual obligation the analysis of restrictions to delegate a debt, the ways of delegation, the conception of the agreement to delegate a... [to full text]

Transfer pricing : why the tax havens will endure

Kapnik, Daria 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de cette étude est de servir comme un véhicule exploratoire présentant l'une des questions épineuses en matière de planification fiscale globale et de sa mise en œuvre par des États individuels, celle des prix de transfert et de l'utilisation de ces juridictions d'hébergement. L'étude vise à démontrer la complexité des mécanismes fiscaux qui entourent le sujet, principalement en utilisant de la jurisprudence et des analyses juridiques, ainsi que des rapports de comptabilité, des rapports financiers et des enquêtes journalistiques. Ce faisant, l'ouvrage présente de prouver que malgré la volonté politique manifeste de changer le cadre actuel, le statu quo est susceptible de rester, bénéficiant ainsi aux entreprises multinationales au détriment des économies des États individuels. Le travail est divisé en trois chapitres essentiels et distincts, dont chacun joue un rôle essentiel dans la reconstruction de la grande image de stratégies d'évasion fiscale globale. Le premier chapitre définit les paradis fiscaux et leur utilisation, illustre leurs origines, ainsi que leur évolution jusqu'aux temps modernes et étudie les questions problématiques qui entourent leurs opérations, particulièrement dans le contexte des activités des entreprises. Ce faisant, cette étude tente de démontrer les deux côtés du débat sur les techniques de minimisation des impôts et de leur impact à la fois sur les économies 'onshore' et 'offshore'. Le deuxième chapitre présente une analyse plus technique des prix de transfert, une méthode particulière utilisée par les entreprises pour réduire leur fardeau fiscal. Sous cette rubrique, une analyse approfondie des méthodes et fonctions de prix de transfert est proposé, en mettant l'accent sur le contexte nord-américain. Dans le dernier chapitre, l'application pratique des techniques de prix de transfert est illustrée par une étude d'un cas particulier de la corporation Starbucks, qui a réussi d'utiliser la comptabilité complexe inter-entreprises à travers plusieurs juridictions afin d'éviter de payer des impôts sur ces profits à travers le monde. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Prix de transfert, paradis fiscaux, évasion fiscale, minimisation fiscale, compagnies multinationaux

Teisių ir pareigų, kylančių sandorio pagrindu, perleidimas tretiesiems asmenims / The transfer of rights and obligations that are rising out of the contract, to the third party

Kurpienė, Marta 03 July 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe autorė nagrinėja reikalavimo perleidimo ir faktoringo institutų teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumus, jų santykį, bei siekia nustatyti juos siejančius ir skiriančius požymius. Analizuojamos cesijos ir faktoringo sąvokos bei šių institutų teisinė prigimtis Lietuvos bei užsienio civilinės teisės sistemoje, apžvelgiama susiklosčiusi Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktika. Cesijos ir faktoringo teisiniais santykiais yra siekiama tų pačių tikslų – perleisti reikalavimo teisę. Cesijos ir faktoringo teisinis reglamentavimas, kuris įtvirtintas Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniame kodekse, suponuoja išvadą, kad cesija neabejotinai sudaro pagrindinį faktoringo sutarties elementą. Darbe siekiama ne tik atskleisti reikalavimo perleidimo ir faktoringo prigimtį, bet ir išanalizuoti kokiais būdais reikalavimas gali būti perleistas, kokios teisės ir pareigos yra suteiktos cesijos ir faktoringo sandorio šalims. Daug dėmesio skiriama reikalavimo perleidimo bei faktoringo sąlygų nustatymui ir analizavimui. Taip pat aptariamos minėtų institutų pasekmės. Tyrimas remiasi Lietuvos, Rusijos, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos ir Jungtinės Karalystės teisinio reglamentavimo ir mokslinės lietartūros analize. Yra pateikiama minėtų valstybių teisės doktrinų atstovų teiginiais nagrinėjamais aspektais, lyginamas šalių teisinis reglamantavimas taikant cesijos ir faktoringo institutus. Magistro baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje autorė pateikia tyrimą apibendrinančias išvadas. / In this final master thesis author is analyzing regulatory features of an assignment of claim and factoring institutes and also seeks to determine the main differences and the similarities of them. The conception of an assignment of claim and factoring, the legal nature of these institutes in Lithuania and foreign civil law systems are analyzed, additionally the emerged court practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania are being discussed in the work. The purpose that the creditor seeks using an assignment of claim or factoring is the same – to transfer the valid claim. The legal regulation of an assignment of claim and factoring, provided in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, supposes the conclusion that an assignment of claim certainly is the main element of the factoring agreement. In this work author seeks nor only to reveal the nature of an assignment of claim and factoring, but also to analyze the ways a valid claim can be transferred. He also uncovers the rights and obligations of the parties of an assignment of claim and factoring agreement. This thesis at large scale approaches to detection and analyzation of conditions of an assignment of claim and factoring. Also the consequences of these institutes are being discussed. Research is based on Lithuanian, Russian, French, German and United Kingdom‘s deep analysis of legal regulation and existing academical literature. Author compares and discusses various affirmations of spokesmen representing... [to full text]

The pactum de non cedendo :a re-evaluation

Kelly Dawn Sunkel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since the pactum de non cedendo is prohibitory by its nature and operation, our law should have proceeded with caution when determining its effect. This, unfortunately, is not what transpired in the locus classicus decision. Nor did subsequent cases correct this fatal ratio. The distressing truth is that the old authorities, upon whom the locus classicus judgment is based, were in all probability not writing about pacta de non cedendo. Strangely enough, when this was suggested by an academic in the field, it elicited no response. The lack of response evidences a lack of interest in the topic in general, partly due to the uncertain state of affairs in which the pactum de non cedendo operates, and partly due to the courts&rsquo / unwillingness to rectify the situation. Despite the waning interest, the pactum de non cedendo is prevalent and appears in many types of contracts, most recently in the powerhouse factoring industry, and cannot simply be swept under the rug. This dissertation breathes new life into the pactum de non cedendo and discusses its validity and effect from a fresh perspective: A commercial perspective with a strong influence from American law. Hopefully this re-evaluation of the pactum de non cedendo will re-capture the attention of academics and judges alike, so that those in the position to do so, will re-consider its validity and effect.</p>

Pledge on Credits / Garantía Mobiliaria sobre Créditos

Mejorada Chauca, Martin 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, author makes a description and analysis of the performance of security interest in credits. in that sense, it is analys the credit as object of security interest. Also, it is analyze the particular process of the creation of this security interest and its opposability to third parties. Finally, there is the process of execution of the foregoing security interest. / En el presente artículo, el autor realiza una descripción y análisis del funcionamiento de la Garantía Mobiliaria sobre Créditos. e n ese sentido, se analiza al Crédito como objeto de la garantía mobiliaria. Asimismo, se ve el proceso particular de la constitución de esta garantía mobiliaria y su oponibilidad a terceros. Finalmente, se observa el proceso de ejecución de la mencionada garantía.

Försäkringsgivarens regressrätt : särskilt om regressbeloppet och regresskrav mot en medförsäkrad / The Insurer's Right to Subrogation : especially regarding the subrogation amount and the claim against a co-insured

Berglund, Emmy January 2018 (has links)
En försäkringsgivare som utgivit ersättning för en skada kan inträda i den försäkrades rätt till skadestånd från skadevållaren, sådan rätt kallas regressrätt och regleras huvudsakligen i Lag (2005:104) om försäkringsavtal (FAL) 7 kap. 9 §. Regressrätten ska härledas ur försäkringstagarens rätt till skadestånd, därmed kan inte försäkringsgivaren hamna i bättre rätt mot skadevållaren än vad försäkringstagaren hade. Skadan måste ha orsakats av en tredje man, försäkringsgivaren kan således inte rikta regresskrav mot försäkringstagaren själv. Som försäkringstagare räknas även den som i försäkringsavtalet upptagits som medförsäkrad, den medförsäkrade måste ha ett försäkrat intresse i den försäkrade egendomen för att avtalet ska äga giltighet till förmån för denne. Syftet med denna uppsats är att bringa klarhet i vilken utsträckning försäkringsgivare kan tillämpa regressrätten, vem ett regresskrav kan riktas mot och om regressrätten, som FAL antyder, är begränsad till rena skadeståndssituationer. Uppsatsens innehåll baseras på relevant lagstiftning, förarbeten och doktrin. Vem ett försäkringsbolag kan rikta regresskrav mot diskuteras, i synnerhet frågan om regresskrav kan riktas mot någon som är medförsäkrad. Rättsfallen i Securitasfallet (NJA 2001 s. 711) och Spårvagnsfallet (Svea hovrätts dom 2017-12-07, mål T 3492-16) har en central roll för frågan om regresskrav mot medförsäkrad tillåts. Därutöver analyseras vilket belopp försäkringsgivaren har rätt att kräva regressersättning för, centralt för den diskussionen är de olika värderingsregler som tillämpas i egendoms- respektive ansvarsförsäkring, samt frågan om kulansbetalningar, det vill säga om försäkringsgivaren har betalat ut ersättning utan att ha varit skyldig till det, kan ligga till grund för ett regressanspråk. Uppsatsen visar att regress mot medförsäkrad som huvudregel inte tillåts. För att kunna skyddas av förbudet mot regresskrav mot medförsäkrad, måste dock den medförsäkrade ha ett försäkrat intresse i vad försäkringen avser. Regressbeloppet kan som högst vara beloppet i den skadeståndsfordran som den skadelidande försäkringstagaren haft gentemot skadevållaren. Kulansbetalningar och försäkringsbolagets egna kostnader till följd av skadan, såsom rättegångskostnader och kostnader för handläggning av ärendet, får inte inkluderas i regressbeloppet.

Les LBO en droit français : contribution à l'étude de la réception des innovations financières par le droit / LBO in French law : contribution to the study of the receipt of financial innovations through Law

El Mejri, Akram 04 November 2016 (has links)
Face à une technique financière novatrice, le droit peut adopter trois postures. Il peut d'abord prévoir, a priori, un cadre juridique spécialement dédié. Il peut aussi la laisser se développer, puis intervenir a posteriori afin de l'encadrer. Il peut enfin choisir de ne lui consacrer aucun cadre particulier, laissant aux règles existantes le soin de la régir. C'est conformément à cette troisième méthode que les Leveraged Buy-Out (LBO), qui consistent pour un repreneur à prendre le contrôle d'une société par l'intermédiaire d'une holding interposée et par recours à l'endettement, ont été accueillis par le droit français. Reposant sur une instrumentalisation de la règle de droit, et étant risquée par nature car fondée sur l'endettement, l'emploi de cette méthode à l'endroit des LBO suscite forcément des questionnements. En tout état de cause, l'absence de cadre réglementaire particulier signifie, dans un regime de liberté, que le droit accepte par principe cette modalité de prise de contrôle. Néanmoins, les risques dont ils sont porteurs pouvant survenir lors de l'exercice du contrôle, le droit aura alors tendance à intervenir plus activement afin de l'encadrer. Un travail de recherche portant sur le LBO, sous le prisme du mode de réception adopté par le droit pour l'accueillir, doit permettre, d'une part, de cerner les singularités de son régime juridique dans le contexte français, et d'autre part, d'évaluer la pertinence et les effets de la méthode qui consiste à laisser une figure financière originale être appréhendée par les normes existantes. / Faced with an innovative financial technique, the law can adopt three postures. First, the law can provide, upstream, a specially dedicated legal framework. Secondly, the law can, also, let it develop, and then, act retrospectively to frame it. Finally, the law can also choose not to devote any particular framework, and let the operation be governed by existing rules. French law used this third method to welcome the Leveraged Buy-Out (LBO), which consist for a buyer to take control of a company using debt and through a Special Purpose Vehicle. Based on a manipulation of the rules of law, and risky because based on debt, the use of that method for the LBOs inevitably raises questions. In any case, the absence of specific regulatory framework mean, in a regime of liberty, that the law accepts, in principle, this particular type of acquisition of a company. However, because the risks they carry can occur during the exercise of control on the acquired company, the existing laws will intervene more actively to frame it. Research work on the LBO, from the perspective of the receiving mode adopted by the legal system to receive it, must, firstly, permit to identify the peculiarities of its legal status in the French context, and on the other hand, to assess the relevance and impact of the method which consist in leaving an original financial operation be governed by the existing standards.

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