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Úprava azylového práva po vstupu Lisabonské smlouvy v platnost / The regulation of asylum law after the Lisbon Treaty entered into forceČauševič, Azra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse asylum law of the European Union with focus on the changes, which introduced the Treaty of Lisbon. The paper describes development of the EU asylum law, establishing of the Common European Asylum System (CAES) and changes that Lisbon Treaty introduced in comparison with the former regulation. The text also deals with the right to asylum, which is established in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. In the first part of the paper the author follows historical development of the asylum law of the European Union and beginning of the harmonization until adoption of the Amsterdam Treaty. The second chapter is dedicated to the establishment of the CAES, which more than 10 years ago became main priority of the asylum policy of the EU and which aims to harmonize asylum laws of the Member States and therefore ensure a unified application not only of international, but also of European legislation from this area. Recent major changes in the structure and functioning of the European Union, which were introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, are in general outlined in the third chapter of this paper. Detailed description of changes is presented in the next chapter, which is divided into section according to the institutions. Each...
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Úloha a zajištění námořní přepravy v MO / The Role and Ensuring of Maritime Transport in International TradeTheodosisová, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The first part focuses on advantages and disadvantages conected with shipping goods by maritime transport in comparison with other transport sectors. The second part divides sea transport firstly from a commercial perspective on liner and tramp shipping, and then by type of boats. The third part describes the development and interconnectedness of international trade and maritime transport, its commodity and territorial structure. The fourth part deals with the possibility of contractual ensuring of maritime transport, liability of the carrier and conventions which govern this liability. This section also mentions the role of insurance.
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"Je to cyklotron!" Podoba a strategie vzájemného střetávání opozice a Státní bezpečnosti v 70. a 80. letech 20. století / "It Is a Cyclotron!" Forms and Strategies of the Confrontation Between Opposition and Secret Police in the 70's and 80's.Hošek, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with forms and strategies of interference of Secret police and opposition during 1970s and 1980s. Strategies are monitored both from the side of dissent and Secret police. In the first chapter the opposite manuals for contact with Secret police are introduced. These form basic relationship delimitation of dissent and Secret police from the view of opposition. In the second part of the first chapter the manuals are embedded into wider context of legal consciousness, which represented basic element of mutual interference of these two groups. In the second chapter the strategies and methods of Secret police, which were used in the battle against "the enemy within", are introduced. Besides specific precautions used against dissidents the material and technical superiority of Secret police, which was used in the conflict against opposition, is noticeable. The final chapter represents categorization of strategies and approaches, which were chose by dissidents in contact with Secret police. The categorization originated on the basis of several factors - the character of dissidents, their experience with security authorities but also the activity, which was practised in the framework of opposite environment, belonged among them. Resulting text shows how much the worlds of dissent...
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La responsabilité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies dans le cadre de la protection internationale des Droits de l’Homme / The responsibility of the United Nations as part of the international protection of human rightsAlabd, Hatem 23 January 2014 (has links)
S'il ne fallait retenir qu'une chose de notre thèse, c'est la suivante : la responsabilité onusienne en matière des Droits de l'Homme nait sans fait attribuable, c'est une responsabilité indirecte : voici la ligne directrice de cette thèse.Tout au long des développements qui précèdent, nous nous sommes efforcés de faire le point sur la responsabilité onusienne en matière de la protection internationale des Droits de l'Homme. Après une analyse dont le but était à la fois de définir le contenu du concept de la responsabilité onusienne, le fondement juridique éventuel et sa mise en œuvre. / If you could take one thing from our thesis is the following: the responsibility of the UN in the protection of Human Rights was born without actually due, it is an indirect responsibility: Here are the director of this thesis online .Throughout the foregoing, we have tried to take on the UN responsibility for the international protection of human rights.The purpose of the analysis was both to define the content of the concept of UN responsibility, any legal basis and its implementation.
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Anencefalia: análise crítica nos âmbitos médico e legal / Anencephaly: Reviewing the medical and legal fieldsMeziara, Flavia Correa 30 April 2008 (has links)
A questão do aborto por de fetos malformadosno Brasil é problemática, face a ausência de legislação que permita a interrupção da gestação. Tais tipos de aborto são considerados ilegais, já que o Código Penal vigente prevê somente duas possibilidades de interrrupção: risco de vida para a mãe e em decorrência de estupro. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar os casos de fetos malformados cujas mães foram atendidas no HCRP/USP e propor na Justiça ospedidos de interrupção destas gestações quando assim desejassem. Conclui-se que ainda há falta de informação por parte dos médicos em relação a possibilidade de indicação deste tipo de gestação, ainda que o quadro tenha melhorado e que quanto mais os magistrados conhecem e têm acesso ao que a medicina pode lhes oferecer, maior a probabilidade de deferimento destes Alvarás. / The issue of abortion by the malformed fetuses in Brazil is problematic, given the absence of legislation allowing the interruption of pregnancy. These types of abortion are illegal, since the current Penal Code provides only two possibilities for interrupcion: a life-threatening for mother and as a result of rape. This study aimed to examine the cases ofmalformed fetuses whose mothers were assisted in HCRP / USP and propose the Justice requests for interruption of pregnancies when so wished.) It follows that there is still lack of information fromdoctors regarding possible indication of this type of pregnancy, though the picture has improved and that the more judges know and have access to what medicine can offer them, the more probability of acceptance of these documents.
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Diadema, planejamento e realidade: o que muda com os planos diretores / Diadema, urban planning and reality: what changes with master plansBossi, Wagner Membribes 18 June 2009 (has links)
Este estudo aborda os planos diretores do Município de Diadema, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, aprovados após a Lei Orgânica Municipal de 1990, seguindo a nova ordem constitucional estabelecida pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pela Constituição Estadual de 1989. O objeto da pesquisa é a análise do projeto de lei de 1991 para plano diretor (não aprovado) e dos planos diretores aprovados em 1994, 1998, 2002 e 2008, enfocando os instrumentos da política urbana neles contidos, bem como seus resultados alcançados durante os 15 anos de vigência do novo quadro legal e de gestão da política urbana na cidade. Este período inclui a importante promulgação do Estatuto da Cidade, lei federal 10257/2001, que norteou os ajustes introduzidos na versão de 2002. Ao final do processo investigativo são apresentadas entrevistas que registram a visão de representantes de entidades da comunidade e do poder público municipal sobre os referidos planos, seus instrumentos e os resultados obtidos. / This study addresses the master plans of the Municipality of Diadema, in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil, developed in response to the rulings of the Municipal Organic Law of 1990, pursuant to the new constitutional guidelines in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and São Paulo State Constitution of 1989. By analyzing the bill that proposed a master plan in 1991 (rejected) and examining the master plans approved in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2008, this study sought to describe the urban policy instruments included in these approaches along with results achieved during the 15 years under the new legislation and urban policy management in the municipality. This period also marked the promulgation of the City Charter under Federal Law 10257/2001, which guided the amendments to the 2002 plan. The study includes interviews with representatives of community organizations and municipal authorities who reveal the views they hold on these urban plans, their instruments, and results achieved.
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La contribution de la commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples à la protection des droits des détenus / The contribution of the African commission on human and peoples’s rights to the protection of the rights of detaineesDadie Dobe-Yoro, Zilhy Maryvonne Alice 10 July 2018 (has links)
Organe institué par la Charte africaine des droits de l’Homme et des Peuples, la Commission africaine exerce une mission de contrôle du respect des droits de l’Homme en Afrique depuis 1987. Dans ce cadre, elle a rendu de 1992 à 2017, un ensemble de 57 décisions à travers lesquelles elle participe à la protection des droits des détenus en Afrique. Cette démarche est axée sur deux composantes à savoir, la reconnaissance des droits des détenus et leur mise en œuvre. Ainsi, la Commission a mis à profit son activité interprétative pour donner de la substance aux droits généraux reconnus par la Charte et adapter ces derniers au cadre de la détention. Cette dernière a donc institué des normes et principes, exigeant le respect et la protection de la dignité humaine, la protection de l’intégrité physique ou morale ainsi que le droit aux relations sociales et le droit à la légalité de la détention du détenu. Par ailleurs, la Commission a élaboré et institué les mécanismes (contentieux et non contentieux) et de suivi, à travers lesquels elle contrôle les mesures adoptées par les Etats pour donner effet aux droits des détenus. Ainsi, cette recherche a mis en lumière les points positifs et les limites de cet apport. Ces limites qui sont dues à des facteurs internes et externes à la Commission ont donné lieu à des recommandations dont la prise en compte permettra de renforcer ce mécanisme et rendre la protection des droits des détenus plus effective. / Treaty body established by the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, the African Commission has exercised its mission to monitor the respect of Human rights in Africa. In this context, from 1992 to 2017, it issued a set of 57 decisions through which it contributes to the protection of the rights of detainees in Africa. This approach focuses on two components namely, the recognition of prisoners' rights and their implementation. Thus, the Commission has used its interpretative activity to give substance to the general rights recognized by the Charter and to adapt them to the specific context of detention. The Commission has therefore raised standards and principles demanding respect and protection of the human dignity, the protection of physical or moral integrity, the right to social relations and the right to the lawfulness of detention. In addition, the Commission has established litigation and non-litigation mechanisms along with follow up mechanisms, through which it monitors the measures adopted by States to give effect to the rights of detainees. Thus, this research has highlighted the positive aspects and the limits of this contribution. These limits, which are due to factors both internal and external to the Commission, have given rise to recommendations that, if taken into account, would strengthen this mechanism and make the protection of detainees' rights more effective.
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Board transformation and EE scorecard target attainment : progress made and barriers faced with transformation by JSE listed companies in the South African Mining IndustryMoraka, Nthabiseng Violet 19 August 2014 (has links)
The political and economic pressures for transformation in South Africa have been documented in an array of policies, pieces of legislation, regulatory and statutory frameworks, and also in governance codes for both public and private companies. Specifically for the mining industry, the Mining Charter comprises of transformation targets and measurement criteria that are presented in a scorecard to be achieved by the mining industry by 2014. Additionally, the King reports on governance have specific requirements that listed companies must meet in terms of employment equity and demographic representation to achieve board diversity and independent boards. The aim of this study was to report on the board transformation status in the mining industry, as well as the progress that has been made towards meeting transformation targets. The 2011 annual reports were used to capture profiles and composition of board of directors in Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed mining companies. Interviews were used to gain insight on the transformation status, initiatives undertaken and challenges of transformation in the mining industry. The research findings from the analysis of board members demographic and career profiles shows that little has been achieved to ensure equal representation and diversity on the boards of directors. Further analysis of the status of transformation by JSE listed mining companies to realise transformation, shows that transformation in the mining industry is still a major challenge. Whilst some initiatives have been undertaken and some progress has been made, this study reveals that the barriers to transformation in the South African mining industry are racial issues and tensions based on colour, the lack of skills caused by the education system, a war for talent, a lack of mentorship and no stakeholder engagement between the mining industry and government / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Traduction en arabe des textes juridiques à vocation internationale : le cas de la Charte des Nations Unies / Translation into Arabic of international legal texts : the case of the Charter of the United NationsBeldjerd, Hanaa 14 September 2018 (has links)
Au XXème siècle, les puissances mondiales sorties victorieuses de la Seconde guerre mondiale ont établi une nouvelle institution internationale, l’ONU. La Charte des Nations Unies, texte constitutif de l’ONU, a été signée à San Francisco le 26 juin 1945, à la fin de la Conférence des Nations Unies pour l’institution internationale, et est entrée en vigueur le 24octobre 1945.Suite à l’adoption de la résolution 3190 (XXVIII) de l’Assemblée générale le 18décembre 1973 faisant de l’arabe une langue officielle, la traduction de la Charte des Nations Unies en arabe a été effectuée. Traduire le message de la langue-culture source (quelle qu’elle soit) vers la langue-culture cible arabe se dit ta‘rīb.L’internationalisation du droit a accentué le besoin de ta‘rīb au sein de l’ONU. Ta‘rīb devient un instrument important pour la communication internationale. La traductologie, discipline mère de la traductologie juridique, est appelée à rendre compte des traits spécifiques de la traduction institutionnelle, notamment ta‘rīb de la Charte des Nations Unies entre deux espaces culturels différents que sont : la langue-culture source exprimée en anglais et en français et la langue-culture cible exprimée en arabe. Cela nous a amené à la question centrale de notre problématique qui est à savoir :Comment traduire vers l’arabe, ta‘rīb, la Charte des Nations Unies entre deux espaces culturels différents ?Dans cette recherche, nous réfléchirons à la spécificité de la traduction dans le cadre d’institution internationale et éluciderons les enjeux de ta‘rīb au sein de ce type d’institution.En premier lieu, notre questionnement nous pousse à remettre en cause la traduction en arabe sur lequel se fonde la conception de ta‘rīb des textes juridiques internationaux, en ouvrant une pensée à la pratique de la traduction en arabe au sein de l’institution. En deuxième lieu, nous démontrons comment la Charte des Nations Unies a été traduite en arabe au sein de l’ONU. En troisième lieu, nous exposons les outils nécessaires pour un traducteur en arabe, mu‘arrib, au sein des institutions internationales afin d’améliorer la qualité de ta‘rīb des textes juridiques internationaux dans les institutions internationales telles que l’ONU, pour enfin explorer de nouvelles solutions pour ta‘rīb des textes juridiques internationaux, notamment ta‘rīb de la Charte des Nations Unies. / In the 20th century, the world powers that came out victorious from the Second World Warhave established a new international institution : the United Nations. The Charter of the United Nations, the constitutive text of the United Nations, was signed in the end of the United Nations Conference and took effect on the 24th of October 1945.Following the adoption of the General Assembly Resolution 3190 (XXVIII) on the 18th of December 1973, Arabic became an official language of the United Nations. The UN Charterwas translated into Arabic, that is there was a process of ta’rib of the Charter (the process of translating any language-culture source into Arabic is called ta‘rīb). The internationalisation of the law have greatly increased the need to ta‘rīb in the United Nations, and ta‘rīb is becoming an important instrument in international communication. Translation studies, the principal field of legal translation, is called to account for specific features of institutionaltranslation, particularly ta‘rīb of the United Nations Charter between two different cultural spaces linked to the language-culture source expressed in English and French and the language-culture target, Arabic. We can thus formulate our central question : How to ta‘rīb(translate into Arabic) the Charter of the United Nations between two different cultural spaces ? In this research we will discuss specific features of institutional translation by especially focusing on ta‘rīb in United Nations. This will first bring us to question the process of translation into Arabic on which the conception of ta‘rīb of international legal texts is based, which will lead to the the practice of translating into Arabic in the institution. We willthen show how the United Nations Charter is translated into Arabic in the United Nations,which will then allow us, in a third moment, to highlight the necessary tools for a translator into arabic, mu‘arrib, in the international institution in order to improve the quality of ta‘rībof international legal texts in the United Nations. And, finally, we will explore new solutions for ta‘rīb of international legal texts, particularly ta‘rīb of the Charter of the United Nations.
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Beyond Umpire and Arbiter: Courts as Facilitators of Intergovernmental Dialogue in Division of Powers Cases in CanadaWright, Wade Kenneth January 2014 (has links)
The courts in Canada have often been cast, by both courts and legal scholars, as 'umpires' or 'arbiters' of the federal-provincial division of powers - umpires or arbiters that have the exclusive, or at least decisive, authority to clarify and enforce, and resolve disputes about, 'who does what' in the federal system. However, the image conveyed by these metaphors underestimates the role that the federal and provincial political branches play in the federal system, by working out their own solutions, in the intergovernmental arena, both directly and indirectly, where questions and disputes arise about how jurisdiction is and should be allocated. The image conveyed by the umpire or arbiter metaphors also sits uncomfortably with the facilitative role that the Supreme Court of Canada has carved out for itself in its recent division of powers decisions, a role that casts the courts as facilitators of these instances of intergovernmental dialogue.
This doctoral dissertation challenges, and moves beyond, the umpire and arbiter metaphors. It examines the political safeguards available to the provinces in Canada to prevent, or limit, perceived federal encroachments on provincial jurisdiction, in the process highlighting the role that the political branches play in Canada in working out their own allocations of jurisdiction, outside of the courts. It describes, and critically evaluates, the facilitative role carved out by the Court in its recent division of powers decisions, identifying various reasons to be skeptical of a facilitative role that casts the courts as facilitators of intergovernmental dialogue. Finally, and with an eye to future research, it briefly outlines an alternative facilitative role that focuses on facilitating deliberation about the division of powers implications of particular initiatives, arguing that it would be premature to dismiss facilitative approaches to judicial review altogether.
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