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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pflichtenkollisionen bei christlichen Leitern in Gemeinde und Geschäftswelt: Lernen von Jesus und den Aposteln bei Lukas = Conflicting duties with Christian leaders in churches and business: learn from Jesus and the apostles by Luke

Viselka, Martin 30 June 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Diese Untersuchung besteht aus sechs Hauptpunkten. Nach der Einleitung (I.) zum Thema, werden unter II. verschiedene Begriffe definiert und die Inhalte gegenüber verwandten Gebieten abgegrenzt. Als dritter Hauptpunkt (III.) folgt eine Untersuchung zu den klassischen Typologien der Pflichtenkollisionen. Dieses Thema wurde in der Vergangenheit in der Theologie und Philosophie immer wieder breit diskutiert. Unter IV. werden die Pflichtenkollisionen im lukanischen Doppelwerk untersucht. Diese exegetische Analyse soll aufzeigen, wie Jesus und die Apostel solchen Situationen begegnen und damit umgegangen sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Frage nach möglicher Schuld, als Konsequenz, untersucht. Der fünfte Hauptpunkt (V.) beschäftigt sich mit dem richtigen Verhalten in Pflichtenkollisionen. Einerseits wird die Position des Autors näher begründet und andererseits ein Vorschlag für eine Wertreihenfolge als Richtschnur im Konfliktfall angeboten. Im letzten Teil (VI.) werden die Erkenntnisse der Untersuchung auf sieben konkreten Fälle von Pflichtenkollisionen aus der Gemeinde und der Geschäftswelt praktisch angewendet. / This analysis consists of six main sections. Following the introduction of the theme (I), various terms are defined (II), and the contents are distinguished from related topics, with pertinent reasons given. The third (III) section consists of the results of my research on the classic typologies of conflicting duties. In the past, this subject has been widely discussed in the theological and philosophical circles. In the fourth (IV) section, conflicting duties are examined in light of Luke's writings. The goal of this exegetic analysis is to show how Jesus and the apostles met such situations, and how they dealt with them. In connection with this topic, the question of possible guilt, as a consequence, is researched. The fifth (V) section deals with proper behaviour toward conflicting duties. On one hand, the position of the author is established, and on the other hand a proposal is offered for a prioritization of values as a guiding principle in conflict situations. In the last section (VI), the findings of the research are applied practically to seven concrete examples of conflicting duties within the church and society. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)

Xenophobia as a response to foreigners in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel: a comparative critique in the light of the gospel and Ubuntu ethical principles

Mnyaka, Mluleki Michael Ntutuzelo 30 November 2003 (has links)
Blaming those who are different from us because of skin colour, nationality and language when things do not go right during the process of reconstruction is common among those who are faced with such a task. This assertion is confirmed by our examination and evaluation of xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel. In South Africa socio-economic and political reasons are cited for the rejection of African immigrants by some South Africans. The Jews in the post exilic period understood their religious, social and economic problems to be caused by others. What is more disturbing is that the Jews understood their xenophobia to be demanded or legitimised by God. These reasons for them necessitated hatred, isolation, stigmatisation and sometimes negative actions against foreigners. When we compare xenophobia in both post-apartheid South Africa and post-exilic Israel in this study, we find that factors such as identity, notion of superiority, negative perception of those who are different and use of power, play a major role in the exacerbation of xenophobia. In evaluating both situations, using the African principle of Ubuntu and Christian moral values, we are able to demonstrate that xenophobia as found in both situations is morally wrong since it is inhuman, selfish, racist/ethnocentric, discriminatory and often violent. Ubuntu and Christian values and principles such as human dignity, human rights, reciprocity, love, compassion, forgiveness, hospitality and community were sacrificed by South Africans and Jews in their dealings with foreigners in their respective situations. It is argued here that among other things in the case of South Africa, the reduction of inflammatory statements by government representatives and the media, education of the unemployed, the youth and workers; and the meeting of spiritual, material, humanitarian and moral needs by the Church, will help sensitise South Africans to the plight of African immigrants and migrants and will further deepen the ubuntu and Christian values. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th.(Theological Ethics)

Kultuur, moraliteit en die HI-Virus in die Kgalagadi-gemeente van Botswana in missiologiese perspektief

Stoltz, Paul Stefanus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie navorsing meen dat die kerk in die verlede te veel klem gele het op negatiewe seksuele praktyke, en verantwoordelike seks nie aan die qeloofsgemeenskap voorgehou is nie. Sodoende het 'n negatiewe mentaliteit in die geloofsgemeenskap ontstaan, wat verder aangewakker is deur verskeie sosio-politieke en ekonomiese faktore. Dit het tot 'n gebroke familielewe, huwelike, immoraliteit en 'n identiteitskrisis gelei, wat uiteindelik saamgewerk het tot die HIV-dilemma. Daar is nie werklik 'n begrip van die sin van bogenoemde elemente in die geloofsgemeenskap nie, en gevolglik konsentreer hierdie navorsing daarop om, met die evangelie as basis op 'n geinkultureerde wyse, bogenoemde kultuurbeskouinge in die Kgalagadi-gemeente te inkultureer. Hierin moet die plaaslike gemeente se koninklike, profetiese en priesterlike funksies gestalte kry in die daarstelling van sisteme, sodat doelgerig tot die bekamping van, pastorale hulp aan, en bystand aan HIV-slagoffers bygedra kan word. / The Church has focused too much on the negative aspects of sexuality and not enough on how to have sexual relations in a responsible manner. A negative mentality regarding sexuality, family life and morality had been created in the community, which contributed to the HIV-dilemma. There is no understanding of these aspects in the community. Inculturation of the relevant aspects into the Kgalagadi congregation should be done on the basis of the gospel. In this the local congregation should fulfill its kingly, prophetic and priestly functions by creating relevant systems to help prevent, support and counsel HIV-victims. / Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

The corporal punishment of children : a theological - ethical evaluation

Ronne, Norman Clive 11 1900 (has links)
The corporal punishment of children is being widely challenged today. Christians have traditionally followed the "spare the rod and spoil the child" approach and must respond to the new situation. Corporal punishment is part of the wider disciplinary process. It can lead to corporal abuse, but this is not a reason per se to reject it. Parents have a right to discipline their children, including the use of reasonable corporal punishment. Teachers can also use corporal punishment to enforce discipline, although its use will soon be banned in all South African schools, following world trends. Corporal punishment in the home and at school satisfies the criteria of both the deontological and teleogical approach to theological ethics. It should be retained as part of a multi-faceted approach to discipline. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Theological Ethics)

Premarital and extra-marital sexual practices amongst some modern Zulus : an ethical response from a catholic perspective

Jili, Bongani Vitus. 11 1900 (has links)
There is a rise in premarital and extra-marital sexual relations amongst some modern Zulus. The causes of this rise include the perpetual childhood of women in society and the political and socio-economic setting in South Africa. The results of this rise include teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. In Zulu traditional sexual practice the publicity of love affairs curbed sexual promiscuity. Many people were involved in the love affairs of young people. This tradition broke down because of the political, religious and socio-economic changes in South Africa. The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is sacred; it is an institution of God, a sacrament. Therefore premarital and extra-marital sexual relations taint the integrity of marriage. A number of things can be done to alleviate the problem of premarital and extramarital sexual promiscuity. These include: changing the political and socio-economic structures of our country; empowering women; inculturation; and changing the pastoral attitude of the Church towards sexuality. / M.Th. (Theological Ethics)

Gastfreundschaft als Dimension missionaler Gemeinden : eine missionstheologische Untersuchung / Hospitality as a dimension of the missional church : a theological study in missiology

Jotter, Christian Johannes 10 1900 (has links)
Das Thema „Gastfreundschaft“ hat in den vergangenen Jahren neu das Interesse der Missionstheologie geweckt. Diese Masterarbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, herauszufinden, ob und inwieweit Gastfreundschaft eine Dimension für den missionalen Gemeindebau sein kann. Sie untersucht dazu biblisch-exegetische, missionstheologische, systematisch-theologische und Gemeindebauliteratur, ob sie in ihren Konzepten explizite oder implizite Merkmale oder Begriffe der Gastfreundschaft gebrauchen. Aus der Literaturanalyse werden Wortfelder ermittelt, wie beispielsweise Gottesbezug, Auftragsorien-tierung, Bedürfnisorientierung, Lern- und Veränderungsprozesse, Räume, Miteinander und auch Gren-zen, die Gastfreundschaft in ihrer Wesensart ausmachen. In einem zweiten Untersuchungsdurchgang wird aus diesen Zwischenerträgen eine Gastfreundschaftskultur entwickelt, die entlang des Kulturmo-dells von Geert Hofstede in vier Kategorien angelegt ist: Werte, Rituale, Symbole und Helden der Gastfreundschaft. Demnach legt Gastfreundschaft in ihrer Art u.a. viel Wert auf Großzügigkeit, Be-dürfnisorientierung, Integration und Gottesbezug. Daraus resultieren Rituale, wie z.B. das Einladen, die hohe Bedeutung, die Freundschaften und Beziehungen beigemessen wird, wie gefeiert wird, meist in Verbindung mit einer gemeinsamen Mahlzeit, bei der Dankbarkeit, Gotteslob und die Lebensfreude nicht zu kurz kommen. Die Kultur der Gastfreundschaft drückt sich insbesondere in Symbolen aus, wie beispielsweise in der Raumgestaltung, in Umarmung, im Essen und Trinken, dem Begriff Heimat oder Zuhause und durch praktische Hilfen u.a.. Helden der Gastfreundschaft sind Modelle, die zum Nachahmen einladen, wie z.B. Gott der Ursprung aller Gastfreundschaft selbst, Jesus Christus, bibli-sche Personen und Beispiele unserer Zeit, die im Kontext von Gemeindebau das Leitmotiv der Gast-freundschaft verfolgen. Diese Gastfreundschaftskultur wird der Qualität und Zielsetzung des „Missio-nalseins“ von Gemeinde gegenübergestellt, um zu erkunden, wie sich diese Lebenskultur dazu eignet, eine im missionalen Sinne einladende, gastfreundliche Gemeinde zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Stu-die will am Ende nicht bei der theoretischen Ermittlung des Themas stehen bleiben. Dazu setzt sie ihre Ergebnisse an einem Beispiel in Bezug zur systemischen Organisationsentwicklung für die Gestaltung von Lern- und Veränderungsprozessen bei der Transformation einer Gemeindekultur hin zur Gast-freundschaft / In recent years, researchers in the field of missiology have re-discovered hospitality as a topic of inter-est. It is the purpose of this master thesis to ascertain if and to what extent hospitality can be a dimen-sion of missional church planting. This is achieved by examining literature on biblical exegesis, mis-sional theology, systematic theology and church planting for its explicit or implicit use of concepts and/or terminology related to hospitality. Literary analysis is used to identify word fields that define the nature of hospitality such as God focus, mission focus, focus on needs, learning and change pro-cesses, spaces, fellowship and limits. In a second step the results of the literary analysis are used for developing a culture of hospitality based on the four categories of Geert Hofstede's cultural model: values, rituals, symbols, and heroes of hospitality. According to this model, the key elements of hospi-tality are generosity, the focus on needs, integration, and God focus. These lead to rituals such as invi-tations, the high value placed on friendship and relationships, but also the way people celebrate, most-ly with a shared meal expressing gratitude, praise to God and the joy of living. Above all, the culture of hospitality is expressed through symbols such as decoration, embracing each other, sharing food and drink, the concept of home, practical help, etc. Heroes of hospitality are role models who inspire to be emulated such as God, the source of all hospitality, Jesus Christ, biblical characters, and those of our contemporaries who follow the leitmotif of hospitality in the church planting context. This culture of hospitality is compared to the quality and the purpose of the missional church in order to determine how this core culture can be useful for developing a missionally inviting and hospitable church. Final-ly, this thesis aims to go beyond the purely theoretical research into the topic. In order to achieve this, its results are applied to an example of the systemic organisational development to transform the cul-ture of a church for hospitality by shaping learning and change processes / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Classicism, Christianity and Ciceronian academic scepticism from Locke to Hume, c.1660-c.1760

Stuart-Buttle, Tim January 2013 (has links)
This study explores the rediscovery and development of a tradition of Ciceronian academic scepticism in British philosophy between c.1660-c.1760. It considers this tradition alongside two others, recently recovered by scholars, which were recognised by contemporaries to offer opposing visions of man, God and the origins of society: the Augustinian-Epicurean, and the neo-Stoic. It presents John Locke, Conyers Middleton and David Hume as the leading figures in the revival of the tradition of academic scepticism. It considers their works in relation to those of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of Shaftesbury, and Bernard Mandeville, whose writings refashioned respectively the neo-Stoic and Augustinian-Epicurean traditions in influential ways. These five individuals explicitly identified themselves with these late Hellenistic philosophical traditions, and sought to contest and redefine conventional estimations of their meaning and significance. This thesis recovers this debate, which illuminates our understanding of the development of the ‘science of man’ in Britain. Cicero was a central figure in Locke’s attempt to explain, against Hobbes, the origins of society and moral consensus independent of political authority. Locke was a theorist of societies, religious and civil. He provided a naturalistic explanation of moral motivation and sociability which, drawing heavily from Cicero, emphasised the importance of men’s concern for the opinions of others. Locke set this within a Christian divine teleology. It was Locke’s theologically-grounded treatment of moral obligation, and his attack on Stoic moral philosophy, that led to Shaftesbury’s attempt to vindicate Stoicism. This was met by Mandeville’s profoundly Epicurean response. The consequences of the neo-Epicurean and neo-Stoic traditions for Christianity were explored by Middleton, who argued that only academic scepticism was consistent with Christian belief. Hume explored the relationship between morality and religion with continual reference to Cicero. He did so, in contrast to Locke or Middleton, to banish entirely moral theology from philosophy.

Revisiting and re-evaluating same-sex sexual acts in Christian ethics – four evaluations and a suggestion

Hedlund, Simon January 2016 (has links)
This paper investigates three questions; how an exegetically sound basis for a biblical ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts might be construed, what role the Bible, and other sources of ethical insight, should play in construing Christian ethics, and what a Christian ethic founded on the answers to those questions would say concerning same-sex sexual acts today. To perform these investigations, the hermeneutical issue regarding biblical texts, as well as the relation between revelatory and non-revelatory ethical sources within Christian ethics, is discussed, and the construed Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts and sexuality of Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays, and Peter Coleman are evaluated before a suggestion is presented. That suggestion states that a sound exegetical basis demands a historical-critical reading that aims at understanding the language agreement between first recipients and author(s). It also claims that it is the perspective of the text that should be in focus in forming biblical ethics. Further, it is suggested that the Bible should be considered as having a unique role in Christian ethics by means of supplying a unique perspective on other sources for ethics, as well as on the insights of Scripture itself. This perspective is based on revelation, and should be formed from the central Scriptural notion of imitatio Dei/Christi. The Bible should also be recognized as a unique source of Christian ethical insight. However, an awareness of the impossibility of perfect understanding of Scripture opens the need for a dialog with other sources of ethical insight, such as experience, tradition, and secular reason, through which they are able to play a role in construing Christian ethics. Finally, the Christian ethics concerning same-sex sexual acts holds such acts to be in need of a discriminating division between good and bad; those that are performed within a loving and caring relationship and those that are not. The former are tentatively commended based on an understanding of the clearly encouraged homosocial love they might result of, as well as positive human experience, while the latter are vehemently condemned because of their damaging nature to one or both of the people involved. / Uppsatsen undersöker tre frågor; hur en god exegetisk grund för en biblisk etik angående samkönade sexuella handlingar kan utformas, vilken roll Bibeln och andra källor till etisk insikt ska ha i utformandet av kristen etik, och hur en kristen etik baserad på svaren på dessa två frågor skulle se på samkönade sexuella handlingar idag. För att undersöka dessa frågor kommer hermeneutiska frågor angående bibeltexter likväl som relationen mellan uppenbarelsebaserade och icke-uppenbarelsebaserade källor till etisk insikt inom kristen etik att diskuteras. De konstruktioner av kristen etik angående samkönad sexualitet som gjorts av Lisa Sowle Cahill, Samuel W. Kunhiyop, Richard B. Hays och Peter Coleman utvärderas också innan ett eget förslag presenteras. Det förslag som sedan presenteras menar att en god exegetisk grund kräver en historisk-kritisk läsning som söker förstå den språkliga överenskommelse som fanns mellan ursprunglig(a) mottagare och författare. Förslaget menat också att det är textens perspektiv som ska vara i fokus i utformandet av en biblisk etik. Vidare föreslås det att Bibeln ska anses ha en unik roll i utformandet av kristen etik genom att den erbjuder ett unikt perspektiv på andra etiska källor och på Skriten själv. Detta perspektiv är baserat på uppenbarelse, och bör utformas utifrån den i Skriften centrala idén om imitatio Dei/Christi. Bibeln bör också erkännas som en unik källa till kristen etisk insikt. En medvetenhet om det omöjliga i att nå perfekt förståelse av Skriften öppnar dock upp för behovet av en dialog med andra källor till etisk insikt, källor såsom erfarenhet, tradition, och sekulärt förnuft, genom vilken dessa källor kan spela en roll i konstruktionen av kristen etik.Den kristna etiken angående samkönade sexuella handlingar menar slutligen att det måste göras en skarp skillnad mellan bra och dåliga handlingar av det slaget; de som utförs inom en kärleksfull relation, och de som inte utförs inom en sådan. De förstnämnda är försiktigt lovordade i egenskap av att resultera från en klart uppmuntrad homosocial kärlek, liksom till följd av positiva mänskliga erfarenheter, medan de senare är kraftfullt fördömda på grund av deras skadliga natur i relation till en av de, eller båda, inblandade

Paul's non-violent Gospel : the theological politics of peace in Paul's life and letters

Gabrielson, Jeremy January 2011 (has links)
This thesis advances a claim for the centrality of a politics of peace in early Christianity, with particular focus given to the letters of Paul and the Gospel of Matthew. In brief, I argue that Paul’s task of announcing the gospel to the nations involved calling and equipping assemblies of people whose common life was ordered by a politics (by which I mean, chiefly, a mode of corporate conduct) characterised by peaceableness, and this theological politics was a deliberate participation in the political order announced and inaugurated by Jesus of Nazareth. To this end, there are three main components of the thesis. Chapter Two is focused on the Gospel of Matthew, particularly the way in which violence (and peace) are constructed by the evangelist. Chapter Three bridges the first and third components of the thesis, attending to the important question of the continuity between Jesus and Paul on the issue of non-violence. The third component involves two chapters. Chapter Four attempts to identify the trajectory of violence and peace in Paul’s biography and in the “biography” of his Galatian converts (as he portrays it), and the fifth chapter traces the presence of this non-violent gospel in (arguably) Paul’s earliest letter. The intended effect is to show that a politics of non-violence was an early, central, non-negotiable component of the gospel, that its presence can be detected in a variety of geographical expressions of early Christianity, that this (normally) “ethical” dimension of the gospel has a political aspect as well, and that this political dimension of the gospel stands in stark contrast to the politics of both the contemporary imperial power and those who would seek to replace it through violence.

Perspective vol. 4 no. 3 (Aug 1970)

Carvill, Robert Lee 21 August 1970 (has links)
No description available.

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