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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personální management ve veřejné správě / Management of the Human Resources in the of Public Administration

Pokorný, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The subject of my master thesis "Management of the human resources in the public administration" is to introduce the personal management and analyse the possibilities of application in public administration, directly in the Prison of the Czech Republic in the State Prison in Kuřim with a focus on training workers in different levels of management.

Tillsyn av fristående förskolor: kommunala tjänstemäns upplevelser av tillsyn på statligt uppdrag

Kyander, Alice January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur kommunala tjänstemän, som arbetar med tillsyn av fristående förskolor, genomför tillsynen och om lojalitetskonflikter uppstår i deras arbete relaterat till demokrati-, rättssäkerhets-, effektivitets- och professionsvärden. Syftet med studien är att, genom intervjuer med totalt 17 tjänstemän, öka den empiriska kunskapen om två relativt outforskade delar av den kommunalaförvaltningen: tjänstemäns uppfattningar om lojalitetskonflikter och kommuners tillsyn av fristående förskolor. Resultaten visar att sättet tillsynen genomförs i stort följer samma process i alla intervjuade kommuner och att tillsynsstilen kännetecknas av föranmälda besök, med fokus på rådgivning och dialog snarare än formella sanktioner. Dock finns skillnader i kommunernas bedömningar, vilket väcker frågor om huruvida förskolorna behandlas lika i tillsynen. Vidare betonar de intervjuade tjänstemännen värdet lydnad inför lag och menar att de generellt inte upplever lojalitetskonflikter. Däremot ser många av dem principiella problem och potentiella konfliktområden kopplat till sitt arbete. De lojalitetskonflikter som främst har identifierats rör värdena lydnad inför lag och lojalitet till överordnad respektive hänsyn till samhällsmedlemmar. Avsaknaden av lojalitetskonflikter kan förklaras av den tillsynsstil som används, som fokuserar på dialog, och det faktum att förskolorna generellt anses ha hög kvalitet enligt de intervjuade tjänstemännen. Båda dessa faktorer kan göra det mindre sannolikt att lojalitetskonflikter uppstår, men andra faktorer diskuteras också i uppsatsen. / This thesis investigates how municipal civil servants, working with inspection of private preschools, conduct their work and whether loyalty conflicts arise relating to values of democracy, rule of law, efficiency, and professionalism. Through interviews with 17 civil servants, the aim of the study is to increase the empirical knowledge about two relatively unchartered parts of municipal administration: civil servants’ perception of loyalty conflicts and municipalities’ inspection of private preschools. The study finds that how the inspection is conducted largely follows the same process in all the interviewed municipalities and that the inspection style is characterized by scheduled visits, focusing on counseling and dialogue rather than formal sanctions. However, there are differences between the municipalities regarding their assessments, which raises questions about whether different preschools are treated equally. Furthermore, the interviewees emphasize the value obedience to the law and say that they do not generally experience conflicts of loyalty. However, many find that there are fundamental or theoretical issues and possible conflicts relating to their work. The loyalty conflicts that are found in the study are mainly identified as conflicts between the values obedience to the law, loyalty to superiors and consideration of community members. The lack of experienced conflict may be explained by the style of inspection being used, which focuses on dialogue and finding consensus, and the fact that the preschools generally are of high quality according to the interviewed civil servants. Both factors make it less likely that conflicts regarding the aforementioned values arise, but other factors are also discussed.
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身心障礙公務人員工作滿足與離職傾向之研究 / A Study of Civil Service for the Disabled Job Satisfaction

陳明燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解身心障礙公務人員工作滿足與離職傾向之現況,以及工作滿足和離職傾向二者之間的相關程度,並探討個人背景變項在其間之差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以85年、88年、90年、92年、93年及94年身心障礙特考及格之現職公務人員為調查對象,共發放 588份問卷,回收有效問卷336份,以 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析等方法進行資料分析,根據實證結果,獲致以下幾點結論: 一、身心障礙特考及格人員具有中高度工作滿足感受,其中以對同事關係 滿足感最高,其次依序為工作環境、主管領導、工作本身、升遷發展及薪資福利。 二、身心障礙特考及格人員具有中度的離職傾向。 三、不同背景變項對工作滿足之差異情形: (一)不同婚姻狀況對工作本身構面有顯著差異情形存在。 (二)不同年齡對升遷發展及同事關係構面有顯著差異情形存在。 (三)不同服務機關對薪資福利構面有顯著差異情形存在。 (四)不同障礙類別對升遷發展構面有顯著差異情形存在。 (五)不同障礙等級對薪資福利構面有顯著差異情形存在。 四、不同背景變項對離職傾向之差異情形: (一)不同婚姻狀況對離職念頭有顯著的差異情形存在。 (二)不同年齡對離職傾向各構面有顯著的差異情形存在。 (三)不同障礙等級對離職傾向各構面有顯著的差異情形存在。 五、工作滿足與離職傾向之間具有負向相關。 關鍵字:身心障礙特種考試、公務人員、工作滿足、離職傾向

Contractualisation et emploi public / Contractualisation and public employment

Dion, Fabrice 16 July 2013 (has links)
Ce sujet de recherche appelle à s’interroger sur le statut le plus approprié pour les agents contractuels au sein de l’administration publique et par là-même, sur le régime de l’emploi public à adopter afin de l’adapter aux missions d’une administration moderne. A ce titre, deux options sont possibles : d’une part, la généralisation du statut de fonctionnaire ou du contrat à tous les agents publics ; d’autre part, la coexistence du statut et du contrat sous la forme de deux régimes strictement distincts, ou la recherche d’une harmonisation croissante entre eux, en adaptant cette coexistence à des missions spécifiques ou en les attribuant de manière indifférenciée quels que soient les postes ou les métiers exercés. Il y aura lieu d’apprécier quelle modalité de lien unira le contractuel à la personne publique, mais aussi, le cas échéant, le fonctionnaire à cette même personne. Cette étude s’attache à apporter des réponses à ces sujets. La première partie vise à déterminer les règles applicables à l’agent contractuel. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence l’existence de cet agent public particulier, en montrant l’émergence de cette notion juridique marquée par la diversité des statuts puis d’analyser le régime des contractuels, tant dans ses modalités de recrutement que dans les règles d’évolution du contrat, ce qui permettra de faire apparaître l’esquisse d’une carrière. La seconde partie analyse l’hybridation du statut et du contrat, caractérisée par une harmonisation de la protection des contractuels et des titulaires en termes de convergence des droits et de sécurisation de l’emploi, ainsi que par la nouvelle gestion de l’emploi public qui affecte l’ensemble des agents publics, selon deux logiques concomitantes, managériale et contractuelle. Il est finalement observé que si le droit de la fonction publique peut et doit conserver certaines spécificités, il ne doit pas pour autant évoluer en marge, voire à contre courant des évolutions contemporaines affectant l’emploi salarié de droit commun. / This research consists in a study about the most appropriate status for civils servants and more generally, people who work for public utilities. It appears that it is a twofold question: first, it might be possible that every worker could have the same status created by a contract or an administrative decision. Secondly, an other system could be enacted, the coexistence of a special status for some of them, and a contract for the others. If this second option is chosen, the question is which kind of harmonisation between the status and the contract. The aim of this thesis is to answer to these questions. The first part is an analysis of the conditions of the work of the people who are linked by the public administration with a contract. They are called “contractuels”. The notion and its regime are analysed (especially, the condition of the recruitment and the career of these workers). The second part of the thesis consists in a larger study. Because of the logic of competition and performance, and under the influence of Europe, public utilities have changed. Their missions are different. So the status of the people who work for these services has changed too. This new status is a mix of contract and traditional administrative rule. A new kind of management and a new public law appear. The differences between civils servants are less and less important and, in the same way, their similarities with workers from the private sector are more important.
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L'amélioration des relations entre l'administration et les citoyens au Vietnam. / Ameliorating the relations between Administration and citizens in Vietnam

Dang, Thi an lien 07 November 2012 (has links)
Pour être reconnu « citoyens », les Vietnamiens ont dû subir de longues années de guerre. Une République socialiste indépendante est créée et s’est développée mais la vie des citoyens est toujours difficile en raison notamment de la gestion de l’État à l’égard d’une économie planifiée suivant le modèle bureaucratique. Surmonter ces difficultés et améliorer la vie des citoyens deviennent des tâches urgentes pour l’État vietnamien. Cela a conduit à l’ouverture de Đổi mới (Renouveau) en 1986. Cette réforme économique en faveur du développement de l’économie de marché exige celle de l’administration, notamment en matière des formalités administratives. Cependant, il faut attendre jusqu’en 2001 pour avoir un premier programme de réforme administrative qui est appliqué dans tout ensemble du pays.L’exécution de ces réformes a apporté plusieurs changements dans tous les domaines pour le Vietnam, l’économie s’est développée et le niveau de vie des citoyens est de plus en plus important. Cependant, les inconvénients et les obstacles demeurent. Les citoyens sont toujours mécontents de la lenteur, de la lourdeur et de l’inefficacité de l’administration. De plus, l’adhésion du Vietnam à l’Organisation mondiale du Commerce (OMC), son intégration économique sur le plan national et international, l’élargissement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication constituent des enjeux forts et nouveaux pour un pays en voie de développement. Ainsi, l’administration doit être plus démocratique, simplifiée, transparente, puissante, professionnelle, moderne et efficace, et favorisant la participation des citoyens à son action afin de mieux répondre à leur nouvelles attentes. / To be recognized as « citizens », Vietnamese people have had to under through years of war against foreign invaders. A socialist republic were created and developped, however its citizens have been always bearing difficulties caused the bureaucratic administration and a planned economy.Overcoming and improving citizen’s life standards become uttermost missions of the Government. These led to the Đổi mới (Renovation) in 1986 in Vietnam. The economic reform toward market economy required a similar reform in administrative mechanism, especially in administrative procedures. However, the first administrative reforms on national scale had not been started until 2001.These reforms have resulted in changes in all sectors in Vietnam, the economy develops and citizens’ life standard improved. Nevertheless, burdens and shortcomings are still there. Vietnam citizens are still dispointed by the slowness, heaviness and ineffectiveness of the administrative apparatus. Moreover, Vietnam’s accession to WTO, national and international economic integration, enhanced application of information technology are actually factors for development. Similarly, administration apparatus should be stronger, more democratic, simplified, transparent, professional, effective and modernized, so that it could promote citizen participation in its activities to meet their expectation.
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Les garanties disciplinaires du fonctionnaire dans le droit libyen / Disciplinary guarantees for the civil servant in Libyan law

Hamad, Hamad 25 March 2019 (has links)
En observant l’activité disciplinaire de l’administration, nous remarquons qu’il y beaucoup de cas où on a transgressé clairement les exigences et les garanties données par le législateur en faveur du fonctionnaire durant la procédure disciplinaire. En effet, l’importance de cette étude et ses objectifs sont les suivants :- Les garanties disciplinaires occupent une place importante dans la fonction publique, car ce sont elles qui protègent les droits du fonctionnaire qui fait l’objet d’une enquête disciplinaire et qui limitent l’arbitraire et l’extrémisme de l’administration vis-à-vis à ses employés, afin de réaliser une enquête disciplinaire juste. Etudier et démontrer la valeur juridique des garanties disciplinaires destinées à assurer la protection du fonctionnaire, notamment à notre époque où le nombre de fonctionnaires, en Libye, a dépassé, selon les dernières statistiques, le seuil de million de fonctionnaires ; ce qui fait d’eux la plus grande catégorie socioprofessionnelle. L’intervention de l’Etat pour satisfaire les besoins de ses citoyens se fait à travers les services publics dont l’efficacité repose sur celle du fonctionnaire. Et étant donné que le principe de l’efficacité exige l’octroi à l’administration d’un certain pouvoir disciplinaire pour sanctionner le fonctionnaire fautif, sécuriser l’emploi et rassurer l’employé sont également nécessaires, afin de stimuler ses ambitions et améliorer ses performances. C’est pourquoi l’existence du principe de la garantie et le fait de trouver l’équilibre entre ce principe et celui de l’efficacité est nécessaire. Cette étude a visé, également, à informer les fonctionnaires qu’il existe beaucoup de garanties pour lesquelles ils doivent être informés afin de pouvoir protéger leurs droits au cas où ils font l’objet des sanctions disciplinaires, alors qu’une grande majorité d’eux n’a aucune autre source financière à part leurs salaires. Car ils peuvent perdre leur traitement, cela est prévu par la loi en cas de suspension pendant la procédure disciplinaire ou pour toujours en cas de révocation. Enfin, l’intérêt de cette étude consiste, aussi, dans le fait qu’elle compare deux systèmes disciplinaires, à savoir le système libyen et le système français, tout en faisant référence à d’autres systèmes, afin d’identifier ses lacunes et proposer des solutions appropriées. Et cela éclaire, sans doute, le chemin devant les personnes chargées de faire évoluer les législations libyennes concernant la fonction publique. / In observing the disciplinary activity of the administration, we note that there are many cases where the requirements and guarantees given by the legislator in favor of the civil servant during the disciplinary procedure have been clearly violated.Indeed, the importance of this study and its objectives are as follows:Disciplinary safeguards play an important role in the public service, as they protect the rights of the civil servant who is the subject of a disciplinary investigation and limit the arbitrary and extremism of the administration vis-à-vis its employees, in order to conduct a fair disciplinary investigation.To study and demonstrate the legal value of the disciplinary guarantees intended to ensure the protection of the civil servant, especially in our time when the number of civil servants in Libya exceeded, according to the latest statistics, the threshold of millions of civil servants; This makes them the largest socio-professional category.The intervention of the State to satisfy the needs of its citizens is done through the public services whose efficiency depends on that of the official. And since the principle of efficiency requires the administration of a certain disciplinary power to sanction the offending official, secure the job and reassure the employee are also necessary, in order to stimulate his ambitions and improve his performance. That is why the existence of the principle of guarantee and the balancing of this principle with that of effectiveness is necessary.The study also aimed to inform public servants that there are many guarantees for which they must be informed in order to protect their rights in case they are subject to disciplinary sanctions, when a large majority of them have no other financial source besides their salaries. Because they may lose their treatment, this is provided by law in case of suspension during disciplinary proceedings or for always in case of revocation.In the fact that it compares two disciplinary systems, namely the Libyan and French systems, while making reference to other systems, in order to identify its shortcomings and propose appropriate solutions. And this undoubtedly illuminates the way for those responsible for the evolution of Libyan legislation concerning the public service.
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性別角色期待的枷鎖:擺盪於家庭與工作之間的女性公務人員 / The Bondage of Expectation for Gender Role: Female Civil Servants, Swinging between Family and work

蕭奕蕙, Shiao, Yi-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文研究主要以正式女性公務人員為對象,並採用質化研究的深入訪談法,總共有十五位女性公務人員接受訪問;另外,本篇論文引用相關的理論來觀察女性公務人員的實際生活情況。十五位女性公務人員的家庭發展階段分成未婚、已婚無子女、已婚懷孕初期、已婚育有學齡前兒童、已婚育有青少年子女、以及已婚育有成年子女等等家庭類型。 本篇論文的研究發現有下列幾點: 一、因為性別角色期待而選擇進入公務人員體制 女性因為性別角色期待選擇進入公務人員體制中。女性公務人員為了扮演生育、照顧的家庭角色;以及社會普遍認為女性適合從事公務人員;在婚姻市場裡面,女性公務人員更成為理想結婚對象。因此,女性選擇進入公務人員體制的意願提高。 二、公務人員體制具有科層制特性 公務人員體制中的科層體制強調「固定職掌」、「依法行政」、「層級節制」,並且形成特定的官僚運作方式;整個組織運作強調「客觀」、「理性」、「陽剛性質」。女性在這樣的官僚運作底下,因為其性別而被標示出來,因為整個科層組織是由男性設計與主導,女性則被看成性別化的行動者(sexualized actors);同時科層體制的反功能造成組織成員對組織產生疏離感,不過正因為這樣的反功能有利女性公務人員兼顧家庭生活,因此,女性公務人員在兼顧家庭的工作考量中以公務人員的工作內容配合度最高。在升遷的過程當中受到男性權威與性別角色刻板印象雙重影響,「玻璃天花板」效應明顯存在而女性公務人員也無法從工作中獲得滿足。 三、公務人員體制特殊的官場文化 公務人員體制要求「去個人化」、接受新的官僚人格,以及運用特殊的組織文化,其中最盛行的就是「關係」、「人情」。光具備工作能力表現是不夠的,公務人員還必須透過「關說」、「人事背景」才能獲得長官的賞識與提拔。整個組織的在上位者多數都是男性,男性有其特殊的人際關係互動,女性公務人員必須同時去性別化與接受男性的組織網絡之後,才有可能獲得晉升的機會。 四、女性公務人員因為家庭與工作出現精疲力盡 大部分已婚的女性公務人員仍然扮演「女主內」的角色,也就是說踏進門板之後的領域全歸為女性的責任,因此,只能用「心力交瘁」的字眼來形容女性公務人員的處境,唯一值得慶幸的是,女性公務人員會尋求社會資源來解決工作與家庭兩者間的衝突。 五、女性公務人員既主動創造又被動接受性別角色期待 根據本篇論文觀察與訪談結果,女性在某種情境底下才會既主動創造又被動接受性別角色期待。那就是只有在家庭因素考量出現時,女性才會主動創造與被對接受既予的性別角色期待。為了逃避這種左右為難的窘境,女性就必須建立自主性,可是這種自主性也是在既有社會價值框架下,並不是完全的自由。因此,我認為唯有去除傳統將女性與家庭連結在一起的社會價值,進而建立兩性平等的關係。 / This paper aims mainly at qualified female civil servants, employs the qualitative method by which fifteen women are interviewed, and takes also on the relevant theories to observe their actual life experiences. The family life cycle of them is divided as following: single, married without children, pregnant, married with preschool ones, married with teenagers, and married with adult children. In this paper I discover the facts that follows: 1. In accordance with the expectation for gender role, women choose to be civil servants. In order to play well role on caring and childbearing in family life, on account of the common social assumption that women are suitable for the work of civil servants, and owing to the favor in the selection of marriage partner, women thus are willing to run for this status. 2. Public institution is characteristic of bureaucracy. The working of civil service emphasizes on the fixed working contents, administrating by law, and obviously hierarchizing in levels, so this institution develops the bureaucratic feature. Under the emphases of the whole institution on the rationality, objectivity and masculinity wrought by men, women are labeled as sexualized actors. In this case, the bureaucracy produces the anti-function which on the one hand results in the alienation of the member in the organization and which on the other hand is good for women to take care of their family. In the process of promotion, the influences of male authority and gender stereotype on women forms the glass ceiling effect that defers women from the satisfaction with their works. 3. The special bureaucratic culture in public institution. In this institution the member is required to be depersonalized, to accept a new bureaucratic trait and to implement the special organizational culture that is fashioned with human relationship and influence. Most of the higher officials are men who possess the different network of human relations from women, women must desexualize themselves to receive bureaucratic culture dominated by men for the opportunity of promotion. 4. The exhaustion of female civil servants in family and work. A great number of married female civil servants simultaneously play the role of housewives--that is to say, women are responsible for all the things indoors. Fortunately, women, when facing this dilemma, would by the capacity of their positioning search for the social support so that they solve the confrontations between family and work. 5. Female civil servants either positively create or negatively accept the expectation for gender role. The choice of whether to create or accept the expected gender role for women civil servants depends on certain "circumstances." That is, only when for family's sake women civil servants are forced to definitely both create and accept such given gender role. To escape this dilemma, they try to establish a kind of autonomy--neither to create nor to accept the "given" namely, to slip off the bondage of the family. However, this sort of "autonomy" is limited in the framework of social value, far from complete freedom. Consequently, I think all we have to do is change the social value of setting the bondage between women and family and strive for the equality of both sexes.
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Kolektyvinis tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimas valstybės tarnyboje / Collective defence of civil servants' rights and interests in civil service

Čereškienė, Sandra 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektu analizuojamas kolektyvinis tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimas valstybės tarnyboje. Tyrimo pradžioje apibrėžiama valstybės tarnautojo samprata bei jų rūšys, kurios bendriausia prasme lemia kolektyvinio atstovavimo teisių apimtį bei joms taikomus apribojimus. Detaliai aptariama valstybės tarnautojų teisė jungtis į organizacijas kaip būtina kolektyvinio atstovavimo prielaida bei teisės jungtis į organizacijas teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai, įtvirtinti tarptautiniu bei nacionaliniu lygiu. Analizuojant valstybės tarnautojų teisę jungtis į organizacijas, atskirai išskiriami statutiniai ir krašto apsaugos sistemoje tarnaujantys valstybės tarnautojai. Darbe analizuojami socialinės partnerystės kaip efektyvios interesų derinimo priemonės įgyvendinimo valstybės tarnyboje ypatumai, atskirai aptariant socialinės partnerystės įgyvendinimo formas valstybės tarnyboje. Tiriamos socialinio dialogo plėtojimo valstybės tarnyboje pielaidos bei pabrėžiamas informavimo ir konsultavimo procedūrų įgyvendinimo valstybės tarnyboje būtinumas, siekiant tinkamo ir efektyvaus valstybės tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimo. Aptariamos kolektyvinių derybų dėl kolektyvinių sutarčių sudarymo valstybės tarnyboje problemos ir tendencijos. Apžvelgiami kolektyvinių darbo ginčų, kilusių valstybės tarnyboje, sprendimo metodai bei pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl pozityviųjų metodų plėtojimo, sprendžiant kolektyvinius darbo ginčus valstybės tarnyboje. / This master paper presents the analysis of the collective defence of civil servants’ rights and interests in the civil service in theory and in practice. The concept of a civil servant and its kinds are defined at the beginning of the research that in the most common meaning determine the scope of the collective advocacy rights as well as the restrictions applied to them. The right of civil servants to join the organisations which is viewed as a necessary presumption of collective bargaining is discussed in great detail. Moreover, the peculiarities of legal regulations of the right to join the organisations are pointed out at national and international levels. The distinctive features of social partnerships as an implementation of effective means of interest adjustment in the civil service are analysed in this study whereas the forms of social partnership implementation are discussed separately. The presumptions of the development of a social dialogue in the civil service are discussed while highlighting the necessity of the implementation of information and consultation procedures in the civil service with the view to appropriate and efficient advocacy of the civil servant rights and interests. The problems and tendencies of collective bargaining regarding the conclusion of collective agreements in the civil service are also set out and discussed. Collective work disagreements that arose in the civil service are viewed and the resolution methods as well as proposed... [to full text]
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Zákon o státní službě: Sledování procesu tvorby zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě / The Civil Service Act: Monitoring the Process of Making of the Act No. 234/2014 Coll., of the Civil Service

Tkadlčík, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
I devote major attention to the Act no. 234/2014 Coll., of the Civil Service, which was accepted despite the veto of the President on 1st October 2014. I briefly characterize the law and in the practical part I analyze and interpret the process of making of this law through a theoretical concept "Multiple Streams Approach". Within the theory I focus on the context of agenda setting to the issue and simultaneously I take into account the role of Policy Entrepreneurs in the legislative process of the Civil Service Act. After reading the reader will have an overview of the process of making the Civil Service Act. The reader will be also familiar with the shortcomings of this Act, for which it was criticized. The theoretical part is used for introducing to the issue. In the theoretical part I outline the historical development of the civil service in Czech Republic and I also briefly characterize the Civil Service Act. Subsequently the reader gets the knowledge about the content of "Multiple Streams Approach" in this part. The practical part of diploma work is enriched by attitudes and opinions of two political actors, who directly attended of discussing the law in Chamber of Deputies. It will be possible to compare the data received from expert survey with the results of the analysis process of making law.
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Unfinished, Unloved, UNKRA: The Formation, Life, and Financial Enervation of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency (1950-1954)

McMahon, Ryan P. 27 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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