Spelling suggestions: "subject:"classicism"" "subject:"classi""
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Everything Endlessly RisingKramer, Angela C. 22 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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A Matter of Time : Was Red Rising’s Gold Society Ripe for Revolution?Fredriksson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
This C-paper looks at Pierce Brown’s book Red Rising. The first book of a two trilogy series set in adystopian future where humankind has terraformed other planets and moons. The paper explains theways in which Red Rising handles class, and classism through a Marxist lens. Through this lens thispaper discusses how the society was due a revolution, and the factors that played a role in it. As Marxbelieves all lower classes will one day realize the oppression they are under and revolt against thebourgeoisie to create a classless system. The paper briefly looks at the societies from Plato’s TheRepublic as well as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
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Divergent; a Society Divided : An analysis of the factions, their similarities with class from a Marxist perspective and classism / Divergent; ett tudelat samhälle : En analys av falangerna, dess liknelser med klass från ett Marxistiskt perspektiv samt klassismSvensson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
The background to this essay is that I wanted to analyze the factions in Veronica Roth´s novel Divergent and class from a Marxist perspective. I used a Marxist perspective on social class to find details that matched or looked similar to the novel and did an analysis and comparison between them. I found that a lot of details in how the different factions are described and represented can be compared with classism due to significant similarities, such as social behavior and prioritization among different groups. / Bakgrunden till denna uppsats är att jag ville analysera falangerna i Veronica Roths bok Divergent samt klass från ett marxistiskt perspektiv. Jag använde ett marxistiskt persspektiv på social klass för att finna detaljer som matchade eller liknade novellen och gjorde en analys och jämförelse mellan dem. Jag fann att en hel del detaljer gällande hur de olika falangerna är beskrivna och representerade kan jämföras med klassism tack vare signifikanta liknelser, såsom socialt beteende och prioriteringar inom olika grupper.
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An exploration of triple whammy oppression and its role in creating unsafe environments for black women in post-apatheid South Africa : a case study of Mankweng Community, Limpopo ProvinceMaleka, Pusheletso January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Political Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / During the apartheid era in South Africa, Black women were mostly oppressed
members of the population. They faced the triple whammy oppression of race, sex
and class which prevented them from living their lives freely. These categories of
oppressions overlapped into the democratic dispensation. Although South Africa has
become a democratic Republic, Black women continue to experience the triple
whammy oppression of racism, sexism and classism. These oppressions are
prevalent among Black women in the Mankweng community of Limpopo Province,
resulting in different types of social issues. This development has motivated Black
communities to employ Womanist theory or Womanism to eradicate the triple whammy
oppressions and social issues that have morphed into challenges in the communities.
This theory considers the element of equality from different aspects of life in the
society. The aim of this study was to explore the triple whammy oppression and its
role in making Mankweng Community in Limpopo Province of post-apartheid South
Africa an unsafe environment. The study utilised semi-structured interviews to collect
and collate data. Collected data established that Black women and men have different
and similar views on the triple whammy oppression and social issues that contribute
to unsafe environments for Black women in Mankweng Community of Limpopo
Province. The study further established that Black women are mostly the victims of
oppressions and social issues. The study further recommends that black men must be
educated about the importance of women and that the philosophy of Ubuntu must be
practiced in the communities of Black people in order to have safe environments for
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Die Ent_Erwähnung von Frauen* in androgendernden maskulinen personalen Appellationen als diskriminierende Sprachhandlung / Eine interdependente Analyse von Genderismus, Rassismus und Klassismus am Beispiel zweier unterschiedlicher Diskurse: Berufsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der polnischen Sprache und Migratisierungsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der deutschen SpracheDróżdż, Valentina 15 February 2022 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit untersuche ich Ent_Erwähnung als diskriminierende Sprachhandlung in den zwei Diskursfeldern Berufsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der polnischen Sprache, wie auch Migratisierungsbezeichnungen für Frauen* in der deutschen Sprache aus positionierter Forscher_innenperspektive (vgl. Harding 1995). Ziel ist das Aufzeigen der Interdependenz unterschiedlicher Diskriminierungsebenen von Genderismus, Rassismus und Klassismus, die durch Ent_Erwähnung (Lockward 2010) realisiert wird. Anhand eines selbst erstellten Zeitungskorpus erfasse ich den sprachlichen Status Quo von Bezeichnungen für Frauen* in unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen (2013-2017) und werte ihn anschließend mittels einer qualitativen und quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse aus. Meinen Erkenntnisse aus psycholinguistischen Studien und weiteren Theorien und Erkenntnissen aus der Sekundärliteratur ergänze ich mit Expert_inneninterviews.
Berufsbezeichnungen in der polnischen Sprache konzeptualisieren genderistische Stereotype, die über Klassismus strukturiert sind. Rund vierzig Prozent der registrierten Berufsbezeichnungen kommen einmal in maskuliner und femininer Form vor.
Die untersuchten Migratisierungsbezeichnungen werden überwiegend in androgendernden maskulinen Pluralformen realisiert, und bilden somit eine Grundlage für eine Entindividualisierung und Pauschalisierung, wodurch diskriminierende Metaphern (Flucht als Naturkatastrophe) produktiver gebildet werden können. Frauen* und queere Lebensrealitäten werden überwiegend in Migratisierungsbezeichnungen ent_erwähnt. Über das asymmetrische Verwenden von Personenbezeichnungen in Polizeiberichten werden rassistische Tatmotivationen durch Migratisierungsbezeichnungen markiert. Als ausschlaggebendes gemeinsames Element meiner Untersuchungen werte ich die Retraditionalisierung und Nationalisierung, auf der sich die Interdependenz der Ent_Erwähnung von Frauen* unabhängig der untersuchten Diskurse und Sprachen abspielt. / In the current research work I consider Ent_Erwähnung („de_mentioned“, „unmentioning“) as discriminatory language use in the two separate fields of discourse; professional titles for women* in the polish language, and migrational descriptions (migratized appellations) for women* in the german language from a positioned research perspective (Harding 1995). The purpose is to demonstrate the interdepence between multiple levels of discrimination; genderism, racism and classism, and how these are implemented through Ent_Erwähnung (Lockward 2010). Using a self- performed newspaper survey I gathered a linguistic status quo of descriptions for women* during different time periods (2013-2017), I then interpreted the data and performed a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the contents. My knowledge of psycholinguistic studies and other theories, together with findings from secondary literature will be complemented by interviews with experts. Professional titles in the polish language conceptualize genderist stereotypes, which are structured by classism. About fourty percent of the registered professional titles occur once in feminine and masculine form. The studied migrational descriptions (migratized appellations) are predominantly applied in androgynous masculine plural form, and therefore provide a basis for de-individualization and generalization; and in this way can be more effectively framed together with discriminative metaphors (flight as a natural disaster). Women* and people in queer life situations are ent_erwähnt predominantly in migrational descriptions. Through asymmetrical use of personal descriptions in police reports, racist motivation for crime is highlighted via migrational descriptions (migratized appellations). As a crucial common element of my research I consider retraditionalization and nationalization; upon which the interdependency of Ent_Erwähnung (de_mentioning) of women* occurs independently from the discourses and languages.
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Aktivistische Bildung. Ein emanzipatorischer Lernprozess fur alle?Kubiakowska, Joanna 18 June 2021 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit nehme ich einen Aspekt der aktivistischen Bildung unter die Lupe, nämlich die Frage nach der Diversität und Inklusivität im Bildungsbereich der linken sozialen Bewegungen in Deutschland. Trotz der scheinbaren Selbstverständlichkeit, dass die linke Bildung weit zugänglich und egalitär sein sollte, scheinen die Ausschluss- und Hierarchisierungsmechanismen der öffentlichen und privaten Bildungssysteme sich im
aktivistischen Bildungsbereich zu wiederholen und zu reproduzieren. Wegen der illusorischen Gleichheit und Einheit in den linken Einsichten und im Lebensstil bleiben diese internen Logiken der linken sozialen Bewegungen meistens unsichtbar und unreflektiert. Mit diesem thematischen Schwerpunkt oszilliert meine Forschungsarbeit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Bewegungsforschung, emanzipatorischer Pädagogikforschung und einer Untersuchung zu sozialen Diskriminierungen und zur Inklusion.
Den theoretischen Kontext meiner Recherche bildet der Bereich der politischen Bildung und des informellen Lernens. Ich nehme dabei sowohl die Debatten zu den Beteiligungsstrukturen und sozialer Ungleichheit im Bildungsbereich in den Blick, als auch die Forschung zu sozialen Bewegungen in Bezug auf interne Machtverhältnisse und bewegungsinterne Debatten zu
Hierarchien sowie der Umverteilung von Wissen und Ressourcen innerhalb von aktivistischen Kreisen. / In this dissertation, I take a closer look at one aspect of activist education, namely the question of diversity and inclusivity in the educational work of left social movements in Germany. Despite the apparent truism that left education should be widely accessible and egalitarian, the mechanisms of exclusion and hierarchization proper to the public and private education systems seem to be replicated and reproduced in the activist education sector. Because of the illusions of equality and unity associated with leftist insights and lifestyles, the internal logics of left social movements remain mostly invisible and unreflected. With this thematic focus, my research oscillates at the
interface of movement research, emancipatory pedagogical research and an investigation of social
discrimination and inclusion.
The theoretical context of my research is the field of political education and informal learning. I focus on debates about participation structures and social inequality in education, as well as on research into social movements, their internal power relations and movement-internal debates on hierarchies and the redistribution of knowledge and resources within activist circles.
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Uso de discursos de odio en redes sociales relacionados al clasismo étnico en el Perú / Use of hate speech in social networks related to ethnic classism in PeruMondoñedo Carhuayo, Renato 06 July 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es analizar cómo se manifiestan y regulan los discursos de odio en redes sociales relacionados al clasismo étnico en el Perú. En ese sentido, la pregunta de investigación es la siguiente: ¿Cómo se manifiestan y regulan los discursos de odio en redes sociales relacionados al clasismo étnico en el Perú? Para poder responder esta pregunta se han explicado diversos términos dentro del marco teórico tales como: Discursos de odio, redes sociales, clasismo étnico en el Perú, libertad de expresión, etc. Cada uno guarda relación con el otro para poder comprender de forma general el tema y cómo existen variantes que determinan la expansión y poca regulación del discurso de odio con contenido racista y clasista. Para ello, se ha realizado un diseño metodológico basado en el análisis de contenido con un paradigma de constructivismo social, y se han realizado instrumentos como una matriz de análisis de contenido para clasificar los comentarios de los contenidos analizados y una guía de entrevista para poder conocer la opinión de los usuarios que pertenecen a esta comunidad sobre este tipo de contenidos y la gestión que tiene Facebook para censurarlos o permitir que sigan circulando indiscriminadamente. / The objective of the following work is to analyze how hate speech is manifested and regulated in social networks related to ethnic classism in Peru. In this sense, the research question is the following: ¿How is hate speech in social networks related to ethnic classism manifested and regulated in Peru? In order to answer this question, various terms have been explained within the theoretical framework such as: hate speech, social networks, ethnic classism in Peru, freedom of expression, etc. Each one is related to the other in order to understand the subject in a general way and how there are variants that determine the expansion and little regulation of hate speech with racist and class content. For this, a methodological design based on content analysis with a paradigm of social constructivism has been carried out, and instruments have been made such as a content analysis matrix to classify the comments of the analyzed content and an interview guide to be able to know the opinion of the users who belong to this community about this type of content and the management that Facebook has to censor them or allow them to continue circulating indiscriminately. / Trabajo de investigación
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Language Politics of the Mexican State regarding native languages and the funding of literary productionPaprckova, Lucia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis strives to understand the underlying narrative behind the current distribution of the public funding between the writers of the Spanish language and writers of native languages in Mexico, as well as contextualise the policies of the Mexican State that often materialise colonial dynamics. The situation of native women writers is emphasised as they are forced to tackle multiple disadvantages based on unjust social structures. At the same time, the concept of national and world literary canon plays an exclusionary role when it comes to inclusion of diverse literary oeuvres that represent different versions of the world as the one traditionally carried by European languages and their literary works.
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The Role of Supports, Barriers and Coping Efficacy in First-Generation College Students' Career Decision OutcomesSampson, Adrienne V. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Help-seeking / Helping Dynamic in Illegal Drug UsePolych, Carol 01 March 2011 (has links)
Heuristic qualitative research techniques (Moustakas,1990) were used to explore the dynamic of the help-seeking / helping relationship in illegal drug use from the perspective of the professional. Six professionals, expert in helping people living with an addiction, shared their opinions and insights, analyzed problems, explained the rewards, and made recommendations for improvement, based on their own practices within the health care and social services systems. These professionals identify stigma as a major barrier to the provision of quality care in addictions, and analysis shows that a cultural predilection for scapegoating underlies the application of stigma. The many layered social purposes served by the designation of certain substances as illegal and the utility of scapegoating to hegemonic, vested interests is surveyed. This thesis reviews the true social costs of addictions, the entrenched and enmeshed nature of the alternate economy, and the many above ground institutions and professions sustained by the use of drugs designated as illegal. Prohibition and imprisonment as a response to illegal drug use is exposed as costly, inhumane, dangerous, and overwhelmingly counterproductive in terms of limiting harm from illegal drug use. A recent example of drug prohibition propaganda is deconstructed. Consideration is given to the role of the Drug War as a vehicle to accelerate social creep toward a fragmented self-disciplining surveillance society of consumer-producers in the service of economic elites. Classism is brought forward from a fractured social ground characterized by many splits: sexism, racism, age-ism, able-ism, size-ism, locationism, linguism, and others, to better track the nature of the social control that illegal drugs offer to economic elites. The moral loading that surrounds illegal drug use is deconstructed and the influence of religion is presented for discussion. The primitive roots of human understanding that endorse the ritual Drug War and its supporting mythology, leading to the demonization of illegal drugs and the people who use them, are uncovered. Direction is taken from Benner and Wrubel’s Primacy of Caring (1989) and other leaders in the professions as a means to move practitioners away from their roles as agents of social control into a paradigm of social change.
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