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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Et in Arcadia ego" : En konstvetenskaplig studie av Arkadien i bildmotiv / "Et in Arcadia ego" : An art science study of Arcadia in pictorial motifs

Kronberg, Tove January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how the philosophy of Arcadia is portrayed compared to three paintings from Nationalmuseums exhibition Arkadien: ett förlorat paradis? Firstly, the essay creates a frame for what Arcadia should look like and communicate by analyzing three established Arcadia-motifs with the same title, Et in Arcadia ego by Nicolas Poussin from 1638 and 1627, and Guercino from ca 1620. The framework shows that Arcadia contains three dominating themes, which are the presence of antiquity, the pastoral ideal and the presence of Death. The framework also shows that Arcadia aims to have a clear communication with the viewer by using direct symbols and double linguistic messages. Secondly, the essay compares Poussins and Guercino's Arcadia with Nationalmuseums Claude Lorrains Landskap med Argus som vaktar Io (ca 1644–1645), Francois Només (1593-ca 1645) Trojas brand med Aeneas och Anchises flykt (u.å) and Thomas Blanchets Kleobis och Biton (1650). The results are that Nationalmuseum has a different view of Arcadia compared to Poussin and Guercino, and uses it as an elastic concept, which can categorize paintings that don't fully communicate Arcadia's original thoughts and ideas as truthfully Arcadia-motifs.

Le passé au service du futur : le cas du dictionnaire des hommes illustres de la Provence

Laflamme, Daniel 24 April 2018 (has links)
Hier comme aujourd'hui, les hommes ne relatent un élément du temps antérieur que lorsqu'il a une fonction, une utilité pour eux-mêmes et pour leurs contemporains. Le rappel du passé n'a lieu qu'au moment où ceux qui le rappellent croient qu'il est dans leur intérêt de le faire. Ainsi, à la veille de la Révolution française, un petit groupe d'hommes de lettres publia une Histoire des hommes illustres de la Provence qui se voulait une vaste fresque de modèles à imiter dans un avenir très rapproché. Ce futur extrait du passé se composait d'individus que la Nature avait doués d'un esprit supérieur apte au commandement et n'ayant d'autre but que celui d'apporter protection, consolation et guérison à l'ensemble ' de la communauté. En somme, des sauveurs de la patrie. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Sur la place publique : construction historique de l’événement Nuit de la poésie 1970

A.-Savoie, Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
Toute historiographie se construit sous la forme d’un récit, soutenue par une narration qui, autour d’une intrigue, sélectionne et organise les événements en fonction de leur importance relative à des critères prédéterminés. La période des années 1960, qui est habituellement décrite comme celle de la naissance de la littérature québécoise, est on ne peut plus représentative de cette logique narrative qui sous-tend toute démarche historique. Un événement retenu par cette histoire, la Nuit de la poésie du 27 mars 1970, s’est littéralement élevé au rang de mythe dans l’imaginaire littéraire, mais aussi identitaire des Québécois. Que ce soit à travers les triomphes de Claude Gauvreau et de Michèle Lalonde ou la foule de plusieurs milliers de personnes devant le Gesù qui espérait assister à la soirée, cet événement, mis sur pellicule par Jean-Claude Labrecque et Jean-Pierre Masse, a été conçu par plusieurs comme l’apothéose de « l’âge de la parole ». Une observation minutieuse de ce happening soulève cependant de nombreuses questions concernant la construction de ce rôle dans l’histoire littéraire québécoise. En effet, tant l’étude des conditions d’organisation de la soirée que l’analyse de son mode de transmission révèlent des motivations archivistiques qui laissent transparaître l’objectif de la Nuit à « faire événement », à produire des traces qui participeront à l’inscription historique de la poésie québécoise. Considérant que l’œuvre filmique de Labrecque et de Masse constitue le seul véritable document témoignant de cet événement et que celui-ci a fait l’objet d’un montage ne présentant qu’une facette de la soirée, les enjeux de représentation et de mise en récit inhérents au cinéma documentaire poussent à questionner le portrait désiré de la poésie de l’époque que l’on voulait créer à travers le long-métrage. Véritable plateau de tournage, le spectacle du 27 mars 1970 appelle à être analysé dans les termes d’une conscience historique qui pousse les acteurs du milieu littéraire de l’époque à ériger les monuments qui seront à la base du canon et de l’institution littéraires québécois. L’étude, mobilisant les ressources de l’analyse de texte, de la sociologie de la littérature, de la théorie historiographique et de la théorie du cinéma, portera principalement sur le documentaire La Nuit de la poésie 27 mars 1970, considéré comme véritable recueil de textes, mais aussi de façon tout à fait originale sur les archives inédites rejetées du montage final des réalisateurs de l’ONF. Au terme de ce travail, j’approfondirai la réflexion sur le rôle historique d’un événement emblématique de la littérature québécoise en explicitant la construction historique autour de celui-ci. Il s’agira non seulement de relativiser l’événement en tant que tel, mais aussi de réfléchir sur le grand récit espéré par les artistes de l’époque. / Any historiography is constructed on the model of a story, that is, the narration of an underlying plot which conveys the particular choosing and singling out of events based upon their importance according to predefined criteria. The 1960s, which are usually depicted as the period where Quebecois literature came into being, are representative of this narrative logic which underlies the stream of history. "La Nuit de la poésie", which took place on the 27th of March 1970, was one of those events singled out by history and mythologized in Quebec’s collective imagination. As such, the happening, filmed by Jean-Claude Labrecque and Jean-Pierre Masse, was conceived by many as the apex of this fruitful period called the "âge de la parole". A study of this happening, however, raises many questions about the process of historical construction which took place around the event. The organization of the night, as well as the way it was passed to further generations, both highlight the strong aspiration to create an historical event and to mark Quebec’s literary culture. Given that Labrecque and Masse’s documentary is the only genuine document attesting to the event, and that the film itself has been subjected to a great deal of editing, issues of representation and of creation of narrative need to be addressed in the context of the cultural affirmation Quebec went through in the 1960s. The Night thus should be analyzed as an indication of an emergent historical consciousness, influencing the cultural actors of the 1960s and 1970s and creating a new group of canonical figures in Quebecois literature. This study, based on text analysis, the sociology of literature, historiography, and film theory, will bear on the documentary La Nuit de la poésie 27 mars 1970, and specifically on the singular work of editing which led to the rejection of many performances from the final documentary. At the end of this analysis, I will deepen the historical role of this iconic event by addressing the cultural and historical construction that surrounded it. The effect of my perspective will be to mitigate the impact of this event alone, but also to draw on the key features that underlined the historical vision characteristic of the literary Quebec of the 1960s.

Convergences/divergences : le dialogue intermédial dans Vues et visions de Claude Cahun

Simard, Josée 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie les rapports texte/image dans Vues et visions de Claude Cahun, première œuvre composite créée en collaboration avec la peintre graphiste Marcel Moore. L’objet littéraire protéiforme, appartenant au genre de l’iconotexte (Alain Montandon), instaure un dialogue intermédial entre le textuel et le visuel au point de déconstruire l’horizon d’attente du lecteur : celui-ci est incité à lire et à voir alternativement les poèmes en prose ainsi que les dessins de sorte que les frontières qui définissent l’espace du littéral et du figural apparaissent poreuses. Subdivisé en deux chapitres, notre travail s’attachera dans un premier temps à mettre en lumière le rôle de l’écriture qui intègre certains dessins de Moore. En nous inspirant de l’iconolecture (Emmanuelle Pelard), nous tenterons d’effectuer des liens entre la plasticité et la signification littérale des signes linguistiques qu’illustrent ces images-textes tout en étudiant les correspondances thématiques et formelles qu’elles entretiennent avec les poèmes de Cahun. Le second chapitre étudiera la manière dont le figural investit le texte littéraire en adoptant une approche intermédiale. Après avoir abordé la figure du double, une partie de l’analyse sera consacrée à la figure de l’allusion, une stratégie d’écriture pour introduire le visuel au sein du textuel, ce qui nous permettra d’entrer en matière pour étudier « l’image-en-texte » (Liliane Louvel). Enfin, l’effet-tableau ainsi que l’anamorphose seront employés comme cadre d’analyse afin de penser le dialogue qui se noue entre le pictural et le texte littéraire dans Vues et visions. / This dissertation studies the relationship between text and image in Claude Cahun’s Vues et visions, her first project realized in collaboration with the visual artist Marcel Moore. This heterogeneous object of art belongs to the iconotext genre (Alain Montandon) and establishes a dialogue between Cahun’s prose poems and Moore’s drawings to the point of deconstructing the reader’s horizon of expectation : he is induced to read and behold alternatively the texts and the images so that the boundary line that defines the literary’s and pictorial’s spaces appears porous. Subdivided in two chapters, our work becomes attached in the first place to bring to light the role of the written word which incorporates some graphics of Marcel Moore. Inspired by a reading method called « iconolecture » by Emmanuelle Pelard, we will try to link the plasticity and the literal signification of the linguistic signs illustrated by those hybrid drawings while studying the formal and thematic similarities they share with Cahun’s prose poems. Using an intermedial perspective, the second chapter will study how the visual arts influence the poet’s writing style. After having broached the figure of the double, we will analyze the figure of allusion as a writing strategy to introduce the pictorial register in the literary texts that will lead us to study « l’image-en-texte » (Liliane Louvel). « L’effet-tableau » and the anamorphosis will be explored as frame of reference to conceive how links are tied between visual arts and poetry in Vues et visions.

Catherine Tekakwitha et la peinture missionnaire : stratégies de conversion en Nouvelle-France au 17e siècle

Harinen, Julie 02 1900 (has links)
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’art pratiqué par des Jésuites ayant vécu chez le peuple agnier au 17e siècle. L’analyse du travail de deux peintres, les pères Jean Pierron et Claude Chauchetière, nous permet de définir l’environnement socioculturel et politique susceptible d’avoir influencé leur production artistique. Ces artistes ont pour point commun d’avoir œuvré exclusivement chez les Agniers et ce, à seulement une décennie d’intervalle. Pierron destine son art, majoritairement composé d’illustrations didactiques, à un public autochtone non christianisé. Nous avons déterminé que son œuvre témoigne d’une transition idéologique, notamment par l’utilisation de thèmes eschatologiques, le recours à l’image à des fins didactiques et l’intégration de quelques éléments d’écriture dans son œuvre, annonçant ainsi les pratiques apostoliques et artistiques futures. Quant à l’art de Chauchetière, il reflète la continuation du changement perceptif jésuite, notamment en plaçant l’Autochtone comme héros du récit, mais également en l’introduisant au cœur du genre littéraire hagiographique, avec la figure de Catherine Tekakwitha. Toutefois, une transition s’effectue par rapport à l’usage de l’image, qui passe d’un statut didactique à cultuel. / This thesis concerns the art developed by Jesuits living with the Mohawk people in the 17th century. By the analysis of the works of two painters, Father Jean Pierron and Father Claude Chauchetière, we define the sociocultural and political environment that influenced their artistic production. These artists share in common the experience of working exclusively with the Mohawk indigenous community, in two consecutive decades. Pierron’s art can be characterized by didactic illustrations aimed towards a secular indigenous audience. We have determined that this painter indicates an ideological transition, in particular by the representation of eschatological theme, the utilisation of imagery in didactical purposes, and by the integration of a few elements of writing into his illustrations. We think that this heralds the apostolic and artistic practices of the generation to follow. The art of Chauchetière reflects the continuation of Jesuit perceptual change by placing the Aboriginal as the hero of the narrative, but also by the introduction of a new character to the heart of hagiographic literature, the character of Catherine Tekakwitha. We can nevertheless observe that a transition takes place with respect to the use of the image, which transforms from a didactical status to that of worship.


ALUYSIO AUGUSTO DE ATHAYDE NENO 01 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] Uma das temáticas mais fascinantes e recorrentes nas Ciências Sociais e, mais especificamente na Antropologia, é a problemática da ordem. Essa dissertação foca a sua análise em como os homens empreendem a imprescindível tarefa de dar significado às suas vidas, às suas instituições, às suas sociedades. Ordenar, nesse contexto, nada mais é do que dar uma justificação, um fundamento à todas as coisas que compõem a vida humana. Assim, parto da ideia de que a maneira mais eficaz de dar ordem e significado (seja a vida individual ou a sociedade e suas instituições) se encontra na religião. Admito, porém, que as estruturas de significado presentes nas diferentes culturas não possuem a firmeza necessária para se impor a todos com a mesma intensidade e da mesma forma. Portanto, para evitar que o mundo social perca a sua eficácia, é necessário nomizar ou ordenar a sociedade de uma forma estável e duradoura. A religião, admitida aqui como a forma mais eficaz de dar ordem ao meio social, aparecerá no contexto do que o filósofo Eric Voegelin chamou de sociedades cosmológicas, ou nas chamadas sociedades frias como denominou o antropólogo Claude Lévi-Strauss. A ordem e a construção dos significados nas diferentes sociedades serão analisadas através das obras desses dois autores. / [en] One of the most fascinating and recurring themes in Social Sciences and, more specifically, in Anthropology, is the problem of order. This dissertation focuses its analysis on how men undertake the essential task of giving meaning to their lives, their institutions and societies. To order, in this context, is nothing more than to give a justification, a ground for all things that make up human life. Thus, I take off from the idea that the most effective way of ordaining and establishing meaning (whether to individual life or society and its institutions) lies in religion. I admit, however, that the structures of meaning present in different cultures do not have the necessary firmness to enforce all with the same intensity and in the same manner. Therefore, to prevent the social world from losing its effectiveness, it is necessary to normalize or order society in a stable and lasting way. Religion, admitted as the most effective way to provide order to social life, appears in the context of what the philosopher Eric Voegelin called cosmological societies., or cold societies as Claude Lévi-Strauss called in his works. The order and the construction of meanings in the different societies will be analysed through the works of this two authors.

Stills, suivi de, Moins «ça-a-été» que «ça-pourrait-être» : fictions et distorsions de l'autoportrait

Trudeau Beaunoyer, Karianne 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

O corpo da palavra literária sob o olhar impressionista da pintura, em A carne de Júlio Ribeiro

Pereira, Elizandra 30 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizandra Pereira.pdf: 5332852 bytes, checksum: ae54f607db4f3feb966110cfff70e0c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-30 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This paper has as its aim analyzing the novel A CARNE, by Júlio Ribeiro (1888), according to the Impressionist painting view, in order to revalue it while an esthetic object, under the Naturalism and Impressionism conceptions. The first chapter deals with the analysis perspective which is able to verify the inter-relations between image and word in tension areas of the narrative between narration and description. This favors, at the same time, the perception and the observation of the word that is being read through the application of the artistic and impressionist proceedings on the literary discursive material. The second chapter enlights new possibilities for the plastic-visual articulation, materialized in the literary word by considering the impressions and sensations of the real world as an object. By means of the reflection on the real, the Impressionist artist Claude Monet used to project his painting diagrams on the screen. This way, Júlio Ribeiro s literary word is delegated to the narrator under two proceeding aspects: the scene told as word and the scene shown as image. The third chapter shows that the tension zones are crossed sometimes by the narrator s view and others by the character s one, resulting in the dissociation subject-object in the literary discourse. This is what bases the synthesis word-object beneath the Impressionist perspective between the artist and/or writer s reflections and depuration. In the conclusion, it is finally detached that in A CARNE , by Júlio Ribeiro, the image, together with the word in experimentation, receives an artistic function of presenting the body of the word-object, to the reader, to the literature understood as word-body in an acting of representing the real / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o romance A CARNE, de Júlio Ribeiro (1888), sob o olhar impressionista da pintura para reavaliá-lo enquanto objeto estético, sob as concepções do Naturalismo e Impressionismo. O Capítulo I trata da perspectiva de análise em adoção que pretende verificar as inter-relações imagem e palavra em áreas de tensão da narrativa entre narração e descrição. O que favorece, a um só tempo, a percepção e a observação da palavra em leitura por meio de procedimentos artísticos impressionistas aplicados ao material discursivo literário. O Capítulo II aclara essas novas possibilidades de articulação do plásticovisual, materializadas na palavra literária pela via das impressões e sensações do mundo real enquanto objeto. Mediante a reflexão do real, é que o artista impressionista Claude Monet projetava os diagramas de suas pinturas em telas. Para tanto, a palavra literária de Júlio Ribeiro é delegada ao narrador sob dois aspectos de procedimento: a cena contada como palavra e a cena mostrada como imagem. O capítulo III mostra que as zonas de tensão são cruzadas ora pelo olhar do narrador, ora pelo olhar da personagem, resultando na dissociação sujeito-objeto no discurso literário. É o que fundamenta a síntese palavra-objeto sob a perspectiva impressionista entre a reflexão e a depuração do artista e/ou do escritor. Na conclusão, destaca-se, afinal, que, em A CARNE , de Júlio Ribeiro, a imagem, junto à palavra em experimentação, recebe a função artística de apresentar o corpo da palavra-objeto, ao leitor, para a literatura entendida como palavra-corpo em ato de representação do real

La collaboration au féminin : les livres surréalistes de Lise Deharme

Beauchamp Houde, Sarah-Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Le problème goth au IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. : perceptions et réalités, solutions et échecs militaires

Courpied, Édouard 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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