Spelling suggestions: "subject:"como design""
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A Decomposition-based Multidisciplinary Dynamic System Design Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamic System Co-DesignSherbaf Behtash, Mohammad 25 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Bridging the gap – identifying spaces where value can be co-created on the path to a good quality, local healthcareMüller, Malin January 2022 (has links)
“Good quality, local healthcare – A primary care reform (SOU 2018:39) was used as a contextual frame in this study with the aim of identifying spaces where patients, next of kin and healthcare personnel, through the use of design, can be supported in developing more collaborative ways of working in the two northernmost regions in Sweden. Qualitative methods such as semi structured interviews and workshops were conducted together with multimorbid patients, their next of kin and healthcare personnel. The data was analyzed using grounded theory. A key insight pointed towards a gap between care providers. The findings in relation to the reform suggested further exploration and so, through the use of design, lo- fi prototypes have been developed to support collaboration within certain spaces identified in the qualitative data. The prototypes are made to act as scaffoldings for conversations in multistakeholder settings.
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Engaging the Dog Owner Community in the Design of an Effective Koala Aversion ProgramDavid, Patricia, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Pang, Bo, Knox, Kathy, Parkinson, Joy, Hussenöder, Felix 13 September 2023 (has links)
Introduction: This article outlines a dog owner–focused social marketing pilot program implemented
in 2017, which aimed to reduce koala and domestic dog interactions in one local city council in
Australia. Literature: Dog attacks and predation are the third most common cause of death in koalas
after habitat loss and vehicle strikes. Programs aiming to reduce wildlife and domestic pet interactions
frequently neglect human dimensions, and social sciences have been called upon to complement
conservation efforts. Methods: Developed in consultation with dog training experts and the local
regional council Leave It was based on input from 41 dog owners. Leave It was a 4-week training
program priced at AUD$150 that was delivered by local dog trainers who had previously received
specialized koala aversion training. Findings: Co-design results indicated that the social marketing
pilot program needed to emphasize training, be positive, and be dog and not koala-focused. A fun,
positive dog-focused event, supported by dog retailers, entertainers, and food service providers, was
held in June 2017 to launch the Leave It program. Outcome evaluations for Leave It indicated a statistically significant increase in wildlife aversion–related behaviors (stay, come back every time/some of
the time, and stay quiet on command). Process evaluation indicated that people enjoyed the do-focused event and the opportunity to seek training and obedience advice. Conclusions: Co-designing
the program with dog owners in the local council area engaged community members, making them
contributors rather than program participants. The program had a dog focus rather than wildlife focus
as recommended by dog owners.
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Co-designing with “She Has a Name”: Active Learning for Johns and Best Practice Tools for John School AdministratorsFontenele de Matos Rodrigues, Natalia January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Collaborative Learning and the Co-design of Corporate Responsibility. Building a Theory of Multi-Stakeholder Network Learning from Case Studies of Standardization in Corporate Responsibility.McNeillis, Paul Matthew January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the collaborative development of corporate responsibility (CR) standards from the perspective of organisational learning theory. The author proposes that standards development projects can be understood as Network Learning episodes where learning is reflected in changes in structures, interpretations and practices accompanied by learning processes. Network Learning alone is seen as insufficient to reflect the diverse contributions and outcomes in the special case of CR standards. Concepts from multi-stakeholder learning like the role of dissensus in learning and the empowerment of weaker stakeholders are therefore used to create a synthesis of the two theories in a single conceptual framework. This framework is then tested against a pilot case and three case studies of corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards including the development of the new ISO international standard on social responsibility (SR). The data validates and extended this framework to yield a Multi-Stakeholder Network Learning theory capable of describing the how participants and non-participant stakeholders learn in this context. New concepts are generated from the data, like dislocated learning, which demonstrate how participants in the process and those they represent can experience quite different learning outcomes. Stakeholders whose learning is aligned with the learning of their participant representatives truly have a stake in these influential standards. However, where representatives fail to learn from those represented, the latter¿s stake is diminished. By shedding light on the mechanisms of effective collaborative learning this work contributes to learning theory, the practice of standardization and the normative stakeholder empowerment agenda. / British Standards Institution
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Co-designing with neurodiverse population : Exploring how people with ADHD and dyslexia experience video streaming platformsSantos, Thays January 2022 (has links)
Users are shifting from traditional TV to video streaming platforms because of the flexibility of using these media. However, most studies on accessibility in media streaming platforms explore physical impairments. Despite ADHD and dyslexia affecting around 5 and 10 percent of the population, studies combining the experience in streaming services and this neurodiverse group are still limited. This study aims to understand how people with ADHD and dyslexia experience video streaming platforms. The investigation involved recruiting people from this neurodiverse population who consume streaming and facilitate sessions with semi-structured interviews and co-design. The results show that the participants did not always show empowerment to express their needs. The study suggests an explanation of the topics that will be covered during the sessions to prepare the participant for the co-design. By doing so, the participants can reflect on their experiences beforehand. Similarly, sending them a summary of how the design methodology works might help participants understand the importance of the process, giving them more empowerment before the session starts. These suggestions can support future studies involving this neurodiverse group to be more inclusive. / Mediakonsumenter flyttar från traditionell TV till streamingplattformar eftersom de är mer flexibla. De flesta studierna om tillgänglighet på streamingplattformar handlar däremot enbart om fysiska funktionsnedsättningar. Trots att ungefär 5 till 10 procent av befolkningen antingen har ADHD eller dyslexi är de få studier som tar upp neurodiversitet i samband med streamingtjänster. Den här studien försöker förstå hur personer med ADHD eller dyslexi upplever videostreamingplattformar. Undersökningen gick ut på att personer från den neurodiversa gruppen som använde streamingplattformar fick delta i semi-strukturerade intervjuer och co-design-sessioner. Resultaten visar att deltagarna ibland inte kände att de hade möjligheten att säga vad de tyckte. Den här studien föreslår att de ämnen som ska behandlas förklaras på förhand så deltagarna kan förbereda sig inför sessionen. Deltagarna kan på så sätt reflektera över sina egna erfarenheter på förhand. Att skicka en sammanfattning av hur designmetodik fungerar kan också hjälpa deltagarna förstå vikten av designprocessen, vilket stärker dem innan sessionen börjar. Den här förslagen är några sätt att öka gruppens makt i design-sessioner som möjliggör att framtida studier kan bli mer inkluderande.
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Digitalt verktyg för främjande av psykosocial elevhälsa : Co-design och prototypframställning med kuratorer av app för elevers egenskattning / Digital tool for promoting psychosocial student health : Co-design and prototyping with school counsellors of an app for students’ self-assessmentSeleskog, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Skolan är en viktig miljö och lärandet påverkas till stor del av hälsan. En digitaliseringsmöjlighet för elevhälsan som har lyfts fram av uppsatsens uppdragsgivare Ineq Solutions är att ta fram ett digitalt verktyg som stöd vid elevers egenskattning av sin psykosociala situation. Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta fram en prototyp för ett digitalt skattningsverktyg som kan användas i elevhälsans förebyggande och främjande arbete. Arbetet har innefattat intervjuer och co-designarbete med kuratorer för att ta reda på vilka designelement som efterfrågas i skattningsverktygets användargränssnitt och för att undersöka vilka möjliga fördelar personal inom elevhälsa ser med ett digitalt verktyg för egenskattning av elever och elevers förmåga att uttrycka sin psykosociala situation. Data från studien utgörs av intervjusvar, designdiskussioner samt designförslag för skattningsverktyget i form av olika prototyper som bearbetades och kondenserades till teman för att besvara studiens två undersökningsfrågor. Studiens slutsatser är att designelement som efterfrågas i ett skattningsverktyg för psykosocial elevhälsa är skalor, bilder, uppföljning, anteckningsmöjlighet, sammanställning av egenskattning, information om egenskattning, sociala teman för egenskattningar samt ett färgglatt användargränssnitt. Därutöver identifierades möjliga fördelar hos ett digitalt verktyg för elevers egenskattning av personal inom elevhälsa i form av insamling, flexibilitet, visuellt stöd, sammanställning, lekfullhet och elevers aktiva handling. Studiens slutsatser illustreras i ett prototypförslag för psykosocial egenskattning.
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Digital Co-Design : Designing for Remote Co-design in Digital SettingsSiebeneicher, Hannes January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to through a series of co-design explorations develop guidelines for how analogue co-design methods and tools can be digitalized and used for the initial phase of a co-design process in remote settings. To nurture the discussion around how co-design practices can be digitalized several aspects are investigated and focused upon, presenting an overview of relevant factors for future researchers to delve deeper into. Found challenges revolve around the lack of a shared physical environment, the implementation of physical materials and sketching, and the building of trust and relationships in remote settings. The final product of this thesis is a set of guidelines that have been established through a series of co-design explorations drawing on perspectives found in both academia and the current industry.
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Intentionsorienterad DesignOlsson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Denna C-uppsats är ett resultat av ett examensarbete som fokuserat på design som är kritisk till industrins agenda för att producera en produkt. Den är kritiskt till produktdesignerns roll som bunden till att leverera vad marknaden säger sig önska. Den är också kritisk till produktdesignerns modus operandi, att om designfältstudier utförs, finns redan beslutet att något ska produceras – inte tvärt om. Uppsatsen korrelerar en marknad i överflöd med ökad stress på arbetsplatsen. Deltagarna i arbetslivet måste reflektera på deras eget beteende, men för att ändra sitt beteende till ett mindre stressat, måste klienten (chefen, investeraren, huvudansvariga) organisatoriskt och systematiskt tillåta beteendeförändringar. Intressen är i många situationer i konflikt. Detta examensarbete föreslår den demokratiska workshopen ”ProvoTing”, för att lyfta dagliga stressbeteenden och skapa argumenterade provotyper. Det slutgiltiga konceptet är ett framtida ”business-as-usual” scenario med följdfrågan; – ”är denna framtid önskvärd?”. / This paper is the result of a thesis focusing on critical design and the industries agenda for creating products. The thesis criticize designer’s role, while intertwined with the industry, will only deliver products the “market” wish to have. It is critical to conventional designer’s modus operandi, deep designerly and ethnographical studies are only made if there is a plan to create a product. The thesis correlates a saturated market in abundance to stress in work life. Participants in work life need to reflect on their own behavior, but to change behavior for less stress, the client (CEO, investor, head of organization) have to organizational allow behavioral changes. This is in many situations in conflict. The thesis proposes the democratic workshop “ProvoTing”, to lift daily stress behaviors, with creating argumenting and provoking products. The final concept is a future scenario of what happens with “business as usual” tactics and a supplementary question; – “is this future desired?”
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Designing educational programming tools for the blind: mitigating the inequality of coding in schoolsDe Oliveira, Clarissa C. January 2017 (has links)
This design-based research provides design considerations for developing educational tools for teaching programming to blind primary schoolers, as an effort towards more inclusive classrooms, given that the tools available today are not accessible to these students. Existing tools were analyzed and tested, and co-design practices were applied in exploring ‘instructions’ as a main logic operation for computer programming, through experimenting with diverse types of interfaces, having visually impaired participants at the center of the process. Physical and mental patterns, relevant for improving the accessibility of such tools, are unveiled and further discussed in this study.
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