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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Problem Gambling and Co-Occurring Substance Use and Criminal Activity among Drug Court Clients

Zorland, Jennifer Lee 11 September 2009 (has links)
Research has demonstrated that problem gambling is associated with substance and alcohol abuse (Petry, Stinson, & Grant, 2005), participation in criminal activities (McCorkle, 2002; Meyer & Stadler, 1999), and involvement in the criminal justice system (NORC, 1999). This study assessed problem gambling and its relation to crime and substance use within a population in which these risk factors are compounded: Adults mandated to participate in drug and DUI courts. Results indicate that the prevalence and severity of problem gambling may be higher within this population than any other. Furthermore, the results of qualitative and quantitative analyses converged to highlight that gambling, crime and substance use are interrelated behaviors, as each may lead to and/or reinforce the other. These findings suggest that problem gambling is a salient issue among substance-abusing offenders and that resources should be dedicated to screening those involved with the criminal justice system for problem gambling, establishing evidence based best practices in the prevention and treatment of problem gambling within this population, and that such practices may incorporate components addressing gambling, crime, and substance use.
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Tuberculosis (TB)Progress toward Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) and DOTS in Who Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR)

Khaled, Khoaja M 02 May 2008 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne infection. Though effective anti-TB drugs have been available for more than 50 years, over one-third of the world’s population is exposed to TB bacterium; deaths due to TB infection occur at high frequency every day worldwide. Today, drug-resistant TB, TB/HIV co-morbidity and poor health infrastructure are major challenges worldwide, particularly in less developed countries. The primary objective of the study was to assess the progress of TB control programs in twenty-two Eastern Mediterranean Region countries toward Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) including implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS). Also, the study was designed to explore TB/HIV co-morbidity and to assess some factors potentially associated with TB progress in the region. Secondary data, obtained from the World Health Organization, World Bank, and World Resource Institute on line databases were used. Paired samples t-test and bivariate correlation were conducted. Between 1990 and 2005, TB incidence had decreased 9%, TB prevalence had decreased 37% (statistically significant) and TB mortality had decreased 28%; nevertheless, MDG targets were not met. TB/HIV co-morbidity increased in the region especially in HIV-high burden countries. Though DOTS population coverage was increased to 94% in 2005, DOTS new smear-positive case detection rate was 61% (target 70%) and DOTS treatment success was 80% (target 85%). Thus, the 1991 Stop TB Partnership targets were not met. In spite of the progress of TB control programs in the EMR, MDGs and DOTs targets of 2005 were not obtained. Further efforts such as allocation of more resources, strengthening of TB surveillance systems, extension of drug-resistant TB and TB/HIV collaborative programs, and TB research are required to achieve MDGs by 2015 and to fully implement the new Stop TB Strategy in the region.
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Physical Exercise Alleviates ADHD Symptoms: Regional Deficits and Development Trajectory

Archer, Trevor, Kostrzewa, Richard M. 01 February 2012 (has links)
The heterogeneous, chronic, and proliferating aspect of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbidities covers heritability, cognitive, emotional, motor, and everyday behavioral domains that place individuals presenting the condition at some considerable disadvantage. Disruption of "typical developmental trajectories" in the manifestation of gene-environment interactive predispositions implies that ADHD children and adolescents may continue to perform at defective levels as adults with regard to academic achievement, occupational enterprises, and interpersonal relationships, despite the promise of pharmacotherapeutic treatments. Physical exercise provides a plethora of beneficial effects against stress, anxiety, depression, negative affect and behavior, poor impulse control, and compulsive behavior concomitant with improved executive functioning, working memory and positive affect, as well as improved conditions for relatives and care-givers. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, an essential element in normal brain development that promotes health-associated behaviors and quality-of-life, though reduced in ADHD, is increased markedly by the intervention of regular physical exercise. Functional, regional, and biomarker deficits, as well as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal disruptions, have been improved through regular and carefully applied exercise programs. In view of the complications involving ADHD with co-morbidities, such as obesity, the influence of regular physical exercise has not been found negligible. Physical exercise bestows a propensity for eventual manifestation of "redifferentiated" developmental trajectories that may equip ADHD adults with a prognosis that is more adaptive functionally, independent of the applications of other therapeutic agents and treatments.
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Risk Factors for Tuberculosis and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Complications among Foreign-Born Persons in Houston, Texas

Isaboke, James N. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading public health problem across the world. For various reasons, TB and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) have increased. Clarification on TB/HIV co-infection and homelessness as risk factors for TB and MDR-TB is required to inform policy interventions to reduce TB-related morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. In this quantitative study, data from the Houston Health Department (N = 341) were analyzed to explore the relationship between TB and MDR-TB outcomes and TB/HIV co-infection and type of housing/homelessness. Foreign-born persons are disproportionately affected in the United States. The socio-ecological model provided a theoretical framework for the investigation. Multiple and logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationships between variables, controlling for age and gender. Results indicate that HIV infected persons were more likely than non-infected persons to contract TB, and homeless persons were more likely than non-homeless persons to contract TB/MDR-TB, suggesting that high TB/HIV co-infection rates increase prevalence of TB and MDR-TB while improvements in housing reduce prevalence of TB and MDR-TB. However, no significant associations between variables were found. The odds ratio, Exp(B) = 0.000, p -?¥ 0.90, 95% Cl [0.000, with no upper bound values] was observed for both independent variables. Regular screening for TB/HIV co-infection among persons with high TB and MDR-TB risk profiles is recommended. Further investigation is required. Inclusion of more covariates could further elucidate more evidence of an association between variables. Study findings may support interventions to reduce TB-related morbidity, leading to positive social change.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta personer med psykisk ohälsa och beroendeproblematik inom psykiatrisk vård.

Törnkvist Blanco, Frida January 2014 (has links)
I dagens samhälle bemöts patienter med psykisk ohälsa och beroende-problematik inom psykiatriskvård inte alltid med respekt. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta personer med psykisk ohälsa och beroendeproblematik inom psykaitrisk vård. Tio sjuksköterskor inom sluten-och öppenpsykaitrisk vård deltog. Data samlades in genom narrativa intervjuer. Materialet analyserades med hjälp avkvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sjuksköterskorna beskrev hinder och möjligheter i bemötandet av personer med psykisk ohälsa och beroendeproblematik. Hinderför ett gott bemötande var krävande patienter, osäkerhet och brister i verksamheten. Möjligheter för ett gott bemötande var relationsarbete och trygghet. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att det var en svår patientgrupp att möta samtidigt som mycket kunskap saknades angående beroendeproblematik. Sjuksköterskorna kunde känna sig psykiskt påverkade av arbetet och en stor osäkerhet fanns gällande bedömningar och omvårdnad. Trots svårigheterna att möta patienter med beroendeproblematik beskrevs arbetet som intressant, utmanande och ett privilegium. Trygghet beskrevs öka med erfarenhet och med bra samarbete och stöd från kollegorna. Om inte sjuksköterskors kunskap angående beroendeproblematik tillgodoses och ökas finns en risk för allvarliga brister inom den psykiatriska vården.
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"Man måste vara frisk för att orka vara sjuk" : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan och de konsekvenser samsjuklighet får för handlingsutrymmet hos yrkesverksamma inom beroendevården och psykiatrin i Upplands Väsby kommun

Carlsson, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Samsjuklighet i form av psykisk ohälsa och ett missbruk har blivit allt mer uppmärksammat och vanligt förekommande, något som ställer högre krav än någonsin på en fungerande samverkan mellan psykatrisk- och beroendevård inom öppenvården. Syftet med denna studie är, utöver att belysa den uppfattade omfattningen av samsjuklighet, att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med yrkesverksamma från två aktörer inom de båda vårdområdena identifiera befintlig samverkan och förbättringsområden. Utöver detta är syftet även att se hur personal inom de båda verksamheterna förhåller sig till vad det innebär hos klienter och patienter att vara diagnostiserad med två stigmatiserade diagnoser. Den teoretiska referensramen denna studie använder sig av är teorin om samverkan och Goffmans teori om stigma, samt tidigare forskning som berör samverkan och samsjuklighet. Empirin består av fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom de båda vårdområdena. Resultaten visar på att samtliga respondenter uppfattar samsjukligheten som utbredd och omfattande, samt att samverkan är uppskattat och eftersträvansvärt – men kräver både motivation och vilja av personalen för att fungera effektivt. Vidare visar resultaten att det främst inom beroendevården arbetas aktivt och uttalat för att avstigmatisera den enskilde och befria denna från skam och skuld, även om psykiatrin också anser sig vara relativt avstigmatiserad. / Co-morbidity in the form of mental health problems and an addiction has become increasingly noticeable and commonplace, which places higher demands than ever on a functioning collaboration or integration between psychiatric- and addiction care amongst open care. The purpose of this study, in addition to highlighting the perceived scope of co-morbidity, is to identify existing collaboration and improvement areas through qualitative interviews with professionals from two different organizations within the two care areas. In addition, the purpose is also to see how staff within the two activities relate to what it means for clients and patients to be diagnosed with two stigmatized diagnoses. The theoretical frame of reference this study uses is the theory of collaboration and Goffman's theory of stigma, as well as previous research that concerns collaboration and co-morbidity. The data consists of four semi-structured interviews with professionals in the two care areas in a selected municipality. The result shows that all respondents perceive co-morbidity as widespread and extensive, and that the collaboration is appreciated and desirable - but requires both the motivation and the will of the staff to function effectively. Furthermore, the results show that it is primarily in addiction care to work actively and explicitly to de-stigmatize the individual and liberate it from shame and guilt, even if the actor within psychiatric care also considers itself to be relatively de-stigmatized.
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Etiological Characterization of Emergency Department Acute Poisoning

Khlifi, Abdmalek S 05 May 2008 (has links)
Poisoning is frequently associated with psychological and physiological co-morbidities that can be assessed in order to improve patients' management and reduce cost. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a review of emergency department (ED) poisonings to characterize its demographics and assess associated co-morbidities. The second objective is to explore correlation between personal history of diseases and poisonings. Predictors for poisonings and its outcomes were investigated and risk factors for suicidal poisoning and how it relates to mental illnesses were explored. Six hundred and forty nine cases admitted to ED between 2004 and 2007 were studied. Results indicate that difference in ethnic background was substantial as poisoning cases were predominantly African Americans (79.9%) between 36-45 years old with a male to female ratio of 1.3. Intentional illicit drug overdose was the greatest risk factor for ED poisonings, and among the 649 cases, heroin overdose was the most common cause of poisoning at 35.4% (n=230), cocaine overdose at 31.7% (n=206), heroin and cocaine overdose at 4.3% (n=28), multiple drug poisoning at 5.5% (n=36), and antidepressant/antipsychotic poisoning at 6% (n=39). A significant correlation between heroin poisonings and asthma (F=20.29, DF=1, p= .0001) was found, as well as between cocaine poisoning and hypertension (F=33.34, DF=1, p=.0001), and cocaine poisoning and cardiovascular diseases (F=35.34, DF=1, p=.0001). Another significant finding is the change in the pattern of the route of illicit drug use from injection to inhalation; it is thought this may reduce the rate of HIV and Hepatitis transmission via hypodermic needles among illicit drug users. As well, inhalation and insufflation may be risk factors that aggravate preexisting asthma. Mental illnesses, chiefly depression, remain one of the greatest risk factors for suicidal poisoning beside age, Hispanic race, gender, ingestion route and unemployment. This study provides supporting evidence that poisoning, particularly deliberate poisoning with illicit drugs remains a serious issue that significantly aggravates co-morbidities and raises treatment cost by increasing both the rate of hospitalization and hospital length of stay (LOS). Pragmatic guidelines and innovations in reducing heroin and cocaine abuse in these patients may lessen the severity of diseases and reduce its burden on the healthcare system and on society.
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Effects of Nonadherence to HIV/AIDS Drugs on HIV-Related Comorbidities in Eastern Nigeria

Ojukwu, Chizomam Laura 01 January 2019 (has links)
Developing countries like Nigeria continue to have HIV epidemic challenge due to the scarcity of evidence-based information and lack of resources to boost HIV education. The study population, Owerri, is one of the states in Nigeria with a high incidence rate of HIV. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS regarding the effects of nonadherence to HIV/AIDS drugs. The integrated theory of health behavior model provided the framework for the study. I collected, transcribed, and analyzed interview data to identify clusters and themes. Results showed that various factors influenced and (e.g., free drugs, fear, culture, medication side effects, discrimination, relationship/support system, poverty, belief, easy access) contributed to adherence behavior among respondents. People living with HIV/AIDS may be encouraged to adhere to drug treatments because of these research findings. This study contributed to a positive social change in that respondents were excited and open about sharing their fears, challenges, struggles and hope with the anticipation to influence others to be open about their HIV disease.

Samarbete ger samordnad behandling : För individer med samsjuklighet / Coordinated treatment : For individs with co-morbidity

Petersson, Malin, Perez, Chaly January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur samarbetet för individer med samsjuklighet ser ut mellan kommun och landsting samt hur möjligheterna ser ut till samordnad vård och behandling. Frågeställningarna var att ta reda på hur samarbetet ser ut mellan kommun och landsting gällande individer med samsjuklighet samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som finns för att förbättra samordnad vård och behandling mellan kommun och landsting. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten var Fridolfs (2004) fyra motiv till ett bra samarbete. Utifrån det hermeneutiska synsättet tolkades intervjuerna inför resultatet med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det finns ett samarbete mellan kommun och landsting men för förbättring behövs det mer erfarenhet och kunskap om varandras arbetsuppgifter. Slutsatsen av resultatet är att mer forskning fordras om hur och på vilket sätt samarbete mellan kommun och landsting kan förbättras. Kan en gemensam huvudman vara ett alternativ?</p>

Social ångest och dess samband med alkoholanvänding och depressiva symtom hos tjejer och killar

Kempe, Kristin, Ericsson, Sandra January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den sociala ångesten många känner i olika situationer kan leda till undvikande, isolering och ibland även kompliceras av depressiva symtom och/eller alkoholanvändning. Huruvida ett samband mellan dessa problem kan visa sig i 16-17 årsåldern undersöktes genom en enkät om nedstämdhet, alkoholanvändning och social ångest. Resultatet visade att nedstämdhet hade en inverkan på grad av social ångest hos båda könen. Dock var tjejer i högre grad än killar mer nedstämda. Tjejer som drack mindre uppvisade en högre grad av social ångest. Alkoholanvändning hängde inte ihop med killars hantering av social ångest. Resultatet tyder på att samband mellan variablerna kan visa sig tidigt. Därför borde resurser sättas in tidigt för att förhindra en negativ utveckling, så att personer kan fungera i samhället.</p> / <p>The social anxiety many people feel in different situations can lead to avoidance, isolation and be complicated with depressive symptoms and/or alcoholuse. Whether it’s possible to find relationships between these syndromes in age 16-17 was investigated through a survey about depression, alcoholuse and social anxiety. The result showed that depression had an impact on level of social anxiety for both sexes. Gals were more depressed than guys, though. Gals who drank less had a higher level of social anxiety. Alcoholuse had no impact in coping with social anxiety for guys. The result showes a connection between the variables that can be seen early. Therefore, resources should be available to prevent a negative development, so that people can function in society.</p>
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