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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da função cognitiva em pacientes com hipertensão arterial e sua correlação com as alterações da rigidez arterial e do fluxo cerebral / Cognitive function evaluation in hypertensive patients and its correlation with the arterial stiffness and cerebral blood flow changes

Muela, Henrique Cotchi Simbo 14 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial é uma doença crônica com alta prevalência na população e, se não tratada, está relacionada a complicações cardiovasculares graves incluindo insuficiência renal, doença arterial coronária e acidente vascular cerebral. A associação entre os valores de pressão arterial (PA) e o desempenho cognitivo, tanto em pessoas adultas hipertensas quanto normotensas também tem sido demonstrada, e a hipertensão arterial é um importante fator de risco para a ocorrência de demência vascular. No entanto, a relação entre a gravidade da hipertensão, suas alterações vasculares e o déficit cognitivo é pouco conhecida. Objetivo: avaliar as alterações de função cognitiva em pacientes com hipertensão arterial de diferentes estágios e suas correlações com as propriedades arteriais funcionais e estruturais avaliadas por métodos não invasivos e com a circulação cerebral avaliada pelo Doppler transcraniano. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal em pacientes com hipertensão arterial seguidos na unidade de hipertensão arterial do Incor e um grupo de controles normotensos. Os pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: normotensão, hipertensão estágio-1 e hipertensão estágio-2. Os pacientes foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: avaliação da rigidez arterial pela medida da velocidade de onda de pulso, medida da espessura da íntima média das artérias carótidas e da pressão central não invasiva, avaliação do fluxo cerebral pelo Doppler transcraniano e testes para a avaliação da função cognitiva. Resultados: Foram incluídos 221 indivíduos (150 hipertensos e 71 normotensos) por um período de 24 meses. Comparado com os indivíduos normotensos, a disfunção cognitiva é mais frequente nos pacientes com hipertensão arterial e está diretamente relacionada com a gravidade da doença. Os pacientes com hipertensão tiveram maior rigidez arterial, menor resposta de vasorreatividade cerebral e pior desempenho cognitivo. Conclusão: As alterações da função cognitiva são mais frequentes nos pacientes com hipertensão arterial e se relacionaram com a gravidade da doença. Os pacientes hipertensos têm maiores alterações vasculares que se associaram com pior desempenho cognitivo / Introduction: Hypertension is a high prevalent chronic disease in the population and, if not treated, is related to severe cardiovascular complications including stroke, renal failure and coronary artery disease. The association between blood pressure (BP) values and cognitive performance both in hypertensive and normotensive adults have been shown and hypertension is an important risk factor for occurrence of vascular dementia. However, the relationship between the hypertension severity, their vascular changes and cognitive impairment is less studied. Objective: to evaluate the cognitive function changes in patients with hypertension at different stages and their correlations with functional and structural arterial proprieties changes evaluated by non-invasive methods and with cerebral blood flow evaluated by transcranial Doppler. Methods: It is cross-sectional study in patients with hypertension followed at the hypertension unit of the Heart Institute (Incor) and a control normotensive group. Patients were divided into three groups: normotension, hypertension stage-1 and hypertension stage-2. All patients were undergone to the following procedures: arterial stiffness evaluation by pulse wave velocity, intima media thickness measurement of the carotids arteries and the noninvasive central blood pressure, cerebral blood flow evaluated by Transcranial Doppler and tests for cognitive function evaluation. Results: There were included 221 individuals (150 hypertensives and 71 normotensives) during a period of 24 months. Compared to normotensive individuals, cognitive impairment is more frequent in patients with hypertension and it is proportionally greater with the hypertension severity. Patients with hypertension have greater vascular changes, lower cerebral vasoreactivity response and worse cognitive performance. Conclusion: Cognitive function changes are frequent in hypertensive patients and are related to the severity of the disease. Hypertensive patients have greater vascular changes that were associated to worse cognitive performance

Desempenho de sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve em tarefas de compressão textual / Reading comprehension tasks performance in mild cognitive impairment

Romero, Vivian Urbanejo 07 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O comprometimento cognitivo leve tem sido estudado em tarefas de linguagem com alta demanda cognitiva. Análises com base em compreensão de textos que exigem realização de inferências são recentes. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o desempenho de sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve em tarefas de compreensão textual que necessitem da realização de inferências e compara-lo ao desempenho de sujeitos normais. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 60 sujeitos com idade entre 60 e 89 anos, de ambos os sexos. Os sujeitos foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo 30 sujeitos normais e 30 sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve e pareados por faixa de escolaridade (até 4 anos, de 4 a 8 anos e acima de 9 anos). O instrumento utilizado foi a versão em português do teste do \"Gerenciamento do Implícito\" que utiliza cinco tipos distintos de inferências (explícitas, lógicas, pragmáticas, distratoras e outras). Foi avaliado o raciocínio inferencial ao fornecer a resposta de 60 questões referentes à leitura de 20 textos pequenos e comparado o desempenho entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: O grupo de sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve mostrou desempenho significativamente menor na realização de inferências do tipo pragmáticas do que o grupo de sujeitos normais. Para os demais tipos de inferências não houve diferença estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve apresentam pior desempenho na realização de inferências do tipo pragmáticas. A semelhança no desempenho entre os grupos para realizar as demais inferências reforça a preservação de aspectos linguístico-cognitivos no comprometimento cognitivo leve. Os resultados confirmam a possibilidade de diferenciar sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve e normais por meio de testes de linguagem / INTRODUCTION: The mild cognitive impairment has been studied in language tasks with high cognitive demand. Analyses based on comprehension of texts that require carrying out inferences are recent. This study aimed to verify the performance of subjects with mild cognitive impairment in textual comprehension tasks that require carrying out inferences and compares it to the performance of normal subjects. METHODS: We evaluated 60 subjects aged between 60 and 89 years, of both sexes. The subjects were divided into two groups, 30 normal subjects and 30 subjects with mild cognitive impairment, matched for education (up to 4 years, 4-8 years and over 9 years). The instrument used was the Portuguese version of the test of \"Managing the implied\" that uses five distinct types of inferences (explicit, logical, pragmatic, distracting and other). We evaluated the inferential reasoning to provide the answer 60 questions about reading 20 small texts and compared the performance between groups. RESULTS: The mild cognitive impairment group showed significantly lower performance in the type inferences pragmatic than the group of normal subjects. For other types of inferences there was statistical difference. CONCLUSION: The group with mild cognitive impairment showed worse performance in carrying out pragmatic type inferences. The similarity in performance between the groups to perform the other inferences demonstrates the preservation of linguistic-cognitive aspects in mild cognitive impairment. The results confirm the possibility of differentiating subjects with mild cognitive impairment and normal through language tests

Les caractéristiques de marche en simple et double tâche sont-elles des biomarqueurs d'une phase asymptomatique du déclin cognitif ? / Relevance of walking characteristics in simple and dual task as biomarkers of asymptomatic phase in cognitive decline ?

Perrochon, Anaïck 18 January 2013 (has links)
On admet aujourd'hui que les tests psychométriques traditionnels paraissent insuffisants pour détecter précocement des troubles cognitifs. Parallèlement, des cliniciens observent une perte de l'automaticité de la marche lors du vieillissement normal ou de pathologies neurodégénératives qui peut être directement imputée au déclin des fonctions exécutives (FE) et aggravé lors des situations de double-tâche (DT). Plusieurs auteurs ont montré que la présence prématurée d'une atteinte motrice pouvait prédire une évolution défavorable vers une démence de type Alzheimer. Dans ce contexte, il devient évident que l'évaluation de la marche doit faire l'objet d'une investigation spécifique lors d'un bilan cognitif. Les travaux de cette thèse s'articulent autour du concept de troubles cognitifs légers, des FE et de l'évaluation motrice lors de diverses situations de marche.L'objectif principal est de déterminer si l'évaluation de la marche spontanée et/ou en DT constitue un outil de détection précoce des troubles cognitifs. Un objectif secondaire est de préciser les FE qui affectent la performance motrice dans les situations de DT. L'originalité de ce travail de thèse réside dans le développement de nouveaux exercices de DT de navigation spatiale basés sur l'adaptation de tests neuropsychologiques (test de Corsi, de Stroop et Trail Making Test) à la marche. Finalement, nous avons aussi proposé un « stroop écologique » qui s'intéresse à la prise de décision de traverser de rue au feu piéton.Les résultats révèlent que les interférences provoquées par les situations de DT entrainent une modification spécifique du schéma de marche du sujet âgé ayant des troubles cognitifs même lorsqu'ils sont infracliniques. De plus, la résolution des tests de DT nécessite la participation commune de plusieurs FE.En conclusion, la batterie de test que nous proposons présente un intérêt potentiel dans la détection précoce des troubles cognitifs chez les sujets âgés, mais aussi dans la compréhension des mécanismes régulant les FE. / Traditional psychometric and/or neuropsychologic tests alone, are not powerful enough to detect cognitive disturbances in aging subjects and therefore new criteria and tests should be developed to get relevant screening tools. Since walking is not anymore considered as a pure automatic motor task but as a task depending both on cognitive and executive functions (EF), clinicians became interested in studying walking disturbances in the course of neurodegenerative pathology development. Walking tasks can be complex and could be assimilated as a double-task (DT) when individuals have to simultaneously proceed with cognitive and motor tasks. Several authors have suggested that disturbances in walking abilities could predict cognitive disorders (e.g. Alzheimer Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)). Therefore, walking abilities should specifically be evaluated during cognitive clinical investigation.The main goal of our work is to evaluate whether a walking task alone and/or walking tasks in the context of DT could be of interest in detecting early stages of cognitive disorders in the elderly. A secondary goal is to investigate what are the executive functions that can influence walking during a DT. The originality of our approach also stems from the new motor ability tests we have developed. They are based on validated neuropsychological tests (Corsi, Stroop and Trail Making Tests) and are adapted to the context of walking. Moreover, we also present an adaptation of the Stroop test in the situation of a pedestrian at the cross light intending to cross a street ("ecological Stroop test").Our results show that DT situations induce specific changes in walking scheme in the elderly with established cognitive disorders and also -and this is one of our most important result- with borderline patients. We also show that the DT we tested required the involment of several EF.In conclusion, the new tests we present could be of interest in detecting early stages of cognitive disorders in elderly subjects and moreover can give clues to the mechanisms involved in the regulation of executive functions.

Etiska dilemman i vården av kognitivt sviktande personer : Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter i hemsjukvården

Söderman, Hanna, Olsson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Att vårda kognitivt sviktande personer är ofta en stor utmaning för distriktssköterskan. Syfte: Att belysa distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av situationer i hemsjukvården där kognitivt sviktande personers självbestämmande har skapat etiska dilemman. Metod: Intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats. Tio distriktssköterskor verksamma inom hemsjukvården i två av Sveriges kommuner intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier och 13 underkategorier. Kategorin Mycket svåra situationer av olika karaktär visar på hur svåra situationer kan komma akut eller pågå över lång tid. De svåra situationerna gestaltas även genom att patienterna nekar behandling och hjälp av hemtjänst. Patienterna kan även leva under dåliga förhållanden samt hot eller misshandel. Den andra kategorin som var Distriktssköterskans hantering av situationerna har underkategorier som beskriver på vilket sätt distriktssköterskorna hanterar situationerna för att det i slutänden ska bli så bra som möjligt för patienten. Kategorin Närstående påverkar situationerna lyfter hur närstående både kan fungera som stöd och som hinder för patienterna. Slutligen kommer kategorin Skapar reflektion hos distriktssköterskan där distriktssköterskorna reflekterade över hur självbestämmandet för patienten kan se ut samt vilka möjligheter de har att påverka vården inom hemsjukvård. Slutsats: Etiska dilemman uppstår i vården av kognitivt sviktande personer. Distriktssköterskorna använder sig av flera strategier för att lösa dem på bästa sätt. / Introduction: To provide nursing care for patients who suffer from cognitive impairment is often a big challenge for the district nurse. Aim: To illuminate the district nurses´ experience in home care when situations with cognitive impaired person’s autonomy creates ethical dilemmas. Method: A qualitative interview study. Ten district nurses´ in two different counties in Sweden were interviewed using semi-structured interview. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four generic categories and 13 sub-categories emerged. The generic category Very difficult situations of different nature show how situations can emerge acute or develop over a long period of time. The difficult situations are also demonstrated when patients´ decline help or treatment, live under poor circumstances or have assault and violence around them. The second generic category How the district nurses´ handle the situations has subcategories which describe how the district nurses´ handle the situations with the aim of what´s best for the patient. The generic category The relatives influence in the situations lifts how relatives can work as support for the patient as well as obstacle for the patients wellbeing. The final generic category was Leaves the district nurse with reflections where the district nurses´ reflected on how the patients’ autonomy should be and what possibilities they have to affect the home care situations. Conclusion: Difficult ethical dilemmas emerge when caring for patients´ with cognitive impairment. The district nurses have a lot of strategies to solve them the best way possible.

The Impact of ICT-enabled solutions on elderly with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia

Sarvari, Ladan, Norouzi, Samaneh January 2018 (has links)
Background: Previous studies have shown that ICT applications could affect elderly people who suffer from mild dementia (MD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) positively. These applications might help patients with MD or MCI, improving their cognitive performance, independency and, their quality of life. Elderly may also be able to live alone at their own home with the help of these ICT applications. Therefore, the burden of caregivers and family members can be reduced. An IT-enabled solution was proposed to create new knowledge and experience among MCI and MD patients and their caregivers. The project was funded by European union and four countries i.e. Sweden, Spain, Italy and Israel were involved in it. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply a technology-enabled integrated care model. Two aspects of the study were to measure the quality of life of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia (MD) after using the model and to understand the professional caregivers’ perspectives of the model. Method: A mixed-method approach was applied in this research which was a combination of using standard and internally developed questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that DECI could have positive effect as a complementary tool for the care process of the elderly who suffered from dementia. The general perception in all sites was positive and professionals confirmed the willingness to use DECI in the future.

Dose-Response Effects of Lithium on Spatial Memory in the Black Molly Fish.

Creson, Thomas Kyle 14 December 2002 (has links)
Lithium continues to be widely prescribed for the management of bipolar disease, yet cognitive impairment-related side effects promote noncompliance of the treatment regimen. We have introduced a novel animal model, the black molly fish, to study dose-response effects of lithium on short-term (STM) and long-term (LTM) memories. We developed a method utilizing capillary ion analysis (CIA), to measure plasma and brain lithium levels employed in our behavioral studies. We then developed an appropriate testing environment to ascertain learning capacities of these fish. We established that black mollies could adequately perform a forced-choice spontaneous alternation (SA) task used extensively in rodents as an index of spatial STM. Employing this paradigm we designed a dose-response experiment utilizing chronic lithium regimens with a wide range of dosage groups to assess STM in the black molly. Results of the experiment indicated a robust effect in which performances of all dose groups were impaired in different degrees but not dose dependently. Using the same dosing regimen, we tested subjects in a place-learning task to assess dose-response effects of lithium on spatial LTM. A variety of performance measures were analyzed presenting a consistent theme implicating significant impairment with the high dose group. CIA results for the STM and LTM experiments revealed consistent linear relationships between mean plasma and brain lithium levels and lithium dosages. We have immunolocalized a 5-HT1A-like receptor from the caudal midbrain of black mollies, an area structurally homologous to the mammalian raphe nuclei. This autoinhibitory receptor is considered to be involved in the regulation of firing of raphe serotonergic fibers and 5-HT release in terminal projection areas such as the hippocampus and frontal cortex. Downregulation of these receptors initiates excessive serotonin availability that may relieve symptoms of depression yet paradoxically impair cognition. It is unclear whether activity in the presynaptic raphe nuclei or the postsynaptic projection areas is responsible for these phenomena. Because the black molly is not equipped with postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors it offers a unique opportunity to study the effects of lithium on the presynaptic form of the receptor without compensating effects of the postsynaptic form exhibited in the mammal.

Multimodal Imaging for Enhanced Diagnosis and for Assessing Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease

Li, Chunfei 29 March 2018 (has links)
A neuroimaging feature extraction model is designed to extract region-based image features whose values are predicted by base learners trained on raw neuroimaging morphological variables. The main objectives are to identify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in its earliest manifestations, and be able to predict and gauge progression of the disease through the stages of mild cognitive impairment (EMCI), late MCI (LMCI) and AD. The model was evaluated on the ADNI database and showed 75.26% accuracy for the challenging EMCI diagnosis based on the 10-fold cross-validation. Our approach also performed well for the other binary classifications: EMCI vs. LMCI (72.3%), EMCI vs. AD (95%), LMCI vs. AD (84.3%), CN vs. LMCI (77.5%), and CN vs. AD (96.5%). By applying the model to the Genome-wide Association Study, along with the sparse Partial Least Squares regression method, we successfully detected risk genes such as the APOE, TOMM40, RVRL2 and APOC1 along with the new finding of rs917100. Moreover, the research aimed to investigate the relationship of different biomarkers; especially the imaging biomarkers to better understand the precise biologic changes that characterize Alzheimer’s disease. The unique and independent contribution of APOE4 allele status (E4+\E4-), amyloid (Aβ) load status (Amy+\Amy-) and combined APOE4 and Aβ status on regional cortical thickness (CTh) and cognition were evaluated via a series of two-way ANCOVAs with post-hoc Tukey HSD tests. Results showed that decreased CTh is independently associated with Amy+ status in many brain regions, but with E4+ status in very restricted number of brain regions. Among CN and EMCI participants, E4+ status is associated with increased CTh, in medial and inferior temporal regions. Diverging association patterns of global and regional Aβ load with cortical volume were found in the entorhinal, temporal pole and parahippocampal regions, which were positively associated with regional Aβ load, but with a negative correlation for global Aβ load in MCI stages. In addition, strong positive correlations were shown between baseline regional CTh and the difference of CTh in each region between the CN and AD, even after adjusting for the regional Aβ and APOE genotype (E4+: r = 0.521 and E4-: r = 0.694).

Predicerar skriftliga bildbeskrivningar demens? : -En retrospektiv studie

Söderbäck, Emma, Landfeldt, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Skrivning är en biomekaniskt invecklad process som kräver en viss nivå av såväl motorisksom kognitiv förmåga. Forskning om Alzheimers sjukdom tyder på att nedsättningar i flerakognitiva domäner förekommer innan den kliniska diagnosen ställs. Det finns även forskningsom tyder på att ett innehållsrikt skriftspråk i unga år minskar risken för demensutveckling påäldre dagar. För att studera om mått från texter kunde predicera demens på ett tidigt stadiumanalyserades 141 skriftliga bildbeskrivningar insamlade inom ramen för rutinmässigaminnesutredningar vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Huddinge. Deltagarna delades in itre grupper utifrån diagnos (minnesutredning, lindrig kognitiv svikt och demens).Utgångspunkt för studien var de fyra textmåtten: idétäthet, verbtäthet, läsbarhetsindex (LIX)och T-enheter. Då texterna i de flesta fall var skrivna av personer med kognitiv nedsättninghar måtten varit tvungna att modifieras och särskilda instruktioner för bedömning av texternahar utformats. Resultaten tyder på att skriftliga bildbeskrivningar utförda av individer meddemens innehåller färre totalt antal ord än de skrivna av individer diagnostiserade medlindrig kognitiv svikt eller mindre svårigheter än så. De innehåller även färre propositioner,verb, långa ord, T-enheter, ord per T-enhet, har en kortare meningslängd samt har i snitt ettlägre LIX-värde. En logistisk regressionsanalys visade att demens (kontra minnesutredningarmed subjektiva besvär) predicerades signifikant (p < 0.01) av antalet verb samt av LIXvärdet.Totalt 85 % av fallen klassificerades korrekt.</p> / <p>Writing is a biomechanically complex process which demands a certain level of motor aswell as cognitive ability. Research concerning Alzheimer’s disease shows that impairmentsin multiple cognitive domains are notable before a clinical diagnosis can be made. There isalso research which indicates that written language ability in early life predicts the risk ofdementia in old age. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether measures derivedfrom narrative writing could predict dementia cross-sectionally. The material was 141 writtenpicture descriptions collected during routine investigations of cognitive disorders at theMemory Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The participants were classifiedinto three groups based on their diagnosis (subjective memory complaints, mild cognitiveimpairment and dementia). This study was based essentially on the four text measures: ideadensity, verb density, index of readability (LIX) and T-unit. As most of the texts were writtenby participants with some degree of cognitive decline the measures had to be modified tosome extent and detailed scoring protocols were worked out. The results indicate that writtenpicture descriptions made by individuals with dementia contained fewer words than thosewritten by individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or subjective cognitivecomplaints. They also contained fewer propositions, verbs, long words, T-units, words per Tunit,had a shorter mean sentence length and had a lower average LIX-value. A logisticregression analysis showed that cases of dementia, as opposed to subjective cognitivecomplaints, were significally predicted (p < 0.01) by the number of verbs and also by theLIX-value. Overall, 85 % of the cases were correctly classified.</p>

Blood pressure in advanced age : with focus on epidemiology, cognitive impairment and mortality

Molander, Lena January 2010 (has links)
The general conception is that blood pressure increases with age, but that diastolic blood pressure (DBP) starts decreasing in the elderly. There are, however, indications that systolic blood pressure (SBP) might also decline in advanced age, but further studies are needed to establish whether this is true. Midlife hypertension is an acknowledged risk factor for mortality and dementia. Some research has, however, suggested more complicated associations between blood pressure and these outcomes in old age, as low blood pressure has been linked to both increased mortality and increased risk of dementia. Research on this subject, especially in very old people (≥85 years of age), is still limited. The purpose of the present thesis was to investigate blood pressure epidemiology in old age and associations between blood pressure and mortality and cognition in very old people. Subjects were mainly derived from the Umeå 85+/GERDA (GErontological Regional DAtabase) study, a study on individuals aged 85 years, 90 years or ≥95 years carried out in northern Sweden and Finland in 2000-2007. For analysis of blood pressure change with age, data from this study were combined with data from the U70 study that was carried out in the city of Umeå, Sweden between 1981-1990 and included individuals aged 70-88 years. Investigations were performed during a home visit in the Umeå 85+/GERDA study and at a geriatric centre in the U70 study. SBP and DBP were measured in the supine position in both studies and pulse pressure (PP) was calculated as SBP-DBP.  Main outcome variables were 4-year mortality, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores, dementia and blood pressure change with age and over the years. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs was also considered. Blood pressure changes with age and time were investigated using 1133 blood pressure measurements from 705 individuals aged ≥70 years performed between 1981 and 2005. DBP continually decreased with increasing age, whereas SBP and PP increased up to age 74.5 and 80.6 years, respectively, to then start decreasing. Mean SBP and DBP also decreased over the years. The prevalence of treatment with antihypertensive drugs increased during the same period and is probably one explanation for the decrease in blood pressure with time. Blood pressure also decreased in longitudinal analyses of those individuals who participated in more than one data collection. Women had higher SBP and PP than men. The association between blood pressure and 4-year mortality was investigated in a sample of 348 individuals aged ≥85 years. Results indicated a non-linear association between SBP and mortality, i.e. both lower and higher SBP were associated with increased mortality. The lowest mortality risk was associated with an SBP of 164 mmHg (95% confidence interval 154-184 mmHg). The analyses were adjusted for a number of diseases and health factors and thus suggest a negative effect of low SBP on survival, independent of health status. There was no association between DBP or PP and 4-year mortality. The impact of blood pressure on MMSE scores and dementia was investigated both in a cross-section of 575 individuals and longitudinally in two samples including 102 and 205 individuals, respectively, all ≥85 years old. Cross-sectional analysis demonstrated nonlinear associations between SBP and PP and MMSE scores, indicating poorer cognitive function with both low and high blood pressure. The association between DBP and MMSE scores was linear, higher DBP being associated with higher scores. Individuals with dementia had lower blood pressure than those without dementia. Longitudinally, over five years, no association between baseline blood pressure and incident dementia or change in MMSE scores could be demonstrated. Mean blood pressure declined over this time period, and this decline was greater in individuals who developed dementia than in those who remained dementia free. A greater decline in blood pressure was associated with a greater decline in MMSE scores. In conclusion, this study has shown a decrease in both SBP and DBP in advanced age and also that low blood pressure is associated with both increased mortality and poor cognitive function in very old people. These associations might not be fully explained by underlying disease or poor health status; the underlying mechanisms are so far mostly speculative. Very high blood pressure might also remain a risk factor for the mentioned outcomes even in very old age, at least in some people. No association between baseline blood pressure and cognitive decline or incident dementia could be demonstrated, but blood pressure decline was associated with cognitive decline and incident dementia. The direction of this association remains to be determined. Blood pressure also decreased over the years from 1981 to 2005, probably partly due to an increasing prevalence of treatment with antihypertensive drugs. / Umeå 85+/GERDA

Predicerar skriftliga bildbeskrivningar demens? : -En retrospektiv studie

Söderbäck, Emma, Landfeldt, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Skrivning är en biomekaniskt invecklad process som kräver en viss nivå av såväl motorisksom kognitiv förmåga. Forskning om Alzheimers sjukdom tyder på att nedsättningar i flerakognitiva domäner förekommer innan den kliniska diagnosen ställs. Det finns även forskningsom tyder på att ett innehållsrikt skriftspråk i unga år minskar risken för demensutveckling påäldre dagar. För att studera om mått från texter kunde predicera demens på ett tidigt stadiumanalyserades 141 skriftliga bildbeskrivningar insamlade inom ramen för rutinmässigaminnesutredningar vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Huddinge. Deltagarna delades in itre grupper utifrån diagnos (minnesutredning, lindrig kognitiv svikt och demens).Utgångspunkt för studien var de fyra textmåtten: idétäthet, verbtäthet, läsbarhetsindex (LIX)och T-enheter. Då texterna i de flesta fall var skrivna av personer med kognitiv nedsättninghar måtten varit tvungna att modifieras och särskilda instruktioner för bedömning av texternahar utformats. Resultaten tyder på att skriftliga bildbeskrivningar utförda av individer meddemens innehåller färre totalt antal ord än de skrivna av individer diagnostiserade medlindrig kognitiv svikt eller mindre svårigheter än så. De innehåller även färre propositioner,verb, långa ord, T-enheter, ord per T-enhet, har en kortare meningslängd samt har i snitt ettlägre LIX-värde. En logistisk regressionsanalys visade att demens (kontra minnesutredningarmed subjektiva besvär) predicerades signifikant (p &lt; 0.01) av antalet verb samt av LIXvärdet.Totalt 85 % av fallen klassificerades korrekt. / Writing is a biomechanically complex process which demands a certain level of motor aswell as cognitive ability. Research concerning Alzheimer’s disease shows that impairmentsin multiple cognitive domains are notable before a clinical diagnosis can be made. There isalso research which indicates that written language ability in early life predicts the risk ofdementia in old age. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether measures derivedfrom narrative writing could predict dementia cross-sectionally. The material was 141 writtenpicture descriptions collected during routine investigations of cognitive disorders at theMemory Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The participants were classifiedinto three groups based on their diagnosis (subjective memory complaints, mild cognitiveimpairment and dementia). This study was based essentially on the four text measures: ideadensity, verb density, index of readability (LIX) and T-unit. As most of the texts were writtenby participants with some degree of cognitive decline the measures had to be modified tosome extent and detailed scoring protocols were worked out. The results indicate that writtenpicture descriptions made by individuals with dementia contained fewer words than thosewritten by individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or subjective cognitivecomplaints. They also contained fewer propositions, verbs, long words, T-units, words per Tunit,had a shorter mean sentence length and had a lower average LIX-value. A logisticregression analysis showed that cases of dementia, as opposed to subjective cognitivecomplaints, were significally predicted (p &lt; 0.01) by the number of verbs and also by theLIX-value. Overall, 85 % of the cases were correctly classified.

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