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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mécanisme de collaboration dans la collaboration logistique horizontale

Xu, Xiaozhou 16 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
À cause des stratégies de production et de marketing de plus en plus ambitieuses tellesque le Juste-À-Temps et la production adaptée au client, les approches de collaboration logistique verticale qui sont courantes atteignent une limite d'efficacité notamment en transport. La collaboration logistique horizontale (CLH) et plus particulièrement la mutualisation, dont l'efficacité a été prouvée dans la littérature et dans les cas réels, a attiré l'attention des chercheurs ainsi que des praticiens. Cependatn, un des obstacles principaux à la mise en œuvre des CLHs est l'absence d'un mécanisme de collaboration raisonné, en particulier un mécanisme de partage des gains. Nous identifions deux formes d'organisation des CLHs : centralisée limité en pratique à de petites coalitions et décentralisée pouvant comprendre de nombreux participants. Pour des CLHs centralisées, nous proposons un modèle de collaboration qui est un processus de conduite qui intègre les outils d'aide à la décision. Nous développons également un mécanisme de partage par la théorie des jeux. Ce mécanisme est applicable aux différentes catégories des CLHs centralisées, qui peuvent être modélisées par des jeux coopératifs super-additif et non-super-additifs. Afin de proposer un plan de partage crédible aux collaborateurs, ce mécanisme de partage prend en compte la contribution de chacun des collaborateurs, la stabilité de la coalition et leur pouvoir de négociation. Ce cadre est illustré par des exemples numériques issus de cas logistiques. Pour la mise en œuvre des CLHs décentralisées, nous proposons un cadre de travail de logistique collaborative qui est ouvert aux participants potentiels, et avons conçu des protocoles fondés sur le mécanisme d'enchère combinatoire, qui spécifient l'allocation de demande de livraison et la détermination de paiement pour faciliter les collaborations. Cette dernière partie s'appuie sur la théorie dite de Mechanism design.

Využití sociálních sítí v módním průmyslu / Role módních blogerů a marketingové trendy ve 21. století / The use of social sites in the fashion industry the role of fashion bloggers and marketing trends in 21st century

Bijedičová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
World as known in the 21st century is influenced by modern technologies, social sites are counted as one of them. If a fashion company wants to succeed in the globalized world, in which thanks to the Internet everything is affordable, this company has to build a positive relationship with its customers. One way how to do it is using correct marketing strategies and tools. This can be done in cooperation with fashion bloggers. They are building a big influence on their social sites profiles, reaching millions of followers from all over the world. This diploma thesis conducts a survey on this topic while describing one of each tool of fashion blogs and also principles of the fashion industry. Later on these findings are deepen by studying how the best international and Czech fashion blogs work in the reality. The end also covers a different point of view - experiences of a fashion company.

Vinterns ohållbara cirkel - en studie om svenska skidbranschens klimatberoende samt klimatpåverkan

Andersson, Jasmine, Bech, Klara January 2019 (has links)
I studien undersöks relationen mellan svenska skidbranschens klimatberoende samt klimatpåverkan. Huvudfrågan är: Vad är skidbranschens ansvar i klimatfrågan och hur kommer branschen hantera förändringar i framtiden? Intervjuer samt tidigare forskning sattes i relation till teorier av Boserup, Ostrom samt Hess. Skidbranschen är enligt tidigare forskning till stor del beroende av ett kallt klimat samtidigt som branschen bidrar till den globala uppvärmningen, främst genom transporter. Utifrån informanterna samt tidigare forskning styr konsumenterna till stor del branschens utveckling och i enlighet med Boserups teori bekräftar vår studie att de tekniska lösningarna skett som ett svar på en större efterfråga samt konsumenters hårdare krav. Den tekniska utvecklingen ses både av informanterna i branschen samt den tidigare forskningen som en lösning på de konsekvenser som klimatförändringarna kan föra med sig. Klimatförändringarna förväntas, enligt tidigare forskning att påverka skiddestinationer och åtgärder för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser behöver tas. Utifrån Ostroms och Hess teorier föreslår vi vintern som en common för att på så sätt få mer effektiva styrningssystem gällande skidbranschen. / This study examines the relationship between the Swedish ski industry’s dependence and impact on the climate. The main question was: What is the ski industry’s responsibility in the climate issue and how will the industry handle climate changes in the future? Interviews and previous research were put in relation to theories of Boserup, Ostrom and Hess. According to previous research, the ski industry is largely dependent on a cold climate, while at the same time the industry contributes to global warming, primarily through transports. Based on the informants as well as previous research, the consumers largely control the industry’s development and our study in connection with Boserup’s theory, is that the technical solutions have been made in response to a greater demand and harder consumer requirements. The technological development is seen both by the informants in the industry and the previous research as a solution to the consequences that climate change may bring. According to previous research, climate change is expected to affect ski destinations and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions need to be taken. Based on Ostrom’s and Hess's theory, we propose winter as a common in order to get more efficient control systems for the ski industry.

Rollen und Kollaborationen in Scala

Pradel, Michael 26 June 2008 (has links)
The interrelations of a set of software objects are usually manifold and complex. Common object-oriented programming languages provide constructs for structuring objects according to shared properties and behavior, but fail to provide abstraction mechanisms for the interactions of objects. Roles seem to be a promising approach to solve this problem as they focus on the behavior of an object in a certain context. Combining multiple roles yields collaborations, an interesting abstraction and reuse unit. However, existing approaches towards roles in programming languages require vast extensions of the underlying language or even propose new languages. We propose a programming technique that enables role-based programming with commonly available language constructs. Thus, programmers can express roles and collaborations by simply using a library, and hence, without the need to change the language, its compiler, and its tools. We explain our proposal on a language-independent level. Moreover, we provide an implementation in form of a library for the Scala programming language. Finally, we apply our ideas to design patterns and analyze to which extent these can be expressed and reused with roles. / Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Softwareobjekten sind vielfältig und komplex. In den meisten objektorientierten Programmiersprachen werden Objekte an Hand von gemeinsamen Eigenschaften und Verhalten klassifiziert. Konstrukte zum Strukturieren bezüglich ihrer Interaktionen fehlen jedoch. Ein vielversprechender Lösungsansatz sind Rollen, welche das Verhalten von Objekten in einem bestimmten Kontext beschreiben. Zusammenhängende Rollen können zu Kollaborationen abstrahiert werden. Diese sind insbesondere als wiederverwendbare Bausteine interessant. Allerdings verändern bisherige Ansätze zu rollenbasiertem Programmieren die zu Grunde liegende Sprache erheblich oder schlagen gar neue Sprachen vor. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen wir eine Programmiermethode, die rollenbasiertes Programmieren mit üblichen Sprachkonstrukten ermöglicht. Somit können Rollen und Kollaborationen als Bibliothek bereitgestellt werden, also ohne Sprache, Compiler und Werkzeuge anpassen zu müssen. Wir erläutern unseren Ansatz zunächst sprachunabhängig. Desweiteren wird eine Implementierung als Bibliothek für die Scala Programmiersprache präsentiert. Als praktische Anwendung stellen wir Entwurfsmustern dar und überprüfen, inwiefern sich diese mit Rollen ausdrücken und wiederverwenden lassen.

Achieving a Sustainable Fashion Industry through Global Collaborations and Standardized Measurement Tools : An Exploratory Case Study on the Sustainable Apparel Coalition

Cederfeldt, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Background: The increased attention to the subject of sustainable development within the fashion industry is frequently explained by how the fashion industry has become global, connecting brands, producers, manufacturers, businesses, and consumers across the entire globe. This has further led to the need for new constellations of global multi stakeholder collaborations. In 2009, a rather remarkable collaboration was announced; Patagonia and Walmart are pairing up to fight for a sustainable apparel, footwear, and textile industry. The collaboration is called The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) and is today representing nearly half of the entire volume of global production for apparel and footwear. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify key decision points and actions in the development of SAC and the Higg Index. The aim is to understand how to create a foundation for sustainable development within the fashion, apparel and textile industry on a global scale. Methodology: The research has been conducted through an exploratory case study of qualitative character, focusing on the development process of SAC and the Higg Index. The data has been collected through in-depth interviews with participants having prior knowledge, insight, participation, and experience of the development process of SAC and the Higg Index. Further the data has been analyzed through an inductive thematic analysis. Result & Analysis: Several interesting themes arrived in the result. However, these were narrowed down to four key factors for the development process of SAC and the Higg Index; Industry collaboration through democratic organizational culture, Getting the right people on the bus, then teaching them how to drive it, Trustworthy standards, communication and transparency throughout the supply chain, and Striving for global sustainable development = good for business. Research Limitations & Suggestions for Future Research: Due to the exploratory character of the study, conclusions have been drawn with caution and has rather aimed to focus on the contribution of new insights, a deeper understanding and increased knowledge of the development of SAC and the Higg Index. The main suggestion for future research is to conduct a study which includes the perspective of the manufacturers and workers within the supply chain. This type of study could assist with gaining further insights of obstacles and potential solutions for how to globally adopt the Higg Index within all levels of the supply chain in the most successful way.

The sustainable banking inudstry : factors associated with sustainable innovation

Robin, Nikolausson, Kristoffer, Edin January 2021 (has links)
TITLE: The sustainable banking industry - factors associated with sustainable innovation. FINAL SEMINAR: 2021-05-26COURSE: Master thesis in Business & Management - Organization at Uppsala University. AUTHORS: Kristofer Edin & Robin Nikolausson. ADVISOR: Josef Pallas.KEYWORDS: Sustainable innovation, Internal factors, External factors, Regulations, Technology, Market demand, Organizational culture, Market opportunities, Internal collaborations, Managerial dedication, Knowledge management.PURPOSE: This thesis aims to study factors associated with the development of sustainable innovation in the banking industry. Moreover, the ambition is to bring relevant findings and support for previous findings related to the information gap about how factors are associated with sustainable innovation and how they correspond to each other.METHOD: This research is using a case study methodology where one specific case company is being scrutinized. The study has used an exploratory study approach consisting of qualitative data gathering. Moreover, it is based on an inductive approach. The data consist of both primary data in terms of interviews with employees from the case company and of secondary data from various internet sources.LITERATURE REVIEW: Sustainable innovation, Technology, Regulations, Market demand, Organizational culture, Market opportunities, Internal collaboration, Managerial dedication, Knowledge management.EMPIRICAL FINDINGS: This thesis uncovers that there are both internal and external factors associated with sustainable innovation in the banking industry. The empirical findings thus correspond to the theory as it illustrates that the different factors are associated with sustainable innovation in the case company. However, the correctness of the theoretical suggestions varies in terms of the level of importance concerning the different factors. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION:The analysis illustrates that even as the eight factors are associated with sustainable innovation, it is difficult to decide their relative importance as they are not mutually exclusive, but dependent on each other. However, there are some empirical indications that some factors, such as market demand and organizational culture, are more dominant in the relationships among the different factors.

Deal or no deal? : En kvantitativ studie om vad som påverkar affären mellan startups och storföretag / Deal or no deal? : A quantitative study on what effects the deal between startups and large companies

Carlsson, Josefine, Paulina, Hansson January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Startupföretag bidrar i dagens samhälle med flertalet innovationer, vilket storföretag kan ta del av genom öppen innovation. När företagen samarbetar med varandra kan parterna tillsammans främja innovation och ta del av ny kunskap. Startupföretag får hjälp med kommersialisering av affärsidén och storföretag kan behålla sin marknadsposition genom användningen av ny teknik. På grund av den stora asymmetrin organisationerna emellan är det av intresse att ge en förklaring för vad som påverkar en affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag, för att möjliggöra fler lyckade samarbeten.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån startupföretags perspektiv undersöka faktorer som påverkar en lyckad affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag inom högteknologiska branscher.  Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvantitativ metod där empirin samlats in med hjälp av enkäter via en tvärsnittsdesign. Vidare har studien utgått från det positivistiska perspektivet där en deduktiv ansats använts. En hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys genomfördes för att analysera hur tidigare erfarenhet av storföretag, matchad via stödfunktion, avtalsdesign, förtroende, kommunikation, indirekta värden och direkta värden samvarierar med en lyckad affär mellan storföretag och startupföretag.  Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att ökad omsättning, avtalsdesign, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering, stödfunktioner, kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med lyckad affär. Ökad omsättning, ett detaljerat avtal, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering och matchning via stödfunktion ökar sannolikheten för en lyckad affär. När vikt läggs vid kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden minskar sannolikheten att affären blir lyckad. Genom att ta studiens faktorer i beaktning kan både startupföretag och storföretag öka sannolikheten att det blir en lyckad affär. / Background: Startups contribute in today's society with multiple innovations, which large companies can take part of through open innovation. By collaborating, both companies can enhance innovation and take part of new knowledge. Startups receive help with the commercialization of their business idea and large companies can keep their market position through the use of new technology. Due to the large asymmetry between the organisations, it is of interest to create a broader explanation of what affects the deal between startups and large companies, in order to enable more successful collaboration.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine different factors that affect a successful deal between startups and large companies in high-tech industries from the startup perspective.  Methodology: The study used a quantitative research method where the empirical data has been collected by questionnaires. The study is based on a positivist philosophical standpoint with a deductive approach. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze how the factors previous experience with large companies, matched by a support function, contract design, trust, personal chemistry, communication, indirect values and direct values affects the deal between large companies and startups.  Analysis and conclusion: The result of the study shows that increased revenue, contract design, previous experience of contracting, support functions, cost efficiency and indirect values have a statistically significant correlation with a successful deal. Increased revenue, a detailed contract, previous experience of contracting and matched by a support function increases the probability to perform a successful deal. When focus shifts to cost efficiency and indirect values, the probability of the deal being successful decreases. By taking the factors into account, both startups and large companies can increase the probability that it will be a successful deal.

R&D Integration Between Subsidiary Companies : A Case Study in the Commercial Vehicle Industry / FoU-integration mellan dotterbolag : en fallstudie inom kommersiella fordonsindustrin

Sandstig, Christianne January 2023 (has links)
Through mergers and acquisitions, automotive manufacturers can gain access to intellectual property and the ability to release advanced products and services at a faster pace and a decreased cost. This is achieved through integrating the product development capabilities of the merged or acquired companies. This study aimed to identify key success factors and challenges in product development integration by using the Traton Group as a case study, specifically two collaborations between their subsidiaries, Scania and Navistar. Interviews were performed with key product development resources at all three companies, as well as employees working in roles to enable collaboration within the Traton Group. The results confirm the importance of all success factors found in previous research on R&D integrations and how the success factors impact each other. They also show how the collaborations between Scania and Navistar have evolved and improved over time. Finally, they highlight the importance of common IT tools as enablers of collaboration, particularly in collaborations with intensive software development work. The study compares Traton’s integration strategies against previous research, and concludes that Traton is on the right track. However, the interviewees' responses indicated a desire for increased involvement from the corporate parent Traton in the collaboration work. / Genom företagsförvärv kan fordonstillverkare få tillgång till immateriella rättigheter och möjligheten att släppa avancerade produkter och tjänster i snabbare takt och lägre kostnad. Detta uppnås genom att integrera produktutvecklingskapaciteten hos de sammanslagna eller förvärvade företagen. Denna studie syftade till att identifiera viktiga framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar i produktutvecklingsintegration genom att använda Traton Group som en fallstudie, närmare bestämt två samarbeten mellan deras dotterbolag Scania och Navistar. Intervjuer utfördes med produktutvecklingsresurser på alla tre företagen, samt anställda som arbetade att möjliggöra samarbete inom Traton Group. Resultaten bekräftar vikten av alla framgångsfaktorer som hittats i tidigare forskning om FoU-integrationer och hur framgångsfaktorerna påverkar varandra. De visar också hur samarbeten mellan Scania och Navistar har utvecklats och förbättrats över tid. Slutligen lyfter de fram vikten av gemensamma IT-verktyg som möjliggörare av samarbete, särskilt i samarbeten med intensivt mjukvaruutvecklingsarbete. Studien jämför Tratons integrationsstrategier med tidigare forskning, och drar slutsatsen att Traton är på rätt väg. Intervjupersonernas svar tydde dock på en önskan om ökat engagemang från företagsföräldern Traton i samverkansarbetet.

Strukturell Design för Bostadshus

Kherfan, Rashid January 2023 (has links)
Fördröjningar till följd av icke optimerade samarbeten mellan olika teknikområden kan föranleda stora ekonomiska förluster och även stor påverkan på produktionsresultat, detta är ett problem som lyfts fram i denna studie och därför anses mitt studie vara viktigt. SyfteSyftet är att presentera en referensvara som lyfter upp ett arbetssätt för optimering av samspelet mellan arkitektur och konstruktion. MetodStudien involverade informella intervjuer med erfarna konstruktörer och arkitekter för att få insikter om samarbete i projekteringsprocessen. En litteraturgenomgång genomfördes för att få en bredare förståelse baserat på forskningsartiklar och böcker inom arkitektur och byggteknik. Designprocessen i ett byggprojekt beskrevs, där samverkan och kommunikation mellan olika yrkesgrupper är avgörande för att uppnå målen. Dimensioneringskontroll och extern granskning användes för att säkerställa att säkerhets- och hållfasthetskraven uppfylls. ResultatArkitekts- och konstruktionsresultat representeras samtidigt som ritningar och dimensioneringar av de bärande delar redovisas i detaljer med utförliga beräkningar, planlösningar och diagram. SlutsatsGenom en effektiv och välorganiserad samverkan mellan arkitekten och konstruktören kan konflikter minimeras och potentiella problemlösas tidigt i projekteringsprocessen. / Delays caused by non-optimized collaboration between different technical areas can lead to significant economic losses and have a major impact on production results, which is a problem highlighted in this study and therefore our study is considered important. The purpose is to present a reference document that highlights an approach for optimizing the interaction between architecture and construction. The study involved informal interviews with experienced designers and architects to gain insights into collaboration in the design process. Aliterature review was conducted to provide a broader understanding based on research articles and books in the fields of architecture and construction engineering. The design process in a construction project was described, highlighting the crucial role of collaboration and communication among different professional groups in achieving project goals. Dimension control and external review were utilized to ensure compliance with safety and structural integrity requirements. Architectural and structural outcomes are represented simultaneously, while drawings and dimensioning of the load-bearing components are presented in detail with comprehensive calculations, floor plans, and diagrams. Through effective and well-organized collaboration between the architect and the structural engineer, conflicts can be minimized, and potential issues can be resolved early in the design process. / <p>2023-06-29</p>

Vad är poängen? : En narrativ jämförande analys av Kevin Bangs egna videor och marknadsföringsvideor / What is the point? : A narrative comparative analysis on Kevin Bang’s own videos and marketing videos

Larsson, Amanda, Månsson, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Reklam har genom tiderna utvecklats från att vara övervägande argumenterande text till att påsenare år ha en mer berättande ansats, särskilt med framväxten av videoreklam. Socialamedier har lockat många företag att flytta sin reklam från traditionella medier till socialamedier på grund av den ökande användningen. Samtidigt som företag söker sig till socialamedier gör även allmänheten det, där ibland barn. Att urskilja reklam från annat innehåll pådessa plattformar har visat sig vara särskilt utmanande för barn. Mot denna bakgrund syftardenna studie till att undersöka skillnader och likheter i Kevin Bangs TikTok-videor med fokuspå deras berättarstrukturer. Studien analyserade tio videor, fem samarbetsvideor och fem av Kevin Bangs egna videor.Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av aktantmodellen, Hey You See So och plott. Studiens resultatindikerar att videorna följer liknande berättarstrukturer med några få distinkta skillnader. Detär även tydligt att hans samarbetsvideor inte går att separera från hans egna videor, främst pågrund av att det inte finns tydliga säljarargument. / Advertising has evolved over time, transitioning from predominantly persuasive text to adopting a more narrative approach in recent years, especially with the rise of video advertising. Social media has enticed many companies to shift their advertising from traditional media to social platforms due to the increasing user engagement. Simultaneously, as businesses migrate to social media, so does the public, including children. Distinguishing advertisements from other content on these platforms has proven to be particularly challenging for children. Against this backdrop, this study aims to examine differences and similarities in Kevin Bang's TikTok videos, focusing on their narrative structures.  The study analyzed ten videos, comprising five collaboration videos and five of Kevin Bang's own videos. This analysis was conducted using the actantial model, Hey You See So, and plot. The results of the study indicate that the videos follow similar narrative structures with only a few distinct differences. It is also evident that his collaboration videos cannot be easily distinguished from his own videos, primarily due to the absence of a clear selling point.

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