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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spillover and species interactions across habitat edges between managed and natural forests

Frost, Carol Margaret January 2013 (has links)
We are currently faced with the global challenge of conserving biological diversity while also increasing food production to meet the demands of a growing human population. Land-use change, primarily resulting from conversion to production land, is currently the leading cause of biodiversity loss. This occurs through habitat loss, fragmentation of remaining natural habitats, and resulting edge effects. Land-sparing and land-sharing approaches have been discussed as alternative ways to engineer landscapes to mitigate biodiversity loss while meeting production objectives. However, these represent extremes on a continuum of real-world landscapes, and it will be important to understand the mechanisms by which adjacent land use affects natural remnant ecosystems in order to make local land-management decisions that achieve conservation, as well as production, objectives. This thesis investigates the impact of juxtaposing production and natural forest on the community-wide interactions between lepidopteran herbivores and their parasitoids, as mediated by parasitoid spillover between habitats. The first and overarching objective was to determine whether herbivore productivity drives asymmetrical spillover of predators and parasitoids, primarily from managed to natural habitats, and whether this spillover alters trophic interactions in the recipient habitat. The study of trophic interactions at a community level requires understanding of both direct and indirect interactions. However, community-level indirect interactions are generally difficult to predict and measure, and these have therefore remained understudied. Apparent competition is an indirect interaction mechanism thought to be very important in structuring host-parasitoid assemblages. However, this is known primarily from studies of single species pairs, and its community-wide impacts are less clear. Therefore, my second objective was to determine whether apparent competition could be predicted for all species pairs within an herbivore assemblage, based on a measure of parasitoid overlap. My third objective was to determine whether certain host or parasitoid species traits can predict the involvement of those species in apparent competition. My key findings were that there is a net spillover of generalist predators and parasitoids from plantation to native forest, and that for generalists, this depends on herbivore abundance in the plantation forest. Herbivore populations across the edge were linked by shared parasitoids in apparent competition. Consequently, an experimental reduction of herbivore density in the plantation forest changed parasitism rates in the natural forest, as predicted based on parasitoid overlap. Finally, several host and parasitoid traits were identified that can predict the degree to which host or parasitoid species will be involved in apparent competition, a finding which may have extensive application in biological control, as well as in predicting spillover edge effects. Overall, this work suggests that asymmetrical spillover between production and natural habitats occurs in relation to productivity differences, with greater movement of predators and parasitoids in the managed-to-natural forest direction. The degree to which this affected species interactions has implications for landscape design to achieve conservation objectives in production landscapes.


Shaffer, James D 01 January 2013 (has links)
Historically, the Kentucky Inner Bluegrass blue ash-oak savanna-woodland was the primary ecosystem of the Inner Bluegrass Region (IBR) of Kentucky. After European settlement, the majority (>99%) of Bluegrass savanna was converted to agricultural and urban land uses. Currently remnant savanna tree species are failing to recruit. Therefore, a long-term restoration ecology project researching competition and disturbance on seedling establishment, survival, and growth has been established at Griffith Woods (the largest remaining savanna in Kentucky) in Harrison Co., KY. Fourteen native hardwood tree species (a total of 6,168 seedlings) have been experimentally planted. Light, soil, surrounding vegetation, and herbivory, factors thought to influence seedling survival, have been initially assessed. Results show that soils differed spatially in P, Ca, Mg, Zn, pH, N percent and soil organic matter percent. Light was significantly reduced by diffusive filtering through vegetation. Vegetation biomass was influenced by pH and Mg. Initial seedling survival was high, but significantly differed by species type, location, and soil pH, Mg, and Zn. This research demonstrates that under a similar range of conditions, native hardwood tree seedling establishment is possible. Therefore, the potential exists to restore Bluegrass savanna-woodland in order to return proper ecological functioning into a degraded landscape.

Humming along or buzzing off?: the elusive consequences of plant-pollinator mismatches and factors limiting seed set in the Coast Range of British Columbia

Straka, Jason Ryan 29 November 2012 (has links)
There is concern that climate change may cause mismatches between timing of flowering and activity of pollinators (phenology). However, concluding that mismatches will occur, and have serious consequences for pollination services, requires assumptions that have not yet been tested. I begin by discussing a set of these assumptions, bringing past research into the context of mismatch. Briefly, the assumptions are that 1) dates of first-flowering or emergence (DFFE) correctly describe phenology (and therefore mismatch); 2) differences in DFFE represent the magnitude of mismatch; 3) advancement of DFFE will be the primary phenological change; 4) shifts will be random and independent for each species; 5) populations of plants and pollinators are “bottom-up” regulated by their mutualistic interactions; 6) all interactions are of similar strength and importance; 7) dispersal, and the spatial context of phenological mismatches can be ignored; and ecological processes including 8) phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution of phenology, 9) competition and facilitation, and 10) emergence of novel interactions, will not affect mismatches. I then describe novel experiments, which could help to account for some of these assumptions, clarifying the existence and impacts of mismatches. Next, I present an original field experiment on factors affecting seed set in an alpine meadow in the Coast Range of British Columbia, Canada. I found evidence contradicting the assumption that seed set is primarily limited by pollination. My data highlight the roles of phenology, temperature (degree-days above 15°C, and frost hours), and interactions with pollinators (mutualists) and seed-predators (floral antagonists) in driving patterns of seed set. Seed set of early and late-flowering species responded differently to a 400m elevation gradient, which might be explained by phenology of bumble bees. My data suggest that the consequences of mismatch may be smallest for plants that are fly-pollinated and self-fertile. Non-selfing, bee-pollinated species might be more prone to reproductive limitation through mismatch (affected by snowmelt and cumulative degree-days). Plants that are limited by seed-predators might be negatively affected by warming temperatures with fewer frost hours, and extreme events such as late-season frosts and hail storms can prevent plants from setting seed entirely. Overall, my work emphasizes the importance of complementing theory, data-driven simulations, and meta-analyses with experiments carried out in the field. / Graduate

Decadal time-scale vegetation changes at high latitudes:responses to climatic and non-climatic drivers

Maliniemi, T. (Tuija) 18 September 2018 (has links)
Abstract Boreal and arctic plant communities are responding to anthropogenic climate change that has been exceptionally rapid during the recent decades. General responses include increased productivity, range expansions and biodiversity changes, all of which affect ecosystem functions. Vegetation dynamics are however controlled by multiple drivers, and the outcomes under the changing climate are not yet fully clear. As high latitude areas often lack long-term monitoring of vegetation, alternative methods are required to observe and understand vegetation changes and dynamics. Recently, resurveying historical vegetation data has become a valuable method of studying vegetation changes over the past few decades. In this thesis, I studied multidecadal (23–60 years) vegetation changes in forest and treeless heath and tundra plant communities along a latitudinal gradient in northern Fennoscandia using both vegetation resurveys and long-term experimental data. In addition to examining climate-driven vegetation changes, I related changes in plant communities to key local drivers of each context including mesotopography, grazing, soil moisture and soil fertility. General trends among the resurveyed treeless heath sites were the pronounced increase of the dwarf shrub Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum in snow-protected habitats and the decrease of lichens throughout. Southernmost heath communities showed strong responses to multidriver effects and had shifted towards new community states. The long-term experiment in the tundra confirmed that depending on driver combinations, tundra communities evolve towards divergent alternative states, highlighting the importance of local drivers in modifying tundra vegetation over time. Communities in fertile forest sites experienced greater temporal turnover compared to infertile forest sites, suggesting that the soil fertility level is a key predictor of vegetation changes under climate change. This particularly important finding previously relied mainly on experimental evidence. Despite these generalities, changes in diversity, plant groups and species varied under a rather uniform climatic warming trend and were often habitat- or region-specific. Thus, the results of my thesis highly motivate continued monitoring and resurveying of vegetation under rapid environmental change and also form baseline time-series data for future studies. / Tiivistelmä Poikkeuksellisen nopea ilmastonmuutos on johtanut viime vuosikymmenten aikana muutoksiin boreaalisissa ja arktisissa kasviyhteisöissä. Muutoksiin lukeutuvat tuottavuuden lisääntyminen, levinneisyysrajojen siirtyminen sekä muutokset biodiversiteetissä, mitkä kaikki muuttavat ekosysteemien toimintaa. Kasvillisuuden dynamiikkaa säätelevät kuitenkin useat paikallistason tekijät, minkä seurauksena ei ole täysin selvää, miten kasvillisuus on eri alueilla ja habitaateissa muuttunut. Koska kasvillisuuden jatkuva monitorointi on harvinaista pohjoisilla alueilla, vanhojen kasvillisuusaineistojen uudelleenkartoituksista on tullut tärkeä menetelmä muutosten havaitsemiseksi. Tutkin väitöskirjassani vuosikymmenten kuluessa tapahtuneita (23–60 vuotta) kasvillisuusmuutoksia Pohjois-Fennoskandian metsissä, puuttomilla kankailla ja tundralla uudelleenkartoitusten ja kokeellisen tutkimuksen avulla, ja kytkin ne ilmastonmuutokseen sekä tärkeimpiin paikallisiin tekijöihin. Yleisiä trendejä uudelleenkartoitetuilla puuttomilla kankailla olivat variksenmarjan (Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum) voimakas lisääntyminen lumensuojaisissa habitaateissa sekä jäkälien väheneminen kaikkialla. Yhteisöjen kokonaismuutos oli voimakkainta eteläisillä puuttomilla kankailla, jossa se korreloi yhtä aikaa lisääntyneiden lämpötilojen ja laidunpaineen kanssa. Kokeellinen tutkimus tundralla osoitti, että kasviyhteisöt kehittyvät hyvin erilaisiksi paikallisten tekijöiden voimakkuussuhteista riippuen, jotka voivat joko hidastaa tai nopeuttaa ympäristömuutoksista johtuvia kasvillisuusmuutoksia. Metsien uudelleenkartoitus osoitti yhteisöjen kokonaismuutoksen olevan pitkällä aikavälillä suurempaa tuottavilla maaperillä lehtometsissä verrattuna karumpiin kangasmetsiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan maaperän tuottavuus on avaintekijä, joka ennustaa kasvillisuusmuutosten voimakkuutta ilmastonmuutoksen aikana. Tästä tärkeästä löydöstä oli aiemmin pääasiassa vain kokeellista tutkimustietoa. Yleisistä trendeistä huolimatta, muutokset diversiteetissä, kasviryhmissä ja yksittäisissä lajeissa olivat kuitenkin vaihtelevia ja usein habitaatti- tai aluesidonnaisia. Väitöskirjani tulokset, jotka muodostavat myös aikasarjan tuleville tutkimuksille, osoittavat kasvillisuuden monitoroinnin ja uudelleenkartoitusten olevan ensisijaisen tärkeitä, jotta kasvillisuuden dynamiikkaa voidaan ymmärtää paremmin nopeasti muuttuvissa olosuhteissa.

Restauration de marais temporaires et de pelouses méso-xériques à partir d’anciennes rizières : Rôle respectif des filtres dans l'assemblage des communautés / Temporary wetland and meso-xeric grassland restoration on former ricefields : Respective role of filters in community assembly

Muller, Isabelle 06 December 2013 (has links)
La restauration écologique est considérée comme un des moyens susceptibles d’enrayer la perte de la biodiversité. Les changements d’occupation du sol peuvent être des opportunités pour restaurer des écosystèmes dégradés par les activités agricoles. C’est notamment le cas du projet participatif du domaine du Cassaïre, situé dans le delta du Rhône, qui vise à recréer sur d’anciennes rizières des écosystèmes méditerranéens favorables à l’activité cynégétique. Deux écosystèmes sont plus particulièrement visés, les marais temporaires et les pelouses méso-xériques. Les objectifs de la thèse sont de mettre en évidence les principaux mécanismes concourant à l’installation d’une communauté végétale, de tester des techniques de restauration et d'en évaluer les conséquences pour les communautés végétales mais aussi pour d'autres compartiments de l'écosystème. En l’absence d’espèces cibles dans le pool régional d’espèces, l’introduction de ces espèces est nécessaire en addition de la restauration des conditions abiotiques. L’étrépage et le transfert de sol pour la communauté des marais permettent une augmentation des espèces cibles et de la similarité avec la communauté de référence. Cette technique apparaît moins pertinente pour la communauté d’invertébrés aquatiques. Le succès contrasté du transfert de sol souligne les risques à ne pas privilégier qu’un nombre restreint d’indicateurs de restauration, ne reflétant pas l’ensemble de l’écosystème. L’étrépage de sol suivi d’un transfert de foin semble être une combinaison pertinente pour recréer la communauté végétale de pelouses, même si les résultats obtenus, probablement en raison d’une compétition élevée, sont moins convaincants que pour les marais temporaires. Nos résultats obtenus pour la grande majorité en mésocosmes, s’ils ne concernent que les premières étapes de la restauration, mettent cependant en évidence des techniques de restauration qui paraissent pertinentes pour installer certaines composantes des deux écosystèmes de référence. Ces résultats, par leurs limites, suggèrent néanmoins de privilégier la conservation in situ des habitats naturels plutôt que de chercher à les restaurer après qu’ils aient été détruits. / Ecological restoration is considered as one approach to slow down the loss of biodiversity. Changes in land-uses may be an opportunity to restore ecosystems degraded by agricultural activities. This is the case of the participatory project of the Cassaïre site, located in the Rhône delta, which aims at recreating Mediterranean ecosystems favorable to hunting on former ricefields. Two ecosystems are targeted, temporary wetlands and meso-xeric grasslands. The aims of the thesis are to highlight the main drivers of plant community establishment, to test restoration techniques and to evaluate their effects on plant communities but also on other compartments of the ecosystem. In the absence of target species in the regional species pool, the introduction of these species is necessary in addition to the restoration of abiotic conditions. Topsoil removal and soil transfer for wetland communities allow an increase of target species and of similarity with the reference community. This technique appears to be less relevant for aquatic invertebrate community. The contrasted successful of soil transfer highlights the risks of favoring some indicators of restoration success, as they may not reflect the entire ecosystem. Topsoil removal and hay transfer seem to be a relevant combination to recreate grassland plant community, although the results obtained are less convincing than for temporary wetland, probably due to high competition. Our results, obtained in mesocosms, even if they relate only to the early stages of recovery, provide restoration techniques that seem relevant to establish some components of the two reference ecosystems. These results, by their limitations, however, suggest focusing on in situ conservation of natural habitats rather than trying to restore them after they were destroyed.Keywords: Biodiversity, Community ecology, Restoration

Du paysage à la population : impacts des changements d’usages et de la restauration face à la colonisation d’une espèce envahissante (Rubus ulmifolius Schott.) dans un écosystème sub-steppique méditerranéen / From landscape to population : impacts of land-use changes and restoration in regards to the colonization of an encroaching species (Rubus ulmifolius Schott.) in a Mediterranean sub-steppic ecosystem

Masson, Solène 10 December 2014 (has links)
Etudier un phénomène écologique requiert de le considérer dans sa globalité afin d’appréhender l’ensemble de ses causes et ses conséquences. Dans la plaine de la Crau, écosystème pseudo-steppique du sud est de la France, la fragmentation des habitats, la perte de biodiversité et les changements d’usage ont favorisé l’envahissement de fragments relictuels de steppe par Rubus ulmifolius Schott. Par une approche multiscalaire, les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mettre en évidence les facteurs responsables de cet envahissement, d’appréhender ses conséquences sur la communauté végétale et de tester d’éventuelles techniques de restauration écologique en évaluant leurs effets à l’échelle de la communauté et de la population de ronces. La présence de fortes proportions de zones irriguées et de parcelles anciennement cultivées dans la matrice paysagère proche des zones envahies correspond à des taux de recouvrements parcellaires en ronciers plus élevés. A l’échelle de la communauté végétale, les infiltrations hydriques ont également des effets importants sur la végétation steppique en permettant le développement d’une espèce herbacée compétitrice : Brachypodium phoenicoïdes (L.) Roem. & Schult. Aucun des différents régimes de perturbation (débroussaillage et/ou pâturage) testés, croisés au drainage ou non du sol ne permet de restaurer à court terme (trois années) l’intégrité de la steppe de référence. Seule une augmentation significative de la richesse et de la diversité spécifique est mesurée dans le cas d’un débroussaillage et d’un pâturage annuel des placettes. A l’échelle des ronces, les effets des différents traitements varient selon l’année, la saison ou la période de la journée considérée. Les régimes de perturbation (débroussaillage et/ou pâturage) ont cependant plus d'influence sur les traits éco-physiologiques et morphologiques de la ronce que la limitation des ressources en eau. Nos résultats soulignent ainsi la difficulté de contrôler à court terme la dynamique d’une espèce envahissante. Ils ouvrent également le débat sur les objectifs de conservation et/ou de restauration des parcelles qui peuvent alors être considérées comme des écosystèmes dégradés ou comme de « nouveaux écosystèmes » dont les potentiels patrimoniaux sont encore inconnus. / Studying an ecological phenomenon require to consider it in its entirety in order to apprehend all the causes and consequences. In the Plain of La Crau, a sub-steppic ecosystem in southeastern France, habitat fragmentation, loss of biodiversity and land-uses changes have fostered the encroachment by a species of brambles Rubus ulmifolius Schott of the original steppic patches. Using a multiscale analysis, the aims of the thesis are to highlight the main drivers, to assess the consequences on the plant community and to test restoration techniques by evaluating their effects on plant community and on bramble population. The presence of high proportions of irrigated habitats and formely fallows around invaded plots correspond to the largest cover rates of brambles. At community scale, water infiltrations have also a great impact on the steppe plant community by favoring the dynamic of an herbaceous competitor species: Brachypodium phoenicoïdes (L.) Roem. & Schult. Among the different disturbance regimes tested (scrub-clearing and / or grazing), crossed with the presence or the absence of sol draining, none could restore in the short-term (3 years), the integrity of the steppe reference. A significant increase in species richness and diversity was only measured for drained, scrub-cleared and annually grazed plots. At bramble population scale, the effects of the different treatments change depending on the year, the season and the time of the day. However, disturbance regimes (clearing and / or grazing) have more impact on eco-physiological and morphological traits of the bramble than the water resources limitation. Our results highlight the difficulty controlling short-term dynamics of an invasive species. They question the objectives of conservation and / or restoration of plots which can then be considered as degraded ecosystems or as "novel ecosystems" whose potential patrimonial values are still unknown.

O papel das áreas alagáveis nos padrões de diversidade de espécies arbóreas na Amazônia /

Luize, Bruno Garcia January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Clarisse Palma da Silva / Resumo: Áreas úmidas são ambientes na interface terrestre e aquática, onde sazonalmente a disponibilidade de água pode estar em excesso ou em escassez. A história geológica da bacia amazônica está intimamente relacionada com a presença de áreas úmidas em grandes extensões espaciais e temporais e em variadas tipologias. Dentre as tipologias de áreas úmidas presentes na Amazônia as áreas alagáveis ao longo das planícies de inundação dos grandes rios são possivelmente as que possuem maior extensão territorial. Esta tese aborda o papel das áreas úmidas para a diversidade de árvores na Amazônia. As florestas que crescem em áreas úmidas possuem menor diversidade de espécies arbóreas em relação às florestas em ambientes terrestres (i.e., florestas de terra-firme); possivelmente devido às limitações ecológicas e fisiológicas relacionadas a saturação hídrica do solo e as inundações periódicas. Entretanto, nas áreas úmidas da Amazônia já foram registradas 3,515 espécies de árvores (Capítulo 2), uma quantidade comparável à da diversidade na Floresta Atlântica. Em relação às florestas de terra-firme da Amazônia, as espécies de árvores que ocorrem em áreas úmidas tendem a apresentar maiores áreas de distribuição e amplitudes de tolerâncias de nicho ao longo da região Neotropical (Capítulo 3). A composição florística e a distância filogenética entre espécies arbóreas nas florestas de várzea da Amazônia central mudam amplamente entre localidades (Capítulo 4). O gradiente ambiental contido entre as ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Wetlands are in the interface of terrestrial and aquatic environments, where seasonally water availability may be in excess or scarcity. Geological history of Amazon basin is closely linked with a huge temporal and spatial extents of wetlands. Nowadays, floodplains (i.e., Vázea and Igapó) are the wetlands with greatest coverage in Amazon. The present thesis is focused on the role of wetlands to tree species diversity in Amazon. Wetland forests have lower tree species diversity than upland forests (i.e., Terra-Firme); most likely due to ecological and physiological limitations. Notwithstanding, in Amazonian wetland forests 3,515 tree species already were recorded, (Chapter 2), which is comparable to tree species diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Wetland tree species show greater ranges sizes and niche breadth compared to tree species do not occur in wetlands (Chapter 3). Floristic compositional turnover and phylogenetic distances between floodplain forests in Central Amazon is high (Chapter 4). The most influential driver of floristic compositional turnover was the geographic distances between localities, whereas phylogenetic distances is driven mainly by the environmental gradients between forests. Furthermore, in general, the most abundant species are those that shows greater co-occurrence associations (Chapter 5). Co-occurrence structure is influenced by biotic interactions like facilitation and competition among species, but also by niche similarities indicated in the evol... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

What does a bioenergetic network approach tell us about the functioning of ecological communities?

Delmas, Eva 05 1900 (has links)
Les perturbations auxquelles font face les communautés écologiques, du fait des activités humaines, sont à l'origine de changements profonds dans ces communautés. Nombreuses caractéristiques des espèces sont altérées, de leur physiologie à leur occurrence même. Ces changements se répercutent sur la composition, la diversité et la structure des communautés, puisque les espèces n'interagissent pas tout le temps de la même manière en fonction des conditions. Prévoir le devenir de ces communautés émergentes, et des fonctions qu'elles soutiennent est un défi central de l'écologie et de nos sociétés. Différents cadres conceptuels ont été utilisés pour relever ce défi, basés sur différents mécanismes écologiques, et ont divergé en plusieurs domaines. D'un côté, l'analyse des chaînes trophiques utilise la consommation pour expliquer les effets de la diversité verticale (le nombre de niveaux trophiques) sur le fonctionnement, et de l'autre côté, les analyses biodiversité-fonctionnement lient compétition et effets de la diversité horizontale (la diversité au sein des niveaux trophiques isolés). Chacun de ces domaines a produit des résultats clés pour comprendre les conséquences fonctionnelles des changements de composition et diversité des communautés écologiques. Cependant, ils sont chacun basés sur différentes simplifications fortes des communautés. L'hypothèse qui sous-tend cette thèse est que la réconciliation en un même cadre de travail des résultats fondamentaux de ces champs conceptuels divergents, ainsi que des effets des changements de structure de la biodiversité, est une étape clé pour pouvoir améliorer notre compréhension du fonctionnement de communautés écologiques en changement. L'essor récent des méthodes d'analyse des réseaux trophiques, et des modèles permettant de simuler le fonctionnement de ces réseaux trophiques offre un cadre idéal pour cette réconciliation. En effet, les réseaux trophiques cartographient les échanges de matière entre toutes les espèces d'une communauté, permettant la mise en place d'interactions variées. Ils reflètent mieux la réalité complexe des communautés que les chaînes trophiques ou leurs niveaux trophiques isolés en intégrant notamment compétition et consommation. Un modèle ressource-consommateur bioénergétique classique, développé par Yodzis et Innes (1992), permet d'en simuler le fonctionnement, en intégrant des mécanismes et taux testés empiriquement. Au-delà d'utiliser ces outils, cette thèse se concentre aussi sur leur évaluation. Après un premier chapitre d'introduction, le second chapitre propose une plateforme ouverte, commune, solidement testée et efficace pour l'utilisation du modèle bioénergétique, permettant ainsi une synthèse plus rapide et aisée des résultats. Le troisième chapitre est une revue du corpus méthodologique d'analyse des réseaux trophiques, proposant une gamme de méthodes robustes et informatives, et soulignant leur domaine d'application et leurs limites. Enfin le quatrième chapitre met ce cadre méthodologique à l'épreuve. Dans ce chapitre, nous montrons l'existence d'une relation entre la complexité de la structure du réseau trophique des communautés et leur régime de fonctionnement, se traduisant par la réalisation de différentes prédictions issues de l'analyse des chaînes trophiques ou des analyses diversité-fonctionnement. Cette mise en évidence des conditions structurelles pour la réalisation de différentes prédictions nous permet de mieux comprendre quels mécanismes écologiques prédominent selon différentes conditions, dirigeant l'effet de la diversité sur le fonctionnement. / Human-driven disturbances are causing profound changes in ecological communities, as many characteristics of species are altered, from their physiology to their very occurrence. These changes affect the composition, diversity and structure of communities, since species do not always interact in the same way under different conditions. Predicting the fate of these emerging communities, and the functions they support, is a central challenge for ecology and our societies. Diverging conceptual frameworks have been used to address this challenge, based on different ecological mechanisms. On the one hand, food chain analysis uses consumption to explain the effects of vertical diversity (the number of trophic levels) on functioning, and on the other hand, biodiversity-functioning analyses link competition and the effects of horizontal diversity (diversity within isolated trophic levels). Each of these domains has produced key results for understanding the functional consequences of changes in the composition and diversity of ecological communities. However, they are each based on different strong simplifications of communities. The hypothesis underlying this thesis is that reconciling the fundamental results of these divergent conceptual fields, as well as the effects of changes in the structure of biodiversity, into a single framework is a key step towards improving our understanding of the functioning of changing ecological communities. The recent development of food web analysis and of models to simulate food webs functioning provides an ideal framework for this reconciliation. Food webs map the exchange of matter between all species in a community, allowing for a variety of interactions to take place. They better reflect the complex reality of communities than food chains or their isolated trophic levels, notably by integrating competition and consumption. A classical consumer-resource bioenergetic model developed by Yodzis and Innes (1992) specifically makes it possible to realistically simulate their functioning, using empirically tested mechanisms and rates. Beyond using these tools, this thesis focuses on their evaluation and implementation. After a first, introductory chapter, the second chapter proposes an open, common, well-tested and efficient platform for the use of the bioenergetic model, allowing a faster and easier synthesis of the results. The third chapter is a review of the methodological corpus for ecological networks analysis, outlining a range of robust and informative methods, and highlighting their scope and limitations. Finally, the fourth chapter puts this methodological framework to the test. In this chapter, we show the existence of a relationship between the complexity of communities' food-web structure and functioning regime, resulting in the realization of different predictions from food chain analysis or diversity-functioning analyses. This demonstration of the structural conditions for the realization of different predictions allows us to better understand which ecological mechanisms predominate under different conditions, directing the effect of diversity on functioning.

Microbe-Environment Interactions in Arctic and Subarctic Systems

Zayed, Ahmed Abdelfattah 30 September 2019 (has links)
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Kliffi Blackstone (16650540) 04 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Here, we seek to address the importance of biodiversity in plant ecosystems. We examined the productivity-diversity relationship through the lens of the modern coexistence theory, using a combination of both experimentation and mathematical simulation. We did this by tracking and comparing the productivity of mixed and monoculture plots, analyzing the growth responses of individual trees at forest plots (Chapter 1), confirming the productivity-diversity relationship in a greenhouse experiment using local herbaceous plants (Chapter 2), and finally simulating the productivity response of monoculture vs polyculture plantations to specialist enemy attack (Chapter 3).</p><p>It is no surprise that biodiversity has been decreasing at an exponential rate on the global scale because of effects such as habitat fragmentation, invasive species, spreading pathogens, and anthropogenic influences. Ecologists often found that plants in more species rich locations often exhibited higher productivity and stability in the face of stress. One such phenomenon is known as the productivity diversity relationship that implies biodiversity is key to sustaining ecosystems. Notably, while efforts are being put forth to address ecosystem destruction, much of the current tree planting strategy in the USA is based on timber profit rather than forest productivity and species coexistence with tree biology often being a secondary consideration. These thought processes are in opposition with historical experiments that indicate polyculture communities create more biomass making them significantly more productive than monocultures. However, we also acknowledge that it is not simply biodiversity that must be taken into consideration for a productive ecosystem but also species interaction through coexistence indicate whether or not a community will persevere. These interactions can be addressed using the modern coexistence theory which depends on these complementarity and fitness similarities for species to coexist through time. Here, we seek to address the importance of biodiversity in plant ecosystems. We examined the productivity-diversity relationship through the lens of the modern coexistence theory, using a combination of both experimentation and mathematical simulation. We did this by tracking and comparing the productivity of mixed and monoculture plots, analyzing the growth responses of individual trees at forest plots (Chapter 1), confirming the productivity-diversity relationship in a greenhouse experiment using local herbaceous plants (Chapter 2), and finally simulating the productivity response of monoculture vs polyculture plantations to specialist enemy attack (Chapter 3). Our research across the combination of approaches used found that species with overlapping niches and very different finesses will exclude one another due to high competition. Further, the productivity diversity correlation is necessary for ecosystem growth, but it is not sufficient for species coexistence. However, species can maintain this positive relationship despite a lack of coexistence if they maintain niche complementarity. Lastly, using a theoretic game model we were able to identify the impacts of a specialist pest on polyculture and monoculture forest. These results showed that a polyculture forest was more productive than that of a monoculture forest regardless of the presence of a specialist enemy. The results of the multiple threads of evidence found from these combined experiments indicate that while the productivity diversity correlation is important to ecosystems it is likely due to the impacts of niche complementarity that determine whether or not species will be productive within an ecosystem.</p>

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