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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La liberté de gestion en droit fiscal : étude comparée Tunisie-France

Fakhfakh, Emna 28 September 2016 (has links)
La liberté de gestion en droit fiscal est confrontée, aussi bien à la multiplicité des choix et des stratégies offerts au contribuable, l’encourageant à chercher la voie la moins imposée, qu’à la consolidation des pouvoirs de l’administration fiscale afin de lutter contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscales. Flottant entre la protection de la liberté de gestion du contribuable et l’intensification de la lutte contre la fraude fiscale, les systèmes tunisiens et français se séparent et se recoupent sur certains points. L’approche comparative montre que dans les deux systèmes, la liberté de gestion n’est pas conçue de la même manière. En droit français, contrairement au droit tunisien, la jurisprudence a joué un rôle important dans la détermination des contours de la liberté de gestion à travers les notions d’origine prétorienne d’abus de droit et d’acte anormal de gestion. En droit tunisien, outre une législation fiscale qui affiche une certaine ambiguïté, la jurisprudence fiscale s’est montrée hésitante à tracer les contours de cette liberté. Les mécanismes de protection de cette liberté varient du droit français au droit tunisien. Toutefois, aussi bien en droit français qu’en droit tunisien, il n’existe pas un équilibre harmonieux entre la protection de la liberté de gestion du contribuable et la protection des intérêts du trésor. Le développement des moyens d’immixtion de l’administration entraine peu à peu le recul de cette liberté de gestion fiscale / Freedom of management in tax law faces both, an abundance of choices and strategies available to the taxpayer that he can initially use to seek the less taxed alternative as well as a strengthening of the tax administration’s powers geared towards reducing tax evasion and tax avoidance. Swaying between the protection of management freedom and the struggle against tax evasion, the Tunisian and French systems diverge and converge in a number of points. The aim of this research is to compare the French and Tunisian freedom of management in tax laws. The main results show that in the two systems, the freedom of management is not designed in the same way. Unlike the Tunisian law, case law has played an important role to define and outline freedom of management in the judicial concepts relating to abuse of right and abnormal act of management. In the Tunisian law, in addition to unclear tax legislation, the case law has appeared undecided to outline the freedom of management. The protective freedom of management mechanisms vary in the French law and the Tunisian law. However, in both the French law and Tunisian law, there isn’t a harmonious balance between protection of freedom of management and protection of treasury interest. The development of the interference means of the tax administration causes gradually the decline of the freedom of management

La construction des identités carcérales dans le discours des prisonniers : approche comparée français et roumain / Construction of prison-related identities in detainees' speech : a comparative vision of the french and romanian fields

Hohotă, Valentina Gabriela 06 March 2015 (has links)
Notre thèse, La construction des identités carcérales dans le discours des prisonniers. Approche comparée français et roumain, propose une analyse des milieux carcéraux français et roumain dans une perspective sociolinguistique. Nous proposons une vision pluridisciplinaire de l’analyse du milieu de réclusion, ainsi que du discours carcéral en vue de comprendre les manifestations langagières des sujets-parlants constituant notre échantillon. Pour ce qui est de la mise en pratique du discours de la prison, notre thèse la discute en termes de prémisse pour l’expression de l’identité multiple du sujet-parlant détenu et comme moyen d’intégration sociale de celui-ci dans le nouveau groupe social. Le principe qui est à la base de cette recherche est celui de valorisation. Pour avoir une vision complexe du monde carcéral, nous puisons à la fois dans des sciences linguistiques et non linguistiques qui permettent, d’une part, la compréhension du milieu de réclusion en tant que milieu dichotomique et clos, et, d’autre part, l’ouverture de pistes de recherche sociolinguistique. Cette thèse à été construite suite à un travail de terrain auprès de 100 personnes privées de liberté et grâce à la connaissance in situ de ce que nous appelons intimité carcérale. Nous partons de la définition de ce concept pour mieux mettre en évidence l’écart qui s’établit entre l’individuel déviant et la collectivité normative, plus précisément pour souligner l’essence de la psychologie sociale, c’est-à-dire « le conflit entre l’individu et la société. » Notre recherche analyse deux hypostases du sujet-parlant détenu : dans son milieu quotidien, lors du processus de socialisation et de construction de l’identité carcérale multiple à l’aide des relations non officielles et dans des situations de communication officielle. Cette thèse est composée de 3 parties, avec un total de 6 chapitres. Tout d’abord, nous nous penchons sur le contexte social caractérisant les deux milieux de réclusion, ce dernier devenant progressivement le point d’appui pour la mise en discussion des identités carcérales. / Our thesis, Construction of prison-related identities in detainees’ speech. A comparative vision on the French and Romanian fields, of Romanian and French prison-related environments proposes an analysis from a sociolinguistic perspective. We put forth a multidisciplinary analysis of the prison-related environment and of the prison speech with the purpose of understanding the linguistic manifestations and behaviours of the subject-speakers making up our sample group. As concerns the putting into practice of detainees’ speech, our thesis considers it as a premise for the expression of the multiple identity of the detainee subject-speaker and as a means for his social reintegration into the new social group. The principle underlying the current research is that of exploitation of results. In order to have a complex vision of the prison-related world, we put together linguistic and non-linguistic sciences which could allow us, on the one hand, to understand the prison-related environment as a closed and dichotomic environment and, on the other hand, to open up new sociolinguistic researches. The current thesis was built as a result of a field work which meant getting into contact with 100 persons in custody and getting to know in situ what we call prison-related intimacy. We start out in our scientific approach by defining this concept to underline the distance between the deviant individual and the regulatory collectivity, more exactly to point out the essence of the social psychology, which is "the conflict between the individual and the society". Our research analyses two aspects of the detainee subject-speaker: in its daily environment, during the process of socializing and building the multiple prison-related identity by means of the unofficial relationships and in official communication situations. The thesis is structured in three parts, having a total of 6 chapters. In the first part, we concentrate on the social context characterizing the two prison-related environments, the latter progressively becoming a support point in discussing the prison-related identities. / Teza noastră, Construirea identităţilor carcerale în discursul deţinuţilor. O viziune comparată asupra domeniilor francez şi român, a mediilor carcerale francez şi român propune o analiză din perspectivă sociolingvistiă. Propunem o analiză pluridisciplinară a mediului carceral şi a discursului închisorii cu scopul de a înţelege manifestările şi comportamentele lingvistice ale subiecţilor-vorbitori care constitue eşantionul nostru. In ceea ce priveşte punerea în practică a discursului deţinuţilor, teza noastră îl discută ca premisă a exprimării identităţii multiple a subiectului-vorbitor deţinut şi ca mijloc de integrare socială a acestuia în cadrul noului grup social. Principiul care stă la baza acestei cercetări este cel al valorizării. Pentru a avea o viziune complexă asupra lumii carcerale, reunim ştiinţe lingvistice si nelingvistice care să ne permită, pe de o parte, înţelegerea mediului carceral ca mediu dihotomic şi închis şi, pe de alta parte, deschiderea de piste de cercetare sociolingvistică. Această teză a fost construită ca urmare a unei munci de teren care a însemnat contactarea a 100 de persoane private de libertate şi cunoasterea la faţa locului a ceea ce noi numim intimitate carcerală. Plecăm în demersul nostru ştiinţific de la definirea acestui concept pentru a pune în evidenţa distanţa care se stabileşte între individualul deviant şi colectivitatea normativă, mai exact pentru a sublinia esenţa psihologiei sociale, adică « conflictul intre individ si societate. » Cercetarea noastră analizează doua ipostaze ale subiectului-vorbitor deţinut : în mediul său cotidian, în timpul procesului de socializare şi de construire a identităţii carcerale multiple cu ajutorul relaţiilor neoficiale şi în situaţii de comunicare oficiale. Această teză este structurată în 3 părţi, cu un total de 6 capitole. In prima sa parte, ne concentrăm pe contextul social ce caracterizează cele două medii carcerale, acesta din urmă devenind progresiv punctul de sprjin în discutarea identităţilor carcerale.

Étude comparée de la responsabilité délictuelle du fait d’autrui en France et en Chine / Comparative study of vicarious liability in france and china

Jiang, Ying 12 July 2010 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la comparaison du régime de la responsabilité délictuelle du fait d’autrui en droit français et en droit chinois.Dans une première partie, plutôt micro-vision, la thèse se consacre à une étude au cas par cas des responsabilités du fait d’autrui dans les deux systèmes juridiques. Il s’agit précisément de la responsabilité du fait des mineurs (la responsabilité des parents en droit français et des tuteurs en droit chinois ainsi que la responsabilité des instituteurs en droit français et des établissements scolaires en droit chinois), de la responsabilité des employeurs du fait des personnes qu’ils emploient dans les deux droits et de la responsabilité générale du fait d’autrui qui est admise particulièrement en droit français, à la différence du droit chinois.La deuxième partie apporte une vision d’ensemble et propose au sein des deux systèmes de droit une étude des rapports internes du régime entre les différentes hypothèses de cette responsabilité ainsi qu’un examen des rapports externes de ce régime avec les responsabilités personnelles de droit commun et les mécanismes d’indemnisation collective.Pourtant, de ce mécanisme appliqué aux deux systèmes, l’analyse révèle un inconvénient commun : une harmonisation du régime fait défaut. A cet égard, sous la condition préalable de ne pas nuire à la particularité de chaque cas de figure, l’étude tente de restaurer une cohérence tant dans les rapports « internes » du régime de responsabilité du fait d’autrui, que dans ses rapports « externes » avec d’autres régimes. / This study is about a comparison of vicarious liability in French juridical system and in Chinese juridical system.In first part of this article, a more micro-vision, it is analyzed case by case of specific vicarious liability in two judicial systems. It is precisely about the acts of minors (the liability of parents in French law and liability of guardians in Chinese law, also the liability of teachers in French law and liability of school in Chinese law), the liability of employers and masters in two juridical systems and the general vicarious liability that is accepted particularly in French law, while the latter is different in Chinese law.The second part of this article concerns a whole vision and proposes a study of internal relations of two systems between different hypotheses of vicarious liability, and also an investigation of external relations of this system with the personal responsibility of “common law” and the mechanisms of collective compensation.However, of this mechanism applied at two systems, analysis reveals a common disadvantage: a lack of harmonization. In this aspect, considering the precondition of avoiding doing harm to particularity of each case of figure, the study tries to restore coherence both “internal” relations in systems of vicarious liability and “external” relations with other systems.

O ligamento anterolateral do joelho: estudo anatômico, histológico e por ressonância magnética / The knee anterolateral ligament: an anatomical, histological and magnetic resonance imaging study

Camilo Partezani Helito 17 July 2017 (has links)
O ligamento cruzado anterior é o ligamento mais lesado dentre os ligamentos do joelho. Apesar de um aprimoramento das técnicas de reconstrução, existe ainda um porcentual de pacientes que apresenta resultado funcional insatisfatório. Possivelmente a causa dessa instabilidade rotatória estaria nas estruturas localizadas na porção anterolateral do joelho, não reconstruídas nas reconstruções intra-articulares isoladas. Uma dessas estruturas seria o ligamento anterolateral, estrutura estudada com detalhes nos últimos anos, ainda com controvérsias em relação a seus parâmetros anatômicos, histológicos e de visualização por ressonância magnética. Neste estudo, foram realizadas dissecções de 112 cadáveres para avaliação dos parâmetros anatômicos e histológicos do ligamento anterolateral, sendo que 13 deles foram submetidos ao exame de ressonância magnética previamente às dissecções. O estudo do ligamento anterolateral por ressonância magnética foi realizado também em 42 pacientes. Como resultados, o ligamento anterolateral foi encontrado com constância na região anterolateral do joelho, com origem próxima ao epicôndilo lateral, trajeto anterodistal em direção à tíbia e inserção na periferia do menisco lateral e na região anterolateral da tíbia, entre o tubérculo de Gerdy e a cabeça da fíbula. Sua análise histológica mostrou a presença de tecido conectivo denso e bem organizado, semelhante a tecido ligamentar. A avaliação por ressonância magnética mostrou parâmetros de origem, inserção e trajeto semelhantes às dissecções anatômicas, embora não sendo possível a visualização completa dessa estrutura em todos os exames. Existiu correlação entre as medidas encontradas nos exames de ressonância magnética e nas dissecções, exceto em relação à espessura do ligamento anterolateral / The anterior cruciate ligament is the most injured ligament of the knee. Despite an improvement in reconstruction techniques, there is still a percentage of patients with poor functional outcome after its reconstruction. Possibly, the cause of this rotational instability would be the structures located in the anterolateral portion of the knee, not addressed in the isolated intra-articular reconstructions. One of such structures would be the anterolateral ligament, a structure studied in detail in recent years, with controversies regarding its anatomical, histological and magnetic resonance imaging parameters. In this study, dissections of 112 cadavers were performed to evaluate anatomical and histological parameters of anterolateral ligament, and 13 of them underwent magnetic resonance imaging examination prior to dissection. The anterolateral ligament study by magnetic resonance imaging was also performed in 42 patients. As a result, the anterolateral ligament was found with constancy in the anterolateral region of the knee, with origin near the lateral epicondyle, antero-distal path towards the tibia and insertion in the periphery of the lateral meniscus and in the anterolateral region of the proximal tibia, between Gerdy\'s tubercle and the fibular head. Its histological analysis showed the presence of dense and well-organized connective tissue, similar to a ligamentous tissue. The magnetic resonance imaging evaluation showed origin, insertion and path parameters similar to the anatomical dissections, although it is not possible to fully visualize this structure in all the magnetic resonance imaging exams. There was a correlation between the measurements found in magnetic resonance imaging scans and dissections, except in relation to the anterolateral ligament thickness

Avaliação da deflexão elástica de fios ortodônticos de níquel-titânio, calibre 0,014 / Load-deflection study of caliber 0.014 nickel-titanium orthodontic wires

Renata Sathler-Zanda 03 July 2012 (has links)
PROPOSIÇÃO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar a magnitude e a constância das forças liberadas por fios ortodônticos de níquel-titânio, usados para a correção dos apinhamentos dentários. Outro objetivo foi comparar os dois meios mais utilizados de avaliação da deflexão elástica destes fios: o teste de 3 pontos e o dispositivo de simulação clínica. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 11 grupos de fios de liga predominantemente de níquel-titânio, calibre 0,014, de 6 marcas diferentes (Abzil convencional e termoativado; GAC convencional e termoativado; Morelli convencional e termoativado; Ormco CuNiTi; Orthometric convencional e termoativado e Orthosource convencional e termoativado), em teste de deflexão elástica, nas deflexões de 0,5; 1; 2 e 3mm. Uma máquina de ensaio universal INSTRON 3342, com célula de carga de 10N foi utilizada e, como protocolo, foi seguida a norma ISO 15.841. Para a análise estatística dos resultados foram utilizados os testes: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, para conferir se havia normalidade; teste t independente, para comparação dos resultados do teste de 3 pontos e dos resultados do dispositivo; e o teste ANOVA seguido do teste de Tukey, para comparações entre grupos. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística entre os resultados gerados pelo teste de 3 pontos e os gerados pelo dispositivo. Por ser o teste indicado pela norma ISO citada, somente os resultados do teste de 3 pontos foram considerados. Todos os fios estudados apresentaram pseudoelasticidade em uma faixa de variação de força de até 40cN. Os grupos Abzil convencional, GAC convencional, Morelli termoativado, Ormco CuNiTi e Orthometric convencional apresentaram força dentro de uma faixa considerada ótima para a indução da movimentação dentária (50cN-100cN). Os fios termoativados liberaram forças mais leves que seus pares convencionais. CONCLUSÕES: Dentre os grupos estudados, aqueles que apresentaram pseudoelasticidade, forças dentro de uma faixa considerada ótima e homogeneidade de amostra, foram os grupos Morelli termoativado e Ormco CuNiTi. / OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to present the magnitude and the constancy of the forces released by nickel-titanium orthodontic wires, used to treat dental crowding. Another purpose was to compare the most usual types of bending tests used to evaluate these wires: 3-point test and clinical simulation device. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eleven groups of orthodontic nickel-titanium wires, caliber 0.014, of 6 different brands (Abzil conventional and heat-activated; GAC conventional and heat-activated; Morelli conventional and heat-activated; Ormco CuNiTi; Orthometric conventional and heat-activated and Orthosource conventional and heat-activated) were tested by bending test, at deflections of 0.5; 1; 2 and 3mm. A universal testing machine INSTRON 3342 with a 10N load cell was used and, in order to standardize the tests, the ISO 15.841 regulation was followed. Statistical analysis was performed using the subsequent tests: Kolmogorov-Smirnov to verify normality; independent t test to compare the results of the 3-point test and the results derived from the device, and ANOVA followed by the Tukey test for intergroup comparisons. RESULTS: There were significant differences between the results of the 3-point test and the device. As indicated by the ISO regulation, only the results from the 3-point bending test were considered. All groups were classified as pseudoelastic, within a load range of 40cN, at maximum. The groups Abzil conventional, GAC conventional, Morelli heat-activated, Ormco CuNiTi and Orthometric conventional released load within optimum range (50cN-100cN). Heatactivated wires released lower load compared to conventional wire of the same brand. CONCLUSIONS: Among the groups evaluated those that presented pseudoelasticity, load within a range considered optimal, in a homogeneous manner, were Morelli heat-activated and Ormco CuNiTi.

Monitorização da glicemia em tempo real durante cirurgia odontológica ambulatorial em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2: estudo comparativo entre anestésico local sem e com vasoconstritor / Glucose monitoring in real time during outpatient dental surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparative study of local anesthetics with and without epinephrine

Marcela Alves dos Santos 10 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A segurança da administração de anestésicos locais com vasoconstritor em pacientes diabéticos submetidos à cirurgia oral não está bem fundamentada na literatura. OBJETIVO: Investigar a ocorrência de variação da glicemia nos períodos pré, trans e pós-operatório de exodontia de dentes superiores, sob anestesia local com lidocaína 2% sem e com adrenalina 1:100.000, em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Secundariamente, avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos e o grau de ansiedade. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e randomizado com pacientes portadores de diabetes acompanhados na Unidade Clinica de Coronariopatia Crônica do Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A monitorização contínua da glicemia durante 24 horas foi realizada através do MiniMed Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS, Medtronic). Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: LSA - que recebeu 5,4 mL lidocaína 2% sem adrenalina e LCA - que recebeu 5,4 mL de lidocaína 2% com adrenalina 1:100.000. Os níveis de glicemia foram avaliados nas 24 horas (período basal) e nos tempos determinados: uma hora antes, durantes e até uma hora após a exodontia (período de procedimento). Os parâmetros hemodinâmicos foram avaliados por meio de um medidor de pressão arterial digital automático e o nível de ansiedade através de uma escala. RESULTADOS: Dos 400 pacientes avaliados, 70 foram incluídos no estudo, sendo 35 randomizados no grupo LSA e 35 no grupo LCA. A análise das médias da glicemia nos grupos LSA e LCA durante os períodos (basal e procedimento) não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,229 e p=0,811, respectivamente). Também não houve diferença significativa (p=0,748) na glicemia entre os grupos em cada tempo avaliado. Entretanto, nos dois grupos houve decréscimo significativo da glicemia (p < 0,001) ao longo dos tempos avaliados. Os grupos LSA e LCA não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação à PAS (p=0,176), à PAD (p=0,913), à FC (p=0,570) e ao nível de ansiedade. CONCLUSÃO: A administração de 5,4mL de lidocaína 2% com adrenalina 1:100.000 não provocou alteração significativa da glicemia, parâmetros hemodinâmicos e nível de ansiedade em relação ao grupo sem vasoconstritor / INTRODUCTION: The safety of administration of local anesthetics with epinephrine for diabetic patients undergoing oral surgery is not well grounded in the literature. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the occurrence of variation of glucose in the pre, intra and postoperative extraction of upper teeth under local anesthesia with lidocaine 2% with and without 1:100.000 epinephrine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Secondly, to evaluate the hemodynamic effects and degree of anxiety. METHODS: A prospective randomized study of patients with diabetes attended in Coronary Chronic Clinics Unit, Heart Institute, Hospital das Clinicas in University of São Paulo Medical School. Continuous monitoring of blood glucose for 24 hours was performed using MiniMed Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS, Medtronic) and the patients were divided into two groups: LSA - which received 5.4 mL of 2% lidocaine without epinephrine and LCA - which received 5.4 mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine. Blood glucose levels were assessed at 24 hours (baseline period) and at certain times: one hour before, during, and up to one hour after oral surgery (procedure period). We evaluated the hemodynamic parameters through a digital automatic pressure meter and anxiety level was measured by the scale. RESULTS: Of 400 patients evaluated, 70 were included in these study, 35 were randomized in the LSA group and 35 in the group LCA. The analysis of mean glicemia in groups LSA and LCA during the baseline period and procedure showed no statistically significant difference (p = 0.229 and p = 0.811, respectively). There was no difference in blood glucose (p = 0.748) between the groups at each time evaluated. However, in both groups there was a significant decrease in blood glucose (p < 0.001) over the time periods studied. The groups showed no significant differences regarding SBP (p = 0.176), DBP (p = 0.913), HR (p = 0.570) and anxiety level. CONCLUSION: The administration of 5.4 mL of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100.000 caused no significant change in blood glucose, hemodynamic parameters and level of anxiety compared to the group without vasoconstrictor

Maltraitance infligée à l'enfant : difficultés et freins à la prise en charge médico-légale : étude comparée entre France et Syrie / Abuse inflicted on the child : difficulties and obstacles to forensic care : a comparative study between France and Syria

Nassour, Bashar 09 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, développée dans une approche comparatiste et différentialiste de la maltraitance faite à l'enfant (0 à 18 ans), en France et en Syrie, concerne la médecine légale, inscrite dans un contexte d'éthique médicale. La problématique initiale évoque le signalement de la part du médecin, et ses freins, question qui débouche sur l'interrogation suivante : Comment la décision du médecin, toujours première, peut-elle intégrer la dimension psychologique et socioculturelle de la maltraitance, pour que les conséquences du signalement (ou du non signalement) soient au bénéfice de l'enfant et sa famille ? L'Histoire et l'évolution de la maltraitance à enfant sont exposées, pour les deux pays (peu d'informations pour la Syrie). L'enfant, sujet vulnérable, est considéré dans sa globalité psychologique et socioculturelle, face aux données afférant à sa protection. Ensuite, l'approche médicale (tableaux cliniques de maltraitance le plus couramment observés), suivie de la prise en charge globale de l'enfant, dans les sociétés française et syrienne, sont exposées. Enfin, les aspects juridiques de la protection de l'enfant, face au signalement et ses freins, sont présentés comme relevant d'une problématique éthique, située entre médecine et droit, dans des espaces socioculturels spécifiques. Ces données prennent concrètement corps dans des études de cas cliniques, en service de médecine légale : CHU de Dijon, en France, et Centre hospitalier de la région d'Alep, en Syrie (synthèse de Dao sur 249 cas, en 2002, compte tenu de la situation politique actuelle). Via le témoignage du Dr. Catherine Bonnet, cette étude s'ouvre sur un approfondissement des questions du viol et de l'inceste, et met en lumière certaines difficultés à déboucher sur des décisions judiciaires qui, bien que correctes du côté du droit, peuvent s'avérer délétères pour l'enfant et sa famille, sur les plans psychologique, affectif et social ; la situation des deux pays est différenciée, ici aussi. La conclusion, d'ordre moral et éthique, renvoie à la responsabilité de la famille (bientraitance et éducation de l'enfant) et au constat d'une articulation difficile entre le travail du médecin et les décisions judiciaires qui devraient permettre un vrai soin et une protection efficace de l'enfant maltraité, question qui suscite notre interrogation finale : À l'échelon mondial, faudrait-il élaborer une législation commune, spécifique pour l'enfant ? / This research is a comparative and differential approach of child abuse (0-18 years), in France and Syria. It concerns forensic medicine in the context of medical ethics. The initial issue evokes the reporting abuse and its obstacles, and leads to the following question: How the always main decision of the doctor can integrate the psychological and socio-cultural dimension of child abuse in order that the reporting (or the no reporting) benefits the child and family? The history and evolution of child abuse are exposed, for both countries (some information only for Syria). The child, subject vulnerable, is considered as a psychological and sociocultural entity, as to his/her protection. Then, the medical approach (clinical cases of abuse commonly observed), and the medical management of the child are exposed in the French and Syrian societies. Finally, the legal aspects of child protection are reported with its obstacles as part of an ethical issue, between medicine and law, in specific socio-cultural dimensions. These data are updated in the study of clinical cases, in forensic services: CHU of Dijon, in France, and one hospital, in the area of Aleppo, in Syria (Dao’s synthesis of 2002, on 249 cases, given the current political situation). Then, considering the testimony of the Dr Catherine Bonnet, this study opens the reflection on rape and incest, and highlights some difficulties due to certain judicial decisions which, although correct in view of the law, may be deleterious for the child and his family, if we consider a psychological, emotional and social point of view. Both countries situation is differentiated, again. The moral and ethical conclusion refers to the responsibility of the family (welfare and education of the child). It also refers to a difficult relationship between the doctor’s practice and the judicial decisions that should allow a true care and an effective protection of the abused child. This issue arouses our final questioning: at the world level, perhaps it may be necessary to develop a specific legislation for the child ?

Pressen på Pressen : En kvalitativ och komparativ undersökning av två svenska dagstidningars rapportering av Molotov-Ribbentrop-pakten och utbrottet av andra världskriget / The Pressure on the Press : A Qualitative and Comparative Study of two Swedish Newspapers and their Coverage of the Molotov-Ribbentrop-Pact and the start of World War 2

Johansson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how and what two Swedish newspapers wrote about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the initial invasion of Poland during the Second World War. Additionally this works also seeks to find any major differences between the two newspaper coverage of the events studied. To achieve this goal a qualitative and comparative method was applied to the source material, which consist of the newspapers Nya WermlandsTidningen (NWT) and Dagens Nyheter (DN) during the period from August 23 to the eight of September. The theory which was applied is a variant of critical discourse analysis. The results of the essay can be summarized as follows: Both NWT and DN provided and adequate coverage of the events, although they often reported on the same events and with the same sources they used different headlines and sometimes reached different conclusions. In regards to the comparative study this reveals that largely they reported on minor differences and that most of the major stories are similar.

Survey of Template-Based Code Generation

Luhunu, Lechanceux Kavuya 04 1900 (has links)
L'automatisation de la génération des artefacts textuels à partir des modèles est une étape critique dans l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM). C'est une transformation de modèles utile pour générer le code source, sérialiser les modèles dans de stockages persistents, générer les rapports ou encore la documentation. Parmi les différents paradigmes de transformation de modèle-au-texte, la génération de code basée sur les templates (TBCG) est la plus utilisée en IDM. La TBCG est une technique de génération qui produit du code à partir des spécifications de haut niveau appelées templates. Compte tenu de la diversité des outils et des approches, il est nécessaire de classifier et de comparer les techniques de TBCG existantes afin d'apporter un soutien approprié aux développeurs. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les caractéristiques des techniques de TBCG, identifier les tendances dans la recherche, et éxaminer l'importance du rôle de l'IDM par rapport à cette approche. J'évalue également l'expressivité, la performance et la mise à l'échelle des outils associés selon une série de modèles. Je propose une étude systématique de cartographie de la littérature qui décrit une intéressante vue d'ensemble de la TBCG et une étude comparitive des outils de la TBCG pour mieux guider les dévloppeurs dans leur choix. Cette étude montre que les outils basés sur les modèles offrent plus d'expressivité tandis que les outils basés sur le code sont les plus performants. Enfin, Xtend2 offre le meilleur compromis entre l'expressivité et la performance. / A critical step in model-driven engineering (MDE) is the automatic synthesis of a textual artifact from models. This is a very useful model transformation to generate application code, to serialize the model in persistent storage, generate documentation or reports. Among the various model-to-text transformation paradigms, Template-Based Code Generation (TBCG) is the most popular in MDE. TBCG is a synthesis technique that produces code from high-level specifications, called templates. It is a popular technique in MDE given that they both emphasize abstraction and automation. Given the diversity of tools and approaches, it is necessary to classify and compare existing TBCG techniques to provide appropriate support to developers. The goal of this thesis is to better understand the characteristics of TBCG techniques, identify research trends, and assess the importance of the role of MDE in this code synthesis approach. We also evaluate the expressiveness, performance and scalability of the associated tools based on a range of models that implement critical patterns. To this end, we conduct a systematic mapping study of the literature that paints an interesting overview of TBCG and a comparative study on TBCG tools to better guide developers in their choices. This study shows that model-based tools offer more expressiveness whereas code-based tools performed much faster. Xtend2 offers the best compromise between the expressiveness and the performance.

A Study of The Impact of Employee Engagement and Empowerment on Performance Management in Nonprofit and Community Theater

Loy, Brittany Elizabeth 03 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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