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"O processo de trabalho das enfermeiras na assistência pré-natal da rede básica de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto" / The nurses work process in antenatal care in the basic health network of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. 2005.Brienza, Adriana Mafra 15 July 2005 (has links)
A perspectiva da assistência pré-natal vem se consolidando nas investigações da área de saúde com vistas a promover o reconhecimento social e visibilidade dos trabalhos executados por profissionais da saúde. A proposta deste estudo é compreender o processo de trabalho das enfermeiras na assistência pré-natal da rede básica de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, buscando identificar as ações desenvolvidas no atendimento às mulheres. Pressupomos que a atuação da enfermeira proporciona uma apreensão mais ampliada das necessidades da gestante, sendo um dispositivo que favorece a perspectiva de transformação do processo de trabalho. O referencial teórico baseou-se no processo do trabalho em saúde e na assistência pré-natal. Utilizamos a metodologia qualitativa e a técnica do grupo focal como procedimentos para a coleta de dados. Os sujeitos do estudo foram cinco enfermeiras que atuam no referido serviço. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para sistematizar os dados qualitativos. Identificamos que a apropriação da assistência pré-natal pela enfermeira foi estimulada pela política da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, por meio da criação de um protocolo assistencial, sinalizando uma nova construção e concepção na assistência às mulheres. As enfermeiras evidenciaram potencial para um novo" trabalho na assistência pré-natal, pontuando aspectos que não eram rotineiros na oferta do serviço de saúde, como trabalho em grupo e a assistência à mulher vítima de violência. Foram valorizados aspectos socioculturais e o trabalho em equipe, identificando possibilidades para uma aproximação da integralidade da assistência, pela vinculação e centralidade do usuário. / The perspective of antenatal care has become increasingly consolidated in health research, with a view to promoting the social recognition and visibility of health professionals work. This study aims to understand nurses work process in low-risk antenatal care in the basic health network of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, as well as to identify what actions are realized in care delivery to these women. We start from the premise that nurses actions provide for a broader understanding of pregnant womens needs, as a tool that favors the perspective of work process transformation. The theoretical framework was based on antenatal care and on the health work process. Data were collected through qualitative methodology and the focus group technique. Study participants were five nurses who work at the above mentioned service. Content analysis was used to systemize qualitative data. Nurses appropriation of antenatal care was stimulated by the Municipal Health Secretarys policy, which created a care protocol that pointed towards a new construct and conception in care for pregnant women. The nurses demonstrated their potential to accomplish a new" job in antenatal care, indicating non-routine aspects in health service delivery, such as group work and care for women who were victims of violence. They attached value to socio-cultural aspects and teamwork, identifying possibilities to get closer to integral care, bonding and user centrality.
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Prática corporal, gênero e feminismo: a dança do ventre como lócus de pensamento, ação e reflexão / Body practice, gender and feminism: belly dance as a locus of thought, action and reflectionSilveira, Marília Balbi 14 December 2018 (has links)
Ainda que escassa nos idiomas ocidentais, a literatura sobre dança do ventre tende à unanimidade ao tratar dessa prática artística como algo bastante antigo e de difícil acesso aos registros iniciais. O que é comum aos registros é a descrição da dança do ventre como uma espécie de ritual feminino em adoração às divindades e à celebração da prosperidade. No entanto, ainda quando a dança do ventre é considerada como prática corporal, com objetivos definidos para além da sua perspectiva artística, recai sobre ela uma visão preconceituosa sobre seus movimentos corporais e seu figurino, que não parece condizer com os objetivos ritualísticos e sagrados. Talvez isso se dê por uma tradução ou uso descontextualizado dessa prática, algo similar ao que pode ocorrer com as artes marciais ou mesmo com prática com origem também ritualística ou devocional, como diversas formas de meditação e o yoga. No caso da dança do ventre, como em outras artes, os registros e disseminação da prática foram feitos por homens que, neste caso, não dançam. Desta forma, todo registro passa por filtros do olhar e interpretação do masculino, o que pode alterar o modo como a prática é compreendida, vivida e projetada. Na tentativa de compreender a origem histórica dos sentidos da Dança do Ventre, e entender como os atravessamentos da cultura, da religião, de gênero e do pensamento capitalista foram transformando essa prática em um tipo de produto, foram entrevistadas quatro dançarinas profissionais de dança do ventre. A escolha destas mulheres foi o reflexo da preocupação em traduzir os valores mais ancestrais desta dança e, portanto, o convite à participarem da pesquisa foi pautado no conhecimento e trajetória delas com a dança, sendo o principal aspecto o seu comprometimento com os estudos e suas atuações profissionais. O método, qualitativo por excelência, foi operacionalizado por uma entrevista e análise compreensivas. Das conversas, diálogos mediados por um roteiro de conversação, surgiram temáticas como: a conexão e competição entre mulheres, a objetificação do corpo, o show de dança do ventre e os rituais e celebrações, que se constituíram eixos temáticos que organizam os capítulos do trabalhos. Todo conhecimento produzido é resultado da tessitura das falas das entrevistadas com as teorias nos campos dos estudos feministas e da dança do ventre. É evidenciado na pesquisa que a dança sofreu distorção na sua utilização, e como em outras várias manifestações de expressão e de fortalecimento do coletivo feminino, a desvalorização foi parte de um projeto maior de controle e organização da sociedade, que teve como resultado o controle do corpo e das relações sociais / Although scarce in western languages the literature on belly dance tends to unanimity in treating this artistic practice as something quite old and difficult to access to the initial records. What is common to records is the description of belly dance as a kind of female ritual in worshiping deities and celebrating prosperity. However, even when belly dancing is considered as bodily practice, with definite goals beyond its artistic perspective, a biased view of bodily movements and costume, which does not seem to conform to ritualistic and sacred goals, falls upon it. Perhaps this is due to a translation or decontextualized use of this practice, something similar to what can occur with the martial arts or even with practice also of ritualistic or devotional origin, such as various forms of meditation and yoga. In the case of belly dance this can also be attributed to the fact that the oldest records were constructed without portraying or transmitting essential values to their understanding. In addition, as in other arts, the records and dissemination of the practice were made by men, who in this case do not dance. In this way, every record passes through filters of the look and interpretation of the masculine, which can alter the way the practice is understood, experienced and projected. In an attempt to understand the historical origin of the Belly dance senses, and to understand how the crossings of culture, religion, gender and capitalist thought were transforming this practice into a type of product, four professional belly dancers were interviewed . The choice of these women was the reflection of their concern to translate the most ancient values of this dance and, therefore, the invitation to participate in the research was based on their knowledge and trajectory with dance, the main aspect being their commitment to studies and their professional performances. The method, qualitative par excellence, was operated by a comprehensive interview and analysis. From the conversations, dialogues mediated by a conversation script, topics such as: the connection and competition between women, the objectification of the body, the belly dance show and the rituals and celebrations, and are these thematic axes that organize the chapters of the works. All knowledge produced is a result of the seam of the speeches of those interviewed with the theories in the fields of feminist studies and belly dancing. It is evidenced in the research that the dance suffered distortion in its use, and as in other various manifestations of expression and strengthening of the female collective, the devaluation was part of a larger project of control and organization of society, which resulted in control of the body and social relations
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Toward the Creation of Healthy Schools: Constructing a School Health Partnership Model for Student Well-being to Inspire and Guide Public Health and Education Professionals, at All Levels, and Mental Health Leadsde Montigny, Joanne G 22 May 2019 (has links)
Over twenty years ago, the World Health Organization launched a health promoting school movement as part of its settings approach to creating healthy environments. Partnerships across the public health and education sectors are vitally important in efforts to improve the health of children and youth in a school setting. In support of this principle, major advancements have been made within Ontario’s education sector, such as mandating local school systems to incorporate the goal of student well-being into their improvement plans and promoting the use of their Foundations for a Healthy School framework. Furthermore, the provincial ministries of education and health are actively encouraging the strengthening of local school health partnerships. However, there is a lack of knowledge within the health promoting school literature as to how to go about establishing well-functioning partnerships within local school systems.
To address this problem, the thesis project aimed to generate knowledge about partnerships between public health professionals and local school system actors, and to shed light on the potential for collaboration toward the creation of healthy schools. Before embarking on this thesis project, however, a conceptual framework was developed to gain a firm understanding of cross-sector collaboration for social change, since collaboration represents a partnership at the highest level of engagement. Two other literature reviews were carried out to understand further the partnership component of health promoting school models, and to show the extent of the knowledge gap existing in this area. The literature review on health promoting schools identifies, to a limited extent, the fundamental elements that specifically constitute school health partnerships at both the school and school board levels. Likewise, the scoping review that examines the knowledge-base on the different types of partnership for health promotion within school systems revealed an absence of in-depth knowledge on this topic.
When setting out to fill this knowledge gap, an exploratory research methodology that was primarily qualitative in design was chosen. It included a participatory orientation, whereby a research steering committee of 10 public health managers provided guidance with the formulation of the research question, and with the data collection and interpretation stages of the research project’s public health sector phase. An online survey of school health partnership actors from all 36 Ontario public health units was carried out, along with semi-structured interviews with key school health informants from 32 of these public health units and from six school boards in the province. Although the contribution from the education sector was not as pronounced, school board participants corroborated the findings from participating public health professionals and provided additional insights to gain a clearer understanding of partnership challenges and how to strengthen school health partnerships. Thematic analysis of the collected data was performed based on both deductive and inductive reasoning.
From the public health perspective, a school health partnership model for student well-being was constructed. This model was enhanced to some extent by the views of school board representatives. It is composed of two dimensions: the Partnership Generator, and the Collaboration Continuum. The Partnership Generator comprises four inter-related components, namely cross-sector engagement, connection, capacity, and continuity, with relationship building at its core. The cross-sector engagement component encompasses various elements that enrich engagement across the public health and education sectors, while the other three components consist of those elements that enable this engagement. The connection elements motivate school health partners to engage, whereas the capacity elements determine the extent to which engagement can take place. Finally, the elements that make up the continuity component maintain the momentum that motivated cross-sector engagement created based on the capacity that was made available through this engagement. Each of these elements contribute to a school health partnership’s strength. The Collaboration Continuum dimension refers to school health partners’ movement from one partnership arrangement to the next, with increasingly more extensive levels of cross-sector engagement. It includes three sets of supporting conditions to promote movement along the continuum, going from networking to cooperation and then to collaboration.
The resulting model provides the knowledge base for assessing the strengths of a given school health partnership and for shedding light on which partnership areas would need to be further developed. Overall, this model offers any professional, from the field of public health, education, or mental health, a closer look at what would be required for a school health partnership to become truly collaborative and reach its maximum potential. It promises to inspire and guide school health partners in their pursuit of more meaningful engagement with one another toward greater improvements in the well-being of school-age children, in recognition of their shared responsibility.
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Reconciling irreconcilables? : the British Government's approach to post-conflict peacebuildingBoulton, Ben David January 2016 (has links)
A wide number of contributions to the peacebuilding literature have decried the limitations and constraints of liberal peacebuilding, to such an extent that the very term has begun to assume vaguely pejorative overtones. Concerns for the health and well-being of liberal peacebuilding have accumulated to the extent that Roland Paris has issued a plaintive call for liberal peacebuilding to be ‘saved’ (2010). In this thesis, I critically engage with the comprehensive approach, one of the central mechanisms that has enabled liberal peacebuilding to redefine and rearticulate its terms of reference. I begin from the assumption that the comprehensive approach does not anticipate the post-liberal peace that has been heralded by some observers (see Richmond, 2011); quite the contrary, it instead provides the basis for reformulation or adaptation within the terms that have been established by liberal peacebuilding. In continuing to hold out this tantalising possibility, the comprehensive approach continues, more than 20 years after its first articulation, to cast a seductive spell over its adherents. In this thesis, I critically assess how the comprehensive approach framework has been engaged and developed by one of its leading proponents (the British Government). I break the approach down into three dimensions of comprehensiveness (deepening, contextuality and complementarity), with a view to illustrating how the textual reproduction of each dimension has been accompanied by a set of contradictions and tensions. In doing so, I propose to explore how discursive ‘broadening’ and ‘deepening’ has been accompanied by a range of contradictions and tensions. In unravelling these contradictions, I then draw upon Foucauldian concepts and themes to argue that each and every advancement of freedom (whether through the form of empowerment, participation or contextual engagement) has been considerably more ambiguous than the standard narrative of the comprehensive approach – which reproduces the impression of an incremental progression – would have us believe. In questioning and probing the proposition that the comprehensive approach overcomes or reconciles the contradictions and tensions of liberal peacebuilding, I instead suggest a disconcerting reversion to prior points of reference.
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Subjektivní a objektivní pohled na význam rehabilitace u jedince s tělesným postižením / Subjective and objective view on the importance of rehabilitation for individuals with physical disabilitiesKotrbáčková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of diploma thesis Subjective and objective view on the importance of rehabilitation or individuals whit pgysical disabilities is to analyze rehabilitation meaning for the person with physical disabilities, specifically for a lady with muscular dystropgy from subjective and objective point of view. First chapters describe theoretical background of terminology, physical disability definition and characteristics, description of rehabilitation as whole and its elements. Following chapter focuses on research and case study. For the elaboration of the diploma thesis, were used analysis of professional literature, a qualitative research survey based on direct observation, interviews, anamnestic questionnaires and medical dokumentation analysis. The research revealed the importance of rehabilitation from a both objective and subjective point of view. Objective findings after intensive physioterapy during the rehabilitation stay were entirely consistent with the subjective feelings of the person who was the subject of the research. Key words: physical disabilities, muscular dystrophy, comprehensive rehabilitation
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The Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Process Model (CDFIPM) for digital forensic practiceMontasari, Reza January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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En harmoniserad resultaträkning : En ändrad syn på Comprehensive income / A Harmonized Statement of Comprehensive Income : A Changed View on Comprehensive IncomeAndreasson, Helena, Duong, Aina January 2008 (has links)
Ett företags utveckling inom redovisningsområdet påverkas ständigt av den miljö ochomgivning som redovisningen befinner sig i. Normgivningsorganen IASB och FASBhärstammar från två olika redovisningstraditioner och har därmed utvecklat olika syn påredovisningens utformning. IASB och FASB har sedan år 2002 inlett ett samarbete sombenämns konvergensprojektet där man inom ramen för projektet harmoniserar finansiellarapporter. Finansiella rapporter utgör en viktig informationskälla för externa användarepå kapitalmarknaden och är av en betydande karaktär för att redovisningen ska blitransparent och jämförbar. Från och med räkenskapsåret som inleds efter den 1 januari år2009 införs ett nytt resultatrapporteringssätt för noterade bolags koncernredovisning. Detnya resultatrapporteringssättet benämns Statement of comprehensive income och harmånga likheter med den amerikanska standarden SFAS No. 130 ReportingComprehensive income som är utgiven av FASB. Statement of comprehensive incomemedför att resultaträkningens utseende förändras och kommer att inkludera allaverksamhetens transaktioner oavsett om transaktionerna är realiserade eller orealiserade.Uppsatsens studie syftar till att besvara vad svenska redovisare med enkontinentaleuropeisk redovisningstradition som grund anser att den nya Statement ofcomprehensive income kommer att tillföra för externa användare av finansiella rapporter.Uppsatsarbetet har tillämpats genom en kvalitativ metod då vårt empiriska insamladematerial består av tre personliga möten med redovisningsspecialister. Eftersom alla trerespondenter har olika erfarenheter och kunskap kring ämnet anser vi att de harkompetens till att representera majoriteten av svenska redovisare.Undersökningen har resulterat i att den nya resultatrapporteringen Statement ofcomprehensive income ger en bättre helhetsbild av företagets finansiella ställning.Samtidigt ställs större krav på en ökad medvetenhet och kunskap hos de externaanvändarna för att kunna tolka och använda informationen på rätt sätt. Statement ofcomprehensive income kan även skapa otydlighet angående vilket resultat som ska utgöraföretagets bottom-line då det kommer att resultera i ”två” resultat för räkenskapsåret isamband med den nya resultatrapporteringens införande.Under uppsatsarbetet har vi upptäckt många nya intressanta aspekter som kan vara avintresse att studera och vara av relevans för vidare forskning inom området. Vi har somförslag om att genomföra samma studie igen inom en tioårsperiod eftersom man då harmöjlighet att utvärdera vad Statement of comprehensive incomes verkliga effekt tillför deexterna användarna. Ytterligare en intressant aspekt är att göra en grundlig studie kringIASB respektive FASB som organisation och undersöka om konvergensprojektetnågonsin kan nå sitt ursprungliga syfte som är att åstadkomma en harmonisering. / Uppsatsnivå: C
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Revideringen av IAS 1, ökad användbarhet av finansiella rapporter? / The revision of IAS 1, improved usefulness of financial statements?Fransson, Anna, Folkesson, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Den reviderade versionen av IAS 1, utformning av finansiella rapporter, trädde i kraft 1 januari år 2009. IAS 1 är en internationell redovisningsstandard utgiven av IASB, vilken skall tillämpas av svensknoterade bolag vid upprättande av koncernredovisning sedan år 2005. Revideringen innebär att orealiserade värdeförändringar som inte är ägarrelaterade och som tidigare redovisades direkt mot eget kapital nu skall redovisas över totalresultatet, under rubriken övrigt totalresultat. Utformningen av de finansiella rapporterna har därmed förändrats vilket har påverkat hur företag presenterar både sitt resultat och sin finansiella ställning. Valmöjligheter gällande såväl uppställningsform som val av rubriker på de finansiella rapporterna ges till företagen i och med nya IAS 1. IASB: s uttalade syfte med revideringen är att den skall leda till ökad användbarhet genom att användarnas möjlighet att analysera och jämföra information kommer att förbättras.Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken påverkan revideringen av IAS 1 har medfört på användbarheten av finansiella rapporter. Vi avser att belysa frågan ur två perspektiv, redovisningsspecialisters samt finansanalytikers för att på så sätt kunna skapa oss en uppfattning om hur användbarheten av de finansiella rapporterna påverkats. Vi har valt att intervjua våra valda respondenter personligen eller via telefon för att på så sätt uppnå bredd samt aspektrikedom i våra erhållna svar.Undersökningen visar att användbarheten av finansiella rapporter ökar överlag, men att det sker till priset av mer komplicerade rapporter. Som användare ställs det högre krav att förstå samt tolka innebörden av rapporterna för att kunna dra nytta av nya IAS 1 och totalresultatet. Revideringen har lett till att rapporterna blir mer öppna och transparenta samt att jämförbarheten, företag emellan, har ökat. Resultatet om huruvida möjligheten att analysera den information som tillhandahålls har förbättrats eller inte är något tvetydig. Det beror på att respondenterna har gett motsatta uttalanden om nyttan av övrigt totalresultat och i synnerhet totalresultat. Den främsta orsaken tycks vara att det är svårt att bedöma betydelsen av posterna samt att de tenderar att fluktuera. Studien visar även på att revideringen endast har en marginell påverkan på den insatta eller professionella användaren och att det framförallt är den icke professionella användaren för vilken revideringen kommer att medföra konsekvenser, både positiva och negativa. Dock indikerar vårt resultat att en del av problemen är av övergående karaktär vilka allt eftersom kunskapen om revideringen och det nya resultatmåttet, totalresultat, ökar kommer att mildras.
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Proposing a comprehensive framework for ITSM efficiencyFarmand, Mohammadreza January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, the main concern for IT-related service sector in organizations is to improve IT-Service Management (ITSM) by reducing cost of service in conjunction with growing in their efficiency and effectiveness. Particularly in IT firms, these concerns are much more imperative where the ITSM framework is the main section of providing service and feedback to managers. However, a challenge is that this significant service segment is ineffective by customers (I.e. IT managers) since IT maintenance and IT operations are unnoticed by IT related research. Academia together with industry demand a better knowledge and information of IT service management to work closely in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the system function.In this research study, it is attempted to review the situation of ITSM framework (I.e., Metrics) about evaluation method based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and best practices for IT-Service Management process in DB Schenker and to compare them with other corporations. At first, the researcher has done an extensive literature review on the earlier works of Metrics for IT Service Management. After extracting needed information, it is governed in an innovative way to make it more effective and efficient, then run a case study for better understanding of the real situation and to compare literature and real world. The researchers mainly choose Swedish companies as successful companies in IT management to review ITSM framework (i.e. KPIs). / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik
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A utilização do coping religioso/espiritual por mulheres submetidas ao tratamento do câncer de mama / The use of spiritual/religious coping for women undergoing treatment for breast cancerBorges, Mariana Lopes 26 June 2015 (has links)
O Coping Religioso/Espiritual (CRE) vem sendo apontado como importante estratégia utilizada no enfrentamento de estímulos estressores, especialmente no contexto da saúde. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o nível de CRE utilizado por mulheres submetidas ao tratamento do câncer de mama. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com delineamento quantitativo, descritivo e corte transversal. Participaram 94 mulheres submetidas aos tratamentos do câncer de mama, que frequentavam regularmente um núcleo de reabilitação. A coleta de dados ocorreu de outubro de 2013 a junho de 2014 e foram utilizados dois instrumentos: questionário com dados sociodemográficos, clínicos, religiosos/espirituais e estímulo estressor associado ao câncer de mama, e a Escala de Coping Religioso/Espiritual Breve (CRE-Breve). Os dados do questionário foram analisados descritivamente e utilizou-se o programa SPSS versão 16.0. Os itens da escala foram analisados segundo sugestão da autora que validou o construto no Brasil, utilizando os testes estatísticos apropriados. Foram respeitados os preceitos éticos da resolução 466/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Os resultados mostraram que: todas as participantes utilizaram o CRE, sendo 76,6% em nível alto/altíssimo e 23,4% em nível médio; o CRE Positivo (mediana 3,44; média 3,41; desvio padrão 0,59) foi mais utilizado em relação ao CRE Negativo (mediana 1,13; média 1,27; desvio padrão 0,40) e Razão CREN/CREP (mediana 0,35; média 0,38; desvio padrão 0,14). Foram significantes: as comparações dos escores do CRE Total com as variáveis \"Quimioterapia\" (p=0,012), \"Participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,001), \"Frequência com que participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,002) e \"Grau de importância da religiosidade/espiritualidade no momento de vida\" (p=0,032); as comparações dos escores do CRE Positivo com as variáveis \"Quimioterapia\" (p=0,011), \"Participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,004) e \"Frequência com que participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,011); as comparações dos escores do CRE Negativo com as variáveis \"Participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,019) e \"Frequência com que participa de atividade religiosa/espiritual\" (p=0,002). Apesar de não ter havido diferença significante do CRE com as demais variáveis investigadas, elas devem ser consideradas ao se avaliar a utilização de CRE frente a estímulos estressores, especialmente o câncer de mama; o CRE se mostrou como uma importante estratégia de enfrentamento em situações de estresse vividas por mulheres com câncer de mama e as auxiliou enfrentar a doença e as consequências dos tratamentos realizados. O fato de as mulheres participarem de um núcleo de reabilitação integral pode ter contribuído na utilização do CRE como estratégia de enfrentamento do câncer de mama. Evidencia-se a importância de os profissionais da saúde se apropriarem de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes que os auxiliem a inserir o cuidado espiritual no planejamento e implementação das ações de assistência à saúde, principalmente de mulheres com câncer de mama. Sugere-se ainda a criação de serviços em saúde que ofereçam o suporte religioso/espiritual aos seus pacientes e a adequação daqueles que já se encontram em funcionamento, uma vez que esta se mostra como uma estratégia importante diante de eventos estressores, inclusive àqueles relacionados aos problemas de saúde / The Spiritual/Religious Coping (ERC) has been identified as an important strategy used in coping with stress, especially in the context of health. This study aimed to evaluate the level of ERC used by women undergoing treatment for breast cancer. It´s a survey of quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional design. Participated 94 women submitted to breast cancer treatments for regularly attendance on a rehabilitation center. Data collection took place from October 2013 to June 2014 and two survey instruments were used: questionnaire with sociodemographic and clinical, religious/spiritual data; and stressor stimulus associated with breast cancer, and the Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale (ERC-Short). Questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS version 16.0. Scale items were analyzed according to construct validation in Brazil. The ethical precepts of the Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council were respected. Results showed that all participants used the ERC, and 76.6% in high/very high level and 23.4% in average level; Positive ERC (median 3.44, average 3.41, standard deviation 0.59) was used relative more than negative ERC (median 1.13, average 1.27, standard deviation 0.40) and the Ratio of ERCN/ERCP (median 0.35, mean 0.38, standard deviation0.14). Were significant for the comparisons scores of total ERC with the \"Chemotherapy\" variables (p=0.012); \"takes part in religious/spiritual activity\" (p=0.001); \"frequency of participating in religious spiritual activity\" (p=0.002), and \"degree of importance of religiousness/spirituality at the time of life\" (p=0.032).Comparisons scores of the ERC Positive with the variables \"Chemotherapy\" (p=0.011); \"takes part in religious/spiritual activity\" (p=0.004) and \"frequency of participating in religious/spiritual activity\" (p=0.011). Comparisons scores of the ERC negative with \"participates in religious/spiritual activity\" (p=0.019) and \"frequency of participating in religious/spiritual activity\" (p=0.002). Although there has been no significant difference in the ERC with other variables investigated, they should be considered when evaluating the use of ERC facing stressful factors, especially breast cancer. The ERC proved to be an important strategy in situations of stress experienced by women with breast cancer and confront the disease and the consequences of treatments. The fact that women participated in a comprehensive rehabilitation core may have contributed to the use of the ERC as a coping strategy of breast cancer. Highlights the importance of health professionals to appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes that help them to introduce the spiritual care in planning and implementation of health care interventions, mainly of women with breast cancer. It is also suggested the creation and adequacy of health services that offer religious/spiritual support to their patients, since this appears as an important strategy in facing stressor stimulus, including those related to health problems
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