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The S-E-A-T approach to Strategic Guidance for Planning towards Sustainable Transportation / Strategisk Vägledning genom S-E-A-T-metoden vid Planering av Hållbar Transport/TrafikAlvemo, Stefan, Borén, Sven, Gu, Qing January 2010 (has links)
Transportation is good for people, but it needs a social system shift in combination with sustainable technologies in order to move towards a sustainability vision. To explore how that can be done, the authors first found out about both national and municipal sustainability visions and identified a range of social and technological solutions for long and short term use. The exploration of how municipal planning of transportation can be improved lead to the conclusion that planning for transportation in Swedish municipalities can be made more sustainable when conducting the ABCD-method within the framework for strategic sustainable development. To enhance that, the authors merged the five subsystems developed for sustainable traffic solutions and the PESTEL-method. That resulted in the S-E-A-T model that informed the content of a prioritisation tool and also provides structure to the brainstorming sessions within the ABCD-method. The combination of the ABCD method, the S-E-A-T model and the expanded guiding questions form a robust approach for strategic planning of sustainable transportation rooted in a bird´s eye and systems perspective and ultimately based on backcasting from the principles of sustainability. Further testing is though recommended to assess and refine its usefulness and applicability. / Transporter är bra för oss människor, men det behövs ett ändrat förhållningssätt i kombination med hållbara teknologier för att kunna förändra samhället (transporter i synnerhet) mot en hållbar framtidsvision. För att kunna utforska hur detta skulle kunna bli verklighet, så studerade författarna först visioner på nationell och kommunal nivå och sedan en rad sociala och tekniska hållbara lösningar på kort och lång sikt. Analysen av hur den kommunala planeringen av transporter kan förbättras ledde till slutsatsen att den kan göras mer hållbar genom att använda ABCD-metoden som ryms inom ramverket för strategisk hållbar utveckling (FSSD). För att kunna underlätta det arbetet så slog författarna ihop de fem delsystemen förslagna i ”Idépromemoria för hållbara transporter” med PESTEL-metoden. Detta resulterade i S-E-A-T-modellen som sedan bidrog till innehållet i ett prioriteringsverktyg och även till struktur i de kreativa delarna av ABCD-metoden. Kombinationen av ABCD-metoden, S-E-A-T-modellen och de utökade prioriteringsfrågorna utgör en robust ansats för strategisk planering mot hållbara transporter, som bygger på helikopter- och systemperspektiv samt ”backcasting” från hållbarhetsprinciperna. Författarna rekommenderar utökad provning av verktyget för att fastställa och förfina användningen och applicerbarheten.
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"Writing For the enemy" : Kurdish Language standardization online / "Writing For the enemy" : Kurdish Language standardization onlineDehqan, Agri January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study some of the challenges that the Kurdish language and its standardization face, and offer a bottom-up solution through the “collective intelligence” and “good faith collaboration” of Wikipedia. Therefore, the fragmentation in the Kurdish language—caused by both external factors and those that are inherent to the language itself— is discussed and analyzed. Furthermore, this thesis describes some of the efforts that have been made to unify the Kurdish language, its dialects and its different writing systems. Even though these issues exist both in the physical world as well as online, they are rendered more conspicuous on the Internet. As a result, the problems in Kurdish cross-dialect communication are more pronounced. In spite of that, web 2.0 and its favored platforms for online collaboration provide ample opportunity for the general user of the language to participate in solving such linguistic problems. An overview of Wikipedia, as the world’s most successful platform for online collaboration, is presented along with some of its rules and policies. Additionally, an account of the current Kurdish Wikipedia in three dialects of Kurdish: Kurmanji, Sorani and Zazaki is provided. The situation and shortcomings of Kurdish versions of Wikipedia are examined through two case studies based on two Wikipedia articles in Kurdish and their English and Persian counterparts. Moreover, I argue that a robust Kurdish Wikipedia can be a viable solution for standardizing the language, encouraging orthographic consistency, and unifying Kurdish writing systems and knowledge/information dissemination in Kurdish. / +46762801113
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Construction of a solid 3D model of geology in Sardinia using GIS methodsTavakoli, Saman January 2009 (has links)
Abstract 3D visualization of geological structures is a very efficient way to create a good understanding of geological features. It is not only an illustrative way for common people, but also a comprehensive method to interpret results of the work. Geologists, geophysics engineers and GIS experts sometimes need to visualize an area to accomplish their researches. It can show how sample data are distributed over the area and therefore they can be applied as suitable approach to validate the result. Among different 3D modeling methods, some are expensive or complicated. Therefore, such a methodology enabling easy and cheap creation of a 3D construction is highly demanded. However, several obstacles have been faced during the process of constructing a 3D model of geology. The main debate over suitable interpolation methods is the fact that 3D modelers may face discrepancies leading to different results even when they are working with the same set of data. Furthermore, most often part of data can be source of errors, themselves. Hence, it is extremely important to decide whether to omit those data or adopt another strategy. However, even after considering all these points, still the work may not be accurate enough to be used for scientific researches if the interpretation of work is not done precisely. This research sought to explain an approach for 3D modeling of Sedini platform in Sardinia, Italy. GIS was used as a flexible software together with Surfer and Voxler. Data manipulation, geodatabase creation and interpolation test all have been done with aid of GIS. A variety of interpolation methods available in Surfer were used to opt suitable method together with Arc view. A solid 3D model is created in Voxler environment. In Voxler, in contrary to many other 3D types of software there are four components needed to construct 3D. C value as 4th component except for XYZ coordinates was used to differentiate special features in platform and do gridding based on chosen value. With the aid of C value, one can mark layer of interest to identify it from other layers. The final result shows a 3D solid model of the Sedini platform including both surfaces and subsurfaces. An Isosurface with its unique value (Isovalue) can mark layer of interest and make it easy to interpret the results. However, the errors in some parts of model are also noticeable. Since data acquisition was done for studying geology and mineralogy characteristics of the area, there is less number of data points collected per volume according to the main goals of the initial project. Moreover, in some parts of geological border lines, the density of sample points is not high enough to estimate accurate location of lines. The study result can be applicable in a broad range of geological studies. Resource evaluation, geomorphology, structural geology and GIS are only a few examples of its application. The results of the study can be compared to the results of similar works where different softwares have been used so as to comprehend pros and cons of each as well as appropriate application of each software for a special task. Keywords: GIS, Image Interpretation, Geodatabase, Geology, Interpolation, 3D Modeling
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International cooperation in the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020 in the BeneluxOoms, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Research consisting of two parts. The first part concerned the implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020 and its relation with the economic oriented Agenda 2020 and Cohesion Policy. The second part concerned a more specific part of the implementation process, namely in structures of international cooperation in the Benelux. Using the theory of Europeanization (downloading, uploading, circular and horizontal) an analysis provided insights in the way the Netherlands and Flanders use the TA2020 and previous documents, as well as the VLANED group (a cooperation network of spatial planners from Flanders and the Netherlands) is using the TA2020 in their meetings.
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Planning for a Sustainable Nexus of Urban Land Use, Transport and EnergyBelaieff, Antoine, Moy, Gloria, Rosebro, Jack January 2007 (has links)
Land use, transport, and energy systems create demands that are transferred to ecosystems. Urban sprawl is increasing, open space and farmland are disappearing and climate change is a growing concern. Yet local, national, and EU policies on sustainable development and economic growth are often at odds with one another. A sector-by-sector approach that focuses on incremental actions precludes effective, integrated solutions. Progress towards sustainability requires a systems-based perspective grounded in science. This paper presents a comprehensive and strategic framework to help communities (1) adopt a whole-systems view to land use, transport, and energy, (2) develop a vision to guide their actions, and (3) strategically adopt actions that close the gap between the current reality and the envisioned sustainable future. An emphasis is placed on strategies related to governance structures and strategies to secure political and public acceptance, including approaches to public participation.
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Catalytic City Planning : Leveraging the Development Planning Process to move a Community Strategically towards Sustainability with Dublin City Case StudyNolan, Caroline, Ostafi, Mary, Planchenault, Mélina January 2009 (has links)
More than half the world’s population now lives in urban areas putting the city on the frontline of the social and environmental challenge and yet, city planning presents many opportunities to move a city towards sustainability. The city development plan (DP) is a powerful vehicle for change. This research seeks to understand the gaps between an ideal catalytic development planning process and current reality, and provide recommendations to support the attainment of a city’s sustainability objectives. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) was used to define a generic “Golden Standard” planning process to help the local authority better leverage its internal resources and refine governance systems to achieve long-lasting cultural change from within to accelerate the city’s progression towards sustainability. A case study with the Dublin City Council’s Planning Department in Ireland provided valuable insight and limited practical application of the Golden Standard.
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Sustainable Development Within The Region Strategies and The Complex Social System : What Can Turkey and U.S.A. learn from Skåne, SwedenTepecik, Aslı, Anderson, Eric January 2006 (has links)
Thanks primarily to the international community, sustainable development has in recent decades been more in the forefront. Many communities around the world are taking part in discussions and implementing strategies that address sustainable development. However, Sweden has been and continues to be extremely proactive in addressing sustainable development. Perhaps, this can be seen best in the län of Skåne. There are numerous communities throughout Skåne that address sustainable development. In addition, and what also makes Skåne an even more interesting case study is its recent history, which includes a significant influx of immigrants, the construction of the Öresund Bridge, and the desire of the national government of Sweden to address sustainable development. This project looks at a specific region in the two types of countries that do not address sustainable development (Turkey and the U.S.A.) and examines what methods from Skåne can be implemented into the respective regions. In addition, addressing sustainable development in a regional context involves the creation of a complex social system. Therefore, the paper also analyzes how these two regions can think and operate like regions and initiate a plan for sustainable development. / tepecikasli@gmail.com, eem_anderson@yahoo.com
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Green IT Initiatives in organizations for achieving Environmental Sustainability; integration of Change Management and Organization CultureNisar, Muhammad Atif, Shahid, Mahfooz Ahmad, Ghasemi, Banoosheh January 2011 (has links)
The issue of environmental sustainability is rising nowadays, which made the organisations to survive the planet. Accordingly, the governments are giving support to organisations for taking steps to achieve the environmental sustainability. To achieve the environmental sustainability, it is needed to bring change in organisations. Besides, Information Technology plays a significant role to develop novel processes and technologies to control the environmental loads for achieving environmental sustainability. This study is based on three mainstay concepts: Change Management, Green IT, and Organisational Culture. This research is intended to identify Green IT initiatives to achieve the environmental sustainability through change management and organisational culture in the organisations. A change management model is ultimately presented in the analysis, which describes the process of change management within an organisation based on the three main concepts mentioned above. This study is an investigation based on literature reviews and two case studies (Tetra Pak (Pakistan) and Panasonic (Sweden)). Case Studies have been carried out to verify the commodity of change process model (theoretical framework) and change management model. The research is also aimed to find, if the investigated organisations ultimately capture the targeted result, when willing to bring Green IT in their organisational systems.
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"Stad vid Strömmen – En studie i Norrköping om funktionens betydelse för en hållbar stadsutveckling"Öster, John January 2010 (has links)
Arbete som fokuserar på stadens fysiska strukturer samt stadens funktioner inom ett område i centrala Norrköping. I arbetet redovisas dels en allmänteoretisk beskrivning av begreppen hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer och stadens funktion, och därefter en analys av det aktuella planområdet utifrån dessa aspekter. Inledningsvis återges grundläggande historie-, och nutidsbeskrivning av Norrköping samt problembeskrivning för det planområde som uppsatsen avser ge förbättringsförslag för. Uppsatser ger även fördjupad kunskap i såväl allmänteoretiska som platsspecifika ämnen så som hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer, stadens funktion samt om medborgardeltagande. Informationen är hämtad hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer, stadens funktion samt om medborgardeltagande. Det planförslag som presenteras i arbetet syftar till att itergrera de olika delarna i centrala Norrköping ur planeringssynpunkt samt ge ett tryggare och livligare centrum i Norrköping med ett ökat flöde av folk och där vissa kvarter inte bara passeras förbi obemärkta utan även ger invånarna anledning att stanna till. Planförlaget analyseras därefter utifrån både långsiktiga och kortsiktiga konsekvenser för samtliga olika faktorer som tagits upp tidigare. Här skall man tydligt kunna se hur väl planförslaget uppfyller sitt syfte. Dessutom presenteras en framtidsanalys för hur jag ser på stadens möjligheter att få en fortsatt hållbar stadsutveckling. / john_e_oster@hotmail.com
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Externhandel och minskad klimatpåverkanGrönlund, Linn, Åström, Anders January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige har handeln, sedan 60- och 70-talet, genomgått en omfattande strukturomvandling. Från att ha ägt rum i städernas centrum har den lokaliserats till allt mer perifera lägen - en trend som resulterat i de externa köpcentrum vi ser runt om i landet idag. Det kan konstateras att bilen spelat en stor roll i utvecklingen av externa köpcentrum; handelns omstrukturering hade inte kunnat ske om det inte vore för bilismens framväxt och den ökade mobilitet som den gav upphov till. I uppsatsens litteraturgenomgång konstateras att bilismen inte bara krympte avstånden utan även skapade nya, med en rad problem som följd, bland annat bilberoende transportstrukturer och negativ klimatpåverkan. Dessa transportstrukturer står i konflikt med miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan, det miljökvalitetsmål som Regeringen anser är Sveriges högs prioriterade. Trots detta planeras och byggs externa köpcentrum runt om i Sverige idag. I uppsatsens fallstudie undersöks hur de externa köpcentrum Östra Torp i Uddevalla samt Haganäs i Älmhult planeras för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafikanter samt vilka hänsyn som tas till dessa transportmedel i planeringsfasen. För att kunna bedöma vilka hänsyn som tagits har en metod arbetats fram, vilken resulterat i en checklista innehållande viktiga planeringsprinciper för dessa transportmedel. Metoden baseras på vedertagna planeringsrekommendationer för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafik. Det kan konstateras att vid planeringen av de externa köpcentrum som undersökts har hänsyn tagits till gång-, cykel och kollektivtrafik, men detta har inte gjorts konsekvent, och således har planeringen brister som skulle kunna åtgärdas. Vidare kan konstateras att planeringen på området för det externa köpcentrumet främst utgått ifrån den bilburnes premisser vilket också har resulterat i en för externa köpcentrum karaktäristisk, bilorienterad utformning. Vidare undersöker uppsatsen hur dessa brister skulle kunna tillgodoses i ett avslutande gestaltningsförslag. Syftet är att visa på hur en alternativ planering skulle kunna gestaltas för att förbättra de fysiska förutsättningarna för mindre bilberoende trafikstrukturer och således resultera i resmönster vilka kan minska motsättningen mellan utformningen av externa köpcentrum och miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, motsättningen mellan miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan och externa köpcentrums utformning kan motverkas genom att planera externa köpcentrum enligt studerade planeringsprinciper för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafik. I uppsatsen konstateras att det går att planera externa köpcentrum på ett sätt som förbättrar de fysiska förutsättningarna för gång-, cykel och kollektivtrafik, samt visa på en metod för hur detta kan göras. Med checklistan som hjälpmedel skulle misstag kunna avhjälpas i ett tidigt planeringsskede. Efterkonstruktioner kan därmed undvikas och den fysiska miljön eventuellt bli bättre. Vidare kan konstateras att metoden som framtagits specifikt för denna uppsats, i form av checklistan, utgår ifrån generella normer och resonemang och kan därför användas vid planering av andra externa köpcentrum.
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