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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sprendimų įgyvendinimo užtikrinimas konstitucinėje jurisprudencijoje / Decisions' implementation safeguard in constitutional jurisprudence

Eselinaitė, Gintarė 30 July 2009 (has links)
Konstitucinio Teismo pagrindinė pareiga yra ištirti ir priimti sprendimą, ar galiojantis teisės aktas, neprieštarauja Konstitucijai ir tuo pačiu kitiems teisės aktams. Konstitucinio Teismo sprendimas yra galutinis. Vienintelis atvejis, kai sprendimas galėtų būti pakeistas, tai pakeitus atitinkamus Konstitucijos straipsnius, kurie prieštarauja ginčijamam teisiniam aktui, tačiau valstybių praktika rodo, kad mieliau yra keičiami konstitucinei tvarkai prieštaraujantys teisės aktai, o ne pati Konstitucija. Tokią praktiką pagrindžia ir keitimo procedūros sudėtingumas vienu ir kitu atveju, taip pat pakeitus Konstitucijoje įtvirtintus principus, turėtų keistis ir nusistovėjęs valstybės gyvenimas. Konstitucinio Teismo sprendimai gali būti skirti tiek leidžiamajai valdžiai, tiek ir privatiems asmenims, priklausomai nuo to, kas į jį kreipėsi, bet pripažintą prieštaraujančiu teisės aktą gali pataisyti tik įstatymų leidžiamoji valdžia. Tačiau Konstituciniam Teismui nėra draudžiama ir pačiam imtis tam tikrų priemonių, kurių dėka sprendimai būtų įgyvendami taip, kad panaikinus teisės aktą, neliktų teisės spragų: įstatymuose ar Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijoje teisę taikančioms institucijoms nurodoma teisinio reguliavimo spragas užpildyti tiesiogiai vadovaujantis Konstitucija; akto pašalinimo iš teisės sistemos atidėjimas; kiti teismai yra įpareigojami sustabdyti procesą bylose, kurios nagrinėjamos remiantis ginčijamu aktu, kol leidžiamoji valdžia priims pakeistą įstatymą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main duty of the Constitutional Court is to examine and make a decision, if an effective law, is not contrary with the Constitution or other valid law. The decision of the Constitutional Court is mandatory. The only way to concur decision is to change the Constituion or some of its articles, which are contrary to the questionable law, but as the practice of the states show, states are more willing to change the questionable law not the Constitution. The arguments for changing the law not the Constitution is the complexity of the changing procedure and if you change the principles of the Constitution, you also have to change the ordinary every day life of the state. The Constituional Court decisions can be dedicated to legislative power, or only to private people, assuming who was the initiator of the case, but the unconstitutional law can be amended only by legislative bodies. But there are no prohibitions for Constitutional Court to take his own remedies in order to assure such implementation of the decision, that when the unconstitutional law is abolished, there won‘t occur any legislative gaps. Constitutional Courts of the Europe use such measures: in the law or constitutional jurisprudence for the bodies, which aplly law, are told to fill the gaps directly using the Constitution (this measure is used by Russian and Polish Constitutional Courts); the delay of the unconstitutional act removal from the law system (used by Austrian, Latvian, German Constitutional Courts)... [to full text]

La présomption en droit de l'Union européenne

Grozdanovski, Ljupcho 20 March 2015 (has links)
Même si elle n’est pas une preuve per se, il est admis de longue date que la présomption peut, provisoirement, faire office de preuve lorsqu’une preuve directe d’un fait est indisponible ou difficile à produire. En l’absence d’un droit de la preuve codifié de l’Union européenne, il n’est pas aisé d’affirmer que les critères de classification des présomptions en droit interne (l’admissibilité de la preuve et l’auteur de la présomption) sont transposables au droit de l’Union. Cela ne signifie pas que la présomption est irrévocablement bannie du vocabulaire juridique de celle-ci ; l’examen de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du droit en vigueur permet d’identifier un certain nombre de circonstances dans lesquelles le législateur et le juge sont amenés à former des présomptions. La pratique en droit de l’Union confirme ainsi un aspect fondamental de la théorie générale de la présomption relatif à la genèse de celle-ci : elle apparaît là où il y a un doute qu’il convient d’éliminer, au moins jusqu’à la production d’une preuve contraire. La nécessité qu’un tel doute soit écarté peut être identifiée a priori (ce qui doit être présumé) ou a posteriori (ce qu’il est permis de présumer), à l’issue des recherches des preuves de certains faits. En ce sens, le droit de l’Union européenne connaît des présomptions qui font office de preuves aprioriques ou prima facie telles que les présomptions tirées du droit international des traités et des organisations internationales, la légalité, la validité, la conformité et l’équivalence des législations, au sens du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle. En revanche, l’on trouve des faits qui peuvent être présumés dans le droit de la concurrence et les relations extérieures de l’Union, dans l’examen des entraves aux libertés de circulation ainsi que dans l’interprétation des traités. Il peut ainsi être soutenu que le droit de l’Union européenne dispose, matériellement, d’un droit des présomptions qui contient ses propres critères liés à la classification et aux effets probatoires de ces dernières. / It is traditionally held that even though it cannot be qualified as evidence per se, presumption can provisionally produce the effect of evidence, when direct evidence is not available, or even possible, of a fact for which such evidence is required. Considering that the EU does not have a codified law on evidence, the criteria known in national law by virtue of which presumptions are either refutable or irrefutable cannot, prima facie, apply in EU law. This does not mean that the notion of presumption has no place in EU legal vocabulary. The analysis of the case law of the EU Courts, as well as of EU secondary law, allows the discerning of the circumstance in which the legislator, or the judge, use presumptions as techniques that provide good, although temporary, solutions to situations characterized by doubt. The practice in EU law thus confirms a crucial point that has been raised in legal theory on evidence: presumption appears where there is a need to eliminate a doubt, through accepting something to be true until the contrary is established. The need that a doubt be removed can arise a priori (what should be presumed) or a posteriori (what can be presumed), when a search for evidence fails to meet a legal standard. There are, indeed, certain facts that should prima facie be held as true in EU law, such as those given by the presumptions taken over from International law of treaties and of International Organizations, the presumptions of legality and validity, of compliance or compatibility and of equivalence within the meaning of the principle of mutual recognition. The facts that can be presumed in EU law are usually facts for which evidence is required in Competition law, the EU external relations, the restrictions on the freedoms of movement and the interpretation of the Treaties. It can thus be held that there is, in the EU, a law on presumptions, which contains its own criteria related to the division of presumptions, as well as to their evidentiary effects.

《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯與語義研究 / Alogical and Semantic Study of negatives in Zutangji

張皓得, Chang, Ho-Deug Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞為研究對象。首先,用演繹法來建立假設,用歸納法(完全歸納法)來驗證其假設。我們所處的現實世界都是由時間和空間構成的,這種世界與時間結合而造成「事」,與空間結合而產生「物」,我們通常合稱為「事物」。基於這種基本觀點,可說語言結構是一種現實世界的表達,因而它如實地或刻意地反映這種現實世界,而且這些看法也可適用於漢語否定詞的體系。由此,筆者主要用演繹法來大膽地假設說漢語的m系否定詞表達「空間性概念」,而p系否定詞表達「時間性概念」。第參、肆、伍和陸章,利用這種假設,剖析《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞而驗證此假設與《祖堂集》的否定詞用法是否吻合。第二,在語言的邏輯結構層次分析上,在本篇論文的第參章裡,用謂詞邏輯研究法分析《祖堂集》裡出現的否定句以解釋早期近代漢語否定詞的邏輯結構與語言結構的同異。第三,用具有普遍性的語言學方法論,如「區別性特徵(distinctive feature) 」、「標記成分(marked member)」、「直接成分分析法(immediate constituent analysis,ICA)」、「互補分布(complementary distribution)」、「有定(definite reference)和無定(indefinite reference)」、「焦點(focus)、新信息(new information)以及舊信息(old information) 」、「義素分析法(seme analysis或componential analysis)」等,在第肆、伍和陸章裡分析探討《祖堂集》否定詞在邏輯語言結構層次或純粹語言結構層次上的語法結構和語義特點。第四,用計量和統計方法來分析《祖堂集》否定詞的分布情況以解釋近代漢語否定詞的面貌和體系。最後,用漢語否定詞的歷時演變來解釋《祖堂集》否定詞的共時結構,並且透過這種解釋來檢討本篇論文的結論是否具有妥當性。就研究步驟來說,先把《祖堂集》全文輸入到電腦,按否定詞類別歸類而分析探討否定詞的邏輯、語法和語義。 本篇文論共分八章,579頁。第壹章敘論,主要論及研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法、否定界說、否定範圍和否定焦點。第貳章邏輯結構、語言結構和否定詞,主要討論「邏輯結構與語言結構之間的同異」、「邏輯的同異問題與否定」以及「時空、語言實詞分類和《祖堂集》否定詞分類(m系否定詞和p系否定詞)之間的關係」。第參章《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯意義分析,主要用謂詞邏輯學的方法分析《祖堂集》否定詞之邏輯結構和邏輯意義。第肆章《祖堂集》m系「否定詞」之語義分析(一)-「無」,主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討m系否定詞當中「無」字在邏輯語言層次和純粹語言層次上之邏輯結構、語法結構和語義特點。第伍章《祖堂集》m系「否定詞」之語義分析(二),主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討其他m系否寫詞在純粹語言層次上之語法結構和語義特徵,如「未」、「莫」、「勿」、「沒」、「亡」、「罔」、「靡」和「微」。第陸章《祖堂集》p系「否定詞」之語義分析,主要用語法學和語義學的研究方法探討《祖堂集》的p系否定詞在邏輯語言層次和純粹語言層次上之邏輯意義、語法結構和語義特點,如「不」、「非」、「匪」、「否」和「弗」。本章後面附帶討論「休」字,上古漢語時期它的否定用法不存在,到後來產生於方言之中,因此它不屬於所謂m/p系否定詞。第柒章《祖堂集》中「否定詞」之邏輯和語義特點,主要探討《祖堂集》否定詞在邏輯層次和語言層次上之特點,如「矛盾關係(contradictory relation)、反對關係(contrary relation)與否定詞」、「時空關係與否定詞」、「主客關係與否定詞」、「常變關係、動靜關係與否定詞」、「時間的空間化(量化)」、「空間的時間化」、「客觀現象的意志化」、「肯定與否定的選擇(疑問)」、「測度否定」、「名詞的述語化」、「雙重否定」、「否定詞之互用」等等。第捌章結論,用三張圖表,把《祖堂集》裡出現的所有否定詞系統化,扼要地解釋而究明第壹章敘論中的六條研究目標。最後附有引用及主要參考書目和《祖堂集》否定詞索引。 總之,筆者利用《祖堂集》裡出現的否定詞探討否定詞在符號隱性系統和符號顯性系統上的特徵。由此,筆者發現到幾點新理論,第一、語言研究要區分符號隱性系統和符號顯性系統,才能得到完善的結果。第二、邏輯學的「矛盾(contradiction)」和「反對(contrary)」顯現為語言的否定詞時,在《祖堂集》裡,區別「矛盾」和「反對」的關鍵在於否定詞是否替代其相應的肯定形式。第三、《祖堂集》的漢語否定詞不僅具有一個完整的系統(paradigm),而且從古到今一直維持m系和p系兩組系統,因為m系和p系否定詞分別表示邏輯意義上的空間概念和時間概念。其他純粹語言結構層次上的否定詞用法都是在這種邏輯意義的基礎上衍生出來的,如「時間的量化否定」、「疑問否定」、「測度否定」、「『無』義否定」等等。第四、邏輯學的矛盾概念和反對概念顯現為語言符號時,產生一些問題,因此研究符號顯性系統的否定詞,反對概念還要分成「確定反對(definite contrary)」和「不定反對(indefinite contrary)」。

The governance of firms controlled by more than one board: theory, development and examples

Turnbull, Shann January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University. Macquarie Graduate School of Management. / Bibliography: p. 286-324. / The contribution of this thesis is to present a framework to analyse firms controlled by more than one board. The literature survey of Chapter 2 revealed that there is little recognition of this phenomenon and no accepted way to investigate firms governed by multiple control centres described as a "compound board". The framework is developed in Chapter 3. The historical emergence of compound boards is outlined in Chapter 4 with examples of their architecture described in Chapters 5 and 6. Chapter 7 shows how the framework provides insights not available from other theories of the firm and how selfyes governance can be furthered by utilising contrary human attributes of competition/co-operation, trust/suspicion and self-interest/altruism. / The framework is described as transaction byte analysis (TBA) as it is based on the limited and inconsistent ability of humans to transact units of information described as "bytes". TBA identifies cybernetic principles and strategies that can mitigate human limitations in processing bytes. These provide organisational design criteria for firms to obtain operating advantages. As information is a common element in varies theories of the firm, TBA relates and subsumes them while allowing any type of organisation to be analysed. / Propositions are presented in Chapter 7 for illustrating how TBA provides insights into explaining: (i) why non-trivial employee owned industrial firms have more than one board; (ii) why self-regulation and self-governance of non-trivial firms cannot be assured without a compound board; (iii) how compound boards can simplify the role, knowledge, duties and liabilities of directors; (iv) the competitive advantages of appropriate compound boards in relation to unitary control systems; (v) how to compare and evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of firms with different ownership and control structures; (vi) how to compare the relative efficacy of hierarchical and non-hierarchical firms be they in the private or public sector. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / x, 324 p. ill

Erotismo e contemplação em Infância , de Manoel de Barros

Figueiredo, Marina Haber de 23 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:25:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3531.pdf: 1073503 bytes, checksum: 9279d320d1082fcce708572f16427c76 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-23 / This research proposes to examine the texts ―Obrar‖, ―Ver‖, ―O apanhador de desperdício‖, ―Achadouros‖, ―Sobre importâncias‖ and ―Soberania‖ tha are present, respectively, on the books Memórias Inventadas: A Infância, Memórias Inventadas: A Segunda Infância, Memórias Inventadas: A Terceira Infância, published in 2003, 2006 and 2008 and written by Manoel de Barros, because we start from the premise that the aesthetic discourse of the subjects of these texts represents Barros s architectonics when he works with a construction of a discourses that are opposite of the contemporary social-political system discourses, that´s because while this hegemonic discourse, with its exclusionary and accumulative logic, disseminates a respect to the cartesian and logical world represented by the world of labor, that are the construction of opposite discourses expressed by the subjects of the above texts, which proclaim the world by an optic that values concrete subjectivism and, at the same time, contemplative and erotic, represented by the view and the voice of an adult-child subject, in its childhood. This way, we intend to show the aesthetic construction of these discourses, by a bakhtinian analysis about the subjects, time and space. The theoretical-analytical notions studied by the Bakhtin s Circle (that means the writings by Bakhtin, Voloshinov and Medvedev) are the basic proposals of this research (specifically the dialogism - as a philosophic notion focused on the Russian circle - ethics and aesthetics, subject, chronotope and carnavalization), since they collaborate for a better comprehension around the constitution of the aesthetic discourse proposed by Barros. This way of seeing, understanding and reprsentating the world achieves a new aesthetic meaning which undervalues the sense of speed and accuracy of the "adult world", present in this hegemonic discourse, to turn it into lightness, eroticism and contemplation, that are trangressors and constituentes values of early childhood memories of the ―adult-child‖ subject, ―porque eu não sou da informática: eu sou da invencionática (Barros, 2003, IX). / Esta pesquisa propõe analisar os textos ―Obrar‖, ―Ver‖, ―O apanhador de desperdício‖, ―Achadouros‖, ―Sobre importâncias‖ e ―Soberania‖ presentes, respectivamente nos livros Memórias Inventadas: A Infância, Memórias Inventadas: A Segunda Infância, Memórias Inventadas: A Terceira Infância, publicados em 2003, 2006 e 2008 e de autoria de Manoel de Barros, pois parte-se da premissa que os discursos estéticos dos sujeitos destes textos representem a arquitetônica de Barros ao apontar para a construção de discursos contrários aos proferidos pelo sistema político-social contemporâneo, uma vez que, enquanto o discurso hegemônico, com sua lógica excludente e acumulativa, prega um respeito ao mundo cartesiano e lógico representado pelo mundo do trabalho, surge a construção de contradiscursos expressos pelos sujeitos dos textos supracitados, que preconizam o mundo por meio de uma ótica que valoriza o subjetivismo concreto e, ao mesmo tempo, contemplativo e erótico, representado pela visão e voz de um sujeito adulto-criança, em sua infância. Dessa forma procura-se evidenciar a construção estética desses contradiscursos, por meio de uma análise bakhtiniana sobre sujeito, tempo e espaço. As noções teórico-analíticas estudadas pelo Círculo de Bakhtin (o que compreende os escritos de Bakhtin, Voloshinov e Medvedev) fundamentam a proposta desta pesquisa (especificamente dialogismo enquanto noção filosófica norteadora do Círculo russo , ética-estética, sujeito, cronotopia e carnavalização), uma vez que (co)laboram para uma melhor compreensão acerca da constituição do contradiscurso estético de Barros. Essa maneira de ver, entender e retratar o mundo conquista uma nova significação estética que despreza o sentido de velocidade e de exatidão do ―mundo adulto‖ presente no discurso hegemônico para transcendê-lo em leveza, erotismo e contemplação, valores transgredientes e constituintes das memórias da infância do sujeito adulto-criança, ―porque eu não sou da informática: eu sou da invencionática‖ (Barros, 2003, IX).

Dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag : En studie om förskolepersonals förståelser av arbetet med Sveriges nationella minoriteter och minoritetsspråk / Dilemmatic Aspects in the Preschool’s Minority Assignment : A study of preschool personnel’s understandings of working with the Swedish national minorities and minority languages

Friberg, Liv January 2023 (has links)
I juli 2019 försågs förskolan med en ny läroplan och med den ett utökat minoritetsuppdrag, vilket i korthet innebär att förskolan ska bidra till att skydda och främja de nationella minoriteternas språk och kulturer. Tidigare forskning pekar på att läroplansändringar om de nationella minoriteterna haft liten inverkan på ämnesinnehållet inom utbildningssystemet och att det finns svårigheter kopplade till att implementera kultur- och språkrelaterade policyer i förskolan. Syftet med föreliggande studie är därför att genom förskolepersonals förståelser lyfta fram dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag. En tonvikt har placerats vid den nationella minoriteten romer, vilket delvis motiveras genom en webbenkät som distribuerats i studiens startskede. Av de fem nationella minoriteterna hade färst respondenter berört romer i förskolans utbildning. För en fördjupad förståelse och för att generera mer data hölls två fokusgruppsintervjuer med totalt sex informanter och en kompletterande individuell intervju med ytterligare en informant. Eftersom studien undersökt ett känsligt ämne genomsyras den av reflexivitet och etiska överväganden. Den data som genererats har analyserats och diskuterats med hjälp av Michael Billigs begreppsapparat ideologiska dilemman, med fokus på sunt förnuft och motstridigheter. Det sunda förnuftet säger att förskolans minoritetsuppdrag är viktigt för att bevara ett kulturarv, revitalisera minoritetsspråken och motverka fördomar. Motstridigheterna består i att arbetet med Sveriges nationella minoriteter och minoritetsspråk villkoras på grund av prioriteringar och rangordningar, resonemanget ”inget minoritetsbarn – inget minoritetsuppdrag”, en rädsla för att göra fel och en strävan att undvika konflikter. Genom en analytisk diskussion påträffas fyra dilemmatiska aspekter i skärningspunkterna mellan 1) ideologier som förskolan förväntas förmedla och ideologier om förskolan som institution, 2) en strävan att revitalisera minoritetsspråken och att det aktualiseras först när ett minoritetsspråkigt barn finns i barngruppen, 3) en strävan att motverka fördomar och en rädsla för att i stället befästa dem och 4) att ge barn förutsättningar att utveckla en kulturell identitet och minoritetsspråket och att upprätthålla tillitsfulla relationer och samarbeten med vårdnadshavare genom att låta bli när de så önskar.Studien bidrar till kunskap om dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag och gör dem på så sätt möjliga att adressera. / In July 2019, the preschool was provided a new curriculum and with it an extended minority assignment. In short, this assignment means that the preschool shall protect and promote the languages and cultures of the Swedish national minorities. Previous research indicates that curriculum changes regarding the national minorities generally have little impact on the subject content within the education system and that there are difficulties linked to implementing policies about language and culture in preschool. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to highlight dilemmatic aspects in the preschool's minority assignment through preschool personnel's understandings. An emphasis is placed on the national minority Roma, which is partly motivated by a web survey that was distributed in the initial stages of the study. Out of the five national minorities, the fewest respondents had referenced Roma people in the preschool’s education. For a deeper understanding, and to generate more data, two focus group interviews with a total of six informants and a supplementary individual interview with yet another informant were held. Since a sensitive subject is being examined, the study is permeated by reflexivity and ethical considerations. The data generated has been analyzed and discussed using Michael Billig's theoretical approach to ideological dilemmas, with a focus on common sense and contrary themes. What passes as common sense is that the preschool's minority assignment is important to preserve a cultural heritage, revitalize the minority languages and counter prejudice. The contrary themes regard conditions for working with the Swedish national minorities and minority languages, such as priorities and rankings, the reasoning "no minority child – no minority assignment", a fear of making mistakes, and avoiding conflicts. Through an analytical discussion, four dilemmatic aspects are found in the intersections between 1) ideologies that the preschool is expected to convey and ideologies about the preschool as an institution, 2) an effort to revitalize the minority languages and that this is only actualized when a minority language speaking child is present in the child group, 3) an effort to counter prejudices and a fear of instead reinforcing them and 4) supporting children’s need to develop a cultural identity and their minority language and to maintain trusting relationships and collaborations with children’s guardians by not doing so, if that is their wish. This study contributes to highlighting dilemmatic aspects in the preschool's minority assignments and is thereby making them possible to address.

Dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag : En studie om förskolepersonals förståelser av arbetet med Sveriges nationella minoriteter och minoritetsspråk / Dilemmatic Aspects in the Preschool’s Minority Assignment : A study of preschool personnel’s understandings of working with the Swedish national minorities and minority languages

Liv, Friberg January 2023 (has links)
I juli 2019 försågs förskolan med en ny läroplan och med den ett utökat minoritetsuppdrag, vilket i korthet innebär att förskolan ska bidra till att skydda och främja de nationella minoriteternas språk och kulturer. Tidigare forskning pekar på att läroplansändringar om de nationella minoriteterna haft liten inverkan på ämnesinnehållet inom utbildningssystemet och att det finns svårigheter kopplade till att implementera kultur- och språkrelaterade policyer i förskolan. Syftet med föreliggande studie är därför att genom förskolepersonals förståelser lyfta fram dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag. En tonvikt har placerats vid den nationella minoriteten romer, vilket delvis motiveras genom en webbenkät som distribuerats i studiens startskede. Av de fem nationella minoriteterna hade färst respondenter berört romer i förskolans utbildning. För en fördjupad förståelse och för att generera mer data hölls två fokusgruppsintervjuer med totalt sex informanter och en kompletterande individuell intervju med ytterligare en informant. Eftersom studien undersökt ett känsligt ämne genomsyras den av reflexivitet och etiska överväganden. Den data som genererats har analyserats och diskuterats med hjälp av Michael Billigs begreppsapparat ideologiska dilemman, med fokus på sunt förnuft och motstridigheter. Det sunda förnuftet säger att förskolans minoritetsuppdrag är viktigt för att bevara ett kulturarv, revitalisera minoritetsspråken och motverka fördomar. Motstridigheterna består i att arbetet med Sveriges nationella minoriteter och minoritetsspråk villkoras på grund av prioriteringar och rangordningar, resonemanget ”inget minoritetsbarn – inget minoritetsuppdrag”, en rädsla för att göra fel och en strävan att undvika konflikter. Genom en analytisk diskussion påträffas fyra dilemmatiska aspekter i skärningspunkterna mellan 1) ideologier som förskolan förväntas förmedla och ideologier om förskolan som institution, 2) en strävan att revitalisera minoritetsspråken och att det aktualiseras först när ett minoritetsspråkigt barn finns i barngruppen, 3) en strävan att motverka fördomar och en rädsla för att i stället befästa dem och 4) att ge barn förutsättningar att utveckla en kulturell identitet och minoritetsspråket och att upprätthålla tillitsfulla relationer och samarbeten med vårdnadshavare genom att låta bli när de så önskar.Studien bidrar till kunskap om dilemmatiska aspekter i förskolans minoritetsuppdrag och gör dem på så sätt möjliga att adressera. / In July 2019, the preschool was provided a new curriculum and with it an extended minority assignment. In short, this assignment means that the preschool shall protect and promote the languages and cultures of the Swedish national minorities. Previous research indicates that curriculum changes regarding the national minorities generally have had a small impact on the subject content within the education system. In addition, there are difficulties linked to implementing policies on language and culture in the preschool. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to highlight dilemmatic aspects in the preschool's minority assignment through preschool personnel's understandings. An emphasis is placed on the national minority known as Roma people, which is partly motivated by a web survey that was distributed in the initial stages of the study. Out of the five national minorities, the fewest respondents had referenced Roma people in the preschool’s education. For a deeper understanding, and to generate more data, two focus group interviews with a total of six informants and a supplementary individual interview with yet another informant were held. Since a sensitive subject is being examined, the study is permeated by reflexivity and ethical consideration. The data generated has been analyzed and discussed using Michael Billig's theoretical approach to ideological dilemmas, with a focus on common sense and contrary themes. What passes as common sense is that the preschool's minority assignment is important in order to preserve a cultural heritage, revitalize the minority languages and counter prejudice. The contrary themes regard conditions for working with the Swedish national minorities and minority languages, such as priorities and rankings, the reasoning "no minority child – no minority assignment", a fear of making mistakes, and avoiding conflicts. Through an analytical discussion, four dilemmatic aspects are found in the intersections between 1) ideologies that the preschool is expected to conveyand ideologies about the preschool as an institution, 2) an effort to revitalize the minority languages and that this is only actualized when a minority language speaking child is present in the child group, 3) an effort to counter prejudices and a fear of instead reinforcing them and 4) supporting the children in developing a cultural identity and their minority language and to maintain trusting relationships and collaborations with the children’s guardians by not doing so, if that is their wish. This study contributes to highlighting dilemmatic aspects in the preschool's minority assignments and is thereby making them possible to address.

Postkoloniale perspektiewe in enkele romans van André P. Brink

Bothma, Mathilda Cecilia 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study investigates postcolonial aspects of the prose oeuvre of André P. Brink, with specific reference to his historiographical texts `n Oomblik in die wind, Houd-den-Bek, Die eerste lewe van Adamastor, Inteendeel, Sandkastele and Donkermaan. The texts can be described as links in a textual history of South Africa: a history corresponding to the official version, revisioning it in an imaginative way. The texts also criticize political (mal)practices, and the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial social contexts of the country are critically scrutinized. The texts offer suggestions for a new political dispensation. Since the seventies the Brink oeuvre has developed a multi-dimensional postcolonial approach. Aspects of post-colonialism, post-structuralism, magical realism and feminism as articulated in the texts, are analyzed and interpreted. Brink's investigation of problems concerning historiography, and the relation between history and fiction, comprised an important aspect of the research leading to this report. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil

Shozo Ohmori’s 'Fancy' : A Third Mode of Awareness

Lagelius, Robin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation into the phenomenon which Shozo Ohmori (1921-1997) considered “a peculiar manner of awareness”, and to which he attributed the term ‘fancy’. The objective is to achieve an approximate understanding of Ohmori’s theory of ‘fancy’, as it relates to awareness of entities in three-dimensional space, and the extensions mentioned in his only publication in English: “Beyond Hume’s Fancy” (1974). This objective will be realized by asking three questions. The first question is how we are to understand the demarcation of the different phenomena of awareness which Ohmori identifies. The second question that this thesis asks is what applications that the phenomenon ‘fancy’ mentioned in Ohmori’s account have, as Ohmori saw it. Having answered these questions, I will then make an assessment of another salient consideration: how does Ohmori’s employment of the term ‘fancy’ relate to Hume’s employment of the same term (seeing as the name of Ohmori’s article makes such a reference). As we shall see, Ohmori is attempting to identify a more specific phenomenon than the widely discussed issue of thinking about something that is not currently perceivable in our perceptual field. The third and final question that this thesis asks is whether there are any salient issues with Ohmori’s theory of ‘fancy’ and, if so, whether those issues can be resolved. When we are aware of entities in three-dimensional space, we are subject to various mental processes. Our awareness, seemingly, uses different modes of interpretation and orientation. In other words, our ‘point of view’ (which is something that not only pertains to the use of our visual sensory organs) determines both our place and relation towards other entities. One salient issue when considering the notion of awareness is how and by which order awareness emerges. Impressions, as David Hume would call them, seemingly precede our ideas. Sense-data, as Shozo Ohmori phrased it, is unquestionably inseparable from conceptions. Our conceptions, in turn, seem to inform our perceptions with expectations and predictions of how things are. When we perceive an entity, we are ready to make judgements about its being at this moment. When we see the front of a desk, we are ready to claim awareness of said desk-front as part of a desk (which entails the ontology of a desk, namely, being a three-dimensional construction of a particular variety). In everyday situations we simply speak of such an awareness as ‘perception’ when in actuality, all we see (which constitutes the sense-data or content of a perception) is the front of a desk. It seems we cannot regard our awareness of a desk (a three-dimensional entity) as a perception simpliciter. Of course, by having a notion of what a desk is, our awareness is pregnant with a ‘conception’ in the form of an idea that is informing our awareness of said desk. But our conceptual understanding of the notion of something being a desk is not enough to explain what our awareness of a desk-at-this-moment is. At least, that is what Ohmori thought.

Postkoloniale perspektiewe in enkele romans van André P. Brink

Bothma, Mathilda Cecilia 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study investigates postcolonial aspects of the prose oeuvre of André P. Brink, with specific reference to his historiographical texts `n Oomblik in die wind, Houd-den-Bek, Die eerste lewe van Adamastor, Inteendeel, Sandkastele and Donkermaan. The texts can be described as links in a textual history of South Africa: a history corresponding to the official version, revisioning it in an imaginative way. The texts also criticize political (mal)practices, and the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial social contexts of the country are critically scrutinized. The texts offer suggestions for a new political dispensation. Since the seventies the Brink oeuvre has developed a multi-dimensional postcolonial approach. Aspects of post-colonialism, post-structuralism, magical realism and feminism as articulated in the texts, are analyzed and interpreted. Brink's investigation of problems concerning historiography, and the relation between history and fiction, comprised an important aspect of the research leading to this report. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil

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