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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Runaway Beauties : Coping Strategies among Returning Filipino Women who Experienced Labour Trafficking

Lund, Karin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of how Filipino female returnees cope with the experience of labour trafficking when reintegrated into their home communities, and how this coping relate to existing research on comparable returnee experiences. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with five returnees, conducted during an eight-week stay in the Philippines. The study identifies coping strategies adapted upon return, and analyzes them in the light of the local context and previous studies in the field. The results of the study indicate that, according to the women’s descriptions, strategies related to the escape/avoidance coping type are adapted to a higher extent than other types of coping strategies. These strategies seem to be highly related to the experience or fear of becoming victims of gossiping neighbours and/or patronizing family members. Distancing through humour was also appearing to a great extent in all the interviews, as well as seeking social support. It was found that the strategies expressed by the women were mostly emotion-focused or dysfunctional as opposed to problem-focused, but in many cases active as opposed to passive. The most common social support resources appearing in the interviews were the family, the church, and the supporting organization. The experiences of the respondents have a lot in common with the experiences brought forward in other studies in the same field, though it is important to be aware of the different social and cultural settings in which most of the existing research has been implemented. With this study, the author hopes to contribute to a better understanding of what kind of support Filipino female labour trafficking returnees are in need of, and how to further develop the support system for them and similar groups.

Globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajos / Corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home

Juškaitė, Jurga 23 December 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos sąsajas. Globos namuose augantys paaugliai dažnai susiduria su psichologiniais sunkumais. Lietuvoje nėra daug tyrinėtos šių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos psichologinės problemos. Tyrime dalyvavo 52 globos namuose augantys paaugliai. Tyrimas atliktas taikant tris metodus: A. T. Beck nevilties skalė, kitas E. J. Young ankstyvų neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų klausimynas, trumpoji forma ir trečias Ž. Grakausko bei G. Valicko keturių faktorių streso įveikos klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė merginų imtyje beviltiškumo ir neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajas, kai tuo tarpu vaikinų imtyje šios sąsajos nenustatytos. Tyrimu nustatytos streso įveikos strategijų bei neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajos tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. Beviltiškumo ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajų nerasta nei merginų, nei vaikinų tarpe. Nenustatyti reikšmingi skirtumai beviltiškumo, streso įveikos strategijų: problemų sprendimo, vengimo bei socialinio palaikymo tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. / The aim of the study was to reveal corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home. Adolescents growing in foster home often interfere psychological difficulties. In Lithuania there is not many researches on adolescents hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies. 52 girls and boys participated in the research from foster home. In the present thesis was applied three methods: A. T. Beck’s hoplessness scale, E. J. Young maladaptive cognitive schemes questioner and Ž. Grakauskas, G. Valickas stress coping strategies scale. The survey results showed the corellation of hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes of girls but the results of boys presents no corelations between hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes. The results of boys and girls showed corellation of stress coping strategies and maladaptive cognitive schemes. There were no meaningful differences of boys and girls on average between hoplessness and stress coping strategies: problems solving, social support and avoidance.

Apatinių galūnių amputaciją patyrusių asmenų potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomų, jų įveikos strategijų ir psichologinio atsparumo sąsajos / Associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, coping strategies and hardiness among people with lower limb amputations

Vildžiūnaitė, Kristina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti žmonių, patyrusių apatinių galūnių amputaciją, potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomų, jų įveikos strategijų ir psichologinio atsparumo sąsajas. Buvo ištirti 120 tiriamųjų (92 vyrai ir 28 moterys), kurie patyrė apatinių galūnių amputaciją. Tyrime buvo naudojami trys klausimynai: 1. DRS-15 (Dispositional Resilience Scale) skirtas matuoti psichologinį atsparumą, kaip asmenybės savybę. 2. Streso įveikos klausimynas, kuris naudojamas matuoti įveikos strategijoms. 3. Įvykio poveikio skalė - revizuota (IES-R) skirsta potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomams nustatyti. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog psichologinis atsparumas nėra susijęs su potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomais tiesiogiai. Bet nustatyta, jog jaunesnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu vyrų didesnis bendras psichologinis atsparumas ir psichologinio atsparumo įsipareigojimas susijęs su dažniau naudojama problemų sprendimo įveikos strategija, o dažnesnis šios strategijos naudojimas susijęs su mažesniu potrauminio streso sutrikimo vengimo simptomo kiekiu. Jaunesnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu asmenų bendras psichologinis atsparumas ir jo bruožai (kontrolė, įsipareigojimas) teigiamai susiję su problemų sprendimo įveikos strategijos naudojimu. Vyresnių su žemesniu nei aukštuoju išsilavinimu žmonių grupėje rastas toks pat ryšys tarp bendro psichologinio atsparumo bei jo kontrolės bruožo ir problemų sprendimo įveikos strategijos. Vyresnių asmenų didesnė psichologinio atsparumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to examine associations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, coping strategies and hardiness among people with lower limb amputations. There were examined 120 patients (92 men and 28 women) who suffered a lower limb amputation. In the study were used three questionnaires: 1. DRS-15 (Dispositional Resilience Scale) which is designed to measure hardiness as a characteristic of personality. 2. Coping with stress questionnaire, which is used to measure coping strategies. 3. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) is used to measure PTSD symptoms. Results showed that hardiness was not directly associated with PTSD symptoms. But there were found that higher overall hardiness and commitment characteristic were associated with a more frequent usage of problem solving coping strategy and more frequent usage of this coping strategy was associated with less PTSD avoidance symptom amount among men who were younger and had lower than higher education. Among people who were younger and had lower than higher education there were found that higher overall hardiness and its characteristics (control, commitment) were associated with a more frequent usage of problem solving coping strategy. In the older age group of people with lower than higher education overall hardiness and its control characteristic were positively associated with problem solving coping strategy. In older age group there were found that hardiness control characteristic was... [to full text]

Sergančių onkologine liga asmenų ligos suvokimo sąsajos su gyvenimo prasme ir ligos įveikimo strategijomis / Relation of oncology patients’ illness percertion with the meaning in life and the coping strategies of illness

Eimutienė, Neringa 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sergančių onkologine liga asmenų, vyrų ir moterų, ligos suvokimo sąsajas su gyvenimo prasme ir ligos įveikos strategijomis. Tyrimui atlikti naudota: Ligos suvokimo klausimynas (Weinman, Petrie, Moss-Morris, Horne, 1996; Weinman, Petrie, 1997) (angl. The Revised-Illness Perception Questionnaire, IPQ–R), siekiant nustatyti vėžiu sergančių asmenų ligos suvokimą; Gyvenimo prasmės skalė (Jim et al., 2006) (angl. Meaning in Life Scale, MiLS), skirta tiriamųjų gyvenimo prasmės įvertinimui; COPE streso įveikimo strategijų klausimynas Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, 1989) (angl. Coping Orientation of Problem Experience Inventory, COPE), siekiant nustatyti tiriamųjų pasirinktas ligos įveikos strategijas. Gauti duomenys apdoroti naudojant statistinį SPSS 16,0 versijos programinį paketą. Statistiškai patikimais rezultatais laikytini atvejai, kai p < 0,05, P = 95 proc. Tyrime dalyvavo 142 (22–74 metų) onkologinėmis ligomis sergantys vyrai ir moterys. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad onkologine liga sergančių asmenų, vyrų ir moterų, stipresnis ligos suvokimas siejasi su dažniau naudojama adaptyvia, į problemas nukreipta ligos įveika; onkologine liga sergančių asmenų, vyrų ir moterų, stipresnis ligos suvokimas siejasi su aukštesne gyvenimo prasme; onkologine liga sergantiems asmenims, vyrams ir moterims, pasižymintiems stipresniu ligos suvokimu ir adaptyvia, į emocijas nukreipta ligos įveika, būdinga žemesnė gyvenimo prasmė. / The aim of the research is to identify oncology patients’, men and women, relation of illness perception to the meaning in life, the coping strategies of illness. References for research: The Revised-Illness Perception Questionnaire, IPQ–R (Weinman, Petrie, Moss-Morris, Horne, 1996; Weinman, Petrie, 1997) in order to identify oncology patients’ illness perception; Meaning in Life Scale, MiLS (Jim et al., 2006) for evaluation of research participants’ meaning in life; Coping Orientation of Problem Experience Inventory, COPE (Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, 1989) in order to identify the coping strategies of illness chosen by research participants. The received data was processed while using a statistical SPSS software package. Statistically reliable cases werw considered when p < 0,05, P = 95%. 142 people (22-74years old), men and women with oncologic illnesses participated in the research. The research results have revealed that a stronger illness perception of men and women with oncologic illness is associated with a more frequently used adaptive, problem-focused coping of illness; a stronger illness perception of men and women with oncologic illness is associated with a higher meaning in life; a lower meaning in life is typical for those oncology patients, men and women, who have a stronger illness perception and adaptive, emotion - focused illness coping.

Verslo organizacijų darbuotojų patiriamo streso ir pasitenkinimo darbu ryšys / The link between job stress and job satisfaction experienced by workers in business organizations

Balnionytė, Rūta 25 June 2008 (has links)
Siekiant geriau suprasti verslo organizacijų darbuotojų patiriamą darbinį stresą ir pasitenkinimą darbu, jų ryšio nustatymas pasirinktas šio tyrimo tikslu. Kad jį atskleistume, naudojome tris metodikas: Veiksnių, Sukeliančių Stresą Darbe, Įvertinimo Klausimyną (Gulbinaitė, 2007), Pasitenkinimo Darbu Skalę (Spector, 1985) ir Streso Įveikos Klausimyną (Grakauskas, Valickas, 2006), kuriomis ištirta 118 tiriamųjų. Gauti rezultatai parodė, jog vyrai, labiau nei moterys, patiria didesnį darbinį stresą, susijusį su darbo reikalavimais bei darbo santykiais. Tuo tarpu moterys, skirtingai nuo vyrų, patiria didesnį pasitenkinimą darbu, susijusį su darbo organizavimu. Skirtumų tarp jaunesnių (18-25m.) ir vyresnių (26-40m.) tiriamųjų darbinio streso ir pasitenkinimo darbu nenustatyta. Tačiau rasta, jog vyrų ir moterų grupėse darbiniam stresui didėjant, pasitenkinimas darbu mažėja. Taip pat gauta, jog ne visos streso įveikos strategijos susijusios tarpusavyje, su darbiniu stresu ir pasitenkinimu darbu. Nustatyta, jog trijose tiriamųjų, patirianči���� skirtingą darbinį stresą ir pasitenkinimą darbu, grupėse naudojamos streso įveikos strategijos skiriasi tik iš dalies. / In order to understand better the job stress and job satisfaction experienced by workers in business organizations, its link is chosen as the aim of this study. For this reason, there were used three methods: The Evaluations Questionnaire of Variables, That Cause Job Stress (Gulbinaite, 2007), Job Satisfaction Scale (Spector, 1985) and Coping with Stress Questionnaire (Grakauskas, Valickas, 2006). 118 participants took part in this study. The results indicated that men comparing with women experience a bigger job stress, connected with job requirements and job relations. Whereas women, differently than men, experience a bigger job satisfaction, connected with job planning. It was also found that there are no differences of job stress and job satisfaction in groups of younger (18-25 years) and older (26-40 years) participants. Moreover, the results indicated, that when job stress is going up, the job satisfaction is going down in men and women groups. Besides, just some stress coping strategies are interdependent, have connection with job stress and job satisfaction. Finally, stress coping strategies differ just in part in three participants groups, who experience different job stress and job satisfaction.

Vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių ir fizinio aktyvumo bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajos / Men's and women's addictions and physical activity and stress coping strategies associations

Dainutytė, Kristina 21 December 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių ir fizinio aktyvumo bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 115 18-52 metų vyrai (n=43, 37,4 proc.) ir moterys (n=72, 62,6 proc.). Tyrimui respondentai buvo atrinkti atsitiktinės atrankos būdu. Tai buvo ir KTU, ir VDU studentai, taip pat skirtingų profesijų ir amžiaus asmenys. Streso įveikimo strategijoms įvertinti buvo naudojama C. S. Carver, M. F. Scheier ir J. K. Weintraub streso įveikimo strategijų klausimynas (COPE), žalingiems tyrimo dalyvių įpročiams nustatyti naudotas prof. A. Goštauto subjektyvaus sveikatos vertinimo ir svaigalų vartojimo klausimynas, fiziniam aktyvumui nustatyti buvo suformuluota keletas klausimų. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad fiziškai aktyvių ir pasyvių vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių išreikštumas nesiskiria. Ilgiau ir trumpiau užsiimančių sportine veikla ir dažniau bei rečiau per savaitę sportuojančių vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių išreikštumas nesiskiria. Streso įveikimo strategijų naudojimas tarp skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo vyrų ir moterų nesiskiria. Dažniau ir rečiau per savaitę sportuojantys tiek vyrai, tiek moterys yra linkę pritaikyti adaptyvesnes streso įveikimo strategijas. Ilgiau ir trumpiau sportine veikla užsiimantys vyrai yra vienodai linkę pritaikyti adaptyvesnes streso įveikimo strategijas, tačiau ilgiau sportine veikla užsiimančios moterys yra labiau linkusios pritaikyti adaptyvias, į problemą ir į emocijas nukreiptas streso įveikimo strategijas nei moterys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess the addictions and physical activity and stress coping strategies associations of men's and women's. The subjects of the study were 115 men (n=43, 37,4 per cent) and women (n=72, 62,6 per cent) 18 – 52 years old. The respondents for research work were selected at random. It were students of various universities and people of different age and professions. C. S. Carver, M. F. Scheier and J. K. Weintraub’s stress coping strategies questionnaire (COPE) was used for evaluation of the stress coping strategies. Professor A. Goštautas’s subjective assessment of health and drug use questionnaire were used for evaluation as well and besides several questions were formulated for pointing out physical activity. The results of the study showed that physically active and passive men’s and women’s addictions are not different. There is no difference in addictions between men and women more or less practice in sports activities they have or more or less frequently per week they go in for sports. The use of stress coping strategies between men and women with different physical activity are the same. These two groups are disposed to use more adaptive stress coping strategies whether they more or less often do sports. Men with longer or shorter practice in sports activities use more adaptive stress coping strategies equally but women with longer practice in sports activities are more likely to apply adaptive, to the problem and emotions directed stress... [to full text]

Searching for a "unicorn" : emotional dimensions of environmental educators

Hebert, Gabrielle 30 January 2013 (has links)
As more studies highlight the unconscious dynamics of environmental education it is important to understand how those dynamics impact the educators themselves so that we may better train educators and improve the efficacy of their work. Using a psychosocial and psychoanalytic methodology I explored the unconscious emotional lives of six environmental educators. The educators first participated in a professional development workshop and then in three in-depth interviews using the Dialogic, Relational Interview method. Data was analyzed using holistic analysis. The educators' employed a variety of conscious and unconscious protective measures to manage feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, fear, doubt, and grief over loss. The educators were largely unaware of the extent to which they employed protective measures and expressed an overall discomfort with exploring the painful aspects of their work. This study is a first step in understanding how educators' unconscious emotional experiences impact how they interact with their audiences.

Sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera känslomässig stress vid omvårdnad av döende barn : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' strategies for managing emotional distress when caring for dying children : A literature review

Brink, Ulrika, Vasquez, Silvana January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom sjuksköterskeprofessionen är döden en oundviklig företeelse och omhändertagandet av patienter i det palliativa skedet är en del av yrket. Döden väcker också starka känslor som kan vara svåra för sjuksköterskan att hantera, vilket kan resultera i emotionell stress. Att vårda barn i livets slutskede medför att sjuksköterskan ställs inför flera emotionella utmaningar, vilket leder till att denne måste finna strategier för att hantera de uppkomna känslorna. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera känslomässig stress vid omvårdad av svårt sjuka barn i livets slutskede. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt av tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: De strategier sjuksköterskorna beskrev identifierades och kategoriserades i följande fem teman: Utveckla motståndskraft, stöd, skifte mellan känslor, kontroll och egenvård. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor använder sig av flera strategier för att hantera känslomässig stress. Strategierna utvecklades bland annat genom erfarenhet, reflektion och genom att finna mening. Sjuksköterskor upplevde också bristande kunskap att hantera sina känslor och att möta sörjande föräldrar. Förmågan att skapa en känsla av sammanhang, och vilka strategier de utvecklade påverkade hur de hanterade emotionell stress. Klinisk betydelse: En ökad förståelse av vilka strategier sjuksköterskor använder för att hantera känslomässig stress kan ge verktyg för att förbättra sjuksköterskans arbetssituation och ge dem mer stöd. Därtill torde många av de strategier sjuksköterskan utvecklar också kunna överföras till andra omvårdnadssituationer. / Background: In the nursing profession, death is an inevitable outcome and care of patients in the palliative phase is part of the occupation. Death also evokes strong feelings that may be difficult for the nurse to manage, which can result in emotional stress. Caring for children in palliative care causes the nurse to face several emotional challenges, which means that they must find strategies to deal with the resulting emotions. Aim: To describe nurses‟ strategies on how to handle emotional stress when caring for critically ill children in the final stages of life. Method: A literature review based on twelve studies with a qualitative approach. Findings: The strategies nurses described were identified and categorized into five themes: developing resilience, support, self-care, control and shift between emotions. Conclusion: Nurses use several strategies to cope with emotional stress. The strategies were developed through among other things experience, reflection, and by finding meaning. Nurses also experienced a lack of knowledge in managing their emotions and meeting grieving parents. Nurses' ability to create a sense of coherence, and the strategies they developed affected how they handled emotional stress. Clinical significance: The results of the study may provide an increased understanding of the strategies nurses use to cope with emotional stress and may provide tools to improve nurses' working conditions and give them more support. In addition, many of the developed strategies might be applicable to other contexts.

"Vikten av en inre trygghet" - Ungdomars upplevelser, kunskap och hanteringsstrategier gällande psykisk ohälsa, emotioner, ångest, stress och sömn / "The importance of an inner safety" - Adolescents experiences, knowledge and coping strategies regarding mental illness, emotions, anxiety, stress and sleep

Jacobson, Karin, Lundqvist, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Barnevern og beslutninger, stress og mestring : En komparativ studie av barnevernsarbeid i en dansk og en norskkommune / Stressors and coping strategies in child protection services : A comparative study

Lerum, Arve January 2011 (has links)
Studiens formål: Hensikten med studien var å sammenligne hvordan barneverntjenesten i en dansk og en norsk kommune arbeider når det gjelder å ta beslutninger, hvilke stressfaktorer som forekommer og hvilke mestringsstrategier som benyttes. Metode: Det ble holdt to fokusgruppeintervjuver, et i den danske kommunen og et i den norske. Erfarne barnevernarbeidere deltok. Begge fokusgruppeintervjuvene ble transkribert og analyert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Resultat: Studien viser at barneverntjenesten i den norske kommunen har mindre formalisert samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester, oftere tar gruppebaserte beslutninger og baserer seg mer på kolleger sammenlignet med barneverntjenesten i den danske kommunen. Barneverntjenesten i den danske kommunen har strukturert og formalisert samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester, og baserer seg mindre på internt samarbeid sammenlignet med barneverntjenesten i den norske kommunen. Stressfaktorer i begge barneverntjenester er 1) mangel på gode resultater og 2) at det er vanskelig å vurdere den foreliggende informasjon om et barn med behov for tiltak fra barnverntjenesten. Mangel på gode resultater er stressfaktor i begge land og barnevernarbeidere i begge kommuner finner barneverntjenesten det vanskelig å ta den riktige beslutningen vedr. et konkret barn. Viktige mestringsstrategier i beslutningsprosessen i begge kommuner er støtte fra kolleger og støtte fra ledelsen. Konklusjon: Den danske barneverntjenesten har formeldt samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester. Beslutningene baserer seg på egne vurderinger og vurderinger fra andre kommunale tjenester. Barneverntjenesten i Norge baserer seg i større grad på egene vurderinger. For begge barneverntjenester er det utfordrende å ta den riktige beslutningen for et konkret barn som har behov for hjelp. Begge tjenester søker støtte hos kolleger og ledelse. / Aim: This study aimed to compare the practice of the child protection services in a Danish and a Norwegian municipality. We sought to increase understanding about (i) the decision making processes of child protection services, (ii) the stressors encountered by child protection workers, and (iii) the coping mechanisms such workers use.Methodology: Child protection workers with 10 or more years of work experience participated in two focus group discussions, one held in a Norwegian municipality with four participants and the other in a Danish municipality with three participants. Discussion transcriptions were analysed using quality content analysis.Results: The data showed that the child protection service in Norway used only limited collaboration with other municipal services. Moreover, Norwegian child protection workers were more likely to rely on their colleagues and make group decisions. In contrast, the child protection service in the Danish municipality collaborated structurally and sustainably with other municipality services. Both groups experienced stress when they (i) were unable to achieve good outcomes and (ii) could not easily assess the situation and available information for a child in need. Child protection workers in both municipalities reported difficulty in making appropriate decisions regarding children. Important coping strategies for workers during the decision-making process involved support from colleagues and management.Conclusion: The decision-making process of Danish child protection workers relies on both individual assessments and collaboration with other municipal services. Conversely, Norwegian child protection workers are more self-reliant. Both services struggle to make appropriate decisions regarding the care of children in need, and all workers seek support from colleagues and management. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-15-7</p>

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