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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Making Preciousness : Interaction Design Through Studio Crafts

Tsaknaki, Vasiliki January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores value-creation in interaction design through practical collaborations with studio craftspersons. A focus is on the meaning of “preciousness” from a design perspective – what I refer to as Making Preciousness –  which highlights aspects of material properties, design processes, and the attitude to the design space. Theoretically, the work takes inspiration from the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, which is based on the fact that things are impermanent, incomplete, and imperfect. This reflects a view of preciousness beyond notions of practical use, luxury or monetary cost. In addition to theoretical studies, I engaged in practice-based research at the intersection of interaction design and studio crafts, in the domains of leather, silversmith and textile crafting. Through an approach that blends these practices with the making of interactive artefacts, preciousness for interaction design was explored. Through this work, I extract three qualities, all of which are closely linked to attributes and values ​​embedded in the craft practices examined. I refer to these as resourceful composition, material sensuality and the aiming for mattering artefacts. Resourceful composition refers to approaching a design space “resourcefully”, meaning that the designer actively values and uses the specific qualities of materials and tools consciously, for what they are suitable for. Material sensuality is about appreciating the sensory experience of interacting with materials, arriving through particular material qualities, such as texture, temperature or smell, but also interactive qualities. Aiming for mattering artefacts involves actively designing for impermanence, incompleteness and imperfection, and through that contributing to notions of preciousness through use, care, ownership and interaction between users and artefacts over time. The attitude of making preciousness can be seen as tying together materials and making with user experiences of computational artefacts. For interaction design, this points towards making processes in which computation and material knowledge, craftsmanship and aesthetic intentions are placed at the core. These values ​​relate to cultural, but also sensual experiences, which can be seen as under-explored in the design of interactive products. / <p>QC 20171213</p>

Význam kaktusu peyote v každodenním životě, umění a náboženství Indiánů Huichol / Significance of the peyote in everyday life, art and religion of Huichol Indians

Ščurková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
with gods. Not only does it allow them to "meet" gods, but also to communicate with them, ask for Huichol. The growing demand has thus interrupted the "right" traditional way of creating


MADSON LUIS GOMES DE OLIVEIRA 14 September 2010 (has links)
[pt] Imaginários da criação: o tempo e o espaço dos souvenirs carnavalescos é o resultado da pesquisa realizada para o Doutoramento em Design, no Departamento de Artes e Design, da PUC – Rio. A pesquisa se propôs investigar a produção de objetos com temática carnavalesca destinados ao turismo e realizados em cursos de profissionalização que misturam procedimentos e técnicas de design com características artesanais. Este trabalho teve como objetivos principais: (a) revelar como se constitui o campo social no carnaval carioca, através de suas práticas; (b) esclarecer como se dá a produção de objetos carnavalescos, nos desfiles das Escolas de Samba (adereços, alegorias e fantasias); (c) apontar as especificidades das oficinas de qualificação de mão de obra para o mercado carnavalesco promovidas pela ASSOCIAÇÃO DAS MULHERES EMPREENDEDORAS DO BRASIL - AMEBRAS, reveladas por meio de depoimentos; (d) compreender como se dá a produção/circulação/recepção dos souvenirs com temática carnavalesca, e, finalmente, (e) dimensionar o(s) tempo(s) e espaço(s) para a criação dos souvenirs carnavalescos. / [en] Imaginary realms of creation: time and space in carnival souvenirs is the result of research conducted for a PhD in Design, at the Department of Art and Design, of PUC-Rio. The research investigated the production of carnival-themed objects aimed at tourism and produced in vocational courses that combine design procedures and techniques with craftwork characteristics. The main objectives of this study were: (a) to reveal how the social field is constituted in the Rio de Janeiro carnival, through its practices; (b) clarify the production process of carnival objects for the Samba School parade (props, floats and fancy dresses); (c) identify the specific features of the training workshops for the carnival market promoted by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Brazil (ASSOCIAÇÃO DAS MULHERES EMPREENDEDORAS DO BRASIL - AMEBRAS), revealed through interviews; (d) understand how the production/distribution/reception of carnival-themed souvenirs occurs, and finally (e) understand the time and space proportions for the creation of carnival souvenirs.

O artesanato como tema gerador para o ensino de ciências : uma perspectiva freireana

Silva, Jaime Rodrigues da 17 March 2017 (has links)
The problematic that involves science/chemistry teaching/learning in some brazilian elementary school units that insist on remaining with the traditional/rationalistic/ technicist way of teaching, repetition and memorization of content, turns teachers and students In mere figures imprisoned in a textbook. This action does not meet the local social, environmental, ethical, political and economic demands that are necessary to seek to improve the quality of life of the community. In this context, the creation of didactic sequences using Contextualization, CTS curriculum and Multiculturalism Interculturalism, is fundamental to motivate learners to know their culture, as well as to involve social, political and technological aspects in order to build Time a citizen attitude. The general objective of this research is to study the possibilities and limitations of the use of handicrafts, as a generative theme to facilitate the learning in sciences, in an urbanrural school in the municipality of Penedo, in the state of Alagoas, from a Freirean perspective. Because it is a region, that the inhabitants over time appropriated knowledge of different peoples, the question of the affirmation of identities and power relations between the different cultures, with the questioning of prejudices and discriminations, made the study relevant to the school and to the community at large. To promote the reflection of this new perspective of work, we use as strategy a Case Study, according to Sá, Francisco and Queiroz (2007). The teacher's role in this new proposal will be to articulate knowledge / knowledge / information through a generative theme, made by a Freirean Thematic Approach, which is so necessary in function of the social context designed in the region, but which runs up against the imposed resistances Government policies. In the theoretical basis of the research, we highlight: Vygotsky with the implications of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD); Delizoicov, Angotti and Pernambuco, with the adaptation of the Generative Theme for the teaching of sciences; Laraia and Geertz, through the conception about culture; Figueiredo, Candau and Canen and the perspectives of working with multicultural / intercultural issues in school. From the analysis of data it was possible to conclude that it is necessary to work with interpretation of texts so that the apprentices can take the scientific knowledge and apply them in their daily life, but with the intervention: "Save the Taboa in Penedo / Alagoas" Made clear the importance of valuing traditional knowledge and knowledge and relating it to the scientist in an attempt to create a school closer to the context in which boys and girls live. / A problemática que envolve o ensino/aprendizagem de ciências/química, em algumas unidades escolares de ciclo básico brasileiras e que insistem em permanecer com o modo de ensino tradicional/racionalista/tecnicista, de repetição e memorização de conteúdos, acaba por transformar professores e alunos em meras figuras aprisionadas a um livro didático. Esta atuação não atende as demandas sociais, ambientais, éticas, políticas e econômicas locais, que são necessárias para buscar a melhoria da qualidade de vida da comunidade. Neste contexto, confeccionar sequencias didáticas com o uso da Contextualização, da perspectiva curricular CTS e do Multiculturalismo/ Interculturaliamo, torna-se fundamental para motivar os aprendizes a conhecer sua cultura, além de envolver os aspectos sociais, políticos e tecnológicos visando construir ao longo do tempo uma atitude cidadã. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é estudar as possibilidades e as limitações do uso do artesanato, como tema gerador para facilitar o aprendizado em ciências, em uma escola urbano-rural no município de Penedo, no estado de Alagoas, através de uma perspectiva Freireana. Por se tratar de uma região, que os moradores ao longo do tempo se apropriaram de conhecimentos de diferentes povos, a questão da afirmação de identidades e das relações de poder entre as diversas culturas, com o questionamento dos preconceitos e discriminações, tornou o estudo relevante para a escola e para a comunidade em geral. Para promover a reflexão desta nova perspectiva de trabalho, usamos como estratégia um Estudo de Caso, segundo propõem Sá, Francisco e Queiroz (2007). A função do professor, nesta nova proposta, será de articular o saber/conhecimento/informação através de um tema gerador, feita por uma Abordagem Temática Freireana, que é tão necessária em função do contexto social desenhado na região, mas que esbarra nas resistências impostas pelas políticas governamentais. Na fundamentação teórica da pesquisa, destaca-se: Vygotsky com as implicações da Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP); Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuco, com a adaptação do Tema Gerador para o ensino de ciências; Laraia e Geertz, através da concepção sobre cultura; Figueiredo, Candau e Canen e as perspectivas de se trabalhar com questões multiculturais/interculturais na escola. A partir da análise de dados foi possível concluir, que é necessário trabalhar com interpretação de textos para que os aprendizes possam se apropriar dos conhecimentos e aplicá-los no seu cotidiano, mas com a intervenção: “Salvem a Taboa em Penedo/Alagoas” deixou claro a importância de se valorizar o saber/conhecimento tradicional e relacioná-lo com o científico, na tentativa de se criar uma escola mais próxima do contexto social em que vivem os meninos e as meninas.

Kära vän : personlig kommunikation i en allt mer digitaliserad värld

Lefvert Vikström, Maria, Söderberg, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Under året som gått har den digitala kommunikationen ökat drastiskt. En hel värld har blivit påverkad. Digitala verktyg och plattformar har varit en förutsättning för ett fungerande samhälle och för att hålla kontakten med andra människor. I det här examensarbetet ville vi genom grafisk design utforska och lyfta analog kommunikation och vilken rollden spelar idag. Det finns något väldigt fint i mötet mellan papper och penna. Något personligt som går förlorat när budskap digitaliseras. På papper kan vi skri- va ner våra innersta tankar, till oss själva eller till någon annan. Vi kan också använda pappret för att klottra ner små krumelurer, skissa, måla eller på annat sätt sätta vår personliga prägel. Vi ser det här som ett sätt att hant- verka och det är just hantverk som är vår röda tråd. Med vårt projekt vill vi belysa traditionellt hantverk i vår samtid och uppmuntra till personlig kommunikation. / Digital communication has increased drastically during the past year. An entire world has been affected. Digital tools and platforms have been crucial for a functioning society and for us to be able to keep in touch with other people. In this thesis, we wanted to explore analog commu- nication through graphic design and highlight what role it plays today. There is something beautiful inthe meeting between paper and pencil. Something personal that might be lost when messages are digi- tized. On paper, we can write down our innermost thoughts, to ourselves or to someone close to us. The paper can also be used when we doodle, sketch, paint or when we in other ways add a personal touch. We see this as a way of crafting and craftsmanship is our common thread. With our project, we want to shed light on traditional crafts and encourage personal communication.

Das Reliquiar in Dreiecksform aus Bergkristall:: ein Stück inszenierte Quedlinburger Geschichte

Lemmle, Eileen 06 September 2019 (has links)
Nachdem Heinrich I. im Jahre 936 verstorben war, wurde an seinem Grab in Quedlinburg ein weltliches Frauenstift gegründet, dessen erste Äbtissinnen Töchter und Schwestern der ottonischen Kaiser waren. Unter diesen wurde es Tradition, das Osterfest wenn möglich am Grab des Vorfahren zu begehen, und auch nachfolgen-de Adelshäuser folgten diesem Brauch. Die mitge-brachten Geschenke bereicherten über die Jahrhunderte den Stiftsschatz und zeugen noch heute von der Bedeutung des Stiftes zu seiner Blütezeit.

Eine russische Medaille der Petrinischen Epoche und ihr Geheimnis

Schmidt, Ljubow 06 September 2019 (has links)
Die Entstehung der russischen Medaillenkunst in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts ist eng verbunden mit dem Namen von Zar Peter I., dem die Geschichte den Beinamen „der Große“ verlieh. Über das Interesse des Monarchen an diesem neuen Medium und seinen Produktionstechniken berichten nicht nur zahlreiche private Notizen des Zaren. 1698 gründete Peter I. eine eigene nu-mismatische Sammlung nach westeuropäischem Vorbild, die beispielhaft für zahlreiche private Kollektionen in Russland war. Auch die Förde-rung der nationalen Garde der Medailleure und die Gründung von neuen Münzstätten trugen nachhaltig zur Entwicklung der russischen Me-daillenkunst bei.

Wandel heute - Geschichte und Zukunft des Handwerks in Sachsen

Bürger, Thomas 17 January 2008 (has links)
Der Kulturbund Landesverband Sachsen e.V. veranstaltete gemeinsam mit den Handwerkskammern Chemnitz, Dresden und Leipzig am 23. und 24. November in der SLUB eine zweitägige Vortragsreihe zur Geschichte und Zukunft des Handwerks. Dabei führte der Präsident der Handwerkskammer Dresden, Claus Dittrich, die Folgen des demographischen Wandels vor Augen. Sachsen als Land mit dem geringsten Bevölkerungswachstum in Europa könne den Wandel nicht als Aufgabe für die Zukunft sehen, sondern müsse sofort handeln: „Probleme, die man erkennt, sind Aufgaben!“

"Fearless Rest and Hopeful Work": The Arts and Crafts Movement in Indianapolis, 1890-1925

Hudziak, Candace Suzanne January 2005 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Rehabilitace prostoru bývalých Jaselských kasáren v Brně / Rehabilitation Former Jaselsky Barracks Area in Brno

Iľko, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
Project of rehabilitation of former Jaselské barracks in Brno puts the emphasis on the development of genius loci and cultural identity of this location. Project deals with displacement of practical excercises of vocational school close to domiciliary school that is located in close surroundings of this brownfield.

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