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授信保險與信用保險之研究江聖元, Chiang, Sheng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 保險利益概論
第三章 以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」
第四章 債權人「信用保險」與類似概念之比較
第五章 以債務人為被保險人的信用保險
第六章 債務人信用保險與授信保險、其他類似概念之比較
第七章 結論與建議
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Právní otázky poskytování bankovních úvěrů / Legal issues of providing bank creditsPavčová, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to map and analyze the legislation that relates to each question of the whole process of providing bank credits, and state the most important changes. The work is divided into six chapters, where each chapter presents the area, which is related to providing of credits and includes analysis and explanation of its legislation. Emphasis is placed on new legislation of the Consumer Credit Act and more attention is also devoted to the exaction of debts and significant amendment of the Law on Arbitration and enforcement of arbitral awards.
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Krátkodobé financování mezinárodního obchodu / Krátkodobé financování mezinárodního obchoduBeránková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the short-term methods of export financing and with credit risk management of the exporter. The part of this work desribes the trade credits, bank credits and factoring as a common instruments of international trade financing. The last part of this work try to bring together the impacts of financial crisis on trade credit availability and export credit insurance.
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O seguro prestamista: uma análise sobre a natureza jurídica e a importância socioeconômica / Consumer credit insurance: an analysis of the legal nature and socioeconomic importanceGonçalves, Tiago Moraes 23 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-23 / The purpose of this Master's dissertation is to analyze a type of insurance contract ¬
that is becoming increasingly important in Brazil and the world, and that is sti11little 'explored by the doctrine and mistakenly interpreted by case law: the Consumer credit insurance. This type of insurance guarantees the payment of a debt of the insured person, or part thereof, in
case of the occurrence of an event covered by the policy agreed upon. The consumer credit insurance is developed within the scope ofthe Consumer Society and one ofits focal points is
precisely the credit, assisting in maintaining the status quo of the social structure, by making possible a significant reduction in the risk of default in the concession of credit, thus fulfilling, an important sgcial function. The analysis therefore is not Rossible, without a
theoretical overflight on the socioeconomic reality that justified the creation and development
of the consumer credit insurance. Furthermore, with the aim of establishing the foundations
for the interpretation of this contract, the work focuses on an analysis of the insurance
transaction, addressing key issues inc1udingtransindividual interests, the entrepreneurship of
the insurance activity, the commutativeness of the contract and the; interest as a legalIy
protected asset, as welI as a brief digression on the legal framework of the insurance contracts
and legal matters conceming their legal c1assification. The work finalIy analyzes the
consumer contract insurance itself, exploring all the components, coverage provided, interests involved, the practices of the insurance market in the pre-contractual stage, the completion and execution to, at the end, offer a new insight into their legal nature, aiming to contribute to the doctrine and national jurisprudence for a better understanding of this contractual model. / A presente dissertação de mestrado possui o objetivo de analisar uma modalidade de contrato de seguro que ganha cada vez mais importância no Brasil e no mundo, e que ainda é pouco explorado pela doutrina e equivocadamente interpretado pela Jurisprudência: o seguro prestamista. Essa modalidade de seguro garante o pagamento de uma dívida do segurado, ou de 'parte dela, em caso da ocorrência de uma dos eventos cobertos pelo contrato. O seguro "" prestamista se desenvolve no âmbito da Sociedade de Consumo, que tem como um de seus eixos justamente o crédito ao consumo, auxiliando na manutenção do st'atus quo da estrutura quo da estrutura social, ao possibilitar sensível diminuição do risco de inadimplência nos contratos de concessão de crédito, cumprindo, assim, importante função social. Impossível a análise, portanto, sem um sobrevoo teórico sobre a realidade socioeconômico que justificou a criação
e o desenvolvimento do seguro prestamista. Além disso, com intuito de estabelecer premissas para a interpretação deste contrato, buscou-se realizar uma análise da operação de seguros,
passando por questões essenciais como a transindividualidade de interesses, a
empresarialidade da atividade seguradora, a comutatividade e o interesse como bem
juridicamente tutelado pelo seguro, assim como por breve digressão sobre o marco lega1 dos contratos de seguro e questões relativas à classificação jurídica dos mesmos. O trabalho, por
fim, irá analisar o contrato de seguro prestamista propriamente dito, explorando as partes que o integram, as coberturas prestadas, os interesses envolvidos, as práticas do mercado de
seguro na fase pré-contratual, em sua conclusão e execução, para, ao final, propor uma nova visão sobre sua natureza jurídica, visando contribuir com a doutrina e jurisprudência pátria
para melhor compreensão desta figura contratual.
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Sur l’utilisation des modèles multi-états pour la mesure et la gestion des risques d’un contrat d’assurance / On the use of multi-state models to measure and manage the risks of an insurance contractGuibert, Quentin 07 December 2015 (has links)
La mise en place de Solvabilité II conduit les actuaires à s'interroger sur la bonne adéquation entre modèles et données. Aussi, cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier plusieurs approches statistiques, souvent méconnues des praticiens, permettant l'utilisation de méthodes multi états pour modéliser et gérer les risques individuels en assurance. Le Chapitre 1 présente le contexte général de cette thèse et permet de faire positionner ses principales contributions. Nous abordons les concepts de base liés à l'utilisation de modèles multi-états en assurance et décrivons les techniques d'inférence classiques adaptées aux données rencontrées, qu'ils soient markoviens ou non-markoviens. Pour finir, nous présentons comment il est possible d'utiliser ces modèles pour la gestion des risques de crédit. Le Chapitre 2 se concentre sur l'utilisation de méthodes d'inférence non-paramétriques pour la construction de lois d'incidence en assurance dépendance. Puisque plusieurs causes d'entrée sont susceptibles d'intervenir et d'intéresser les actuaires, nous nous concentrons sur une méthode utilisée pour l'estimation de modèles multi-états markoviens en temps continu. Nous comparons, dans un second temps, ces estimateurs à ceux utilisés classiquement par les praticiens tires de l'analyse de survie. Cette seconde approche peut comporter des biais non négligeables car ne permettant pas d'appréhender correctement l'interaction possible entre les causes. En particulier, elle comprend une hypothèse d'indépendance ne pouvant être testée dans le cadre de modèles à risques concurrents. Notre approche consiste alors à mesurer l'erreur commise par les praticiens lors de la construction de lois d'incidence. Une application numérique est alors considérée sur la base des données d'un assureur dépendance / With the implementation of the Solvency II framework, actuaries should examine the good adequacy between models and data. This thesis aims to study several statistical approaches, often ignored by practitioners, enabling the use of multi-state methods to model and manage individual risks in insurance. Chapter 1 presents the general context of this thesis and positions its main contributions. The basic tools to use multi-state models in insurance are introduced and classical inference techniques, adapted to insurance data with and without the Markov assumption, are presented. Finally, a development of these models for credit risk is outlined. Chapter 2 focuses on using nonparametric inference methods to build incidence tables for long term care insurance contracts. Since there are several entry-causes in disability states which are useful for actuaries, an inference method for competing risks data, seen as a Markov multi-state model in continuous time, is used. In a second step, I compare these estimators to those conventionally used by practitioners, based on survival analysis methods. This second approach may involve significant bias because the interaction between entry-causes cannot be appropriately captured. In particular, these approaches assume that latent failure times are independent, while this hypothesis cannot be tested for competing risks data. Our approach allows to measure the error done by practitioners when they build incidence tables. Finally, a numerical application is considered on a long term care insurance dataset
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Processo para análise de seguro de crédito por empresas no BrasilSerapicos, Edson De Paulo 14 December 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-14T00:00:00Z / Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever e detalhar importante ferramenta de transferência de risco de crédito já disponível no mercado securitário, e propor um processo para que a mesma possa ser avaliada por empresas no Brasil. Apesar de pouco explorado no meio acadêmico e pouco difundido no Brasil, o Seguro de Crédito é muito utilizado em países da Europa e Ásia e pode ter importância fundamental em épocas de crise e no novo cenário econômico mundial. Descreve-se como o seguro de crédito está inserido no contexto de gerenciamento ativo de risco, os tipos de seguro disponível no mercado e os complexos parâmetros de uma apólice dessa natureza, os quais são derivados da necessidade de mitigação de riscos de moral hazard e de assimetria de informações por parte da seguradora. Apresenta-se também um resumo das principais metodologias existentes para precificação de risco de crédito, apontando suas vantagens, desvantagens e adaptações necessárias para a aplicação em empresas não financeiras. Por fim, é proposto um processo para avaliação e contratação do seguro de crédito por empresas no Brasil, o qual considera diversos aspectos que envolvem a realidade das operações e os impactos previstos pelo uso do seguro. Com base na teoria e nas características das apólices de seguro de crédito interno, buscou-se também desenvolver um modelo para avaliação da precificação do prêmio e dos parâmetros da apólice, sendo que sua aplicação é exposta nos exemplos ao final do trabalho.
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[pt] O objetivo desta tese é apresentar novas alternativas para modelagem de variáveis aleatórias no setor de seguros, utilizando o arcabouço dos modelos orientados por score com parâmetros variantes no tempo. No primeiro artigo, propomos um modelo dinâmico para a distribuição do sinistro agregado, que corresponde à soma aleatória dos valores de sinistros (severidade) em determinado período de tempo. A obtenção da distribuição do sinistro agregado é um problema clássico na teoria do risco e fundamental para precificação de seguros, cálculo de provisões e de probabilidade de ruína. No entanto, a obtenção da expressão analítica para essa distribuição de probabilidade é uma tarefa difícil. Neste trabalho, especificamos distribuições não-Gaussianas, tanto para o número de sinistros como para severidade, sob o arcabouço GAS (Generalized Autoregressive Score), e, por meio do uso da Transformada Rápida de Fourier obtemos, numericamente, a distribuição do sinistro agregado. O segundo artigo trata da incorporação do efeito de variáveis macroeconômicas na modelagem de variáveis relevantes no setor de seguros, em linha com requisito internacional de avaliação de provisões de forma consistente com mercado, a qual leva em consideração as informações disponíveis nos mercados financeiros e de capital relevantes, utilizando metodologias e parâmetros consistentes com esses mercados. Modelamos uma série bivariada de número de sinistros (duas linhas de negócios) de seguros financeiros com modelos autorregressivos e utilizamos cópulas para modelar a estrutura de dependência das séries temporais condicionado aos modelos ajustados nas marginais. Com esta abordagem, é possível simular números de sinistros futuros de mais de uma carteira, podendo esse resultado ser utilizado em uma avaliação consistente de provisões e da saúde financeira da seguradora. / [en] The objective of this thesis is to present new alternatives for modeling random variables in the insurance industry, using the framework of the score driven models with time-varying parameters. In the first paper, we propose a dynamic model for the aggregate claims distribution, which corresponds to a random sum of claims severity in a certain period of time. Obtaining the aggregate claims distribution is a classic problem in the Risk Theory and fundamental for premium estimation, measurement of obligations and ruin probability valuation. However, obtaining the analytic expression for this probability distribution is a hard task. In this work, we specify nonGaussian distributions for both the number of claims and for the claims
severity, under the GAS framework, and, through the use of the fast Fourier transform, we obtain, numerically, the aggregate claims distribution. The second paper deals with the incorporation of macroeconomic variables on the modeling of relevant variables in the insurance sector, in line with
the international requirements for market consistent valuation of insurance liabilities, which means that one should take into account the available information in relevant financial and capital markets, using methodologies and parameters consistent with these markets. We model a bivariate time series (two lines of business) of financial insurance with autoregressive models and use copulas models to consider the dependency structure of the time series conditioned to the fitted models for the marginals. Within this approach, it is possible to simulate the numbers of claims from more than one portfolio, and this result can be used in a consistent valuation of liabilities and of the financial health of an insurer.
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Cautionnement et entreprises en difficulté / Surety bond and struggling companyDiarra, Abdouramane 27 October 2017 (has links)
Le traitement des difficultés économiques des entreprises était originellement orienté vers leur liquidation en raison de sa conception traditionnellement moraliste puisque la faillite revêtait, alors, un caractère nécessairement fautif. Sous l’impulsion des différentes crises économiques ainsi que du chômage de masse qu’elles ont provoqué, il est apparu au législateur qu’une telle approche de la défaillance économique devait évoluer. C’est ainsi que, depuis plusieurs décennies maintenant, l’accent est mis sur la prévention des difficultés. Dans cette nouvelle donne, le législateur entend s’appuyer sur la caution, personne physique, comme levier d’anticipation. Il exploite ainsi la qualité de débiteur secondaire de celle-ci, en espérant que sa crainte d’être appelée à la suite du dépôt de bilan, l’amènera à orienter le débiteur principal vers les procédures préventives. C’est à cette fin qu’il lui étend, sous certaines conditions, le bénéfice des mesures protectrices édictées en faveur du débiteur principal dans le cadre de telles procédures. Ces mesures traduisent, ce faisant, un régime dérogatoire du cautionnement dans le cadre des procédures collectives lequel devrait inciter les créanciers, qui cherchent avant tout le règlement de leurs créances, à envisager comme garanties d’insolvabilité du débiteur principal d’autres mécanismes dont ce n’est pas pourtant la fonction première. A son tour, la caution, afin de conjurer le risque de contribution définitive pesant sur elle dans le cas où les procédures envisagées n’ont pas permis de solutionner les difficultés économiques du débiteur principal, devra explorer différentes pistes qui lui permettront de diluer ce risque. / The treatment of the economic difficulties of companies was originally oriented towards liquidation because of its traditionally moralistic approach, since bankruptcy was then necessarily faulty. Driven by the various economic crises and mass unemployment that they provoked, it became clear to the legislator that such an approach to economic failure had to evolve.Thus, for several decades now, the emphasis has been on preventing difficulties. In this new context, the legislator intends to rely on the guarantee, a natural person, as a lever of anticipation. It thus exploits the status of secondary debtor of the latter, hoping that its fear of being called after the bankruptcy, will lead it to direct the principal debtor towards the preventive procedures. It is for this purpose that it extends, under certain conditions, the benefit of the protective measures enacted in favor of the principal debtor in the context of such proceedings. In so doing, these measures constitute a derogation from the guarantee in the context of collective proceedings, which should encourage creditors, who seek above all the settlement of their claims, to consider other mechanisms of this type as collateral for the insolvency of the principal debtor is not the primary function. In turn, the guarantor, in order to ward off the risk of a definitive contribution burdening it in the event that the procedures envisaged have not resolved the economic difficulties of the principal debtor, will have to explore different avenues which will allow it to dilute this risk.
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