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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiences of partners of male prisoners

Bruynson, Kathryn Jane 01 April 2011 (has links)
The consequences of imprisonment are felt not only by prisoners themselves but also their family members. Prisoners may be alone in a cell or on trial but most have families and friends that often feel as though they are imprisoned along with their loved ones. There is a limited body of research conducted on partners of incarcerated men and the far-reaching effects of imprisonment on these secondary victims within the Canadian context. However, the research that is available suggests that families face many difficulties when one of its members is incarcerated. This study explores the experiences of female partners of incarcerated men. Crisis Theory directs qualitative data collected from in-depth interviews with ten women. The results indicate that women whose male partners are incarcerated experience many difficulties including stigmatization, financial barriers and emotional stresses. The findings not only highlight the difficulties female partners of male prisoners face but suggest some effective coping mechanisms that the women use to endure such difficulties. This research serves as an exploratory work for larger works that can provide basic policy recommendations. / UOIT

Att plocka russinen från kakorna : En studie om hur kuratorn inom hälso- och sjukvården arbetar med och utvecklar sin kunskap inom krisstöd.

Leijthoff Rock, Lina, Soto Saldana, Loreto January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore how medical social workers/counselors perform their work with people during crisis and how they accumulate and practice scientific crisis knowledge. This study is an empirical research paper based on qualitative interviews conducted with eight medical social workers. The data was analysed with Kvales model for categorization, which constitutes the basis of the research. The results of the research was then analysed with the use of Cullbergs crisis theory and a model of evidence based practice which is described by Topor and Denhov. The results show that the medical social workers practice the evidence based practice model, described by Topor and Denhov, in combination with Cullbergs crisis theory. The medical social workers acknowledged the individuals’ experiences in their work as well as their own experiences and scientific knowledge. Our conclusion is that the practice of medical social workers/counselors is varying, depending on the varying needs of the individuals. The social workers/counselor accumulates most knowledge through their own and the individuals’ experiences, but also from scientific crisis evidence.

Women’s Perceptions of Postpartum Stress: A Narrative Analysis

Crist, Nancy Gilbert 26 May 2010 (has links)
The impact of stress on the health of postpartum mothers is poorly understood. Although the postpartum period increases risk for stress related diseases such as depression and autoimmune disorders, little qualitative research has focused on women’s perceptions of postpartum stressors. A constant comparative content analysis using Atlas.Ti was done on data collected by Groer (NIH R01 NR05000“Influence of Lactation on Postpartum Stress & Immunity) from 2001 to 2005. Women (n=127) answered the prompt, “Think of any one incident, thought, or feeling that stands out as very stressful to you and describe in as much detail as you choose.” Researcher triangulation was provided by independent coding of data by two qualitative researchers. The women were predominantly white (91%), married (72%), and not yet working following the baby’s birth (70%). Only 28% had family incomes greater than $40,000 per year. Vaginal births were experienced by 66%, 83% without complications. Forty-seven percent were breastfeeding exclusively with 43% bottle feeding. Slightly less than half (48%) were first time mothers. Eighty-nine percent claimed no recent major life event, such as a death in the family. Twenty-seven postpartum stressors were identified that were grouped into five themes: 1) environmental stressors, 2) symptoms of depression, 3) infant health and safety issues, 4) maternal role strain, and 5) lack of support. Seventeen women identified fatigue or lack of sleep as stressful and each questioned her ability to parent a newborn. Though these women would seem low risk for stress (having had an uncomplicated birth, being married and not yet back at work postpartum), 27 different postpartum stressors were identified. Stressors such as lack of sleep may be known by maternal-child nurses, but women are unprepared for them. Interventions need to be designed to provide anticipatory guidance for new mothers regarding postpartum stressors. Tools should be developed for use by clinicians to assess maternal stress in the postpartum period. Prenatal preparation anticipating stressors and postpartum vigilance in assessing stressors could ease the transition into motherhood.


Staci B Smith (8744787) 24 April 2020 (has links)
Social media have become increasingly useful in identifying conversations during a crisis, particularly on Twitter where discussion tends to be public, accessible, and extensive. Through social media, individuals engage in social interaction and dialogue, making social media platforms a place where crisis coping activities may be identified, tracked and evaluated. This study examines crisis response of two separate crisis events, the terror attacks in Paris (2015) and in Barcelona (2017). Using semantic network analysis, this study examined dialogue surrounding each crisis over three days following the original crisis events, marked by the hashtags #Paris (24,728 tweets) and #Barcelona (27,338 tweets). Results show that the most dominant dialogue in the Paris and Barcelona terror attacks demonstrated central themes of information distribution, emotional expression, sense of community, and calls to action. More specifically, results show that the emotional connections trend positive in expressing community and unity. While most of the literature on crisis emphasizes negative response, this study shows that positivity during a crisis is a significant theme of discussions. Furthermore, this study showed resilience in efforts to seek positivity, build community, and create new normals, suggesting that social media engagement might help facilitate resilience.

Ända sedan gamla dagar under våran ljusblå fana. : -En studie om män och kvinnor i fotbollsupporterkultur i efterkrigstidens Sverige. / From past to present under our sky blue banner. : -A study of male and female football fan culture in postwar Sweden.

Sjöbeck, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Min studie syftar till att undersöka hur den svenska fotbollens supporterkulturs könsfördelning mellan män och kvinnor sett ut årtiondena efter Andra världskriget, hur maskulinitet har konstruerats idenna kontext samt hur synen på genus bland supportrarna såg ut under denna tid. Undersökningen bidrar till forskningsläget med en outforskad period, där andra forskare undersökt tidigare och senare perioder med fokus på kopplingen mellan maskulinitet och våld. Jag ser en hypotetisk koppling till skötsamhetskultur som upplevde sina glansdagar under samma period. För att närma mig frågorna har jag som metod arbetat med muntlig historia med utgång i framförallt Malin Thor och Lars Hansson samt Robert Perks och Alistair Thompson och djupintervjuer med 6 personer som var aktiva i supporterkulturen kring Malmö FF under nämnd tid. Som teoretisk grund för förståelsen av empirin har jag använt genus- och maskulinitetsteorier från Raewyn Connell, Rebecca Pearseoch Michael A. Messner och populärvetenskapliga skribenter som Marcus Priftis och Stephan Mendel-Elk. För att förstå den förändring som skett inom den maskulinitet som dominerar svenska fotbollsläktare har jag använt Raewyn Connells kristeorier. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att män och kvinnor förr var mer skilda åt, både vad det gäller fysiska rum och genom striktare uppfattningar om könsroller. Detta började förändras under 70-talet i takt med att samhället och dess sociala strukturer förändrades. Förut kunde män känna sig trygga i sin maskulinitet, som var av en mer hierarkisk karaktär. Att uttrycka maskulinitet genom våldsutövning behövdes inte. Idrottsarenor, arbetsplatser och hem var ohotade könssegregerade platser som aktivt konstruerade genus. I dessa kontexter var skötsamhet och återhållsamhet en central del av maskuliniteten. Kvinnor ansågs länge i bästa fall vara andra klassens supportrar, oftast där som ett bihang till fotbollsintresserade pojkvänner eller män. Fotboll skapades aktivt som en manlig institution för att fostra en viss sorts manlighet. När samhällets sociala strukturer började förändras på 70-talet och kvinnor började ta plats i manliga kontexter uppstod en kris i maskuliniteten. Därför kan vi idag se en extremare form av verbal och fysisk manlighet. Idag går långt fler kvinnor och tjejer för att se på fotboll och deltar aktivt i supporterkulturer kring denna och damfotbollen har långt fler aktiva än de pionjärer som spelade fotbollunder tiden för min undersökning. Genus är inte statiskt utan förändras konstant och idag har positionerna i de sociala relationerna som genus utgör förflyttats. I och med att skillnaderna och avståndet mellan män och kvinnor idag har minskat har de för vissa blivit viktigare än förut. / The purpose of my study is to examine how gender division was reflected in Swedish football supporter culture across the decades after World War Two. It also examines how masculinity was constructedin this context and how supporters during this time perceived existing gender structures. The study contributes to the field by examining a yet unexamined period where other researchers focused on times before or after, with a focus on the connection between masculinity and violence. I see a hypothetic connection to respectablility, having it’s glory days these same years. To answer these questions, I sought oral accounts from Malin Thor, Lars Hansson as well as Robert Perks and Alistair Thompson. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with six individuals who were active in the supporter culture of Malmö FF during these years. The the oretical foundation for my research and the understanding of my empiricism are gender- masculinity and crisis theories from Raewyn Connell, Rebecca Pearse and Michael A. Messner and popular science authors such as Marcus Priftis and Stephan Mendel-Elk. Raewyn Connell’s crisis theories were used to understand the transformation of the Swedish terraces from the fifties to today. The results show that men and women were more separated before, physically and through perceptions of gender roles. During the seventies, these social structures began to change. Violence became more relevant as an expression of masculinity for the men who used to feel secure in fixed gender roles and overt hierarchies. Sporting arenas, work places and homes were all places segregated by gender and active agents in constructin ggender roles. In these contexts, good character and restraint were central parts of masculinity. At the same time, women were, at best, second-class supporters. Often, they were looked uponas girl friends, wives or appendages to male supporters. When society rapidly began to change in its social structures during the seventies, a crisis in masculinity arose. This explains the more extreme form of verbal and physical expressions from men today. Today, far more women attend football games and play football compared to a few decades ago. Gender is not static but in constant change. Social structure positions have shifted. Because of the fact that distance and differences between men and women have been reduced, it has become more important than ever to highlight these forcertain groups of people.

"Nu ses vi aldrig mer!" : En deskriptiv studie om barns sorgereaktioner efter en förälders plötsliga och oväntade död / "We will never see eachother again!" : A descriptive study about children's grief reactions after a parent's sudden and unexpected death

Sjögren Granér, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, genom en deskriptiv metod, beskriva hur barn reagerar vid föräldrars plötsliga och oväntade dödsfall, vilka behov av stöd dessa barn har samt vad obearbetad sorg kan leda till bland barn. Ett plötsligt och oväntat dödsfall hos en förälder ses som en av de mest stressfulla och traumatiska upplevelse som barn och deras familjer kan tänkas gå igenom. Resultatet visar att samtliga barn i studien uppvisar starka känsloreaktioner på olika sätt efter föräldrarnas plötsliga och oväntade dödsfall, i form av overklighetskänslor och misstro, rädsla, ansvarstagande, skuldkänslor, ilska och irritabilitet samt saknad och ledsenhet, oavsett hur dödsfallet inträffat. Gemensamt för barn som förlorat en förälder är att sorgen efter den döde är en gemensam angelägenhet med viktiga personer i omgivningen. Om den efterlevande föräldern, och andra för barnet betydelsefulla personer, inte klarar av att låta barnet uttrycka sin sorg är det av vikt för barnet att få träffa utomstående professionella och barn som varit med om liknande upplevelser, för att ges möjlighet att hantera och bearbeta det inträffade. Om barn inte ges möjlighet att uttrycka sin sorg löper de en risk att utveckla framtida psykiska och fysiska besvär. / The aim of the study is to, through a descriptive methodology, describe how children react to a parent’s sudden and unexpected death, what needs of support these children have and what unprocessed grief can cause among children. A sudden and unexpected death of a parent is seen as one of the most stressful and traumatic experiences that children and their families are likely to go through. The result shows that all of the children in the study experienced strong emotional reactions in different ways after their parent’s sudden and unexpected death, in the shape of feelings of unreality and disbelief, fear, increased responsibility, guilt, anger and irritability and loss and sadness, regardless of how the death occurred. Common for children who have lost one parent is that mourning the dead is a common concern with important people in their surroundings. If the surviving parents, and other important people to the child, are unable to let the child express its grief, it is important for the child to get in contact with professionals and children who have experiences similar experiences, to be able to manage and process the occurred. If children are not given the opportunity to express their grief they are at risk of developing future mental and physical disorders.

”MEN DET ÄR JU MÄNNISKOR VI JOBBAR MED. MÄNNISKOR KAN VARA OFÖRUTSÄGBARA” : - Om hur socialtjänsten uppmärksammar och åtgärdar eventuella missförhållanden i familjehemsvården

Lindström, Elisabet, Hallin, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa hur eventuella missförhållanden i pågående familjehemsplaceringar kommer till kännedom för socialtjänsten, samt att belysa vilka åtgärder socialtjänsten använder för placerade barn och/eller familjehem, när missförhållanden föreligger. Den tidigare forskningen lyfter fram hur barn påverkas vid missförhållanden och beskriver socialtjänstens utmaningar samt möjliga åtgärder vid missförhållanden. De teoretiska perspektiven som används är anknytningsteorin och kristeorin. Den använda metoden i denna studie är sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare från två olika städer i Mellansverige. De centrala resultat som framkommer är att socialtjänsten uppmärksammar eventuella missförhållanden genom att få information från myndigheter, familjehemsplacerade barn, familjehem och biologfamiljer genom orosanmälningar, barnsamtal, hembesök samt uppföljningsmöten. De åtgärder som socialtjänsten använder för barn och/eller familjehem när det föreligger missförhållanden är att inte genomföra någon direkt åtgärd, sätta in råd och stödåtgärder i familjehem genomföra utredningar på familjehem utifrån barns bästa och omplaceringar av barn. / The purpose of this study is to highlight how abusive situations in ongoing foster care placements come to the knowledge of the social services, and what actions the social services use for placed children and/or foster care, when abusive circumstances exist. The previous research highlights how children are affected in abusive situations and describes the social service's challenges as well as possible actions in abusive situations. The theoretical perspectives used are attachment theory and crisis theory. The method used in this study is six semi-structured interviews with social workers from two different cities in Central Sweden. The central results that emerge are that the social services obtains knowledge of possible abuses by obtaining information from authorities, foster care children, foster families and biological families through reports of concern, meetings with children, home visits and follow-up meetings. The actions that the social services use for children and/or foster families when there are confirmed abuses are not to take any immediate action, to put in counselling and support measures in foster families to conduct investigations on foster families based on children's best interests and relocation of children.

Patienters upplevelser efter genomgången hjärtinfarkt med fokus på psykisk ohälsa : en litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences after a myocardial infarction with focus on mental illness : a literature review

Sandström, Peter, Persson, Stina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt är ett av de största hälsoproblem både i Sverige och globalt sett. Konsekvenserna som följer efter en hjärtinfarkt är många, såväl fysiska som psykiska. Det är inte ovanligt att en mängd psykiska påfrestningar uppstår i efterförloppet och kan förorsaka en krisreaktion och psykisk ohälsa som leder till ett lidande. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av en genomgången hjärtinfarkt med fokus på psykisk ohälsa. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt med en tematisk analysmetod har genomförts. Studien innefattar endast vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ metod där 15 artiklar inkluderades via sökningar i tre databaser och efter genomförd kvalitetsgranskning. Resultat: Tre huvudteman med respektive två och tre underteman framkom efter genomförd dataanalys där det gestaltades ett genomgående resultat som påvisar och beskriver upplevelsen av psykisk ohälsa och krisreaktion efter en hjärtinfarkt. Orsaker till detta kunde vara att det skett en plötslig förändring i livet, att självbilden blivit hotad och det uppstod rädsla för återfall och att drabbas av en ny hjärtinfarkt. Resultatet beskriver även patienternas väg tillbaka efter att chocken samt efterföljande reaktion och bearbetning av händelsen lagt sig, för att sedan gå in i en ny fas i livet. Slutsats: En hjärtinfarkt sätter livet på sin spets. Den traumatiska upplevelsen som en hjärtinfarkt innebär kan starta en kris hos patienten som präglas av olika känslor av psykisk ohälsa. Patienter hanterar den psykiska ohälsan olika och behöver individuellt anpassad vård för att bemöta deras unika behov i krisen som hjärtinfarkten framkallat i deras liv / Background: Myocardial infarction is one of the leading causes of health problems in Sweden and globally. The consequences following a myocardial infarction are many, both physical and psychological. It is not uncommon that several psychological stresses occur in the aftermath and can cause a crisis reaction and mental illness leading to suffering. Aim: The aim was to illuminate patients' experience of a myocardial infarction with a focus on mental illness. Method: A general literature review with a thematic analysis method was conducted. The study includes only scientific articles with a qualitative method where 15 articles were included through searches in three databases and after a quality review. Results: Three main themes with two and three subthemes, respectively, emerged after data analysis where a consistent result was formed that demonstrates and describes the experience of mental illness and crisis reaction after a myocardial infarction. Reasons for this could be that there was a sudden change in life, that the self-image was threatened and there was a fear of relapse and suffering a new myocardial infarction. The result also describes the patients' way back after the shock and subsequent reaction and processing of the event has subsided, to then enter a new phase of life. Conclusion: A myocardial infarction puts life on its edge. The traumatic experience that a myocardial infarction entails can start a crisis in the patient which is characterized by various feelings of mental illness. Patients deal with mental illness differently and need individual tailored care to meet their unique needs in the crisis the myocardial infarction has brought on in their lives

En studie om de anhörigas och professionens syn på behovet av stöd och hjälp efter en äldre persons självmord : "musklerna knyter sig hårt i nacke och rygg varje vår när den där dagen närmar sig. Det är nio år sen nu..." / A study of the significant others and the profession's views on the need for support and help after an elderly person's suicide : "the muscles knot tightly in her neck and back each spring, when that day is approaching, It is nine years ago now..."

Svensson, Donna, Waaranperä, Ann-Christine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Les aspects juridiques de la gestion de la dette publique en Thaïlande / Legal aspects of public debt management in Thailand

Buranapraphanont, Verasit 19 January 2015 (has links)
Les fonctions administratives du gouvernement consistent à fournir les services publics, et à opérer la gestion publique et administrative. Cela nécessite l’utilisation en continu d’importantes sommes d’argent. Or, le principal revenu provenant de la collecte des impôts ne suffit pas pour opérer les missions et les nécessaires activités de l’Etat. C’est la raison pour laquelle, celui-ci doit emprunter davantage aux institutions financières intérieures et extérieures. En Thaïlande, le premier emprunt fut créé à l’ère du Roi Rama V. Et après la Révolution siamoise de 1932, le pays commença à emprunter de plus en plus aux institutions financières internationales et aux gouvernements étrangers pour son développement. Ce sont les crises économiques mondiales qui ont obligé divers pays dans le monde à contracter la dette publique et qui ont fait accroître ladite dette en Thaïlande. La notion de gestion de la dette publique devient alors indispensable et, à cet égard, plusieurs pays ont rendu des lois spéciales. En Thaïlande, la Loi portant sur la gestion de la dette publique B.E. 2548 (2005) et la désignation d’un mandataire constitue la loi fondamentale autorisant le gouvernement à contracter la dette publique, et à la gérer diversement -en raison d’un changement de situation- comme la dette contractée pour le développement économique et social, pour la restructuration de la dette et la mise en œuvre de la politique sur les transactions financières en vue de réduire le risque de dette publique, etc. / The government, as the administration, is responsible for public services, public affairs and administrative missions. It is, therefore, necessary to spend a great number of money consecutively. The main income of the government earned by the tax collection is not enough for its missions and the other necessary things. That’s why it had to loan more and more money from the domestic and international financial institutions. In Thailand, money has been loaned since the reign of King Rama V. After the Siamese Revolution of 1932, Thailand has incurred more public debt from the international financial institutions and foreign governments for country’s development. Public debt of Thailand and different countries has enormously increased while the notion of public debt management has also developed and the special acts on public debt management have been issued in many countries, because of the necessity of incurring public debt of several countries as well as economic crisis happened around the world. In Thailand, the Public Debt Management Act B.E. 2548 (2005) is considered as the principal law authorizing the government to incur and manage public debt in various ways for adapting to changing circumstances such as public debt incurred for social and economic development, for debt restructuring and financial transaction used for reducing the risk on public debt, etc.

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