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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demokratins utmaningar i Ungern / The Challenges for Democracy in Hungary

Larsson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the essay was to analyse the problems for democratic consolidation in Hungary during Fidesz time in the government. The research question was: which problems could be identified for the democratic consolidation in Hungary during 2010 to 2018 when the analysis is focused on the civil society, the political society, the rule of law and the state apparatus? In order to answer the research question a case study was done. Four of Linz and Stepan’s arenas which are important for a consolidated democracy were used. The study identified several problems for the democratic consolidation in Hungary. The problems for civil society included for instance more regulations for NGO:s and negative statements from government representatives . The main problems for political society were that Fidesz had unfair advantages, for instance regarding media. Some of the problems for rule of law were the lack of unity around the constitution and that the areas which the constitutional court has jurisdiction over has been reduced. One of the problems for the state apparatus was corruption.

Gemensamma IT-tjänster i den offentliga sektorn : En kvalitativ förstudie av de interna IT-tjänsterna på Järfälla och Haninge kommun i samarbete med Deloitte

Björlin, Jeanette, Bojler, Therese January 2008 (has links)
Sverige är indelat i två regioner; 18 landsting och 290 kommuner. Dessa delar ansvarar för den samhällsservice som finns där vi bor i form av skola, förskola, äldreomsorg och socialomsorg. Det råder en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur där förvaltningarna i respektive kommun är självstyrda. E-förvaltning är ett aktuellt område där staten önskar utveckla och förbättra sina olika verksamheter med hjälp av IT. Många kommuner utvecklar nu e-strategier och handlings för att strukturera sin IT-verksamhet. Järfälla och Haninge kommun har kommit en bit på vägen för att förbättra sin e-förvaltning genom två olika tillvägagångssätt. Järfälla har i dagsläget upprättat sin e-strategi och ska nu se över hur omorganiseringen av verksamheten ska se ut. Haninge kommun har konsoliderat sin IT-support och drift samt kartlagt en viss del av IT-verksamheten, och ska nu sammanställa en konkret e-strategi. Gemensamma tjänster (shared services) är ett koncept som har använts flitigt inom den privata sektorn i många stora internationella företag. Det går ut på att lägga en enhet inom organisationens gränser som hanterar de gemensamma stödfunktionerna som finns i verksamheten. Vi avser att genomföra en förstudie med en nulägesanalys av kommunernas verksamhet i relation till deras IT-funktioner. Därefter ämnar vi bidra med en nyttoanalys som kan underlätta i utvärderingen av IT-relaterade investeringar och eventuellt införande av gemensamma tjänster. Vi kommer fram till att det finns ett antal parametrar som kommunerna bör fokusera på när de värderar sin IT-verksamhet och e-strategi. Vi ser en möjlighet att införa en gemensam tjänsteenhet för vissa av IT-funktionerna, medan drift och support troligen lämpars sig bäst för outsourcing. Rekommendationen är att först göra en tydlig och detaljrik kartläggning av IT-verksamheten och organisationen för att sedan bedöma hur infrastruktur skall se ut och e-strategin utformas.

Turkiet: en auktoritär regim? : En fallstudie om varför Turkiets väg mot en demokrati stagnerat och istället tagit en auktoritär politisk riktning.

Berg, Frida January 2018 (has links)
This paper addresses the issue of why Turkey has failed to develop and consolidate democracy in the regime. The aim of this paper was to analyze Turkey’s movement towards an authoritarian regime by examining institutions, the military, civil society and other contextual factors from 2004 to 2016. The method that was applied to this study was a case study were theories about democracy and transition were used to analyze Turkey’s declining development of democracy. The results show that several cases of corruption and the lack of political neutrality within important institutions have had a negative impact on the regime. The military’s influence on the political power has decreased although the military still has a significant role within the regime. The right to express your word of opinion by taking part in demonstrations is strictly constrained due to reforms by the government. Conflicts between the PKK movement and the Turkish government has contributed to the unstable political situation in the country. One can draw the conclusion that all of these factors have had an impact on Turkey’s development towards an authoritarian regime, but unprecedented behavior within the institutions, an authoritarian leadership by the president and increasing religious influence have had the greatest impact on Turkey’s way towards an undemocratic governance.

Effekt av överlast på förstärkt jord : FEM- analys för att visa överlastens verkningsgrad på krypsättningar i kalkcementpelarförstärkt lös jord

Adevik, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Applicering av överlast på kalkcementförstärkta jordar är ofta förekommande idag, forskning indikerar dock på att överlasten här, inte ger samma effekt som på oförstärkta jordar. Med grund i uppmätta värden i fält, visas i denna rapport, sättningsdifferenser mellan att använda överlast jämfört med att endast applicera brukslast. Resultat av analyserna visar på sättningsbeteende observerat i fält. Om erforderlig liggtid för brukslast finns, uppstår endast små sättningsdifferenser mellan att använda överlast eller inte. Genom att utföra sensitivitetsanalys i FEM- programvaran PLAXIS studeras kryputvecklingen i den förstärkta jorden. Effekten av att applicera en överlast visas för krypsättningar över lång tid. Inget resultat från de numeriska FEM- analyserna visade att märkbart gynnsam effekt uppstår på grund av överlastens applicering, med avseende på krypsättningar. De numeriska analyserna utförs i 2 och 3 dimensioner för att belysa effekt av förenkling av ett lastfall som inte uppfyller krav för oförstärkta jordar i plant töjningstillstånd. Utöver detta ges efter en litteraturstudie, förslag på hur vissa indataparametrar kan utvärderas från empiriska relationer. Indataparametrar som ligger till grund för analyserna är utvärderade från sonderingsresultat i kombination med värden från laborationsförsök och empiriska data.

Gemensam konsoliderad bolagsskattebas : En studie i subsidiaritet och proportionalitet / CCCTB : A study in subsidiarity and proportionality

Krieg Jönsson, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to conclude however the 2016 proposal of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) is compliant with the principles of subsidiarity or/and proportionality in regard to the functions of consolidation and allocation therein. This is done by, in order from major to minor, presenting the overall, international context of rules and structures wherein the proposal, if adopted, will enter into. The presentation contains, as said, a contextualization containing the primarily the judicial framework that surrounds the legislative process in the European Union. The principles central for this thesis, the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality is closely examined, in order to crystallize the model of judgement in regards to the compliance with these principles. Since the court of the European Union has been reluctant to deem legislative acts incompatible with the principles, and has given the legislator a wide area of discretion in assessing legislative acts compatibility with the former mentioned principles, the proposal in regards to the mentioned functions, doesn´t constitute a breach of the principles. Even though the proposal marks, what seems to be quite the infringement on what is usually perceived as the member states own affairs, this thesis shows that the proposal of the CCCTB is most likely compliant with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

Sleep spindle activity and cognitive performance in patients with schizophrenia : A systematic review

Jansson, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (SZ) show major deficits in cognitive functioning andsleep spindle activity. As much indicates that sleep spindle activity is related to cognitive performance, this literature review intended to investigate the degree of their relationship inpatients with SZ. The eligible criteria for the studies were that they measured sleep spindle activity and cognitive functioning in patients with SZ and included a non-clinical controlgroup. Studies with comorbid diagnoses were excluded. Searches were conducted between the 5th and 6th of March 2023 on PsycINFO, PubMed, Web of Science, and Medline databases. Seven studies met the eligibility criteria. The studies were written in English and published between 2007 and 2022. The quality of the studies was assessed using the JBICritical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional Studies. The results were synthesized by following a structured narrative and tables. The total number of participants with SZ was 141 and 149 in the non-clinical control group. The age of the participants ranged between 18 and 65 and were mainly men. Patients with SZ showed significantly reduced sleep spindle activity and cognitive performance compared to the control group. Several studies found positive correlations between cognitive performance and spindle density inboth groups. Some correlations were only significant for patients with SZ, indicating thatsleep spindle activity affects cognitive performance up to one point. A suggestion for further studies is to investigate the possibility to assess cognitive impairments in patients with SZ by inducing sleep spindle density. / Patienter diagnostiserade med schizofreni (SZ) uppvisar nedsättning i både kognitiv förmåga och aktiviteten av sömnspindlar. Då mycket tyder på att sömnspindlar är relaterade till kognitiv prestation, så ämnade denna systematiska litteraturstudie att undersöka denna relation hos patienter med SZ. Kriterierna för kvalificering var att studierna utförde mätningar av sömnspindel aktivitet och kognitiv förmåga hos patienter med SZ, samt inkluderade en frisk kontrollgrupp. Studier med komorbida diagnoser exkluderades. Litteratursökningar utfördes mellan den 5e och 6e mars 2023 på databaserna PsycINFO,PubMed, Web of Science, och Medline. Det var 7 studier som uppfyllde kriterierna. Studierna var skrivna på engelska och var publicerade mellan år 2007 och 2022. Kvaliteten av de inkluderade studierna bedömdes med JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional Studies. Resultaten syntetiserades med ett strukturerat narrativ och tabeller. Det totala antalet deltagare med SZ var 141 och 149 i kontrollgruppen. Deltagarna var främst män mellan 18 och 65 år. Deltagarna med SZ visade signifikant lägre sömnspindel aktivitet samt kognitiv prestation jämfört med kontrollgruppen. De flesta studierna fann signifikanta positiva korrelationer mellan spindeldensitet och kognitiv förmåga för både SZ och kontrollgruppen. Vissa resultat var endast signifikanta för patienter med SZ vilket tyder på att sömnspindel aktivitet endast påverkar kognitiv prestation upp till en viss nivå. Förslag för framtida studier är att undersöka möjligheten att inducera spindeldensiteten hos patienter medSZ för att förhöja den kognitiva förmågan.

Marksättningar i Uppsala : En jämförelse mellan beräknat och verkligt utfall / Ground settlements in Uppsala : A comparison between calculated and actual outcome

Nilbrink, Daniel, Hedberg, Simon January 2014 (has links)
Delar av marken i Uppsala består av mäktiga lerlager. Naturliga krypsättningar pågår ständigt i området, en process som i litteraturen benämns geologisk åldring. Ökad belastning i form av uppfyllnad kring byggnader och sänkt grundvattenyta till följd av pumpning av färskvatten bidrar också till sättningar. I ett nybyggt bostadsområde på Kapellgärdet har marksättningarna intill de pålade husen på vissa platser uppgått till 0.3 m på 10 år. Med geotekniska data för området har en jordprofil tolkats. Analys har gjorts utifrån den klassiska sättningsteorin för primärsättningar till av ökade effektivspänningar från fyllnadsmassor och grundvattensänkning. Krypsättningens storlek har uppskattats utifrån erfarenheter vid ett provfält i Stockholm - Mälardalen med liknande jordlagerföljd och geoteknisk egenskaper. De antaganden som görs i den klassiska sättningsmodellen ger en kraftigt förenklad bild av verkligheten, vilket kan leda till stora avvikelser mot det verkliga utfallet. Modellen som används vid beräkning av portrycksutjämningen stämmer inte med verkligheten för den jordlagerföljd som finns på många håll i Stockholm – Mälardalen. Den undre varviga lerans dränerande egenskaper i horisontell riktning och den snabba uttorkningen i den gyttjiga leran kan bidra till det snabba sättningsförloppet. För att bättre kunna förstå sättningsförloppet krävs noggrannare observationer av portrycksutjämningen genom hela leran. Vidare bör bidraget från krypsättningar beaktas, eftersom dessa verkar utgöra en stor del av den totala sättningen. / Parts of the ground in Uppsala consist of thick clay deposits. Natural creep settlements are ongoing in the area due to a process in the literature named geological aging. Increased load on the ground due to fill and lowered groundwater table due to pumping of drinking water are also contributing to settlements. The ground settlements in a new residential area at Kapellgärdet have in parts of the area reached up to 0.3 m during the first 10 years. With geotechnical data from the area, the soil profile has been interpreted. Calculations have been made based on the classic model for primary consolidation caused by increased effective stress from loading and lowered groundwater table. Contribution from creep has been estimated from experience at a test field in Stockholm – Mälardalen with similar soil profile and geotechnical properties. The assumptions made in the classic model provide a simplified picture of the reality, which may lead to large deviations from the actual outcome. The model used in the calculations of pore pressure equalization does not match the reality of the stratigraphy found in many areas in Stockholm – Mälardalen. The drainage properties of the varved clay and the fast desiccation of the muddy clay are thought to contribute to the fast consolidation process. To better understand the consolidation process, more detailed observations of the pore pressure equalization need to be done through the clay. Furthermore, settlement contribution due to creep is needed, as it seems to be a large part of the total settlements.

Demokratisering i Latinamerika : En jämförande fallstudie av Venezuela och Costa Rica mellan 2000-2010 / Democratization in Latin America : A comparative case study of Venezuela and Costa Rica between 2000-2010

Jonsson, Alex January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this essay is to examine which democratization factors that have contributed to the success of the democratization process in Costa Rica but not in Venezuela between 2000 and 2010. The theoretical framework is based on Juan Linz and Alfred Stepans five interactive arenas for a consolidated democracy. The methodology of this essay is composed of a comparative case study, which includes a most similar systems-design method. The choice of Costa Rica and Venezuela is based on their similarities in both history, culture, language and geographical location, but which have nevertheless led to such different successes in democratization between the years 2000-2010. The results show that all the five arenas have been contributing factors, while actors have played a major role in the countries various democratic developments. Costa Rica meets the requirements for all the selected democratization factors while Venezuela does not fully meet the requirements for any of them.

Belarus - Europas sista diktatur : En deskriptiv enfallstudie av den politiska utvecklingen i Belarus under 1990-talet

Lundberg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to utilize Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan's (1996) theory of democratic consolidation with its five interactive arenas to comprehend how the Belarusian dictatorship consolidated during the 1990s. A crucial aspect to achieve this aim is to ascertain whether the theory can provide clarity on when autocratic consolidation has occurred, or if it rather elucidates the process of autocratization in Belarus. The paper adopts a descriptive qualitative case study methodology with a deductive approach. By flipping the theory's perspective and examining how the regime undermined the arenas to strengthen autocracy, the study reveals the extent to which Belarus fulfills Linz and Stepan's (1996) three criteria of behavioral, attitudinal, and constitutional consolidation to gain insights into the consolidation of the Belarusian dictatorship. The findings reveal that the Lukashenko-led Belarusian regime systematically eroded aspects across all five arenas to consolidate its dictatorship. However, given the unascertainable attitudinal consolidation that transpired in Belarus during the 1990s, the study cannot pinpoint when autocratic consolidation occurred. Instead, it concludes that an autocratization process began under Lukashenko's rule, facilitated by political, social, legal, institutional, and economic maneuvers aimed at consolidating power. Taken together, the results deepen our understanding of what strategies autocratic regimes may employ to strengthen autocracy.

Framtidens distributionslogistik : - Effekter av en ökad centralisering hos ABB i Västerås / The future distribution logistics : Effects of an increased centralization at ABB in Västerås

Berzelius, Rickard, Borggren, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Executive Summary</strong></p><p>This final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coord­in­ation of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decent­ralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The obj­ect­ive of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which desc­r­ibe these effects.</p><p>The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability. It was noticed that the degree of collaboration was very low and the business units send their goods in three main directions: Gothenburg, Arlanda and Europe (except for deliveries within the Nordic countries). Today it is only the goods towards Arlanda which are joint­ly transported. In the other directions there are only a few business units who collaborate.</p><p>Beside the primal task to negotiate general transport­ation agreements, the central logistic function (GFSM) at ABB has only a supporting roll in the work concerning logistics. The reason is not just that the business units have the real mandate over the logistics but also that the logistic focus in general is low. Furthermore is it hard for the freight managers (FM) at each business unit to change and improve the logistics, because they have other tasks to manage but also since their logistics skills in many cases are poor. The demands on the freight man­agers are also not expressed clearly enough and therefore they don’t know what is expected of them in their rolls as freight managers.</p><p>Three development directions were identified and expressed as scenarios, see table 1. <em>Scenario 1</em> represents an increased focus on the logistics and more distinct rolls for the GFSM and the FMs. <em>Scenario 2</em> addresses an increased coordination of the physical flow of goods (exemplified as a consolidation of all truck transportations toward Gothenburg) where the freight managers are in charge of this coordination. <em>Scen­ario 3</em> is a combi­nation of the first and second scenario and represents a centralization of the outbound logistics (exemplified as train with containers to Gothenburg).</p><p>The conclusion was that:</p><p>-   <em>Scenario 1</em> entails an increased transparency, communication and central management with positive effects on costs, delivery service and on the environment in the long run. The scenario becomes a prerequisite for the execution of the two others. Therefore is it the first step for ABB if they wish to increase their coordination of physical goods or centralize their logistics operations.</p><p>-   <em>Scenario 2</em> envolves cost savings by a good 50 % because the collecting of the goods takes place at each business unit (unchanged amount of handling). These changes are something to attain since it, in addition to the cost savings, can imply an improved delivery service and doesn’t increase the emissions of CO<sub>2</sub> compared with today!</p><p>-   <em>Scenario 3</em> results in a cost impairment since the cost reductions are too small for the distance Västerås-Gothenburg and are eliminated by the increased costs for handling of goods, warehousing and internal transportation. Nevertheless is train transportation within Sw­eden preferable out of an environmental perspective. All aspects considered, this scen­ario must consolidate more flows of goods and secure already existing knowledge before it becomes interesting to realize.</p>

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