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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplåtelse av allmän plats för enskilt ändamål

Mustakangas, Sanna, Tallheden, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Kommuner har planmonopol i Sverige vilket innebär att de har ensamrätt att ta fram och anta detaljplaner. En detaljplan reglerar hur kommunens mark- och vattenområden ska användas och upplåtas. I planen regleras vilken mark som ska utgöra allmän plats och kvartersmark. Allmän plats är sådan mark som parker, natur, torg eller vägar som är till för allmänhetens behov. Upplåtelser av allmän plats får i regel inte ske för enskilt ändamål, då den allmänna platsen är till och upplåten för allmänna intressen. Platsens användning ska redovisas i plankartan med tillhörande planbestämmelser som är juridiskt bindande. Således ska den allmänna platsen bland annat vara tillgänglig för utryckningsfordon. Fastighetsbildning ska ske i överenstämmelse med gällande detaljplan. Vid beslut om en fastighetsbildningsåtgärd kan kommunen i sitt planerande bedöma en åtgärd som en mindre avvikelse enligt fastighetsbildningslagen 3:2 om det inte motverkar syftet med planen. Det har ifrågasatts om det är tillåtet att upplåta allmän plats för enskilt ändamål. Vissa kommuner menar att syftet med den allmänna platsen försvinner om den upplåts för ett enskilt intresse. Andra menar att det finns behov. Skälen som har använts är mindre avvikelse från detaljplan, att syftet med detaljplanen inte motverkas samt att den allmänna platsens tillgänglighet för allmänheten inte påverkas i större mån. I studien framgår att tillfälliga upplåtelser regleras i ordningslagen och upplåts med ett polistillstånd. Permanenta upplåtelser regleras i jordabalken samt i fastighetsbildningslagen och kan upplåtas via nyttjanderättsavtal eller servitut. I denna studie avser den allmänna platsen den som anges i plan- och bygglagen samt motsvarande definition av offentlig plats i ordningslagen. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva rättsläget kring upplåtelse av allmän plats för enskilt ändamål. Studien ska även ge svar på hur utvalda kommuner och lantmäterimyndigheter förhåller sig till frågan. Vidare avser den att belysa de bakomliggande motiv som de utvalda myndigheterna har för sina beslut. Studien har avgränsats till att endast behandla upplåtelser i form av nyttjanderätter och servitut. Efter genomförd studie kan vi konstatera att enskilda upplåtelser förekommer på allmänplats. Kommuner upplåter den allmänna platsen främst med motiveringen som en mindre avvikelse från detaljplan och att syftet med platsen inte motverkas. Vidare konstaterar studien att det råder delade meningar om lagstiftningen bör förtydligas eller ändras. I dagsläget kan författarna till denna studie se att frågan om upplåtelser av allmän plats bör hanteras tidigt i planprocessen. Genom att få in frågan tidigt kan myndigheterna undvika en tidskrävande och dyr planändring. Vi ser även att det finns ett behov av att ändra eller förtydliga lagstiftningen. / Municipalities have the plan monopoly which means that they have the exclusive right to produce and adopt detailed plans. A detailed development plan regulates how land and water areas should be used and granted. The plan regulates which land that should constitute a land for public space and an area for building sites. Public space is for example land as parks, nature, squares or roads that are made for the public's needs. Public spaces are usually not allowed to be leased for private interests as they are made for public interests. The use of the site's must be reported in the map for the detailed plan, with associated plan regulations that both are legally conclusive. The public spaces should, among other things, also be available for emergency vehicles. Property formations should compliance with the current detailed plan. Minor deviations from the detailed plan can be made if the deviations are compatible with the purpose of the plan, according to the Real Property Formation Act 3:2. It has been questioned if it´s allowed to lease public spaces for private interests. Certain municipalities mean that the purpose with the public spaces disappears if it is leased for a private interest, but other municipalities think that there is a need. The selected authorities' reasons for the leases are minor deviation from the detailed plan, that the purpose of the detailed plan is not counteracted and that the public place's accessibility to the public is not affected that much. This thesis clear that land which is leased temporary regulates in the Order Act of Sweden and is leased with a police license. Permanent leases regulate in the Code of Land Laws forms part of the Statute Book of Sweden as well as in the Property Formation Act and make the leases with a use agreement or an easement. In this thesis public spaces definition that specifies in the Planning and Building Act and the corresponding definition in the Order Act of Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the legal situation concerning private leases on public places. The study is supposed to describe how four municipalities and two land survey authorities deal with the issue. The study also intends to clarify the underlying motives that the selected authorities have for their decisions. There are several rights to apply for private interests in public spaces. The authors of this thesis have defined to only investigate whether it is possible to grant land for private interests through easements or rights of user. After completing the study, we can conclude that there are shared opinions about whether the legislation should be clarified or changed. The authors of this study can see that the issue of granting public space should be dealt with early in the planning process. To start setting the issue up early, the authorities can avoid a time-consuming and expensive change of plan. We also can see that there is a need to change or clarify the legislation.

Sintonia dos controladores para aerogeradores de velocidade variável com geradores de indução de dupla alimentação utilizando um algoritmo meta-heurístico de inteligência coletiva / Tuning of controllers for variable speed wind turbines with doubly fed inductions generator using a algoritmo metaheurístico de inteligência coletiva

Aguilar, Milton Ernesto Barrios 04 August 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T16:41:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Milton Ernesto Barrios Aguilar 3.pdf: 9539969 bytes, checksum: 3ccd249e45fb24533b33236925ee74dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The increase in wind power integration into power systems is currently a general trend in many countries and the Variable-Speed Wind Turbine (VSWT) Equipped with a Doubly Fed Induction Generator System with back-to-back power converters are most often used for this purpose. There is the need for its control system to operate properly to ensure stability and to achieve the desired performance when they are subjected to different transient disturbances, which is a difficult taste due to nonlinearities and strong coupling between electrical and mechanical variables in this type of wind turbine. In this context, this work aims to tune the gains of the PI controllers that make up the control system using a collective intelligence meta-heuristic algorithm for two normal perturbations in the operation of a wind farm: a wind variation and electrical fault. For that, it was modeled the wind turbine taking advantage of detailed modeling, considering the stator voltage oriented control structure, with active and reactive power control loops and their respective current controls, all equipped with PI controllers. Therefore, a set of objective functions was generated penalizing the most important variables directly from the dynamic simulation. Next, a multi-objective PSO algorithm has been enhanced, to be used as a tuning tool. Then the algorithm was applied to the VSWT for Single-machine infinite bus system for wind speed variation and electrical fault. Finally, the robustness of the tunings was tested on the in Single-machine infinite bus system and a 32 nodes feeder. The PSO showed good ability to exploitation and intensification of the search space reaching the preset tuning requirements in all cases. Stability and satisfactory performance results were obtained for transient disturbances thanks to key variables penalty in the objective functions. The tuning resulted robust enough for variations of feeder parameters and operating conditions besides the proper stiffness coefficient of the turbine generator mechanical coupling, whenever the wind turbine was subjected to disturbances considered in the tuning. It is also noted that exploring the objective functions and the algorithm itself can attain a large improvement in the performance of the tuned wind turbine control system for wind variations and electrical faults / O aumento da integração da geração eólica em sistemas elétricos de potência é atualmente uma tendência generalizada em muitos países e os Aerogeradores de Velocidade Variáveis (AVV) com Geradores de Indução de Dupla Alimentação (DFIG) com conversores de potência de tipo back-to-back são os mais empregados para este fim. Existe a necessidade de que seu sistema de controle atue corretamente para garantir a estabilidade e obter o desempenho desejado quando estes são submetidos a diferentes perturbações transitórias, o que resulta difícil devido às não-linearidades e à forte relação entre as grandezas elétricas e mecânicas deste tipo de aerogerador. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo a sintonia dos ganhos dos controladores PI que compõem o sistema de controle, utilizando um algoritmo meta-heurístico de inteligência coletiva, para duas perturbações normais na operação de uma usina eólica: variação de vento e falta elétrica. Para isso, foi modelado o DFIG aproveitando modelos detalhados, considerando a estrutura de controle orientada pela tensão do estator, com malhas de controle de potência ativa e reativa e seus respetivos controles de correntes, todas equipadas com controladores tipo PI. Logo foi gerado um conjunto de funções objetivos, penalizando diretamente das simulação dinâmica as variáveis de maior importância. A seguir, foi aprimorado um algoritmo PSO multi-objetivo, o qual é utilizado como ferramenta de sintonia. Em seguida, o algoritmo foi aplicado ao DFIG na configuração máquina barra-infinita para variação de vento e falta elétrica. Finalmente foi testada a robustez das sintonias obtidas no sistema de máquina barra-infinita e em um alimentador de 32 nós. O PSO apresentou uma boa capacidade de exploração e intensificação do espaço de busca alcançando os requisitos de sintonia preestabelecidos em todos os casos. Os resultados de estabilidade e desempenhos foram satisfatórios para as perturbações transitórias utilizadas graças à penalização de variáveis chaves nas funções objetivos. A sintonia resultou suficientemente robusta para variações de parâmetros do alimentador e de condições operativas, além do próprio coeficiente de rigidez do acoplamento mecânico turbina-gerador, sempre que a usina esteja submetida a perturbações consideradas na sintonia. Observa-se também que explorando as funções objetivo e o próprio algoritmo pode-se atingir uma ampla melhoria no desempenho do sistema de controle do DFIG sintonizado para as variações de vento e faltas elétricas. Palavras-chave: Geração Eólica, Aerogeradores

Étude des processus élementaires impliqués en combustion à volume constant / Study of Elementary Processes Involved in Constant Volume Combustion

Er-Raiy, Aimad 14 December 2018 (has links)
La propagation de flammes turbulentes dans des milieux réactifs inhomogènes concerne un grand nombre d’applications pratiques, y compris celles qui reposent sur des cycles de combustion à volume constant. Les hétérogénéités de composition (richesse, température,dilution par des gaz brûlés, etc.) sont issues de plusieurs facteurs distincts tels que la dispersion du spray de gouttelettes de combustible et son évaporation, la topologie de l’écoulement ainsi que la présence éventuelle de gaz brûlés résiduels issus du cycle précédent. La structure des flammes partiellement prémélangées qui en résultent est significativement plus complexe que celles des flammes plus classiques de diffusion ou de prémélange. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de contribuer à l’amélioration de leur connaissance, en s’appuyant sur la génération et l’analyse de base de données de simulations numériques directes ou DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation). Celles-ci sont conduites avec le code de calcul Asphodele qui est basé sur l’approximation de faible nombre de Mach. Le combustible de référence retenu est l’iso-octane.La base de données est structurée suivant cinq paramètres qui permettent de caractériser l’écoulement turbulent ainsi que l’hétérogénéité de composition du milieu réactif. Dans un premier temps, des configurations bidimensionnelles ont été considérées en raison du coût élevé induit par la description détaillée de la cinétique chimique. L’étude des ces différents cas de calcul a permis de mettre en lumière plusieurs mécanismes fondamentaux de propagation dans les milieux hétérogènes en composition. Une réduction significative des coûts de calcula pu ensuite être obtenue grâce au développement d’un modèle chimique simplifié optimisé.Son utilisation a permis d’étendre les analyses à de / The propagation of turbulent flames in non-homogeneous reactive mixtures of reactants concerns a large number of practical applications, including those based on constant volume combustion cycles. The composition heterogeneities (equivalence ratio, temperature, dilution by burnt gases, etc.) result from several distinct factors such as the dispersion of the spray of fuel droplets and its evaporation, the flow field topology as well as the possible presence of residual burnt gases issued from the previous cycle. The resulting partially premixed flames structure is significantly more complex than the one of more conventional diffusion or premixed flames.The aim of this thesis work is therefore to contribute to the improvement of their understanding, by proceeding to the generation and analysis of a new set of direct numerical simulations (DNS) databases. The present computations are performed with the low-Mach number DNS solver Asphodele. The database is structured according to five parameters that characterize the turbulent flow as well as the composition heterogeneity of the reactive mixture. First, because of the high numerical costs induced by the detailed description of chemical kinetics, two-dimensional configurations were considered. The study of these various simulations highlights several fundamental mechanisms of flame propagation in heterogeneous mixtures. Then, a significant computational cost saving has been achieved through the development of an optimized simplified chemistry model. The use of the latter allowed to overcome the major bottleneck of high CPU costs related to chemical kinetics description and thus to extend the analysis to three-dimensional configurations. Some of the conclusions obtained previously were reinforced.

A History under Siege : Intensive Agriculture in the Mbulu Highlands, Tanzania, 19th Century to the Present

Börjeson, Lowe January 2004 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines the history of the Iraqw’ar Da/aw area in the Mbulu Highlands of northern Tanzania. Since the late nineteenth century this area has been known for its intensive cultivation, and referred to as an “island” within a matrix of less intensive land use. The conventional explanation for its characteristics has been high population densities resulting from the prevention of expansion by hostility from surrounding pastoral groups, leading to a siegelike situation. Drawing on an intensive programme of interviews, detailed field mapping and studies of aerial photographs, early travellers’ accounts and landscape photographs, this study challenges that explanation. The study concludes that the process of agricultural intensification has largely been its own driving force, based on self-reinforcing processes of change, and not a consequence of land scarcity.

MARISA-MDD: uma abordagem para transforma??es entre modelos orientados a aspectos: dos requisitos ao projeto detalhado

Medeiros, Ana Luisa Ferreira de 09 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaLFM.pdf: 903790 bytes, checksum: 70d26a43bc5418b76d2ecdc1716d862c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-09 / Aspect Oriented approaches associated to different activities of the software development process are, in general, independent and their models and artifacts are not aligned and inserted in a coherent process. In the model driven development, the various models and the correspondence between them are rigorously specified. With the integration of aspect oriented software development (DSOA) and model driven development (MDD) it is possible to automatically propagate models from one activity to another, avoiding the loss of information and important decisions established in each activity. This work presents MARISA-MDD, a strategy based on models that integrate aspect-oriented requirements, architecture and detailed design, using the languages AOV-graph, AspectualACME and aSideML, respectively. MARISA-MDD defines, for each activity, representative models (and corresponding metamodels) and a number of transformations between the models of each language. These transformations have been specified and implemented in ATL (Atlas Definition Language), in the Eclipse environment. MARISA-MDD allows the automatic propagation between AOV-graph, AspectualACME, and aSideML models. To validate the proposed approach two case studies, the Health Watcher and the Mobile Media have been used in the MARISA-MDD environment for the automatic generation of AspectualACME and aSideML models, from the AOV-graph model / As abordagens orientadas a aspectos relacionadas a diferentes atividades do processo de desenvolvimento de software s?o, em geral, independentes e os seus modelos e artefatos n?o est?o alinhados ou inseridos em um processo coerente. No desenvolvimento orientado a, modelos, os diversos modelos e a correspond?ncia entre eles s?o especificados com rigor. Com a integra??o do desenvolvimento orientado a aspectos (DSOA) e o desenvolvimento baseado em modelos (MDD) pode-se automaticamente propagar modelos de uma atividade para outra atividade, evitando a perda de informa??es e de decis?es importantes estabelecidas em cada atividade. Este trabalho apresenta MARISA-MDD, uma estrat?gia baseada em modelos que integra as atividades de requisitos, arquitetura e projeto detalhado orientado a aspectos, usando as linguagens AOV-graph, AspectualACME e aSideML, respectivamente. MARISA-MDD define, para cada atividade, modelos representativos (e metamodelos correspondentes) e um conjunto de transforma??es entre os modelos de cada linguagem. Tais transforma??es foram especificadas e implementadas em ATL (Atlas Definition Language), no ambiente Eclipse. MARISA-MDD permite a propaga??o autom?tica entre modelos AOV-graph, AspectualACME e aSideML. Para validar a abordagem proposta dois estudos de caso, o Health Watcher e o Mobile Media foram usados no ambienteMARISA-MDD para gera??o autom?tica dos modelos AspectualACME e aSideML, a partir do modelo AOV-graph

MaRISA-AOCode: uma abordagem gen?rica para gera??o de c?digo orientado a aspectos

Guimar?es, Everton Tavares 04 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EvertonTG_DISSERT.pdf: 4234791 bytes, checksum: c40151c48849ad62c0cc34be8c3b56eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-04 / Currently there are several aspect-oriented approaches that are related to different stages of software development process. These approaches often lack integration with each other and their models and artifacts are not aligned in a coherent process. The integration of Aspect-Oriented Software development (AOSD) and Model-Driven Development (MDD) enables automatic propagation of models from one phase to another, avoiding loss of important information and decisions established in each. This paper presents a model driven approach, called Marisa-AOCode, which supports the processing of detailed design artifacts to code in different Aspect-Oriented Programming languages. The approach proposed by Maris- AOCode defines transformation rules between aSideML, a modeling language for aspectoriented detailed design, and Metaspin, a generic metamodel for aspect-oriented programming languages. The instantiation of the generic metamodel (Metaspin) provided by the approach of Maris-AOCode is illustrated by the transformation of Metaspin for two languages: AspectLua and CaesarJ. We illustrate the approach with a case study based on the Health Watcher System / Atualmente existem diversas abordagens orientadas a aspectos que est?o relacionadas ?s diferentes fases do processo de desenvolvimento de software. Essas abordagens geralmente n?o possuem integra??o entre si e seus modelos e artefatos n?o est?o alinhados dentro de um processo coerente. A integra??o entre o desenvolvimento de software orientado a aspectos (DSOA) e o desenvolvimento dirigido a modelos (MDD) permite propaga??o autom?tica entre modelos de uma fase para outra, evitando perda de informa??es e decis?es importantes estabelecidas em cada uma delas. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem dirigida a modelos, denominada MaRiSA-AOCode, que suporta a transforma??o de artefatos de projeto detalhado em c?digo para diferentes linguagens de Programa??o Orientada a Aspectos. A abordagem proposta por MaRiSA-AOCode define regras de transforma??o entre aSideML, uma linguagem de modelagem para projeto detalhado orientado a aspectos, e Metaspin, um metamodelo gen?rico para linguagens de programa??o orientadas a aspectos. A instancia??o do metamodelo gen?rico (Metaspin) provido pela abordagem de MaRiSA-AOCode ? ilustrada atrav?s da transforma??o do Metaspin para duas linguagens: AspectLua e CaesarJ. Ilustramos a abordagem com um estudo de caso baseado no sistema Health Watcher

Ekosystemtjänster i kommunal planering / Ecosystem services in municipality community planning

Borg, Louise January 2018 (has links)
År 2018 ska betydelsen av biologisk mångfald och värdet av ekosystemtjänster vara allmänt kända och integreras i ekonomiska ställningstaganden, politiska avväganden och andra beslut i samhället där så är relevant och skäligt. Så lyder ett av etappmålet som beslutades av regeringen år 2012. Idag vet vi att endast delar av målet kommer kunna nås. Denna studie omfattar en kartläggning av begreppet ekosystemtjänst i Sveriges samtliga översiktsplaner och fördjupade översiktsplaner. Vidare har en granskning av tre bostadsbyggnadsprojekt i Stockholms län genomförts, där ekosystemtjänster i planeringen från översiktsplan till genomförande varit fokuspunkt. Av studiens första del, kartläggning av begreppet, framgick det att 116 av 290 kommuner har använt begreppet ekosystemtjänst i sin översiktsplan. De senaste tre åren är det totalt fler antagna översiktsplaner där begreppet behandlas än utan. I studiens andra del granskades översiktsplaner, planhandlingar och genomförandeavtal från projekt i Täby, Nacka och Haninge kommun. Granskningen är baserad på textanalys och platsbesök, resultatet visade att kommunerna har en hög ambition gällande arbetet med ekosystemtjänster. Det finns samband mellan visioner i översiktsplan och bestämmelser i detaljplan. I avtalen för genomförandet av detaljplanerna binds exploatörerna till att arbeta efter gestaltningsprogram och hållbarhetsprogram vilka reglerar hänsynstagandet av ekosystemtjänster. Begreppet ekosystemtjänst används för att visa den nytta människan får från naturens arbete. Vi är beroende av att ekosystemen fortsätter producera tjänster, de är livsviktiga för vår folkhälsa och vårt välbefinnande. Ett gemensamt arbete och hänsynsfullt nyttjande behövs för att säkerställa ekosystemtjänsterna. Det kan resultera i stora samhällsvinster att bevara, utveckla och nyskapa tätortsnära natur och grönområden. Att integrera ekosystemtjänster i den fysiska planeringen är ett steg på vägen. Översiktsplaneringen visar inriktningen för kommunens samhällsplanering och konturerna av den framtida fysiska strukturen, den vägleder kommande detaljplaner och bygglov. Översiktsplanen spelar en nyckelroll för ekosystemtjänsternas framtid eftersom det där finns stora möjligheter att belysa deras mycket betydelsefulla värde. För att uppnå visionerna i översiktsplaneringen krävs möjlighet att förverkliga dessa i detaljplanen. För att säkra ekosystemtjänsternas producerande förmåga krävs en tydlig och ändamålsenlig lagstiftning. Kunskapen och medvetenheten om dess livsviktiga förmåga måste öka. Alla måste se sin del i det gemensamma ansvaret och arbeta för ett hållbart samhälle. / In 2018 the meaning of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services should be general knowledge and integrated into economical standpoints, political considerations and other decisions where relevant and reasonable. This is one of the milestone targets that the Swedish government decided in 2012. We know today that only parts of this target will be reached. This study includes a survey regarding the concept of ecosystem service in Sweden, all the local authority comprehensive planning, and an examination of three housing projects in Stockholm’s county where ecosystem services were the focal point during the comprehensive planning. In the first part of the study, which concentrates on surveying the concept of ecosystem services, it can be shown that 116 of 290 municipalities have been using the concept in their local authority comprehensive planning. Furthermore, the concept is used more often than not during the last three years in local authority comprehensive planning. In the second part of the study the outline planning was examined, plan handlings and implementation contracts from projects in Täby, Nacka and Haninge municipality. The research was based on text analysis and on-site inspection. The results from the research showed that the municipalities have a high ambition regarding working with ecosystem services, and that there exist a correlation between the visions in the local authority comprehensive planning and regulations in the detailed developed plan. In the agreement the developers are bound to work according to implementation contracts and sustainability program which regulate the considerations of ecosystem services. The concept of ecosystem services is used to show which benefits we humans receive from nature’s work. We are dependent on continual ecosystem services, which are also essential to the public health and wellbeing. Joint effort and a considerate use of ecosystem services is needed to keep them intact. It can result in large profit for society to preserve, develop and recreate nature and green areas in population centers. To integrate ecosystem services in the physical planning is a step in the right direction. The local authority comprehensive planning show the direction for the municipality’s community planning, and the outline of the future physical structure, it also serves to guide upcoming detailed development plans and building acts. The local authority comprehensive planning plays a key part in the ecosystem services future, since its importance can be illustrated within. To reach the visions of the local authority comprehensive planning and the opportunity to actualize it in the detailed development plan is required. To secure the continued functionality of the ecosystem services, a clear and purposive legislation is required. An increase in knowledge and awareness of ecosystem services is essential, and everyone must see their part in the in our common responsibility and work toward a sustainable society.

Populism in Power : A case study on the role of media strategies for preserving populist power and its implications for liberal democracy in Hungary

Stuber, Adam Balázs January 2018 (has links)
There is widespread agreement that populism is on the rise around the globe. A concept that has been largely associated with Latin America has increasingly become related to the Global North where populists have gained power in several countries in the past decade. Previously, scholars argued that although populism has the ability to rapidly attract popular support it rarely persists in the long term. Yet there are both historical and contempary examples to contradict that notion. Which leads to the question; how do populists sustain power in a competitive democracy? This paper takes a closer look at how populists in power use media strategies to solidify their position. Existing scholarly literature on the use of media by populists is scarce and has mainly been focused on Latin America. For the research purpose, a detailed narrative spanning an eight year period was conducted to account for the media strategies used by populists in the Hungarian government. The results dinstinguish several strategies used by populists in Hungary which can be linked to their success in preserving power. The thesis contributes to the knowledge on populist media strategies and the wide literature on populism.

Aplikace geodetických metod sběru dat při zaměřování polohopisných a výškopisných prvků krajiny. / Application of geodetic methods for data collection by surveying of situation and higth elements of the landscape.

KONEČNÝ, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is detailed surveying and processing of certain site for planimetry and elevation. The site is the northern part of the basin of Ostřice stream in the cadastral area Horní Planá. The territory was reconnaissanced and then surveyed in detail by the method of electronic tacheometry. Fixing and stabilization of ancillary geodetic points was the part of detailed surveying. All computing and imaging work was carried out in interactive graphical software KOKEŠ. The evaluation of the heights accuracy made on the basis of the profile test is the part of this thesis. The result of this thesis is the original map at a scale of 1 : 500 corresponding to the state to the end of August 2008 and other required attachments.

Mateřská škola / Day-care center

Svárovský, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The final thesis speaks about design of kindergarten for detailed design. Building is located in Humpolec on the parcel no. 2130/18. Building has three floors and flat roof. In the building is located four classes for kindergarten, logopedics and classroom for english language. Architectonic design is made by using ventilated facade and stone veneer.

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