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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os estágios de envolvimento internacional e suas relações com a performance internacional de empresas brasileiras

Führ, Ilocir José 24 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by CARLA MARIA GOULART DE MORAES (carlagm) on 2015-04-01T15:00:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IlocirFuhrAdministracao.pdf: 829148 bytes, checksum: 4e50d0501a8e69360a7e711892d32a60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-01T15:00:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IlocirFuhrAdministracao.pdf: 829148 bytes, checksum: 4e50d0501a8e69360a7e711892d32a60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-24 / Banco Santander / Banespa / O objetivo do presente estudo foi pesquisar a relação existente entre estágios de envolvimento internacional e a performance internacional de empresas brasileiras. Assim, foi realizada ampla revisão de literatura contemplando aspectos atinentes à internacionalização de empresas, principalmente relacionados aos modelos de estágios de envolvimento internacional e performance internacional. Foi necessária a adaptação de um modelo de estágios de envolvimento e a escolha de uma escala para mensuração da performance internacional das empresas. O modelo teórico deste estudo compreendeu três hipóteses de pesquisa, as quais foram testadas numa amostra de 126 empresas brasileiras, localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul, um estado do Sul do Brasil, durante o segundo semestre de 2010. Sugeriu-se, baseado na literatura pesquisada, que as empresas avançam (ou até mesmo recuam) pelos estágios de envolvimento internacional conforme a complexidade da estratégia de internacionalização adotada e de acordo com sua dependência do faturamento internacional. Verificou-se, pelo presente estudo, que empresas que adotam estratégias de maior complexidade têm, em média, performance internacional superior. Além disso, esta pesquisa revelou que empresas que possuem maior dependência do faturamento internacional também têm, em média, performance internacional superior. Ainda, este estudo constatou, principalmente, que quanto maior o envolvimento internacional da empresa, maior será a sua performance internacional. Por fim, esta pesquisa também mostra outras conclusões relacionadas à internacionalização das empresas. / The objective of the present study was to investigate the existent relationship between international involvement stages and international performance of Brazilian companies. So, a wide literature review was accomplished contemplating aspects about the internationalization of the companies, mainly related to international involvement stage models and international performance. It was necessary to adapt an involvement stage model and to choose a scale for measuring the companies international performance. The theoretical model of this study comprehended three research hypotheses, which were tested in a sample of 126 Brazilian companies located in Rio Grande do Sul, a south Brazilian state, during the second semester of 2010. It was suggested, based on the researched literature, that companies advance (or even retreat) through the international involvement stages according to the internationalization complexity of the strategy and in agreement with its dependence on international revenue. It was verified, for the present study, that companies which adopt strategies of larger complexity have, on average, better international performance. Besides, this research revealed that companies which have larger dependence on international revenue also have, on average, better international performance. Still, this study verified, mainly, the higher the international involvement of the company, the greater will be its international performance. Finally, this research also shows other conclusions related to the internationalization of companies.

Análise do indicador de internações por condições sensíveis à atenção básica : fatores correlacionados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Canto, Raíssa Barbieri Ballejo January 2017 (has links)
Justificativa: As Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Básica são um conjunto de problemas de saúde, para os quais o acesso aos serviços de AB e ações efetivas poderiam reduzir a ocorrência destas internações, tornando-as um indicador de resultado para avaliação da qualidade e do acesso nesse nível de atenção. Assim, analisou-se o indicador de ICSAB, buscando fatores associados à sua ocorrência, a fim de avaliar a sua capacidade de verificar a resolutividade da atenção básica. Métodos: Realizou-se uma análise exploratória descritiva do ICSAB nas sete macrorregiões de saúde e 30 regiões de saúde do Rio Grande do Sul, com base na Cobertura de Saúde da Família, seguida de uma revisão da produção indexada sobre ICSAB, com o objetivo de verificar quais fatores estão correlacionados com o desfecho ICSAB. Por fim desenvolveu-se um estudo ecológico com medidas agregadas, testando o grau de correlação linear entre as variáveis selecionadas a partir da revisão, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman Resultados: Foram encontrados na literatura diversos fatores correlacionados à ocorrência de ICSAB, tanto no âmbito da disponibilidade de serviços de saúde, como na perspectiva socioeconômica. Em relação a realidade do RS, encontrou-se correlação de ICSAB com quantidade de leitos (p=0.002), Proporção de pessoas com planos de saúde (p=0,001), IDH (p=0.004) e analfabetismo (p=0.001) e população menor de quatro anos (p=0,001). Considerações: O indicador ICSAB cumpre seu objetivo de tornar comparável de forma sintética a situação da Atenção Básica nas diversas possibilidades de recortes territoriais. Contudo, as variáveis que interferem nesse desfecho são diversas, operando de maneiras diferentes em cada contexto e necessitando de maior aprofundamento. Enquanto subsídio para políticas e ações de qualificação da Atenção Básica, a mudança desse indicador só ocorrerá quando esse dado servir como dispositivo inicial para entender processos complexos e locais, que ocorrerão através de processos de educação permanente. / Background: Hospitalizations for Sensitive Conditions to Primary Health Care (HSCPHC) are a group of health problems, for which access to Primary Health Care services and effective actions could reduce the occurrence of these hospitalizations, making them an outcome indicator for quality and access to this level of attention. Thus, the HSCPHC indicator was analyzed, looking for factors associated with its occurrence, in order to evaluate its capacity to verify the resolution of basic care. Methods: A descriptive exploratory analysis of the HSCPHC was carried out in the seven macro-regions of health and 30 health regions of Rio Grande do Sul, based on the Family Health Coverage, followed by a review of the indexed production on HSCBC, with the objective of verify which factors are correlated with the HSCPHC outcome. Finally, an ecological study with aggregate measures was developed, testing the degree of linear correlation between the variables selected from the review using Spearman's correlation coefficient Results: A number of factors correlated with the occurrence of HSCPHC were found in the literature, both in terms of the availability of health services and in the socioeconomic perspective. In relation to Rio Grande do Sul reality, we found a correlation of HSCBC with number of hospital beds (p = 0.002), Proportion of people with health plans (p = 0.001), HDI (p = 0.004) and illiteracy (p = 0.001) and population younger than four years (p = 0.001). Considerations: The HSCPHC indicator fulfills its objective of making the situation of Primary Health Care in the various possibilities of territorial cuts comparable in a synthetic way. However, the variables that interfere in this outcome are diverse, operating differently in each context and requiring further study. As a subsidy for policies and actions to qualify Primary Health Care, the change in this indicator will only occur when this data serves as an initial device to understand complex and local processes that will occur through processes of permanent education.

(Z2)n-Superalgebra and (Z2)n-Supergeometry / (Z2)n-Superalgèbre and (Z2)n-Supergéométrie

Covolo, Tiffany 30 September 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur le développement d'une théorie d'algèbre linéaire, de géométrie et d'analyse basée sur les algèbres (Z2)n-commutatives, c'est-à-dire des algèbres (Z2)n-graduées associatives unitaires satisfaisant ab = (-1)<deg(a),deg(b)>ba, pour tout couple d'éléments homogènes a, b de degrés deg(a), deg(b) où <.,.> est le produit scalaire usuel). Cette généralisation de la supergéométrie a de nombreuses applications : en mathématiques (l'algèbre de Deligne des superformes différentielles, l'algèbre des quaternions et les algèbres de Clifford en sont des exemples) et même en physique (paraparticules). Dans ce travail, les notions de trace et de (super)déterminant pour des matrices à coefficients dans une algèbre gradué-commutative sont définies et étudiés. Une attention particulière est portée au cas des algèbres de Clifford : ce point de vue gradué fournit une nouvelle approche au problème classique du « bon » déterminant pour des matrices à coefficient non-commutatifs (quaternioniques). En outre, nous entreprenons l'étude de la géométrie différentielle (Z2)n-graduée. Privilégiant l'approche par les espaces annelés, les (Z2)n-supervariétés sont définies en choisissant l'algèbre (Z2)n-commutative des séries formelles en variables graduées comme modèle pour le faisceau de fonctions. Les résultats les plus marquants ainsi obtenus sont : le Berezinien gradué et son interprétation cohomologique (essentielle pour établir une théorie de l'intégration) ; le théorème des morphismes, attestant qu'on peut rétablir un morphisme entre (Z2)n-supervariétés à partir de sa seule expression sur les coordonnées ; le théorème de Batchelor-Gawedzki pour les (Z2)n-supervariétés lisses / The present thesis deals with a development of linear algebra, geometry and analysis based on (Z2)n-superalgebras ; associative unital algebras which are (Z2)n-graded and graded-commutative, i.e. statisfying ab=(-1)<deg(a),deg(b)>ba, for all homogeneous elements a, b of respective degrees deg(a), deg(b) in (Z2)n (<.,.> denoting the usual scalar product). This generalization widens the range of applications of supergeometry to many mathematical structures (quaternions and more generally Clifford algebras, Deligne algebra of superdifferential forms, higher vector bundles) and appears also in physics (for describing paraparticles) proving its worth and relevance. In this dissertation, we first focus on (Z2)n-superalgebra theory ; we define and characterize the notions of trace and (super)determinant of matrices over graded-commutative algebras. Special attention is given to the case of Clifford algebras, where our study gives a new approach to treat the classical problem of finding a “good” determinant for matrices with noncommuting (quaternionic) entries. Further, we undertake the study of (Z2)n-graded differential geometry. Privileging the ringed space approach, we define (smooth) (Z2)n-supermanifolds modeling their algebras of functions on the (Z2)n-commutative algebra of formal power series in graded variables, and develop the theory along the lines of supergeometry. Notable results are : the graded Berezinian and its cohomological interpretation (essential to establish integration theory) ; the theorem of morphism, which states that a morphism of (Z2)n-supermanifolds can be recovered from its coordinate expression ; Batchelor-Gawedzki theorem for (Z2)n-supermanifolds

L’alimentation précoce : ses déterminants, son influence sur la croissance postnatale et les consommations alimentaires à 3 ans / Early feeding practices : determinants and influence on postnatal growth and on food intake at 3 years of age

Betoko, Aisha 27 June 2013 (has links)
Contexte : L’alimentation précoce a une influence sur la croissance et le développement des habitudes alimentaires. Dans la littérature, les déterminants et les effets sur la santé des pratiques d’allaitement et de diversification alimentaire (introduction des aliments autres que le lait) ont souvent été analysés en dissociant ces deux pratiques pourtant très liées. Objectifs : Caractériser par une approche plus globale l’alimentation dans la première année de vie, mettre en évidence ses principaux déterminants et comprendre son influence sur la croissance dans les trois premières années de vie de l’enfant et ses habitudes alimentaires à 3 ans. Méthodes : Les données de la cohorte EDEN qui a recruté 2002 femmes enceintes en début de grossesse, entre 2003 et 2006 dans deux hôpitaux à Nancy et à Poitiers, ont été utilisées. L’alimentation et les paramètres anthropométriques de l’enfant ont été recueillis par questionnaires et examens cliniques à la naissance, 4, 8, 12, 24 et 36 mois. Une analyse en composantes principales a permis d’identifier des profils de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie à partir de la durée d’allaitement, de l’âge d’introduction de différents groupes d’aliments et du mode de préparation des aliments utilisés (préparations « maison », plats préparés « spécifiques bébé » et plats préparés ordinaires du commerce). Des régressions linéaires et logistiques multiples ont été utilisées pour analyser les associations entre profils de pratiques alimentaires, croissance et habitudes alimentaires à 3 ans. Résultats : i) Le type de préparation infantile utilisée de manière prédominante les 4 premiers mois de vie était associé à la parité, l’éducation et le retour à l’emploi maternels mais pas à la croissance de l’enfant sur cette même période. ii) Trois profils de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie ont été identifiés dans la cohorte EDEN. Des scores élevés sur le profil 1 « Diversification tardive et utilisation d’aliments spécifiques bébé » étaient associés à un revenu familial élevé, un âge et un niveau d’études maternels élevés, une parité faible et un recrutement à Nancy. Des scores élevés sur le profil 2 « Allaitement maternel long, diversification tardive et utilisation d’aliments faits maison » étaient associés un âge et un niveau d’études maternels élevés et un recrutement à Poitiers. Des scores élevés sur le profil 3 « Utilisation fréquente d’aliments ordinaires du commerce » étaient associés à un âge maternel plus faible, une parité plus élevée et un recrutement à Nancy. iii) Un score élevé sur le profil 2 était associé à une croissance staturo-pondérale plus lente entre 0 et 1 an et plus rapide entre 1 et 3 ans après ajustement sur les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Ce même profil était associé positivement à la consommation de fruits et légumes à 3 ans. Un ajustement supplémentaire sur la durée d’allaitement maternel atténuait les relations sans pour autant les faire disparaître totalement, suggérant un effet de l’ensemble de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie sur les paramètres que nous avons étudiés. Conclusions : Ces résultats confirment l’importance des déterminants socioculturels sur les pratiques d’alimentation dans la première année de vie. Ils confirment également les liens entre l’alimentation précoce et d’une part la croissance dans les trois premières années de vie et d’autre part l’apprentissage des habitudes alimentaires ultérieures. La prise en compte dans la recherche de l’ensemble des pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie, lorsque l’on s’intéresse à leurs effets sur le développement de l’enfant doit être encouragée. / Background: Early eating patterns can determine later eating habits and food preferences and they have been related child growth. In the literature, the determinants and health effects of breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices have often been analyzed separately. Yet, breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices are interrelated and there are arguments to suggest that both influence later health. Objectives : We aimed to characterize feeding practices over the first year of life and to examine their associations with family and infant characteristics, with growth changes in the first 3 years of life, and their relations with food intake at 3 years of age. Methodes : Subjects were participants of the EDEN mother-child cohort. The study recruited 2,002 pregnant women aged 18-45 years attending their prenatal visit before 24 weeks’ gestation at Nancy and Poitiers University Hospitals between 2003 and 2006. Dietary practices and anthropometric measurements were collected through maternal self-report and clinical examinations at birth, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36 months. Principal component analysis was applied to derive patterns from breastfeeding duration, age of introduction of complementary foods (CF) and type of food used at 1y (ready-prepared baby foods, home-made foods, ready-prepared ordinary foods). Multiple linear and logistic regressions were used to analyze associations between feeding patterns, growth and food intake at 3 years of age. Results : i) The type infant formula (partially hydrolyzed, thickened, enriched in pre- or probiotic and others) used in the first four months of life was related to maternal return to employment, parity but not to infant growth in the same period. ii) Three major feeding patterns were identified in the EDEN study. The main source of variability in infant feeding was characterized by a pattern labeled ‘Late weaning and use of ready-prepared baby foods’. Older, more educated, primiparous women with high monthly income and recruited in Nancy ranked high on this pattern. The second pattern, labeled ‘Longer breastfeeding, late CF introduction and use of home-made foods’ was the closest to infant feeding guidelines. Mothers with high scores on this pattern were older, more educated and recruited in Poitiers. The third pattern labeled ‘Use of ordinary foods’ is more suggestive of infants having a less age-specific diet. Mothers ranking high on this pattern were often younger, multiparous and recruited in Nancy. iii) High scores on the second pattern were related to significant lower 0-1y weight and height change, higher 1-3y weight and height change and to a significant higher fruit and vegetables intake at 3 years of age after controlling for a wide range of potential confounding variables. An additional adjustment on breastfeeding duration attenuated the relationships without making them disappear completely, suggesting an effect of the overall feeding practices in the first year of life on the parameters that we studied. Conclusions : Our results confirm the importance of socio-cultural determinants on feeding practices over the first year of life. They also confirm the relations between early nutrition and growth in the first three years of life and later eating habits. Our results emphasize the need to consider infant feeding over the first year of life including breastfeeding duration, age of complementary foods introduction as well as type of foods used when examining effects of early infant feeding practices on later health.

Médicos e pacientes tem sexo e cor? A perspectiva de médicos e residentes sobre a relação médico-paciente na prática ambulatorial

Santos, Mafoane Odara Poli 26 June 2012 (has links)
Embora sejam grandes os progressos com a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, que garante constitucionalmente a saúde como direito de todos e dever do Estado, esse direito não tem sido assegurado no mesmo nível e com a mesma qualidade de atenção, em especial, para a população negra. Depois de uma revisão sobre a história a influência das teorias racialistas e de gênero como categoria de análise na medicina, discute-se uma síntese da história recente das práticas médicas no Brasil e a reflexão critica sobre essas práticas centradas no tecnicismo. O objetivo deste estudo, parte da linha de pesquisa Pesquisa Psicossocial da Desigualdade: Relações Étnico-raciais, foi descrever que sentidos e significados médicos e médicas conferem aos temas médico-sociais na sua trajetória e formação, especialmente como concebem os determinantes sociais de gênero e raça Foram entrevistados 25 médicos (13 médicos e 12 médicas) que orientam e são preceptores de alunos da residência médica em um hospital universitário. O roteiro abordava o perfil sócio-demográfico e sua trajetória profissional; o seu nível de conhecimento e contato com os determinantes sociais (pobreza, gênero, cor/raça, nacionalidade, religião dos diferentes grupos populacionais) durante a formação acadêmica; que fatores consideravam relevantes para uma boa relação médico-paciente; seu conhecimento sobre Direitos Humanos e os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde; as experiências na relação médico-paciente e de cuidado. Depois de um aquecimento propiciado pela situação da entrevista, entre os resultados, o estudo permitiu observar como os médicos entrevistados reconhecem alguns marcadores sociais da diferença que se transformam em desigualdade, os lugares sociais diferentes para homens e mulheres, brancos, amarelos e negros, lugares de maior ou menor privilégio e de obstáculo para o sucesso técnico. As diferenças e desigualdade de gênero foram mais fáceis de serem explicitadas e os entrevistados articulavam um repertório levemente maior para o tema. Todos os entrevistados, em algum momento, usaram o discurso sobre o instintivo e natural, e a maior parte deles compreende o masculino e o feminino de um modo muito conservador, com problemas para encontrar definições para perguntas supostamente simples. No caso da desigualdade racial, observamos que houve uma polarização: de um lado a negação das desigualdades entre brancos e não brancos, do outro temos a valorização da identidade branca, compondo bem com o racismo à brasileira. O contexto social foi associado à pobreza mais que qualquer outro indicador da desigualdade social. Cenas de racismo e sexismo institucional foram frequentes. Os poucos entrevistados que tinham uma noção mais sofisticada sobre gênero e raça eram aqueles que contaram com a oportunidade de desenvolver uma atividade de extensão, a iniciação científica ou que tiveram uma formação mais generalista, mais social. A trajetória trilhada na faculdade contribui, portanto, para a formação / Brazil\'s 1988 Constitution grants health as a human right to all and a duty of the State. Although great progress has been made since its enactment, this right has not been ensured at the same level and with the same service quality, particularly with regard to Afro-Brazilians. With close attention to history and the influence of racial and gendered theories, this article discusses the recent history of medical practices in Brazil and provides critical reflection on those practices that are centered on technique. The main purpose of this study, a part of the Psycho-social research on inequality: ethnic-racial relations research line, is to describe the meanings and significance that doctors give to medical social issues in their education. Special attention is given to their conception of the social determinants of gender and race. Twenty-five doctors (13 men and 12 women) were interviewed. All of them mentor medical students pursuing their residency at a University Hospital. The interviews script centered on their socio-demographic profile, their professional path and the degree of knowledge or contact with social determinants (poverty, gender, race/color, nationality, religion of the different population groups) during their academic formation, the factors they considered as relevant to a good doctor-patient relationship, their knowledge of Human Rights and the principles of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) and their experiences in the care and doctor-patient relationships. Among its results, the study shows how the interviewed doctors recognize several social markers of difference that convert into inequity, the different social places for men and women, the white, the people of Asian descent and the black, places of greater or lower privilege and obstacle for technical success. The gender differences and inequalities were more easily explained and respondents articulated a slightly larger repertoire for the topic. All of the interviewees, at some moment, used the discourse on the instinctive and the natural, and most of them have a very conservative comprehension of the feminine and the masculine, and encountered problems in finding definitions for apparently simple questions. With regards to racial inequality, there was a polarization: on the one hand, the denial of inequalities among the white and the non white, on the other, a consistent evaluation of white identity, linked to the Brazilian racism. The social context was associated with poverty rather than any other indicator of social inequality. Evidence of racism and sexism were frequently observed in the interviews. The few interviewees that had a more sophisticated notion of gender and race were those who had had the chance to develop an extracurricular activity, the scientific initiation, or those who had had a more generalist and social education. Thus, the experience acquired during university contributes to the formation of their notions of social determinants in health

Proteção social: contextos, vozes e a dimensão social da saúde a partir do sujeito de direito / Social protection: contexts, voices and the social dimension of health from the legal subject

Barbosa, Hindira Alana de Souza 04 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: As dimensões de justiça social, de democracia, de cidadania, do ser sujeito de direito e do direito à saúde que a proteção social congrega tornam este campo revelador de todas estas questões. O campo das políticas sociais foi e ainda permanece um campo de discordâncias motivadas sobretudo por assuntos que dizem respeito a financiamento das políticas, ao significado de ser protegido socialmente e de proteger alguém socialmente. As necessidades que predispõem uma pessoa a ser beneficiário da proteção social são resultado de várias forças que estão colocadas na sociedade e vão desde as apostas e do que produz o sistema econômico vigente até o significado que cada pessoa pode atribuir aos próprios direitos. Neste percurso há as disputas sociais; a repercussão dos direitos na vida de cada um. Objetivos: desvelar sentidos atribuídos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa à proteção social nos diferentes contextos social e regional; identificar relações estabelecidas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa entre os diversos planos relacionados à proteção social e a própria proteção social; identificar o que os sujeitos da pesquisa identificam como relação entre proteção social e saúde. Métodos: entrevista em profundidade com o apoio de tópicos de interesse. A análise e discussão das narrativas resultantes será feita sob a perspectiva da hermenêutica-dialética. Resultados: Vê-se a necessidade de avançar, defender e divulgar questões referentes aos direitos sociais, à proteção social e direito à saúde. O entendimento sobre a proteção social pode ser melhorado no sentido de refletir na defesa dos próprios direitos e nos direitos da sociedade. Evidencia-se que o contexto de vida dos sujeitos de pesquisa reflete todo o panorama histórico em que se vê acolhida a proteção. Foram encontradas desde narrativas que elaboram a lógica da proteção social e seu campo até elaborações que não expressam esta lógica. A percepção dos próprios direitos surge limitada em alguns aspectos como se não fosse possível elaborar o próprio lugar na sociedade. Essa realidade também aparece na discussão sobre os determinantes sociais da saúde e o direito à saúde. Considerações finais: Considera-se a partir dos resultados que estratégias podem ser elaboradas para que a defesa da proteção social possa ser mantida socialmente, seja no local de estudo ou em locais para onde o debate possa ser portado. O modo como as pessoas têm vivido e a forma como se identificam com a questão dos próprios direitos sinaliza que há um campo a ser trabalhado no sentido de avançar questões que vão alicerçar o 11 Estado de Bem-Estar Social que se pretende no Brasil. A arquitetura da necessidade de proteção social ainda é evidente no local de estudo. Perpassam esse debate as questões atuais sobre a situação política do Brasil (2016) e o projeto social no qual queremos apostar para garantir os direitos sociais e, principalmente o direito à saúde que ampara a qualidade de vida e os modos de vivenciá-la. / Introduction: The dimensions of social justice, democracy, citizenship, be subject to law and the right to health that social protection brings together make this field shows all of these issues. The field of social policies was and still remains a field of disagreements motivated mainly by matters that concern the financing of policies, the meaning of being socially protected and protect someone socially. The needs which predispose a person to be beneficiaries of social protection are the result of various forces that are placed in society, ranging from the bets and that produces the economic system in force until the meaning that each person can assign their own rights. In this way there is the social struggles; the impact of human in the life of each one. Objectives: to reveal meanings attributed by the research subjects to social protection in the various contexts of social and regional; identify relations established by the research subjects between the various plans related to social protection and the social protection; identify what the research subjects identified as relation between social protection and health. Methods: indepth interview with the support of topics of interest. The analysis and discussion of the resultant narratives will be done under the perspective of the hermeneutic-dialectic. Results: One sees the need to move forward, defend and promote matters relating to social rights, social protection and the right to health. The understanding of the social protection can be improved in order to reflect on the defense of their rights and the rights of society. It is evident that the life context of research subjects reflects the landscape history in which we see safe haven to protect. Have been found since narratives that elaborate the logic of social protection and their field until elaborations that do not express this logic. The perception of their rights is limited in some respects as if it were possible to draw up their own place in society. This fact also appears in the discussion on the social determinants of health and the right to health. Final considerations: It is from the results that strategies can be developed to ensure that the defense of social protection can be maintained socially, either in place of or in places where the debate can be ported. The way people have lived and how they identify with the issue of own rights indicates that there is a field to be worked in order to move forward issues that will underpin the Welfare State that if you want to in Brazil. The architecture of the need for social protection is still evident in the study site. Pervades this debate current issues on the political situation in 13 Brazil (2016) and the social project in which we bet to guarantee social rights, and especially the right to health that sustains the quality of life and the modes of experience it.

G?nero, trabalho e sa?de mental entre trabalhadoras rurais assentadas na regi?o do Mato Grande Potiguar

Costa, Maria da Gra?a Silveira Gomes da 14 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaGSGC_DISSERT.pdf: 2555739 bytes, checksum: 0efa18c9d47df1166ff7932c946b8297 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The lack of studies aimed at the mental health of the rural population, the social, economic, familial and emotional impact that mental disorders produce and the vulnerability that women have in this context, lead us to believe in the need to investigate the mental health demands of female rural workers, in order to subsidize the development of more effective and culturally sensitive public health programs and policies that take into account the specificities of this population. The present study aims to investigate the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) and the possible factors associated with the emergence of such disorders among women living in a rural settlement in Rio Grande do Norte. This survey has a quantitative and qualitative character with an ethnographic approach. As methodological strategies, we made use of an adapted version of the socio-demographic and environmental questionnaire prepared by The Department of Geology/UFRN s Strategic Analysis Laboratory to evaluate the quality of life of the families from the rural settlement and the mental health screening test Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) to identify the prevalence of CMD in adult women from the community. Complementing the role of methodological tools, we use the participant observation and semi-structured interviews with women who presented positive hypothesis of CMD attempting to comprehend the crossings that build the subjective experience of being a woman in this context. The results point to the high prevalence of CMD (43.6%) and suggest the link between poverty, lack of social support, unequal gender relations and the occurrence of CMD. We also verified that the settled women do not access the health network to address issues relating to mental health and that the only recourse of care offered by primary health care is the prescription of anxiolytic medication. In this context, the religiosity and the work are the most important strategies for mental health support among women / A car?ncia de estudos voltados ? sa?de mental da popula??o rural, o impacto socioecon?mico, familiar e afetivo que os transtornos mentais produzem e o lugar de vulnerabilidade que as mulheres ocupam nas ?reas rurais, imp?em a necessidade de investigar a realidade de mulheres assentadas e trabalhadoras rurais, visando subsidiar a elabora??o de programas e pol?ticas p?blicas de sa?de mais eficazes e culturalmente sens?veis que levem em conta as especificidades dessa popula??o. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar a preval?ncia de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e os poss?veis fatores associados ? emerg?ncia de tais transtornos entre mulheres residentes de um assentamento rural do RN. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa que parte de uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa de inspira??o etnogr?fica. Inicialmente aplicamos uma vers?o adaptada do question?rio s?cio-demogr?fico-ambiental elaborado pelo Laborat?rio de An?lises Estrat?gicas da UFRN/Departamento de Geologia para avaliar a qualidade de vida das fam?lias do assentamento e o instrumento de rastreamento em sa?de mental Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) para identificar a preval?ncia de TMC nas mulheres adultas da comunidade. Complementando o rol de ferramentas, nos valemos da observa??o participante do cotidiano do assentamento e entrevistas semiestruturadas com as mulheres que apresentaram hip?tese positiva de TMC buscando apreender os atravessamentos que constroem a experi?ncia subjetiva de ser mulher nesse contexto. Os resultados apontam a alta preval?ncia de TMC (43,6%) e sugerem a articula??o entre pobreza, falta de redes de apoio social e comunit?ria, rela??es desiguais de g?nero e a ocorr?ncia de TMC. Constatamos ainda que as assentadas n?o acessam a rede de sa?de para tratar de quest?es relativas ? sa?de mental e que o ?nico recurso de cuidado ofertado pela aten??o prim?ria ? prescri??o de medica??o ansiol?tica, destacando-se a religiosidade e o trabalho como os mais importantes fatores de suporte ? sa?de mental entre as mulheres no contexto do assentamento rural

Obchodování s komoditami / Trading in commodities

Pecha, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the gold market and provide readers with the necessary information and context having an impact on the price of gold. The thesis consists of three chapters. First one deals in general with the commodity market and introduces the readers to commodity exchange issues such as trading commodities in commodity exchanges, motives of commodity trading as well as the specific characteristics of commodities. Second one concerns the detailed analysis of commodity investment tools that investors might use when they feel like getting an exposure to price movements of commodities. The last chapter gears towards an analysis of the gold market in today's super globalized world and depicts what fundamental factors have an impact on the price of gold. At last, I shall summarize existing pieces of knowledge and cast light on further gold price movements.

Trh rezidenčních nemovitostí během finanční krize - empirická evidence z regionu zemí střední a východní Evropy / Residential real estate market during the financial crisis : empirical evidence from the CEE region

Hrachovec, Martin January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis investigates the housing price determinants and possibilities of housing price bubbles in the residential real estate markets of Central and Eastern Europe before and during the economic crisis of 2007-2009. Using data from international institutions, national central banks and national statistical offices three quantitative methods are applied. Price-to-income ratios suggest housing price bubbles that were eliminated during the crisis in three out of five countries covered. Second approach of simple panel data models sheds additional light on housing price bubbles and indicates GDP growth, unemployment and average real wage as the main determinants of housing prices in the region. First indication of severe housing price persistence in CEE is demonstrated by the results of the models as well. More reliable results for housing price determinants are obtained from variance decomposition and impulse response functions of vector autoregression models. Each country is modeled separately and substantial differences exist between the countries. Poland is the only country that does not exhibit housing price persistence and dynamics in Austria are less volatile as compared to the new EU members in the sample. JEL Classification G12, E39, R21, R31, R32 Keywords residential real estate, housing...

Determinantes da estrutura de capital de empresas em diferentes cenários econômicos e institucionais: um estudo comparativo / Capital Structure determinants of firms in different economy and institutional environments: A comparative study

Marco Aurélio dos Santos 08 November 2013 (has links)
Diversas teorias ao longo do tempo apresentam explicações sobre as estruturas de capital das organizações. As principais são a teoria Pecking Order, Teoria Trade Off e Teoria Free Cash-Flow, com base na teoria de Agência. Todas essas teorias apresentam relações teóricas entre alguns determinantes de estruturas de capital vinculadas a firma que poderiam interferir na decisão de financiamento. Uma segunda linha de estudos, vinculada a esta, apresenta que determinantes externas a firma também interferem nesta estrutura de capital, porém as variáveis de firma comportam-se de forma semelhante em diferentes cenários econômicos. (RAJAN e ZINGALES, 1995; BOOTH et. al., 2001; de JONG et. al., 2008; GURCHARAN, 2010; KAYO e KIMURA, 2011). Considerando as pesquisas anteriores, desenvolveu-se uma investigação para a confirmação desta hipótese, com o objetivo de identificar quais variáveis são mais importantes na tomada de decisão financeira e se há variabilidade em cenários temporais e ambientes econômicos distintos. Para tal foram analisadas 10.243 empresas sediadas em 61 países distintos no período de 2002-2011, totalizando o número de 58.423 observações firma ano, por meio de um modelo de regressão linear hierárquica de três níveis com medidas repetidas, verificando qual a importância das variáveis de firma e país no endividamento, se há variação das mesmas em países com diferentes contextos econômicos e em períodos de crescimento e retração econômica. Foram analisadas cinco determinantes clássicas de firma (lucratividade, tangibilidade, proteção fiscal não advinda da dívida, tamanho e oportunidades de crescimento), e onze variáveis de país que possuem relação com o endividamento (PIB, inflação, taxa de impostos, volume negociado em ações, liquidez de bolsa, capitalização das empresas listadas, índice risco país, taxa de juros, enforcement jurídico, nível de proteção ao investidor e nível de disclosure de negócios). A partir das análises realizadas, foi identificado que o endividamento está ligado em maior grau a características das firmas e ao tempo, e em menor grau, porém significante, às características do ambiente. Foi identificado que não há mudanças extremamente significativas no comportamento das variáveis de firma entre economias desenvolvidas e em desenvolvimento, assim como entre períodos pré e pós-crise financeira de 2008. Em relação as determinantes de país analisadas, observa-se que as mesmas apresentam comportamento adverso em função da crise de 2008, perdendo capacidade explicativa, e não apresentam comportamento de mudança de sinal dos coeficientes quando comparados países com desenvolvimento econômico distinto. Identifica-se que características do desenvolvimento econômico ficam mais evidentes no processo de financiamento, como acesso a recursos em economias com menor desenvolvimento. Os resultados apresentam convergência com os estudos anteriores como os de Moore (1986), Rajan e Zingales (1995), Booth et. al. (2001), Kayo e Kimura (2011), Bebzcuk e Galindo (2011), Akbar et. al (2012), entre outros. / Several theories over time present explanations of the capital structures of organizations. The main theories are the Pecking Order Theory, Trade Off and Free Cash-Flow Theory, based on the Agency Theory. All these theories have some theoretical relationships between determinants of capital structures linked to firm that could interfere in the financing decision. A second line of studies, linked to this, shows that determinants outside the firm also interfere in capital structure, but the firm variables behave similarly in different economic scenarios (RAJAN and ZINGALES, 1995; BOOTH et. al., 2001; de JONG et. al., 2008; GURCHARAN, 2010; KAYO and KIMURA, 2011). Considering previous researches, we developed an investigation to confirm this hypothesis, identifying which variables are the most important in financial decision-making and there is variability in temporal scenarios and different economic environments. To this end, we analyzed 10,243 companies based in 61 different countries in the period 2002-2011, a total number of 58,423 firm year observations, through a hierarchical linear regression model of three levels with repeated measures, checking the importance of the variables firm and country in debt, if there is variation in the same countries with different economic contexts and periods of growth and downturn. We analyzed five firm classical determinants ( profitability , tangibility, non-debt tax shield , size and growth opportunities) , and eleven variables that are related to country debt ( GDP , inflation, taxes , trading volume in shares , stock liquidity , capitalization of listed companies, country risk index , interest rate , law enforcement , level of investor protection and disclosure level) . From the analysis, it was identified the debt is linked to a greater degree the characteristics of firms and time, and on a lesser degree, but significant, with characteristics of the environment. It wasn\'t identified very significant changes in the behavior of firm variables between developed and developing countries, as well as between pre-and post- 2008 financial crisis. Regarding the determinants of country analyzed, it is observed that they present adverse behavior due to the 2008 crisis, losing explanatory power, and have no behavior change in sign of the coefficients when comparing countries with different economic development. Characteristics of economic development become more evident in the funding process, such as access to resources in less developed economies. The results show convergence with previous studies such as Moore (1986) , Rajan and Zingales (1995) Booth et al. al. (2001) Kayo and Kimura (2011) , Bebzcuk and Galindo (2011) , Akbar et al. al (2012 ), among others

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