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Evaluation de la réponse cellulaire et moléculaire d'une diatomée benthique d'eau douce à l'exposition à des nanoparticules carbonées / Assessment of the cellular and molecular response of a benthic freshwater diatom exposed to carbon-based nanoparticlesGaracci, Marion 16 November 2018 (has links)
Différentes approches ont été utilisées pour évaluer les effets de deux formes de nanoparticules de carbone (NPC), nanotubes et graphène, afin de comprendre les mécanismes de la réponse générée par la diatomée benthique d'eau douce Nitzschia palea. Les effets à l'échelle de la communauté ont démontré un impact temporaire sur la croissance du biofilm et une accumulation des NPC dans la matrice extracellulaire. L'application d'une étude transcriptomique a mis en évidence l'importance de l'interaction physique, à l'origine d'altération du frustule, dans la mise en place de cette réponse extracellulaire se traduisant par une surproduction des substances exo-polymériques (EPS). Cette approche a également révélé l'impact des NPC sur l'activité photosynthétique des diatomées et une modification du métabolisme énergétique, suggérant une allocation énergétique en faveur de la production d'EPS. L'étude du protéome extracellulaire a permis d'avoir un premier aperçu de la composition de la matrice extracellulaire, principalement constituée de protéines à caractère hydrophobe. Lors de l'exposition aux NPC, les diatomées semblent produire un système adhésif complexe permettant de renforcer la matrice extracellulaire et d'augmenter la stabilité du biofilm tout en piégeant les NPC. L'exposition des diatomées face au deux formes de NPC induit une réponse présentant une forte similitude notamment pour les plus fortes concentrations testées. / Different approaches were used to assess the effect of two forms of carbon-based nanoparticles (CNP) nanotubes and graphene, in order to determine the mechanism of the response generated by the benthic freshwater diatom Nitzschia palea. The effect at the cellular community scale demonstrated a temporary impact on biofilm growth and an accumulation of NPC in the extracellular matrix. The use of transcriptomic study evidenced the role of the physic interaction, causing alteration of the frustule, in the extracellular response leading to an overexcretion of exopolymeric substances (EPS). This approach also revealed the impact of NPC on the photosynthetic activity of diatoms and a modification of the energetic metabolism suggesting an energetic allocation for the EPS production. The study of the extracellular proteome allowed to have a first insight of the extracellular matrix composition, in majority composed of hydrophobic-like proteins. In NPC exposure, diatoms seemed to produce an adhesive system allowing to strengthen the extracellular matrix and increase the biofilm stability while trapping NPC. The exposition of diatoms to the two NPC forms induce a response greatly similar for the highest tested concentration.
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Reconstrução paleoambiental (vegetação e clima) no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso - SP durante o Quaternário tardio / Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo State during the late QuaternaryElaine Vidotto 30 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) e no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), na região sudeste do Brasil. A área é caracterizada pela presença de vegetação nativa de Floresta Atlântica de Encosta e no caso do PEIC, também por Restinga e vegetação de manguezal. Foram coletadas amostras de solos a partir de trincheiras ou tradagens, e amostras em dois mangues, Sítio Grande e do rio Jacariu. Análises isotópicas (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) e biológicas (palinologia, diatomologia) foram utilizadas nesse estudo para entender a história da paleovegetação da região durante do Pleistoceno tardio e o Holoceno, assim como suas relações com as mudanças climáticas. Os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C, 14C) da matéria orgânica dos solos (MOS) em dois pontos do PEIC mostraram valores de \'delta\'13C característicos de plantas C3 (aproximadamente -27,0%o), indicando a presença de vegetação de floresta nos últimos 10.800 anos AP. Em três pontos (CB1, CB2 e TURVI) do PECB os dados isotópicos (\'delta\'13C) da MOS indicaram a presença de plantas C3 em todo o perfil analisado. Nos pontos TOR e FAZ os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais enriquecidos (entre -20,9%o e -23,5%o) nas camadas mais profundas, indicando a presença de uma vegetação menos densa que a atual, com uma provável presença de plantas C3 e C4, no período de aproximadamente 25.000 a 15.000 anos AP, sugerindo a presença de um clima mais seco. De aproximadamente 15.000 anos AP até o presente um empobrecimento isotópico (até -28,0%o) foi observado indicando a expansão da floresta, provavelmente associada à presença de um clima mais úmido que o período anterior. No mangue Sítio Grande os valores de \'delta\'13C foram mais empobrecidos (até -28,0%o) entre aproximadamente 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Os valores mais empobrecidos de \'delta\'13C associados com altos teores de carbono (até 40%) e da razão C/N (até 130) indicaram a presença de uma floresta na atual área do mangue e o abaixamento do nível relativo do mar. A presença de pólen de Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys e Podocarpus sugerem a presença de uma floresta característica de clima mais frio e úmido que o atual entre 40.000 e 19.000 anos AP. Entre 19.000 e 2.200 anos AP observou-se um hiato sedimentar (provavelmente erosivo), atribuído a prováveis atividades neotectônicas ocorridas na região. Os valores mais enriquecidos de \'delta\'13C (aproximadamente -26,0%o e -24,0%o) associados com menores valores de COT (entre 0,3% e 6,0%) e razão C/N (entre 2 e 27), juntamente com a presença de diatomáceas marinhas, indicaram a presença do mangue e o retorno da linha de costa na posição atual na região desde pelo menos 2.200 anos AP. No mangue do rio Jacariu os resultados de \'delta\'13C apresentaram valores entre -24,0%o e -26,0%o. Os valores de COT e da razão C/N associados com os valores de \'delta\'13C indicaram uma mistura de plantas C3 e fitoplâncton na composição da matéria orgânica. As diatomáceas encontradas foram características de ambiente estuarino-lagunar e estiveram presentes aproximadamente nos últimos 1.500 anos AP / This study was developed in the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) and Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), in the southeastern region of Brazil. The area is characterized by the presence of native vegetation of Atlantic Forest and in the case of PEIC, also for Restinga and mangrove vegetation. Soil samples were collected from trenches and by drilling. Were collected two cores in the Sítio Grande and Jacariu mangroves. Isotope (12C, 13C, 14C, 14N, 15N) and biological (pollen and diatoms analysis) tools were used in the study to understand the paleovegetation history of the region during the late Pleistocene and Holocene and its relation to climatic changes. The soil isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of soil organic matter (SOM) at two locations in the PEIC area showed values characteristics of C3 plants (approximately -27,0%o), indicating the presence of forest vegetation during the last 10.800 years BP. In three locations (CB1, CB2 and TURVI) in the PECB area the isotope data (\'delta\'13C) of SOM indicated the presence of C3 plants in the whole profile. In the locations TOR and FAZ the values were more enriched (from -20,9%o e -23,5%o) in the deeper horizons, indicating the presence of a less dense vegetation than the present, with a probable mixture of \'delta\'13C, 14C plants, in the period of approximately 25.000 to 15.000 years BP, suggesting the presence of a drier climate. From 15.000 years BP to the present, a isotopic depletion (até -28,0%o) was observed and associated with the expansion of the forest, probably associated to the presence of a more humid climate than the previous period. In the Sítio Grande mangrove the \'delta\'13C values were more depleted (approximately -28,0%o) from 40.000 to 19.000 years BP. The higher values of total organic carbon (40%) and C/N ratios (130), associated with more depleted \'delta\'13C values observed during this period indicated the predominance of C3 land plants in the location at present occupied by the mangrove and the decrease of the relative sea level. The presence of pollen of Ilex, Alchornea, Weinmannia, Rapanea, Symplocos, Drimys and Podocarpus during the period of 40.000 to 19.000 years BP suggest the presence of a colder and humid climate than today. From 19.000 to 2.200 years BP a sedimentary hiatus (probably erosive) was observed, attributed to a neotectonic activity in the studied area. The presence of mangrove since at least 2.200 years BP in its present position and the return of the marine cost line is associated with the values of COT (from 0,3% to 6%) and C/N ratio (from 2 to 27), more enriched \'delta\'13C values (from approximately -26,0%o e -24,0%o) and the presence of marine diatoms. In the Jacariu mangrove the \'delta\'13C results associated with the smallest values of total organic and C/N ratios, probably indicated a mixture of marine phytoplankton and C3 land plants in the composition of the organic matter. The marine diatoms were present approximately in the last 1.500 years BP and they are characteristics the estuarine site
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Multi-stressor effects in boreal streams:disentangling the roles of natural and land use disturbance to stream communitiesTolkkinen, M. (Mari) 08 March 2016 (has links)
As human activities are increasingly affecting natural communities, many communities are impacted by multiple stressors and their interactions. Understanding how natural and anthropogenic stressors act individually and in concert is essential for managing and conserving natural ecosystems efficiently. In this thesis I studied how geology-related natural acidity, land drainage and their interaction affect biological communities and leaf decomposition in boreal headwater streams. I further assessed the concordance of communities along natural and anthropogenic stressor gradients. As model organisms, I used benthic diatoms, bryophytes, invertebrates and leaf-decomposing fungi.
I showed that geology-related natural acidity constitutes a strong environmental filter for stream communities, reducing species richness and changing community composition. Community concordance was also generally strongest along the natural acidity gradient. However, natural acidity mostly did not homogenize communities nor did it affect leaf decomposition by fungi. Effects of peatland drainage differed between the two stream types, being mainly sedimentation in the circumneutral streams and increasing metal concentrations in the acid streams. Overall, changes in community composition were better able than pure species richness to track single stressor impacts. Furthermore, fungal assemblages were more homogeneous and decomposition rates slower in drained acidic sites than in any other stream type. Thus the drainage-induced shift in water chemistry in the acidic streams seems to constitute an even stronger environmental filter than sedimentation. Conservation planning needs to give special attention to these vulnerable, naturally stressful ecosystems. / Tiivistelmä
Ihmistoiminnan vaikuttaessa yhä enemmän luonnon elinympäristöihin eliöyhteisöihin kohdistuu usein samanaikaisesti monenlaisia paineita. Ekosysteemien tehokas hoitaminen ja suojelu edellyttävät tarkkaa tietoa siitä, miten luonnollinen stressi ja ihmistoiminta yhdessä ja erikseen vaikuttavat ekosysteemeihin. Väitöskirjassani tutkin, kuinka geologiasta johtuva luonnollinen happamuus ja metsäojitus vaikuttavat boreaalisten purojen eliöyhteisöihin ja lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen. Tarkastelin myös eliöryhmien yhdenmukaisuutta ihmistoimintagradientilla ja luonnollisella stressigradientilla. Malliorganismeinani olivat piilevät, vesisammalet, pohjaeläimet ja hajottajasienet.
Väitöskirjassani osoitan, että geologiasta johtuva puroveden happamuus toimii merkittävänä ympäristösuodattimena purojen eliöyhteisöille vähentäen lajirunsautta ja muokaten lajistoa. Myös eliöryhmien lajistovaihtelu oli yhdenmukaisinta luonnollisella happamuusgradientilla. Toisaalta luonnollinen happamuus ei vaikuttanut merkittävästi lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen tai purojen väliseen sieniyhteisöjen monimuotoisuuteen. Metsäojituksen fysikaalis-kemiallinen vaikutus erosi purotyypeittäin: pH-neutraaleissa puroissa ojitus pääosin lisäsi pohjan hiekoittumista, kun taas happamissa puroissa veden metallipitoisuudet kasvoivat entisestään. Yleisesti ottaen sekä luonnollisen happamuuden että metsäojituksen vaikutukset näkyivät parhaiten muutoksina eliöyhteisöjen lajikoostumuksessa. Lisäksi ojitetuissa happamissa puroissa hajottajasieniyhteisöjen lajistot olivat keskenään samankaltaisempia ja lehtikarikkeen hajotus hitaampaa kuin muissa purotyypeissä. Metsäojituksen aikaansaama muutos luonnollisesti happamien purojen vesikemiassa näyttää siis olevan jopa merkittävämpi ympäristösuodatin kuin pohjan hiekoittuminen. Luonnollisesti stressattujen elinympäristöjen herkkyys maankäytön muutoksille tulisikin huomioida ympäristön hoidon suunnittelussa nykyistä paremmin.
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Malformation in different species of benthic diatoms in three herbicide polluted streams in southern SwedenSpångfors, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Målet med den här studien var att undersöka kiselalger och dess eventuella missbildningar i tre vattendrag i södra Sverige - Höje å, Skivarpsån och M42. Kiselalger används som bioindikator för vattenkvalitet i hela Europa, men de befintliga kiselalgsindexen visar inte eventuell förekomst av miljöfarliga ämnen. Det har dock visats att en förekomst > 1 % av missbildade kiselalger indikerar påverkan av miljöfarliga ämnen, såsom pesticider och tungmetaller. Denna studie är en av få som har undersökt kiselalgers missbildningar i vattendrag som är mer eller mindre påverkade av herbicider. Sex prov från varje vattendrag analyserades - kiselalger räknades och identifierades till artnivå och missbildningar dokumenterades och kategoriserades. Vattendragen delades in efter PTI (Pesticide Toxicity Index), där Höje å hade lägst PTI och ansågs minst påverkad av herbicider. Skivarpsån och M42 hade högre PTI, och ansågs därför ha en högre herbicidpåverkan. Det fanns en signifikant skillnad i missbildningsfrekvens vattendragen emellan, den kunde dock inte kopplas till PTI. Både Höje å och M42 hade > 1 % missbildningar. Skivarpsåns missbildningsfrekvens var < 1 % trots vattendragets relativt höga PTI. Det är möjligt att missbildningsfrekvensen bättre hade reflekterat PTI om herbicidprovtagningen skett någon månad tidigare, då herbicidhalter kan variera och kiselalger har visat sig kunna spegla ett vattendrags mående upp till tre månader bakåt i tiden. En annan förklaring till en varierande missbildningsfrekvens kan vara en lika varierande artsammansättning. Vissa arter är mindre “benägna” att missbildas än andra - ett prov som domineras av sådana skulle därför kunna innehålla få missbildningar trots eventuell miljögiftspåverkan. Det krävs dock ytterligare studier för att bättre förstå kiselalgers missbildningar i förhållande till herbicider.
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No description available.
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Conformal Coating and Shape-preserving Chemical Conversion of Bio-enabled and Synthetic 3-Dimensional NanostructuresJiaqi Li (9529685) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Impressive examples of the generation of hierarchically-patterned, three-dimensional (3-D) structures for the control of light can be found throughout nature. <i>Morpho rhetenor</i> butterflies, for example, possess scales with periodic parallel ridges, each of which consists of a stack of thin (nanoscale) layers (lamellae). The bright blue color of <i>Morpho</i> butterflies has been attributed to controlled scattering of the incident light by the lamellae of the wing scales. Another stunning example is the frustule (microshell) of the <i>Coscinodiscus wailesii</i> diatom, which is capable of focusing red light without possessing a traditional lens morphology. The photonic structures and the optical behaviors of <i>Morpho</i> butterflies and <i>Coscinodiscus wailesii</i> diatoms have been extensively studied. However, no work has been conducted to shift such light manipulation from the visible to the infrared (IR) range via shape-preserving conversion of such biogenic structures. Controlling IR radiation (i.e., heat) utilizing biogenic or biomimetic structures can be of significant utility for the development of energy-harvesting devices. In order to enhance the optical interaction in the IR range, inorganic replicas of biogenic structures comprised of high-refractive-index materials have been generated in this work. Such replicas of <i>Morpho</i> <i>rhetenor</i> scales were fabricated via a combination of sol-gel solution coating, organic pyrolysis, and gas/solid reaction methods. Diatomimetic structures have also been generated via sol-gel coating, gas/solid reaction, and then patterning of pore arrays using focused ion beam (FIB) milling.</p> Throughout the sol-gel solution coating and chemical conversion steps of the processes developed in this study, attention was paid to preserve the starting shapes of the nanopatterned, microscale biogenic or biomimetic structures. Factors affecting such shape preservation included the thicknesses and uniformities of coatings applied to the biogenic or biomimetic templates, nano/microstructural evolution during thermal treatment, and reaction-induced volume changes. A conformal surface sol-gel (SSG) coating process was developed in this work to generate oxide replicas of <i>Morpho rhetenor</i> butterfly scales with precisely-controlled coating thicknesses. The adsorption kinetics and relevant adsorption isotherm of the SSG process were investigated utilizing a quartz crystal microbalance. Analyses of thermodynamic driving forces, rate-limiting kinetic steps, and volume changes associated with various chemical reactions were used to tailor processing parameters for optimized shape preservation.
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On the role of cell surface associated, mucin-like glycoproteins in the pennate diatom Craspedostauros australis (Bacillariophyceae)Poulsen, Nicole, Hennig, Helene, Geyer, Veikko F., Diez, Stefan, Wetherbee, Richard, Fitz-Gibbon, Sorel, Pellegrini, Matteo, Kröger, Nils 27 February 2024 (has links)
Diatoms are single-celled microalgae with silica-based cell walls (frustules) that are abundantly present in aquatic habitats, and form the basis of the food chain in many ecosystems. Many benthic diatoms have the remarkable ability to glide on all natural or man-made underwater surfaces using a carbohydrate- and protein-based adhesive to generate traction. Previously, three glycoproteins, termed FACs (Frustule Associated Components), have been identified from the common fouling diatom Craspedostauros australis and were implicated in surface adhesion through inhibition studies with a glycan-specific antibody. The polypeptide sequences of FACs remained unknown, and it was unresolved whether the FAC glycoproteins are indeed involved in adhesion, or whether this is achieved by different components sharing the same glycan epitope with FACs. Here we have determined the polypeptide sequences of FACs using peptide mapping by LC–MS/MS. Unexpectedly, FACs share the same polypeptide backbone (termed CaFAP1), which has a domain structure of alternating Cys-rich and Pro-Thr/Ser-rich regions reminiscent of the gel-forming mucins. By developing a genetic transformation system for C. australis, we were able to directly investigate the function of CaFAP1-based glycoproteins in vivo. GFP-tagging of CaFAP1 revealed that it constitutes a coat around all parts of the frustule and is not an integral component of the adhesive. CaFAP1-GFP producing transformants exhibited the same properties as wild type cells regarding surface adhesion and motility speed. Our results demonstrate that FAC glycoproteins are not involved in adhesion and motility, but might rather act as a lubricant to prevent fouling of the diatom surface.
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Reference Diatom Assemblage Response to Transplantation into a Stream Receiving Treatment for Acid Mine Drainage in Southeastern OhioGray, Jonathon B. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Reactive replacement and addition of cations in bioclastic silica and calciteAllan, Shawn Michael 05 May 2005 (has links)
Numerous organisms produce ornately detailed inorganic structures (often known as shells) with features on length scales from 50 nm to several centimeters. One class of such organisms are the diatoms; microscopic algae that form silica frustules. Another group of algae, the coccolithophorids, produce similar calcium carbonate structures. Over 100,000 species comprise these two classes of algae, every one of which is endowed with a unique cytoskeleton structure. Using various types of displacement reactions, the chemistry of the original structure can be modified to produce a new material. Magnesium vapor has been found to displace the silicon in diatom frustules to yield an MgO structure. The conversion has been reported at temperatures from 650°C to 900°C. In the current work, the conversion and processing of silica frustules to MgO was examined in depth. The effect of reaction temperature on grain size and extent of conversion was evaluated. With the goal of obtaining high purity MgO structures, various methods for removing the silicon products of reaction were investigated. Wet chemistry and high temperature vapor etches were evaluated. The MgO reaction served as an intermediate step in the production of magnesium tungstate diatoms, which were imbued with photoluminescent properties. Reactions were identified to allow the conversion of calcium carbonate (calcite) structures to alternative chemistries. Calcite sand-dollars were converted to calcium tungstate or calcium molybdate by aqueous solution chemistry. In this process, sand dollar tests (shells) and coccolithophore frustules were reacted with ammonium para-molybdate or ammonium para-tungstate. The reactions were evaluated for shape preservation, phase purity, and photoluminescence of the structures.
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Sea level change and archaeological site locations on the Dundas Island Archipelago of north coastal British ColumbiaMcLaren, Duncan 01 May 2008 (has links)
Coastal archaeological sites dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene are rare on the northwest coast of North America, as they are in many regions of the world, due to changing environmental factors, in particular glacial isostasy and eustasy, resulting in low visibility and survival of archaeological deposits. This dissertation outlines methods and results used to locate late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological sites on the Dundas Island Archipelago on the Northwest Coast culture area of British Columbia, Coast Tsimshian Territory, where archaeological sites older than 5,000 years BP are not known. Part of the reason for this is that masses of glacial ice accumulated on the Cordilleran Mountains of North America during the last glacial maximum, which depressed mainland coastal regions isostatically in relation to sea levels. As a result of lateral displacement of subcrustal material, areas to the west of the Cordillera bulged and landforms were raised relative to the sea. With deglaciation, the depressed crust began to rebound and the forebulge subsided resulting in rapidly dropping sea levels along the mainland to the east and rapidly rising sea levels along outer coastal islands to the west. These processes occurred in concert with sea levels that began rising eustatically following the last glacial maximum. Between the inner and outer coasts lies the Dundas Island Archipelago. This research project hypothesized that the study area was close to a sea level hinge lying between these two regions with very different sea level histories. With less significant shoreline movement, it was further anticipated that shoreline situated archaeological sites dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene might be found in close proximity, although slightly higher than the present day shoreline. This dissertation addresses the following question: Where are late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological sites situated on the Dundas Island Archipelago? To address this question, this dissertation details the methods and results used to determine a sea-level and vegetation history for the Dundas Island Archipelago and the archaeological prospection that was undertaken along relict shorelines.
Pollen analysis of sediments from a lake core identified a sequence of six vegetation zones beginning before 12,385 BP. Based on diatom identification of cores from four lake basins, combined with supporting indicators, a sea level curve for the Dundas Islands was constructed showing a slow regression of shorelines from 13 m above the barnacle line to present day elevations over the last 12,000 years BP.
Drawing upon these palaeo-environmental data, areas were selected for archaeological survey and prospection. Field testing of these selected areas resulted in the identification of five archaeological sites dating to the early Holocene. These are the first archaeological sites dating older than 5,000 years BP that have been found and dated in Coast Tsimshian Territory. The elevations and radiocarbon dates on all archaeological deposits are consistent with the sea level curve based on palaeo-environmental data points.
Overall, this dissertation draws upon palaeo-environmental methods and results for the purpose of identifying and interpreting archaeological sites situated on raised marine landforms.
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