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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a diatom based index of biotic integrity for acid mine drainage impacted streams

Zalack, Jason T. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Correspondence of Diatoms to Seasonal Changes in Water Parameters in Meander Creek Reservoir

Crawford, Jessica Marie 23 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Ecological modeling of the lower trophic levels of Lake Erie

Zhang, Hongyan 21 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Silica dynamics and retention in the Scheldt tidal river and estuary, Belgium/The Netherlands

Carbonnel, Vincent 16 June 2009 (has links)
Les concentrations en silice dissoute (DSi) et silice particulaire biogène (BSi) ont été mesurées pendant une année complète (en 2003) dans la zone tidale de la rivière Escaut et dans ses tributaires aux limites tidales. Alors que la DSi est restée, dans les tributaires, à des concentrations élevées toute au long de l’année, et que la BSi s’est maintenue à des concentrations faibles, la DSi a été entièrement consommée pendant l’été dans la rivière tidale et les concentrations en BSi ont augmenté. En comparant ces concentrations avec celles de la biomasse des diatomées et de la matière en suspension, il a pu être estimé que la majeure partie de la BSi en été était associée aux diatomées vivantes. Des bilans de masse de la DSi et de ces deux fractions de BSi ont été effectués sur différentes zones de la rivière tidale pendant la période durant laquelle les diatomées se développent (période productive, Mai à Octobre). Ceci a permis l’estimation de la croissance et de la mortalité des diatomées, ainsi que de la sédimentation nette de la BSi durant cette période :la moitié de la DSi apportée par les rivières a été transformée en BSi dans la rivière tidale, et la rétention de la silice y a atteint un tiers des apports fluviaux en silice “totale” (TSi = DSi + BSi). Les flux annuels de silice ont aussi été calculés pour replacer à une échelle annuelle les résultats obtenus pendant la période productive :les rétentions annuelles de DSi et la de TSi ne s élevèrent respectivement qu’à 14 et 6 %.<p>L’échantillonnage de l’estuaire a été effectué sur l’ensemble du gradient de salinité au cours de 11 campagnes réparties sur trois ans (de 2003 à 2005). Du fait du mélange des eaux douces et marines, les concentrations en DSi diminuèrent toujours de l’amont vers l’aval, mais les profils étaient généralement convexes ou concaves. Ils ont été interprétés en les comparant avec ceux obtenus à l’aide de la modélisation du transport conservatif. Les flux à l’embouchure ont aussi pu être recalculés, ce qui a permis de quantifier la consommation ou le relargage de DSi au sein de l’estuaire :un maximum de consommation a été observé au printemps, mais l’estuaire a été une source nette de DSi d’août à décembre. A l’échelle annuelle, 28 % des apports de DSi à l’estuaire ont été consommés.<p>La comparaison des profils de BSi avec ceux de la biomasse des diatomées et ceux de la matière en suspension indiqua que la plupart de la BSi dans l’estuaire était détritique (c’est-à-dire non associée aux diatomées vivantes). Ces résultats ont été confirmés par des expériences d’incorporation de silice radioactive qui, bien que la méthodologie soit complètement différente, apportèrent des résultats comparables. La dynamique complexe de la BSi a donc pu être interprétée à l’aide de celle déjà bien étudiée de la matière en suspension dans l’estuaire de l’Escaut, et un bilan de masse de la BSi dans l’estuaire a pu être établi à partir d’un bilan pour la matière en suspension obtenu de la littérature. En plus de la production de diatomées, l’estuaire a reçu presque autant de BSi de la rivière tidale que de la zone côtière. Ceci induisit que la rétention de TSi dans l’estuaire (59 %) a été plus importante que celle de la DSi.<p>Au final, le système tidal de l’Escaut apparaît comme un filtre important pour la silice :les rétentions globales de DSi et TSi dans ce système s’élevèrent respectivement à 39 et 61 %. La comparaison des dynamiques de la silice dans la rivière tidale et dans l’estuaire mit en évidence l’importance du rôle de l’estuaire. La consommation de DSi et la déposition de BSi par unité de surface étaient certes plus intenses dans la rivière tidale mais, à l’échelle de l’écosystème, les effets y furent limités du fait de sa faible surface comparée à celle de l’estuaire. L’une des observations les plus importantes de cette étude est celle de l’apport net de BSi à l’estuaire depuis la zone côtière, ce qui induisit une importante rétention estuarienne de la silice. Les différences importantes entre les rétentions de DSi et de TSi mettent ainsi en évidence la nécessité de prendre en compte la dynamique de la BSi dans l’étude de celle de la silice. De plus, l’importance de la BSi détritique implique que la dynamique de la BSi ne peut être étudiée de part l’observation seule de celle des diatomées. Enfin, l’apport net de BSi vers l’estuaire à l’embouchure, ainsi que l’origine en grande partie marine des diatomées se développant dans l’estuaire, soulignent l’importance de prendre en compte l’importance des échanges à l’embouchure pour le fonctionnement biogéochimique de la silice dans l’estuaire ;l’estuaire ne doit pas être vu comme un simple filtre à sens unique des espèces dissoutes et particulaires provenant uniquement des rivières en amont.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Biomanipulation for eutrophication control in running waters / Biomanipulation zur Eutrophierungssteuerung in Fließgewässern: Top-down Effekte benthischer Grazer-Schlüsselarten

Schneider, Jana 07 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A good ecological status of streams and rivers is crucial for maintaining ecological functionality of running waters. Worldwide eutrophication threatens to change structure and function of freshwater ecosystems (Dodds et al., 2008). To reduce the symptoms of eutrophication in streams and rivers an additional approach, besides the reduction of external nutrient inputs from catchment areas, is needed. Therefore the goal has been set to transfer the approach of biomanipulation, which is widely accepted as tool in water quality management in lakes and reservoirs, to streams. The objective of this study was accordingly to analyse and evaluate some crucial preconditions for top-down control of stream food webs. For that purpose the present thesis examined effects of fish predation (stone loach and gudgeon) on grazer-periphyton interaction in small streams by assessing predator avoidance by benthic grazers, effects of benthic grazers on periphyton community composition during fish presence/absence and the possibility of top-down control on algal biomass by benthivorous fish.

Revisiting Species Sensitivity Distribution : modelling species variability for the protection of communities / La SSD revisitée : modéliser la variabilité des espèces pour protéger les communautés

Kon Kam King, Guillaume 29 October 2015 (has links)
La SSD (Species Sensitivity Distribution) est une méthode utilisée par les scientifiques et les régulateurs de tous les pays pour fixer la concentration sans danger de divers contaminants sources de stress pour l'environnement. Bien que fort répandue, cette approche souffre de diverses faiblesses sur le plan méthodologique, notamment parce qu'elle repose sur une utilisation partielle des données expérimentales. Cette thèse revisite la SSD actuelle en tentant de pallier ce défaut. Dans une première partie, nous présentons une méthodologie pour la prise en compte des données censurées dans la SSD et un outil web permettant d'appliquer cette méthode simplement. Dans une deuxième partie, nous proposons de modéliser l'ensemble de l'information présente dans les données expérimentales pour décrire la réponse d'une communauté exposée à un contaminant. A cet effet, nous développons une approche hiérarchique dans un paradigme bayésien. A partir d'un jeu de données décrivant l'effet de pesticides sur la croissance de diatomées, nous montrons l'intérêt de la méthode dans le cadre de l'appréciation des risques, de par sa prise en compte de la variabilité et de l'incertitude. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons d'étendre cette approche hiérarchique pour la prise en compte de la dimension temporelle de la réponse. L'objectif de ce développement est d'affranchir autant que possible l'appréciation des risques de sa dépendance à la date de la dernière observation afin d'arriver à une description fine de son évolution et permettre une extrapolation. Cette approche est mise en œuvre à partir d'un modèle toxico-dynamique pour décrire des données d'effet de la salinité sur la survie d'espèces d'eau douce / Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) is a method used by scientists and regulators from all over the world to determine the safe concentration for various contaminants stressing the environment. Although ubiquitous, this approach suffers from numerous methodological flaws, notably because it is based on incomplete use of experimental data. This thesis revisits classical SSD, attempting to overcome this shortcoming. First, we present a methodology to include censored data in SSD with a web-tool to apply it easily. Second, we propose to model all the information present in the experimental data to describe the response of a community exposed to a contaminant. To this aim, we develop a hierarchical model within a Bayesian framework. On a dataset describing the effect of pesticides on diatom growth, we illustrate how this method, accounting for variability as well as uncertainty, provides benefits to risk assessment. Third, we extend this hierarchical approach to include the temporal dimension of the community response. The objective of that development is to remove the dependence of risk assessment on the date of the last experimental observation in order to build a precise description of its time evolution and to extrapolate to longer times. This approach is build on a toxico-dynamic model and illustrated on a dataset describing the salinity tolerance of freshwater species

Diatomees de la conca de l’Ebre: Biodiversitat i estat ecològic de l’aigua

Ortiz Lerín, Roser 25 November 2011 (has links)
Els resultats que es presenten en aquesta tesi estan centrats bàsicament en l'estudi de la biodiversitat de les diatomees epilítiques presents en els rius de la conca de l'Ebre i en la seva aplicació com a indicadores de l'estat ecològic de les masses d'aigua. Durant els mesos d'estiu del 2005 i 2006 es va realitzar el mostreig de la flora de diatomees epilítiques en un total de 197 i 211 estacions, respectivament, pertanyents a la Xarxa de Control de l'Estat de les Masses d'Aigües Superficials (CEMAS) de la Confederació Hidrogràfica de l'Ebre (CHE). Aquests mostrejos van ser impulsats per la CHE amb l'objectiu d'establir xarxes de control biològic, basades en bioindicadors del fitobentos per tal de conèixer l'estat ecològic de les aigües fluvials d'acord amb el que estableix la Directiva Marc de l'Aigua (DMA). La recollida de les mostres, el seu tractament químic i, la quantificació de les espècies per localitat, s'han basat en les normatives estandarditzades europees CEN/TC 230 EN 13946:2003, norma prEN 14407: 2004 i, en els protocols de la CHE per l'avaluació de la qualitat biològica en rius mitjançant diatomees. L'examen de les mostres recollides ha permès la identificació de 499 tàxons, repartits en 91 gèneres, dels quals 492 han estat a nivell específic o infra-específic. Dels tàxons identificats, 361 estan representats en 751 fotografies realitzades al microscopi òptic, agrupats en 25 làmines. Com a particularitats de la flora s'esmenta d'una banda la presència de 7 espècies al•lòctones segons les consideracions principalment de Coste & Ector 2000 Achnanthidium catenatum, A. druartii, Diadesmis confervacea, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphoneis minuta, Navicula kotschyi y Reimeria uniseriata) i per l'altre, la presència en algunes localitats de diverses formes teratològiques que podrien indicar condicions adverses del medi (estrès químic o contaminació), encara que en alguns casos podrien ser originades simplement per causes naturals. Com a resultat de la determinació de l’estat ecològic de les masses d’aigua s'ha comprovat l'aplicació i funcionament òptim dels índexs de diatomees (Index de Pol•lució Específica IPS, Index Biològic de Diatomees IBD i Index Europeu CEE), sent l'IPS l'índex més convenient per la bioindicació de l'aigua a la conca de l'Ebre. No obstant, aquests índexs no reflecteixen prou bé les diferències entre algunes ecoregions de la conca de l'Ebre, com ara les capçaleres calcàries. Tenint en compte els resultats obtinguts amb l'IPS, la proporció de localitats estudiades que complirien amb la DMA en aquests 2 anys d'estudi són bastant similars, seria del <62% pel 2005 i del <64% pel 2006. Els resultats de l'índex de Shannon & Weaver indiquen que la diversitat i la riquesa específica s'ajusta a un model relacionat amb la qualitat del medi. Les correlacions d'aquests paràmetres respecte a variables ambientals (pH, conductivitat, clorurs, amoni, fosfats, nitrats, TSS, oxigen dissolt, altitud de la localitat, corrent, amplada i fondària del riu) i els resultats dels índexs de diatomees (IPS, IBD i CEE) mostren que la diversitat de les comunitats de diatomees en les localitats estudiades augmenta quan empitjora l'estat ecològic, seguint un gradient marcat principalment per l'altitud i la concentració de nutrients. L'estudi de l'ordenació de les comunitats de diatomees epilítiques en els rius de la conca de l'Ebre, tenint en compte les variables ambientals de les localitats estudiades, mostra que la seva distribució seguiria un gradient capçalera-desembocadura, marcat per l’increment progressiu de la mineralització en el que se superposen els efectes de les variables ambientals que es relacionen amb els impactes i els nutrients. Les anàlisis clúster dels inventaris seleccionats distingeixen 7 grups de localitats i 6 grups ecològics diferents de diatomees que responen a les pertorbacions observades i als gradients de mineralització i eutròfia que caracteritzen la conca de l'Ebre. / "Diatoms of the Ebro basin: Biodiversity and ecological state of water" TEXT: The aim of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the taxonomic knowledge of the epilithic diatom flora from the rivers of the Ebro basin and to determinate the water quality status in the studied area using benthic diatoms as indicators. The studied area is located inside the Water Quality Surveillance Network of the Ebro Water Agency, CHE (NE Spain). It includes the Ebro and Garona rivers and all the rivers and streams which run into them in the Spanish territory, mostly over a calcareous and sedimentary substrata. A total of 408 epilithic diatoms samples were collected from different environments and ecoregions within the limits of the network of the Ebro Water Agency, CHE (NE Spain) during the summers of 2005 (197 sites) and 2006 (211 sites). Epilithic diatom were sampled, and then treated to prepare permanent diatoms slides following the standard methods (European Committee for Standardization 2003, 2004). The number of taxa identified in the material studied amounted to 499 (492 a specific or infra specific level), belonging to 91 different genera. 361 taxa are presented in 751 light microscope micrographs regrouped in 25 plates. We noticed the presence of species considered rare or exotic for European freshwaters (Coste & Ector, 2000) such as Diadesmis confervacea; Achnanthidium catenatum, Reimeria uniseriata, Navicula kotschyi, Gomphoneis minuta and Didymosphenia geminata. A few diatoms species presented teratological forms have been detected in some localities. However, we could not find a direct relationship of these forms occurrence and any particular cause. In order to evaluate the water quality assessment, three diatoms indices were applied (Specific Pollution Index IPS, Biological Diatom Index BDI and European Index CEC). All of them correlated significantly with water physical and chemical variables, but SPI achieved better correlations, and is therefore to be the best diatom index to be applied in the Ebro basin, although in some cases it did not properly reflected special situations in this basin as calcareous headwaters. According to the cluster and canonical correspondence analyses, nutrient enrichment (from the headwaters to the mouth), environmental variables and impacts were to be the most important variables structuring diatom communities in the Ebro basin.

Lakes of the Peace-Athabasca Delta: Controls on nutrients, chemistry, phytoplankton, epiphyton and deposition of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs)

Wiklund, Johan Andre January 2012 (has links)
Floodplain lakes are strongly regulated by river connectivity because floodwaters exert strong influence on the water balance, the physical, chemical and biological limnological conditions, and the influx of contaminants. The Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD) in northern Alberta (Canada) is a hydrologically complex landscape and is an important node in the upper Mackenzie River Drainage Basin. The ecological integrity of the PAD is potentially threatened by multiple environmental stressors, yet our understanding of the hydroecology of this large floodplain remains underdeveloped. Indeed, ever since the planning and construction of the WAC Bennett Dam (1960s), concerns have grown over the effects of upstream human activities on the lakes of the PAD. More recently, concerns over the health of the PAD have intensified and come to the fore of national and international dialogue due to water abstraction and mining and processing activities by the rapidly expanding oil sands industry centred in Fort McMurray Alberta. Currently, widespread perception is that upstream human activities have reduced water levels and frequency of flooding at the PAD, which have lowered nutrient availability and productivity of perched basin lakes, and have increased supply of pollutants from oil sands. However, these perceptions remain based on insufficient knowledge of pre-impact conditions and natural variability. Current and past relations between hydrology and limnology of PAD lakes are mostly undocumented, particularly during the important spring freshet period when the effects of river flood waters are strongest. Similarly, knowledge of the deposition of oil-sands- related contaminants in the PAD remains insufficient to determine whether anthropogenic activities have increased the deposition of important oil-sands-related contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) relative to natural processes. Such knowledge gaps must be filled to achieve effective monitoring, policy and governance concerning impacts of industrial development and the protection of human and environmental health within the PAD and Mackenzie drainage basin. This thesis examines the effects of river flooding (and the lack of) on water clarity, nutrients, chemistry, phytoplankton abundance, epiphyton community composition and the deposition of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in lakes of the Peace-Athabasca Delta. To determine the role of flooding on contemporary epiphytic diatom communities (an abundant and diverse guild of primary producers in PAD lakes), a field experiment was conducted examining the community composition and abundance of epiphytic diatoms in four PAD lakes. Two of these four lakes had received floodwaters that spring and two had not. Epiphytic diatom communities in each lake were sampled during the peak macrophyte biomass period (summer) from two macrophyte taxa (Potamogeton zosteriformis, P. perfoliatus var. richardsonii) and from polypropylene artificial substrates previously deployed that spring. A two-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) test identified that epiphytic diatom community composition differed between lakes that flooded and those that did not flood. From the use of similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis, diatom taxa were identified that discriminate between flooded and non-flooded lakes. The relative abundance of ‘strong flood indicator taxa’ was used to construct an event-scale flood record spanning the past ~180 years using analyses of sedimentary diatom assemblages from a closed-drainage lake (PAD 5). Results were verified by close agreement with an independent paleo-flood record from a nearby flood-prone oxbow lake (PAD 54) and historical records. Comparison of epiphytic diatoms in flooded and non-flooded lakes in this study provides a promising approach to detect changes in flood frequency, and may have applications for reconstructing other pulse-type disturbances such as hurricanes and pollutant spills. Additionally, this study demonstrates that artificial substrates can provide an effective bio-monitoring tool for lakes of the PAD and elsewhere. To improve our understanding of the hydrolimnological responses of lake in the PAD to flooding, repeated measurements over three years (2003-05) were made on a series of lakes along a hydrological gradient. This allowed the role of river flooding to be characterized on limnological conditions of lakes and to identify the patterns and timescales of limnological change after flooding. River floodwaters elevate lake water concentrations of suspended sediment, total phosphorus (TP), SO4 and dissolved Si (DSi), and reduce concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), DOC and most ions. River flooding increases limnological homogeneity among lakes, because post-flood conditions are strongly affected by the river water properties. After floodwaters recede, limnological conditions become more heterogeneous among lakes in response to diversity of local basin influences (geology, slope, vegetation, depth, fetch, and biological communities and processes), and limnological changes occur at two distinct timescales. In the weeks to months after flooding, water clarity increases as suspended sediments and TP settle out of the water column. In the absence of flooding for many years to decades, evaporative concentration leads to an increase in most nutrients (TKN, inorganic N, and dissolved P), DOC and ions. Contrary to a prevailing paradigm, these results suggest that regular flooding is not required to maintain high nutrient concentrations. In light of anticipated declines in river discharge, limnological conditions in the southern Athabasca sector will become increasingly less dominated by the short-term effects of flooding, and resemble nutrient- and solute-rich lakes in the northern Peace sector that are infrequently flooded. To determine the roles of the Athabasca River and atmospheric transport as vectors for the deposition of PACs in the PAD, sediment cores spanning the last ~200 years were collected from three lakes within the delta. A closed-drainage basin elevated well above the floodplain (PAD 18) was selected to determine temporal patterns of change in PAC concentration due to atmospheric deposition and within-basin production of PACs. Known patterns of paleohydrological changes at the other two lakes (PAD 23 and 31) were used to assess the role of the Athabasca River in delivering PACs to the Athabasca Delta during the ~200 year. Well- dated sediment core samples were analysed for 52 alkylated and non-alkylated PACs (method EPA 3540/8270-GC/MS). Sediments deposited in the non-flood prone lake (PAD 18) contained lower concentrations of total PACs compared to sediments deposited during flood-prone periods in the other study lakes, and were dominated by PACs of a pyrogenic rather than bitumen origin. Multivariate analysis of similarity tests identified that the composition of PACs differs between sediments deposited during not flood-prone and flood-prone periods. Subsequent Similarities Percentage (SIMPER) analysis was used and identified seven PACs that are preferentially deposited during flood-prone periods. These seven PACs are bitumen-associated, river-transported and account for 51% of the total PACs found in oil-sands sediment. At PAD 31, which has been flood-prone both before and since onset of Athabasca oil sands development, identified no measureable differences in both the proportion and concentration of the river-transported indicator PACs in sediments deposited pre-1940s versus post-1982. Our findings suggest that natural erosion of exposed bitumen along the banks of the Athabasca River and its tributaries is the main process delivering PACs to the Athabasca Delta, and that the spring freshet is a key period for contaminant mobilization and transport. Such key baseline environmental information is essential for informed management of natural resources and human-health concerns by provincial and federal regulatory agencies and industry, and for designing effective long-term monitoring and surveillance programs for the lower Athabasca River watershed in the face of future oil sands development. Further monitoring activities and additional paleolimnological studies of the depositional history of PACs and other oil-sands- and non-oil-sands-related contaminants is strongly recommended. Overall, results of this research identify that river flooding exerts strong control on physical, chemical and biological conditions of lakes within the PAD. However, contrary to prevailing paradigms, the PAD is not a landscape that has been adversely and permanently affected by regulation of the Peace River and industrial development of the oil sands along the Athabasca River. Instead, data from contemporary and paleolimnological studies identify that natural processes continue to dominate the delivery of water and contaminants to the delta. Regular and frequent flooding is not essential to maintain the supply of nutrients and productivity of delta lakes, which has been a widespread paradigm that developed in the absence of objective scientific data. Instead, nutrient concentrations rise over years to decades after flooding and lake productivity increases. During the thesis research, novel approaches were developed and demonstrated to be effective. Namely, new artificial substrate samplers were designed for aquatic biomonitoring that accrue periphyton and can identify the occurrence of flood events. Also, paleolimnological methods were employed to characterize the composition and concentration of PACs supplied by natural processes prior to oil sands industrial activity, which serves as an important benchmark for assessing industrial impacts. These are effective methods that can be employed to improve monitoring programs and scientific understanding of the factors affecting this world-renowned landscape, as well as floodplains elsewhere.

Silicon cycling in the Baltic Sea : Trends and budget of dissolved silica / Kisels kretslopp i Östersjön : Trender och budget av löst kisel

Papush, Liana January 2011 (has links)
The dissolved silicon (DSi) has a crucial role for growth of a large group of primary producers – diatoms and, hence, impact on functioning of the aquatic food web. This thesis contributes to an increased understanding of the modifications of the DSi cycling in the Baltic Sea. The results provide new information about spatial and temporal changes in DSi concentrations and nutrient ratios for the period 1970-2001 as well as during the 20th century. For the period 1970-2001, the declining DSi trends were found at the majority of monitoring stations all over the Baltic Sea. This decrease is assumed to be mainly due to the ongoing eutrophication. It is supported by the increasing trends of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. The trends have implications for the nutrient ratios, DSi:DIN and DSi:DIP, which are important indicators of the state of an ecosystem. The long-term retrospective DSi budget has shown that the DSi concentrations before major hydrological alterations and eutrophication were about twice the present ones. This decrease is related to both eutrophication and anthropogenic perturbations in the catchment. The occurrence of DSi concentrations close to the potentially limiting levels has been also analysed. While DSi concentrations are still high in the northern regions of the Baltic, other areas may be at risk of developing Si limitation if the decrease in DSi concentrations persists. The results depict the Baltic Sea journey from being water body with DSi levels sufficient to support diatom production to one that may experience Si limitation and its adverse ecological consequences. / Löst kisel (DSi) har en viktig roll för tillväxten av en stor grupp av primärproducenter – kiselalger, och därmed även påverkar hela den akvatiska näringskedjan. Denna avhandling bidrar till en ökad förståelse av förändringarna i DSi kretsloppet i Östersjön. Resultaten tillhandahåller ny information om rumsliga och tidsmässiga förändringar i DSi koncentrationer såväl för perioden 1970-2001 som för hela 1900-talet. För perioden 1970-2001 återfanns minskade DSi koncentrationer på mätstationer över hela Östersjön. Minskningen antas främst bero på den pågående övergödningen. Detta antagande stöds av stigande halter av oorganiskt kväve och fosfor. Sammantaget har dessa trender en inverkan på ekosystemets tillstånd och näringsämnenas kvoter, DSi: DIN och DSi: DIP. Ur ett längre tidsperspektiv kan man se att innan övergödningen och de stora hydrologiska ombildningar i Östersjöområdet var DSi koncentrationerna ungefär dubbelt så höga som idag. Dagens förekomst av DSi koncentrationer som ligger nära de potentiellt begränsande nivåerna har också analyserats. DSi koncentrationerna är fortfarande höga i norra delar av Östersjön, men är i andra områden i riskzonen för att utveckla Si begränsning om minskningen av DSi koncentrationer fortsätter. Resultaten skildrar Östersjöns resa från att vara ett havsområde med DSi halter som är tillräckliga för att understödja kiselalgernas produktion till ett sådant som kan uppleva Si begränsning och dess negativa ekologiska konsekvenser.

Community assembly mechanisms in river networks:exploring the effect of connectivity and disturbances on the assembly of stream communities

Sarremejane, R. (Romain) 17 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Community assembly results from a combination of deterministic and stochastic mechanisms, whose relative effects can vary in response to environmental heterogeneity, connectivity, disturbance regimes and anthropogenic stressors. Understanding how community assembly mechanisms vary in response to environmental changes and connectivity is crucial for the management and conservation of river ecosystems. In this thesis, I tested the effects of connectivity and natural flow disturbances on riverine invertebrate communities by assessing assembly mechanism changes in response to (I) habitat connectivity, (II) seasonal flow intermittency and (III) inter–annual hydrological variability. I also conducted a field experiment to test for (IV) the effects of human–induced nutrient enrichment on community assembly of microorganisms (diatoms and aquatic fungi) and stream ecosystem functioning under different environmental settings. Invertebrate community assembly changed gradually with habitat connectivity. While limited dispersal resulted in higher community variability in the most isolated streams, mass effects caused community homogenization in the most connected ones. Natural and human induced disturbances lead to changes in the relative importance of deterministic and stochastic factors but often through different, or even opposite, mechanisms depending on the natural background of the ecosystem and organism type considered. For instance, seasonal drying and high–flow periods in intermittent Mediterranean rivers promoted deterministic and stochastic assembly processes respectively, whereas environmental sorting and stochastic processes respectively dominated during high and low flow years in boreal streams. Diatom and fungal communities responded differently to nutrient enrichment, with detrital processes and fungal communities responding more in naturally acidic than in circumneutral streams. The results of this thesis highlight the complexity of community assembly mechanisms: they tend to be highly context dependent and temporally variable. Therefore, stream bioassessment and conservation will benefit from explicitly incorporating connectivity and natural disturbance regimes. Assessing the interactive effects of connectivity and disturbances at the river network scale would provide a greater understanding of community assembly mechanisms and river ecosystem functioning. / Tiivistelmä Eliöyhteisöjen koostumus heijastelee determinististen ja stokastisten mekanismien vuorovaikutusta. Niiden suhteellinen merkitys vaihtelee suhteessa yhteisöjen kytkeytyneisyyteen sekä luontaisiin ja ihmisen aiheuttamiin häiriöihin. Yhteisöjen säätelymekanismit vaihtelevat jokiverkoston eri osissa ja tietoa tästä vaihtelusta tarvitaan jokiekosysteemien hoidon kehittämiseksi. Tässä tutkielmassa testasin elinympäristöjen kytkeytyneisyyden ja luontaisten häiriöiden (virtaamavaihtelut) vaikutuksia jokien selkärangatonyhteisöihin. Suoritin myös kenttäkokeen, jossa testattiin ihmisen aiheuttaman rehevöitymisen vaikutuksia mikro–organismeihin (piilevät, mikrobit) ja ekosysteemitoimintoihin erilaisissa ympäristöoloissa (luontaisesti happamat vs. neutraalit purot). Selkärangattomien yhteisökoostumus muuttui asteittain jokiverkostossa. Yhteisökoostumuksen vaihtelu oli suurinta eristäytyneimmissä latvapuroissa, kun taas isommissa, uomaston keskivaiheilla sijaitsevissa koskissa voimakas levittäytyminen eri suunnista (ns. massatekijät) aiheutti yhteisöjen rakenteen homogenisoitumista. Kuivuusjaksot ja niitä seuraavat korkean virtaaman jaksot edistivät determinististen prosessien merkitystä Välimeren alueen joissa, kun taas boreaalisissa puroissa Pohjois–Suomessa äärevät virtaamaolot, erityisesti poikkeuksellisen kuivat kesät, edistivät satunnaismekanismien vaikutusta. Perustuottajat (piilevät) ja hajottajat (akvaattiset sienet) vastasivat eri tavoin ravinnelisäykseen. Sienten hajotustoiminta nopeutui ravinnelisäyksen myötä, mutta vain luontaisesti happamissa puroissa. Tämän opinnäytetyön tulokset korostavat yhteisön kokoonpanomekanismien monimutkaisuutta: ne ovat usein erittäin tilanneriippuvaisia ja ajallisesti vaihtelevia. Siksi jokien ekologisen tilan arvioinnissa tulisi huomioida tutkimuspaikkojen kytkeytyneisyys jokimaisemassa.

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