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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing communication methods used by tour operators in Gauteng

Van der Merwe, Michelle Caroline 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine which marketing communication methods tour operators in Gauteng, registered with SATSA, utilise. Tour operators aim to enhance tourist experiences. Companies need to be exposed to the marketplace to attract and keep business, thus marketing communication methods used by tourism organisations are examined at length. The results for the study were obtained using a web-based questionnaire. Main findings include the fact that SATSA-registered tour operators frequently use interactive media, direct marketing and advertising. Word of mouth was continually regarded as an important marketing communication method. The larger the company, the more likely it is to use advertising. Interactive media can be used by small and large companies alike. Many marketing communication methods that are used frequently were not deemed to be efficient. One may therefore conclude that SATSA-registered tour operators in Gauteng prefer to use interactive media. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

Measurement of direct response advertising in the financial services industry : a new metrics model

Friedrich, Fränzo Otto 06 1900 (has links)
Direct response advertising in the financial services industry in South Africa has become one of the most important tactics companies utilise to build and maintain market share. Ensuring that these advertising campaigns yield optimal return on investment numbers is the responsibility of marketing departments and their partners in the marketing and sales processes, such as the creative and media agencies, the distribution force, as well as the client service area that supports the client value proposition. The marketing executive therefore is accountable for the planning, budgeting and execution of direct response campaigns, which need to deliver sufficient results to support the company’s overall business objectives. The challenge all marketers face is the lack of a proven structured and scientific methodology to facilitate this planning, budgeting and execution process. It has always been a general view in the marketing fraternity that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to combine creative output measures, which are subjective in nature, with cost, sales and profit measures, which are objective in nature. This study aims to create a structured approach to marketing strategising and planning, by creating a marketing metrics model that enables the marketing practitioner to budget according to output needed to achieve the overarching business objectives of sales, cost management and profit. This marketing metrics model therefore unpacks the business drivers in detail, but through a marketing effort lense, to link the various factors underlying successful marketing output, to the bigger business objectives. This is done by incorporating both objective (verifiable data, such as cost per sale) and subjective variables (qualitative factors, such as creative quality) into a single model, which enables the marketing practitioner to identify areas of underperformance, which can then be managed, tweaked or discontinued in order to optimise marketing return on investment. Although many marketing metrics models and variables exist, there is a gap in the combination of objective and subjective factors in a single model, such as the proposed model, which will give the marketer a single tool to plan, analyse and manage the output in relation to pre-determined performance benchmarks. / Business Management / DCOM (Business Management)


周紋祺, Chou, Wen-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行銷方式由大眾行銷演進至區隔行銷,現今已進入1-1行銷的時代。由於媒體廣告的過多,其實際的廣告效果已漸受質疑。行銷的手法不再是拍一支好的廣告片就可以擄獲所有消費者的購買,加上社會結構、型態的改變,科技的突飛猛進,消費者可選擇的產品種類愈來愈多,因此行銷競爭壓力更甚以往,而如何「有效」吸引消費者的購買便成為今日企業的重要課題。「資料庫行銷」的導入,可以透過有系統的分析,更精確地鎖定目標客群,進而從節省行銷成本與提升銷售業績雙方面,替公司帶來良好的利潤貢獻,也解決了企業銷售上的困境。 本研究屬於探索性研究,全文共分為六個章節。從資料庫行銷的相關議題方面探究,經過文獻探討、融入實務經驗、產生研究架構,並做為個案研究的訪談依據,以了解現行金融業在資料蒐集、資料庫軟硬體上的選用考量與管理、資料分析方法的運用程度、行銷計劃的執行及售後顧客管理上的態度與手法。整體架構在透過四家銀行:陽信商業銀行、中國信託商銀、玉山銀行及匯豐銀行的實證後,發現架構的適用性極高,充分兼顧了學理與實用性。另一面,環顧過去許多文獻中有關資料庫行銷的整體規劃模式,在構面上均多少有所不足。因此本研究乃融合文獻中之許多說法及實務運作所發展出,以補坊間書籍之缺。而在行銷作法上乃將傳統行銷學理的精神轉化為實際可執行的行動,分別從「潛在顧客開發」與「現有顧客滲透」兩方面依序開列步驟,更利從業人員落實資料庫行銷的執行。 經由第四章的研究分析可發現,目前國內在資料庫行銷的導入上尚未臻成熟,以金融業為例,中國信託商銀挾龐大信用卡顧客資料,加上公司本身的積極投入與耕耘,目前在這方面的發展腳步居領先優勢。因此資料庫行銷帶來的績效使金融同業莫不領會到導入此作法的必要性。以目前行銷手法觀之,外國銀行原先的資料庫行銷優勢將漸被本國銀行趕上,而本國銀行在售後顧客管理上又不如外國銀行佳。 理論架構的發展雖極具實用性,惟發展之過程仍不免有抽樣及深度等客觀因素上的限制。在後續研究上,建議未來的研究學人可自架構中個別議題上深入研究、或分析不同銀行對相同金融商品採資料庫行銷後的成果差異、或選個別單一公司做導入前後的研究,真正驗證資料庫行銷模式引進後的實際差異。

台灣壽險業消費者行為 / The consumer behavior in buying life insurance in Taiwan

蔡英哲, Tsai, Ying-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對曾經以直效行銷方式購買保險的台灣地區消費者,根據各縣市人口比例進行隨機分層抽樣,共發出問卷5066份回收有效問卷913份,並以PZB衡量服務品質模型中的感受的服務 (Perceived Service) 變數做為區隔市場的基礎。經多變量統計分析,將DM、TM、Agent三個行銷管道中各自區隔出三種消費族群;銀行保險管道區隔出四個消費集群。每一個集群配合卡方檢定,對購買壽險的「利益因素」與構成知覺風險高低因素中的「價格/意願」、「商品知識/偏好」「態度/涉入」、「訊息來源/管道偏好」與「人口統計變數」共六個行為變數來解釋集群的行為特徵。研究發現: 1. DM管道消費者(831人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為便宜、保險是理財套餐一部份、透過其他商品而購買;在「商品知識/偏好」為終身險、儲蓄險、重大疾病險、團體險、意外險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢、與接觸訊息時點有關;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、郵局;在「人口統計變數」為年齡集中於23~37歲(71%)、教育程度集中於高中~大學(89%)、居住地區北部(39%)、南部(30%)、中部(26%)。 2. TM管道消費者(57人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為保險是理財套餐一部份、透過介紹後喜歡並購買;在「商品知識/偏好」為終身險、儲蓄險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、TM;在「人口統計變數」為男性居多(68%)。 3. Agent管道消費者(839人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為購買程序方便、信賴金融機構知名度;在「商品知識/偏好」為重大疾病險、團體險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為是否有專人服務與諮詢、與接觸時點有關、保障內容保費高低、接觸與了解的過程、售後服務、購後滿意程度;在「訊息來源/管道偏好」為業務員、金融機構櫃檯;在「人口統計變數」為年齡集中於23~44歲(83%)、教育程度集中於高中~大學(88%)、職業以民營職員、自由業、自營商人、公教人員。 4. 銀行保險管道消費者(101人)的行為特徵在「利益因素」為信賴金融機構知名度;在「商品知識/偏好」為儲蓄險;在「態度/涉入」重視的為購後滿意程度;在「人口統計變數」為家庭收入9萬以下(80%)、婚姻狀況已婚佔55%。 / This paper investigates the Taiwan's consumers who ever bought insurance by way of direct marketing channel. According to both of random stratified sampling and the proportion of each state's populations, we mail out 5066 articles of questionnaire and gain the 913 effective responses totally. The variable of segment is "perceived service" which is from the PZB model of 1994's version. With the multivariate analysis, we get 3 clusters on each marketing channel of DM, TM, Agent, and 4 clusters on Bancassurance. To each cluster, we apply χ2 Test to test whether it is significant to those behavior factors which are "Interest for buying insurance", "Price/Intention", "Product knowledge/Preference", "Attitude/Involvement", "Information/Channel", and "Population profile". ┌────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐ │ │Interest │Price/ │Product │Attitude/ │Informati-│Population│ │ │buying │Intention │knowledge/│Involveme-│on/Channel│profile │ │ │insurance │ │Preference│nt │ │ │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │DM │Cheaper, │ │Whole life│Consultant│Agent,post│Age │ │ │One stop │ │, Endowme-│exist or │office │between 23│ │ │shopping, │ │nt Dread │not, The │ │and 37, │ │ │Cross │ │disease, │dealing │ │education │ │ │buying │ │group │moment, │ │between │ │ │ │ │insurance,│ │ │high │ │ │ │ │accident, │ │ │school and│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │university│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │resident │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │area on │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │north, │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │middle of │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Taiwan │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │TM │One stop │ │Whole │ │Agent │Male(68%)│ │ │shopping, │ │life, │ │ │ │ │ │Acceptance│ │Endowment,│ │ │ │ │ │after │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │explanati-│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │on │ │ │ │ │ │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │Agent │Convention│ │Group life│Consultant│Agnet, │Age betwe-│ │ │, Trust │ │, Dread │exist or │Bancassur-│en 23 and │ │ │ │ │disease, │not, The │ance, │44, Educa-│ │ │ │ │ │dealing │ │tion │ │ │ │ │ │moment, │ │between │ │ │ │ │ │Contents │ │high scho-│ │ │ │ │ │and price,│ │ol and │ │ │ │ │ │The deali-│ │university│ │ │ │ │ │ng process│ │, │ ├────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┤ │Bancass-│Trust, │ │Endowment │Emphasis │ │Family │ │urance │ │ │ │the satis-│ │income │ │ │ │ │ │faction │ │below │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │NT90000, │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │married │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │(55%), │ └────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘

Kundenzufriedenheit bei der Direktvermarktung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte in Deutschland / Entwicklung eines integrierten Beratungskonzeptes / Customer satisfaction and the direct marketing of agricultural products in Germany / The development of an integrated consulting concept

Hasan, Yousra 09 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.


HUGO LEONARDO COSTA DE AZEVEDO 28 August 2001 (has links)
[pt] Devido à quantidade cada vez maior de dados armazenada pelas instituições, a área de mineração de dados tem se tornado cada vez mais relevante e vários métodos e métodos têm sido propostos de maneira a aumentar sua aplicabilidade e desempenho. Esta dissertação investiga o uso de diversos métodos e técnicas de mineração de dados na modelagem e solução de problemas de Marketing. O objetivo do trabalho foi fazer um levantamento de alguns métodos e técnicas de mineração, avaliar seus desempenhos e procurar integrá-los na solução de problemas de marketing que envolvessem tarefas de agrupamento ou classificação. O trabalho consistiu de quatro etapas principais: estudo sobre o processo de descoberta de conhecimento em bancos de dados (KDD - Knowledge Discovery in Databases); estudo sobre Marketing e alguns problemas de Marketing de Banco de Dados (DBM - Database Marketing) que envolvessem tarefas de agrupamento e classificação; levantamento e estudo de métodos e técnicas de Inteligência Computacional e Estatística que pudessem ser empregados na solução de alguns desses problemas; e estudos de caso. A primeira etapa do trabalho envolveu um estudo detalhado das diversas fases do processo de KDD: limpeza dos dados; seleção; codificação e transformação; redução de dimensionalidade; mineração; e pós-processamento. Na segunda etapa foram estudados os principais conceitos de Marketing e de DBM e a relação entre eles e o processo de KDD. Pesquisaram-se alguns dos tipos de problemas comuns na área e escolheram- se para análise dois que fossem suficientemente complexos e tivessem a possibilidade de se ter acesso a alguma empresa que fornecesse os dados e validasse a solução posteriormente. Os casos selecionados foram um de marketing direto e outro de segmentação de mercado. Na terceira etapa, foram estudados os métodos de Inteligência Computacional e Estatística usualmente empregados em tarefas de agrupamento e classificação de dados. Foram estudados: Redes Perceptron Multi-Camadas, Mapas Auto- Organizáveis, Fuzzy C-Means, K-means, sistemas Neuro-Fuzzy, Árvores de Decisão, métodos Hierárquicos de agrupamento, Regressão Logística, Fuções Discriminantes de Fisher, entre outros. Por fim, na última etapa, procurou-se integrar todos os métodos e técnicas estudados na solução de dois estudos de caso, propostos inicialmente na segunda etapa do trabalho. Uma vez proposta a solução para os estudos de caso, elas foram levadas aos especialistas em Marketing das empresas para serem validadas no âmbito do negócio. Os estudos de caso mostraram a grande utilidade e aplicabilidade dos métodos e técnicas estudadas em problemas de marketing direto e segmentação de mercado. Sem o emprego dos mesmos, a solução para muitos desses problemas tornar-se-ia extremamente imprecisa ou até mesmo inviável. Mostraram também a grande importância das fases iniciais de pré-processamento dos dados no processo de KDD. Muitos desafios persistem ainda na área de mineração de dados, como a dificuldade de modelar dados não lineares e de manipular quantidades muito grande de dados, o que garante um vasto campo para pesquisa nos próximos anos. / [en] The Data Mining field has received great attention lately, due to the increasing amount of data stored by companies and institutions. A great number of Data Mining methods have been proposed so far, which is good but sometimes leads to confusion. This dissertation investigates the performance of many different methods and techniques of Data Mining used to model and solve Marketing problems. The goal of this research was to look for and study some data mining methods, compare them, and try to integrate them to solve Marketing problems involving clustering and classification tasks. This research can be divided in four stages: a study of the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD); a study about Marketing problems involving clustering and classification; a study of some methods and techniques of Statistics and Computational Intelligence that could be used to solve some of those problems; and case studies. On the first stage of the research, the different tasks (clustering, classification, modeling, etc) and phases (data cleansing, data selection, data transformation, Data Mining, etc) of a KDD process were studied in detail. The second stage involved a study of the main concepts of Marketing and Database Marketing and their relation to the KDD process. The most common types of problems in the field were studied and, among them, two were selected to be furthered analyzed as case studies. One case was related to Direct Marketing and the other to Market Segmentation. These two cases were chosen because they were complex enough and it was possible to find a company to provide data to the problem and access to their marketing department. On the third stage, many different methods for clustering and classification were studied and compared. Among those methods, there were: Multilayer Perceptrons, Self Organizing Maps, Fuzzy C-Means, K-Means, Neuro-Fuzzy systems, Decision Trees, Hierarquical Clustering Methods, Logistic Regression, Fisher`s Linear Discriminants, etc Finally, on the last stage, all the methods and techniques studied were put together to solve the two case studies proposed earlier. Once they were solved, their solutions were submitted to the Marketing Department of the company who provided the data, so that they could validate the results in the context of their business. The case studies were able to show the large potential of applicability of the methods and techniques studied on problems of Market Segmentation and Direct Marketing. Without employing those methods, it would be very hard or even impossible to solve those problems. The case studies also helped verify the very important role of the data pre-processing phase on the KDD process. Many challenges persist in the data mining field. One could mention, for example, the difficulty to model non-linear data and to manipulate larges amounts of data. These and many other challenges provide a vast field of research to be done in the next years. / [es] Debido a la cantidad cada vez mayor de datos almacenados por las instituiciones, el área de mineración de datos há ganado relevancia y varios métodos han sido propuestos para aumentar su aplicabilidad y desempeño. Esta disertación investiga el uso de diversos métodos y técnicas de mineración de datos en la modelación y solución de problemas de Marketing. EL objetivo del trabajo fue hacer un levantamiento de algunos métodos y técnicas de mineración, evaluar su desempeño e integrarlos en la solución de problemas de marketing que involucran tareas de agrupamiento y clasificación. EL trabajo consta de cuatro etapas principales: estudio sobre el proceso de descubrimiento de conocimientos en bancos de datos (KDD - Knowledge Discovery in Databases); estudio sobre Marketing y algunos problemas de Marketing de Banco de Datos (DBM - Database Marketing) que incluyen tareas de agrupamientoy clasificación; levantamiento y estudio de métodos y técnicas de Inteligencia Computacional y Estadística que pueden ser empleados en la solución de algunos problemas; y por último, estudios de casos. La primera etapa del trabajo contiene un estudio detallado de las diversas fases del proceso de KDD: limpeza de datos; selección; codificación y transformación; reducción de dimensionalidad; mineración; y posprocesamento. En la segunda etapa fueron estudados los principales conceptos de Marketing y de DBM y la relación entre ellos y el proceso de KDD. Algunos de los tipos de problemas comunes en la área fueron investigados, seleccionando dos de ellos, por ser suficientemente complejos y tener posibilidad de acceso a alguna empresa que suministrase los datos y evaluase posteriormente la solución. Los casos selecionados fueron uno de marketing directo y otro de segmentación de mercado. En la tercera etapa, se estudiaron los métodos de Inteligencia Computacional y Estadística que son empleados usualmente en tareas de agrupamiento y clasificación de datos. Éstos fueron: Redes Perceptron Multicamada, Mapas Autoorganizables, Fuzzy C-Means, K-means, sistemas Neuro- Fuzzy, Árboles de Decisión, métodos Jerárquicos de agrupamiento, Regresión Logística, Fuciones Discriminantes de Fisher, entre otros. En la última etapa, se integraron todos los métodos y técnicas estudiados en la solución de dos estudios de casos, propuestos inicialmente en la segunda etapa del trabajo. Una vez proposta la solución para el estudios de casos, éstas fueron evaluadas por los especialistas en Marketing de las empresas. Los estudios de casos mostraron la grande utilidad y aplicabilidad de los métodos y técnicas estudiadas en problemas de marketing directo y segmentación de mercado. Sin el empleo de dichos métodos, la solución para muchos de esos problemas sería extremadamente imprecisa o hasta incluso inviáble. Se comprobó también la gran importancia de las fases iniciales de preprocesamiento de datos en el proceso de KDD. Existen todavía muchos desafíos en el área de mineración de datos, como la dificuldad de modelar datos no lineales y de manipular cantidades muy grandes de datos, lo que garantiza un vasto campo de investigación

Marketing communication methods used by tour operators in Gauteng

Van der Merwe, Michelle Caroline 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine which marketing communication methods tour operators in Gauteng, registered with SATSA, utilise. Tour operators aim to enhance tourist experiences. Companies need to be exposed to the marketplace to attract and keep business, thus marketing communication methods used by tourism organisations are examined at length. The results for the study were obtained using a web-based questionnaire. Main findings include the fact that SATSA-registered tour operators frequently use interactive media, direct marketing and advertising. Word of mouth was continually regarded as an important marketing communication method. The larger the company, the more likely it is to use advertising. Interactive media can be used by small and large companies alike. Many marketing communication methods that are used frequently were not deemed to be efficient. One may therefore conclude that SATSA-registered tour operators in Gauteng prefer to use interactive media. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

Measurement of direct response advertising in the financial services industry : a new metrics model

Friedrich, Fränzo Otto 06 1900 (has links)
Direct response advertising in the financial services industry in South Africa has become one of the most important tactics companies utilise to build and maintain market share. Ensuring that these advertising campaigns yield optimal return on investment numbers is the responsibility of marketing departments and their partners in the marketing and sales processes, such as the creative and media agencies, the distribution force, as well as the client service area that supports the client value proposition. The marketing executive therefore is accountable for the planning, budgeting and execution of direct response campaigns, which need to deliver sufficient results to support the company’s overall business objectives. The challenge all marketers face is the lack of a proven structured and scientific methodology to facilitate this planning, budgeting and execution process. It has always been a general view in the marketing fraternity that it is extremely difficult if not impossible to combine creative output measures, which are subjective in nature, with cost, sales and profit measures, which are objective in nature. This study aims to create a structured approach to marketing strategising and planning, by creating a marketing metrics model that enables the marketing practitioner to budget according to output needed to achieve the overarching business objectives of sales, cost management and profit. This marketing metrics model therefore unpacks the business drivers in detail, but through a marketing effort lense, to link the various factors underlying successful marketing output, to the bigger business objectives. This is done by incorporating both objective (verifiable data, such as cost per sale) and subjective variables (qualitative factors, such as creative quality) into a single model, which enables the marketing practitioner to identify areas of underperformance, which can then be managed, tweaked or discontinued in order to optimise marketing return on investment. Although many marketing metrics models and variables exist, there is a gap in the combination of objective and subjective factors in a single model, such as the proposed model, which will give the marketer a single tool to plan, analyse and manage the output in relation to pre-determined performance benchmarks. / Business Management / DCOM (Business Management)

Investigating the marketing communication practices of car dealerships in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Makgopa, Sipho Selatole 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the marketing communication practices of car dealerships, in order to identify what factors are considered in the selection of the marketing communication mix incorporated in the marketing communication strategy. Furthermore, identify and establish an understanding of the marketing communication mix elements used by car dealerships in their marketing communication strategies. A qualitative research approach was followed in this paper. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with marketing personnel of various car dealerships in Gauteng, South Africa. In this paper, a qualitative content analysis was followed, and Atlas.ti version 10 computer software was used to generate themes. The study uncovered that car dealerships use various marketing communication mix elements to achieve their marketing communication objectives, such as creating dealership brand awareness, stimulating sales, and closing sales transactions. The study revealed also uncovered that internet is also used by car dealerships in executing marketing communication strategies. The study revealed the internal and external factors considered in planning and executing marketing communication strategies and campaigns. The study further discovered that these marketing communication elements are not used in isolation, but support each other in conveying marketing messages that lead to the attainment of various marketing communication objectives. The findings revealed that despite the use of radio and print media, social media types are increasingly being used by dealerships to share information with existing customers and potential customers regarding the dealerships‟ products and special offers, although the use of social media platforms varied. The study also discovered that car dealerships experience some challenges in planning and executing marketing communication strategies and campaigns. Recommendations to stakeholders in the motor industry and future research directions are provided. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Analýza efektivity vybrané marketingové kampaně / Analysis of the effectiveness of the selected marketing campaign

Harutjunjan, Ani January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected marketing campaign in the area of telecommunications, on the basis of defining basic criteria for success of the marketing campaign as part of the communications plan of the company. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on defining the fundamental components of the marketing and the communication mix. Furthermore, theoretical part covering the approaches, methods and indicators for measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, serves as a theoretical basis to schedule and implement the practical part. The practical part deals with the marketing and creative concept and the communication strategy of the campaign O2 Extra výhody of Telefónica Czech Republic. The effectiveness of the campaign is evaluated on the basis of the primary research using the questionnaire and also on the basis of the secondary data available from Telefónica CR.

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