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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacijos apie ES valdymas ir sklaida Lietuvoje / Administration and dissemination of the EU information in Lithuania

Mažeikienė, Liauda 04 August 2009 (has links)
Darbo objektas - atsakingų už informacijos apie ES valdymą ir sklaidą Lietuvoje institucijų veikla ir bendradarbiavimas. Darbo tikslas – ištirti informacijos apie ES valdymo ir sklaidos Lietuvoje pagrindinius bruožus bei atskleisti institucijų, koordinuojančių informaciją apie ES Lietuvoje vaidmenį. Darbo uždaviniai: identifikuoti informacijos ir žinių vadybos viešajame sektoriuje teorinius aspektus; aptarti ES komunikacijos politikos ypatumus; išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikoje skleidžiamos informacijos apie ES šaltinius, institucijas; ištirti informaciją apie ES skleidžiančių institucijų veiklos ypatumus ir darbo efektyvumą. Darbo metodai - dvejopo pobūdžio kokybinių tyrimų metodai: pusiau struktūruoto giluminio interviu metodu atlikti 8 giluminiai interviu; el. paštu atlikti interviu, kai atsakymai buvo pateikiami raštu, atlikti 6 interviu. Taip pat mokslinės literatūros bei teisės aktų analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai: Lietuvoje yra sukonstruotas instituciškai stiprus ES komunikacijos politikos įgyvendinimo modelis, pagrįstas organizacijų bei institucijų valdančių ir skleidžiančių informaciją apie ES tinklu. Egzistuoja trilypis institucinis pasiskirstymas: ES lygmens atstovai, nacionalinės vyriausybės institucijos bei įvairūs info tinklai ir centrai; Regioniniu lygmeniu informacija apie ES yra skleidžiama per itin konstruktyviai parengtą institucinę sistemą Lietuvoje. Informacijos tinklas veikia kaip sąsaja tarp ES ir jos piliečių vietos lygmeniu; Tarpinstitucinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the thesis – institutions responsible for the administration and dissemination of the EU information in Lithuania, their activities of cooperation. Aim of the thesis - to explore the main features of the administration and dissemination of the EU information in Lithuania and to identify the role of the institutions, coordinating information on the EU in Lithuania. Main tasks: to identify the theoretical aspects of information and knowledge management in public sector; to discuss the EU's communication policy features; to consider in the Republic of Lithuania disseminating information on the sources, authorities, investigate the spread of information on the EU institutions' activities and features of the performance. Methods of the research - the dual nature of qualitative research methods: a semi-structured in-depth interview method, were made 8 in-depth interviews; e-mail interview, the answers were given in writing by 6 interviews. As well as the scientific literature and legislative analysis. The results of the research: Lithuania has built a strong institutional EU communication policy model based on organizations and institutions operating and spreading information throughout the constructive network. There is a triple institutional distribution: EU-level representatives, national government authorities and the various networks and the info centers. At a regional level, information about the EU is disseminated through constructive Lithuania's institutional... [to full text]

La protection des données personnelles contenues dans les documents publics accessibles sur Internet : le cas des données judiciaires

Duaso Calés, Rosario 12 1900 (has links)
Les bouleversements engendrés par les nouveaux moyens de communication des données publiques de même que les multiples possibilités offertes par le réseau Internet, telles que le stockage des informations, la mémoire sans faille et l'utilisation des moteurs de recherche, présentent des enjeux majeurs liés à la protection de la vie privée. La diffusion des données publiques en support numérique suscite un changement d'échelle dans le temps et dans l'espace et elle modifie le concept classique de publicité qui existait dans l'univers papier. Nous étudierons les moyens de respecter le droit à la vie privée et les conditions d'accès et d'utilisation des données personnelles, parfois à caractère sensible, contenues dans les documents publics diffusés sur Internet. Le cas particulier des données accessibles dans les banques de données judiciaires exige des solutions particulières : il s'agit de trouver l'équilibre nécessaire entre le principe de transparence judiciaire et le droit à la vie privée. / The upheavals generated by the new means of disseminating public data, together with the multiple possibilities offered by the Internet, such as information storage, comprehensive memory tools and the use of search engines, give rise to major issues related to privacy protection. The dissemination of public data in digital format causes a shift in our scales of time and space, and changes the traditional concept ofpublic nature previously associated with the "paper" universe. We will study the means of protecting privacy, and the conditions for accessing and using the personal information, sometimes of a "sensitive" nature, which is contained in the public documents posted on the Internet. The characteristics of the information available through judicial data banks require special protection solutions, so that the necessary balance can be found between the principle of judicial transparency and the right to privacy. / "Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit (LL.M.)"

Diffusion du droit et Internet en Afrique de l'ouest

Tagodoe, Amavi 08 1900 (has links)
L'accès au droit en Afrique de l'Ouest est difficile et restreint, et cela pour de nombreuses raisons. Parmi celles-ci peut être citée la faible diffusion papier des ressources juridiques nationales, qui est en partie due au manque de moyens matériels et financiers. Or, depuis une dizaine d'années, des projets de diffusion des ressources juridiques via Internet se développent, donnant ainsi un accès libre aux informations juridiques publiques. Ce mode de diffusion du droit représente une alternative pour les États africains, leur permettant de bâtir de nouvelles stratégies favorisant l'accès au droit. Néanmoins, ce nouveau mode de diffusion du droit fait ressurgir une réflexion relative à la nature plurale des droits ouest africains et de la place des droits originellement africains dans ces nouvelles stratégies. La présente analyse montre que l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies, telles qu'Internet, dans des stratégies de diffusion du droit est pertinente, à la condition que les États africains redéfinissent leur culture juridique, en prenant en considération les sources originellement africaines afin qu'elles prennent place dans la diffusion du droit via Internet. / Access to legal information in West Africa is difficult and restricted because of a weak dissemination network. The insufficient publication and distribution of national legal resources can partly be attributed to a lack of financial and material resources. Over the past ten years, legal resource publication projects on the Web have been developed to offer free access to public legal information. This type of document dissemination model represents an alternative solution for African States by allowing them to elaborate new strategies to increase legal information dissemination. This new law publishing model, however, has brought about the need to reconsider the pluralistic nature of West African laws and the place these originally African laws occupy within the new strategies being put forth. The following analysis demonstrates how the use of new technologies such as the Internet has proven to be relevant for legal resource publication and distribution insofar as African states always take into consideration originally African sources when redefining their legal cultures through the dissemination of their laws via the Internet. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit des technologies de l'information"

Multimedia Delivery over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Xing, Min 29 April 2015 (has links)
There is an increasing demand for multimedia services in heterogeneous wireless networks. Considering the highly dynamic wireless channels and the relatively large size of the multimedia data, how to support efficient and reliable multimedia delivery is a pressing issue. In this dissertation, we investigate the multimedia delivery algorithms in heterogeneous wireless networks from three different aspects. First, we study the single-flow rate adaptation of video streaming algorithm over multiple wireless interfaces. In order to maintain high video streaming quality while reducing the wireless service cost, the optimal video streaming process with multiple links is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). The reward function is designed to consider the quality of service (QoS) requirements for video traffic, such as the startup latency, playback fluency, average playback quality, playback smoothness and wireless service cost. To solve the MDP in real time, we propose an adaptive, best-action search algorithm to obtain a sub-optimal solution. To evaluate the performance of the proposed adaptation algorithm, we implemented a testbed using the Android mobile phone and the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) codec and conducted experiments with real video flow. Then, with the multiple multimedia flows competing for limited wireless resources, we propose a utility-based scheduling algorithm for multimedia transmission in Drive-thru Internet. A utility model is devised to map the throughput to user's satisfaction level in terms of multimedia data quality, such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of video. The objective of the scheduling problem is to maximize the total utility. Then the optimization problem is formulated as a finite-state decision problem with the assumption that future arrival information is known, and it is solved by a searching algorithm as the benchmark. To obtain a real-time solution, a practical heuristic algorithm based on the concept of utility potential is devised. We further implemented the solution and conducted extensive simulations using NS-3. Finally, the multimedia dissemination problem in large-scale VANETs is investigated. We first utilize a hybrid-network framework to address the mobility and scalability issues in large-scale VANETs content distribution. Then, we formulate a utility-based maximization problem to find the best delivery strategy and select an optimal path for the multimedia data dissemination, where the utility function has taken the delivery delay, the Quality of Services (QoS) and the storage cost into consideration. We obtain the closed-form of the utility function, and then obtain the optimal solution of the problem with the convex optimization theory. Finally, we conducted extensive trace-driven simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm with real traces collected by taxis in Shanghai. In summary, the research outcomes of the dissertation can contribute to three different aspects of multimedia delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks. First, we have proposed a real-time rate adaptation algorithm for video streaming with multiple wireless interfaces, to maintain the high quality while reducing the wireless services cost. Second, we have presented an optimal scheduling algorithm which can maximize the total satisfaction for multimedia transmission in Drive-thru Internet. Third, we have derived the theoretical analysis of the utility functions including delivery delay, QoS and the storage cost, and have obtained an optimal solution for multimedia data dissemination in large-scale VANETs to achieve the highest utility. / Graduate / 0984 / 0544

Hardware Architecture of an XML/XPath Broker/Router for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Data Dissemination Systems

El-Hassan, Fadi 25 February 2014 (has links)
The dissemination of various types of data faces ongoing challenges with the growing need of accessing manifold information. Since the interest in content is what drives data networks, some new technologies and thoughts attempt to cope with these challenges by developing content-based rather than address-based architectures. The Publish/ Subscribe paradigm can be a promising approach toward content-based data dissemination, especially that it provides total decoupling between publishers and subscribers. However, in content-based publish/subscribe systems, subscriptions are expressive and the information is often delivered based on the matched expressive content - which may not deeply alleviate considerable performance challenges. This dissertation explores a hardware solution for disseminating data in content-based publish/subscribe systems. This solution consists of an efficient hardware architecture of an XML/XPath broker that can route information based on content to either other XML/XPath brokers or to ultimate users. A network of such brokers represent an overlay structure for XML content-based publish/subscribe data dissemination systems. Each broker can simultaneously process many XPath subscriptions, efficiently parse XML publications, and subsequently forward notifications that result from high-performance matching processes. In the core of the broker architecture, locates an XML parser that utilizes a novel Skeleton CAM-Based XML Parsing (SCBXP) technique in addition to an XPath processor and a high-performance matching engine. Moreover, the broker employs effective mechanisms for content-based routing, so as subscriptions, publications, and notifications are routed through the network based on content. The inherent reconfigurability feature of the broker’s hardware provides the system architecture with the capability of residing in any FPGA device of moderate logic density. Furthermore, such a system-on-chip architecture is upgradable, if any future hardware add-ons are needed. However, the current architecture is mature and can effectively be implemented on an ASIC device. Finally, this thesis presents and analyzes the experiments conducted on an FPGA prototype implementation of the proposed broker/router. The experiments tackle tests for the SCBXP alone and for two phases of development of the whole broker. The corresponding results indicate the high performance that the involved parsing, storing, matching, and routing processes can achieve.

後設現象:《金瓶梅》續書書寫研究 / Meta-discourse: a study of the Sequels of Jin Ping Mei

鄭淑梅 Unknown Date (has links)
《金瓶梅》續書包括《續金瓶梅》、《隔簾花影》、《三續金瓶梅》以及《金屋夢》四部小說,它們雖是依據續衍對象而被收編於同一續書群體之內,但卻各有其回應原著、前作以及時代的姿態,呈現出殊異的面貌,可說是各以不同角度在閱讀、傳播與書寫過程中展開對創作、批評的思辯。而本文即是針對此批橫跨有清一代的《金瓶梅》續書群進行個別的書寫現象考察,指出小說續書因立足於原著以及其他續書之上,在回應原著之餘,也與先前的續書有所聯繫,閱讀前作所可能產生的競爭/遊戲心態,使小說的字裡行間除了反映其時的審美效應之外,亦不時地顯露出高度自覺的創作、思考痕跡,具有「後設」的況味,而此正是本文聚焦之所在。 在章節安排上,第二章是以清初丁耀亢的《續金瓶梅》為對象,由於其體例特殊,又具鮮明的易代色彩,故此章由丁耀亢的創作意識及文類意識切入,從創作者的多重身分與視角、情節正文與邊緣文字,乃至於結合當時的社會、歷史背景以觀,以一種主、客體間交互作用的觀照來詮解《續金瓶梅》的書寫現象,把握其文本特質與後設思維。第三章則以傳播、接受的角度切入,分析據《續金瓶梅》增刪而成的兩部續書——《隔簾花影》及《金屋夢》,由增刪的內容來尋索在清初以及清末民初這兩個截然不同時空下,刪改本對原著和之前續書的接受,探求隱藏在增刪背後的意味,及其與原著、之前續書間糾葛牽纏的關係。 第四章主要是探討清中葉的《三續金瓶梅》,以此書的別名《小補奇酸誌》所透露的「小補」、「奇酸」作為思索進路,首先是在續衍的脈絡下檢視作者「如何補」《金瓶梅》,亦即如何將其對前作的理解轉化為續衍的策略,造就一種與之既相關又相悖的微妙狀態;其次是從閱讀與接受版本看《三續金瓶梅》的思想涵化;最後則是在前述的基礎上,釐清文中的互文、解構……等現象。第五章為結論,總述以上幾部《金瓶梅》續書的書寫現象,並提出本論文的觀察:《金瓶梅》續書的後設思維表現為若干相似但卻又不盡相同的書寫現象,「後設」並非意味這批續書具有的單一的、本質性的定義,而是揭示它們總是朝向無限的可能性展開,無法自我封閉,但是又具有彼此關涉、連繫的特質。 / Although all the four sequels to Jin Ping Mei, including Xu Jin Ping Mei, Ge Lian Hua Ying, San Xu Jin Ping Mei, and Jin Wu Meng, are based on the same original, Jin Ping Mei, and belong to the same category, each has its different concerns in the aspects of echoing the original, echoing the previous works and echoing its time. In other words, the four sequels start distinct arguments on creating and criticizing through reading, disseminating, and the process of writing. This thesis observes individually the writing phenomenon of sequels to Jin Ping Mei, which flourished in Qing Dynasty, and argues that the sequels standing beyond the original and other sequels not only echo the original, but also connect other previous sequels. Thus, the competing/playing response might be caused by reading the previous works makes the lines respond the sense of beauty of its time, and simultaneously appears the highly consciousness of writing and thinking. The meta-discourse it contains in the process is what this thesis focuses on. Chapter 2 discusses Ding Yao Kang’s Xu Jin Ping Mei due to its special format and its obvious color of dynastic changeover. From Ding Yao Kang’s consciousness of writing and genre, this chapter interprets this writing phenomenon of meta-discourse with the subject/object relationship from the writer’s multi-identity, from the text and the preface and postscript to the social context and historical background. Chapter 3 analyzes other two sequels, Ge Lian Hua Ying and Jin Wu Meng, based on and with additions and deletions of Xu Jin Ping Mei, from the perspectives of dissemination and reception. The additions and deletions shows the different receptions in early Qing dynasty and in the end of Qing, and also, the interwoven relationship implied in the additions and deletions, the original, and the previous sequels can be found. Chapter 4 first observes San Xu Jin Ping Mei in mid-Qing dynasty from its alias Xiao Bu Qi Suan Zh. Its “Xiao Bu” and “Qi Suan” offers to examine how the writer mends Jin Ping Mei through the way of making sequels, that is, it offers to examine how to transfer the understanding of previous works into a policy of sequels, and it achieves a contradictious state of being relevant and being opposite. Second, how San Xu Jin Ping Mei is influenced by reading and reception would be observed. Finally, the intercontextuality and deconstruction would be indicated based on the aforementioned arguments. Chapter 5 concludes that the meta-discourses presented in the writing phenomena of the four sequels of Jin Ping Mei presented are equivalent but not exactly the same. The meta-discourse does not confine the definition to be unitary and essential; rather, it illuminates their unlimited possibility of extension, which is not completely independent but interweaves to one another.

Agents of change and policies of scale : A policy study of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in Education

Mahieu, Ron January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and understand the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise projects in primary and secondary schools in the North of Sweden and to identify and analyse the driving forces and actors behind this process. In particular the influence and significance of education policy at supranational, national and subnational level for the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education are analysed. The main questions of the study have been: • How and why have entrepreneurship and enterprise education come to the schools in the northern region of Sweden, in particular within the framework of the PRIO1 project? • How were important stakeholders involved at the subnational level and how did they reason and act in relation to the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in the schools? • How are the concepts of entrepreneurship and enterprise education presented in policy documents at different policy levels? The study wants to report on changes in education policy during recent years. Especially the emergence of international policy convergence and new forms of governance are among the factors that are considered. Drawing on a conceptual framework of structure and agency, the analyses in the empirical studies are informed by a combination of theoretical fields. Important contributions are rendered from the education policy literature. The first method consists of a policy study of documents produced by organisations at different levels (supranational, national and subnational). The purpose of this analysis is to capture the ideas and arguments that have been used but also to understand the context and driving forces for the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education. Starting from the supranational level, the analysis focuses mainly on two organisations, OECD and EU. These organisations were chosen because they are widely regarded as leading organisations in setting the supranational policy agenda for education. The document study consists of a selection of OECD documents that have been released during the period 1970 - 2006, as well as a selection of EU documents. The EU documents cover the last 15 years. Attention is paid to several documents at the national and subnational level as well. The second method is an interview study. The interview study aims to focus on some of the key stakeholders (agents/actors) that have been participating in the formation (initiation, financing and realisation) of a county wide project “PRIO1”, Priority Enterprise in Västerbotten, in the North of Sweden. In order to understand why and how these actors at the subnational level have become involved in the process, there exists a need to hear their arguments. The document study shows that there is interplay between the different levels, but intertextual aspects have also become visible. The policy drive and policy scope show the concatenation but also the complexity of the policy development. Education is increasingly related to economic policies, in particular through labour market policies. Although the concepts of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise have developed within the economic sector, they are penetrating the education and training systems of many countries. From the results presented in this study, it seems that lifelong learning has become the guiding principle for the amalgamation of education and the world of work, while learning is no longer equated with just schooling. The opening of the school towards the surrounding world is a characteristic development in all this, but it is also a process that certainly is stipulated by agencies and actors at different levels, as is shown in this study. The interviews with some stakeholders at the subnational level show that the promotion of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education is related to arguments for economic and societal development. The interviews also reveal some of the “bottom-up” aspects of the policy process. One of the important results of this study is that the education policy studies have to include the level beyond the national borders. The interplay between the different policy-levels (supranational, national and subnational) needs more attention in order to understand the transformation of the education system.

Secure network programming in wireless sensor networks

Tan, Hailun, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Network programming is one of the most important applications in Wireless Sensor Networks as It provides an efficient way to update program Images running on sensor nodes without physical access to them. Securing these updates, however, remains a challenging and important issue, given the open deployment environment of sensor nodes. Though several security schemes have been proposed to impose the authenticity and Integrity protection on network programming applications, they are either energy Inefficient as they tend to use digital signature or lacks the data confidentiality. In addition, due to the absence of secure memory management in the current sensor hardware, the attacker could inject malicious code into the program flash by exploiting buffer overflow In the memory despite the secure code dissemination. The contribution of this thesis Is to provide two software-based security protocols and one hardware-based remote attestation protocol for network programming application. Our first protocol deploys multiple one-way key chains for a multi-hop sensor network. The scheme Is shown to be lower In computational, power consumption and communication costs yet still able to secure multi??hop propagation of program images. Our second protocol utilizes an Iterative hash structure to the data packets in network programming application, ensuring the data confidentiality and authenticity. In addition, we Integrated confidentiality and DoS-attack-resistance in a multi??hop code dissemination protocol. Our final solution is a hardware-based remote attestation protocol for verification of running codes on sensor nodes. An additional piece of tamper-proof hardware, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), is imposed into the sensor nodes. It secures the sensitive information (e.g., the session key) from attackers and monitors any platform environment changes with the Internal registers. With these features of TPM, the code Injection attack could be detected and removed when the contaminated nodes are challenged in our remote attestation protocol. We implement the first two software-based protocols with Deluge as the reference network programming protocol in TinyOS, evaluate them with the extensive simulation using TOSSIM and validate the simulation results with experiments using Tmote. We implement the remote attestation protocol on Fleck, a sensor platform developed by CSIRO that Integrates an Atmel TPM chip.

Secure network programming in wireless sensor networks

Tan, Hailun, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Network programming is one of the most important applications in Wireless Sensor Networks as It provides an efficient way to update program Images running on sensor nodes without physical access to them. Securing these updates, however, remains a challenging and important issue, given the open deployment environment of sensor nodes. Though several security schemes have been proposed to impose the authenticity and Integrity protection on network programming applications, they are either energy Inefficient as they tend to use digital signature or lacks the data confidentiality. In addition, due to the absence of secure memory management in the current sensor hardware, the attacker could inject malicious code into the program flash by exploiting buffer overflow In the memory despite the secure code dissemination. The contribution of this thesis Is to provide two software-based security protocols and one hardware-based remote attestation protocol for network programming application. Our first protocol deploys multiple one-way key chains for a multi-hop sensor network. The scheme Is shown to be lower In computational, power consumption and communication costs yet still able to secure multi??hop propagation of program images. Our second protocol utilizes an Iterative hash structure to the data packets in network programming application, ensuring the data confidentiality and authenticity. In addition, we Integrated confidentiality and DoS-attack-resistance in a multi??hop code dissemination protocol. Our final solution is a hardware-based remote attestation protocol for verification of running codes on sensor nodes. An additional piece of tamper-proof hardware, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), is imposed into the sensor nodes. It secures the sensitive information (e.g., the session key) from attackers and monitors any platform environment changes with the Internal registers. With these features of TPM, the code Injection attack could be detected and removed when the contaminated nodes are challenged in our remote attestation protocol. We implement the first two software-based protocols with Deluge as the reference network programming protocol in TinyOS, evaluate them with the extensive simulation using TOSSIM and validate the simulation results with experiments using Tmote. We implement the remote attestation protocol on Fleck, a sensor platform developed by CSIRO that Integrates an Atmel TPM chip.

Perspectiva CTS em estágios curriculares em espaços de divulgação científica: contributos para a formação inicial de professores de Ciências e Biologia / The STS perspective in curriculum stages in scientific dissemination spaces: contributions to an initial formation for Sciences and Biology teachers

Prudêncio, Christiana Andrea Vianna 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5742.pdf: 1792528 bytes, checksum: ec7b77a6474684ae2150f69419870413 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In today's society, the increasing integration of Science, Technology and its products in the life of the citizen demands that he be scientifically literate, able not only to understand these issues but make conscious use of its products, taking position autonomously and critique about them. Whereas the school is still the largest area of education systematized, it is in this space that much of the population will acquire the knowledge necessary to function in the world. However, our model of teaching is still highly introductory and marked by the transmission of decontextualized knowledge and, for that, has not cooperated effectively to form the citizen that the current society needs. This form of teaching usually reaches the Degree Courses, forming a professional within a single and totalitarian conception of science, which invariably will be passed on to their students. Seeking to build with the undergraduates another way to think of science, technology and its relations with society, this research conducted an insertion activity in the discipline of Supervised Stage II, that in Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus / Bahia, is exclusively devoted to spaces of Non-Formal Education, using either the assumptions of scientific literacy, STS curricular perspective and later the Freire s ideas to build another model of science education that takes into consideration the situations of exclusion and helps to fight against the inequalities of Brazilian society. The objectives of this research were to identify theoretical and methodological elements of these theoretical references in educational practices developed by undergraduates, organized in the form of extension projects; to verify possible changes in their conceptions about teaching and science in this training context and to investigate how undergraduates recognize the possibilities of incorporating these references in the context of Formal and Non-Formal Education. The interviews with undergraduates, as well as the projects developed by them reveal that there is still great resistance to a science education that considers nonscientific aspects such as socials, economics, cultural, political etc., and although some recognize that this way of teaching has space within the non-Formal Education, the image of Formal Education that they have, does not allow them to consider innovations such as a more integrated education in this space. However, many undergraduates believes the insertion of STS perspective into the classroom at all levels, and also aspire a more humanized teaching and connected to the real context within the university itself. Experiences such as these show that innovation, creativity and real life itself can be incorporated into teaching practice of these future teachers, since they are formed in this way. / Na sociedade atual, a inserção cada vez maior da Ciência, da Tecnologia e seus produtos na vida do cidadão demanda que ele esteja alfabetizado cientificamente, apto não só a compreender essas temáticas, mas fazer uso consciente de seus produtos, se posicionando de forma autônoma e crítica com relação a eles. Considerando que a escola é ainda o maior espaço de educação sistematizada, é nela que grande parte da população deverá adquirir os conhecimentos necessários para atuar no mundo. No entanto, o modelo de ensino altamente propedêutico e pautado na transmissão de conhecimentos estanques e descontextualizados não tem colaborado de forma efetiva para formar o cidadão que a sociedade atual necessita. Essa forma de ensino normalmente se estende aos Cursos de Licenciatura, formando um profissional dentro de uma concepção única e totalitária de ciência, que invariavelmente será transmitida aos seus alunos. Buscando construir junto aos licenciandos outras maneiras de se conceber a ciência, a tecnologia e suas relações com a sociedade, essa pesquisa realizou uma atividade de inserção na disciplina de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado II que, na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus/Bahia, se dedica exclusivamente a espaços de Educação Não Formal, utilizando para tanto, os pressupostos da alfabetização científica, da perspectiva curricular CTS e, posteriormente, das ideias freireanas de modo construir outro modelo de ensino de ciências que levasse em consideração as situações de exclusão e auxiliasse na luta contra as desigualdades que marcam a sociedade brasileira. Assim, os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram identificar elementos teóricos e metodológicos desses referenciais nas práticas de ensino elaboradas pelos licenciandos, organizadas na forma de projetos de extensão; verificar possíveis mudanças em suas concepções com relação ao ensino e à ciência neste contexto de formação e investigar como os licenciandos reconhecem as possibilidades de incorporação desses referenciais no contexto tanto da Educação Formal quanto da Educação Não Formal. As entrevistas realizadas com os licenciandos, bem como os projetos que desenvolveram, revelam que existe ainda uma grande resistência a um ensino de ciências que considere fatores não científicos, como os sociais, econômicos, culturais, políticos etc., e ainda que alguns reconheçam que essa forma de ensinar tem espaço dentro da Educação Não Formal, a imagem de Educação Formal que possuem, não possibilita o que eles consideram inovações, como um ensino mais integrado para esses espaços. No entanto, diversos licenciandos acreditam na inserção da perspectiva CTS dentro da sala de aula em todos os níveis, e aspiram por um ensino mais humanizado e conectado ao contexto real dentro da própria universidade. Experiências como essas mostram que inovação, criatividade e a própria vida podem ser incorporadas às atividades docentes desses futuros professores, desde que eles sejam formados nesse sentido.

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