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Analogiebildungsschema für KooperationsphänomeneBurghardt, Thomas 30 September 2016 (has links)
Innovative Lösungsprinzipien auf andere Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereiche zu übertragen, ist eine sich wiederholende Herausforderung in Wissenschaft und Praxis.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Kooperationsphänomene der Erwerbs- und Bedarfswirtschaften thematisiert. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Gestalt und Organisation eines Kooperationsphänomens systematisch mit deskriptiv-analytischen Untersuchungsmethoden (Systemtheorie und Morphologie) beschrieben und bereichsübergreifend, unter Einbeziehung individueller Besonderheiten, übertragen werden kann. Das Vorhaben wird als Analogiebildung verstanden. Ein Schema zur Analogiebildung für Kooperationsphänomene wird entwickelt. Zur Validierung des Schemas wird als Analogiequelle das Organisationskonzept der Zwei-Ebenen-Kooperation ausgewählt, welches ursprünglich für Produktionsnetze konzipiert wurde und sich insbesondere auf Klein- und Mikrounternehmen ausrichtet. Als Empfänger wird der Bereich der dezentralen Energieversorgung festgelegt, in dem sich verstärkt kooperative Organisationsformen einer selbstbestimmten, kooperativen und bürgernahen dezentralen Energieversorgung herausbilden. Auf der Grundlage der Analogiebetrachtung aus dem Bereich der Produktionsnetze wird ein neuartiges, kooperatives Organisationskonzept für die dezentrale Energieversorgung entworfen. Die Arbeit wird damit interessant für alle, die an einer systematischen Übertragung von Wissen zur Gestalt und Organisation von Kooperationsphänomenen und der Ausgestaltung eines kooperativen Organisationskonzeptes für die dezentrale Energieversorgung interessiert sind.
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Business Case Tools för distribuerade solcellsanläggningar : En Power BI-modell för investeringsmodellering och visualisering i Sverige / Business Case Tools for distributed solar PV systemsHennings, Erik, Ingvarsson, Johan, Fält, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
The global climate and energy crisis has amplified the need for renewable energy sources, withsolar photovoltaic (PV) systems expected to play a significant role in the future energy mix. In this context, distributed energy systems (DES) are identified as part of the solution to address climate and energy challenges.With the increasing demand for photovoltaic energy sources, there is a growing requirement forefficient Business Case Tools (BCT) to analyze investments in distributed solar PV installations.A two-part model, consisting of a solar model and spot price data, was developed based onparameters such as solar radiation, location, angle, orientation, system losses, installedcapacity, and historical spot price data. The model was integrated with Power BI for investment calculations and visualization of results. The developed model provides approximations for solar PV system electricity production, which were validated against selected installations in allelectricity areas of Sweden. The validation revealed an average relative absolute error of 14.72 percent for the model. The conclusion drawn is that BCT can be utilized to analyze and visualize solar PV investments at specific locations in Sweden. The results indicate that Power BI, as a BCT, has limitations indynamic data collection but performs well in executing calculation of investments and visualizingthe results. Well-developed BCT can facilitate decision-making through real-time calculations and contribute to smoother implementation of distributed systems by providing detailed insightsinto their financial characteristics. Further research is needed to develop a model specificallytailored for distributed installations with storage capabilities. / Världen befinner sig i en global klimat- och energikris vilket ökat behovet av och efterfrågan på förnybara energikällor. Solceller förväntas utgöra en betydande del av den framtida energimixen. I kombination med detta identifieras distribuerade energisystem (DES) som endel av lösningen på klimat- och energifrågan. I takt med den ökade efterfrågan på fotovoltaiska energikällor ställs större krav på effektiva Business Case Tools (BCT) för att analysera investeringar i distribuerade solcellsanläggningar. En modell bestående av två delar, en solmodell och spotprisdata,utvecklades utifrån parametrarna solstrålning, plats, vinkel, riktning, systemförluster, installerad effekt samt historiska spotprisdata. Modellen sammankopplas med Power BI föratt utföra investeringskalkyler och visualisera resultatet. Den utvecklade modellen gerapproximationer för solcellsanläggningars elproduktion, vilket validerades mot utvaldaanläggningar i Sveriges samtliga elområden. Enligt valideringen uppgår modellens genomsnittliga relativa absoluta fel till 14,72 procent. Slutsatsen dras att BCT kan användas för att analysera och visualisera solcellsinvesteringar på specifika platser i Sverige. Resultatet visar att Power BI som BCT har brister när detkommer till dynamisk datainsamling, men genomför och visualiserar investerings kalkyler med enkelhet. Välutvecklade BCT kan användas för att underlätta beslutsfattande genomrealtidsberäkningar och kan bidra till en smidigare implementering av distribuerade systemgenom att belysa deras finansiella karaktär på ett detaljerat sätt. Fortsatt forskning krävs föratt ta fram en modell anpassad för distribuerade anläggningar med lagringsmöjligheter.
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[pt] Problemas de emissão de gases de efeito estufa vem sido amplamente discutidos nos últimos anos, uma vez que mais de 70 países já se comprometeram
a uma economia neutra em carbono até 2050. A eletrificação dos modais de
transporte tem sido ampliadas seguindo essas metas, onde os Veículos Elétricos (VEs) começam a ganhar participação sobre o mercado de Veículos com
Motor de Combustão Interna (VMCI) por todo o mundo. Além da particular
complexidade na comparação entre VEs e VMCIs, desafios envolvendo a natureza dos VEs e sua integração com as cidades, como a falta de locais públicos
para recarga, também são críticos e interferem no seu desenvolvimento. Nesse
contexto, este trabalho visa estudar o problema de uma Estação de Troca de
Baterias (ETB), uma estrutura onde os usuários de VEs trocam suas baterias
descarregadas por outras totalmente ou parcialmente carregadas. No intuito
de simular as operações diárias do ETB e o cronograma de carregamento das
baterias, um novo modelo de Programação Linear Inteira Mista (PLIM) é proposto, levando em consideração a heterogeneidade da bateria, o uso de geração
fotovoltaica (PV) local e a degradação da bateria com base no perfil de carregamento. Uma coleção de métricas de operação do ETB é projetada para avaliar
a qualidade da solução do modelo de cronograma proposto. É apresentado um
experimento numérico que compreende quatro estudos de caso baseados em
dados reais dos sistemas de energia e transporte dos EUA, contendo insights
e análises sobre o uso da energia fotovoltaica e da rede, bem como uma comparação financeira do ETB com abordagens de cronograma de benchmarks
relacionados, juntamente de sensibilidades no plano de dimensionamento do
ETB e atendimento a clientes. / [en] Greenhouse gas emissions-related issues have been extensively discussed
in the past years, with over 70 countries already committed to a carbon-neutral
economy by 2050. The electrification of transportation modals has increased
following these goals, where Electric Vehicles (EVs) are starting to take Internal
Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) market share all over the globe. Besides
the particular complexity in comparing EVs and ICEVs, challenges involving
the nature of EVs and their integration with cities, such as the lack of public
locals for charging, are also critical and interfere with their development. In
this context, this work aims at studying the problem of a Battery Swapping
Station (BSS), a structure where the EVs users swap their depleted batteries
for fully or partially charged ones. In order to simulate the BSS daily operations
and batteries charging schedule, a novel Mixed Integer Linear Programming
(MILP) model is proposed, taking into account battery heterogeneity, the
use of local photovoltaic (PV) production and battery degradation based
on charging profile. A collection of BSS operation metrics are designed to
evaluate the solution quality of the proposed scheduling model. A numerical
experiment comprising four case studies based on real data from the US power
and transportation systems is presented, with insights and analyses on the PV
and grid power use, as well as a BSS financial comparison against close-related
benchmark scheduling approaches, together with sensitivities on BSS sizing
plan and costumers attendance.
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No description available.
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<p dir="ltr">Distributed energy resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar generation and energy storage systems, are becoming more prevalent in distribution systems. DERs are connected to the distribution system via power electronic converters, introducing faster dynamics in the system. Understanding the system dynamics under a high penetration of inverter-based DERs is critical for power system researchers and practitioners, driving the development of modeling techniques and simulation software. Aiming to reduce computational complexity, existing tools and techniques often employ various approximations. Meanwhile, modern advancements in computational hardware capabilities provide opportunities to include the faster time-scale dynamics. To address this, the primary objective of this thesis is to develop an open-source Python simulation package, Dynamic Simulation using Sparse Tableau Approach in Python, DynaSTPy (pronounced “dynasty”), capable of capturing the dynamics of all components in a distribution feeder. The distribution feeder is modeled as a system of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs). Further, each component in the feeder is modeled based on the Sparse Tableau Approach (STA), which involves the representation of component model equations using sparse matrices, facilitating a systematic procedure to model the components and construct the system DAEs. In sinusoidal steady state, the DAEs can be represented in phasor form, extending the approach to perform power flow analysis of distribution feeders.</p>
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Transient And Distributed Algorithms To Improve Islanding Detection Capability Of Inverter Based Distributed GenerationAl Hosani, Mohamed 01 January 2013 (has links)
Recently, a lot of research work has been dedicated toward enhancing performance, reliability and integrity of distributed energy resources that are integrated into distribution networks. The problem of islanding detection and islanding prevention (i.e. anti-islanding) has stimulated a lot of research due to its role in severely compromising the safety of working personnel and resulting in equipment damages. Various Islanding Detection Methods (IDMs) have been developed within the last ten years in anticipation of the tremendous increase in the penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) in distribution system. This work proposes new IDMs that rely on transient and distributed behaviors to improve integrity and performance of DGs while maintaining multi-DG islanding detection capability. In this thesis, the following questions have been addressed: How to utilize the transient behavior arising from an islanding condition to improve detectability and robust performance of IDMs in a distributive manner? How to reduce the negative stability impact of the well-known Sandia Frequency Shift (SFS) IDM while maintaining its islanding detection capability? How to incorporate the perturbations provided by each of DGs in such a way that the negative interference of different IDMs is minimized without the need of any type of communication among the different DGs? It is shown that the proposed techniques are local, scalable and robust against different loading conditions and topology changes. Also, the proposed techniques can successfully distinguish an islanding condition from other disturbances that may occur in power system networks. This work improves the efficiency, reliability and safety of integrated DGs, which presents a necessary advance toward making electric power grids a smart grid.
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能源管理服務業營運模式與智慧財產佈局策略之分析 / The analysis of business model and intellectual property strategy of energy service companies (ESCO)陳志承, Chen, Charlie, Chih-Chen, Unknown Date (has links)
1. 能源管理服務業不宜將有限資源過分集中於發展太陽能與風力發電技術
2. 以美國市場為鏡,以中國大陸能源管理市場為目標
3. 積極從事中國大陸能源管理服務業相關技術之專利佈局
4. ”中央能源管理服務系統”概念的導入-節能減排的技術與服務的創新
5. 發展能源管理服務業住宅之應用
6. 創新的融資模式
7. 人員的培訓與教育 / Due to the limited deposits of fusil energy, the safety and environment protection of energy use ate the most two crucial issues among the countries. After decades of development, alternative energy commercialization successfully started in developed countries. Nevertheless, it’s still not material enough comparing to the energy consumption now days. However, the effect of the energy efficiency technologies is far more practical for developing countries that do not have enough budget for alternative renewable energy research and development. With effective energy management, the Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can reduce significantly the waste of energy and the influence to the environment while mitigate the impact of the economical growth of emerging countries.
ESCOs profit from the energy conservation of their clients by enhance the energy efficiency in various categories including utilities, government, industrial and commercial sectors. According to present study, European countries and Japan in Asia have already developed outstanding environmental friendly policies both in public and private sectors. On the other hand, highly energy consumption country like United States and rapidly growing China just started to deal with this global warming problem and hopefully can still maintain the economy growth at the same time. Undoubtedly, we face the same issue here in Taiwan. As a result, this study is trying to gather and analyze information about ESCO industry in United States, China and Taiwan from three aspects, governmental policies, industry environment and intellectual property strategies to conclude as well as raise opinion and suggestion about the future development of ESCOs.
This study concludes in following opinion and suggestion,
1. ESCOs shouldn’t emphasize all their resources to conduct Solar and Wind power technologies instead of energy efficiency technologies.
2. Learn the track of ESCOs in United States and focus on the market in China.
3. Aggressively develop intellectual property strategies about ESCO related subjects in China.
4. Introduce the concept of “Centralized Energy Management System” and encourage innovation of law carbon discharge and high efficiency technologies.
5. Develop ESCO model in residential application.
6. Develop creative fund raising tools for ESCOs.
7. Invest in education and training program related to ESCO industry.
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Residential Solar Energy Adoption in a Community Context: Perceptions and Characteristics of Potential Adopters in a West Toronto NeighbourhoodSherk, Theodore January 2012 (has links)
In the summer of 2007, a single neighbourhood in downtown Toronto contributed at
least 13 percent of all residential grid???tie solar photovoltaic (PV) systems sold in the
Canadian province of Ontario. On average, PV purchaser households produced 37
percent as much electricity as they consumed.
This research investigates solar energy adoption in a community case study. Specifically,
it investigates why some residents who sign up for a solar resource assessment through
a community solar energy initiative (CSEI) decide to purchase, and others decide not to
purchase in the short???term. Characteristics and perceptions of potential adopters are
analyzed to better understand their motivations and barriers to adoption.
Community energy projects became an official public policy goal in Ontario, with the
passing of the Green Energy and Green Economy Act in 2009. Approximately 80 percent
of Ontario???s anticipated generation capacity will need to be built, replaced or
refurbished within 15 years. In this context, the Ontario Ministry of Energy, Ontario
Power Authority, and Deloitte (one of Canada???s leading professional services firms),
have partnered with a ???green benefit??? fund, the Community Power Fund, to help local
community groups access resources to develop and establish renewable energy
projects. Understanding solar energy adoption in a community context is therefore
important to improve the effectiveness of such policies, including the disbursement of
multi???million dollar grant funds.
Differences between purchasers and non???purchasers in respect of adoption behaviour
were found in this study to cluster around two general themes. The first theme
concerns differences in compatibility of both the concept of solar energy systems, and
their physical attributes, with characteristics of potential adopter households. Some
compatibility issues are straightforward, e.g. availability of roof space with a southern
orientation. Others are more complex, involving several interrelated perceptual and
socio???demographic factors. For instance, while both purchasers and non???purchasers
rated cost as a very important barrier, purchasers rated the motivation of solar energy
systems to reduce climate change higher relative to the barrier of high financial costs
than did non???purchasers. Purchasers were also more likely to possess a graduate
degree, while non???purchasers were more likely to hold a professional degree.
The second general theme relates to potential adopters??? trust and stake in the ability of
the community???based initiative to reduce barriers in the adoption process. Since two
types of solar energy systems are considered in the case study???PV and thermal (hot
water)???differences are explored between each of three respondent groups: solar PV
purchasers, solar hot water (SHW) purchasers, and non???purchasers.
Surveys were used to gather data on adopter perceptions and characteristics. A
participatory research design helped identify the research topic. Two main bodies of
literature???community???based social marketing (CBSM) and diffusion of innovations
theory???were drawn upon to conceptualize the adoption process and interpret the
survey findings. These include five models of human behaviour that can be used to
guide the design of CBSM campaigns. Diffusion theory was used as a basis for discussing
???perceived innovation attributes???. The study takes an integrated approach by
considering both social and technical aspects of solar energy adoption, together with
the issues of fuel substitution and household electricity demand.
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