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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changements ontogéniques de la condition larvaire chez une espèce de poisson à reproduction hivernale, le hareng des Downs / Ontagenetic shift in the larval condition of Downs herring, a winter spawning fish

Denis, Jeremy 13 December 2016 (has links)
La condition des larves de hareng des Downs durant la période critique a été caractérisée entre 2008 et 2015, en Manche orientale et dans la Baie sud de la Mer du Nord à partir des données collectées, durant la campagne International Bottom Trawl Surveys (IBTS). Tout d'abord, l'étude de la stratégie alimentaire, à partie de l'observation des proies dans les contenus digestifs par deux méthodes complémentaires (microscopie électronique et mesure de la fluorescence) a montré un changement de régime en fonction de la taille. Les larves inférieures à 13 mm avaient un régime omnivore très diversifié et composé de protistes et de petites proies zooplanctoniques, tandis que les larves plus grandes avaient un régime moins diversifié et composé principalement de plus grandes proies zooplanctoniques. En parallèle du changement de régime alimentaire, la combinaison de quatre indices de condition (taux d'ingestion, rapports ARN/ADN et ADN/C et otolithes) à l'échelle individuelle a également révélé un changement de l'état nutritionnel et de la croissance de ces larves. Les larves inférieures à 13 mm avaient une nutrition et une croissance soutenues, tandis que la croissance des larves plus grandes était faible. Ceci peut traduire un changement dans la stratégie d'allocation de l'énergie à partir de 13 mm, qui serait plus orientée vers du stockage que vers de la croissance. Ces changements ontogéniques dans la condition larvaire suggèrent que le changement de régime alimentaire qui s'opère à partir de 13 mm, pourrait constituer le coeur de la période critique pour les larves de hareng des Downs. / The larval condition of Downs herring during the critical period was investigated between 2008 and 2015 in the eastern English Channel and Southern Bight of North Sea from data collected during the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS). First, the study of the feeding strategy from gut contents analysis using two complementary approaches (electronical microscopy and measure of fluorescence) revealed a shift in the feeding diet occuring at a larval size of 13 mm. Smaller larvae had an omnivorous and a more diversified diet composed of numerous protists and small zooplanktonic preys whereas bigger larvae had a less diversified diet composed mainly of bigger zooplanktonic prey. Along with the diet shift, combination of four condition indices (ingestion rate, RNA/DNA and DNA/C ratios and otoliths) also revealed important changes in the nutritional status and growth of these larvae. Larvae smaller than 13 mm had a sustainable nutrition and growth whereas larger larvae depicted low growth rate. This could reflect a change in the energy-allocation strategy from a growth-oriented strategy towards a more storage-oriented strategy. These ontogenetic changes in the larval condition suggest that the diet shift occurring at 13 mm could constitute the core of the critical period for Downs herring larvae.

"Det är ju normalperspektivet som han ska anpassa sig till, så det försöker vi ju anpassa honom till" : En studie om föräldraskap då barnet har Downs syndrom

Jönsson, Rose-Marie, Odlingson, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ intervjustudie om föräldrars erfarenheter av en vardag tillsammans med ett barn som har Downs syndrom, i synnerhet när det gäller barnets ungdomstid. Den insamlade empirin har tolkats med hjälp av Beckers (2006) teori om avvikelse, Goffmans (2001) teori om stigma samt Goffmans (2009) teori om interaktion i det vardagliga sociala livet. Föräldern ingår i ett allmänt system av normalitet, såsom övriga samhällsmedlemmar. Studiens fokus ligger på förälderns agerande utefter detta i förhållande till den situation som barnets funktionsnedsättning för med sig. Downs syndrom medför en utvecklingsstörning, vilket innebär att barnets kroppsliga och mentala utveckling inte alltid är i fas med varandra. En följd av detta är att småbarns- och ungdomstiden förlängs, vilket föräldrarna i vår studie upplever som en svårighet. Svårigheten ligger bland annat i att barnets självständighetsutveckling skiljer sig från det som i allmänhet anses vara normalt och därmed skiljer sig även förälderns roll i denna utveckling. Studien visar att föreställningar om normalitet ständigt är närvarande i föräldrarnas berättelser. / We have made a qualitative interview study about parents' experiences of every day life with a child who has Down syndrome, particularly with regard to the child's youth. The empirical data collected has been interpreted using Becker's (2006) theory of deviance, Goffman's (2001) theory of stigma and Goffman's (2009) theory of interaction in everyday social life. The parent are included in a general system of normality, just as any other member of society. The focus of the study is parent's acting in relation to normality and to the situation that the child's disability causes. Down syndrome results in a development disorder, which means that child's physical and mental development not always is in phase with each other. This causes an extension of the childhood and youth, which the parents in our study perceive as difficult. The difficulty lies among other things in that the child's development of independence differs from what is generally considered to be normal and that the parent's role in this development consequently also differs. The study shows that ideas of normality are constantly present in the parents' narratives.

Efectos de expansión de capacidad vial en congestión y su interacción con otras políticas urbanas

Riquelme Carrasco, Ignacio Tomás January 2016 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Transporte / Ingeniero Civil / El prop ósito de este trabajo es el estudio de los efectos de una inversi ón en capacidad vial analizando en detalle dos relevantes aristas. En primer lugar, estudiar las consecuencias en los costos generalizados asociados a los modos disponibles. Un importante objetivo de esta primera parte es el an álisis de la veracidad de la paradoja de Downs-Thomson y la b úsqueda de las variables principales que determinan la existencia de esta hip ótesis. En segundo lugar, estudiar el benefi cio social de aumentar la capacidad vial, tanto en ausencia como en presencia de otras pol íticas urbanas para combatir la congesti ón. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es obtener conclusiones que permitan entregar recomendaciones sobre pol íticas de transporte. Para esto, se utiliza un modelo donde la demanda de viajes totales es sensible a cambios en los precios y tiempos de viajes. Específi camente el modelo es caracterizado por dos per íodos de viaje, el transporte p úblico y privado son sustitutos y existe congesti ón cruzada entre ambos modos. El estudio se basa en la extensi ón del modelo microecon ómico de equilibrio parcial de Basso y Silva [2014], quienes modelan las decisiones de los usuarios junto con las decisiones de los operadores del servicio p úblico y pol íticas urbanas en decisi ón del plani ficador. En este estudio se simula escenarios tomando datos de la ciudad de Londres y con esto se analiza la efi ciencia de invertir en capacidad vial en condiciones normales de tr áfico mixto. Adem ás se compara su efi ciencia con otras pol íticas como dedicaci ón exclusiva de buses, tari ficaci ón por congesti ón, subvención al transporte p úblico y combinaciones entre estas. De este estudio se desprenden dos resultados principales. Una primera conclusión es que en la mayor ía de los escenarios analizados la paradoja de Downs-Thomson no se cumple debido a la consideraci ón de un modelo de demanda con sustitutos imperfectos (hip ótesis expuesta en Basso y Jara-D az [2012]) y a la congesti ón presente la cual genera que la curva de costo generalizado del transporte p úblico no sea siempre decreciente. Un segundo resultado principal es que en t érminos de e ficiencia los resultados muestran que en una situaci ón urbana altamente congestionada (tráfico mixto), la capacidad del sistema de transporte público, en particular de su cuello de botella, los paraderos de buses, son fundamentales. La mejora gradual de este sistema abrir á el camino a utilizar polí ticas de gesti ón (ví as exclusivas) y de precios (subsidios y tarifi cación por congesti ón) en lugar de grandes expansiones de capacidad vial para reducir la congesti ón. Esto se traduce en que en un marco de an álisis de costo-bene ficio estricto para solucionar la congesti ón, se debe tomar en cuenta las consecuencias en nivel de congesti ón de la polí tica a implementar y no el grado de congesti ón presente.

Terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana no tratamento da doença periodontal em pacientes com síndrome de Down / Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on periodontal disease treatment in patients with Downs syndrome

Ferreira, Rafael 18 September 2015 (has links)
A terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT) tem sido amplamente utilizada em Periodontia por permitir redução de periodontopatógenos, com ausência de efeitos sistêmicos colaterais e mínimas possibilidades de resistência bacteriana. Surge assim uma boa alternativa adjuvante para o tratamento da doença periodontal (DP), como para os pacientes com Síndrome de Down (SD) que possuem maior severidade e alta prevalência dessa doença. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a efetividade da aPDT como adjuvante da raspagem e alisamento corono-radicular (RACR) em pacientes com SD. Foram realizadas avaliações dos parâmetros clínicos como: índice de placa (IP), índice gengival (IG), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), profundidade (PS) e sangramento à sondagem (SS) no período inicial e após 1 e 3 meses do tratamento. Para a aPDT, foi utilizado laser vermelho (658nm; 0,1W; 2229J/cm2; 10s por ponto), com o corante azul de metileno (AM) como agente fotossensibilizador na concentração de 100&#x3BC;g/ml, com tempo de pré-irradiação de 3 minutos, com repetidas sessões após 3,7 e 14 dias. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com testes paramétricos e não paramétricos (p<0,05). Participaram desse estudo 33 pacientes com SD, randomizados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: C (RACR), composto por 6 mulheres e 11 homens (27±9,16 anos) e aPDT (realizadas associação da aPDT com a RACR), composta por 9 homens e 7 mulheres (27,12±9,74anos). Os pacientes são os principais responsáveis pela sua escovação (100%) com baixíssima ajuda pelos pais e/ou responsáveis na supervisão ou reforço da escovação (12,12%). Houve melhora de todos os índices periodontontais nos tempos inicias (baseline), como após 1 e 3 meses tanto para o grupo C (redução da PS de 0,97mm do baseline para 3 meses; redução do SS de 16,13% do baseline para 3 meses; redução do IP de 11,29% do baseline para 3 meses, redução do NCI de 0,09mm do baseline para 3 meses) e para o grupo aPDT (redução da PS de 1,56mm do baseline para 3 meses, redução do SS de 16,77% do baseline para 3 meses, redução do IP de 13,81% do baseline para 3 meses, redução do NCI de 0,13mm do baseline para 3 meses). Conclui-se que ambos os tratamentos resultaram em melhoras clínicas (PS, SS, IP, NCI) significantes no tratamento da doença periodontal em pacientes com SD. / Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has been widely used in Periodontics to obtain reduction of periodontopathogenic bacteria with absence of systemic side effects and minimal bacterial resistance. Therefore, a good adjuvant alternative for periodontal disease (PD) treatment arises, especially for patients with Down syndrome (DS) who present greater severity and high prevalence of PD. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of aPDT as an adjuvant of scaling and root planning (SRP) for treatment of PD in patients with DS. Periodontal clinical exam was evaluated by: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment loss (CAL), probing depth (PD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) in baseline, one and three-month treatment periods. The aPDT protocol was red laser (658nm; 0.1W; 2229J/cm2, 10s per point), methylene blue dye (MB), 100&#x3BC;g/ml, with a 3-minute preirradiation. aPDT sessions were repeated after 3, 7 and 14 days. Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and non-parametric tests (p<0.05). 33 patients with DS participated in this study, randomly assigned into two groups: C (SRP), composed of 6 women and 11 men (27 ± 9.16 years old) and aPDT (SRP + aPDT), composed of 9 men and 7 women (27.12 ± 9,74 years old). Patients were the main contributors to the brushing (100%) with very low support by parents and/or guardians in monitoring or enhancing brushing (12.12%). There was improvement of clinical parameters in baseline (B), and after 1 and 3 months for group C (reduction on PB of 0.97mm from baseline to 3 months; reduction on BOP of 16.13% from baseline to 3 months; reduction on PI of 11.29% from baseline to 3 months, reduction on CAL of 0.09mm from baseline to 3 months) and for the aPDT group (reduction on PB of 1.56mm from baseline to 3 months, reduction on BOP of 16.77% from baseline to 3 months, reduction on PI of 13.81% from baseline to 3 months, reduction on CAL of 0.13mm from baseline to 3 months). In conclusion, besides an improvement in periodontal condition, aPDT as an adjuvant of SRP did not enhance the clinical periodontal parameters in relation to SRP alone.

”Som vem som helst men ändå inte” Downs syndrom ur ett familjeperspektiv

Brziak, Sonja, Sundblom Nyström, Heidi January 2010 (has links)
Varje år föds det ca 120 barn i Sverige som får diagnosen Downs syndrom. Medlemmarna i familjer där det finns ett barn med Downs syndrom upplever situationen olika beroende på om man är förälder eller syskon till barnet. Föräldrarna erfar känslor som att behöva kämpa för sin rätt i samhället samt att känna hopp och trygghet i vardagen. Syskonets upplevelser utav situationen inriktar sig mer på att få vara delaktig och tillåtas att både ha positiva och negativa känslor för att inte få en felaktig bild utav verkligheten. Intresset till att utföra denna studie var bland annat för att ta reda på om det friska syskonet känner sig åsidosätt i olika situationer fastän familjen ska ses som en helhet. För att kunna bemöta familjen på bästa sätt i vårdsammanhang bör därför kunskap finnas om hur hela familjen upplever sin livssituation. Syfte i denna uppsats är därför att belysa upplevelser av att vara ett syskon eller förälder till en person med Downs syndrom. Resultatet diskuteras i förhållande till bakgrunden samt relevant litteratur och belyser hela familjens upplevelser ur föräldrarnas perspektiv samt det friska syskonets perspektiv. Hur det omfattar olika känslor och tankar, mötet med omvärlden samt att växa och kämpa ihop. Uppsatsen baserar sig på sju vetenskapliga artiklar som har lästs, granskats samt analyserats kvalitativt utifrån Evans (2003) analysmodell. Tre teman samt tio subteman har sammanställts och ligger till grund för resultatet. De teman som har framkommit är: att tillåta sig att ha både positiva och negativa känslor, att vara familjens stöttepelare och att kämpa för varandra. Diskussionen består utav en metoddiskussion där valet av metod för litteraturdiskussionen diskuteras samt en resultatdiskussion som är baserad på tre av de subteman som framkom under analysen. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

Alterações sistêmicas e comportamentais de interesse odontológico em pacientes com síndrome de Down / Dental implications of systemic and behavior alterations in Downs syndrome patients

Elizabeth Maria Martins Francischini de Souza 30 March 2011 (has links)
A síndrome de Down (SD) é a mais comum doença de origem genética, causada pela trissomia do cromossomo 21 e caracterizada por comprometimento intelectual, alterações físicas e várias comorbidades sistêmicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar as alterações sistêmicas e comportamentais de interesse odontológico nos pacientes com SD e discutir a adequação no manejo odontológico frente às comorbidades apresentadas. Foram analisados 52 pacientes com SD em atendimento no CAPE-FOUSP. Os responsáveis foram entrevistados com relação às alterações sistêmicas, com base em um questionário desenvolvido especificamente para esta pesquisa. Foram pesquisadas as seguintes alterações: cardíacas, respiratórias, neurológicas e comportamentais, imunológicas, hematológicas, endócrinas (disfunção da glândula tireóide e diabetes mellitus), doenças infecciosas e articulares. Os pacientes realizaram exames complementares, como a aferição da pressão arterial, do IMC e da glicemia capilar e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: hemograma, coagulagrama, hormônio tireotrófico (TSH), tri-iodotironina total (T3 total), tiroxina livre (T4 livre), tiroxina total (T4 total), colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos, hemoglobina glicosilada, sorologia para hepatite B e C, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT). Os resultados mostram que as alterações sistêmicas mais freqüentes foram as respiratórias, sendo a pneumonia a mais comum e sua incidência era inversamente proporcional à idade dos pacientes, seguida pelas alterações cardíacas, sendo que 13 pacientes apresentaram apenas uma, e 4 apresentaram múltiplas alterações; e o sopro foi a doença cardíaca mais relatada. Dentro das alterações neurológicas e comportamentais, 37 pacientes apresentavam pelo menos uma das características do início da doença de Alzheimer. Dez pacientes apresentaram hipotireodismo, 7 pacientes hipotireoidismo subclínico, 3 pacientes estado de pré-diabetes, dois pacientes estado de pré-hipertensão. Os níveis de colesterol total estavam dentro dos padrões desejáveis em 36 pacientes, assim como os triglicerídeos em 42 pacientes, com correlação inversa ao índice de massa corporal que apresentou 37 pacientes com sobrepeso ou algum grau de obesidade. Analisando o hemograma, foi observado 5 pacientes com anemia e 10 com leucopenia. Pesquisando a vacinação contra hepatite A e B, 24 pacientes foram vacinados para hepatite A, 26 para hepatite B onde 12 pacientes não apresentaram soroconversão frente a vacina. Um paciente foi diagnosticado com hepatite C. Quanto a presença de instabilidade atlato-axial, 8 pacientes relataram sua presença. Podemos concluir que muitas das alterações sistêmicas citadas na literatura estão presentes nos pacientes atendidos no CAPE, mostrando a necessidade de conhecermos a história médica dos pacientes com SD antes de atendê-los no consultório odontológico, e adequando o tratamento de acordo com cada alteração apresentada pelos pacientes tornando seu tratamento seguro e eficaz. / Downs syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic disorder and it is caused by the trissomy of 21 chromosome. It is characterized by mental retardation, physical alterations and several systemic co morbidities. The aim of this study was to evaluate behavior and systemic alterations with dental implications in DS patients and discuss the dental management of these patients. We evaluate 52 patients with DS under dental treatment at the Special Care Dentistry Center of the School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. The guardians were interviewed about systemic co morbidities based on a special chart developed for this research. The following systemic alterations were analyzed: cardiac, respiratory, neurological and behavior, immunological, hematological, endocrine (thyroid disorders and diabetes), infeccious diseases and joint alterations. Patients were submitted to complementary exams such as : blood pressure and glucose levels, body mass index, CBC, coagulagrama hormone (TSH), total triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (FT4), total thyroxine (T4), total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, glycated hemoglobin, serology for hepatitis B and C, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The results show that the most frequent systemic alterations were respiratory alterations, pneumonia being the most common and its incidence was inversely proportional to the age of the patients, followed by cardiac abnormalities, while 13 patients had only one, and four had multiple abnormalities, and the heart murmur was the most frequent cardiac alterations. Within the neurological and behavioral disorders, 37 patients had at least one characteristic of early Alzheimer\'s disease. Ten patients had hypothyroidism, 7 patients had subclinical hypothyroidism, 3 patients state of pre-diabetes, two patients a state of pre-hypertension. The total cholesterol levels were desirable in 36 patients, and triglycerides in 42 patients, with inverse correlation to body mass index. 37 patients showed some degree of overweight or obesity. CBC showed 5 patients with anemia and 10 with leukopenia. 24 patients were vaccinated for hepatitis A, and 26 for hepatitis B, but 12 patients did not show seroconversion against the vaccine. One patient was diagnosed with hepatitis C. As the presence of atlanto-axial instability, eight patients reported their presence. We can conclude that many of the systemic alterations reported in the literature are present in patients with DS seen at CAPE. It is necessary for the dentist to know the medical history of patients with SD before the dental treatment, and it is necessary to adjust the treatment according to each systemic alterations presented by patients in order to provide a safe and effective treatment.

Alterações sistêmicas e comportamentais de interesse odontológico em pacientes com síndrome de Down / Dental implications of systemic and behavior alterations in Downs syndrome patients

Souza, Elizabeth Maria Martins Francischini de 30 March 2011 (has links)
A síndrome de Down (SD) é a mais comum doença de origem genética, causada pela trissomia do cromossomo 21 e caracterizada por comprometimento intelectual, alterações físicas e várias comorbidades sistêmicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar as alterações sistêmicas e comportamentais de interesse odontológico nos pacientes com SD e discutir a adequação no manejo odontológico frente às comorbidades apresentadas. Foram analisados 52 pacientes com SD em atendimento no CAPE-FOUSP. Os responsáveis foram entrevistados com relação às alterações sistêmicas, com base em um questionário desenvolvido especificamente para esta pesquisa. Foram pesquisadas as seguintes alterações: cardíacas, respiratórias, neurológicas e comportamentais, imunológicas, hematológicas, endócrinas (disfunção da glândula tireóide e diabetes mellitus), doenças infecciosas e articulares. Os pacientes realizaram exames complementares, como a aferição da pressão arterial, do IMC e da glicemia capilar e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: hemograma, coagulagrama, hormônio tireotrófico (TSH), tri-iodotironina total (T3 total), tiroxina livre (T4 livre), tiroxina total (T4 total), colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos, hemoglobina glicosilada, sorologia para hepatite B e C, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT). Os resultados mostram que as alterações sistêmicas mais freqüentes foram as respiratórias, sendo a pneumonia a mais comum e sua incidência era inversamente proporcional à idade dos pacientes, seguida pelas alterações cardíacas, sendo que 13 pacientes apresentaram apenas uma, e 4 apresentaram múltiplas alterações; e o sopro foi a doença cardíaca mais relatada. Dentro das alterações neurológicas e comportamentais, 37 pacientes apresentavam pelo menos uma das características do início da doença de Alzheimer. Dez pacientes apresentaram hipotireodismo, 7 pacientes hipotireoidismo subclínico, 3 pacientes estado de pré-diabetes, dois pacientes estado de pré-hipertensão. Os níveis de colesterol total estavam dentro dos padrões desejáveis em 36 pacientes, assim como os triglicerídeos em 42 pacientes, com correlação inversa ao índice de massa corporal que apresentou 37 pacientes com sobrepeso ou algum grau de obesidade. Analisando o hemograma, foi observado 5 pacientes com anemia e 10 com leucopenia. Pesquisando a vacinação contra hepatite A e B, 24 pacientes foram vacinados para hepatite A, 26 para hepatite B onde 12 pacientes não apresentaram soroconversão frente a vacina. Um paciente foi diagnosticado com hepatite C. Quanto a presença de instabilidade atlato-axial, 8 pacientes relataram sua presença. Podemos concluir que muitas das alterações sistêmicas citadas na literatura estão presentes nos pacientes atendidos no CAPE, mostrando a necessidade de conhecermos a história médica dos pacientes com SD antes de atendê-los no consultório odontológico, e adequando o tratamento de acordo com cada alteração apresentada pelos pacientes tornando seu tratamento seguro e eficaz. / Downs syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic disorder and it is caused by the trissomy of 21 chromosome. It is characterized by mental retardation, physical alterations and several systemic co morbidities. The aim of this study was to evaluate behavior and systemic alterations with dental implications in DS patients and discuss the dental management of these patients. We evaluate 52 patients with DS under dental treatment at the Special Care Dentistry Center of the School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. The guardians were interviewed about systemic co morbidities based on a special chart developed for this research. The following systemic alterations were analyzed: cardiac, respiratory, neurological and behavior, immunological, hematological, endocrine (thyroid disorders and diabetes), infeccious diseases and joint alterations. Patients were submitted to complementary exams such as : blood pressure and glucose levels, body mass index, CBC, coagulagrama hormone (TSH), total triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (FT4), total thyroxine (T4), total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, glycated hemoglobin, serology for hepatitis B and C, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The results show that the most frequent systemic alterations were respiratory alterations, pneumonia being the most common and its incidence was inversely proportional to the age of the patients, followed by cardiac abnormalities, while 13 patients had only one, and four had multiple abnormalities, and the heart murmur was the most frequent cardiac alterations. Within the neurological and behavioral disorders, 37 patients had at least one characteristic of early Alzheimer\'s disease. Ten patients had hypothyroidism, 7 patients had subclinical hypothyroidism, 3 patients state of pre-diabetes, two patients a state of pre-hypertension. The total cholesterol levels were desirable in 36 patients, and triglycerides in 42 patients, with inverse correlation to body mass index. 37 patients showed some degree of overweight or obesity. CBC showed 5 patients with anemia and 10 with leukopenia. 24 patients were vaccinated for hepatitis A, and 26 for hepatitis B, but 12 patients did not show seroconversion against the vaccine. One patient was diagnosed with hepatitis C. As the presence of atlanto-axial instability, eight patients reported their presence. We can conclude that many of the systemic alterations reported in the literature are present in patients with DS seen at CAPE. It is necessary for the dentist to know the medical history of patients with SD before the dental treatment, and it is necessary to adjust the treatment according to each systemic alterations presented by patients in order to provide a safe and effective treatment.

Barn med Downs syndrom: språkträning och social träning : - Fyra fallstudier av barn i tidiga åldrar

Lundmark, Lena January 2007 (has links)
<p>Intresset för barn med Downs syndrom har funnits hos mig sedan förskollärarutbildningen för 25 år sedan, då jag under en praktikperiod mötte en flicka med detta syndrom. Hon var vid 13 års ålder utan verbalt tal. När jag många år senare hörde talas om Karlstadmodellen, som är en modell för språkträning av barn, ungdomar och vuxna med språkstörning kom jag att tänka på denna flicka och vilka möjligheter hon kunde ha haft. Under specialpedagogutbildningen har intresset kommit att röra samhällets stöd, arbetet med alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation och inkludering av dessa barn. I denna undersökning har intervjuer gjorts med 15 personer i nära kontakt med fyra barn med Downs Syndrom: föräldrar, resurspersoner/assistenter, förskollärare, lärare och fritidspedagoger. Resultatet visar att samhället har en viktig funktion i stödet av både föräldrar och pedagogisk personal, och att arbetet med alternativ kommunikation, i dessa fall teckenkommunikation, har betytt mycket för barnens språkliga utveckling. Inkludering i den vanliga förskolan utvecklar barnens sociala förmåga visar sig också i resultatet. Inkludering i den vanliga grundskolan är för tre av barnens familjer fortfarande en hypotetisk diskussion, medan familjen till det barn som börjat i den vanliga grundskolan enbart har positiva erfarenheter. I denna undersökning vill jag peka på en del av de möjligheter som finns för barnen med Downs syndrom tack vare samhällets stöd, teckenkommunikation (TAKK) och inkludering.</p>

När berättelsen tystnar : Om Downs Syndrom och betydelsen av att kunna skapa, upprätthålla samt förmedla en sammanhängande berättelse om sig själv

Netterstedt, Ulrika January 2008 (has links)
<p>Berättelser om Downs Syndrom formuleras ofta utifrån, av andra än de som lever med diagnosen. Inom forskning är det vanligtvis genom anhöriga eller omsorgspersonal som vi försöker närma oss en förståelse av vad diagnosen innebär. Mitt syfte här var att, genom intervjuer med vuxna som har Downs Syndrom, studera hur identiteten konstrueras utifrån dessa villkor samt se om det handlar om en avvikaridentitet. För genomförandet använde jag narrativ teori och metod som jag låtit inspireras av den hermeneutiska tolkningsprocessen. Genom att analysera livsberättelser som ett uttryck för identitet som en en språklig process, ville jag fånga och förmedla de berättelser som personerna själva ger uttryck för. Jag fann berättelser om existentiell förlust i relation till det man inte har men "kunde ha haft". Jag fann upplevelser präglade av att vara kropp och av ensamhet samt berättelser om motstånd gentemot en identitet som avvikare. Ett motstånd som resulterar i att individen osynliggörs. Resultatet landar i att förmågan att skapa och upprätthålla en sammanhängande berättelse om sig själv och kunna förmedla den enligt det sociala livets normer, är grundläggande för huruvida en avvikaridentitet tar form eller kan bekämpas. För personer med Downs Syndrom kan detta ta sig uttryck i en mellanrumsidentitet och berättelsen tystnar.</p>

Känslor hos föräldrar till barn med Downs syndrom : Skillnader mellan mödrar och fäder

Almstedt, Julia, Gustafsson, Petra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Studien bygger på en sammanställning av tidigare insamlad och ej bearbetad data. Syftet med studien var att jämföra om det fanns några skillnader kring känslor hos mödrar och fäder till barn med Downs syndrom (DS). 80 mödrar respektive 79 fäder deltog i studien. De fick svara på en enkät gällande känslor under en tidsperiod på tre månader tillbaka. Barnens medelålder var 4,7 år då föräldrarna besvarade enkäten. Enkäten som användes i föreliggande studie bestod av 21 stycken känslouttryck som skulle skattas på en Visuell Analog Skala (VAS) från 0-10. Resultatet visade att mödrar och fäder till barn med DS skattade ”glad” högst och ”förkrossad” lägst. ”Glad”, ”arg” och ”ledsen” var signifikant högre hos mödrarna jämfört med hos fäderna. Fäderna skattade ”bitter/dyster” signifikant högre än mödrarna. För övrigt fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan föräldrarna. Totalt skattade mödrar och fäder de positiva känslouttrycken högre än de negativa. Resultatet i studien tyder på att mödrar och fäder till barn med DS inte är i behov av könsanpassad utan istället individanpassad stöttning och vägledning.</p> / <p> This study is based on a compilation of previously collected and unprocessed data. The purpose of the study was to compare whether there were any differences between the feelings of mothers and fathers of children with Down syndrome (DS). 80 mothers and 79 fathers participated in the study. The children´s average age was 4,7 years when the parents answered the questionnaire. They were responding to a questionnaire concerning feelings over a period of three months. The survey that was used in the study consisted of 21 emotional expressions that would be estimated on a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) of 0-10. The results showed that both mothers and fathers of children with DS estimated "happy" highest and "devastated" lowest. "Happy", "angry" and "sorry" was significantly higher in mothers compared to fathers. Fathers estimated "bitter / gloomy" significantly higher than the mothers. Moreover, there were no significant differences between the parents. Both mothers and fathers estimated the positive emotional expressions higher than the negative. The results of the study interpret that mothers and fathers of children with DS are not in need of gender-adapted but personalized support and guidance.</p>

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