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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le « nanomonde » et le renversement de la distinction entre nature et technique : entre l’artificialisation de la nature et la naturalisation de la technique

Esquivel Sada, Daphné 12 1900 (has links)
Les nanosciences et les nanotechnologies (NST) s’inscrivent dans un champ technoscientifique, le nanomonde, qui a pour socle l’hybridation autant conceptuelle que pratique entre le domaine de la nature et celui de la technique. Dans ce mémoire nous nous intéressons au basculement de la distinction entre le naturel et l’artificiel qui s’ensuit. Un retour socio-historique sur la construction du dualisme nature/artifice propre aux sociétés modernes nous aide alors à saisir les enjeux socio-culturels impliqués dans sa remise en question. La déconstruction, à travers la méthode d’analyse de discours, d’entretiens réalisés avec les principaux chercheurs en NST au Québec illustre empiriquement, tout en le systématisant, le double processus d’artificialisation de la nature et de naturalisation de la technique, pointé théoriquement comme caractéristique de la remise en cause de la distinction entre nature et artifice qu’opère le nanomonde. Nous suggérons que l’artificialisation de la nature et la naturalisation de la technique, loin d’être contradictoires, constituent des éléments d’une dynamique synergique dont le résultat est une désontologisation de la nature comme catégorie de la pensée et une déqualification du monde qui distingue l’activité humaine. / Nanosciences and nanotechnologies (NST) are part of a technoscientific field, the nanoworld, which is founded on a theoretical and practical hybridization between nature and technique. In this master thesis we are interested in the blurring of the distinction between the natural and the artificial that so follows. From a socio-historical perspective of the construction of the dualism nature/artefact typical of modern societies, we try to apprehend the socio-cultural stakes that might result from its reversal. Through discourse analysis of interviews conducted with the main researchers in NST in Quebec, we illustrate empirically, and systematize, the double process of artificialisation of nature and naturalization of technique, which is theoretically pointed out as characteristic of the blur of the distinction between nature and technique carried out in the nanoworld. We suggest that the two terms, artificialisation of nature and naturalization of technique, far from being contradictory, rather constitute elements of a synergetic dynamics that leads to a de-ontologisation of nature as a category of thought and a disqualification of the domain that distinguishes human activity. / Conseil de Recherches en sciences humaines du Canada

Les problèmes de la causalité mentale / The problems of Mental Causality

Fournier, Laure 22 October 2013 (has links)
Quel type de choses sont les raisons que nous donnons pour expliquer nos comportements ? Sont-ce des entités dans nos cerveaux causalement responsables de nos actions ? Sinon, doit-on accepter le dualisme cartésien ? Faut-il croire avec Davidson que les raisons sont des entités physiques pourtant impossibles à identifier en termes physiques ? Nous proposons une réponse alternative : les raisons sont des choses dont nous ne faisons pas l’expérience. Elles peuvent être dites guider nos actions, en vertu d’une cohérence que nous acquérons à travers le temps, en même temps qu’une identité personnelle claire. On défend donc ici la thèse wittgensteinienne selon laquelle les raisons ne sont pas des causes, et l’on cherche ce qu’elles sont positivement. Car il y a bien une différence, dans la réalité physique, entre agir pour une raison ou l’autre. Mais c’est une réalité que l’on recherche et construit, et non que l’on observe et nomme. En parlant de nos raisons, on parle avant de savoir, pour faire advenir quelque chose –quelque chose de physique, comme toute chose.On soutient ainsi contre Kim qu’il est possible de croire à la pertinence propre des raisons, tout en restant moniste, sans dommage pour la rationalité humaine.Tout ceci a d’importantes conséquences éthiques : l’évaluation des raisons et intentions n’est sensée que si elle est une tentative pour bien agir ; elle sera toujours non pertinente pour définir les actions passées, et cela remet gravement en cause la notion de mérite. Ainsi proposons-nous de concevoir la morale de façon dynamique, comme étant ce que l’on cherche toujours à rendre possible. / What kind of things are the reasons we use to explain our behavior? Are they material entities in the brain, causing actions? Are they, as Davidson says, physical entities that we cannot identify in physical terms? Are we forced to accept Cartesian dualism? This thesis proposes another answer. Reasons are not experienced. They are sought through action and conceptualization. They may be said to guide our actions, but not as events which cause actions; rather, they serve, over time, to construct coherent behavior and stable personal identity.We defend here the Wittgensteinian thesis that reasons are not causes. We show that it is consistent with monism. The difference between acting for this or that reason does exist in reality, but it is a reality that we construct and pursue, not one that we experience and name. This is because when we give reasons, we speak before knowing, in order to make something exist.Thus we argue, against Kim, that it is possible to be a monist, to defend the importance of rational explanations, and to deny the possibility of reducing reasons to causes. Indeed, the knowledge necessary to do so would be far beyond the knowledge we require to speak the language of reasons.This conception of reasons as things that we seek rather than thing that we experience has important consequences in ethics. Namely, that the evaluation of reasons or intentions only makes sense when one attempts to act appropriately; it is irrelevant in defining past actions. This means that the very idea of merit is problematic, and that morality itself is something we must constantly work to make possible.

Monarchie et gouvernement parlementaire en Belgique (1830-1920) / Monarchy and parliamentary system in Belgium (1830-1920)

Mounzinaha Nzila, Eric 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le royaume de la Belgique a pendant longtemps été considéré en Europe continentale, comme l’un des principaux pays à avoir adopté et réussi la pratique du régime parlementaire. L’analyse du système de gouvernement envisagé ici, dans tous ses aspects historiques, juridiques et politiques, vise à reconstituer la façon dont s’est parlementarisé sans heurts notoires, la monarchie constitutionnelle représentative des origines vers une pratique parlementaire dualiste. Cette étude propose une réflexion d’ensemble sur l’architecture des pouvoirs, sous les règnes de Léopold Ier, Léopold II et Albert Ier, notamment sur la formation du gouvernement de cabinet, la naissance des partis politiques, le déclin de l’autorité politique du Roi, tout en faisant au passage une prosopographie du personnel politique de l’époque. / The Kingdom of Belgium has long been considered in continental Europe as one of the main countries to have adopted and succeeded in the practice of a parliamentary system. The analysis of the government system presented here in all its historical, legal and political aspects aims at reconstituting the way the initial constitutional monarchy progressed towards a dual parliamentary system without any significant incidents. Thus, in the reigns of Leopold I, Leopold II and Albert I, this study offers an overarching consideration of the architecture of powers, the formation of cabinet government, the creation of political parties, the decline of Royal political authority, while conducting a prosopography of the political figures of the period.

Theoretical and practical intersection of international law and domestic law / L'intersection théorique et pratique entre le droit international et le droit interne

Bjorgvinsson, David Thor 05 October 2013 (has links)
Cette étude fait valoir, par l’incorporation du droit international et son application dans le système national islandais, illustré par les jugements de la Cour suprême d’Islande, que les limites posées par l’approche dualiste traditionnelle, tels que présentés communément dans la littérature académique islandaise, ont été poussées à leur extrême. On affirme que le principe de dualité des juridictions, tel qu’il est défini dans la littérature juridique, ne décrit pas de façon adéquate le lien réel et important entre le droit international et la loi nationale comme cela apparaît dans les « techniques d’incorporation interprétatives » effectivement utilisées par les cours islandaises. Notre étude fait valoir que l’impact substantif et normatif du droit international non incorporé comporte des éléments de l’approche moniste, se révèle plus complexe et excède de loin la simple description générale du principe dualiste. / This study argues that, by the incorporation of international law into the Icelandic national system and its application on the domestic level, in particular as it appears in the judgments of the Supreme Court of Iceland, the limits set by the traditional dualist approach, as commonly presented in Icelandic academic literature, have been stretched to its outer limits. It is argued that the dualist principle, as defined and described in the legal literature, does not adequately describe the real and substantive relationship between international law and national law as it appears in the „interpretive incorporation techniques“ actually used by the Icelandic courts. It is argued that the real substantive and normative impact of unincorporated international law bears clear elements of the monist approach and is more complicated and far exceeds what is implied in the general description of and reference to the dualist principle.

La dualité juridictionnelle à l'épreuve de l'érosion de la distinction entre le droit public et le droit privé / The French organisation with two kinds of courts put to the test by the erosion between private and public law

Serre, Pauline 05 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est une recherche consacrée à l'érosion entre le droit public et le droit privé ainsi qu'à son impact sur le fonctionnement de la dualité juridictionnelle. La première partie s'attache à la description de cette manifestation ainsi qu'à son principal effet : la multiplication des interconnexions entre les juges administratifs et judiciaires. Le rapprochement entre les deux ordres juridictionnels se caractérise par l'harmonisation des procès et par l'existence d'une cohérence jurisprudentielle concernant les contentieux communs. Pourtant, la seconde partie nous révèle l'existence d'une minorité de divergences ainsi qu’une complexité progressive des règles de répartition des compétences. Si aujourd'hui, la pertinence globale de la dualité juridictionnelle n'est pas menacée, elle nécessite toutefois d'être renouvelée pour résister, par la suite, à l'érosion toujours plus importante entre le droit public et le droit privé / This research deals about the confusion between the public and the private law as well as the impact on the mechanics of two different courts. The first part describes the erosion of both entities and its main effect : the growth of interconnections between the distinct judges. The development of relations between the judges is distinguished by the trial harmonisation and the coherence of court rulings. However the second part demonstrates the reality of points of contention between judges and the complexity of rules of competence. If today the preservation of two kinds of courts is not threatened it is required to renew it to better resist to the erosion development between the public and the private law

Anthropological dualism in Korean church education / Kyong Ho Kwon

Kwon, Kyong Ho January 2007 (has links)
The Christian church was begun in 19Ih century in the traditionally multi-religious society in Korea. Christianity holds a major position in Korea today and has for the past 20 years been growing rapidly in numbers. Despite its phenomenal growth, the churches. and Christianity in general, have been suffering from several ailments, of which dualistic thinking is not the least. Anthropological dualism amounts to not only distinguishing between soul and body, but also ascribing a separate and independent existence to each of these "components" of the human being. This dualism (as well as others) developed in the church under the influence of traditional Korean religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Shamanism that have been teaching such dualisms. The Korean Christian mindset has to this day been dualistic both as a result of such cultural and philosophical influences and o€ ideas brought by the early missionaries to Korea. The influence of Platonic dualism is still widespread in the conservative and gospel church. This study focuses on: + examining the nature of the problem of anthropological (and other forms of) dualism + how the problem has been manifesting itself in Korean churches and in church education + the most momentous influences on Korean Christianity and churches resulting in a dualistic mindset regarding life in general and the human being in particular + the impact of anthropological dualism on church life and especially on education in the context of the church + the Biblical view of the human being, and on + how the pervasive problem of anthropological dualism can be eradicated. It was found that, although the Bible uses a whole variety of words that somehow relate to or describe the human being, these words or t e n s do not refer to "parts" or "components" but rather to different facets of the human being, much like one can refer to the different facets of a polished diamond. Whenever a word is used, it refers to a particular perspective from which the human being is approached or viewed but in the final analysis, it refers to the whole being. Discovery of this perspective was important in view of the dualistic tendencies in Korean churches and in church education. Application of a holistic view of the human being enables one to approach education as the guiding, leading, enabling, equipping and discipling of educands (those who are being guided etc.) as whole, total and integrated persons. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Le « nanomonde » et le renversement de la distinction entre nature et technique : entre l’artificialisation de la nature et la naturalisation de la technique

Esquivel Sada, Daphné 12 1900 (has links)
Les nanosciences et les nanotechnologies (NST) s’inscrivent dans un champ technoscientifique, le nanomonde, qui a pour socle l’hybridation autant conceptuelle que pratique entre le domaine de la nature et celui de la technique. Dans ce mémoire nous nous intéressons au basculement de la distinction entre le naturel et l’artificiel qui s’ensuit. Un retour socio-historique sur la construction du dualisme nature/artifice propre aux sociétés modernes nous aide alors à saisir les enjeux socio-culturels impliqués dans sa remise en question. La déconstruction, à travers la méthode d’analyse de discours, d’entretiens réalisés avec les principaux chercheurs en NST au Québec illustre empiriquement, tout en le systématisant, le double processus d’artificialisation de la nature et de naturalisation de la technique, pointé théoriquement comme caractéristique de la remise en cause de la distinction entre nature et artifice qu’opère le nanomonde. Nous suggérons que l’artificialisation de la nature et la naturalisation de la technique, loin d’être contradictoires, constituent des éléments d’une dynamique synergique dont le résultat est une désontologisation de la nature comme catégorie de la pensée et une déqualification du monde qui distingue l’activité humaine. / Nanosciences and nanotechnologies (NST) are part of a technoscientific field, the nanoworld, which is founded on a theoretical and practical hybridization between nature and technique. In this master thesis we are interested in the blurring of the distinction between the natural and the artificial that so follows. From a socio-historical perspective of the construction of the dualism nature/artefact typical of modern societies, we try to apprehend the socio-cultural stakes that might result from its reversal. Through discourse analysis of interviews conducted with the main researchers in NST in Quebec, we illustrate empirically, and systematize, the double process of artificialisation of nature and naturalization of technique, which is theoretically pointed out as characteristic of the blur of the distinction between nature and technique carried out in the nanoworld. We suggest that the two terms, artificialisation of nature and naturalization of technique, far from being contradictory, rather constitute elements of a synergetic dynamics that leads to a de-ontologisation of nature as a category of thought and a disqualification of the domain that distinguishes human activity. / Conseil de Recherches en sciences humaines du Canada

Embodiment in the poetry of Gabeba Baderoon / Elizabeth Louise Nortjé

Nortjé, Elizabeth Louise January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relation between embodiment and language, knowledge and memory, as explored in the poetry of South African poet Gabeba Baderoon. In her three published collections of poetry, namely, The Museum of Ordinary Life, The Dream in the Next Body and A Hundred Silences, she depicts seemingly trivial and everyday events or experiences with acute attention to detail, all of which are connected by her unique portrayal of their embodied nature. In doing so, her work illustrates that intellectual activities typically associated with the mind, such as language, knowledge and memory, in fact require the incorporation of the body. Therefore, this dissertation studies the mind-body relation represented in her work with regard to these thematic concerns, since it is a crucial aspect of her poetry and aids not only in understanding and interpreting her work, but also the discourse on embodiment in general. These concerns do, moreover, not remain on a thematic level, but are evident in her poetry itself; that is, her poems too act as a form of embodiment. Furthermore, Baderoon’s poems are able to transcend the supposed mind-body dichotomy in a way that shows much in common with phenomenology, and especially the perspective held by authors such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This dissertation incorporates phenomenological ideas on the body and embodiment, as these assist in interpreting Baderoon’s work, as well as for the reason that her poetry sheds new light upon the understanding of such phenomenological ideas, too. Thus, this dissertation seeks to elucidate the manner in which Gabeba Baderoon’s poetry transcends the mind-body dichotomy by means of her exceptional employment of the notion of embodiment on a thematic as well as formal level. / Thesis (MA (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Anthropological dualism in Korean church education / Kyong Ho Kwon

Kwon, Kyong Ho January 2007 (has links)
The Christian church was begun in 19Ih century in the traditionally multi-religious society in Korea. Christianity holds a major position in Korea today and has for the past 20 years been growing rapidly in numbers. Despite its phenomenal growth, the churches. and Christianity in general, have been suffering from several ailments, of which dualistic thinking is not the least. Anthropological dualism amounts to not only distinguishing between soul and body, but also ascribing a separate and independent existence to each of these "components" of the human being. This dualism (as well as others) developed in the church under the influence of traditional Korean religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Shamanism that have been teaching such dualisms. The Korean Christian mindset has to this day been dualistic both as a result of such cultural and philosophical influences and o€ ideas brought by the early missionaries to Korea. The influence of Platonic dualism is still widespread in the conservative and gospel church. This study focuses on: + examining the nature of the problem of anthropological (and other forms of) dualism + how the problem has been manifesting itself in Korean churches and in church education + the most momentous influences on Korean Christianity and churches resulting in a dualistic mindset regarding life in general and the human being in particular + the impact of anthropological dualism on church life and especially on education in the context of the church + the Biblical view of the human being, and on + how the pervasive problem of anthropological dualism can be eradicated. It was found that, although the Bible uses a whole variety of words that somehow relate to or describe the human being, these words or t e n s do not refer to "parts" or "components" but rather to different facets of the human being, much like one can refer to the different facets of a polished diamond. Whenever a word is used, it refers to a particular perspective from which the human being is approached or viewed but in the final analysis, it refers to the whole being. Discovery of this perspective was important in view of the dualistic tendencies in Korean churches and in church education. Application of a holistic view of the human being enables one to approach education as the guiding, leading, enabling, equipping and discipling of educands (those who are being guided etc.) as whole, total and integrated persons. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Une perspective philosophique sur la douleur

Guo, Feng 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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