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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка чат-бота для работы HR на промышленном предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Development of the HR chatbot for the industrial enterprise

Перминова, Е. В., Perminova, E. V. January 2022 (has links)
Цифровые технологии являются неотъемлемой частью производственного процесса и основой для развития цифровой трансформации предприятия во многих процессах, включая и управление человеческими ресурсами. Функция HR превращается в одну из самых важных и динамичных в любой организации. Адаптация как одна из функций управления человеческими ресурсами является основным инструментом в приспособлении работников к новой для них среде. Предприятия, обладающие компетенциями HR нового поколения, демонстрируют значительно более высокие финансовые показатели, чем более слабые в данном отношении конкуренты. Следовательно, в настоящих условиях стоит вопрос о возможности моментального предоставления доступа к актуальной информации и обеспечения более быстрой и эффективной адаптации для сотрудников предприятия с применением цифровых инструментов, таких как интеллектуальный агент (чат-бот). / Digital technologies are an integral part of the production process and the basis for the development of digital transformation of the enterprise in many processes, including human resource management. The HR function is turning into one of the most important and dynamic in any organization. Adaptation as one of the functions of human resource management is the main tool in adapting employees to a new environment for them. Enterprises with a new generation of HR competencies demonstrate significantly higher financial performance than weaker competitors in this regard. Therefore, in these conditions, there is a question of the possibility of instant access to up-to-date information and ensuring faster and more effective adaptation for employees of the enterprise using digital tools, such as an intelligent agent (chatbot).

En förändrad roll för HR-chefer? : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av CSRD lett till en förändringav HR-chefers yrkesroll

Högwall, Julia, Törnblom, Louise January 2024 (has links)
Occupational roles are constantly changing in today's society. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new EU directive that sets requirements for companies sustainability reporting, which may change the occupational role of HR managers. The aim of the study is to investigate if, and in that case, what changes in the occupational role the implementation of CSRD has led to in terms of tasks and role expectations and whether it has resulted in a changed role identity . In order to study whether there has been a change in the occupational role of HR managers, qualitative interviews have been conducted. The theoretical framework is based on the concepts: tasks, role expectations and role identity. The study's results show that the occupational role of HR managers has changed in some respects. A few new aspects have been added to the existing role, but the occupational role has not changed into a completely new role. The results also show that the changed occupational role has not lead to a changed identity. / Yrkesroller förändras ständigt i dagens samhälle. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) är ett nytt EU-direktiv som ställer krav på företags hållbarhetsrapportering vilket kan förändra HR-chefernas yrkesroll. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall vad implementeringen av CSRD har lett till för förändringar i HR-chefers yrkesroll gällande uppgifter och rollförväntningar och om det resulterat i en förändrad rollidentitet. För att studera om det har skett en förändring av HR-chefers yrkesroll har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. Den teoretiska referensramen baseras på begreppen: uppgifter, rollförväntningar och rollidentitet. Studiens resultat visar att HR-chefers yrkesroll har förändrats i vissa avseenden. Yrkesrollen har inte förändrats till en helt ny roll utan det har tillkommit vissa nya aspekter till den befintliga rollen. Resultatet visar även att förändringen av yrkesrollen inte lett till en förändrad identitet.


VITOR CORNAQUI PEREIRA MARROCOS 09 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] No presente trabalho é proposto o desenvolvimento de um método analítico para determinação de S por espectrometria de absorção molecular de alta resolução com fonte contínua e forno de grafite (HR-CS GF MAS). As amostras foram preparadas por dissolução ácida e os padrões de calibração, assemelhados à matriz da amostra dissolvida, contendo sulfato, tioureia ou L-cisteína foram estudados em função de suas diferentes estabilidades térmicas. A técnica de HR-CS GF MAS é uma alternativa interessante para determinação de S, pois apresenta alta resolução espectral que minimiza interferências espectrais, pelo uso de um monocromador de alta resolução que permite a separação das linhas de absorção molecular do analito e da matriz, pelo uso do forno de grafite como fonte de atomização, que permite a separação da matriz e do analito antes da etapa de medida do sinal analítico. Com isso, este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um método analítico para determinação de S em amostras de cabelo por HR-CS GF MAS, a fim de avaliar os níveis deste elemento no organismo e compará-los com os resultados obtidos por ICP OES. As condições escolhidas para temperatura de pirólise e de vaporização foram 1000 graus C e 2400 graus C, respectivamente, utilizando 800 microgramas de W, como modificador permanente, e 15 microgramas e 10 microgramas, respectivamente, de uma mistura de Pd(mais)Mg, como modificador em solução. O valor determinado para a concentração de S no material certificado de referência NCS DC73347a (cabelo humano) está de acordo com o descrito em seu certificado, bem como as concentrações de S determinadas em 14 amostras de cabelo, que estão em concordância com as determinadas por ICP-OES de acordo com teste t-pareado (95 por cento de confiança), o que comprova a boa exatidão do método proposto. / [en] In the presented work it is proposed the development of an analytical method for sulfur determination by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry (HR-CS GF MAS). The samples were prepared by acid dissolution and the calibration standards containing sulfate, thiourea, L-cysteine were studied as a function of their different thermal stabilities and its capability for matrix matching. The HR-CS GF MAS technique is an interesting alternative for sulfur determination, since its capability to perform an interference-free analysis due to its high resolution monochromator that allows to overcome the spectral overlapping and by the use of the graphite furnace as atomizer which minimizes the matrix effects before the analytical measurement. The aim of this work is to develop an analytical method for sulfur determination in hair samples by HR-CS GF MAS, in order to evaluate the levels of this element in the human body and to compare them with the results obtained by ICP OES. The chosen conditions for pyrolysis and vaporization temperatures were 1000 C degrees and 2400 C degrees, respectively, using 800 micrograms of W as permanent modifier combined with 15 micrograms and 10 micrograms, respectively, of Pd(plus)Mg mixture as modifier in solution. The value determined for S concentration in the certified reference material NSC DC73347a (human hair) was in agreement with those reported in its certificate, as well as sulfur concentrations determined in 14 hair samples, which are in agreement with those determined by ICP-OES according to the t-paired test (95 percent level of confidence), which proves the good accuracy of the proposed method.

Flerdimensionell syn på konflikter och konflikthantering

Andersson, Ebba, Schincaglia, Victoria January 2024 (has links)
Konflikter är en naturlig del av arbetslivet som orsakas av olika bakgrundsfaktorer. En övergripande trend i konflikthantering är metoder som främjar kommunikation och samarbete. Mot denna bakgrund avser denna studie att undersöka hur ett fallstudieföretag hanterar konflikter, med hjälp av Bolman och Deals bok “Nya perspektiv på organisation och ledarskap”. Arbetet analyserar konflikter och konflikthantering utifrån fyra perspektiv: strukturella, HR, politiska och symboliska. Det konceptuella ramverket presenterar dessa perspektiv individuellt, samt modeller och teorier som är relaterade till ämnet. Det empiriska materialet utgår från nio intervjupersoner från olika avdelningar och positioner för att få en inblick i deras syner på konflikter, de involverade aktörerna samt hur konflikter hanteras. Sammanställningen av intervjuerna analyseras med det konceptuella ramverket för att identifiera samband och förbättra konflikthanteringsmetoder. Avslutningsvis visar studien att en flerperspektivistiska syn är fördelaktig för att undvika att fastna i en ensidig syn på konflikter. / Workplace conflicts arise from a variety of underlying causes and are an inevitable aspect of the job. The application of techniques that foster cooperation and communication is a common trend in conflict resolution. In light of this, this study uses the paradigm provided by Bolman and Deal's book "Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership" to examine how a case study organisation manages conflicts. Four perspectives are used in the study to analyse conflicts and conflict management: structural, HR, political, and symbolic. These viewpoints are presented separately in the conceptual framework, together with pertinent models and theories. Nine people from various departments and roles were interviewed for the empirical material in order to learn more about their perspectives on conflicts, the parties involved, and conflicts resolution techniques. The conceptual framework is applied to the analysis of the interview compilation in order to find patterns and enhance dispute resolution techniques. The study concludes by demonstrating the benefits of adopting a multi-perspective strategy in order to prevent taking a biassed stance on conflicts.

Мотивация на развитие персонала как HR-стратегия ресторанного бизнеса в условиях дефицита кадров на рынке труда : магистерская диссертация / Motivation for staff development as an HR strategy of the restaurant business in the context of a shortage of personnel in the labor market

Забелло, Т. С., Zabello, T. S. January 2024 (has links)
Исследование в данной области может помочь выявить эффективные подходы к мотивации персонала в ресторанной отрасли и определить, как HR- стратегия может способствовать развитию персонала. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части представлены понятие мотивации на развитие, виды мотивации труда, теоретические основы мотивации. Рассмотрены практики мотивации труда персонала на развитие в условиях дефицита кадров на рынке труда, мотивационные стратегии и инструменты мотивации труда персонала в сфере ресторанного бизнеса. В практической части описывается общая характеристика исследуемого предприятия, анализ структуры и движения персонала предприятия ресторанного бизнеса в условиях дефицита кадров на рынке труда. Проведен анализ действующей мотивации труда персонала в ООО «Вега +», данных о развитии и карьерных возможностей персонала. Представлены результаты исследования удовлетворенности трудом и действующей системой мотивацией труда сотрудников. На основе полученных данных разработан пакет предложений и мероприятий по совершенствованию мотивации на развитие персонала ресторанного бизнеса, который был одобрен и внедрен в организации. В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / Research in this area can help identify effective approaches to staff motivation in the restaurant industry and determine how an HR strategy can contribute to staff development. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendices. The theoretical part presents the concept of motivation for development, types of work motivation, and the theoretical foundations of motivation. The practices of staff motivation for development in conditions of shortage of personnel in the labor market, motivational strategies and tools for motivating staff in the field of restaurant business are considered. The practical part describes the general characteristics of the enterprise under study, the analysis of the structure and movement of the personnel of the restaurant business in conditions of shortage of personnel in the labor market. The analysis of the current motivation of the staff at Vega + LLC, data on the development and career opportunities of the staff was carried out. The results of a study of job satisfaction and the current employee motivation system are presented. Based on the data obtained, a package of proposals and measures has been developed to improve motivation for the development of restaurant business personnel, which has been approved and implemented in the organization. In conclusion, the results are summarized in accordance with the tasks set.

Современные проблемы управления персоналом на российских предприятиях : магистерская диссертация / Modern problems of personnel management at Russian enterprises

Прилуцкая, А. Н., Prilutskaya, A. N. January 2024 (has links)
Метод кейс-стади является важным инструментом в современной науке, так как позволяет погрузиться в изучаемый объект или явление, выявить важные факторы и закономерности, а также разработать практические рекомендации на основе полученных результатов. Кейс-стади позволяет исследователям более глубоко понять и объяснить сложные явления и проблемы, а также создать основу для развития новых теорий и моделей. Магистерское исследование подтверждает эффективность использования метода кейс-стади как инструмента исследования проблем управления персоналом на предприятии, так и применения ситуационных игр в процессе подбора персонала, позволяющих более точно оценить навыки, знания и способности кандидатов в реальных рабочих ситуациях, что снижает риск ошибочного выбора и повышает успех кандидатов на новой должности. Поэтому в качестве рекомендаций автором предложены алгоритмы применения в практике управления персоналом метода кейс-стади как для изучения проблем в трудовой сфере предприятия, так и для повышения эффективности процесса подбора персонала рекомендуется внедрение ситуационных игр, имитирующих реальные ситуации и проверяющих ключевые навыки и способности кандидатов. / The case study method is an important tool in modern science, as it allows you to immerse yourself in the object or phenomenon being studied, identify important factors and patterns, and develop practical recommendations based on the results obtained. Case studies allow researchers to better understand and explain complex phenomena and problems, and provide a basis for the development of new theories and models. The master's research confirms the effectiveness of using the case study method as a tool for studying personnel management problems in an enterprise, and the use of situational games in the personnel selection process, which allows more accurately assessing the skills, knowledge and abilities of candidates in real work situations, which reduces the risk of erroneous selection and increases success of candidates in a new position. Therefore, as recommendations, the author proposed algorithms for using the case study method in personnel management practice, both to study problems in the labour sphere of an enterprise and to increase the efficiency of the personnel selection process; it is recommended to introduce situational games that simulate real situations and test the key skills and abilities of candidates.

HR-funktionen, en isolerad ö? : En jämförande studie gällande det upplevda chefsstödet mellan privat och offentlig sektor

Hellström, Emelie, Öberg, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Gränserna mellan privat och offentlig sektor tenderar att bli allt mindre tydliga. Med tanke på de offentliga och privata sektorernas olika styrning var det därför intressant att undersöka hur HR-funktionen präglades av detta sett från linjechefernas perspektiv. Linjechefernas åsikter var intressanta då det är dessa som värdesätter stödet de får från HR-funktionen. Eftersom syftet var att få en förståelse för linjechefernas syn på stödet från HR-funktionen gjordes studien genom en kvalitativ undersökning med inspiration från fenomenografin, med fokus på att få fram skillnader och likheter mellan den offentliga och privata sektorn. Resultatet baserades på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer, där ingick linjechefer från både offentlig och privat sektor. Resultatet visade att det fanns en del skillnader, men att likheterna var fler. En del av likheterna var bland annat synen på HR-funktionen och dess huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter samt att HR-funktionen är av stor betydelse för både dem och hela organisationen. Den tydligaste skillnaden som framkom i resultatet var att linjecheferna inom de olika sektorerna hade olika uppfattningar kring hur HR-funktionen präglades av organisationernas styrning och struktur. Eftersom likheterna var fler än skillnaderna förs det i studien en diskussion om detta skulle kunna bero på att gränserna, mellan offentlig och privat sektor, idag blir alltmer otydliga i takt med dagens marknadsanpassningar. Det diskuteras även om de skillnader vi sett faktiskt beror på organisationernas styrning och struktur, det vill säga den sektor organisationerna är verksamma inom.

HR-avdelningens arbetsområden under en sammanslagnings-/uppköpsprocess sett ur köparens eller initiativtagarens perspektiv

Karlsson, Gabriella January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur HR-avdelningen arbetar</p><p>under en sammanslagnings-/uppköpsprocess ett företag går igenom.</p><p>Detta undersöktes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex personer</p><p>som arbetade med HR-frågor på sex olika företag. I intervjuerna</p><p>användes en intervjuguide med fyra frågeområden vilka utarbetats i en</p><p>förstudie. Intervjuutskrifterna tolkades utifrån en tematisk analysmetod.</p><p>I resultatet framgår att det HR-avdelningen arbetar med under en</p><p>sammanslagnings-/uppköpsprocess är informationsinsamling avseende</p><p>personalfrågor, ta fram underlag för fackliga och individuella</p><p>förhandlingar om avtal samt samarbetar med chefer i att ta fram ett</p><p>introduktionsprogram och genomföra detta. HR-avdelningen är också</p><p>delaktig i att sprida information under hela processens gång. Resultatet</p><p>har kunnat kopplas med god överensstämmelse till tidigare forskning</p><p>inom området. Studien anses användbar då sammanslagningar och</p><p>uppköp blir allt vanligare i arbetslivet och således påverkar ett allt</p><p>större antal individer. Det är viktigt ur ett mänskligt perspektiv att</p><p>företag, och i de ligger också en HR-avdelning, har strategier för att</p><p>hantera dessa processer.</p>

Human resource managers as custodians of the King III / Frank de Beer

De Beer, Frank January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this research was to perform an explorative study to identify the position of Human Resources (HR) departments in companies in South Africa as custodians of the King III code; their knowledge and understanding of the King III code; and their role within corporate governance. The HR department has the responsibility to manage corporate governance by using the King III code as guideline. The main research questions were: Does HR management know, understand, apply and have the ability to use the King III code in terms of ethical decision making and what role does the HR department play within corporate governance? A random sample of available HR managers, senior HR consultants and HR directors was taken and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results indicated that the respondents did not know, understand or use the King III code. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

The design space for robot appearance and behaviour for social robot companions

Walters, Michael L. January 2008 (has links)
To facilitate necessary task-based interactions and to avoid annoying or upsetting people a domestic robot will have to exhibit appropriate non-verbal social behaviour. Most current robots have the ability to sense and control for the distance of people and objects in their vicinity. An understanding of human robot proxemic and associated non-verbal social behaviour is crucial for humans to accept robots as domestic or servants. Therefore, this thesis addressed the following hypothesis: Attributes of robot appearance, behaviour, task context and situation will affect the distances that people will find comfortable between themselves and a robot. Initial exploratory Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) experiments replicated human-human studies into comfortable approach distances with a mechanoid robot in place of one of the human interactors. It was found that most human participants respected the robot's interpersonal space and there were systematic differences for participants' comfortable approach distances to robots with different voice styles. It was proposed that greater initial comfortable approach distances to the robot were due to perceived inconsistencies between the robots overall appearance and voice style. To investigate these issues further it was necessary to develop HRI experimental set-ups, a novel Video-based HRI (VHRI) trial methodology, trial data collection methods and analytical methodologies. An exploratory VHRI trial then investigated human perceptions and preferences for robot appearance and non-verbal social behaviour. The methodological approach highlighted the holistic and embodied nature of robot appearance and behaviour. Findings indicated that people tend to rate a particular behaviour less favourably when the behaviour is not consistent with the robot’s appearance. A live HRI experiment finally confirmed and extended from these previous findings that there were multiple factors which significantly affected participants preferences for robot to human approach distances. There was a significant general tendency for participants to prefer either a tall humanoid robot or a short mechanoid robot and it was suggested that this may be due to participants internal or demographic factors. Participants' preferences for robot height and appearance were both found to have significant effects on their preferences for live robot to Human comfortable approach distances, irrespective of the robot type they actually encountered. The thesis confirms for mechanoid or humanoid robots, results that have previously been found in the domain of human-computer interaction (cf. Reeves & Nass (1996)), that people seem to automatically treat interactive artefacts socially. An original empirical human-robot proxemic framework is proposed in which the experimental findings from the study can be unified in the wider context of human-robot proxemics. This is seen as a necessary first step towards the desired end goal of creating and implementing a working robot proxemic system which can allow the robot to: a) exhibit socially acceptable social spatial behaviour when interacting with humans, b) interpret and gain additional valuable insight into a range of HRI situations from the relative proxemic behaviour of humans in the immediate area. Future work concludes the thesis.

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