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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les facteurs internes et externes ayant un impact sur le retour aux études universitaires des professionnels en transition de carrière

Marzarte-Fricot, Nicolas 07 1900 (has links)
Objet : Au Québec, comme dans le reste du Canada, le nombre de professionnels en reprise d’étude est en nette augmentation. Parmi ces professionnels, un certain nombre se trouve en situation de transition professionnelle après plusieurs années de travail. L'objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer quels facteurs influent sur les retours aux études de ces professionnels. Méthode : au total, 625 étudiants adultes de la faculté d’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal ont reçu une invitation à répondre à un sondage en ligne après avoir informé de leur intérêt pour notre étude. Le sondage en ligne a rendu possible la collection de 170 réponses (taux de réponses de 27,2%) à notre questionnaire de 64 questions. Les informations collectées ont permis la création de diverses variables ainsi que d’indices de confiance, de volonté, de temps, d’information qui ont par la suite été recoupés avec les informations dispositionnelles, situationnelles, institutionnelles et démographiques de notre échantillon. Découvertes : Il apparaît que la confiance, la motivation et le temps sont les facteurs ayant le plus d’impact sur le retour aux études de notre échantillon. Implication : Maintenir la motivation et la confiance semble être la clé pour minimiser l'impact de facteurs défavorables sur les professionnels qui décident de retourner à l'école après leur début de carrière. Originalité et intérêt : Peu d'études ont été réalisées sur la participation de ces professionnels en transition à des programmes de formation universitaire, cette étude exploratoire est un premier pas dans la collecte d’information sur une population méconnue. / Purpose: In Quebec, as in the rest of Canada, the number of professionals returning to education has increased significantly. Among these professionals, a number is (are) experiencing career transition after several years of work. The objective of this research is to determine what factors do affect the returns to education of these professionals Design/methodology/approach: In total 625 students of the Faculty of continuing education of the University of Montreal were invited to answer to a 64 questions online survey. 170 answers were collected. (27.2% response rate) The data collected allowed for the creation of variables and indices of confidence, motivation, time, etc. This data was subsequently intersected with dispositional, situational, institutional and demographic information in our sample. Findings: it does appear that internal factors: confidence; motivation; and the time factor have the most impact on our sample. Practical implications: maintaining motivation and confidence appears to be key to minimizing the impact of adverse factors on professionals who decide to go back to university after spending years on the job market Originality/value: few studies have focused on the problems faced by professionals who opt to go back to school to prepare for career change, this study is a first step in the collection of information on a not so well known population.

Instituty související s nabídkovou cenou v procesu zadávání veřejných zakázek / Institutes related to the tender price in the award procedures of public contracts

Stowasser, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of selected institutes related to the tender price in the award procedures of public contracts in the light of the new Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, with its main focus on evaluation of impacts of the new legislation and identification of its potential risks, while its partial focus lies in comparison with previous legislation, i.e. Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, and assessment of usage of up to now decision practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition and case law of administrative courts. The first chapter deals with a brief overview of the public procurement legislation, its aims and purposes and identification of elementary characteristics of the award procedures of public contracts. The subject of the second chapter is to analyze preliminary market consultation from the general point of view and simultaneously to provide an analysis with a focus on its application, practical execution, benefits and drawbacks related thereto and its influence on the procurement procedures. The third chapter deals with the estimated value of public contracts, rules of its calculation, the issue of division of public contracts and its influence on tender prices. The fourth chapter...

Bankernas utmaningar under digitaliseringens framfart : En kvalitativ studie om hur banker hanterar förtroenderelaterade frågor gentemot sina kunder under den digitala utvecklingen

Thomas, Tomas, Poli, Tobil January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn genomgår en digital utveckling och förändringen sker i en allt snabb takt. Nya marknadsförhållanden med regelverk, en förändrad konkurrenssituation och ett förändrat kundbeteende har ställt banksektorn inför nya utmaningar och möjligheter som bankerna behöver förhålla sig till för att upprätthålla och stärka förtroendet gentemot sina kunder. Syfte: Studiens huvudsyfte är att undersöka hur banker hanterar förtroenderelaterade frågor under den ökade digitaliseringen inom banksektorn. Vidare syftar studien till att skapa en djupare förståelse för robotiserade rådgivningsprocesser och dess påverkan på bankkundernas förtroende i samband med att den fysiska kontakten mellan bank och kund minskar. Metod: Studien är utav en kvalitativ karaktär med en abduktiv forskningsansats och baseras på intervjuer med fem respondenter med relevanta yrkesroller som berör digitalisering- och förtroendefrågor inom den svenska banksektorn. Slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar att digitaliseringen medför nya möjligheter och utmaningar som bankerna kan dra nytta av förutsatt att dem hanterar den digitala utvecklingen på ett korrekt sätt. Resultatet tyder vidare på att bankerna behöver förhålla sig till dem förändrade marknadsförhållandena och ständigt bemöta kundernas förväntansbild. / Background: The banking industry is facing a digital transformation and the change is taking place at a rapid pace. New market conditions, a changing competitive situation and a changing customer behavior have put the banking industry in front of new challenges and opportunities that banks needs to manage to maintain and strengthen their customers trust towards themselves. Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to investigate how banks handles trust-related issues in the context of the increased digitalization in the banking industry. Furthermore, the study aims to create a deeper understanding of robo-advising and its impact on banking customers' trust while the physical contact between banks and customers decreases. Method: The study is of a qualitative character and follows an abductive research effort. The study is based on interviews with five respondents with relevant professional roles that concern digitalization and trust within the Swedish banking industry. Conclusion: The study's results show that digitalization brings new opportunities and challenges that banks can benefit from, given they handle the digital development properly. The result further indicates that banks need to manage the changing market conditions and constantly respond to customers' expectations.

Samråden i samband med slutförvaret för använt kärnbränsle i Östhammars kommun

Lindstrand, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en fallstudie där SKBs genomförda samråd i Östhammars kommun under åren 2002-2011 har studerats. Inför den ansökan som SKB lämnade till mark- och miljödomstolen 2011 behövde bolaget upprätta en miljökonsekvensbeskrivning (MKB). För att kunna göra detta behövde samråd genomföras. Det planerade slutförvaret är en komplex verksamhet och kan upplevas besvärlig att samråda kring, både av verksamhetsutövaren och av deltagare. Syftet med samrådet är att få in synpunkter och frågor kring den tänkta verksamheten som sedan kan användas till att utveckla och förbättra miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen. Vanliga sätt att bedriva samråd är att hålla informationsmöten, vilket också var det sätt som SKB valde. Det material som finns från dessa samråd är sammanställningar som SKB själva har gjort. När SKB lämnade in sin ansökan lämnades det också in en samrådsredogörelse där de genomförda samråden beskrivs. SKB har genomfört sina samråd på ett ganska förutsägbart sätt. Då det bara finns skriftligt material från samråden så är det svårt att avgöra om de har återgivits på ett rättvisande sätt. Det är med tveksamhet som syftet med samråd kan ses som uppfyllt. / This is a case study where Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company's (SKB) consultations in the municipality of Östhammar during the years 2002-2011 have been studied. Together with the application submitted by SKB to the Land and Environmental Court in 2011, the company needed an environmental impact assessment (EIA). In order to do this, consultations was a necessity. The planned repository is a complex activity and may be difficult to consult, both by the operator and by participants. The purpose of the consultation is to bring in comments and questions about the intended activities, which can then be used to develop and improve the environmental impact assessment. Common ways of conducting consultations are holding information meetings, which was also the way SKB chose. The material available from these consultations is summaries that SKB itself has made. When SKB submitted its application, a consultation report was also submitted, describing the consultations conducted. SKB has conducted its consultations in a fairly predictable manner. Since there is only written material from the consultations, it is difficult to determine whether they have been reproduced in a fair way. It is with hesitation that the purpose of the consultations can be seen as fulfilled. / <p>2019-09-13</p>

The impact of appreciative inquiry on merging cultures

Earley, Carol Jane 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of appreciative inquiry (AI) on the development of organisational culture after a merger. The empirical study was con-ducted among the employees of a telecommunications company in South Africa. AI was conducted after a merger of teams within a department of the organisation to assist in the development of a new and combined team culture. Interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) was used to determine the impact of AI on the new culture. The sample size for the study was 35 for the AI session and 20 for the IQA. A qualitative approach was adopted in this study in order to understand and explore the experiences of individuals who had recently been a part of the change process. The research design was based on IQA, a structured approach which constructs a systematic representation of the experience. It was found that AI allowed the teams to gain a new understanding of and insight into what it meant to work together as a unit. A significant difference was noted in the IQA facilitation that was performed six months after the AI session. This re-search therefore confirmed that the AI had a significant positive impact on the culture of the organisation under investigation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Novas tecnologias de telecomunicação na prestação de serviços em saúde mental: atendimento psiquiátrico por webconferência / New information and communication technologies in the delivery of mental health treatment: psychiatric care via videoconferencing

Hungerbühler, Ines 07 August 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Distúrbios mentais, neurológicos e de uso de substâncias estão dentre os principais contribuintes para a morbidade e mortalidade prematura no mundo. Mesmo onde existem cuidados de saúde mental e tratamentos eficazes, muitas vezes eles não são acessíveis para aqueles que mais precisam, principalmente por causa da desigualdade na distribuição de serviços e recursos humanos dentro de um país. Devido aos avanços contínuos nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e a disseminação crescente da internet na sociedade, o cuidado de saúde mental à distância via webconferência, denominado telepsiquiatria, tornou-se uma ferramenta promissora para o atendimento psiquiátrico. OBJETIVOS: O presente projeto visou avaliar a eficácia e a aplicabilidade do acompanhamento psiquiátrico ambulatorial por webconferência em ambientes clinicamente não supervisionados, comparando esta nova forma de acompanhamento com o cuidado padrão (presencial) em relação à evolução clínica (gravidade da depressão, estado de saúde mental, medicação, e recaídas), à satisfação com o tratamento, à relação terapêutica, à adesão ao tratamento (faltas e taxas de abandonos), e à adesão à medicação. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo clínico randomizado e controlado. Pacientes entre 18 e 55 anos, com depressão leve ou com quadro estabilizado, internet banda larga em casa, e em tratamento no Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas das Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IPq- HCFMUSP) foram alocados aleatoriamente em um grupo experimental ou controle. Enquanto o grupo controle recebeu consultas psiquiátricas mensais de forma presencial no IPq, o grupo experimental realizou consultas mensais com o psiquiatra por webconferência. Uma amostra de 107 pacientes foi recrutada. De forma aleatória, 54 pacientes foram colocados no grupo controle e 53 no grupo de webconferência. Não houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos com respeito aos dados sociodemográficos na avaliação inicial. Durante o acompanhamento, 950 consultas foram concluídas, 489 (51,5%) delas por webconferência. Além disso, 277 consultas de avaliação foram realizadas. No início, depois de 6 e 12 meses, a gravidade da depressão, o estado de saúde mental, a satisfação com o tratamento, a relação terapêutica, e a adesão ao tratamento e à medicação foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A gravidade da depressão diminuiu significativamente ao longo do acompanhamento de 12 meses em ambos os grupos. Os grupos diferiram significativamente em relação ao desenvolvimento da gravidade da depressão ao longo do período de seguimento, com melhores resultados para o acompanhamento por webconferência. Além disso, houve 4 recaídas no grupo controle e apenas uma no grupo de webconferência. Quanto a estado de saúde mental, a satisfação com o tratamento, a relação terapêutica, a adesão ao tratamento, e a adesão à medicação não foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre os grupos. Contudo, depois de 6 meses, o número de abandonos foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (18,5 vs. 5,7%, p < 0,05). A satisfação com o acompanhamento por webconferência foi alta tanto para os pacientes como para os psiquiatras. CONCLUSÕES: O acompanhamento psiquiátrico por webconferência foi tão eficaz e viável quanto o acompanhamento presencial com respeito à evolução clínica, a satisfação dos pacientes, a relação terapêutica, adesão ao tratamento e à medicação. Esses achados apontam o potencial da telepsiquiatria estender a assistência psiquiátrica à população de lugares remotos e até então sem acesso ao atendimento especializado / INTRODUCTION: Mental, neurological and substance-use disorders are major contributors to morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Even where mental health care and effective treatment exist, they are frequently not available to those in greatest need, mainly because of the unequal distribution of services and human resources within a country. Due to continuous advances in information and communication technologies and the growing spread of the Internet in society, remote mental health care via videoconferencing, called telepsychiatry, has become a promising tool for psychiatric attendance. OBJECTIVES: The present project aimed to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of psychiatric outpatient care via videoconferencing in clinically unsupervised settings, comparing this new form of attendance with in-person standard care regarding to clinical outcomes (severity of depression, mental health status, medication course, and relapses), satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence (appointment compliance and dropouts), and medication adherence. METHODS: This randomized controlled clinical trial allocated adult patients between 18 and 55 years old with mild depression or in remission state, treated at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo Medical School (IPq-HCFMUSP), and with broadband Internet access at home into a intervention and control group. Whereas the control group received monthly psychiatric consultations in person at the IPq, the intervention group realized monthly consultations with the psychiatrist via videoconferencing. At baseline and after 6 and 12 months, the severity of depression, mental health status, satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence and medication compliance were assessed. RESULTS: A sample of 107 patients was recruited; 54 patients were randomly allocated to the control group, and 53 to the intervention group. Patients in both groups did not differ with respect to demographic data. During follow-up, 950 consultations were completed; 489 (51,5%) via videoconferencing. In addition, there were 277 assessment consultations. The severity of depression decreased significantly over the 12-month follow-up in both groups. There was a significant difference between groups regarding to the development of the severity of depression throughout the follow-up period, with better results for the attendance via videoconferencing. Further, there were 4 relapses in the control group and only one in the videoconferencing group. There were no significant differences between groups regarding to mental health status, satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence, and medication compliance. Though, after 6 months, the number of dropouts was significantly higher in the control group (18,5 vs. 5,7%, p < 0,05). Satisfaction with attendance via videoconferencing was high among patients as well as among psychiatrists. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric attendance via videoconferencing can be considered applicable for the outpatient care at the IPq-HCFMUSP and as effective and viable as standard care (in person treatment) with respect to clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence and medication compliance. These results indicate the potential of telepsychiatry to extend the access to psychiatric care for remote and underserved populations

Encontros na rua : possibilidades de saúde em um consultório a céu aberto

Santos, Carla Félix dos January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo “pensar” a proposta e ação dos Consultórios na Rua, diferentes do consultório biomédico, um consultório a céu aberto. Admite que este dispositivo visa a ampliar o acesso da população de rua ao cuidado de saúde, ouvindo essa população e contribuindo com suas instâncias organizativas nascentes. Foi trazida a prática de trabalho no consultório Pintando Saúde, do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, localizado na zona norte da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. A metodologia do “pensar” envolveu deixar aparecer o debate sobre atenção e promoção de saúde, redução de danos em álcool e outras drogas, respeito às pessoas em seus modos de ser/existir/constituir vida e a inscrição desse grupo social em modos de atenção à saúde que lhe sejam próprios. O trabalho de dissertação perpassou a descrição do trabalho no Consultório na Rua, questionando a produção em saúde que envolve a população de rua, a experiência da pesquisadora como trabalhadora dentro desse tipo serviço, assim como as vivências de equipe e a presença do orientador e seus estudantes em meio ao trabalho do Consultório. Foram usadas anotações destacadas de gravações em áudio, as atas do consultório e as redes de conversa sobre moradores de rua no próprio consultório, incluindo a presença de um psiquiatra matriciador. A cartografia, nos termos de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, fundamentou a metodologia, conforme já vem sendo utilizada em pesquisas com o estudo da micropolítica em saúde coletiva. Quatro âmbitos foram colhidos como representativos da prática de atenção “a céu aberto”: a experiência do morar, a experiência do atuar com saúde na rua, a experiência do aprender em ato de equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar de um consultório na rua e a intercessão sociocultural proveniente do “encontro” com a população atendida. / This dissertation aimed to "think" the proposal and action of the “On Street Clinics”, different from the biomedical clinic, an “open sky clinic". It admits that this device seek to expand the street population access to health care, listening to this population and contributing to their nascent organizational instances. The work practices of "Pintando Saúde On Street Clinic", of Conceição Hospitalar Group, located in the northern part of the city of Porto Alegre/RS, were evidenced. The methodology of "thinking" involved revealing the debate about health care and health promotion, harm reduction in alcohol and other drugs, respect for people in their ways of being / existing / constituting life and the inclusion of this social group health models that be their own. The dissertation work deal with the description of the work at the On Street Clinic, questioning the health production involving the street population, the researcher's experience as a worker within this sort of service, as well as the team experiences and the presence of the master’s advisor and his students in the work of the clinic. Significant notes of audio recordings, clinic minutes, and street-talk networks that happened in the clinic, including the ones with the presence of a psychiatrist matrix support, were used. The cartography, according to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, founded the methodology, as it has been used in researches with studies on micropolitics in collective health. Four scopes were collected as representative of the practice of “open sky clinic" care: the experience of indwelling, the experience of working with health on street, the experience of learning in act of a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary team of an "on street clinic" and the sociocultural intercession provided when "meeting" the attended population.

Novas tecnologias de telecomunicação na prestação de serviços em saúde mental: atendimento psiquiátrico por webconferência / New information and communication technologies in the delivery of mental health treatment: psychiatric care via videoconferencing

Ines Hungerbühler 07 August 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Distúrbios mentais, neurológicos e de uso de substâncias estão dentre os principais contribuintes para a morbidade e mortalidade prematura no mundo. Mesmo onde existem cuidados de saúde mental e tratamentos eficazes, muitas vezes eles não são acessíveis para aqueles que mais precisam, principalmente por causa da desigualdade na distribuição de serviços e recursos humanos dentro de um país. Devido aos avanços contínuos nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e a disseminação crescente da internet na sociedade, o cuidado de saúde mental à distância via webconferência, denominado telepsiquiatria, tornou-se uma ferramenta promissora para o atendimento psiquiátrico. OBJETIVOS: O presente projeto visou avaliar a eficácia e a aplicabilidade do acompanhamento psiquiátrico ambulatorial por webconferência em ambientes clinicamente não supervisionados, comparando esta nova forma de acompanhamento com o cuidado padrão (presencial) em relação à evolução clínica (gravidade da depressão, estado de saúde mental, medicação, e recaídas), à satisfação com o tratamento, à relação terapêutica, à adesão ao tratamento (faltas e taxas de abandonos), e à adesão à medicação. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo clínico randomizado e controlado. Pacientes entre 18 e 55 anos, com depressão leve ou com quadro estabilizado, internet banda larga em casa, e em tratamento no Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas das Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IPq- HCFMUSP) foram alocados aleatoriamente em um grupo experimental ou controle. Enquanto o grupo controle recebeu consultas psiquiátricas mensais de forma presencial no IPq, o grupo experimental realizou consultas mensais com o psiquiatra por webconferência. Uma amostra de 107 pacientes foi recrutada. De forma aleatória, 54 pacientes foram colocados no grupo controle e 53 no grupo de webconferência. Não houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos com respeito aos dados sociodemográficos na avaliação inicial. Durante o acompanhamento, 950 consultas foram concluídas, 489 (51,5%) delas por webconferência. Além disso, 277 consultas de avaliação foram realizadas. No início, depois de 6 e 12 meses, a gravidade da depressão, o estado de saúde mental, a satisfação com o tratamento, a relação terapêutica, e a adesão ao tratamento e à medicação foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: A gravidade da depressão diminuiu significativamente ao longo do acompanhamento de 12 meses em ambos os grupos. Os grupos diferiram significativamente em relação ao desenvolvimento da gravidade da depressão ao longo do período de seguimento, com melhores resultados para o acompanhamento por webconferência. Além disso, houve 4 recaídas no grupo controle e apenas uma no grupo de webconferência. Quanto a estado de saúde mental, a satisfação com o tratamento, a relação terapêutica, a adesão ao tratamento, e a adesão à medicação não foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre os grupos. Contudo, depois de 6 meses, o número de abandonos foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (18,5 vs. 5,7%, p < 0,05). A satisfação com o acompanhamento por webconferência foi alta tanto para os pacientes como para os psiquiatras. CONCLUSÕES: O acompanhamento psiquiátrico por webconferência foi tão eficaz e viável quanto o acompanhamento presencial com respeito à evolução clínica, a satisfação dos pacientes, a relação terapêutica, adesão ao tratamento e à medicação. Esses achados apontam o potencial da telepsiquiatria estender a assistência psiquiátrica à população de lugares remotos e até então sem acesso ao atendimento especializado / INTRODUCTION: Mental, neurological and substance-use disorders are major contributors to morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Even where mental health care and effective treatment exist, they are frequently not available to those in greatest need, mainly because of the unequal distribution of services and human resources within a country. Due to continuous advances in information and communication technologies and the growing spread of the Internet in society, remote mental health care via videoconferencing, called telepsychiatry, has become a promising tool for psychiatric attendance. OBJECTIVES: The present project aimed to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of psychiatric outpatient care via videoconferencing in clinically unsupervised settings, comparing this new form of attendance with in-person standard care regarding to clinical outcomes (severity of depression, mental health status, medication course, and relapses), satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence (appointment compliance and dropouts), and medication adherence. METHODS: This randomized controlled clinical trial allocated adult patients between 18 and 55 years old with mild depression or in remission state, treated at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo Medical School (IPq-HCFMUSP), and with broadband Internet access at home into a intervention and control group. Whereas the control group received monthly psychiatric consultations in person at the IPq, the intervention group realized monthly consultations with the psychiatrist via videoconferencing. At baseline and after 6 and 12 months, the severity of depression, mental health status, satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence and medication compliance were assessed. RESULTS: A sample of 107 patients was recruited; 54 patients were randomly allocated to the control group, and 53 to the intervention group. Patients in both groups did not differ with respect to demographic data. During follow-up, 950 consultations were completed; 489 (51,5%) via videoconferencing. In addition, there were 277 assessment consultations. The severity of depression decreased significantly over the 12-month follow-up in both groups. There was a significant difference between groups regarding to the development of the severity of depression throughout the follow-up period, with better results for the attendance via videoconferencing. Further, there were 4 relapses in the control group and only one in the videoconferencing group. There were no significant differences between groups regarding to mental health status, satisfaction with treatment, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence, and medication compliance. Though, after 6 months, the number of dropouts was significantly higher in the control group (18,5 vs. 5,7%, p < 0,05). Satisfaction with attendance via videoconferencing was high among patients as well as among psychiatrists. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric attendance via videoconferencing can be considered applicable for the outpatient care at the IPq-HCFMUSP and as effective and viable as standard care (in person treatment) with respect to clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, therapeutic relationship, treatment adherence and medication compliance. These results indicate the potential of telepsychiatry to extend the access to psychiatric care for remote and underserved populations

As g?meas cantoras e o menino que sonhava jogar futebol: imagin?rio de professores sobre inclus?o escolar / The twin singers and the boy who dreamed of playing soccer: professors imaginary on school inclusion

Avila, Camila Ferreira de 15 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Ferreira de Avila.pdf: 3850297 bytes, checksum: 0bff87b5bc56e4ac73916f502ac94d65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-15 / The present work aimed at the psychoanalytic investigation of Higher Education Professors on school inclusion. It has been methodologically organized for the accomplishment of a collective therapeutic consultation, during which the Procedure of Drawing-Stories with Theme was used as a dialogical mediator in the approach of twelve professors, from Language and Pedagogy degrees, who were in charge of the formation of teachers from primary and secondary courses. The clinical happening allowed the elaboration of a narrative and the production of twelve drawing-stories, originating clinical material which has been analyzed by the psychoanalytic method. Four fields have been collected: his mother's boy , "(un) capacities , "where s Wally? and "the pain and the delicacy". In its set, such fields indicate that teachers suffer when facing the problem of deficiency and the task of including. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a investiga??o psicanal?tica de professores do ensino superior sobre inclus?o escolar. Foi organizado metodologicamente pela realiza??o de uma consulta terap?utica coletiva, durante a qual o Procedimento de Desenhos-Est?rias com Tema ? usado como mediador dial?gico na abordagem de doze docentes, dos cursos de Letras e Pedagogia, que se encarregam da forma??o de professores de n?vel fundamental e m?dio. O acontecer cl?nico permitiu a elabora??o de uma narrativa e a produ??o de doze desenhos-est?rias, originando material cl?nico que foi analisado ? luz do m?todo psicanal?tico. Foram captados quatro campos: o menino de sua m?e , (in) capacidades , onde est? Wally? e a dor e a del?cia . Em seu conjunto, tais campos indicaram que o professor sofre quando se defronta com a problem?tica da defici?ncia e com a tarefa de incluir.

Třídní schůzky začínajících učitelů / Parental evenings with teachers-beginners

Vlčková, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of parental evenings and their associated preparation, realization, process and communication of beginning teachers of primary school with pupils' parents. The aim of the diploma thesis is to create a set of procedures and recommendations based on the data obtained from starting teachers and parents, which have been successfully implemented in practice and can be inspired not only by other novice teachers. In the theoretical part, the diploma thesis identifies competencies that enable the teacher to effectively manage this professional situation and, on the basis of professional literature, it provides examples of conduct that contribute to better preparation and process of parental evenings. Research in the empirical part follows the cases of four beginning teachers. Methods which were used are observation, semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The research of this diploma thesis lasted for six months, during which were observed parental evenings, followed by interviews with beginning teachers. The whole research was completed with a questionnaire created for parents. The obtained data was then evaluated and compared with the theoretical part. After six months of co-operation with participating teachers, data collection and evaluation, it was...

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