Spelling suggestions: "subject:"telconsultation"" "subject:"consultation""
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Målgruppsindelning och sociala kategorier i ett remissförfarande : En kvalitativ studie om inkomna remissvar angående en ny socialtjänstlag / Target group classification and social categories in a consultation procedure : A qualitative studie on received comments in a consultation procedure regarding a new Social Services ActPeterson, Louise, Salomonsson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
To categorize groups of people is a necessity in our society. Categorization of people is used by decision makers and authorities. In the national social service legislation, categorization can be used to instruct municipalities to prioritize vulnerable groups of clients in need of support and services. The negative aspect of categorizing is that people are being labeled in a certain way, which can affect how people are being treated. The current Social Services Act in Sweden contains specific regulations to certain groups in society. One of the proposals in the extensive investigation for a new Social Services Act is to tone down these certain groups. The investigation for a new Social Services Act was sent out for consultation to 193 relevant community actors, including municipalities, government authorities and interest groups. These are given the opportunity to submit opinions and comments before the legislation is amended. This study is based on the received responses from the community actors through a qualitative text analysis. 55 of the received 157 responses addressed categorization of the target groups in the legislation. The results show that the majority of the 55 responses are in favour of target groups being toned down. In the responses there are arguments that highlight an increased individual perspective and a holistic view in social work. Other actors highlight risks with toning down the target groups, such as an increased difficulty for individuals to claim their rights and that it increases the risk of inequality. The results also show that there is a difference in the responses depending on whether the respondent is a municipality, a government authority or an interest group. The municipalities are in favour of the target groups being toned down while we find government authorities and interest groups on both sides of the argument. It also shows how different organizations take their interests into account in a consultation procedure.
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Akzeptanz und Stand der Digitalisierung in Klinik und Praxis: Aktuelles Stimmungsbild in der deutschen UrologieBorkowetz, Angelika, Leitsmann, Marianne, Baunacke, Martin, Borgmann, Hendrik, Boehm, Katharina, Groeben, Christer, Roigas, Jan, Schneider, Andreas W., Speck, Thomas, Schroeder-Printzen, Immo, Zillich, Susanne, Volkmer, Björn, Witzsch, Ulrich, Huber, Johannes, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie e.V., Arbeitskreis Versorgungsforschung, Qualität und Ökonomie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie e.V., Arbeitskreis Informationstechnologie und Dokumentation 22 February 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Digitalisierung der Patientendokumentation und die Einführung der elektronischen Patientenakte (ePA) stellen den klinischen Alltag vor große Herausforderungen. - Fragestellung:Wir untersuchten die Akzeptanz und den Stand der Digitalisierung von Patientendaten sowie die Einführung der ePA bei den deutschen Urologen. Material und Methoden: Nach einem iterativen Entwicklungsprozess erhielten wir einen Fragebogenmit 30 Items,welcher über den Forschungsnewsletter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie e.V. versendet wurde. - Ergebnisse: Insgesamt beantworteten 80 Urologen den Fragebogen (Rücklaufquote 2%). Digitale Plattformen wie Urotube oder Researchgate wurden von 63% der Teilnehmer verwendet. Die komplette Einführung der digitalen Patientendokumentation erfolgte bei 72% der ambulant Tätigen und bei 54% der in der Klinik Tätigen (p= 0,042). 76%der Befragten sahen den Digitalisierungsprozess als sinnvoll an. 34% äußerten teilweise oder starke Bedenken bzgl. einer kompletten Digitalisierung der Patientendokumentation. Nur 14% der Teilnehmer haben eine Videosprechstunde angeboten. Als Vorteile für die ePA wurden u. a. die bessere Vernetzung des Gesundheitswesens 73%), die Verbesserung der Diagnose, der Indikations- (41%) und der Behandlungsqualität (48%) sowie die Vermeidung von Fehlmedikation (70%) gesehen. - Schlussfolgerung: Die deutschen Urologen stehen der Digitalisierung der Patientendokumentation und der ePA insgesamt offen gegenüber. Insbesondere jüngere Urologen nutzen digitale Medien. Die Vorteile der Digitalisierung sind insbesondere eine Verbesserung der Behandlungsabläufe. Für eine reibungslose Einführung sind eine bereichsübergreifende Etablierung und ggf. eine Anpassung der Behandlungsprozesse notwendig.
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Förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster : En kvalitativ studie om hur patienters förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster skapas och stärksJohnsson, Alex, Johansson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
I takt med digitalisering och IKTs (informations- och kommunikationsteknik) framväxt skapas nya vårdlösningar för både patienter och vårdgivare. Under Covid-19 pandemin har behovet för alternativa vårdlösningar lett till en ökad användning av digitala vårdtjänster som MinDoktor, Kry och 1177s vårdapp. Dessa digitala vårdtjänster har erbjudit patienter vård på distans då fysiska vårdcentraler inte varit ett lättillgängligt alternativ. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad som krävs för att patienter ska uppleva digitala vårdtjänster som förtroendeskapande och -stärkande. En studie med elva medverkande respondenter som använt sig av digitala vårdtjänster genomfördes. Empiri från intervjuerna analyserades och utvärderades för att möjliggöra en representation av de medverkande respondenternas åsikter. Studien bidrar med insikter till hur förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster kan skapas och stärkas för patienter genom tillgång till personlig kontakt, videomöten och företagsrykten. / With the continued growth of digitalization and ICT (Information and communicationtechnology) new healthcare solutions for both patients and healthcare providers have been made readily available. During the recent outbreak of the Covid-19 virus the necessity for digital healthcare options have been made apparent. Services such as MinDoktor, Kry and 1177’s healthcare app have all seen an increase in use. In this study we have conducted research on what patients on digital healthcare apps thought was necessary for them to create and strengthen trust for these applications. The study was conducted with eleven participating respondents who had previously used a digital healthcare app. The empirical data was then analyzed to enable a representation of the participants opinions and thoughts. This study contributes with insights on how trust for digital healthcare can be created and strengthenedfor patients through access to personal contact, video consultations and company reputation.
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Relationships Count: A Qualitative Case Study of a Professional Learning Series for Early InterventionistsChampagne, Jennifer E. 04 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Development and Implementation of a Music Therapy and Speech-Language Therapy Collaborative ModelHeffner, Melissa E. 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Elevhälsans vägledning : En fallstudie om specialpedagogiskt arbete / Student health guidance : A case study about special educators’ workMilic Pavlovic, Ljiljana January 2021 (has links)
Milic Pavlovic, Ljiljana (2021). Student health guidance. A case study about special educators' work. Master degree in Special education, School development and Leadership, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmo UniversityThe purpose of the study is to investigate how consultants from the Central Student Health's specialist team support compulsory school educators for early school years in relational competence when they meet students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The study means to illustrate opportunities and obstacles that arise during the support process. The relational pedagogy and the special pedagogical perspectives are theoretical frameworks for the study. The study is about four consultants at a centrally organized student health institute and therefore the case study methodology is being used as the motivated research approach. The study focuses on the consultants' perceptions of their work as well as descriptions of opportunities and obstacles that arise when they support educators in the field of relational competence towards students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. The study also intends to show how the support is organized, implemented, and evaluated and how it contributes to the teachers' competence development in the meeting with students with neuropsychological disabilities. Since the study focuses on the consultants' perceptions, semi-structured interviews are the chosen method. The results show that the consultants perceive their support as a combination of different types of consultations and tutorials, with an appearance of the collaborative consultation (Sundqvist & Ström, 2015). The consultants identify the schools' explicit focus on the categorical perspective as the biggest obstacle to their supporting work. At the same time, the consultants identify several opportunities that can be created through successful consultation. One opportunity is the change of perspective to the relational perspective where, a permanent development of relational competence in pedagogical contexts and opportunities for collegial learning and development has been identified. It could gradually lead to a broad impact on all students' learning and development, regardless of whether students have a disability or not. The consultants also see an opportunity for consultation from a preventive perspective which in combination with education in neuropsychiatric disabilities could improve schooling for students with neuropsychiatric disabilities. There are variations in the consultants' perceptions of their work that can be interpreted based on the concept of inclusion and equivalent education, something that could create both opportunities and obstacles for the school's compensatory mission. The organizing of consultation can be presented as a timeline, in a chronologic order from the beginning to the end. The timeline extends throughout the process, from the application for seeking support to Central Student Health to the conclusion of the support work. It also contains a continuous evaluation that follows the consultation process with adaptations to the educators' needs. The consultation process has been identified as a circle where each consultation opportunity creates opportunities for new initiatives in the practical work in the classroom, but also modification or confirmation of the implemented initiatives. In this way, the effects are created at all three levels, namely conclusion level, teacher level and student level. These effects contribute to learning and development for all parties involved
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[pt] Esta tese no campo da comunicação política dialoga com as noções de
público, de John Dewey (2012[1922]), e esfera pública, de Habermas (1991;
1997; DAHLGREN, 2005; CALHOUN, 1992), com a teoria dos sistemas
deliberativos (PARKINSON; MANSBRIDGE, 2012; ELSTUB et al., 2016;
HENDRIKS, 2015), bem como com a literatura especializada em consultas
públicas online (SHANE, 2012; COLEMAN; SHANE, 2012). O objetivo é
analisar a comunicação política que se formou a partir das duas consultas públicas
online sobre o Marco Civil da Internet de modo a perceber contribuições
epistêmicas desse processo por meio da análise de material midiático e dos
discursos dos Deputados e Senadores no Congresso Nacional. Nesse sentido, esta
pesquisa tem por base duas research questions: (RQ1) de que forma as consultas
públicas online do Marco Civil da Internet informaram, do ponto de vista da
comunicação política e da deliberação, o sistema deliberativo que se construiu em
torno do tema?; e (RQ2) que ganhos epistêmicos e democráticos as consultas
públicas online do Marco Civil da Internet podem ter trazido ao sistema
deliberativo e ao processo decisório? Com o intuito de entender significados
compartilhados a partir das duas consultas públicas online sobre o Marco Civil
da Internet, os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados incluíram buscar, pela
observação dos comentários dos participantes no momento das consultas, temas e
argumentos utilizados para cada grande tema do debate, resultando em 322
indicadores (ou posicionamentos que sustentaram cada tema), divididos no
espectro analítico dos direitos e das responsabilidades dos seguintes atores: 1)
governo, 2) provedores e empresas prestadoras de serviços de internet; e 3)
usuários. Ao fim, enfatiza-se que os significados gerados a partir das duas
consultas públicas online para cada tema circularam pelos dois espaços
deliberativos analisados - mídia e Congresso Nacional - tanto em termos de
diversidade de posicionamentos, quanto em relação à sua ampla utilização, sendo
possível perceber uma conexão relevante do sistema deliberativo em torno do Marco Civil da Internet, a partir dos argumentos desenvolvidos nas duas consultas
públicas online e utilizados nos espaços deliberativos analisados. / [en] This thesis in the field of political communication discusses Dewey s
notions of the public (DEWEY, 2012 [1922]), and Habermas s public sphere
(HABERMAS, 1991; 1997; DAHLGREN, 2005; CALHOUN, 1992); the
deliberative systems theory (PARKINSON; MANSBRIDGE, 2012; ELSTUB et
al., 2016; HENDRIKS, 2015); as well as the specialized literature on online
public consultations (SHANE, 2012; COLEMAN; SHANE, 2012). The aim is to
analyze the communication developed during the two online public consultations
of the Brazilian Internet Law Framework, within the dimensions of deliberative
systems, in order to understand if and how there were epistemic contributions for
this process with the reproduction of the positions developed during the online
public consultations in other deliberative spaces. Through the observation of
media material and the speeches of Congressmen and Senators in Parliament, the
aim is to analyze which arguments born from the public sphere were repeated on
those spaces. There are two main research questions: (RQ1) how did the online
public consultations of the Brazilian Internet Law Framework inform, in the light
off political communication and deliberation, the deliberative system that was
built around the theme? And (RQ2) What were the epistemic and democratic
gains that the online public consultations of the Brazilian Internet Law
Framework brought to the deliberative system and to the decision-making
process? In order to understand the meanings shared from the public consultations
of the Brazilian Internet Law Framework, the methodological procedures included
the search of comments made available at the time that the online public
consultation occurred, aiming to discover the frameworks and arguments used by
participants for each major theme, resulting in 322 indicators (or arguments that
supported each framework). These were broken down into the analytical spectrum
of rights and responsibilities of the following actors: 1) government, 2) internet
service providers and companies; and 3) users. Finally, it is emphasized that the
arguments generated from the two public consultations for each framingcirculated through the two deliberative spaces - media and parliament - both in
terms of diversity of positions and in relation to their wide use, therefore
establishing a strong connection to the deliberative system around the Brazilian
Internet Law Framework, formed from the arguments developed in the two public
consultations and used in the deliberative spaces analyzed, namely, media and
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<p>The City of Toronto has become synonymous with themes of culture and diversity. With close to one half of the city’s population now comprised of those born outside of Canada, Toronto represents a dynamic and exciting cultural mosaic. Yet, underneath this surface exist real disparities in health and well being for many newcomers and racialized communities. In addition to and because of such disparities, changes in the demographics of Toronto have led to challenges and questions involving the participation of such communities within the formal political realm. Much research to date has focused on issues of representation and the exercise of political franchise within such communities.</p> <p>As opposed to the formal political realm, the aim of this research is to better understand the substantive participation of newcomers and members of racialized communities in processes of government sponsored citizen participation at the municipal level by asking: what is the ability of this approach to policy making to meaningfully include a diverse range of voices? This question is important because it is decisions in this realm that most immediately impact residents of the city. Additionally, if social policy developers are to keep up with shifts in demographics and create inclusive and responsive policy, then consideration must be given to all community members.</p> <p>To understand the ability of government sponsored citizen participation to be inclusive of a diverse range of voices, a literature review was conducted. Also, an analysis of the case of the 2000-2001 Community Consultations on Social Development held in Toronto was undertaken. Finally, five interviews were held with policy practitioners within Toronto to gain insight into the ability of practices of government sponsored citizen participation to be inclusive. The findings of this research study highlight that political will and increased funding must be directed towards the purposeful inclusion of newcomers and racialized communities in processes of government sponsored citizen participation so as to foster increased experiences of inclusion and the creation of responsive and effective policies of social development.</p> / Master of Social Work (MSW)
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Ett nytt och mer differentierat strandskydd : Konsekvenser för framtida fastighetsbildningsärenden / A New and Differentiated Legislation on Shoreline Protection : Consequences for Property FormationLarsson, William January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har ett behov av ökad differentiering av den svenska strandskyddslagstiftningen ansetts uppkommit. Flertalet reformer har genomförts, med målet att ökad hänsyn ska tas till att tillgången på stränder, befolkningstryck och exploateringsgrad runt om i landet varierar, samtidigt som strandskyddet förstärks i högexploaterade områden. Från politiskt håll har det ansetts att tidigare reformer inte lyckats uppnå detta mål, och mot bakgrund av detta har en ny lagstiftningsprocess påbörjats med syfte att föreslå ytterligare reformer på området. En låg acceptansnivå för regelverket samt ett ökat behov av landsbygdsutveckling utgör viktiga faktorer bakom det identifierade behovet av ytterligare differentiering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken inverkan den föreslagna propositionens förslag skulle ha för lantmäteriets verksamhet och för framtida fastighetsbildningsärenden. Studien ska även undersöka vilka problem som riskerar att kvarstå efter lagförslagets eventuella implementering samt vilka ytterligare reformer som skulle behöva genomföras ur lantmäterisynpunkt. Studiens första del använder sig av en litteraturstudie av nuvarande rättsläge och lagstiftning. Därefter tar en empirisk studie vid, genom en enkätstudie för att kartlägga problem ur lantmäterisynpunkt, samt genom en djupintervju för att kartlägga möjliga lösningar. En majoritet av respondenterna inom enkätstudien angav att acceptansgraden hos de sakägare som berörs av strandskyddslagstiftningen inom lantmäteriärenden är låg. Därutöver har studien visat på att ytterligare utredningar behövs för att klargöra regelverket angående bostadsfastigheter med kombinerade ändamål inom strandskyddade områden och särskilt inom de nya strandnära utvecklingsområdena. Såväl enkät som intervju visar tydligt på att dagens samrådsförfarande är ineffektivt och leder till onödiga överklaganden av beslutade lantmäteriförrättningar. Studien visar även på att propositionens förslag i huvudsak har liten inverkan på lantmäteriets verksamhet, och att propositionens förslag utgör en förbättring jämfört med utredningen sett enbart ur lantmäterisynpunkt. / During the last few years a need for increased differentiation of the Swedish shoreline protection legislation has been identified. Several reforms have been introduced, with the goal being that increased consideration should be given to the fact that access to the shoreline, population density and the degree of exploitation varies across different regions of the country, while shoreline protection should be strengthened in highly exploited areas. From a political point of view it has been asserted that earlier reforms have not achieved the desired results, and in view of this new legislation has been prepared with the purpose of suggesting further reforms in this area. A low level of acceptance for current regulations as well as an increased need for rural development constitute important factors behind the need for further differentiation. The purpose of this study is to examine what impact the contents of the proposed legislation would have on the operations of the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and on future property formation matters. The study shall also examine what kind of problems that will remain after the implementation of the legislative proposals as well as what kind of further reforms that are necessary from the point of view of the authority. The first part of the study consists of a literature study of current case law and legislation on the subject area. Thereafter an empirical study is conducted, through a survey study to assess the problem from a land surveying point of view, as well as through an in-depth interview to examine possible solutions. A majority of the respondents within the survey study indicated a low degree of acceptance among those affected by the current legislation on shoreline protection within a land surveying matter. Furthermore the study has shown that further inquiries are needed to clarify the current regulations concerning residential properties for combined purposes within areas affected by shoreline protection and especially within the new coastal development areas. Both the survey study and the interview clearly show that the current procedures for consultation are ineffective and lead to unnecessary appeals being made of already decided cases. The study also shows that the legislative proposals will have little impact on the operations of the authority, and that the legislative proposals constitute an overall improvement compared to the preceding inquiry.
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Intern samverkan kring elever med NPF : En kvalitativ studie av sex grundskollärares erfarenheterÖman, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om grundskolans interna samverkan kring elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Syftet med studien var att belysa hur samverkan mellan olika professioner i grundskolan kan utvecklas för att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö för elever med NPF. De frågeställningar som besvaras är: Hur beskriver lärare sin samverkan med andra professioner i grundskolan när det gäller skolsituationen för elever med NPF? Vad behöver enligt lärarna utvecklas när det gäller samverkan kring elever med NPF? Studien utgick från verksamhetsteori som bidrog till att samverkan kunde studeras på ett djupare plan. Sex grundskollärare intervjuades med halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Med tematisk- och verksamhetsteoretisk analys på studiens empiri framkom att samverkan mellan lärare och skolans övriga professioner inte sker i den utsträckning som lärare önskar. Kunskapsmässiga svårigheter är det vanligaste motivet för samverkan mellan lärare och andra professioner i skolan, där stöd av elevers sociala svårigheter och skolans förebyggande arbete får stå tillbaka. Det som enligt lärarna behöver utvecklas är att rektorn blir delaktig i skolans specialpedagogiska processer; Skolors organisatoriska arbete kring elever med NPF behöver förtydligas, både gällande motivet för samverkan, professioners ansvarsområden och att skolor skapar forum och rutiner för skolans professioner att mötas kring elever med NPF. / This study is about the primary school's internal collaboration around pupil with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). The aim of this study was to highlight how cooperation between different professions in primary school can be developed to create an accessible learning environment for students with NDD. The questions that the study sets out to answer is: How do teachers describe their collaboration with other professions in elementary school regarding the school situation for students with NDD? According to the teachers, what needs to be developed in terms of collaboration around students with NDD? The study was based on an activity theory, which contributed to the fact that cooperation could be studied on a deeper level. Six primary school teachers were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. With a thematic- and activity theory analysis of the study's empirical data, it emerged that collaboration between teachers and the school´s other professions does not take place to the extent that teachers wish. Knowledge-related difficulties are the most common motive for teachers´collaboration with other professions in the school, here support of students´ social difficulties and the school´s preventive work may take a back seat. According to the teachers, what needs to be developed is for the principal to be involved in the school´s special education processes. Schools´ organizational work around students with NDD needs to be clarified, both regarding the motive for collaboration, professions´ areas of responsibility and that schools create forums and routines for the school´s professions to meet around students with NDD.
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