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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mixed method multidimensional approach to exploring patient satisfaction with healthcare in Greece and UK

Dallas, Theodora January 2011 (has links)
Previous research has examined patients’ level of satisfaction with the care, in an attempt to develop health care services that match patients’ expectations and needs. Nevertheless, there is still considerable debate among researchers over conceptual and methodological issues. This research programme investigated factors that contribute to patient satisfaction with health care in two fairly different European health care systems (the UK’s NHS and Greece’s ESY). A further aim was to develop a scale to assess patient satisfaction and health care evaluations within these two cultural contexts. In order to achieve those aims, a sequential exploratory strategy incorporating, qualitative and quantitative designs was used to explore patient health care evaluations, patient satisfaction, expectations, health care experiences, interpersonal qualities of the doctor-patient relationship and health care contextual factors at both micro and macro level. Three studies were conducted: Studies 1a and 1b examined levels of patient satisfaction with health care delivery in Greece and the UK respectively. More similarities than differences were found between the two samples, but aspects of health system evaluation differed. The data obtained from this study informed the development of the Patient Expectation and Satisfaction Scale (PESS). The psychometric properties of the preliminary version of the scale were subsequently tested in non clinical populations in Greece and the UK (Studies 2a and 2b). The pilot testing of the PESS was based on a proposed theoretical framework suggesting that patients’ expectations depend on the nature of past experiences and current expectations. The variable that influences some of the differences between the two countries is health culture in terms of contextual health care differences. Although findings revealed similarities between the two cultures, differences were found relating to dissatisfaction, health care evaluations, expectations and the quality of the doctor-patient relationship. A revised version of the PESS, based on these findings, was administered to hospital outpatient populations in both countries (Study 3). The Patient Satisfaction and Expectation Model that emerged from this analysis incorporated three levels of patient satisfaction: at the micro level, the macro level and the interpersonal level. The importance of patients’ understanding of professional competence and its salience as a predictor of the effectiveness of the doctor-patient relationship was highlighted. The quality of the doctor-patient relationship emerged as an important determinant of patient satisfaction and adherence. The overall findings of this research programme suggest that patient satisfaction is multidimensional; despite contextual differences between the two health care systems, a universal concept exists that includes health care expectations, health care experiences, interpersonal qualities and aspects relating to operational and organisational structures at both micro and macro level.

Vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka : En kritisk incident studie / Vaccination of preschoolers who resist vaccination : A Critical Incident study

Bjerkander, Matteus, Emanuelsson, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Vaccination är en av de mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärderna inom sjukvården. Sveriges vaccinationsprogram innefattar tio sjukdomar och barnets femte dos ges vid fem års ålder. Barn i förskoleåldern befinner sig i ett utvecklingsstadium vilket kan försvåra vaccination. Tidigare studier beskriver svårigheter och den stress sjuksköterskor upplever i samband med vaccination av barn, kunskapsbrist finns däremot kring hur barnen bör hanteras. Syftet med studien var att utifrån betydelsefulla händelser beskriva barnhälsovårdssköterskans (BHVsköterskans) erfarenheter och agerande vid vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka. Studien utgick från kritisk incident teknik (CIT). Datainsamlingen utfördes i ett landsting i södra Sverige där elva BHV-sköterskor intervjuades. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Etiska överväganden gjordes utifrån gällande riktlinjer. I resultatet framkom ett huvudområde avseende BHV-sköterskans erfarenheter, BHV-sköterskans observationer vid vaccination. Två huvudområden framkom angående BHV-sköterskans agerande: BHVsköterskan främjar vaccination och BHV-sköterskan beslutar kring genomförande av vaccination. Slutsatser och implikationer visar att interaktion mellan förskolebarn, föräldrar och BHV-sköterskan är viktigt och leder till en delaktighet och positiva erfarenheter av vaccination. Förslag på praktiskt agerande framkommer vilket kan främja och underlätta vaccination av förskolebarn. / Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective actions in health care. The program for vaccination in Sweden includes ten diseases and the fifth dose is given when children are five years old. Preschoolers are in a development stage that makes vaccination more difficult. Studies describe the difficulties nurses experience in relation to vaccination of children; lack of knowledge is experienced about procedures to handle the situations. The aim of the study was to describe critical incidents by the Primary Child Health Care (PCHC) nurse’s descriptions and actions during vaccination of preschoolers who resist vaccination. Critical Incident Technique was used during the study. Data collection was made in a county council in the south of Sweden. Eleven PCHC nurses were interviewed. The interviews were transcribed and analysed. Ethical considerations based on current guidelines were made. Results revealed one main area about PCHC nurse’s descriptions: The PCHC nurses observations at vaccination. Two main areas were revealed about PCHC nurse’s actions: The PCHC nurse promotes vaccinations and the PCHC nurse makes a decision about implementation of the vaccinations. Conclusions clarify the importance of interaction between preschoolers, parents and the PCHC nurses leading to participation and positive experiences of vaccination. Suggestions for practical action reveal to promote and facilitate vaccination of preschooler.

SCHOOL HEALTH NURSING : Perceiving, recording and improving schoolchildren’s health

Clausson, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to explore School health nursing through school nurses’ descriptions of schoolchildren’s health and to analyse factors influencing the recording of school-children’s health in the School Health Record (SHR). An additional aim is to evaluate fam-ily nursing interventions as a tool for the school nurses in the School Health Service (SHS). Methods: The thesis comprises four papers. A combination of qualitative and quantita-tive methods was used through individual interviews with a strategic sample of school nurses (n=12) (PI), a national survey to a representative sample of school nurses (n=129) (PII, III) and the implementation of family nursing models developed in Canada with girls in their early ad-olescence with recurrent health complaints and their families (n=4) in co-operation with their school nurses (n=2) (PIV). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used as pre and post test. Evaluation interviews were conducted with the families and the nurses separate-ly. Qualitative content analyses were used to analyze the interview text with the school nurs-es and the families. Manifest content analysis was used to analyze the free text answers of the survey and the evaluation interview with the school nurses. Descriptive statistical analyses were used to describe demographic data in all four papers. The SDQ was hand-scored statistically. Findings: The findings showed that nurses judged the schoolchildren’s mental health as dete-riorated, especially in socially disadvantaged areas and more generally among girls expressed as psychosomatic symptoms. Individual factors related to lifestyle affected the schoolchildren’s physical health, and the mental health was, to a large extent, affected by the school environ-ment and family relations. The latter seemed to be the most important factor affecting school-children’s mental health. The basis for the school nurses judgement of the physical health was health check-ups and the health dialogues. Spontaneous visits were more commonly used to judge the mental health. Recording schoolchildren’s mental health was a challenge for school nurses. Difficulties were related to ethical considerations, tradition, lack of time and the im-proper structure of the SHR. Fears of marking the schoolchild for life related to the schoolchild itself, the parents or to other authorities/successive caregivers were brought up as hinders for recording mental and social health. Family sessions may be useful within the profession when handling recurrent health complaints among adolescence girls. The girls and their families ex-perienced relief, they felt confirmed and that their feelings and reactions were normal in that situation. The families became aware of their own strengths and possibilities and this was sup-ported by the SDQ which showed an increased well-being. The school nurses valued this way of working and meant that the sessions seemed to start a changing process within the families. Conclusions: The results indicate that school nurses have a deep knowledge about schoolchil-dren’s health which is not used to its full potential in a public health perspective. However, the experienced difficulties recording schoolchildren’s mental health seem obvious, which would de-mand developing the SHR for the needs of today. Family sessions in SHS with the school nurse as a collaborator with the family seemed useful and may be transferable to other health problems expressed by the schoolchildren. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and other models for health determinants are used to illustrate the school nurse as a mediator working on the bridge over different health streams with schoolchildren’s health on an individual and a population level.

Skolehelsetjenestens arbeid med kosthold og fysisk aktivitet for å forebygge overvekt hos barn og unge / Promoting health and preventing overweight among children and adolescents : the school health service’s approach to diet and physical activities.

Gram, Kristine January 2010 (has links)
Overvekt er et voksende folkehelseproblem blant barn og unge. Andelen overvektige barn utgjør mellom 15-20% av barnepopulasjonen i de nordiske landene. Fysisk aktivitet og kosthold er viktige innsatsområder for å snu denne trenden. Skolehelsetjenesten har en unik mulighet til å arbeide med dette inn i skolen. Mangel på tid og tilgjengelighet har vist seg å være den viktigste barrieren for å samarbeide med skolene om helsefremmende aktiviteter. Hensikten med dette studiet har vært å undersøke hvordan helsesøster i skolehelsetjenesten i Oslo opplever sin rolle, sine muligheter og begrensninger for å forebygge overvekt gjennom å fremme fysisk aktivitet og et sunt kosthold for barn og unge. Studien bygger på teori om helsefremmende arbeid, empowerment, salutogenese og samarbeid. Det er gjennomført kvalitative intervju med ni skolehelsesøstere i ulike bydeler i Oslo kommune. Materialet er analysert ved hjelp av Graneheims innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at opplevelsen av egen rolle samsvarte med opplevelsen av problemet på egen skole, og at dette hang sammen med sosiodemografiske faktorer. Det var ulik praksis på om dette arbeidet ble prioritert i de ulike bydelene. En årsplan med felles mål og innsatsområder var viktig for å sette disse tiltakene på dagsorden for den enkelte helsesøster. Mangel på tid var den viktigste årsaken til at dette arbeidet ble prioritert bort til fordel for andre oppgaver som er bedre spesifisert i ”Anbefalt program for skolehelsetjenesten 5-20 år”. Tverrfaglighet, spesielt med fysioterapeut fremsto som viktig fordi det å kunne dele på oppgaver ut fra kompetanse styrket kvaliteten i arbeidet, og fordi man hadde mulighet til å fordele oppgaver og derfor fikk tid til mer. Et godt samarbeid med skolens ledelse og forankring i skolen blant annet ved god tilgjengelighet av helsetjenesten og felles årsplanlegging var nødvendig for å kunne jobbe med tiltak på systemnivå. Vekt ble opplevd som et sensitivt tema, og flere av informantene i denne undersøkelsen hadde vanskelig med å finne en innfallsvinkel for de overvektige elevene. Nye nasjonale retningslinjer for vekt og høyde kan eliminere dette problemet i tillegg til å sikre viktige epidemiologiske data. / Since overweight currently affects 15-20% of all children in Nordic countries, overweight represents a growing public health problem among children and adolescents. Physical activity and healthy diet are important target areas for reversing this developing trend. Although school health services are uniquely positioned to address overweight within the school environment, time and availability present important barriers between schools and school health services. The purpose of this study was to explore how school health nurses in the Oslo area experience their roles, possibilities and limitations in preventing overweight by encouraging physical activity and healthy diet in children and adolescents. The present study is based on theories about health promotion, empowerment, salutogenesis and cooperation.We conducted qualitative interviews with nine school health nurses in different districts in the Oslo area and analyzed their response using the Graneheim method of content analysis. The results show that personal experience correlated with the level of the problem at the corresponding school. Both factors also related to socio-demographical factors. All participants viewed weight as a sensitive issue, and several encountered difficulty in identifying an approach toward overweight pupils. Different districts placed different priorities on preventing overweight. A year-plan that includes mutual goals and target areas figures importantly in adding these issues to the agenda of individual school health nurses. Lack of time was the foremost reason for sacrificing this work for other tasks specified in the “Recommended Program for School Health Services 5-20 yrs”. Since sharing tasks from different competencies strengthens work quality and since the opportunity to distribute tasks gives the individual more time, an interdisciplinary cooperation is particularly important with physiotherapists. We determined that adequate cooperation with the among school management and school based activities, among others with sufficient availability of health services and a coordinated year-planning, was necessary for shaping action-programs at a system level. Focus on weight and height was perceived as a sensitive topic and more informants in this study had difficulties finding an appropriate approach to overweight pupils. New national guidelines for weight / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-97-9</p>

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av amningsrådgivning / Experience of breastfeeding counseling among nurses at child health service

Braunstein, Maria, Claesson, Linda, Ottosson, Carola January 2015 (has links)
Amningsfrekvensen har i Sverige successivt minskat för varje år och statistik visar kortare amningstid idag än för tio år sedan. Bröstmjölk är den ideala födan för barnet under de första sex månaderna. Den skyddar barnet mot ohälsa samt ökar överlevnaden. En betydelsefull del av arbetet för BVC-sjuksköterskorna är stödja och främja amning samt uppmuntra till upprätthållande av amning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av amningsrådgivning. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod med deskriptiv design och induktiv ansats har använts. Specialistsjuksköterskor som arbetade på BVC intervjuades för besvarande av studiens syfte. Intervjumaterialet bearbetades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: Amningsrådgivningen baseras på riktlinjer, Behov av individanpassat stöd och Svårt och tidskrävande med amningsrådgivning. I studien framkom det att samtliga BVC-sjuksköterskor använde riktlinjer i amningsrådgivningen samt kompletterade dessa med annan kunskap och litteratur. BVC-sjuksköterskorna gjorde en individuell anpassning av amningsrådgivningen för att tillgodose mödrarnas personliga önskemål. BVC-sjuksköterskorna beskrev amningsrådgivningen som svår och tidskrävande. Resultatet av denna studie bidrar till insikt i vikten av kontinuerligt uppdaterade och förbättrade amningsriktlinjer samt ger en förståelse för BVC-sjuksköterskornas svårigheter med amningsrådgivningen. Studien kan också bidra till en ökad medvetenhet hos BVC-sjuksköterskorna av mödrarnas behov av individanpassad amningsrådgivning. / The breastfeeding rate has gradually declined in Sweden every year and statistics show shorter breastfeeding today than ten years ago. Breast milk is the ideal food for the baby during the first six months. It protects the baby against illness and increase survival. A significant part of the work for the nurses at child health service is to support and promote breastfeeding and encourage the maintenance of lactation. The aim of the study was to investigate the child health service nurses' experience of breastfeeding counseling. Qualitative research with descriptive design and inductive approach has been used. Specialist nurses working in child health service were interviewed for answering the study's purpose. The interview data were processed using qualitative content analysis. The results revealed three categories: Breastfeeding counseling based on guidelines, Need for personalized support and Difficult and time consuming with breastfeeding counseling. The study revealed that all child health service nurses used guidelines in breastfeeding counseling and supplemented these with other knowledge and literature. Nurses at child health service made an individual adjustment of breastfeeding counseling to meet the mothers' personal preferences. The child health service nurses described the breastfeeding counseling as difficult and time-consuming. The results of this study contributes to the understanding of the importance of continuously updated and improved breastfeeding guidelines, and provides an understanding of the child health service nurses' difficulties with breastfeeding counseling. The study may also contribute to an increased awareness for the child health service nurses, of the mothers' need for individualized breastfeeding counseling.

Environmental health and primary health care: towards a new workforce model

Hanna, Elizabeth Gayle (Liz), lizhanna@netc.net.au January 2005 (has links)
Public health was once synonymous with environmental health. However, as living conditions improved the two fields diverged. Environmental factors are again re-emerging as hazards human health. Increasing global reliance on agricultural and veterinary chemicals (AgVets) over recent decades has is now a serious public health concern. Evidence of their toxicity has prompted international efforts to minimize, monitor and manage exposure risks. Direct involvement of the primary health care workforce is seen as critical to this process, yet little data exists on the health burden on Australian rural communities imposed by these chemicals. The study presented here attempts to explore the impact of these chemicals on two rural communities in Victoria, and ascertain the how the existing primary heath care system responds to AgVet exposure issues. Health determinants are complex, and inter-related, and the client �provider interface is not an entity acting in isolation from other frameworks. The provider-client service relationship has evolved against a background of legislation and provider training. Many external factors also impinge, such as the structure and focus of the health sector, and Australia�s systematic approach to environmental and chemical management. Examination of this underlying infrastructure in Australia provided the background against which the issue of exposure to agricultural and veterinary chemicals was explored. A brief summary of international developments in this area served to provide insight as to what interventions may be introduced to address the issue of chemical exposure. A CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) survey of 1050 households sought the perspectives from two Victorian agricultural communities to gather self-reported AgVet exposure patterns and health data, and whether respondents perceived their health problems were linked to exposure. Respondents were also asked to comment on the primary health care service experiences from local providers, and which services they preferred to seek for health advice. Perspectives were then sought from all primary health care providers servicing these communities. Information was sought on their level of expertise in diagnosing, and managing exposure related illness, via face-to-face interviews, focus groups and paper surveys. The study revealed rural communities have a long history of hazardous exposure to toxic AgVets. Awareness of toxicity risks is growing, yet further scope exists to improve safe handling of chemicals. High levels of illnesses known be associated with AgVet exposure exist among rural populations. Many believe their own ill-health is linked to exposure, and express strong dissatisfaction with the apparent lack of environmental health expertise especially among their GPs. Health providers demonstrated limited understanding of the health impacts of AgVet exposure. The lack of environmental health expertise among the existing primary health care workforce means that health conditions associated with exposure to AgVets are not being identified, and the absence of health intelligence hampers health planning. In Australia, the health, environment and primary industries sectors function in effect, as distinct silos, with little cross-fertilisation. The United States has combined its agricultural chemical legislative authority to develop a focus on human health, establish direct links, and biomonitoring programs to protect human heath. The U.S. has also developed environmental health expertise at the primary health care level to address community needs as they arise. Strategies are required in Australia to connect the environment, chemical management and health portfolios, with respect to the emerging environmental issues of chemical exposure. There is a need also in Australia to inject environmental health capacity into the primary health care practice.

Cora??es e mentes desvendam o Sistema ?nico de Sa?de : vis?es e viv?ncias de estudantes de enfermagem

Valen?a, Cec?lia Nogueira 14 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:46:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CeciliaNV_DISSERT.pdf: 1725675 bytes, checksum: 9144b1d9ed640918280827b346f71a08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-14 / One of the Ministry of Health s attempts at contributing to making collective health more appealing to health students is the Experience and In-Service Training within the Reality of the Unified Health Service Project (VER-SUS). Hence, the object of this investigation is to survey learners views on the teaching of nursing based in the experiences they have lived through in the VER-SUS. Its purpose is to analyze the views and lived-through experiences of nursing students on how the VER-SUS contributed to their professional education. This is a study of the descriptiveexploratory type with a qualitative approach. Eighteen undergraduate students from the nursing program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), former VER-SUS participants, took part in this study, from 2006 to 2009. Information was collected using focus group techniques guided by a set of questions and semistructured interview with open and closed questions. The information collected was analyzed using content analysis technique, of the thematic analysis type. The UFRN Research Ethics Committee approved of the survey pursuant to Report Opinion number 223/2010 and CAAE number 0105.0.051.000-10. Lived-through experiences and in-service training gathered from the VER-SUS have contributed meaningfully to health education, as they helped understand the role of the university and of a health and nursing education within the hegemonic model of education. According to the views and lived-through experiences of nursing students who took part in the SUS project it was extremely relevant to use active methodologies in the teaching-learning process and have the facilitators act as liaisons for the SUS. It follows from this study that the VER-SUS does contribute to a health-nursing education and brings the students close to the reality of the community / Uma das tentativas do minist?rio da sa?de de contribuir para tornar a sa?de coletiva mais atraente para o estudante da ?rea de sa?de/enfermagem se trata do projeto de Viv?ncias e Est?gios na Realidade do SUS (VER-SUS). Portanto, estudar a vis?o de discentes sobre o ensino de enfermagem a partir de suas viv?ncias no VER-SUS constitui o objeto desta investiga??o. Seu objetivo ? analisar as vis?es e viv?ncias de estudantes de enfermagem sobre a contribui??o do VER-SUS na sua forma??o profissional. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo/explorat?rio, com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram 18 estudantes da gradua??o em enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), egressos do VER-SUS, no per?odo de 2006/2009. Para a coleta de informa??es, foram utilizadas as t?cnicas de grupo focal orientado por um roteiro de quest?es, e entrevista semiestruturada, com quest?es abertas e fechadas. As informa??es coletadas foram analisadas atrav?s da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do, na modalidade de an?lise tem?tica. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da UFRN pelo parecer n?. 223/2010 e CAAE n?. 0105.0.051.000-10. A viv?ncia e o est?gio do VER-SUS contribu?ram de forma significativa para a forma??o em sa?de, pois ajudaram a perceber o papel da universidade e da forma??o em sa?de/enfermagem em meio ao modelo hegem?nico de forma??o. Nas vis?es e viv?ncias dos estudantes de enfermagem participantes do projeto sobre o SUS foi de suma import?ncia a utiliza??o de metodologias ativas para o processo ensino/aprendizagem e os facilitadores atuaram como condutores da aproxima??o com o SUS. O estudo concluiu que o VER-SUS contribuiu para a forma??o em sa?de/enfermagem, aproximando os estudantes da realidade da comunidade

Diagnóstico da adequação da distribuição do trabalho médico por especialidades no Brasil

Vidor, Ana Cristina January 2012 (has links)
CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: No Brasil, a exemplo do que ocorre em outros países, os médicos estão distribuídos de forma heterogênea, concentrando-se principalmente nas regiões Sudeste e Sul do país (Povoa; Andrade, 2006), o que faz com que a distribuição adequada do trabalho médico seja um dos principais desafios à garantia da equidade em saúde. A desigualdade na distribuição de médicos é um problema mundial, e esta distribuição deve ser adequada tanto geograficamente como entre as especialidades. Entretanto, faltam parâmetros para identificar onde há carência e excesso destes profissionais. Embora não exista um modelo de distribuição ideal do trabalho médico, vários fatores podem interferir na necessidade deste profissional, e a avaliação da necessidade de médicos deve levar em conta o contexto no qual seu trabalho será desenvolvido. No Brasil, a busca por melhores níveis de saúde e promoção da equidade em saúde são objetivos importantes, que passam pelo fortalecimento do SUS e da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), sendo necessário avaliar a adequação da oferta e distribuição de médicos no país a estes propósitos. OBJETIVOS: Identificar a adequação da oferta de médicos no Brasil, total e por especialidade, segundo parâmetros assistenciais do Ministério da Saúde e em comparação com um sistema de saúde orientado para APS. Identificar as carências e excessos de médicos, conforme estes parâmetros de comparação, nas cinco regiões brasileiras. MÉTODOS: A oferta de médicos, registrada no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES) em julho de 2009, total e por especialidades, foi comparada à necessidade de médicos, conforme parâmetros assistenciais da Portaria MS 1101/2002 e parâmetros de produtividade das resoluções n.º 01/2005 e n.º 04/2005 do Conselho Regional de Medicina de Pernambuco (CREMEPE). Também foi comparada à oferta de médicos no Canadá, conforme o Southam Medical Database 2009 (SMDB). Tais comparações foram realizadas, ainda, para as cinco Regiões do País. RESULTADOS: A cobertura médica total no Brasil contempla os parâmetros assistenciais recomendados pelo MS, mas, comparado com o modelo canadense, apresenta insuficiência de médicos e desigualdade na distribuição entre as especialidades. Em relação à distribuição regional, o Norte não apresenta cobertura suficiente para oferecer a assistência médica recomendada pelo MS, e a região Nordeste consegue atender apenas os parâmetros referentes a 2 consultas.habitantes/ano. Por outro lado, na comparação com o Canadá, a única região onde não foi identificada insuficiência na cobertura médica total foi a Região Sudeste. Na avaliação da cobertura médica por especialidades, nenhuma região apresenta distribuição adequada ao atendimento das recomendações do MS, e todas as regiões apresentam inadequação nesta distribuição quando comparadas ao Canadá. Em algumas especialidades há excesso em todo o país. CONCLUSÕES: A cobertura médica no Brasil não está adequada nem aos parâmetros assistenciais do MS nem a um sistema de saúde orientado para a APS, reforçando a necessidade de sistemas regulatórios da formação de médicos no Brasil. / BACKGROUND: In Brazil, the doctors are distributed unevenly, concentrating mainly in the Southeast and South, which makes the proper distribution of doctor work is a major challenge of equity in health. Although the unequal distribution of doctors is a global problem, missing parameters to identify where there is a lack and excess of these professionals. Moreover, it is necessary that this distribution is suitable both geographically and between specialties. Although there isn‟t a model of ideal distribution of medical and several factors may interfere with the need for this training, and evaluating the need for professional to take into account the context in which their work will be developed. In Brazil, the strengthening of the SUS and Primary Health Care (PHC) are important strategies in the quest for improved health and promoting health equity, is necessary to evaluate the adequacy of supply and distribution of doctors in the country for these purposes. OBJECTIVES: To identify the adequacy of the supply of doctors in Brazil, total and by specialty care within the parameters of the Ministry of Health and compared with a health system oriented APS. Identifying deficiencies and excesses of doctors, according to these benchmarks in the five Brazilian regions. METHODS: The offer of doctorsr, registered in the National Register of Health Facilities (CNES) in July 2009, total and by specialty, was compared to the need for medical care based on the parameters of HD decree 1101 / 2002, considering the productivity parameters resolutions No. 01/2005 and No. 04/2005 of the Conselho Regional de Medicina de Pernambuco (CREMEPE). We also compared the offer of doctors in Canada, as the Southam Medical Database 2009 (SMDB). Comparisons are made also for the five regions of the country. RESULTS: The total medical coverage in Brazil provides assistance to meet the recommendations of the HD according to the parameters adopted, but the distribution among the specialties is not suitable for these recommendations. The regional distribution, are observed deficiencies in the North, where coverage is insufficient to provide medical care recommended by HD, and the Northeast, where coverage is sufficient to meet only the recommendations for two medical appointment.inhabitant / year. Compared to the Canadian model, the Brazilian medical coverage is inadequate. The only region where failure was not identified in this comparison was the Southeast. The evaluation of medical coverage for specialty identifies that there are specialties with shortages in all regions, with other excesses in all regions. Some specialties have adequate general coverage, but they are poorly distributed across regions. For some specialties were conflicting results between the two models for comparison. Conclusions: Medical coverage in Brazil is not adequate care or the parameters of HD nor a health system oriented to the PAH, reinforcing the need for regulatory systems of training doctors in Brazil.

Percepção dos profissionais médicos e enfermeiros sobre a qualidade da atenção à saúde do adulto : comparação entre os serviços de atenção primária de Porto Alegre

Castro, Rodrigo Caprio Leite de January 2009 (has links)
A atenção primária à saúde (APS) é definida através dos seus atributos essenciais (acesso de primeiro contato, longitudinalidade, integralidade e coordenação), sendo qualificada pela presença dos atributos derivados (orientação familiar, orientação comunitária e competência cultural). No Brasil, a estratégia adotada para a expansão da APS é a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). A rede pública de APS de Porto Alegre, entretanto, inclui serviços anteriores à ESF: as Unidades Básicas de Saúde tradicionais (UBS), o Centro Saúde Escola Murialdo (CSEM) e o Serviço de Saúde Comunitária (SSC) do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição. Considerando que a APS é a porta de entrada obrigatória para o sistema, observa-se a enorme responsabilidade que esses serviços possuem em relação à atenção à saúde da população. Nesse contexto, também cresce a necessidade de avaliá-los. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar a percepção dos profissionais médicos e enfermeiros sobre a qualidade da atenção à saúde do adulto entre os serviços de APS de Porto Alegre. Este é um estudo transversal cuja população de pesquisa é constituída por todos os profissionais médicos e enfermeiros das unidades de saúde amostradas. Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente 50% das UBS e das unidades da ESF de cada Gerência Distrital do município. No CSEM e SSC, todas as unidades foram selecionadas. Foram incluídos os profissionais que atendiam adultos e que cumpriam carga-horária mínima de 20 horas semanais, sendo excluídos os profissionais que necessitavam obrigatoriamente de encaminhamento para atender. A percepção dos profissionais sobre a qualidade da atenção à saúde do adulto foi medida através do instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool), versão facility/provider survey, que produz escores para cada atributo e também escores essencial e geral. As entrevistas foram realizadas por entrevistadores treinados. Na análise estatística, foram consideradas as características da amostra, tendo sido adotado o nível de significância de 5%. Foram realizadas 340 entrevistas, observando-se 29 perdas (7,9% da amostra). Os escores essencial e geral atribuídos à ESF, ao CSEM e ao SSC são significativamente maiores do que os escores atribuídos à UBS. O SSC apresenta também escores essencial e geral significativamente maiores do que os atribuídos à ESF e ao CSEM. No que se refere a esses escores, não houve diferença significativa entre ESF e CSEM. No modelo multivariável, pode-se verificar que apenas as variáveis “especialidade na área de APS”, “oferta de educação continuada” e “carga horária semanal no serviço de saúde” associaram-se com o aumento da prevalência de alto escore geral atribuído pelos profissionais aos serviços. SSC e CSEM apresentam os maiores escores essencial e geral, ambos os serviços são pioneiros no país e centros formadores de recursos humanos para APS. A UBS, em comparação com os três serviços, mostrou, com exceção do atributo coordenação do cuidado, os menores escores em todos os atributos. A ESF, em comparação com UBS, apresenta maiores escores em todos os atributos, com diferença significativa encontrada, assim como evidenciado em outros estudos, nos escores acesso de primeiro contato, integralidade e orientação comunitária. É importante observar também que os serviços possuem, na percepção dos profissionais, atributos que precisam ser melhorados. O acesso de primeiro contato, por exemplo, foi o atributo que obteve o pior escore na avaliação em todos os serviços, de maneira que qualificar essa função da APS deve ser uma prioridade. Por fim, este estudo mostra que, na percepção dos médicos e enfermeiros, a qualidade da atenção à saúde do adulto é diferente entre os serviços de APS de Porto Alegre. De acordo com a percepção dos profissionais, a UBS, serviço responsável pela cobertura de mais da metade da população do município, apresenta o menor grau de orientação à APS. Dessa forma, a ampliação da ESF juntamente com o investimento na formação profissional especializada em APS e a instituição de um programa de educação continuada, de qualidade, que alcance todos os profissionais, são estratégias para qualificar a APS em Porto Alegre. / Primary health care (PHC) is defined by its essential attributes (first-contact access, longitudinality, integrality and coordination), and is qualified by the presence of the derivate attributes (family guidance, community guidance and cultural competence). In Brazil, the strategy adopted for the expansion of PHC is the Family Health Strategy (FHS). The public PHC network of Porto Alegre, however, includes services that existed prior to FHS: the traditional Basic Health Units (BHU), the Centro Saúde Escola Murialdo (Escola Murialdo Health Center) (CSEM) and the Community Health Service (CHS) of the Grupo Hospitalar Conceição. When we consider that PHC is the mandatory entrance door into the system, we notice the enormous responsibility that these services bring along regarding the attention to the health of the population. It this context, the need for assessment also increases. The goal of this study is to compare the perception of the medical professionals and nurses of the quality of the attention to the health of adults among the PHC services of Porto Alegre. This is a transversal study, whose research population consists of all medical professionals and nurses of the sampled health units. 50% of the HBS and of the FHS units of each District Management of the municipality were randomly selected. At the CSEM and the CHS, all units were selected. The professionals involved in service to adults and those with a minimum work load of 20 hours per week were included, and those professionals that needed mandatory referencing for service were excluded. The perception of the professionals on the quality of the attention to the health of adults was measured with the instrument called Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool), facility/provider survey version, which produces scores for each attribute and also essential and general scores. The interviews were conducted by trained interviewers. The characteristics of the samples were considered in the statistical analysis, and the significance level of 5% was adopted. 340 interviews were conducted, with the occurrence of 29 losses (7.9% of the sample). The essential and general scores credited to FHS, CSEM and CHS are significantly higher than the scores credited to BHU. CHS also shows essential and general scores significantly higher than those credited to FHS and CSEM. With respect to these scores, there was no significant difference between FHS and CSEM. In the multivariable model, we can verify that only the variables ”specialty in the PHC area”, ”offer for continued education” and “weekly work load in the health service” have been associated to the increase of the prevalence of high general scored credited by the professionals to the services. CHS and CSEM show the highest essential and general scores, and both services are pioneers in the country and are human resource formation centers for PHC. In comparison to the three services, BHU has shown the lowest scores in all attributes, with the exception of the care coordination attribute. In comparison with BHU, FHS shows the highest scores in all attributes, with a significant difference having been found in the scores first-contact access, integrality and community orientation, as also evidenced in other studies. It is also important to note that, in the perception of the professionals, the services have attributes that need to be improved. First-contact access, for example, was the attribute that obtained the worst score in the assessment of all services, so that the qualification of this function of PHC must become a priority. Finally, this study shows that, in the perception of physicians and nurses, the quality of attention to the health of adults is different among the PHC services of Porto Alegre. According to the perception of the professionals, BHU, the service responsible for the coverage of more than half the population of the municipality, shows the lowest degree of orientation to PHC. Hence, the amplification of the FHS, along with an investment in the professional formation specialized in PHC and the institution of a high-quality continued education program, available to all professionals, are strategies to qualify PHC in Porto Alegre. / Telemedicina

Abandono em Psicoterapia Psicanalítica : estudo qualitativo

Jung, Simone Isabel January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral analisar o fenômeno do abandono em psicoterapia psicanalítica (PP) através de metodologia qualitativa. Para tanto, três artigos foram realizados identificando características de inicio e término de tratamento de pacientes adultos classificados por seus psicoterapeutas como pacientes que abandonaram a PP, em um serviço de atendimento da cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil, cujo objetivo principal é a formação de especialistas em PP. Foi utilizado em todos os estudos o método de Bardin (1995) para analisar o conteúdo das entrevistas iniciais de tratamento, encontradas no arquivo do serviço de atendimento, e das entrevistas pós-tratamento realizadas pela autora da tese. O primeiro artigo apresenta a análise do tratamento de seis mulheres que abandonaram a PP. Objetivos pouco claros de tratamento, fraca disposição para mudar, sinais precoces de transferência negativa e resistência, e ausência de reconhecimento da própria participação nos problemas são fatores que surgiram no início da psicoterapia. Ganhos terapêuticos, insatisfação e resistência durante o processo psicoterapêutico pareceram estar associados ao abandono. O segundo artigo revela os achados dos tratamentos de cinco pacientes que abandonaram a PP e de cinco que a completaram. Pacientes que abandonaram a PP apresentaram no início do tratamento: objetivos e expectativas focalizadas, fraca disposição para mudar, capacidade de insight diminuída, percepção negativa dos tratamentos anteriores, e manifestações significativas de transferência negativa e resistência. Por outro lado, pacientes que completaram a PP possuíam metas e expectativas de psicoterapia relacionada com aspectos mais amplos da vida, foram menos resistentes para começar o tratamento, apresentaram maior disposição de mudar, transferência mais positiva, e níveis mais elevados de percepção e de satisfação com o tratamento anterior. Durante o tratamento, pacientes que completaram a PP foram menos resistentes e estavam mais satisfeitos com a psicoterapia, referiram benefícios mais eficazes e alcançaram maior capacidade de continuar trabalhando em problemas psicológicos, em comparação com os pacientes que abandonaram a PP. E o terceiro artigo, mostra os dados encontrados nos tratamentos de pacientes que abandonaram a PP em diferentes momentos da psicoterapia. Sete pacientes de tempo de abandono médio (AM- dois a 11 meses após o início da psicoterapia) comparados com sete pacientes de tempo de abandono tardio (AT- mais de um ano após o início) foram identificados como aqueles que iniciaram o tratamento mais por indicação de terceiros do que por conta própria, apresentando maior resistência, com expectativas de mais apoio, menor transferência positiva, mais queixas depressivas e experiências negativas com tratamentos anteriores. Na entrevista pós-tratamento revelaram mais resistência durante o processo de psicoterapia. Abandonaram a psicoterapia com menor capacidade de insight, avaliaram mais negativamente o tratamento tanto nos aspectos gerais como nos específicos. Embora distinções tenham sido observadas, entende-se que a diferenciação das características dos grupos de AM e AT é tênue e necessita de mais investigações. Esta tese oferece algumas hipóteses ou explicações para o complexo fenômeno do abandono da PP. Sugere que as decisões de iniciar, abandonar ou completar a psicoterapia dependem de múltiplos fatores, tais como: definição de metas e objetivos estabelecidos em conjunto pela dupla paciente/psicoterapeuta, disposição para empreender mudanças, capacidade de insight que implica em reconhecimento da condição psíquica e da participação nos problemas, resistência, transferência e experiência vivenciada em tratamento anterior. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese são exploratórios necessitando mais estudos nessa área. / This thesis had as general objective to analyze the phenomenon of dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (PP) through qualitative methodology. To do so, three articles were written identifying characteristics of beginning and end of treatment of adult patients who were classified by their psychotherapists as patients who dropped out the PP, in a service of attendance in the city of Porto Alegre/Brazil, whose main objective is the formation of specialists in PP. The Bardin’s method (1995) was used in all the studies to analyze the content of the initial interviews of treatment, which were found in the file of the attendance service, and of the post-treatment interviews accomplished by the authoress of the thesis. The first article presents the analysis of treatment of six women who dropped out the PP. Factors that came up in the beginning of the psychotherapy were: unclear objectives of the treatment, weak readiness to change, precocious signs of negative transference and resistance and absence of recognition about the own participation in the problems. Therapeutic gains, dissatisfaction and resistance during the therapeutic process seemed to be associated to the dropout. The second article reveals the findings of the treatments of five patients who dropped out the PP and other five who completed it. Patients who dropped out the PP presented in the beginning of the treatment: focalized objectives and expectations, weak disposition to change, decreased capacity for insight, negative perception of the previous treatments and meaningful manifestations of negative transference and resistance. On the other hand, patients who completed the PP had goals and expectations of psychotherapy related to wider aspects of life, were less resistant to begin the treatment, presented a bigger disposition to change, more positive transference and higher levels of perception and satisfaction concerning the previous treatment. During the treatment, patients who completed the PP were less resistant and were more satisfied about the psychotherapy, referred more effective benefits and reached a bigger capacity to continue working in psychological problems if compared to patients who dropped out the PP. And the third article shows the data found in treatments of patients who dropped out the PP in different moments of the therapy. Seven patients of medium time of dropout (MD - two to eleven months after the beginning of the psychotherapy) compared to seven patients of late time of dropout (LD - more than one year after the beginning) were identified as the ones who started the treatment by indication of others more than by their own, presenting more resistance, with expectations of more support, less positive transference, more depressive complains and negative experiences about the previous treatments. In the post-treatment interview they revealed more resistance during the process of psychotherapy. They dropped out the psychotherapy with minor capacity of insight, evaluated the treatment in a more negative way concerning its general aspects as well as the specific ones. Although distinctions have been observed, it is understood that the differentiation of the characteristics of the groups of MD and LD is tenuous and it needs more investigation. This thesis offers some hypothesis or explanations for the complex phenomenon of dropout of PP. It suggests that the decisions about initiate, dropping out, or completing the psychotherapy depend on multiple factors, such as: definition of marks and objectives established in partnership (patient/psychotherapist), disposition to undertake changes, capacity of insight which implies in recognition of the psychic condition and the participation of problems, resistance, transference and experience that were experienced in previous treatment. The results which were obtained in this thesis are exploratory and it is necessary to study more in this area.

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