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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomický dopad pandemie COVID-19 v čínských městech: Jak se lze poučit z pandemie SARS? / The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chinese Cities: What Can We Learn from the SARS Pandemic?

Zhang, Yueyue January 2022 (has links)
Using the quarterly and monthly data of ten representative cities in China from December 2000 to June 2021, this thesis describes the impact of COVID-19 on the urban economy, import and export, and quantifies the impact degree by panel data regression analysis. To explore the relationship between the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and urban categories, we distinguished different types of cities. The results show that COVID-19 has the most profound impact on coastal towns, followed by megacities. It is mainly due to the excessive dependence of coastal towns on import and export trade. We also understand the lagging effect of the pandemic on the economy by adding dummy variables representing the SARS pandemic. Facts have proved that while formulating related policies, the government has to consider the lagging effects of the impact of the pandemic on the economy. JEL Classification C51, I18, O47 Keywords COVID-19, pandemic, China, economy, import, export, government policies Title The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chinese Cities What Can We Learn from the SARS Pandemic

Lietuvos šešėlinės ekonomikos įtaka verslo sėkmei / Lithuania shadow economy influence to the official economy

Minelgaitė, Vaida 19 March 2009 (has links)
Tiesą sakant, priklausomybė nuo pinigų ir valdžios yra dvi pagrindinės priežastis neskaidriam ekonominiam sektoriui susiformuoti. Kad ir kaip bebūtų keista, gyvenimo faktas – tas, jog dideliam pasaulio populiacijos procentui, šešėlinis verslas tampa išgyvenimo priemone, nors Lietuvos Pramonininkų Konfederacijos pareiškimu: „<...> neapskaityta ekonominė veikla, neoficialus darbas, sukčiavimas ir mokesčių vengimas ne tik kenkia šalies įvaizdžiui, ardo oficialią rinką ir konkurencingumą, bet, kartu, negailestingai griauna sąžiningą verslą<...>“. Šio darbo siekis – įvertinti ir suprasti Lietuvos šešėlinės ekonomikos poveikį verslo sėkmei arba legaliai veiklai. Atliktų tyrimų uždaviniai – interpretuoti bendrą pastarojo ekonominio reiškinio kilmės ir šaltinių analizę, apžvelgti, kaip jis atsispindi pinigų statistikoje bei kokia įtaka turi oficialiam verslui, naudojant Tanzi ir Gutmman monetarinius metodus, koreliacija bei Eilat /Zinnes regresijos funkcija. Tyrimų rezultatai apsibrėžtam periodui, nuo 1995 iki 2007 metų, parodė, jog tarp apskaitytos ir neapskaitytos ekonomikų vyrauja neigiamas ryšys, kuris išreiškia substituto efekto pozicionavimą pajamų efekto atžvilgių. Vadinasi, apskaitytoms pajamoms sumažėjus 1LT, šešėlinės pajamos išauga 16 centų. Tuo tarpu, 1LT išaugus apskaitytam BVP, neoficialusis - sumažėja 43 centais. Kitą vertus, monetarinis metodas parodė, jog šešėlinė ekonomika yra glaudžiai susijusi su oficialiais kintamaisiais, todėl norint sumažinti neapskaityto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actually, - addiction to money and governance are two main reasons why legal shadow economy arises. As strange it seems, it has not only negative impact, but also a positive one to the official economy. And it‘s a fact of life, that for a large part of the worlds population, the "shadow economy" has become a means of survival, while, accordingly to The Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists declaration, “<…> unaccounted economic activities, illegal jobs, cheating and tax evasion harm the state, disturb the market and competition and demonstrably ruin and discredit fair business <...>”. The aim of this work - is to evaluate and understand the impact of Lithuania's shadow economy to the official one. The main goals of the research – interpellate the analysis of shadow economy genesis and origins and review how it reflects in nummary statistics or how influence officially accounted economy, using Tanzi’s and Gutmann’s monetary approaches, correlation and Eilat/Zinnes regression function. Exploration findings for the entire period of 1995-2007 confirms, that the unrecorded and recorded economies in Lithuania are negatively related, suggesting that the substitution effect dominates the income effect. And 1 LT fall in recorded income is associated with a 16 cent increase in the unrecorded economy and that a 1LT increase in recorded GDP is associated with a 43 cent decline in unrecorded income. On the other hand, monetary approach showed that shadow economy is closely related... [to full text]

Princip místního rozměru v projektech zaměřených na sociální podnikání / Following the Local impact in projects focused on Social Enterprising

Plecháčková, Taťána January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis is focused on Following the Principle of Local impact in projects focused on Social Enterprising. First chapters bring theoretical concept of Social Economy and Social Enterprising subjects. Second part of the work contains project of research and analysis of information acquired from companies that participated in a research. The Local impact as a fundamental Principle of Social economy is described on the basis of respondent's answers concerning the communication and cooperation with stakeholders, using variety of local resources, satisfying local needs and participating in community planning.

Specifika internetového podnikání / Internet business specifications

Rýdel, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The main goal of diploma thesis is to describe the internet business specifics with focus of identifying the causes of success or failure of companies on the Internet. At the theoretical level in context of thesis is to characterize the influence of the Internet on business principles and give to the reader a complete picture of its impact on current business. Following the main aim of the theses will need a virtually explore the possibilities which offer 21st century in the integration of modern business tools that allows smoother access to corporate infomation and knowledge and If their effective optimatization is the key to a uccessful business on the internet. The contribution of this thesis is to evaluate the practical challenges for companies which brings continual development of information and communication technologies that can be used for support of decision making in selecting an appropriate combination of business tools.

Lietuvos monetarinės politikos vertinimas / Assessment of Lithuania‟s monetary policy

Žaliauskas, Žilvinas 22 June 2010 (has links)
Monetarinė politika – tai valstybės naudojamų priemonių rinkinys, kuriuo siekiama reguliuoti tam tikrus ekonomikos procesus. Efektyviai ir tinkamai vykdant monetarinę politiką valstybėje galima uţtikrinti: stabilias kainas, stabilią ir stiprią nacionalinę valiutą, didelį ekonomikos uţimtumą ir apskirtai visos ekonomikos aktyvumą. Kitaip sakant, sutrikusi, sunkiai besivystanti ekonomika tik patvirtina faktą, kad ją kontroliuojanti politika nėra efektyvi. Kaip tik tokia situacija Lietuvoje, kadangi po 2008 metais įvykusios pasaulinės finansų krizės Lietuvos ekonomika atsigauna, tačiau labai lėtai ir sunkiai. Šiuo metu labai daţnai galima išgirsti kaltinant monetarinę politiką aplaidumu, trumparegiškumu ir apskirtai neefektyvumu. Vis daugiau specialistų, analitikų ir kitų asmenų pasisako prieš Lietuvoje naudojamą valiutų valdybą. Šiuo darbu siekiama įvertinti, kuris monetarinės politikos modelis yra efektyvesnis ir tinkamesnis Lietuvos ekonomikos reguliavimui. Šio tikslo pasiekimas įmanomas - tik įvertinus Lietuvos monetarinės politikos bei ekonomikos raidą ir esamą situaciją, išanalizavus ir identifikavus teorinius modelių skirtumus bei panašumus ir atlikus monetarinių modelių palyginimą-vertinimą remiantis statistiniais duomenimis. Šio tyrimo metu atlikta vertikali ir horizontali palyginamoji analizė, kurios metu buvo lyginami įvairūs monetariniai modeliai, ekonomikos indikatoriai bei skaičiuojami įvairūs matematiniai ir statistiniai įverčiai. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Monetary policy is the set of instruments used by a state, in order to regulate certain economic processes. With effective and suitable execution of monetary policy in a state it is possible to ensure: stable prices, stable and strong national currency, high economic employment and activity of the whole economics in general. In other words, disturbed, hardly developing economics just confirms the fact that the policy, which controls it, is not effective. Such a situation is present in Lithuania, as after the world financial crisis in 2008 the economics of Lithuania has been recovering, however, very slowly and difficult. At the moment it is quite common to hear ones blaming monetary policy for negligence, nearsightedness and inefficiency in general. More and more specialists, analysts and other persons mind the currency board arrangement, used in Lithuania. This paper seeks to identify, which model of monetary policy is more effective and suitable for regulation of the economics of Lithuania. This goal may be achieved only after evaluating the development and present situation of monetary policy and economics of Lithuania, after analyzing and identifying theoretical differences and similarities of models, and after making a comparison- evaluation of models, according to statistical data. Vertical and horizontal comparative analysis was carried out during this research, where various monetary models, economics‟ indicators were compared, and various mathematical and statistical... [to full text]

Darnus vystymasis žinių vadybos kontekste / Sustainable development in the context of knowledge management

Radiunaitė, Renata 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe atskleidžiamas žinių vadyba paremtas požiūris į darnų vystymąsi, pabrėžiantis, kad darnaus vystymosi nuostatų įgyvendinimas globaliu mastu, turi būti pradėtas nuo lokalių pokyčių, kurių sėkmingumą lemia sugebėjimas naudotis vienu iš svarbiausių lokalinių išteklių – žiniomis, nes daugelio procesų variklis žinių visuomenėje yra išsilavinęs ir kompetetingas žmogus. Įvertinus darnaus vystymosi ir žinių vadybos sampratų problematiką, suformuota tokia darnaus vystymosi koncepcija, kuri leistų darnaus vystymosi globaliame, regioniniame ir organizaciniame kontekste siekti per išplėstą žinių vadybos sampratos aprėptį. Atlikta Lietuvos vykdomosios valdžios dokumentų turinio analizė, akcentuoja, kad, siekiant darnaus žinių visuomenės vystymosi, būtina šalies švietimo politiką orientuoti ne tik į socialinę gerovę bei ekonominį konkurencingumą, bet atsižvelgti ir į ekologinio visuomenės švietimo svarbą. Skirtingose valstybėse veikiančių organizacijų darnaus vystymosi idėjų įgyvendinimo per žinių vadybą tyrimas parodė, kad visos organizacijos privalo tobulinti žinių vadybos procesus bei priemones, atsižvelgdamos į savo šalies gamtinius, ekonominius, socialinius skirtumus, kad šie kuo efektyviau prisidėtų prie darnaus vystymosi organizacijos viduje, šalyje ir pasaulyje įgyvendinimo. / The work describes the standpoint of sustainable development upheld by knowledge management, ephasizing that implemetation of sustainable development regulations at the global level needs to be started from local changes which fortune depends on the ability to use one of the most important local resources – knowledge, because the engine of the most processes in the knowledge society is an educated and competent individual. The problem-oriented analysis of sustainable development and knowledge management structures the concept of sustainable development that aims for sustainable development in the global, regional and organizational context through extended knowledge management conception. The content analysis of Lithuanian executive‘s documents reveals that, aiming for the sustainable development of knowledge society, country‘s education policy has to be oriented not only to social welfare and economical competitiveness, but also to the importance of ecological education. The research of sustainable development through knowledge management in the organizations in three different countries signifies that all organizations must improve their knowledge management processes and means in regard to their national natural, economical, social differences so that they would contribute to the implementation of sustainable development in the organization, the country and the world.

Srovnání obrazu propouštění a nezaměstnaných v Lidových novinách v 1. pololetí roku 1930 a v Mladé frontě DNES ve 2. pololetí roku 2008 / Media covering of laying-off and unemployed in Lidové noviny during 1.half-year 1930 and in Mlada Fronta DNES during 2.half-year 2008

Lysoněk, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media covering of laying-off and unemployed in Lidove noviny during 1. half-year 1930 and in Mlada Fronta DNES during 2. half-year 2008 - Comparison of two approaches" compares reactions of forenamed newspapers to expansion of economic depression which forces employers to reduce cost of production and cost of labour force. Diploma thesis compares the influence of the rate of unemployement in various regions to their representation in medias and also compares the influence of the rate of unemployment in various sectors of economy to their representation in medias. Diploma thesis also analyses subjects of business news which concerned the problem of unemployment.

Principy informační ekonomiky a meziodvětvová analýza vlivu IT na přidanou hodnotu podniku / Principles of Information Economy and Impact of IT on Company's Value-Added: A Cross-Industry Analysis

Láníček, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The industrial age was bound to end when the microprocessor was invented. Even though the classical economic theory applies for today as well as for the 1960s, the last thirty years were symptomatic by the change of the fundamental characteristics of the economy and information technology plays a key role in this process. The aim of this thesis was to describe the principles and micro- and macroeconomic phenomena present in the New Economy of today, the challenges that the companies face in this environment and, finally, to conduct a cross-industry analysis on the impact of IT on company's performance, namely value-added. The empirical results did not show any clear patterns among the industries and therefore no significant relationship between the share of information technology assets of total assets and company's value-added could be proven. One of the reasons for that could be the technical issues regarding the statistical measurement of IT which also remains the biggest challenge for the researchers in this field.

Vliv britských investic na ekonomický vývoj Argentiny v letech 1880-1916 / The Influence of British Investments on Economic Development of Argentine, 1880-1916

Švepeš, Václav January 2012 (has links)
The main task of my thesis was to do research work on the British impact on the Argentine economy during the period 1880 to 1916. The research work was focused on the economic aspects and, in particular, on the export policy of the country that, at the given period of time, was one of the most significant centres of primary products manufacturing. The objective of my research work was to discover the reasons for Argentina's economic achievements in the context of British interests in the area of Río de la Plata. For a better understanding of the chosen topic, I subdivided my thesis into eight time-related chapters that besides the country's export and the income from this trade also addressed the urban development, the industrial achievements as well as the country's infrastructure. The work also considers the Britain's dominant impact, not only on Argentina's economy, but also on the country's politics. Great emphasis was also placed on other important events that took place during the defined period that effected Argentina both during the phases of the country's economic prosperity and the phases of recession. Key words: Argentina, economy, Great Britain, 19th century, the First World War

Asijské finanční vztahy: Případ Japonska / Asian Financial Linkages: The Case of Japan

Fialová, Anežka January 2013 (has links)
This work reviews the topic of international financial linkages, including theoretical definitions and the main methodological approaches of the empirical measurement based on vector autoregressive models. One of the approaches, the Spillover Index methodology based on Diebold & Yilmaz (2009), is then used to analyze the developments of financial linkages of the Japanese stock market in the period from 1995 to 2012. The attention is paid both to the relations with western developed economies and within the region of East Asia. The main contribution of this paper is the fact that it comprises a complete review of international relations of Japanese stock market during the era of unprecedented financial liberalization. The results of the empirical study confirm the opening of Japanese stock markets towards foreign influence. Even though USA have been the major driving force behind the movements in East Asian stock markets, Japan has become a significant regional player, whose influence on East Asian countries has been growing. The developments in the Japanese stock market are on the other hand driven solely by the western developed countries, which further supports the view of Japan as the regional financial leader.

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