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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Země Maghrebu ve světové ekonomice: problémy a perspektivy / Maghreb countries in the world economy: problems and perspectives

Štorková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The Maghreb is a geostrategic region which attracts the attention of world powers. However the potential of its growth is limited by numerous problems. The aim of the master thesis is to analyze the position of Maghreb countries in the world economy and the perspectives of their future development. The first chapter concentrates on the economic facts of Maghreb countries with emphasis on their problems, including the preliminary reflections of impacts of the Arab spring on individual economies. The second chapter presents the external economic relations of Maghreb countries on three levels: inside the region, in the Euro-Mediterranean area and in the global dimension. The third chapter deals with the perspectives of Maghreb economies and the possibilities of reaching them. It evaluates the existing success of integration efforts in the region, in the Euro-Mediterranean area, but also the cooperation throughout the world economy.

Dopady politiky rozvoje venkova na regionální produkci, příjmy a zaměstnanost v kraji Vysočina / Rural development policy impacts on regional output, income and employment in Vysocina Region

Bednaříková, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation follows the increasing extent of the European Union's intervention into rural areas. The main objective of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the impacts of measures supporting job creation, within the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic for 2007--2013, on regional production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Specifically, it concerns the measures under Axis 3 Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy supporting diversification into non-agricultural activities, micro-businesses and tourism development. The sub-objective is to analyse the coefficients and multipliers, which would identify the sectors with the greatest potential for further development in terms of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Within the main objective three alternatives impacts that arise when there is a change of the final demand for production of a given industry are analysed and these can be measured by changes in production, income or employment. Two formulated hypotheses are analysed in detail In the individual chapters the dissertation is focused on the theoretical aspects of rural development dealing with the aspects of rural development policy implementation, describing the models and empirical analysis of the impact of measures supporting rural economic development. It also describes the characteristics of the Vysočina region, offering a methodology and construction of a regional input-output table and the input-output model for the Vysočina region, and finally, it includes a methodology and application of the impact analysis for the region. In order to achieve the main objective Leontief's structural input-output analysis is used (Leontief, 1966). The regional short-term macroeconomic input-output model built on the example of the Vysočina region serves as a tool for the analysis. A part of the analysis is the identification of factors that influence the size of the impact found. To perform the impact analysis the author constructed a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. The regionalization of the national commodity symmetric input-output table (CZSO, 2010f) is performed using the GRIT method (Jensen et al., 1979). The selected method is suitable for assessing the short-term impact of political measures, where the found effects can be attributed exclusively to the political measures observed. All the restrictions typical of input-output analysis have been taken into account. The scientific contribution of the dissertation is the creation of a regional macroeconomic input-output model for the Vysočina region based on Leontief's input - output analysis, and its use to determine the impact of the realised funds on the monitored measures of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. The other scientific contribution is the construction of a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. This serves as a data source for the input-output analysis since regional input-output tables are not available in the Czech Republic.

Komparace současné hospodářské krize s Velkou hospodářskou krizí (USA a velké evropské ekonomiky) / Comparison between the Great Depression and the Recent Crisis through Economy of the USA and through Economies of Chosen European Countries

Darmová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This period was marked by severe financial and political economic crisis which is, for its results, considered as one of the most unpleasant in our history. Regarding its devastating consequences, it is very often compared to Great Depression, which afflicted people in 1930. Even if there is one decade dynamic development between these two crises, it is possible to observe several similar parallels. The main target of my work is to answer the question, whether these parallels are really similar, through the use of analysis of individual crisis and also through their comparison to economics of USA and other selected European countries (UK, France, Germany). The first subject of our interest will be the analysis of pre-crisis period, which is basically the principle of the whole work. Afterwards I will examine the process of individual crisis itself, together with reactions from the government. This overall comparison should give us information, whether there are the same processes that characterised the development in interwar time nowadays, or whether this resemblance is fully accidental.

Řízení jakosti v podniku XYZ / Quality Management in the Company XYZ

Ševčík, Milan January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on efficient control of quality economy in an international company operating in the Czech Republic. It relates to standard and modern concept of quality economy management and theoretical basis of cost management related to quality. The purpose of this thesis is to define, choose and implement the best model of monitoring quality related costs. As a part of the implementation phase of the chosen model, project plan including risk analyses which belongs to individual project's phases will be created, cost related actions defined and in the next phase evaluated and optimized.

Internetinės žiniasklaidos verslo organizavimo aspektai: mažos šalies patirtis / Online media business organization peculiarities: small country case

Mažeikienė, Giedrė 16 June 2008 (has links)
Internetinė žiniasklaida, kaip savarankiška verslo ir žiniasklaidos sritis, gyvuoja jau daugiau nei dešimtmetį Lietuvoje. Perėjusi įvairias vystymosi stadijas, šiuo metu ji yra viena iš pelningiausių verslo sričių bei svarbi reklamos rinkos dalis. Tą įrodo ir egzistuojantys teiginiai „jei tavęs nėra internete, tavęs nėra niekur“, ir gausiai besikuriančios viešųjų ryšių agentūros, besistengiančios bendradarbiauti su internetine žiniasklaida, ir vis augantis internetinės žiniasklaidos vartotojiškumas. Visi šie dalykai skatina verslininkus investuoti į internetą, sekti naujoves ir tobulinti internetines technologijas. Žiniasklaidos ekonomika tyrinėja įvairius ekonominius veiksnius, kurie tiesiogiai daro įtaką žiniasklaidos projektui. Tyrinėjimo sritis yra labai plati, apimanti socialinius, kultūrinius ir ekonominius faktorius. Žiniasklaidos ekonomika tyrinėja žiniasklaidos koncentraciją, rinkos sąlygas, vartotojų poreikius, žiniasklaidos projektų pasiūlą, efektyvias ekonomikos strategijas ir kitas su žiniasklaidos verslu susijusias kryptis. Kaip ir kiekviename versle, taip ir internetiniame galima išskirti kriterijus, kurie yra svarbūs, kuriant verslo modelį. Būtina išanalizuoti šalies rinką, kokie verslo modeliai yra efektyvūs, kurie nebeegzistuoja, kurie turi perspektyvas. Taip pat svarbu, ar kuriamam produktui arba paslaugai jau yra susiformavusi vartotojų grupė ir šis produktas yra pageidaujamas rinkoje. Šio darbo objektas – internetinės žiniasklaidos verslo modeliai ir jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Online journalism, as independent business and journalism sphere, exists more than 10 years in Lithuania. Recently it has been one of the most profitable business branches and important branch of the advertisement market. Nowadays we have an expression such as „if you are not online, you do not exist“. More and more public relation organizations are being established and they are cooperating with online journalism organizations. Also we have growing usage of internet and online journalism. These aspects encourage businessmen to invest in the internet, look for the novelty and improve technology of the internet. Media economics embodies theoretical and practical economic questions specific to media of all types. Field of research is very wide and includes social, cultural and economic factors. Media economics explores media concentration, conditions of market, consumers‘ needs, supply of media projects, effective strategies of economic and other fields. In every business we can exclude criterions, which are important for business model. In the internet business are important these directions of research: what is the market of the country, which business models are effective and which ones do not exist, what are consumers needs, is this project is needed in the market and has its audience. Subject of this work is business models of online journalism and their distribution in Lithuania. In this work is discussed, which business models are effective, what is contributed in... [to full text]

Bioekonomika: teorinis ir taikomasis požiūriai / Bioeconomy: A Theoretical And Applied Approach

Kniūkšta, Bernardas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – bioekonomikos teorinis turinys ir taikomosios sritys. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti bioekonomikos teorinį turinį ir nustatyti jos apimamas ekonominės veiklos sritis, išryškinant jos sąsajas su darniu vystymusi. Uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti bioekonomikos koncepcijas ir traktuotes; 2) išanalizuoti bioekonomikos vaidmenį ekonomikoje, teikiamą naudą ir keliamą riziką; 3) atskleisti bioekonomikos indėlį į darnų vystymąsi; 4) nustatyti bioekonomikos vystymosi prielaidas. Tyrimo metodai - analizuojant bioekonomikos teorinius aspektus - jos traktuotę bei sankirtą su kitais mokslais - naudoti apibendrinimo ir apibendrinamosios abstrakcijos metodai; analizuojant bioekonomikos vaidmenį pasaulio ekonomikoje, jos teikiamą naudą ir iššaukiamą riziką taikytas loginės analizės metodas; bioekonomikos indėlis į darnų vystymąsi nagrinėtas izoliuojančiosios abstrakcijos metodu; analizuojant tarptautinių institucijų ir Lietuvos požiūrį į bioekonomiką naudoti akademinės, teisinės ir mokslo populiarinimo literatūros bendramoksliniai tyrimo metodai – loginė analizė ir sintezė bei dokumentų analizės metodai. Literatūros ir informacijos šaltinai – Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkų darbai, konferencijų medžiaga, tarptautinių institucijų dokumentai, teisės aktai. / Research object – theoretical content and applied fields in bioeconomy. Research aim – to reveal content of bioeconomics, to identify range of economic activities involved in bioeconomy and highlight its connections with sustainable development. Objectives: 1) to reveal approaches and conceptions of bioeconomy; 2) to analyse the role of bioeconomy in the world economy including its advantage and disadvantage; 3) to define contribution of bioeconomy to sustainable development; 4) to define premises of bioeconomy development. Research methods: in the analysis of theoretical aspects of bioeconomy and its interaction with related sciences was applied generalization method; in the analysis of the role of bioeconomy in the world economy including its advantage and disadvantage was applied logical analysis method; in the analysis of contribution of bioeconomy to sustainable development was applied abstraction method; in analysis of attitudes towards bioeconomy were applied analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and international organization documents. References and information: publications of foreign scientists, conference materials, documents of international institutions and legal acts.

Mokesčių sistemos pokyčių poveikis šešėlinės ekonomikos dydžiui Lietuvoje / Impact of Tax System Changes on Extent of Shadow Economy in Lithuania

Šečkutė, Vaiva 18 June 2009 (has links)
Ekonominio nuosmukio sąlygomis, fiskalinės politikos sprendimai ypač svarbūs, nes vienokie ar kitokie žingsniai gali sutrumpinti arba pailginti ir pagilinti ūkio nuosmukį. Tokiu metu ekonomikos dalyviai labai jautriai reaguoja į fiskalinės politikos klaidas. Taigi svarbu tinkamai įvertinti kiekvieno sprendimo pasekmes. Dabartinės sąlygos neleidžia didinti valstybės išlaidų bei biudžeto deficito ir taip skatinti ekonominį atsigavimą. Tenka mažinti išlaidas ir stengtis didinti pajamas labai tam nepalankiu metu. Siekiant padidinti mokestines pajamas didinant mokestinę naštą, įvertinti tik aritmetinį to rezultatą nepakanka. Teorija ir empiriniai Lietuvos ir kitų šalių biudžeto surinkimo duomenys rodo, kad didesni mokesčiai ne visada lemia didesnes mokestines pajamas dėl dviejų priežasčių: dėl sumažėjusio ekonominio aktyvumo ir dėl šešėlinės ekonomikos dalies didėjimo. Viena iš pagrindinių šešėlinės ekonomikos plėtros priežasčių, kaip parodė daugelis tyrimų visame pasaulyje, yra mokestinė našta ir valstybės reguliavimas. Apibendrinus visas sąlygas Lietuvoje - ekonomikos smukimą, neigiamus ekonomikos dalyvių lūkesčius ir kita - paaiškėja, kad susidaro gana palanki aplinka šešėlinės ekonomikos plėtrai. Atsižvelgiant į biudžeto surinkimo duomenis ir atliktus tyrimus, galima daryti prielaidą, kad šešėlinės ekonomikos plėtra Lietuvoje galėjo lemti didesnį nei prognozuota ekonomikos smukimą. Turint omenyje mažesnį nei planuota biudžeto surinkimą ir padidinus mokesčius, galima... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the economic slowdown, fiscal policy decisions are very important because they can shorten or lengthen and deepen economic downturn. At these times economic actors are very sensitive to fiscal policy mistakes. So it is important to evaluate the consequences of every single decision. Today’s situation does not allow stimulation of economy by increasing government expenditure and budget deficit. One must reduce expenditure and increase revenue in such unfavourable time. While trying to increase tax revenue by increasing tax burden, it is not sufficient to evaluate only arithmetical effect. Theory and empirical Lithuanian and other countries budget collection show that higher taxes do not always bring higher tax revenue because of two reasons: lower economic activity and increase in shadow economy. According to numerous surveys, the main reason of shadow economy is tax burden and state regulation. By summing up all the conditions – economic slowdown, negative expectation of economic actors and other – it is quite clear that the conditions for shadow economy are quite favourable. Considering budget collection and surveys, increase in shadow economy could have encouraged higher than forecasted economic slowdown. Lower than planned budget collection even with higher taxes allow to forecast that further increase in tax burden would only decrease tax revenue. Furthermore, collection of separate taxes shows that the collection of those taxes which were increased, differed from... [to full text]

Socialinės sanglaudos aspektai šiuolaikinio dvaro vystymo strategijoje / Aspects of social cohesion in the strategy of development of a modern manor

Radis, Dalius 12 May 2006 (has links)
Social cohesion is an important priority of the development both on Lithuanian and EU level. It is addressed to a human being, to the reduction of social differences between people, their groups and regions. Elaboration of tourism, including adaptation of the manors for tourism needs, is one of the priority directions of Lithuanian countryside development in order to ensure economical welfare and social cohesion. Elaboration of the manors as tourism objects must be linked with their integration into society life of local community. The goal of this research project was to define key principles of modern manor development strategy – principles, that would ensure, besides economical aspects of the manor elaboration, satisfying of social and cultural expectation of local society, would set grounds for an manors to became an example of most advanced forms of economical activities and social policy application. In this work an exploratory, qualitative research aiming to estimate relations between the manor and local society and their expectations towards the manor, was carried out. As a result, two possible alternatives for the manor development were settled and based on this a vision of the modern manor future and main strategic development principles to strive for this vision presented. The research has proved, that at present time the main expectation of the local society related to the manor is a minimum – that is, to have former facilities and parks of the manor rebuilt... [to full text]

Žinių vadybos tendencijos kultūros institucijose / The Tendencies of Knowledge Management in Cultural Institutions

Marčinskaitė, Dovilė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Kintanti visuomenės erdvė reikalauja kitokių nei anksčiau vadybos principų, įgūdžių, gebėjimų, kompetencijų. Čia svarbiausias vaidmuo tenka žinių vadybai, kaip vienai pagrindinių organizacijos veiklų, galinčių būti konkurencinio pranašumo ir sėkmės šaltiniu žinių visuomenėje. Žinių vadyba kaip atskira vadybos sritis yra šio darbo objektas. Žinių vadyba yra unikali ir absoliučiai individuali kiekvienai organizacijai. Ryškėja ir vis didesnė žinių vadybos įtaka kultūros institucijoms, kurias vienija tai, kad jos visos formuoja, integruoja, saugo, skleidžia ir suteikia prieigą prie informacijos ir žinių bei aptarnauja tas pačias ar panašias vartotojų grupes. Tai bibliotekos, muziejai ir archyvai. Šioms institucijoms, tradiciškai nelinkusioms keistis ir priimti naujoves, žinių vadyba, jos procesai ir vaidmuo yra žinoma, bet mažai pažįstama erdvė. Todėl šio darbo tikslas - teoriniu pagrindu atskleisti žinių vadybos vaidmenį ir tendencijas kultūros institucijose, pateikiant vienos iš kultūros institucijų – bibliotekos – žinių vadybos analizę. Apibendrintas darbo teorinis kontekstas remiasi naujausiais ir patikimais šaltiniais, mokslininkų tyrimais, kultūros specialistų ir praktikų darbais, analizėmis, apžvalgomis ir pan. Naudoti teorinės literatūros, atskirų informacijos šaltinių ir dokumentų analizės, lyginimo ir sintezės metodais. Darbą sudaro 4 struktūrinės dalys, įvadas, išvados, bibliografinių nuorodų sąrašas, santrauka anglų kalba. Darbe atskleista žinių ir žinių vadybos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Knowledge management is unique and absolutely individual for each organization. We also observe greater influence of knowledge management on cultural institutions the common feature of which is that they all form, integrate, store, disseminate and give access to information and knowledge and render services to the same or similar groups of users. They are museums, libraries and archives. Knowledge management for these institutions which traditionally are not disposed to change and accept novelties is known but not very familiar sphere. Knowledge management as a separate branch of management is the subject of this project. The aim of the project is on theoretical basis to reveal the role of knowledge management and tendencies in cultural institutions by presenting the analysis of knowledge management in one of the cultural institutions, i.e. the library. The project aims and tasks were carried out by using the methods of theoretical literature analysis, separate information sources and the comparative method. On the grounds of these methods the notion of knowledge management, the influence of knowledge management on a modern organization (knowledge organization, studying organization, knowledge employees, organization culture), the importance of knowledge management and its implementation tendencies in cultural institutions having concretely analyzed knowledge management in one of the cultural institutions, i.e. the library, was revealed. The tendencies of knowledge management... [to full text]

Lisabonos strategija ir jos įgyvendinimo planas Lietuvoje žinių ekonomikos strategavimo prasme / Consistancy of lisbon strategy in lithuania with strategies of knowledge economy

Kašėtaitė, Edita 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – nacionalinė Lisabonos strategija, jos užimtumo, mokslo ir švietimo politikos uždaviniai bei žinių ekonomikos strategavimo kriterijai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ar Lisabonos strategijos užimtumo skatinimo, mokslo ir švietimo politikų iškelti uždaviniai atitinka žinių ekonomikos strategavimo kriterijus. Magistrinio darbo tikslui įgyvendinti keliami tokie uždaviniai: išskirti žinių ekonomikos ir industrinės ekonomikos skirtumus; aprašyti strateginės vadybos svarbą žinių ekonomikai; pateikti Lisabonos strategijos atsiradimo motyvus bei įgyvendinimo perspektyvas; apibūdinti atnaujintos Lisabonos strategijos atsiradimo priežastis; aprašyti Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo perspektyvas Lietuvoje; išanalizuoti Lisabonos strategijos užimtumo, mokslo ir švietimo politikos užsibrėžtų uždavinių įgyvendinimą žinių ekonomikos aspektu. Naudojant bendruosius analitiniai ir specialiuosiu metodus, prieita išvada, kad Lisabonos strategijos iškelti uždaviniai tik iš dalies atitinka žinių ekonomikos strategavimo kriterijus. Labiausiai žinių ekonomikos strategavimo kriterijus atitinka švietimo ir mokslo politikos iškelti uždaviniai. Kai kurie iškelti uždaviniai dubliuojasi, įtraukiama ir kitų sričių veiklos objektų, trūksta aiškumo, konkretumo. Ne visuomet iškarto suprantama, ką norima tuo tikslu pasakyti. Strategijoje siūlomi uždaviniai dažnai yra skirtingo pobūdžio, apima ir veiksmus, ir jų rezultatus bei norimas pasekmes. Magistro darbo tema yra aktuali, nes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of the master thesis is topical for the whole Europe and Lithuania as well. The future of the European Union is related to the establishement of the society and economy based on knowledge. Therefore, it means that the major problems which require strategic decisions are the problems of the establishment of the knowledge based society and economy, the problems which are particularly important to Lithuania. Object of the master thesis – the National Lisbon Strategy, its goals of employment, science and education policy as well as the criteria of knowledge economy strategy. Purpose of the thesis – to analyse if the Lisbon Strategy goals of employment stimulation and the goals established by science and education policy correspond with the criteria of economy strategy. The following goals have been established to fulfil the purpose of the master thesis: to highlight the differences between knowledge economy and industrial economy; to explain the importance of strategic management to knowledge economy; to present the causes for the origin of the Lisbon Strategy and its implementation prospect; to present the causes for the origin of the revised Lisbon Strategy; to describe the prospect of the Lisbon Strategy implementation in Lithuania; to analyse the achievement of the employment, science and education policy goals of the Lisbon Strategy in the aspect of knowledge economy. The following common analytical and special methods of research have been employed while writing... [to full text]

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