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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pendling, infrastruktur och regioner : Med Mälardalen som fokusregion

Högberg, Mathias January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of foreign direct investments on human development in the region of sub-saharan Africa

Boman, Niclas January 2011 (has links)
This paper aims to explore the relationship between Foreign Direct Investments and the standard of living in terms of the Human Development Index in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa. The theory of economic growth is based on Solow. For the region of Sub-Saharan Africa, Foreign Direct Investments ought to be of great importance to finance the investments needed to achieve economic growth according to Solow. The reason for this is that the region of Sub-Saharan Africa lacks the ability to finance these investments with its own savings. The focus of the report is the Foreign Direct Investments; although the variable shows no significant correlation to the Human Development Index, there is a significant positive correlation between Foreign Direct Investments and health expenditure as a percentage of total government expenditure, one of the driving forces behind an improved Human Development Index.

Gerd Enequists personarkiv / The Personal Archive of Gerd Enequist

Bergkvist, Moa January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish geographer Gerd Enequist (1903-1989) left behind great amounts of private and work material when she passed away. This was donated to the University Library of Uppsala, Carolina Rediviva, in three different accessions. This resulted in three different record. The subject of this report is the progress of assembling these record into one complete record. The registering led to many important decisions such as the role of provenance and the relation of private and public documents. Above all the special nature of personal archives have been a topic of discussion. Personal archives separate themselves from public records and therefore demand a different strategy of listing. The width of kinds of material and the mixture of private and public records are important qualities that differ them from public records. The report is initiated with an introduction of Enequist, followed by a description of the three accessions. In the second part of the report the work with recording the archive is accounted for including a description of the headings of the record. Thereafter the problems encountered during the work are described and discussed. The report is completed with a short proposal of the research values of the archive.

Effektiv partiformning : analys och tillämpning på Uppåkra Mekaniska AB / Efficient lot-sizing : a case study at Uppåkra Mekaniska AB

Eriksson, Emma, Claesson, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
This paper is the result of a case study conducted at Uppåkra Mekaniska AB during the spring of 2006. The task that was presented by Uppåkra was to develop a basis for a decision for the planning activities at the company, so that in the future they can create lot-sizes which are based upon a total cost perspective. Total cost in regards to lot-sizing is defined as the sum of the administrative reordering costs and warehousing cost per stock keeping unit. To collect data a series of interviews and observations were conducted. This data was then used during the lot-sizing simulation and analysis. The 15 units that the simulation was conducted on were grouped into three item classes depending how many different machine setups they required during the production process. Class A contained items which resulted in only one machine setup; where as those items in Class B had several different setups. Class C represents items without any machine setups, but requires shorter preparation for assembly. In the simulations the Wilson’s formula, Economic Part Period (EPP) and Least Cost method (LC) were compared with the lot-sizing model currently used by Uppåkra. The simulation results showed that there is a large potential to reduce the cost of lot-sizing by using the Wilson’s formula instead of the current model. For the 15 units simulated in this study, there was the potential to reduce costs by 5000SEK per unit yearly.

The Importance of Equality

Lahdenperä, Jori January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is mainly concerned with how equality is related to social and individual wellbeing. It is widely believed that inequalities are both necessary and beneficial for society. This has been repudiated by recent studies claiming the opposite. This thesis will first elaborate on the concept of equality before investigating the relation between inequalities and different components of wellbeing with the use of a literature review. It finds that several adverse effects are correlated with inequalities and that competition might be an explanation for- as well as an amplifier of the adverse effects. Based on these findings, the thesis presents some guidelines for incorporating equality within a set of policy-areas. It concludes that the main points of importance are to avoid connecting the ability and merit of a person to the value of that person as well as to achieve material equality: both these working as a foundation for a subjective feeling of equality in value.

Ju snabbare, desto bättre? : Hastigheten i den demografiska transitionen och dess inverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt

Sundström, Joel, Mogos, Musie January 2012 (has links)
Det är sedan tidigare känt att den s k bokföringseffekt som uppstår vid sjunkande döds- och födelsetal kan ha en positiv effekt på ekonomisk tillväxt.  Ekonomisk och demografisk data visar emellertid att många av de länder som haft en hög hastighet i den demografiska transitionen, även har upplevt en högre ekonomisk tillväxttakt. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att undersöka huruvida det finns en korrelation mellan hastigheten i den demografiska transitionen och ekonomisk tillväxttakt. Efter att ha genomfört statistiska tester, såsom bl a parvisa korrelationer och regressionsanalyser, kan vi dra slutsatsen att en korrelation mellan dessa variabler råder, samt att hastigheten i den demografiska transitionen spelar roll och kan förklara en del av den ekonomiska tillväxten i de undersökta länderna.

Regionalplanering i Östergötland / Regionalplanering i Östergötland : Pilotstudie av serviceutbud

Klasander, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en pilotstudie för Regionförbundet Östsam. Den syftar till att kritisera och testa en metod som behandlar serviceutbudet i tätorter inom Fjärde storstadsregionen. Denna metod bygger på att kartlägga utbudet, vikta detta enligt en poängmodell och sedan analysera resultatet och söka skapa en ortsklassificering. Metoden är tänkt vara ett verktyg i modern regionalplanering och kunna förbättra serviceutbudet i regionen. I studien har svensk regionalpolitiskt historia, centralorts- och nätverksteori använts för att visa på hur modern regionalplanering söker skapa samarbeten utifrån funktionella omland och inte genom administrativa områden.Det studien visar är att metoden står i förhållande till den politik som förs av dess användare. Metodens olika delar utformas utifrån den bakomliggande politiken. Vidare konkluderas det att metoden går att användas för regionalplanering men mest som ett initialt verktyg för vidare arbete. Inga direkta slutsatser kunde dras ur resultatet då underlaget för studien varit för begränsad. dock ges en exemplifiering av hur resultatet kan komma att presenteras och användas, bland annat genom en typ av klassificering av de använda orterna.

Hur arbetar revisorer för att förebygga ekonomisk brottslighet? : En kvalitativ studie i Örebro

Sjöström, Sara, Wallin, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet Titel: Hur arbetar revisorer för att förebygga ekonomisk brottslighet? – En kvalitativ studie i Örebro Utgivningsår: 2011 Författare: Sara Sjöström och Mikaela Wallin Handledare: Kerstin Nilsson 1899 bildades Sveriges första revisorsförening, Svenska Revisorssamfundet (SRS), men redan på 1600-talet var revision vanligt i Sverige. På 1970-talet började ekonomisk brottslighet att uppmärksammans alltmer. Bland de åtgärder som vidtagits mot ekonomisk brottslighet märks bland annat införandet av revisorers anmälningsplikt, vilken infördes 1999. Ekonomisk brottslighet har ökat alltmer de senaste åren. Under 2008 ökade antalet anmälningar avseende brottsmisstankar med 300 % i Örebro jämfört med föregående år.  Det huvudsakliga syftet med undersökningen var att öka förståelsen för revisorers brottförebyggande arbete idag och även om det finns möjlighet att förbättra deras arbetssätt. Syftet var även att få Ekobrottsmyndighetens och FAR:s syn på detta. Utöver detta ville vi undersöka om revisorerna visste vad ökningen, som skedde i Örebro 2008, berodde på. För att kunna genomföra studien har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod, vilket innebär att vi utfört intervjuer för att samla in vår empiri. Två revisorer, en ekorevisor från Ekobrottsmyndigheten och en jurist från FAR intervjuades. Uppsatsen har genererat flera slutsatser. Den viktigaste slutsatsen av studien var revisorernas brist på kunskap om innebörden av anmälningsplikten. Revisorerna, Ekobrottsmyndigheten och FAR är alla överrens om att det behövs förtydliganden kring när och om en brottsmisstanke ska anmälas. / Title: How are auditors working to prevent economic crimes? – A qualitative study in Örebro Publication year: 2011 Authors: Sara Sjöström and Mikaela Wallin Advisor: Kerstin Nilsson In 1899 Sweden's first auditor association was founded, “Svenska Revisorssamfundet” (SRS), although the audit standard was common in Sweden as early as the 17th century. In the 1970s economic crimes began to be noticed even more than before. Among those measures taken against economic crimes the auditors obligation to report, which was introduced in 1999, is one of the most notable. In recent years economic crimes has increased even more. In 2008 the reported criminal charges in Örebro County had increased with 300 % compared with 2007. The main purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of auditors work as a crime preventer and to see whether there´s room for improvement in the way they work. The purpose was also to get the Economic Crimes Bureau (ECB) and FAR's view on the subject. In addition, we wanted to determine if auditors knew why there was an increase in reported criminal charges for economic crimes in Örebro County in 2008. To conduct the study we used a qualitative method, which means that we have performed interviews to gather our empiricism. Two auditors were interviewed along with one respondent from ECB and a lawyer from FAR. The essay has generated several conclusions. The main conclusion of the study was that auditors lack knowledge of the content of the obligation to report suspicions of crime. The auditors, ECB and FAR all agreed that there´s need for clarification regarding when and if a crime should be reported.

attraktrivitet och regionplanering : Hur ska osby kunna ha en positiv ekonomisk tillväxt och befolkningsutveckling i region skåne?

Lundh, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Abstract Attractiveness may be defined by a variety of factors but you should see it in the public planning as it is to have a positive population growth and economic growth, through working with communications, service, housing, to name a few. This is done primarily through direct projects both within the municipality and through various partnerships between local and regional level. The progress we have seen in recent years has gone more towards a clear shell level, particularly a regional level where these have had a much greater freedom with clear geographical boundaries in between each other. Within these regions there are also clear regional groupings that have common interests and competing between each other. In my thesis, we have been distinguished including three levels of scale levels. At the local level Osby municipality, together with the other municipalities in Skåne Nordost working Sound region and at regional level, Region Skåne after that will the national level and global level. Osby has for several years worked with attractiveness both within its own municipality, and through collaborations with both north-east Skåne, Region Skåne and a number of other formal and informal collaborations. Efforts to increase its attractiveness has been assumed to have a stable population and a positive economic growth. This work has been made concrete by using the outline above, and that through various projects, such as this can Pågatågen and Boda like to mention. Both projects are designed to increase the attractiveness of just Osby. Through working with these projects and to always show up, so will these projects lead to Osby will have a positive population growth and economic growth. Osby municipality has a good location for the future, especially their geographical position, especially in view of the main line gives them an edge against other municipalities located in the periphery of a strong growth region. Another reason that makes Osby has a good location that they went through a restructuring during the high economic climate and with it so has it been able to adapt its business is now located at a high national level.

Att bosätta sig i sin hobby : En studie av boende på Julmyra Horse Center

Rosqvist, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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