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Broadcasting Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Local Area NetworksChang, Shu-Ping 01 July 2003 (has links)
Broadcasting is a fundamental primitive in local area networks (LANs).Operations of many data link protocols, for example, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), must rely on this LAN primitive.
To develop the broadcasting service in mobile ad hoc wireless LANs (WLANs) is a challenge. This is because a mobile ad hoc WLAN is a multi-hop wireless network in which messages may travel along several links from the source to the destination via a certain path. Additionally, there is no fixed network topology because of host moving. Furthermore, the broadcast nature of a radio channel makes a packet be transmitted by a
node to be able to reach all neighbors. Therefore, the total number of transmissions (forward nodes) is generally used as the cost criterion for broadcasting. The problem of finding the minimum number of forward nodes in a static radio network is NP-complete. Almost all previous works, therefore, for broadcasting in the WLAN are focusing on finding approximation approaches in a, rather than, environment. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed protocol in WLANs to significantly reduce or eliminate the communication overhead in addition to maintaining positions of neighboring nodes. The important features of our proposed protocol are the adaptability to dynamic network topology change and the localized and parameterless behavior. The reduction in communication
overhead for broadcasting operation is measured experimentally. From the simulation results, our protocol not only has the similar performance as the approximation approaches in the static network, but also outperforms existing ones in the adaptability to host moving.
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Islamofobi i skola och klassrum / Islamophobia in scool and classroomsBilalli, Shkumbin January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate religious didactic research that could eventually be applied in a teacher’s various forms of teaching and education, so that islamophobia may be eradicated, which leads me to this essay’s question How can religious didactic research be applied in religious education to combat Islamophobia in schools and classrooms?. The research required for this essay has been found through various databases, such as Google Scholar, Swepub and ERIC via EBSCO. Through the selected research in this essay, I found that the research had intentions to combat questions and doubts regarding islamophobia in schools, which made it easy for me to choose them. Even though most of my research is established in several foreign countries such as Canada and the United States, I find my research and their methods relevant to Swedish society as well. I believe my research is more than helpful for me as a yet to be teacher, but also for all the teachers out there. The research combined is able to give the tools needed for a teacher to at least reduce islamophobia in classrooms. Examples of how to do that will be presented in this essay. It is not unknown that prejudice and mockery are things that people have experienced throughout time and therefore I find that this subject is of huge relevance.
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Camelthorn: A Homeowners GuideNorton, Eric 01 1900 (has links)
2 pp. / Camelthorn is an invasive weed classified as a noxious weed in Arizona. The weed has the potential to cause serious damage for private landowners and their property. This fact sheet provides the means for landowners to identify and take steps to control and eliminate this weed.
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The Right Way to do IT : Waste Identification and Reduction at Software Providers - a Case Study at Infor M3Johansson, Adam, Ryen, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
When delivering Software as a Service (SaaS), increased challenges regarding responsiveness and flexibility are introduced to software providers. In order to address these challenges and attain customer satisfaction, the Lean Software Development principle Eliminate waste can be applied. One organization that has recognized the potential of applying the Eliminate waste principle when developing software is the Integration & BI unit of the Enterprise Resource Planning system provider Infor M3. However, the implementation of the Eliminate waste principle at the Integration & BI unit’s five teams is still in an early stage. Consequently, the intended purpose of the thesis was to identify waste and suggest approaches to reduce waste at the case organization, Infor M3 Integration & BI. In order to collect the in-depth knowledge required, the thesis utilized a qualitative case study methodology, whereby a literature review, interviews and observations were conducted. The literature review created a foundation of knowledge regarding waste in software development, that subsequent culminated as a basis for the analysis and recommendations. It could be concluded that the subject of waste identification and reduction in software development is in an early stage, largely driven by practitioners, with few verifying studies that support the subject’s applicability. However, by utilizing a waste categorization model various wastes could be identified at all of Integration & BI’s teams during the interviews, whereupon Partially done work, Delays, Task switching and Relearning was considered as the most prominent wastes. Moreover, it could be established that one team had developed successful approaches that eliminates much of the team’s waste whilst the other teams’ approaches were generally deficient. In order to more successfully reduce waste, the Integration & BI unit is suggested to create awareness of the concept of waste within the unit. The teams need a common definition and an increased understanding of waste in order to reach this awareness. Additionally, the unit is suggested to use more comprehensive indicators, like cumulative flow diagram, in order to facilitate identification and root-cause analysis of waste. Lastly, the unit is recommended to reduce waste by continuous improvements with activities structured as a PDSA-cycle. / Programvaruföretag som levererar Software as a Service (SaaS) står inför ökade utmaningar med avseende på receptivitet och flexibilitet. För att bemöta dessa utmaningar och uppnå hög kundnöjdhet kan Lean Software Development principen Eliminera slöseri appliceras. En organisation som har insett potentialen av att tillämpa principen Eliminera slöseri vid utveckling av programvara är enheten Integration & BI hos affärssystemleverantören Infor M3. Implementeringen av principen vid enhetens fem utvecklingslag är emellertid fortfarande i ett tidigt skede. Avsikten med examensarbetet var således att identifiera slöseri och föreslå tillvägagångssätt för att minska slöseri hos fallorganisationen, Infor M3 Integration & BI. För att samla in en djup förståelse om ämnet och fallföretaget utnyttjade examensarbetet en kvalitativ fallstudiemetodik, där en litteraturstudie, intervjuer och observationer genomfördes. Litteraturstudien skapade kunskap angående slöseri inom mjukvaruutveckling, vilken senare skapade en grund för både analys och rekommendationer. Slutsatsen att ämnet rörande identifiering och minimering av slöseri inom mjukvaruutveckling är i ett tidigt skede kunde göras i och med att ämnet i stor utsträckning drivs av yrkesutövare och inte av akademin. Dessutom finns det få vetenskapliga studier som verifierar ämnets applicerbarhet. Genom att använda en modell för att kategorisera olika slöseri inom mjukvaruutveckling kunde dock olika typer av slöseri identifieras hos samtliga av Integration & BIs utvecklingslag, varpå delvist gjort arbete, förseningar, uppgiftsbyte och återinlärning betraktades som de mest framträdande. Dessutom kunde det fastställas att ett av utvecklingslagen etablerat framgångsrika tillvägagångssätt för att eliminera slöseri under tiden de andra utvecklingslagens metoder generellt var bristfälliga. För att mer framgångsrikt minska slöseri, föreslås enheten Integration & BI att använda en gemensam definition och öka förståelsen om konceptet slöseri för att skapa en medvetenhet inom enheten. Dessutom rekommenderas enheten att använda mer omfattande indikatorer så som kumulativt flödesschema för att underlätta identifiering och rotorsaksanalys av slöseri. Slutligen föreslås enheten att eliminera slöseri genom ständiga förbättringar med aktiviteter strukturerade efter PDSA-cykeln.
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Synthesis and Characterization of 2,3-Dichloropyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazol-1-one and Its Methylthiol DerivativesWu, Guanmin 05 1900 (has links)
Condensation of 2,3-dichloromaleic anhydride and o-phenylenediamine in refluxing toluene affords the three compounds 2,3-dichloro-N-o-C6H4(NH2)maleimide (1), N,N¢-o-C6H4-bis(2,3-dichloromaleimide) (2), and 2,3-dichloropyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazol-1-one (3), with compound 1 as the major product. Repeating the same reaction in the presence of added PTSA furnishes compound 3 as the major product. Treatment of 3 with methylthiol in the presence of pyridine affords monosulfide compounds 2-chloro-3-methylthiopyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazol-1-one (4) and and the disulfide derivatives 2,3-di(methylthio)pyrrolo[1,2-a]benzimidazol-1-one (5). The substitution of the first chlorine group in compound 3 occurs regioselectively at C-3 to produce compound 4, followed by replacement of the remaining chlorine group to furnish the disulfide compounds 5. The new compounds 1-5 have been isolated by column chromatography and characterized by IR, NMR, XRD, CV and etc.
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Islamofobi i skolan / Islamophobia in schoolAmin, Therese January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to investigate the various forms of support that are available to counteract islamophobia in elementary school and in high school. Through these methods the students developed an anti-racist thought which lead them to have a wider perspective about the outside world. The biggest cause for stereotypes is about the religion islams roots in media which shows propaganda and is a negative view about islam. In this essay I will write about the similarities and differences between researchers' studies on how to reduce islamophobia in schools, but most importantly in classrooms with education. In my work I will find answers to this question: “What does research say about how teachers teach about Islam and Muslims in a way to counteract islamophobia?”. To answer my question I have conducted information by searching for keywords that are combined in different ways in various databases. I used 5 different databases to see if the selected information is correct, the databases are Libsearch, Swepub, ERC via EBSCO, ERIC via EBSCO and Google Scholar. Another method that I found helpful was to look at other students’ reference lists to find other references, the subject was the same as mine, a total of 8 sources of research texts were selected. The result shows that pupils’ develop most when teachers include religion into other subjects, and according to some researchers it is possible to counteract islamophobia with education. As teachers we need to find something that the students can relate to, something that they have experienced or seen whether it’s online or in real life. When teachers find that silver lining the students start to pay attention to class.
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The architecture of pneumatic regenerative systems for the diesel engineBao, Ran January 2015 (has links)
For vehicles whose duty cycle is dominated by start-stop operation, fuel consumption may be significantly improved by better management of the start-stop process. Pneumatic hybrid technology represents one technology pathway to realise this goal. Vehicle kinetic energy is converted to pneumatic energy by compressing air into air tank(s) during the braking. The recovered air is reused to supply an air starter, or supply energy to the air path in order to reduce turbo-lag. This research aims to explore the concept and control of a novel pneumatic hybrid powertrain for a city bus application to identify the potential for improvements in fuel economy and drivability. In order to support the investigation of energy management, system architecture and control methodologies, two kinds of simulation models are created. Backward-facing simulation models have been built using Simulink. Forward-facing models have been developed in the GT-POWER and Simulink co-simulation. After comparison, the fully controllable hybrid braking system is chosen to realize the regenerative braking function. A number of architectures for managing a rapid energy transfer into the powertrain to reduce turbo-lag have been investigated. A city bus energy control strategy has been proposed to realize the Stop-Start Function, Boost Function, and Regenerative Braking Function as well as the normal operations. An optimisation study is conducted to identify the relationships between operating parameters and respectively fuel consumption, performance and energy usage. In conclusion, pneumatic hybrid technology can improve the city bus fuel economy by at least 6% in a typical bus driving cycle, and reduce the engine brake torque response and vehicle acceleration. Based on the findings, it can be learned that the pneumatic hybrid technology offers a clear and low-cost alternative to the electric hybrid technology in improving fuel economy and vehicle drivability.
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Effektiv avtalshantering i kommunal verksamhet : En fallstudie i hur digitalisering kan förenkla en avtalsprocess / Efficient handling of agreements in communal business : A case study in how digitalisation can simplify an agreement processOlsson, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Det offentliga Sverige digitaliseras i en snabb takt och om fördelarna med den tekniska utvecklingen ska kunna tas tillvara krävs det tillgång till ett antal grundläggande funktioner. En viktig grundfunktion är möjligheten att på ett säkert sätt kunna identifiera användare av e-tjänster och att kunna kontrollera att elektroniskt underskrivna handlingar är äkta. En nödvändig del av den grundläggande infrastrukturen för såväl e-förvaltning som för kommersiella aktörer är därmed elegitimering och e-underskrift. Den här studien syftar till att utforska processen för hantering av hyreskontrakt hos Uppsala kommun. För att utforska den här processen utgår studien från tre frågeställningar – (1) hur processen ser ut idag, (2) hur processen kan förbättras, samt (3) hur den förbättringen kan implementeras i organisationen. De problem som finns i processen idag är att processen är väldigt papperstung. Anledningen till att processen är papperstung är den stora mängden hyreskontrakt som hanteras. Hyreskontrakten hanteras i flera olika steg och de ska undertecknas i skrift av flera olika personer på flera olika exemplar. Teorin i den här studien är uppbyggt främst från kvalitetsteknikens egna teorier och modeller, men även från andra områden, såsom digitalisering. Kvalitetsteknikens teorier och modeller användes som en grund till förbättringsarbetet där digitaliseringen kom in och användes för att stärka upp förbättringen av det specifika fokusområdet. De metoder som användes vid datainsamlingen var främst intervjuer. De genomfördes i form av ostrukturerade intervjuer. Vid datainsamlingen gjordes även en insamling av kvantitativa data. Dataanalysen gjordes med hjälp av ett fiskbensdiagram där huvudkategorierna utgick från de olika typer av slöseri som Lean-konceptet använder. För att analysera de identifierade problemen i fiskbensdiagrammet ännu mer användes ”fem varför?” för att hitta rotorsakerna till problemen. Resultatet visade att den dåvarande processen var väldigt omfattande med alla dess steg samt komplicerad då hyreskontrakten skulle skickas mellan både interna och externa parter. Resultatet visar även att grundorsaken till majoriteten av problemen berodde på att Uppsala kommun inte har digitala funktioner som kan hantera underskrifter av hyreskontrakten. Slutsatsen av den här studien är att genom en digitalisering av processen skulle stora förbättringar kunna göras. Antal steg i processen skulle minska och hanteringen av varje avtal skulle bli enklare då processen skulle slippa hantering av papper. / Public Sweden is digitised at a rapid pace and if the benefits of technological development would be utilised, access to a number of basic functions is required. An important base is the possibility that in an appropriate way identify users of e-services and to verify that acts have electronic signatures. Electronic identification and e-signatures are a necessary infrastructure for both e-administration and commercial actors. This study leads up to explore the process for administration of rental agreements at Uppsala kommun. To be able to explore this process, the study is based on three question formulations - (1) how the process is working today, (2) how the process can be improved and (3) how the improvement can be implemented in the organisation. The current problem with the process is that it is mainly based on paper. The reason for that is the big amount of rental agreements being handled. The rental agreements are handled in many different steps and need to be manually signed by many different persons in many copies. This study is based on various theories and models from the Quality Technology, and also from the digitalisation area. The theories and models from the Quality Technology was used as a base for the work of improvements, where the digitalisation was used as a complement to strengthen the improvement of the specific area. The methods that have been used for the data collection were foremost interviews. They were made in an unstructured form. Through the data collection, quantitative data were also collected. The analyse of data was made through a fishbone diagram where the main categories were originated from the different kinds of waste from the Lean concept. To further analyse the identified problems in the fishbone diagram, the method 5 Whys were used to find the root cause of the problem. The result showed that the former process was extensive containing a lot of steps and also complicated because the rental agreements were distributed between internal and external parts. The result also shows that the main cause of the majority of the problems was caused by the fact that Uppsala kommun does not have digital functions that can handle signatures of the rental agreements. The conclusion of the study is that big improvements can be done if a digitalisation of the process would be done. The number of steps in the process would be reduced and the handling of every agreement would be easier if the process got rid of all papers.
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Aspekty ovlivňující obchod s nemovitostmi / Aspects Affecting the Real Estate BusinessKonopáčová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on the description of individual aspects influencing the real estate business. It covers primarily contracts which appertain to this type of business activities and also other subjects that have a substantial impact on the real estate trade. One part is devoted to the changes of the real estate market after the accession to the European Union. The practical part is focused on the actual process of the real estate trade, both from the seller´s and the buyer´s point of view.
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Causes of the bullwhip effect : A study of the bullwhip effect in the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chainDahlin, Klara, Säfström, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
The bullwhip effect is defined as an upstream amplification of demand variability and has received interest within multinational companies for decades. As early as in the 1950’s, Forrester (1958) discussed what is today known as the bullwhip effect, which has a negative impact on the customer service, costs, and inventory investment in a supply chain (Lee et al., 1997). Even though the bullwhip effect has been noticed in various industries, the consequences, in form of decreased availability and increased costs the further up the supply chain the bullwhip goes, still remain. The employees at Volvo Group Service Market Logistics suspect that their supply chain has been affected by the bullwhip effect and want to know if it is correct and subsequently know why it has occurred. Therefore, this master’s thesis highlights the root causes of the bullwhip effect and presents strategies to mitigate it. To understand how the bullwhip effect affected the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chain, the purpose was formulated as follow: The purpose of this study is to identify events in the Volvo Group Service Market Logistics’ supply chain where the bullwhip effect has occurred, its root causes, and how to reduce or eliminate the bullwhip effects. The studied flow was from the Central Distribution Center (CDC) in Ghent, to the Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Brazil, to the Dealers associated to the RDC in Brazil, and the customers. Data was collected from each node and events were studied to find bullwhip events. After sorting out the part numbers that passed the criteria for bullwhip events, the amount of data had to be reduced even more. A couple of different conditions were applied which resulted in four suitable bullwhip events. Thereafter, the authors conducted interviews with Logistics Managers at each node of the supply chain to find the root causes of the bullwhip effect in each studied event. Among the several found root causes, lack of information transparency was the most frequent occurring root cause, found in three out of four studied bullwhip events. Insufficient communication and lack of information sharing cause bullwhip effects, and the authors found that improved communication both between and within the nodes will contribute to better planning, and consequently avoided bullwhip effects. Other root causes found were issues with the ordering system, lack of learning and experience, neglected lead times, fear of empty stock, price fluctuations, and phase-out of the spare part. To reduce or eliminate the bullwhip effect, the focus was on mitigating the root causes since the root causes create opportunities for the bullwhip effect to occur. Four suggestions were given with suitable mitigation strategies found in the literature, where the four suggestions were sales campaigns, prepare for boosts, keep track of manually placed orders, and ordering system and Logistics Manager behavioural issues. The suggestions could then be connected to the different found root causes. The stated suggestions and mitigation strategies focused on mitigating the root causes in a long-term perspective and consequently the bullwhip effect itself.
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