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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳冠廷 Unknown Date (has links)
青年失業問題是目前世界各國所關心的主要議題之一,從1970年代開始先進國家已開始意識到青年失業問題的嚴重性。根據國際勞工組織估計,目前世界上至少有7,100萬青年處於沒有工作的狀態,全球的青年失業率在2007年高達11.9%。而台灣的整體失業率與青年失業率從1996年開始攀升,2009年2月的青年失業率已高達14.56%,創歷年最高,且青年為各年齡組群中失業率最高的一群,若青年失業問題持續惡化,勢必對社會造成不良的影響,增加社會成本。 面對越來越嚴重的青年失業問題,國際組織與先進各國均提出許多建議或政策來因應,本研究將探討國際組織ILO與OECD對青年就業政策之觀點,並以德國、英國、美國、香港、丹麥與荷蘭為例,借鏡其青年就業政策,以掌握世界主要工業國家之趨勢與對策。 台灣近年來隨著失業問題越來越嚴重,雖然政府開始注意到青年的失業問題,並已初步實施多面項的方案,但經由本研究分析與國際發展趨勢相較,發現目前台灣的青年就業政策還是有許多仍待補強之處。最後本研究將以國際的經驗當作借鏡,提出以下七點相關建議,以作為未來相關政策參考之方向: 一、應重視技職教育的發展,擴大投資技職教育。 二、提升正式教育過程中的就業力養成教育,並增加青年體驗職場的機會。 三、加強職業指導,培養正確的就業價值觀。 四、積極的消極勞動市場政策。 五、提供青年個人化的深度就業諮詢輔導服務,多關注弱勢青年。 六、建立職業訓練評估制度,完善規劃訓練課程以符合市場需求。 七、整合相關部會,制訂一套完整、長期性、針對性的青年就業促進方案。 / Nowadays the problem of youth unemployment is one of main topics that every countries concern. Since 1970s, the developed countries have realized the severity of the problem of youth unemployment. According to ILO estimates, there has at least 71 million youths unemployment in the world at present. The global youth unemployment rate reaches as high as 11.9% in 2007. And then Taiwan's overall unemployment rate and the youth unemployment rate have soared since 1996, the youth unemployment rate has reached as high as 14.56% in February of 2009. Youths have the highest unemployment rate among others.There will be negative impacts on society, if the problem of youth unemployment worsens continuously. Facing more and more serious problem of youth unemployment, the international organization and the advanced countries put forward a lot of suggestions or policies. This research will introduce ILO and OECD on youth employment policies of the opinion. In order to understand how to deal with the problem of youth unemployment in the advanced countries, this research will take Germany, Britain, US, Hong Kong, Denmark and Holland as the example, and introduce their youth employment policies. Because the unemployment problem is more and more serious in Taiwan, the government has begun to notice the problem of youth unemployment, and has implemented multi-surface policies. But this research found that there are still some things need to be improved in Taiwan’s youth employment policies. Finally I will put forward some suggestions from with the experience of foreign countries, in order to help the government resolve the problems of youth unemployment.

Confronting unemployment in a street-level bureaucracy : jobcentre staff and client perspectives

Wright, Sharon Elizabeth January 2003 (has links)
This thesis presents an account of the roles played by social actors in the implementation of unemployment policy in the UK. Lipsky’s (1980) theory of street-level bureaucracy has been adopted, updated to the contemporary context of the managerial state (Clarke & Newman, 1997) and developed in the specific case of the Jobcentre. The analysis is based on data collected during an ethnographic investigation of one case study Jobcentre office in Central Scotland. The methods consisted of six months of direct observation, interviews with 48 members of Jobcentre staff, semi-structured interviews with 35 users and analysis of notified vacancies and guidance documents. The argument is that front-line workers re-create policy as they implement it. They do so in reaction to a series of influences, constraints and incentives. Users therefore receive a service that is a modified version of the official policy. Users do not necessarily accept the policy that they are subjected to. They do not identify with the new managerialist notion of customer service because as benefit recipients they are denied purchasing power, choice and power. Unemployment policy is not delivered uniformly or unilaterally because front-line staff are active in developing work habits that influence the outcomes of policy. Policy is accomplished by staff in practice by categorising users into client types. This is significant because staff represent the state to the citizen in their interaction. Users are also active in accomplishing policy, whether they conform with, contest, negotiate or co-produce policy. Understanding what unemployment policy actually is, and what it means to people, depends on understanding these social processes by which policy emerges in practice.

Do desempregado ao desemprego: desenvolvimento das políticas públicas de emprego no Brasil / From unemployed to unemployment: development of employment public policies in Brazil

Jardim, Fabiana Augusta Alves 21 September 2009 (has links)
Procurando conhecer o percurso que possibilitou a emergência do desemprego como problema, na experiência brasileira, este trabalho enfrentou o desafio analítico de tomar as políticas públicas de emprego como objeto de reflexão. Não para marcar sua adequação ou eficiência, senão para distinguir suas relações com a produção de diferentes formas de sujeição do trabalho. Para isso, tomou como referência as noções foucaultianas de governamentalidade e problematização, investigando os diferentes jogos de relações nos quais a ausência de trabalho (involuntária e temporária) foi colocada ao longo do tempo, desde os anos 1930 até 1990, ano que marca o início dos esforços mais consistentes de construção de um Sistema Público de Emprego no Brasil. Os resultados aqui apresentados, ainda que certamente não preencham a lacuna de uma genealogia do desemprego entre nós, sugerem a fecundidade da abordagem para a compreensão do desemprego, entendido aqui não como fenômeno ligado apenas ao funcionamento do mercado de trabalho, mas como efeito de diferentes artes de governo e, nesse sentido, como revelador das maneiras pelas quais o trabalho tem sido produzido como sujeito. / In search of learning the path that made possible the appearing of unemployment in Brazilian experience, this research dealt with the analytical challenge of taking employment policies as an object of reflection in order to distinguish its relations with new forms of works subjection. In order to do so, the research took Michel Foucaults notions of governamentality and problematization, examining the different economies of relation in which the (involuntary and temporary) absence of work has been put from 1930 to 1990. The 1990s sets the beginning of the most solid efforts to establish a Public Employment System in Brazil. The results presented in this thesis, although certainly do not constitute a genealogy of unemployment in Brazil, suggest the interest of this approach to understanding of unemployment. It enables us to think unemployment not only from its connection to labors market operations but mostly as a revealing issue of the practices that made possible works subjection.

Do desempregado ao desemprego: desenvolvimento das políticas públicas de emprego no Brasil / From unemployed to unemployment: development of employment public policies in Brazil

Fabiana Augusta Alves Jardim 21 September 2009 (has links)
Procurando conhecer o percurso que possibilitou a emergência do desemprego como problema, na experiência brasileira, este trabalho enfrentou o desafio analítico de tomar as políticas públicas de emprego como objeto de reflexão. Não para marcar sua adequação ou eficiência, senão para distinguir suas relações com a produção de diferentes formas de sujeição do trabalho. Para isso, tomou como referência as noções foucaultianas de governamentalidade e problematização, investigando os diferentes jogos de relações nos quais a ausência de trabalho (involuntária e temporária) foi colocada ao longo do tempo, desde os anos 1930 até 1990, ano que marca o início dos esforços mais consistentes de construção de um Sistema Público de Emprego no Brasil. Os resultados aqui apresentados, ainda que certamente não preencham a lacuna de uma genealogia do desemprego entre nós, sugerem a fecundidade da abordagem para a compreensão do desemprego, entendido aqui não como fenômeno ligado apenas ao funcionamento do mercado de trabalho, mas como efeito de diferentes artes de governo e, nesse sentido, como revelador das maneiras pelas quais o trabalho tem sido produzido como sujeito. / In search of learning the path that made possible the appearing of unemployment in Brazilian experience, this research dealt with the analytical challenge of taking employment policies as an object of reflection in order to distinguish its relations with new forms of works subjection. In order to do so, the research took Michel Foucaults notions of governamentality and problematization, examining the different economies of relation in which the (involuntary and temporary) absence of work has been put from 1930 to 1990. The 1990s sets the beginning of the most solid efforts to establish a Public Employment System in Brazil. The results presented in this thesis, although certainly do not constitute a genealogy of unemployment in Brazil, suggest the interest of this approach to understanding of unemployment. It enables us to think unemployment not only from its connection to labors market operations but mostly as a revealing issue of the practices that made possible works subjection.

La stratégie européenne pour l'emploi, usages et effets en Wallonie / The European Employment Strategy, uses and effects in Wallonia.

Conter, Bernard 20 October 2015 (has links)
La stratégie européenne pour l’emploi, adoptée en 1997, organise une coordination des politiquesnationales de l’emploi autour d’objectifs communs. La méthode initiale reposait sur l’apprentissagemutuel et la pression par les pairs. Elle a récemment évolué vers une forme de gouvernance pluscontraignante.Cette thèse porte sur les usages de cette stratégie en Wallonie. Elle décrit les effets procédurauxet cognitifs de la SEE et analyse les comportements et stratégies des acteurs. Enfin, elle met enévidence les changements effectifs des politiques de l’emploi qui peuvent être associés à cettestratégie. / The European Employment Strategy has been adopted in 1997. It organizes a coordination ofnational employment policies around common European objectives. The initial method was basedon mutual learning and peer pressure but it has recently moved towards a more binding form ofgovernance.This thesis focuses on the uses of this strategy in Wallonia. It describes the procedural andcognitive effects of the EES and analyzes the strategies of the social and political actors involved inemployment policies. Finally, it highlights the effective changes in employment policies that can beassociated with this strategy.

Youth enployment situation and policies in Lithuania and Finland / Jaunimo užimtumo situacija ir politika Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje

Sendžikaitė, Eglė 04 July 2014 (has links)
Youth face a lot of problems when trying to enter and sustain in the labour market after high education. According to statistical data, youth unemployment rates are significantly higher in comparison with common unemployment level in all European countries. Level of youth integration into the labour market in Lithuania is one of the lowest in the context of Europe. Institutions of European Union and member states implements measures, initiatives and programs in order to improve youth situation in employment after education as soon as possible. Comparative overview of youth employment situation in Lithuania and Finland reveals data of implemented international surveys in youth employment field and highlights differences between selected countries. Qualitative research seeks to reveal what kind of difficulties youth in Lithuania face when trying to enter the labour market and how implemented youth employment policies helps to combat with these obstacles. / Jaunimas, įgijęs aukštąjį išsilavinimą, susiduria su daugeliu problemų siekdamas įžengti ir įsitvirtinti darbo rinkoje. Statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad jaunimo nedarbo lygis yra ženkliai didesnis už bendrąjį nedarbo lygį visose Europos šalyse. Lietuva Europos kontekste atsiduria vienoje iš paskutinių pozicijų pagal jaunimo integracijos į darbo rinką lygį. Europos Sąjungos institucijos ir valstybės narės įgyvendina priemones, iniciatyvas, programas, kuriomis siekiama suteikti jaunimui daugiau galimybių įsilieti į darbo rinką kuo greičiau po mokslo laipsnio įgijimo. Lyginamoji, jaunimo užimtumo situacijos Lietuvoje ir Suomijoje, apžvalga pateikia tarptautinių tyrimų duomenis jaunimo užimtumo srityje ir atskleidžia pagrindinius skirtumus šalyse. Kokybiniu tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti su kokiais sunkumais jauni žmonės susiduria, siekdami įsilieti į darbo rinką, baigę aukštąjį mokslą Lietuvoje ir kaip šalyje įgyvendinamos politinės priemonės padeda šiuos sunkumus įveikti.

La perspective transfrontalière de l'emploi dans l'eurorégion Aquitaine-Euskadi / A cross-border perspective for employment in the euroregion Aquitaine-Euiskadi

Brillant Etchemaite, Virginie 15 June 2015 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail de recherche sur la perspective transfrontalière de l’emploi dans l’Eurorégion Aquitaine-Euskadi, est d’engager une réflexion à partir de la comparaison des ordres juridiques espagnol et français, sur les voies et les moyens juridiques susceptibles de permettre une certaine forme d’intégration des politiques de l’emploi à l’échelle eurorégionale, en dépassant deux séries d’obstacles : ceux inhérents à la coexistence de deux systèmes juridiques nationaux au sein d’un espace unique de type eurorégional, mais également ceux liés à la libre circulation des travailleurs, à la fois individus et citoyens. La démonstration de cette thèse s’opère en deux phases : une première phase descriptive et analytique suivie d’une seconde phase de modélisation. En premier lieu il s’agit d’exposer que les politiques nationales de l’emploi qui s’appliquent dans les zones frontalières qui forment l’Eurorégion Aquitaine-Euskadi, se caractérisent toutes deux, par une hégémonie étatique et une ambiguïté territoriale (Première partie).En second lieu, il est proposé d’envisager une évolution des politiques de l’emploi vers une « défronterisation » grâce à la mise en oeuvre du processus d’intégration (Deuxième partie). / This research about the cross-border perspective of employment in the Euroregion Aquitaine- Euskadi, based on a comparison between the spanish and french legal systems, aims to analyze the ways and legal tools towards a certain form of integration of employment policies at euroregional scale. It supposes to get through two kinds of difficulties: those related to the coexistence of two national legal systems within a single euroregional space and those related to the freedom of movements of workers, as individuals and citizens. The first step of the research is a descriptive and analitical one; the second step proposes a form of modelisation. First, the thesis aims at describing the national employment policies wich are implemented in cross-border areas such as the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi. Both of them are characterized by a State hegemony and by a complex organization of competences of local authorities. Second, it suggests an evolution of employment policies towards the neutralisation of the border effect thanks to the implementation of integration processes through experimental legal rules.

Les rendements du chômage : mesures du travail et travail de mesure à Pôle emploi / Unemployed are productive : accounting Practices in French Job Centers.

Pillon, Jean-Marie 20 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de saisir les modalités d’intervention de Pôle emploi sur le marché du travail, depuis sa naissance en 2009. Au sein de l’opérateur public de placement, les interactions entre le travail des gestionnaires et celui des conseillers constituent le cœur de cette recherche. Testant l’hypothèse selon laquelle les réformes successives des administrations auraient modifié le statut du chiffre dans l’action publique, l’auteur étudie les mécanismes par lesquels l’Etat s’autorise à objectiver les résultats de son intervention sur le marché du travail. Fondé sur une observation du travail d’accompagnement et sur des entretiens avec les cadres de Pôle Emploi, ce travail éclaire les pratiques quotidiennes de mesure de l’efficacité de l’Etat. Deux pressions s’exercent sur les agents de Pôle emploi : l’une provient des objectifs imposés par les tutelles et l’autre de l’augmentation du nombre de demandeurs d’emploi. L’enquête analyse les bricolages élaborés par les agents pour résoudre ces tensions. L’activité des conseillers à l’emploi apparaît, sous cet angle, comme un travail de catégorisation visant à valoriser chacun des 5,5 millions d’inscrits dans trois langages distincts : celui du marché, celui des prestations d’aide à la recherche d’emploi et celui du droit du travail. Les conseillers éprouvent alors la contradiction entre l’individualisation des politiques d’activation des dépenses de chômage et le caractère collectif du sous-emploi actuel. Cette thèse rend ainsi intelligible le décalage entre le volontarisme politique en matière de lutte contre le chômage et le sentiment d’impuissance des agents de l’Etat mandatés pour mener cette lutte. / This thesis deals with unemployment policies and focuses on the mutual influence of management accountants and counselors in the French one stop shop for job seekers, “Pôle emploi”. Our work tests the hypothesis that administration reforms have changed the role of statistics and accounting in policies. Based on observation of the counselors’ work and on interviews with executives of Pôle Emploi, this work sheds light on the mechanisms through which the central State measures its results on the labor market. Counselors undergo two different pressures: one derived from performance targets set by the State and the other from the increasing number of job seekers. The thesis analyzes the Arts and crafts developed by counselors to solve these tensions. From this perspective, the counselors’ work looks like a categorization activity enabling them to sort the 5.5 million unemployed in accordance with three separate scales: the labor law, the labor market, and the institutional solutions to improve employability. Counselors then experience contradictions between individualized activation policies and the macro-economic nature of the current number of unemployed. Thus, our work dissects the gap between great politicians’ addresses and civil servants’ feeling of powerlessness.

Redução da jornada de trabalho : uma analise economica para o Brasil / Work time reduction : economical analyses in Brazil

Calvete, Cassio da Silva 30 June 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Salvadori Dedecca / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T22:22:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Calvete_CassiodaSilva_D.pdf: 716978 bytes, checksum: bcfb9daca77a7a8c843924074174170a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A tese faz uma análise econômica da Redução da Jornada de Trabalho (RJT) para o Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizada uma investigação sobre as condições da economia brasileira em assimila-la como política pública. Também foram analisados, através de um modelo econômico, o potencial dessa política como efeito multiplicador na economia e as conseqüências na geração de postos de trabalho, na massa salarial, na demanda agregada e na produção. Inicialmente, quatro questões polêmicas são examinadas, observando as particularidades existentes no País. A primeira refere-se à capacidade da RJT gerar novos postos de trabalho e de exercer um efeito multiplicador no crescimento econômico. A segunda trata da existência, ou não, de um trade-off, mediado pela jornada, entre emprego e salário. A terceira questão investiga as razões que motivariam o movimento sindical de países em desenvolvimento a lutar pela RJT, com os salários sendo tão baixos e com a constante ameaça de desemprego. E, finalmente, examina as dificuldades adicionais do Brasil para implantar a RJT e se elas são capazes de tornar sem efeito prático a adoção dessa política pública com o fim de gerar novos postos de trabalho. Posteriormente, o estudo detém-se na apreciação dos argumentos contrários à RJT, sendo os principais: a incapacidade das empresas de arcarem com o aumento de custo; a diminuição da competitividade da indústria nacional; e, no caso brasileiro, a ameaça da pressão inflacionária. O estudo conclui que a RJT não pode ser transformada numa panacéia para o combate ao desemprego; que ela pode, sim, ser um instrumento útil, se adotado em período de crescimento econômico e acompanhada de outras medidas que potencializem seus resultados; que, atualmente, seria importante para a geração de novos postos de trabalho que ela fosse significativa e acompanhada de maior limitação da utilização de horas extras, maior controle sobre a intensidade do trabalho, regras mais rígidas no banco de horas, melhoria na fiscalização pelas delegacias regionais do trabalho e maiores restrições às contratações atípicas / Abstract: The present work undertakes economical analyses of work time reduction (WTR) in Brazil. For that purpose, an investigation is made on the Brazilian economical conditions to assimilate WTR as a public policy. A macroeconomic model was used to analyze the potential of such policy to exert a multiplying effect in the economy, along with the consequences on job generation, salary impact, aggregate demand, and production. At first four polemic issues are examined by observing the particularities of the country. The first issue concerns the capacity of WTR to generate new jobs and to have a multiplying effect in economical growth. The second regards whether there is a trade-off, mediated by work time, jobs and salary. The third issue investigates the reasons which could cause the trade unions of developing countries to fight for WTR, even when wages are low and with a constant threat of unemployment. Finally, the fourt issue concerns the additional difficulties Brazil faces to enforce WTR, and whether such difficulties are bound to neutralize the adoption of this public policy. Moreover, this study focuses on the appreciation of arguments contrary to the WTR, which are: the impossibility of companies to tackle the increase in their costs; the decrease of competitivity of national industries; and the threat of a boom in inflation. The results indicate that WTR cannot be made into a panacea to fight unemployment; rather, it can be a useful tool if it is used, along with other measures which can potentialize its results, in a period of economic growth. Moreover, it would be important for it to generate new jobs if it were coupled by a major limitation in the use of extra time, as well as by stricter rules in the bank of hours. Finally, an improvement in the enforcement of WTR in the Labour Councils and higher constraints to the hiring of atypical hiring of workforce can also contribute for the success of adopting such a measure / Doutorado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Doutor em Economia Aplicada

L’accompagnement public et privé des demandeurs d’emploi : théories, institutions et évaluations / Public and private placement for job-seekers : theories, institutions and evaluations

Martin, Florine 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'évaluer les modalités et l'organisation de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi au sein d'un opérateur privé de placement, le cabinet Sodie, afin d'en extraire les principaux leviers de performance. Dans un premier chapitre, nous analysons les effets théoriques et empiriques engendrés par les dispositifs d'accompagnement d'une part, et par le recours à la sous-traitance d'autre part. Le second chapitre porte sur le cadre institutionnel français de l'accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi. Nous montrons dans quelle mesure le service public français de l'emploi répond aux critères d'efficacité énoncés dans le chapitre précédent. Dans un troisième chapitre, nous étudions comment la diversification des missions du cabinet et notamment la sous-traitance pour Pôle Emploi a modifié le travail des conseillers mais aussi l'organisation de la structure ainsi que ses méthodologies d'accompagnement. Le chapitre 4 porte sur une expérimentation contrôlée de deux dispositifs : les engagements mensuels de reclassement et la mise en place d'une plateforme Relation Entreprise destinée à prospecter le marché caché du travail. Nous mesurons l'impact d'un changement de méthodologie sur le reclassement durable des demandeurs d'emploi accompagnés. Le chapitre 5 porte sur les effets d'un choc d'information. Nous montrons comment les informations de profilage sont utilisées par les conseillers à travers l'impact sur les candidats sélectionnés et leur performance de reclassement. / This thesis proposes to evaluate methods and organization of placement of job-seekers in a private agency, Sodie. The goal is to show the most important performance levers. In the first chapter, we discuss the theoretical and empirical effects of placement on the one hand, and, on the other hand, of the use of private agencies. The second chapter focuses on the institutional framework of placement in France. We show how the French public employment service (Pôle Emploi) meets the performance criteria identified in the previous chapter. In the third chapter, we study how the diversification of missions including outsourcing for Pôle Emploi has changed the work of placement agents and the placement methods of Sodie. Chapter 4 focuses on a randomized experiment of two provisions : the “engagements mensuels de reclassement” and the implementation of the “plateforme Relation Entreprise” for exploring the “hidden” labor market. Chapter 5 focuses on the impact of a shock of information. We show how profiling informations is used by counselors through the impact on their choice of candidates and on their performance in rehabilitation.

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