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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Rural Two-County CIT Program Study

Sorensen, Adam K. 15 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Repeated Textual Encounters and Pictorial Glosses upon Acquiring Additional Word Senses

Hilmo, Michael S. 16 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the effects of multiple textual encounters of words and textual encounters of words supplemented with pictorial glosses upon the ability of a learner of French to infer additional word senses—senses of target words that were not previously encountered. Twenty-nine participants were randomly divided into two groups, Groups A and B, and were subjected to two treatments, one in which the subjects encountered target words textually twice (Repeated Textual Encounters, RTE) and one in which the subjects encountered target words once textually and once pictorially (Pictorial Encounter, PE). Before the administration of the two vocabulary-learning treatments the participants completed a vocabulary pretest on the target words to establish a baseline of knowledge. At the conclusion of the vocabulary pretest, Group A read a French fairy tale encountering half of the target words using the RTE treatment while encountering the other half of the target words using the PE treatment. Although Group B read the same French fairy tale, they did not receive the same treatment for the same words. Specifically, the target words that those in Group A encountered using the RTE treatment were encountered by those in Group B using the PE treatment, and vise versa for the other treatment. Immediately following the treatments the participants completed a vocabulary recall test wherein the participants demonstrated their ability to infer additional senses of the target words in addition to recall original senses of target words as encountered in the text. Vocabulary gains were used as data to determine the participants' ability to infer additional word senses and recall original word senses. Results from t tests indicate that both treatments have a significant impact upon the learner's ability to infer additional word senses as well as recall original senses. Furthermore, results from analysis on the data gathered for individual words show that the treatments had a significant effect on learners inferring and recalling the senses of certain words over others. Results did not determine, however, which treatment was more effective than the other for learners to infer additional senses of words or to recall original word senses.

Vuxna patienter med psykisk ohälsa - Upplevelser av bemötandet inom somatisk vård : En litteraturöversikt

Dahl, Daniela, Von Kantzow, Nafisa January 2023 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING   Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande problem både inom vården samt i samhället. Patienter som lider av psykisk ohälsa lider vanligtvis från somatiska sjukdomar, vilket ofta kräver att de behöver söka vård inom primärvården men även somatisk vård. Kvaliteten på vården anses ofta vara bristfällig då patienter möts av stigmatisering och förutfattade meningar om sitt psykiska tillstånd.    Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur vuxna patienter med en diagnostiserad psykisk sjukdom upplever bemötandet av vårdpersonal inom somatisk vård.   Metod: Den valda designen var en allmän litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv ansats, där tio kvalitativa originalartiklar valdes ut efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.   Resultat: Resultaten visar att patienten upplever i huvudsak kommunikationsbarriärer vid interaktion med vårdpersonal inom somatisk vård. Kommunikations barriärerna visades sig ha en korrelation med underliggande problem, nämligen stigmatisering och självstigmatisering, bristande kunskap, samt att patienter känner en känsla av isolering och övergivenhet. Patienter med psykisk ohälsa lyfte fram behovet av att bli sedd som mer än sin sjukdom och hade ett behov att tas på allvar.    Slutsats: Patienter med svår psykisk ohälsa känner sig ofta övergivna och isolerade på grund av otillräckligt engagemang från vårdpersonal inom den somatiska vården. Patienterna upplever då kommunikationsbarriärer vid bemötandet av vårdpersonalen. Detta speglar ett större behov av att sjukvårdspersonal ska utbildas mer inom detta område. Vilket kan minska stigmatisering och osäkerhet om hur man ska hantera denna patientgrupp. / ABSTRACT   Background: The diagnosis of various mental illnesses is an ever-increasing occurrence within the medical field/society. Patients who suffer from mental illness often suffer from somatic comorbidity, which consequently requires them to seek frequent care within primary healthcare facilities as well as other somatic care departments. The quality of care provided is often considered deficient as patients are often met with stigmatization and preconceptions of their mental condition.    Aim: The aim of this literature review is to illuminate how adult patients diagnosed with mental illness experience interactions with healthcare professionals within somatic care.   Method: The chosen design was a qualitative general literature review where ten qualitative original articles were included for analysis after searching in databases PubMed and CINAHL   Result: The results show that patients highlight deficits in communication as a main concern while interacting with healthcare professionals in a somatic care setting. Deficits in communication were shown to have a direct correlation to underlying issues namely, stigmatization and self-stigmatization, lack of knowledge of personnel as well as the patients feeling a sense of isolation and abandonment. Patients with diagnosed mental disorders highlighted the need to be seen as more than their mental illness where their concerns are taken seriously and examined accordingly and thoroughly.   Conclusion: Patients with Severe Mental Illnesses are often left feeling abandoned and isolated due to inadequate engagement on the part of healthcare professionals within somatic care. Patient accounts reflect communication barriers as the clearest indicator for a greater need for healthcare professionals to be educated more. This will aim to bridge the two categories of illnesses as well as reduce stigma and uncertainty on how to deal with patients.

Upplevelsen av bemötandet i vården bland kvinnor med endometrios : En litteraturstudie

Nordin, Anna, Fladby, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Endometrios är en kronisk gynekologisk sjukdom som kan leda till inflammationer vilket kan orsaka stor smärta och påverka fertiliteten. Endometrieliknande vävnad växer och blöder utanför livmodern och det bildas ärrvävnad, sammanväxningar samt cystor. Var tionde fertil kvinna i världen lever idag med sjukdomen men mörkertalet är antagligen stort då det tar många år att få en endometriosdiagnos ställd. Detta visar att vårdpersonal möter dessa kvinnor under långa perioder.  Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva upplevelsen av sjukvårdens bemötande bland kvinnor med endometrios. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på åtta kvalitativa artiklar analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i ett huvudtema; Att inte bli tagen på allvar med undertema; Avsaknad av kunskap och kompetens, Normalisering av smärta och Fördröjd diagnos samt Att bli misstrodd. Resultatet beskriver kvinnornas upplevelse av vårdens bemötande.  Slutsats: Kvinnorna uttrycker att de upplever en bristande kunskap och normalisering av sjukdomen från vården och därmed fördröjd diagnostisering. Detta leder till ett stort lidande vilket påverkar kvinnornas livskvalitet negativt. Okunskapen om sjukdomen är stor både i vården och i samhället. Framtida forskning för utökad kunskap och kännedom i vården behövs. / Background: Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease that can lead to inflammation, which can cause great pain and affect fertility. Endometrial like tissue grow and bleeds outside the uterus, causing scar tissue, adhesions and cysts to form. One in ten fertile women in the world live with the disease today, but the hidden statistics is probably large as it takes many years to diagnose endometriosis. This points to the fact that healthcare professionals meet these women for long periods of time. Aim: The aim is to describe the experience of healthcare treatment among women with endometriosis. Method: A literature review based on eight qualitative articles was analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: The data analysis resulted in one main theme; Not being taken seriously with sub-themes; Lack of knowledge and competence, Normalization of pain, Delayed diagnosis and To be distrusted. The result describe how these women experience the treatment of their health care giver.  Conclusion: The women express that they experience a lack of knowledge and normalization of symptoms surrounding the disease from healthcare, causing delayed diagnosis. This leads to great suffering, which negatively affects the women's quality of life. Ignorance about the disease is great both in healthcare and in society at large. Expanded knowledge of understanding in care is needed.

The Digital Breakroom - Designing for Spontaneous DigitalInteractions

Ström, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Spontaneous interactions and chance encounters are important for establishing a sense of connection and shared identity for colleagues since they are a natural possibility for informal conversations, but when work is moved from the physical shared offices to digital workplaces it is no longer as easy to run into a colleague by the coffee machine and just chat for a couple of minutes. This thesis examines what factors are needed in order to create a structure where digital spontaneous interactions could happen. To do this, ten interviews were conducted with people who had been working from home during the pandemic of Covid19, examining what structures for communication and socialisation already existed and that were used. The study showed that the social aspects of work had been missing when the work was done from home and not from the office. It also showed that organized social activities was common among the interviewees, but not always successful nor popular. The study found few workplaces that had created structures that could be the start of establishing possibilities for spontaneous interactions and chance encounters. By taking inspiration from those cases, and looking at previous research, the study found three main factors for creating spontaneous interactions. Creating passive awareness of colleagues; finding ways to present availability; and establishing digital communal areas were all important factors for creating spontaneous interactions. / Spontana interaktioner är viktiga för att skapa en sammanhållning och delad identitet mellan kollegor eftersom de ger en naturlig möjlighet för informella konversationer, men när arbetet flyttas från de fysiska kontoren till digitala arbetsplatser är det inte längre lika enkelt att träffa på en kollega i fikarummet och prata en liten stund. Den här uppsatsen undersöker vilka faktorer som krävs för att skapa kommunikationsstrukturer där spontana interaktioner skulle kunna ske. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med personer som hade arbetat hemifrån under Covid19 pandemin, för att undersöka vilka strukturer för kommunikation och socialisering som redan existerade och utnyttjades. Studien visade att de sociala aspekterna av arbetet hade saknats under hemarbetsperioden, samt att organiserade sociala aktiviteter var vanliga men inte nödvändigtvis lyckade eller populära att delta i. Ett tydligt gap mellan behov och tillgång, där några arbetsplatser gjort försök att minska klyfta. Med inspiration från de fallen, i kombination med resultat från tidigare forskning, lyckades studien hitta tre huvudfaktorer som behöver tas i åtanke för att kunna skapa digitala spontana interaktioner. Att skapa passiv medvetenhet för kollegor; hur man presenterar om en kollega är tillgänglig för kommunikation; och att skapa gemensamma utrymmen är viktigt för att ge möjlighet till spontana interaktioner.

Sex, Aggression, and Affiliation: The Social System of White-faced Saki Monkeys (<i>Pithecia pithecia</i>)

Thompson, Cynthia L. 24 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Gravida kvinnor med substansbrukssyndrom : upplevelser av mötet med vården : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Pregnant women with substance use disorder: experiences of health care encounters : a non-systematic literature review

Cederskär Guerreiro, Daniella, Toresson, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund Cirka fem procent av alla gravida kvinnor i världen konsumerar en eller flera beroendeframkallande substanser idag. Ett växande bekymmer är den snabba ökningen av opioidmissbruk under graviditet, vilket inte bara har en negativ inverkan på kvinnan utan även kan leda till olika skador på fostret. Individer med substansbrukssyndrom upplever frekvent stigmatisering relaterat till sitt beroende. Kvinnor representerar omkring 30 procent av alla personer som erhåller vård för narkotikarelaterade problem i Sverige, och dödsfallen bland dessa kvinnor ökar betydligt. Personcentrerad vård skall utgå från att se personen bakom diagnosen eller sjukdomen och erbjuda ett empatiskt förhållningssätt. Trots detta utgör den otillräckliga vården ett hinder för kvinnor med substansmissbruk under graviditet. Syfte Beskriva hur gravida kvinnor med substansbrukssyndrom upplever mötet med vården. Metod Detta arbete är en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt med tio vetenskapliga originalartiklar, som genom en integrerad dataanalys presenteras i resultatet. Databaserna PubMed och CINAHL användes för att få fram artiklar kopplade till det valda ämnet. Klassificering och kvalitetsbedömning gjordes med hjälp av Sophiahemmet Högskolas modifierade bedömningsunderlag. Resultat Resultatet har sammanställts i fem huvudkategorier: Upplevelser av bemötande, Upplevelser av stigmatisering, Upplevelser av behandling, Att söka vård och Identifierade behov: Kunskap och kommunikation. Resultatet påvisar att gravida kvinnor med substansbrukssyndrom upplever att mötet med vården präglas av stigmatisering, otillräcklig behandling och kunskapsbrist. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt belyser hur gravida kvinnor med substansbrukssyndrom upplever mötet med vården. Resultatet indikerar att mötet mellan dessa gravida kvinnor och vården ofta är präglat av stigmatisering och diskriminering på grund av deras aktiva bruk av substanser. Många erhåller otillräcklig smärtlindring under förlossning. Resultatet belyser även behovet av ökad kunskap och förbättrad kommunikation inom hälso- och sjukvården. Positiva upplevelser var inte enbart relaterade till vårdpersonalens specialisering, utan snarare till närvarande och fördomsfria vårdgivare som ingav känslan av trygghet. / Background  Approximately five percent of all pregnant women worldwide are currently consuming one or more addictive substances. A growing concern is the rapid increase in opioid abuse during pregnancies, which not only negatively affects the woman but can also lead to various harms to the fetus. Individuals with substance use disorder often experience stigmatization related to their addiction even in the context of healthcare visits. Women constitute about 30 percent of all individuals receiving care for drug-related problems in Sweden, and fatalities among these women are increasing significantly. Person-centered care should recognize the person behind the diagnosis or illness and offer an empathetic approach. Despite this, the inadequate care becomes a barrier for women with substance use during pregnancy.  Aim To describe how pregnant women with substance use disorder experience encounters with healthcare.  Method  This is a non-systematic literature review with ten scientific original articles, which were selected and presented in the results, through an integrated data analysis. The databases PubMed and CINAHL were used to retrieve articles related to the chosen topic. Classification and quality assessment were performed using Sophiahemmet University’s modified assessment criteria model.  Results  The results obtained after the analysis of the ten scientific articles have been compiled into five main categories: Experiences of reception, Experiences of stigmatization, Experiences of treatment, Seeking care, and Identified needs: Knowledge and communication. The results indicate that pregnant women with substance use disorders perceive encounters with healthcare characterized by stigmatization, inadequate treatment and lack of knowledge.  Conclusions  This literature review emphasizes how pregnant women with substance use disorders experience encounters with healthcare. The results indicate that the interaction between these pregnant women and healthcare is often characterized by stigma and discrimination due to their active substance use. A significant number of these women do not receive sufficient pain relief during childbirth. The findings underscore the necessity for increased knowledge and improved communication within healthcare. Positive experiences were not solely related to the specialization of healthcare professionals but rather to the presence of a nonjudgmental healthcare provider who instilled a sense of security.

Ambiguity, curiosity, and appropriation fro low-threshold intergenerational encounters

Mushiba, Mark 16 October 2019 (has links)
The growing number of video gamers over the age of fifty has sparked new interests in the transformative power of play and consequently, video games, for a larger demographic of citizens. Researchers have found that digital gaming can have positive effects on the physical, psychological and cognitive well-being of older adults. Of particular interest to this thesis is the potential of games to facilitate social connections between different generations of players. Intergenerational games have focused on improving relations between younger people and older adults by providing enjoyable interactions that can impart cognitive and physical benefits. While previous work has focused on enhancing intergenerational social connections between relatives, non-familial intergenerational encounters have scarcely been explored. Games often feature asymmetrical participation and require long term interest, all factors that can prove challenging to implement for public non-kin intergenerational gameplay. Previous works have shown that the successful use of games is dependent on a number of psychosocial and contextual factors that shape the player experience. One of them is the degree of familiarity between players. Familiarity has been linked to many of the core motivations associated with intergenerational play, exposing doubts of whether the same motivations can be used to inform the design of intergenerational games between strangers of different ages. In addition, for most socio-technical interventions designed for older adults, the characteristics of seniors have predominantly been framed around accessibility and decline. This limited perspective also tends to be true when discussing games designed for seniors. Finally, existing research on games for seniors has mainly focused on seniors who play conventional video games and self-identify as gamers, further marginalizing seniors who do not fit these descriptions. The current design of intergenerational games might not be ready for adoption by the broader society. In response to these gaps, this thesis presents a research through design project aimed to investigate how a general population of older people (who may not be composed of video-gamers) perceive and experience game and play, and map this knowledge to promising playful approaches of intergenerational encounters while at the same time promoting a positive image of older adults as active and sociable members of society. The methodology featured a participatory approach that involved interview studies, co-design workshops, and playtests that helped to articulate the general requirements for an intergenerational game to be played in public spaces. The result of these formative exercises produced Klang Verbindet (“Sound Connects”), an interactive playful system that supports embodied interaction and group exploration of spaces. Designed to be played through body movements, the system employs vision-based algorithms and sound synthesis to provide an age- agnostic space for public play. Interactions with the system were evaluated in two different public contexts, using direct observations, semi-structured group interviews, and post-game questionnaires. Based on these data and the design and implementation of the system, the thesis describes a number of important factors to be considered when designing and evaluating games for non-familial intergenerational interaction. The most important being, to design for short-term and low-entry engagements which are defined as “low-threshold intergenerational encounters”. Within this space, the thesis discusses the distinctive value of - ambiguity, appropriation, and curiosity as drivers of gameplay for rapid mixed-aged encounters in the public context.

A translation of worlds : Aspects of cultural translation and Australian migration literature

Svensson, Anette January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the exchange of cultural information that takes place in the meeting between immigrant and non-immigrant characters in a selection of Australian novels focusing on the theme of migration: Heartland (1989) by Angelika Fremd, A Change of Skies (1991) by Yasmine Gooneratne, Stella’s Place (1998) by Jim Sakkas, Hiam (1998) by Eva Sallis and Love and Vertigo (2000) by Hsu-Ming Teo. The concept cultural translation functions as a theoretical tool in the analyses. The translation model is particularly useful for this purpose since it parallels the migration process and emphasises the power relations involved in cultural encounters. Within the framework of the study, cultural translation is defined as making an unfamiliar cultural phenomenon familiar to someone. On the intratextual level of the text, the characters take on roles as translators and interpreters and make use of certain tools such as storytelling and food to effect translation. On the extratextual level, Fremd, Gooneratne, Sakkas, Sallis and Teo represent cultural translation in the four thematic areas the immigrant child, storytelling, food and life crisis. The first theme, the immigrant child, examined in chapter one, explores the effects of using the immigrant child as translator in communication situations between immigrants and representatives of Australian public institutions. In these situations, the child becomes the adult’s interpreter of the Australian target culture. The role as translator entails other roles such as a link to and a shield against the Australian society and, as a result, traditional power relations are reversed. Chapter two analyses how the second theme, storytelling, is presented as an instrument for cultural education and cultural translation in the texts. Storytelling functions to transfer power relations and resistance from one generation to the next. Through storytelling, the immigrant’s hybrid identity is maintained because the connection to the source culture is strengthened, both for the storyteller and the listener. The third theme, food as a symbol of cultural identity and as representation of the source and target cultures, is explored in chapter three. Source and target food cultures are polarised in the novels, and through an acceptance or a rejection of food from the source or target cultures, the characters symbolically accept or reject a belonging to that particular cultural environment. A fusion between the source and target food cultures emphasises the immigrant characters’ cultural hybridity and functions as a strategic marketing of culturally specific elements during which a specific source culture is translated to a target consumer. Finally, the fourth theme, life crisis, is analysed in chapter four where it is a necessary means through which the characters experience a second encounter with Australia and Australians. While their first encounter with Australia traps the characters in a liminal space/phase that is signified by cultural distancing, the second encounter offers a desire and ability for cultural translation, an acceptance of cultural hybridity and the possibility to become translated beings – a state where the characters are able to translate back and forth between the source and target cultures.

Asylsökandes upplevelser av bemötande inom flyktinghälsan och primärvården - en intervjustudie.

Patrong-Uleskog, Angelika, Söderling, Ann-Sofi January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige tar emot många asylsökande vilket har medfört att arbetsbelastningen för distriktssköterskor inom primärvården har ökat. Några av de svårigheter som distriktssköterskan ställs inför när det gäller omvårdnaden och omhändertagandet kring asylsökande är bland annat, att bemöta dem med vänlighet och respekt och att försöka lindra deras lidande. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva asylsökandes upplevelser av bemötande från distriktssköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal på en flyktinghälsa och vårdcentral. Metod:Kvalitativ design med en induktiv ansats valdes till denna studie. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med hjälp av professionell telefontolk med 12 asylsökande. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på det latenta innehållet. Resultat: Bemötande har många dimensioner som kan ge upphov till många olika känslor. Asylsökande har i vårdmötet upplevt bemötande som orsakat dem otrygghet och vårdlidande men även bemötande som har gett dem trygghet och känslan av att vara betydelsefulla som människor. Slutsats: Upplevelser kring varje vårdmöte är individuella och unika. Vårdlidande kan uppstå genom att asylsökande upplever otrygghet i det vårdande mötet. Om asylsökande däremot upplever trygghet i vårdmötet kan deras lidande lindras. / Background: Sweden receives many asylum seekers which implies that the workload of district nurses in primary care has increased. Some of the difficulties that the district nurse face when it comes to the nursing care and the specific care of asylum seekers is, among other things, to treat them with kindness and respect and to try to lessen their suffering. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the asylum seekers' experiences of nurse-patient encounters with the district nurses and other health professionals at a refugee health clinic and health center. Method: Qualitative design with an inductive approach was chosen for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the help of professional telephone interpreters’ with 12 asylum seekers. The material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis focusing the latent content. Results: Treatment (nurse-patient encounters) have many dimensions that can cause many different feelings. Asylum seekers have in the health care encounter experienced treatment that caused them a sence of insecurity and suffering due to care but also the nursing staffs’ attitude has given them increased confidence and a feeling of being an important person. Conclusion: Experiences of each nurse-patient encounter is individual and unique. Care suffering can be caused by that asylum seekers are experiencing a sence of insecurity in the encounter with health care. But if they experience security in the encounter with health care staff, their suffering lessened.

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