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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den ekonomiska aspekten av ett "mega-event" : En nytto-kostnadsanalys av världsmästerskapet i fotboll i Tyskland 2006

Jonasson, Oskar January 2024 (has links)
Att få anordna ett världsmästerskap i fotboll ses som en stor ära, då det bygger upp förväntningar en nation, eller flera, kan bygga en gemenskap omkring. I juli år 2000 valdes Tyskland som arrangör till mästerskapet i fotboll år 2006 och således började förberedelser ta fart. Syftet med denna uppsats är studera huruvida fotbolls-VM i Tyskland (2006) var ett samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt projekt eller inte. Tidigare studier i området pekar på att det finns en överskattning i de nettofördelar som landet visar sig få. I studien kommer en nytto-kostnadsanalys (CBA) att utföras där relevanta nyttor och kostnader lyfts fram och ställs mot varandra. Kostnadssidan är mer tillförlitlig då de största utgifterna är officiella, medan nyttosidan inte är lika tillförlitlig på grund av att många siffror är estimerade. Dessutom finns det nyttor som inte kan räknas i monetära-termer (n.m) vilket också försvårar analysen. Slutligen pekar resultatet på att det inte var samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt för Tyskland att arrangera mästerskapet då kostnaderna övervägde nyttorna. För enskilt året 2006, kan det dock ses som samhällsekonomisklönsamt på grund av kostnadsfördelningen på fem år på de stora kostnadsposterna. / Organising a World Cup is seen as a great honour, as it builds up expectations and is something that one or more nations can build a community around. In July 2000, Germany was chosen to host the championship and so preparations began to take off. The purpose of this paper is to study whether the World Cup was socio-economically profitable or not in Germany (2006). Previous studies in this area indicate that there is an overestimation of the net benefits that the country will receive. In this study, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) will be carried out where relevant benefits and costs are highlighted and compared. The cost side is more reliable as the largest expenditures are official, while the benefit side is less reliable as many figures are estimated. In addition, some benefits cannot be calculated in monetary terms, which also complicates the analysis. Finally, the result indicates that it was not a socio- economic benefit for Germany to organise the FIFA World Cup as the costs outweighed the benefits. However, only looking on the year of 2006, it can be seen as socio-economically profitable due to the five-year cost distribution of the main cost items.

In search of the carbon price : The european CO2 emission trading scheme : from ex ante and ex post analysis to the protection in 2020 / A la recherche du prix du carbone : Système européen d’échange de quotas de co2 : des analyses ex ante et ex post à la projection en 2020

Trotignon, Raphaël 17 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est une évaluation des deux premières phases du Système Communautaire d’Echange de Quotas d’Emission (SCEQE). Il s'articule autour de la construction progressive d'un modèle de simulation, ZEPHYR-Flex, qui vise à reproduire les évolutions du prix et des émissions observés entre 2005 et 2012, et à les projeter jusqu'en 2020 sous différentes séries d'hypothèses. L'analyse ex post des huit premières années du système révèle que, pour comprendre son évolution, il est nécessaire d'étudier en détail le rôle joué par trois mécanismes de flexibilité: les échanges de quotas, la flexibilité spatiale (crédits carbone), et la flexibilité temporelle (banking/borrowing). Dans un premier temps, nous construisons un cadre technico-économique servant de base au mécanisme simulant les échanges de quotas dans le modèle. Le rôle des crédits carbone est ensuite examiné et un scénario pour leur utilisation jusqu'en 2020 est calculé sur cette base. Ensuite, la flexibilité temporelle est introduite dans le modèle qui, une fois les trois mécanismes de flexibilité réunis, peut reproduire la trajectoire passée du prix et des émissions. Le modèle et les leçons tirées des deux premières phases sont ensuite utilisés dans différents scénarios prospectifs à l'horizon 2020. Parmi les scénarios testés, seul un renforcement du plafond d’émission en ligne avec l'objectif européen de 2050 est en mesure de restaurer la confiance et les anticipations associées au système, deux facteurs qui conditionnent l'efficacité du SCEQE à long terme. La nécessité d’articuler correctement le SCEQE avec les autres politiques climat-énergie est également soulignée / This thesis is an evaluation of the first two phases of the EU ETS. It is articulated around the progressive construction of a simulation model, ZEPHYR-Flex, which aims at being able to replicate the observed price and emissions trajectories between 2005 and 2012, and to project them until 2020 under different sets of assumptions. The ex post analysis of the first eight years of the system reveals that to understand its development, it is necessary to study in details the role played by three flexibility mechanisms: trading, spatial flexibility (offsets), and time flexibility (banking/borrowing). In a first stage, we build a technical-economic framework for the core trading mechanism of the model. The role of offsets is then scrutinized and a scenario for their use up to 2020 is calculated on this basis. Next, the time flexibility and the related banking and borrowing behavior are introduced into the model which can then replicate the past price and emission trajectory. The model and the lessons from the first two phases are then used in different prospective scenarios to 2020. Among the scenarios tested, only a strengthening of the cap in line with the 2050 European reduction target is able to restore confidence and anticipations, two factors needed for the efficiency of the EU ETS in the long term. The issue of correctly articulating the EU ETS with other climate-energy policies is also underlined

EX POST COST-BENEFIT ANALYS : En studie om metodik för att utföra efterkalkyler utifrån exempel från Trafikverket

Nilsson, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet är att analysera ex post CBA utifrån exempel från Trafikverket. Metoden är att utgå från ekonomisk teori och identifiera relevanta steg för att upprätta ex ante och ex post CBA. Utifrån de steg som anses vara relevanta vid upprättande av ex post jämför studien för- och efterkalkyler för två åtgärder inom transportinfrastrukturen. Studien har avgränsats till att jämföra ex ante och ex post för en järnvägsåtgärd och en vägåtgärd. Resultatet visar att Trafikverkets metodik för att upprätta ex post fem år efter att en vägåtgärd är färdigbyggd lider av ett principiellt problem med avseende på tidsperioden, som orsakar systematiska skillnader mellan ex ante och ex post i beräknad samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet, vilket är missvisande när det används som jämförbart. Ingen meningsfull jämförelse utförs ex post fem år efter att en järnvägsåtgärd är slutförd, och den verbala beskrivningen av den förändrade samhällsekonomiska lönsamheten är missvisande utifrån att det är en ögonblicksbild, jämfört med ex ante som baseras på en längre period. / The aim of this study is to analyze ex post CBA based on examples from the Swedish Transport Administration. The method is to use economic theory and identify relevant steps for establishing CBA ex ante and ex post. The study is delimited to compare ex ante and ex post for one railway- and road project. The results show that the Swedish Transport Administration methodology ex post for road projects five years after completion suffers from a fundamental problem regarding the period of time, which causes systematic differences between ex ante and ex post in calculated socio-economic profitability, which is misleading when used as comparable. No meaningful comparison is made ex post for rail projects five years after completion. Only a verbal description of the socio-economic profitability is done which is misleading as it is a snapshot, compared to ex ante that is based on an extended period of time.

El risc dinàmic: concepte, mesura i determinants econòmics

Marquès i Gou, Pilar 18 October 2001 (has links)
Aquesta tesi té la intenció de realitzar una contribució metodològica en el camp de la direcció estratègica, per mitjà de tres objectius: la revisió del concepte de risc ex post o realitzat per l'àmbit de la direcció estratègica; la concreció d'aquest concepte en una mesura de risc vàlida; i l'exploració de les possibilitats i l'interès de la descomposició del risc en diferents determinants que puguin explicar-ne la seva naturalesa.El primer objectiu es du a terme prenent com a base el concepte intuïtiu de risc i revisant la literatura en els camps més afins, especialment en la teoria comportamental de la decisió i la direcció estratègica. L'anàlisi porta a formular el risc ex post d'una activitat com el grau en què no s'han assolit els objectius per a aquesta activitat. La concreció d'aquesta definició al camp de la direcció estratègica implica que els objectius han de portar a l'obtenció de l'avantatge competitiu sostenible, el que descobreix l'interès de realitzar la mesura del risc a curt termini, és a dir, estàticament, i a llarg termini, és a dir, dinàmicament, pel que es defineix una mesura de Risc Estàtic i una altra de Risc dinàmic, respectivament. En l'anàlisi apareixen quatre dimensions conceptuals bàsiques a incorporar en les mesures: sign dependence, relativa, longitudinal i path dependence. Addicionalment, la consideració de que els resultats puguin ser cardinals o ordinals justifica que es formulin les dues mesures anteriors per a resultats cardinals i, en segon lloc, per a resultats ordinals.Les mesures de risc que es proposen sintetitzen els resultats ex post obtinguts en una mesura de centralitat relativa dels resultats, el Risc Estàtic, i una mesura de la tendència temporal dels resultats, el Risc Dinàmic. Aquesta proposta contrasta amb el plantejament tradicional dels models esperança-variància.Les mesures desenvolupades s'avaluen amb un sistema de propietats conceptuals i tècniques que s'elaboren expressament en la tesi i que permeten demostrar el seu gra de validesa i el de les mesures existents en la literatura, destacant els problemes de validesa d'aquestes darreres. També es proporciona un exemple teòric il·lustratiu de les mesures proposades que dóna suport a l'avaluació realitzada amb el sistema de propietats.Una contribució destacada d'aquesta tesi és la demostració de que les mesures de risc proposades permeten la descomposició additiva del risc si els resultats o diferencials de resultats es descomponen additivament.Finalment, la tesi inclou una aplicació de les mesures de Risc Estàtic i Dinàmic cardinals, així com de la seva descomposició, a l'anàlisi de la rendibilitat del sector bancari espanyol, en el període 1987-1999. L'aplicació il·lustra la capacitat de les mesures proposades per a analitzar la manifestació de l'avantatge competitiu, la seva evolució i naturalesa econòmica.En les conclusions es formulen possibles línees d'investigació futures. / The principal aim of this dissertation is to make a methodological contribution to the field of strategic management, by means of pursuing three objectives: the revision of the concept of ex post risk for strategic management; the implementation of such concept in a measure of risk with concept validity; and the exploration of the possibilities and significance of the decomposition of risk into different determinants which explain its nature.The first objective is attained by considering every-day usage of risk and the existing research on the concept of risk in related literature, mainly in the fields of behavioural decision theory and strategic management. This revision leads to define risk ex post for an activity as the degree of failure in achieving the expected results for that activity. For the purposes of strategic management, the expected results must be aligned with the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. This, in turn, uncovers the importance of measuring short term and long term risk, providing the basis to propose the corresponding two measures: Static risk and Dynamic risk.In contrast with the traditional mean-variance approach, static risk summarises the information contained in a time series of results in a measure of relative centrality, and Dynamic risk measures the time trend of results. As it is considered that relevant results can be ordinal or cardinal, Static and Dynamic risk are particularised for both types of results.The revision of the concept of ex post risk for strategic management highlights the importance of four basic dimensions: sign dependence, relativity, longitudinal analysis and path dependence.Based on those dimensions and others found dispersed in literature, the thesis develops a system of axioms and properties to evaluate the concept and technical validity of risk measures. Traditional and proposed measures are confronted to that system to proof the degree of validity of the new measures and the failures of the traditional ones. A simulated example is given to illustrate the measures proposed and provide some support to the former evaluation.An outstanding contribution of that thesis has been to prove that the proposed cardinal risk measures can be additively decomposed in determinants when results or results differentials are originally additively separable.Finally, the thesis provides an empirical application of the cardinal Static and Dynamic risk, together with its decomposition, to the Spanish banking sector from 1987 through 1999. The application aims at illustrating the possibilities of the new measures to analyse ex post risk, its temporal dynamics and its economic nature.In the last chapter, conclusions and further research possibilities are presented.

Coexistência de aspectos relacionais e transacionais em alianças estratégicas internacionais marcadas pelo rígido controle de custos

Calvilho, Eduardo Magalhaes 24 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-08-05T01:23:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoCalvilho.pdf: 1038907 bytes, checksum: 42aa99d4bd73dde5b305062373fa2c0e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-05T01:23:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoCalvilho.pdf: 1038907 bytes, checksum: 42aa99d4bd73dde5b305062373fa2c0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-24 / Nenhuma / Os países em desenvolvimento têm se mostrado como um ótimo investimento para empresas multinacionais que desejam ampliar sua área de atuação. A limitação de certos recursos tecnológicos nesses países somada à dificuldade de penetração de organizações estrangeiras faz com que as Alianças Estratégicas Internacionais (AEI) despontem como boa opção para as empresas de ambas nacionalidades. Segundo o estudo da Booz & Company Consultoria o cenário decorrente da exploração do Pré-sal demandará por tecnologia de ponta e investimentos da ordem de US$ 500 bilhões no setor de Exploração e Produção (E&P) de Petróleo. Entender então que pontos deveriam ser observados antes de criar e ao conduzir as Alianças Estratégicas (AE) demandadas por esse novo ambiente trará vantagens competitivas e maior probabilidade de sucesso às organizações. A literatura aponta a divergência cultural como um item importante a ser considerado no processo de formação de alianças. Há uma relação direta entre a cultura e as estrutura de governança das organizações, a qual define princípios e comportamentos que nortearão a gestão da aliança. (LANGFIELD-SMITH, 2008). Estudos desenvolvidos por Ness e Haugland (2005), Poppo e Zenger (2002) e Roath et al. (2002) apontaram como sendo duas as dimensões de estrutura de governança das organizações: foco no contrato (transacional) e foco no relacionamento. Para investigar como as diferentes culturas organizacionais (relacional e transacional) interagem em AEs ou AEIs foram investigadas seis alianças que foram constituídas para prestação de serviços especializados para uma empresa do governo. O autor identificou que todas as alianças operaram em ambientes predominantemente transacionais. As divergências de culturas entre as empresas nacionais e internacionais não afetou o desempenho das alianças. Entretanto, o desequilíbrio de forças provocado pela empresa do governo resultou na elevação dos custos para alianças no primeiro momento. Para recuperação dos resultados as alianças se valeram de comportamentos oportunistas aproveitando indefinições nos contratos de serviços, aumentando os custos ex post para o cliente em um segundo momento. Por fim, a análise dos achados permitiu a identificação de três formas como se estabelece a estrutura de governança das alianças, definido pela cultura, pela situação ou pela estratégia. / The developing countries are presenting themselves as a good investment option to international companies which are aiming for expanding their busines area. The technological limitation of those countries added to the difficulties that the foreign companies have to access the local market make the International Strategic Alliances (ISA) become as a good option for companies of both nationalities. According to Booz & Company Consulting study, the Pre-salt exploration scenario will demand not only for high technology, but also for financial investments around US$ 500 billion on the Exploration and Production (E&P) sector. So that, understanding which points should be observed after the Strategic Alliances (SA) creation and when running an alliance will result in competitive advantage and in an additional chances of the organizations success. The literature points out to cultural divergence as an important issue to be considered on the alliances process formation. There is a close relation between the organization culture and its Governance structure and this defines principles and behaviors which guide the alliance management. (LANGFIELD-SMITH, 2008). The studies of Ness and Haugland (2005), Poppo and Zenger (2002) and Roath et al. (2002) indicated two governance structure dimensions, contract oriented (transactional) and relations oriented. To investigate how different organizational cultures (contractual or relational) interact in SA or in ISA were researched six alliances. These SA were established to perform specialized services to a governmental company. The author found out that all alliances had run on scenarios predominantly transactional. The cultural divergences between national and international companies didn’t seem to affect the alliances performance. The unbalance of power situation created by the governmental company resulted in costs raise to the alliances at the first time. To recover the revenue the alliances had to use opportunistic behaviors, by means of taking advantage of lack of details of the service contract, raising the ex post costs to the customer afterwards. In the end, the findings analysis led the author to identify three different ways how the alliances’ governance structure is established, defined by culture, by the situation or by the strategy.

Evaluation ex-post de l'efficacité de solutions de rénovation énergétique en résidentiel

Raynaud, Maxime 11 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
En France, les rénovations énergétiques en résidentiel, et ceci tout particulièrement pour les maisons individuelles, font peu l'objet après réalisation d'une évaluation ex-post permettant de quantifier la performance atteinte.Cette thèse se propose donc d'effectuer une évaluation ex-post de l'efficacité de solutions de rénovation énergétique en résidentiel, à partir de données (environ 100 cas par échantillon étudié) provenant d'enquêtes menées auprès de ménages, propriétaires occupants de maison individuelle, ayant participé à des opérations de maîtrise de la demande en énergie conduites à l'échelle régionale dans le nord-est et le sud-est de la France. Une approche statistique tant descriptive que de modélisation est principalement employée pour aborder ce travail.Le premier volet de l'évaluation ex-post consiste en une quantification des économies unitaires obtenues associée à un calcul d'incertitude. Pour chacune des opérations, la modélisation statistique de la consommation énergétique après travaux permet l'étude de l'influence des actions elles-mêmes mais aussi de certains facteurs tels que le changement de la gestion du chauffage ou l'utilisation après travaux de la climatisation.Le second volet de cette évaluation ex-post a pour but d'identifier les causes des écarts entre les consommations observées et celles simulées par un modèle de calcul ex-ante (dit d'ingénieur). Ainsi, nous étudions l'évolution des écarts des états avant à après travaux. Tout d'abord, une quantification et une modélisation statistique des écarts en situation avant travaux est réalisée. Puis, les écarts en situation après travaux sont à leur tour quantifiés et modélisés statistiquement en intégrant notamment l'erreur commise initialement (avant travaux). Les différences entre économies d'énergie observées et simulées sont également étudiées.Enfin, dans la dernière partie de la thèse, sur la base des sources d'écart identifiées, nous proposons des pistes de perfectionnement du modèle de calcul d'ingénieur utilisé. Plus largement, à partir d'un retour critique quant aux limites des modèles statistiques établis pour étudier les causes des écarts, des pistes sont avancées pour permettre de les améliorer.

L’interaction entre la souveraineté des Etats et les droits de la personne humaine : vers la responsabilité de protéger / Dialogue between the souveraniete and the rights of individual : responsibility to protect

Fahandej-Saadi, Ardavan 15 December 2012 (has links)
A travers de la cristallisation du droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger la Communauté internationale tente de combler l'écart entre la moralité et la légalité de l’ingérence à des fins de protection de droits humains. Car l’ingérence à des fins de protection humaine, depuis de la fin de la guerre froide, a trouvé une base juridique coutumière et ne correspond plus à un acte exceptionnel susceptible de se justifier dans certaines hypothèses. Dans cette démarche, en cas d’échec du Conseil de sécurité à la mise en œuvre d’une ingérence militaire, les organisations régionales pourraient sans autorisation « préalable » et « précise » du Conseil de sécurité, engager une ingérence armée. L’étude de la valeur juridique de l’ONU et les pratiques depuis de la fin de la guerre froide, permet de constater que si le droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger n’ont pas encore trouvé un fondement « direct » dans les conventions internationales, ils peuvent cependant trouver un socle juridique dans la coutume internationale. En effet, l’analyse de la valeur des résolutions de l’ONU et des éléments coutumiers du droit d’ingérence et de la responsabilité de protéger montrent comment les résolutions 43/131 et 45/100 de l’Assemblée générale ont inauguré le processus du droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger. Et depuis les années 1990, la pratique du Conseil de sécurité, illustrée par un nombre important de résolutions ayant donné lieu à la mise en œuvre d’opérations tout aussi nombreuses, ainsi que la pratique des Etats et les organisations régionales donnent un corps juridique à l’ingérence à des fins de protection humaine et ne laissent aucun doute sur la nature juridique de celle-ci. / Through crystallization of the right and responsibility to intervene to protect the international community tries to bridge the gap between morality and legality of the interference for the protection of human rights. As interference in human protection purposes, since the end of the Cold War, found a legal basis for customary and does not correspond to an exceptional act may be justified in certain circumstances. With this approach, in case of failure of the Security Council in the implementation of military interference, regional organizations could without authorization "prior" and "precise" Security Council, commit armed interference. The study of the legal status of the UN and practices since the end of the Cold War, shows that if the right of intervention and the responsibility to protect has not yet found a foundation "live" in international conventions, however, they can find a legal basis in customary international law. Indeed, analysis of the value of UN resolutions and customary law elements of interference and the responsibility to protect demonstrate how resolutions 43/131 and 45/100 of the General Assembly inaugurated the process the right of intervention and the responsibility to protect. And since the 1990s, the practice of the Security Council, illustrated by a large number of resolutions that led to the implementation of operations just as many, and the practice of States and regional organizations to provide a legal body interference for human protection and leave no doubt about the legal nature of the latter.

Avaliação ex post do novo Siafi com base na satisfação dos usuários finais: uma abordagem sob a perspectiva do gerenciamento de projetos de TI no setor público federal

Souza, Danillo Teixeira de 27 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-10-19T21:26:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Danillo Teixeira.pdf: 2113134 bytes, checksum: 131158397c3a594f5836171e36fedab0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-10-19T21:27:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Danillo Teixeira.pdf: 2113134 bytes, checksum: 131158397c3a594f5836171e36fedab0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-19T21:27:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Danillo Teixeira.pdf: 2113134 bytes, checksum: 131158397c3a594f5836171e36fedab0 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como tema a avaliação ex post (ou pós-implementação) do Projeto Novo Siafi com base na satisfação dos usuários finais do sistema de informação desenvolvido por este projeto – o Novo Siafi, como vem sendo chamado –, buscando inserir tal avaliação no âmbito dos processos de Gerenciamento de Stakeholders (ou Gerenciamento das Partes Interessadas), matéria estabelecida pela quinta edição do guia Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), publicada em 2013, como uma das áreas de conhecimento de Gerenciamento de Projetos (GP). O GP, embora não se restrinja à Tecnologia da Informação (TI), é uma das áreas de atuação mais importantes da governança deste setor e, dentro do campo de conhecimentos associados à área, o Gerenciamento de Stakeholders tem sido considerado, atualmente, como uma das suas atividades mais importantes. O Projeto Novo Siafi, gerenciado pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) mediante contratação da empresa pública Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), visa a reconstrução de maneira gradual, em uma nova plataforma tecnológica, do Siafi Operacional – sistema estruturante desenvolvido pelo Governo Federal brasileiro, implantado em 1987, e que já fora adotado, inclusive, por outros países do mundo. Para empreender a avaliação ex post aqui pretendida, realizou-se uma pesquisa de levantamento ou survey dividida em duas etapas: a primeira para avaliar a satisfação dos usuários finais – com a aplicação de um instrumento disponível na literatura – e a segunda, como etapa complementar, com o intuito de verificar a percepção dos usuários finais quanto ao seu envolvimento no desenvolvimento do novo sistema. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, de maneira geral, os usuários, em relação ao sistema, se sentem indiferentes – considerando as duas metodologias adotadas para cálculo da satisfação: análise fatorial e média das respostas –, além de perceberem que não foram envolvidos no seu processo de desenvolvimento. No entanto, como constatado junto a gestor da STN que participou da pesquisa, houve, de fato, o envolvimento dos usuários na construção do Novo Siafi, que ocorreu diretamente, na fase de homologação do sistema e indiretamente, por meio das pesquisas de satisfação sobre o Siafi Operacional, que foram realizadas no período de 1993 a 2009, gerando, como consequência, a implementação de diversas melhorias naquele sistema, que vieram a ser utilizadas para a construção da nova plataforma tecnológica. A presente pesquisa apontou ainda pontos positivos e negativos na visão dos usuários do sistema, evidenciando oportunidades de melhoria. Assim, conclui-se que o feedback dos usuários, que nessa pesquisa fora colhido com auxílio dos dois questionários aplicados, pode ser adotado na efetivação dos processos de Gerenciamento de Stakeholders do Projeto Novo Siafi, por meio do diálogo contínuo entre as partes interessadas, de modo a contribuir para a melhoria do projeto. / This research has as subject the ex post (or post-implementation) evaluation of the Novo Siafi Project based on the satisfaction of end users of the information system developed by this project – the Novo Siafi, as it is currently named – seeking to insert this assessment in the scope of the processes related to Project Stakeholder Management, a field established by the fifth edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK), published in 2013, as one of the knowledge areas of Project Management (PM). PM, although not restricted to Information Technology (IT), is one of the most important areas of governance in this sector and, within the field of knowledge associated with the area, Project Stakeholder Management has been considered, nowadays, as one of its most important activities. The Novo Siafi Project, managed by Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) through the hiring of the public company Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), aims to rebuild gradually, in a new technology platform, the Siafi Operacional – a structuring system developed by Brazilian Federal Government, implanted in 1987, and that has already been adopted by other countries. To undertake the ex post evaluation here intended, a divided survey was conducted in two stages: the first to assess the satisfaction of end users – through the application of an instrument available in the literature – and the second, as a stage further, in order to verify the perception of end users and their involvement in the development of the new system. The results showed that, in general, users feel indifferent with regard the system – considering the results of the both methodologies adopted to calculate the average satisfaction level: the factor analysis and the average responses – as well as they realize that they were not involved in the system development process. However, as answered by a STN manager who participate in this research, there was, in fact, the users involvement in Novo Siafi development, which occurred directly in the system homologation phase, and indirectly, through satisfaction surveys about Siafi Operacional, which were carried out in the 1993-2009 period, bringing, as a result, the implementation of several improvements in this system, which were used for the construction of the new technological platform. This research also pointed out strengths and weaknesses of the system in the view of its users, showing improvement opportunities. Thus, one can conclude that the feedback from users, which in this study was collected with the help of both applied questionnaires, can be adopted in the execution of the Project Stakeholder Management processes of the Novo Siafi Project, through continuous dialogue between stakeholders, in order to contribute to promote improvements in the project.

Vyhodnocení přínosů z projektu Evropského domu Králíky / Evaluation of the Contributions gained from the Project of European House Králíky

Chumová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the benefits of the project implemented by the city Králíky and Králíky European House. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is called "theoretical-methodological basis". It is focused on the analysis of public expenditure programs, program financing and analysis methods for their evaluation. In the practical part of the thesis describes the current situation of the Králíky area, then project Králíky European house. It is described in detail and subsequently evaluated in terms of benefits for the area.

Essays on decision theory and economic efficiency / Essais sur la théorie de la décision et l'efficacité économique

Charpin, Ariane 01 February 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à deux thèmes distincts : la prise de décision en situation de risque et l’efficacité économique. Ces deux questions sont traitées dans un cadre empirique en utilisant des bases de données uniques. Le premier chapitre teste les modèles théoriques de décision en situation de risque sur des données réelles de paris hippiques pour identifier la théorie qui permet la meilleure description des choix des individus. Ce chapitre montre que les théories comportementales de la décision en situation de risque (théorie des perspectives cumulées et modèle de l’utilité dépendante du rang) sont mieux adaptées pour expliquer le comportement des parieurs observé dans les données que la théorie de l’utilité espérée. Le second chapitre estime l’effet d’une concentration entre deux grandes entreprises du secteur des transports urbains en France sur leurs coûts. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence que la fusion n’a pas entraîné de gains d’efficacité pour les parties à la fusion. Ce résultat s’explique notamment par le contexte dans lequel la fusion a été menée, en particulier les raisons du choix de la cible, la perception des clients et des employés de la fusion, les différences de culture entre les entreprises et la préparation opérationnelle de l’opération. Le troisième chapitre examine l’impact d’une plus grande discrétion dans les procédures d’appels d’offres sur la sélection des opérateurs, en particulier leur productivité. Le résultat principal est que la procédure qui accroît potentiellement le pouvoir discrétionnaire des acheteurs publics conduit à la sélection d’entreprises moins efficaces qu’une procédure n’impliquant pas ou peu de discrétion. Nos analyses complémentaires suggèrent que le résultat s’explique par l’effet d’une plus grande discrétion à l’étape de sélection des entreprises. / This doctoral thesis focuses on two distinct themes: decision-making in situations of risk and economic efficiency. These two questions are treated in an empirical framework using unique databases. The first chapter tests the theoretical models of decision under risk on bets on horseraces to identify the theory that allows the best description of individuals’ choices. This chapter shows that behavioral theories of decision under risk (cumulative prospect theory and rank-dependent utility) are better suited to explain the behavior of bettors observed in the data than the expected utility theory. The second chapter estimates the effect of a merger between two large companies in the urban transport sector in France on their costs. The results show that the merger did not result in efficiency gains for the merging parties. This result can be understood in light of the context in which the merger was conducted, in particular the reasons for the choice of the target, the perception of customers and employees of the merger, the differences in culture between the companies and the operational preparation of the merger. The third chapter examines the impact of greater discretion in tendering procedures on the selection of operators, particularly their productivity. The main result is that the procedure that potentially increases the discretion of public purchasers leads to the selection of less efficient companies than a procedure involving little or no discretion. Further analyzes suggest that the result is due to the effect of greater discretion at the screening stage.

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