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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd : En kvalitativ studie om lärares val av extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd för elever med svenska som andraspråk

Hugaas, Josefin, Ström, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att analysera vad som ligger till grund för grundskollärares val av extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd för elever med svenska som andraspråk. Extra anpassningar är mindre stödinsatser som genomförs inom ramen för ordinarie undervisning. Särskilt stöd är mer omfattande stödinsatser som pågår under längre tid och sätts in om det befaras att en elev inte når kunskapskraven trots att extra anpassningar har genomförts. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori med fokus på Vygotskijs synsätt på språk och lärande. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sex stycken yrkesverksamma grundskollärare i två kommuner i Mellansverige. Intervjumaterialet transkriberades och analyserades tematiskt. Studiens resultat visar att samtliga lärare använder extra anpassningar i undervisningen. De extra anpassningar som används delas in i kategorierna bildstöd, anpassat material, anpassade programvaror, anpassade undervisningsmetoder och placering i klassrummet. Det särskilda stödet delas in i kategorierna stöd från annan skolpersonal och studiehandledning. Samtliga lärare uppger att det finns faktorer som påverkar deras val av extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd. Dessa faktorer är utbildning inom svenska som andraspråk, kollegialt samarbete, ekonomiska resurser och tid.    En slutsats som kan dras av studiens resultat är att lärare har olika förutsättningar att genomföra extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd. Det är problematiskt eftersom andraspråkselever får olika förutsättningar att tillägna sig det svenska språket. En annan slutsats är att andraspråkselever befinner sig i en komplex skolsituation. De arbetar grundläggande med att tillägna sig det svenska språket och åldersadekvat svenska, samtidigt som de behöver utveckla tillräckliga ämneskunskaper och svenska på mer avancerad nivå. Studiens resultat visar att det finns behov av mer utbildning, kollegialt samarbete, ekonomiska resurser och tid för att kunna optimera anpassningarna för andraspråkselever. Det är därför lämpligt att fråga sig huruvida det har satsats tillräckligt på extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd för andraspråkselever.

Protection of the microcirculation during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass / Protection de la microcirculation pendant une chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle

Koning, Nick Julius 23 June 2017 (has links)
La chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle conduit à une altération de la perfusion de la microcirculation, qui peut contribuer de façon importante à la dysfonction d’organe postopératoire. Cette thèse rassemble des études cliniques et animales, dont le but était d’investiguer les mécanismes expliquant la dysfonction microcirculatoire en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle. En outre nous avons eu pour but d’évaluer deux stratégies thérapeutiques pour la préservation de la perfusion microcirculatoire au cours de la circulation extracorporelle : l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé comparativement à un flux non pulsé conventionnel durant la circulation extra-corporelle, et le traitement par imatinib dans le but de réduire la fuite vasculaire en inhibant la dysfonction de la barrière endothéliale. La thèse actuelle a démontré que la perfusion microcirculatoire est altérée durant et après la chirurgie cardiaque, et que ceci peut être attribué principalement à la dysfonction inflammatoire de la barrière endothéliale et à la fuite vasculaire conséquente. L’hémodilution concomitante en chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle peut s’ajouter et contribuer également à la réduction de la perfusion microcirculatoire et de l’oxygénation. Nous avons montré que l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé durant la circulation extracorporelle améliore la perfusion microcirculatoire en postopératoire comparativement à un flux non-pulsé. Le traitement par imatinib a réduit la dysfonction de la barrière endothéliale et la fuite vasculaire dans notre modèle de circulation extracorporelle sur le rat et a permis de préserver la perfusion microcirculatoire et l’oxygénation durant et après la circulation extra-corporelle. En outre, le traitement par imatinib a permis de diminuer les marqueurs de souffrance rénale, pulmonaire et digestive après circulation extra-corporelle. A partir de nos résultats, la réduction de la fuite vasculaire et l’utilisation d’un flux pulsé durant la circulation extra-corporelle sont des interventions prometteuses pour la prévention des complications postopératoires chez les patients à risque de défaillance d’organe au décours de la chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle. / Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass leads to impaired perfusion of the microcirculation, which may be an important contributor to postoperative organ dysfunction. This thesis combines clinical and animal studies that aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying microcirculatory dysfunction in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Moreover, we aimed to evaluate two treatments strategies for preservation of microcirculatory perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass : the use of pulsatile flow as compared to the conventional non pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass and treatment with imatinib in order to reduce vascular leakage by inhibiting endothelial barrier dysfunction.The current thesis has demonstrated that microcirculatory perfusion is impaired during and after cardiac surgery, and this can be attributed mainly to inflammatory endothelial barrier dysfunction and consequent vascular leakage. Concomitant hemodilution may additionally contribute to reduced microvascular perfusion and oxygenation in on-pumpcardiac surgery. We showed that the use of pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass improves postoperative microvascular perfusion as compared to non pulsatile flow. Imatinib treatment reduced endothelial barrier dysfunction and vascular leakage in our rat model for cardiopulmonary bypass and resulted in preservation of microcirculatory perfusion andoxygenation during and after extracorporeal circulation.Moreover, imatinib treatment resulted in reduced markers ofrenal, pulmonary and intestinal injury after cardiopulmonary bypass. Based on our findings, reduction of vascular leakage and use of pulsatile flow during cardiopulmonary bypass are promising interventions for the prevention of postoperative complications in patients at risk for organ failure following cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

"Alla elever har ju rätt att få det stöd dom behöver" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om tidiga stödinsatser i grundskolan

Österholm, Johanna, van Geijt, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer har vi undersökt hur olika professioner som rektor, speciallärare och lärare arbetar för att stödja elevernas tidiga läs- och skrivutveckling och vad det är som krävs för att en elev ska få extra stöd. Studiens resultat visar att genom nationella kartläggningar och bedömningsstöd kan lärarna identifiera vilka elever som är i behov av extra stöd. Undervisningen och material anpassas då efter elevernas behov. De olika professionerna är eniga om att det inte krävs någon diagnos för att få extra stöd utan det ska vara utifrån behov, men vissa lärare menar att det är lättare att få resurser om en diagnos finns.

The effects of extra-familial child sexual abuse on the victim's primary care givers

Mashiloane, Salome Mamphoreng 17 November 2006 (has links)
Faculty of Humanities School of Human and Community Development 0008716g Mashils@hotmail.com / This study explored the effects of extra-familial child sexual abuse on the victims’ primary caregivers. The study focused on the experiences of ten mothers whose children were raped during the six months that preceded the study, and they were drawn from Zamokuhle and Nthabiseng clinics in Soweto. A semi-structured individual interview was used to explore the implications of the rape on the primary caregivers’ psychological well being. The data was processed using qualitative content analysis as the methodology. Findings indicate that the children were raped in their everyday environment during their mothers’ absence. The majority of the perpetrators are trusted neighbours and some used violence to coerce the children into participating. Some children concealed the rapes from their mothers and they were threatened with punishment to facilitate disclosure. The primary caregivers responded with anger post-disclosure which was directed toward different parties. They blamed the children for withholding the rape and for failing to combat it, and the perpetrators for betraying them. The mothers’ anger was exacerbated by the failure of the justice system to bring the perpetrators to book, and other people whom the mothers felt should have protected their children. In terms of causal attribution, the respondents questioned their maternal role and felt that they did not provide their children with the necessary care and protection they needed. The primary caregivers also felt that the children could have prevented the rape if they behaved differently. The rape took a toll on the relationship the mothers had with their children as some became overprotective to compensate for the protection they never provided their children with. Most mothers displayed an inability to cope post-disclosure which suggests that child sexual abuse has adverse effects on the psychological well-being of noniv offending mothers. For purposes of clarity, the word “mother” will be used interchangeably with “primary caregiver” throughout the study.

A comparison of the accuracy of different intra- and extra-oral digital scanners for milling an implant-supported framework

Michael, M January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the School of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Dentistry in the branch of Prosthodontics Johannesburg, 2017 / Purpose: To perform a comparative analysis of the accuracy of intra-oral and extra-oral digital scanners when used for the milling of a long-span implant supported superstructure framework. Method: Three intra-oral and three extra-oral scanners were used to measure a master model containing five implant analogues. The three-dimension positions of the implant analogues were measured with a coordinate measuring machine. The digital data from the scanners were used to mill the implant positions in aluminium blanks from a single milling device. These implant positions were measured at the same points as the master model. The three-dimensional differences were calculated to provide a measure of the most accurate frameworks. Results: For the intra-oral scanners, the further the measurement between points, the greater the standard deviation (the poorer the precision) and the poorer the mean accuracy. However, these were clinically acceptable over short distances. For the extra-oral scanners, there was no correlation between the length of the measured distances and the accuracy of the produced framework. All the extra-oral scanners were clinically acceptable for complete-arch prostheses. Conclusions: Noting the limitations of this study and the use of a milling centre to mill the frameworks, for the intra-oral scanners, the 3Shape Trios® (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) can be used for measurements up to 21,5mm and the Sirona CEREC OmniCam (Sirona Dental Systems, Inc., Bensheim, Germany) can be used for measurements up to 34mm. The extra-oral scanners used in this study can be used for complete-arch implant prosthetics. The accuracy of these is relative to the model or impression created. Steps should therefore be made to ensure the accuracy of the model such as the use of a verification jig / MT2017

Det kompensatoriska uppdraget ur specialpedagogiska perspektiv: En intervjustudie

Lengheden, Lars, Lindblom, Sara January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Rättfärdigandet av det extrema : En diskursanalys av säkerhetiseringen av droger i Filippinerna / Justifying the extreme : A discourse analysis of the securitization of drugs in the Philippines

Jonsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to determine the impact of text and language in the form of how political speech can affect and form a discourse that excludes a certain category of people and how such an exclusion leads to exercise of power beyond normal, democratic rules of state intervention towards said group of people. This is a case study investigating the drug war of the Philippines, initiated by the country’s president Rodrigo Duterte, and his speeches related to the drug issue. The method of use is discourse analysis and the study is based upon the international relations theory of securitization by the so called Copenhagen School, consisting of Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver & Jaap de Wilde. Among the key findings are the picture of a discourse, formed by political speech, where individuals using or dealing with drugs are described as a threat is a central aspect, alongside with discursive elements such as a collective identity, human rights aspects, economic arguments, the future of the nation, certain values and the judicial system. These elements and values are given meaning as reference objects and within the discourse that makes them part of the establishment of a notion where people who use or deal with drugs are regarded as a threat and therefore can be legitimate subjects of exercise of power outside of the normal rules of democratic authority. Keywords: securitization, drugs, Philippines, discourse analysis, Copenhagen School, extra- judicial executions, otherness.

Extra anpassningar i den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen i svenska som andraspråk : Beskrivningar från 10 lärare på lågstadiet och vuxenutbildningen.

Kallström, Jenni, Magnusson, Tina January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Análise do padrão de inativação do cromossomo X em tecido extraembrionário bovino / Analysis of X chromosome inactivation pattern in bovine extra-embryonic tissue

Sabio, Fernando Galati 12 June 2015 (has links)
Na inativação do cromossomo X (ICX) um dos dois cromossomos X presentes nas fêmeas de mamíferos placentários é silenciado transcricionalmente. Esse é um mecanismo de compensação de dose que assegura que a quantidade dos produtos gênicos oriundos do cromossomo X esteja em equilíbrio entre machos e fêmeas. A ICX pode ocorrer de modo aleatório, onde cada célula escolhe ao acaso qual será o cromossomo X inativado: cromossomo X paterno ou cromossomo X materno; ou de forma \"imprintada\" (termo adaptado do inglês imprinted), ou seja, dependente da origem parental do cromossomo X. Enquanto nas fêmeas marsupiais a inativação ocorre de forma \"imprintada\", sendo o X paterno inativado em todos os tecidos, nos mamíferos eutérios a ICX nos tecidos somáticos ocorre de modo aleatório. Porém alguns eutérios mantiveram o mecanismo \"imprintado\" de ICX exclusivamente nos tecidos extraembrionários, como ratos e camundongos. Em humanos, o estado controverso da ICX em tecidos extraembrionários foi reavaliado por nosso grupo utilizando uma análise mais ampla e identificou-se um padrão aleatório (Moreira de Mello et al., 2010), demonstrando a importância de se realizar uma análise global para se determinar o perfil de atividade do cromossomo X. Em bovinos o padrão de ICX em placenta não está claro. Ele foi verificado analisando-se a expressão de um único gene, e os autores concluíram que o padrão era \"imprintado\" (Xue et al., 2002). Porém a análise de um único gene pode não representar o estado epigenético de um cromossomo inteiro. Assim o padrão de ICX em tecidos extraembrionários bovinos se mostra uma questão importantíssima para ser esclarecida. No presente trabalho o cromossomo X bovino foi analisado em busca de SNPs (polimorfismos de base única) localizados em regiões codificadoras em genes expressos no tecido extraembrionário, permitindo assim através da análise da expressão alelo-específica determinar o padrão de expressão do cromossomo X. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho mostram um padrão de expressão bialélica, indicando que em populações diferentes de células, diferentes cromossomos X estavam ativos. Portanto a ICX em tecidos extraembrionários bovinos ocorre de modo aleatório, padrão semelhantes àquele encontrado em humanos, e diferente daquele encontrado em ratos e camundongos. Este trabalho mostra a importância de uma análise global da expressão gênica no cromossomo X, permitindo assim traçar um perfil de atividade mais próximo possível da realidade. / In X chromosome inactivation (XCI), one of the two X chromosomes present in female mammals is transcriptionally silenced, resulting in a dosage compensation mechanism. The XCI can occur randomly, so that each cell chooses randomly which one will be the inactivated X chromosome: paternal (pX) or maternal (mX); or dependent on parental origin of X chromosome, ie, imprinted. While in female marsupials the inactivation occurs in an imprinted fashion, with the Xp inactivated in all tissues, both somatic and extra-embryonic, in the mammalian eutherians XCI in the somatic tissues occurs randomly. However some eutherians still retain the imprinted XCI mechanism exclusively in extra-embryonic tissues, such as rats and mice. In humans, the controversy of the XCI in placenta was re-evaluated by our group. Using a broader analysis, a random pattern was identified, in contrast to the previously published works. It demonstrated the importance of conducting a comprehensive analysis to determine the profile of X chromosome (Moreira de Mello et al., 2010). In cattle the pattern of XCI in bovine placenta is unclear. It was verified by analyzing the expression of a single gene, and the authors concluded that the pattern was imprinted (Xue et al., 2002). Because the analysis of a single gene may not represent the epigenetic state of an entire chromosome, the pattern of XCI in cattle extra-embryonic tissues is an important issue to be clarified. In the present study the cattle X chromosome was analyzed searching for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) located in coding regions of genes expressed in extra-embryonic tissue. So that, by analyzing the allele-specific expression it is possible to determine the X chromosome expression patter. The preset results show a bi-allelic expression pattern. This indicates that in different cells populations, different X chromosomes are active. Thus, the XCI in extra-embryonic tissues of bovines occurs randomly, similar to the human pattern but different to that verified in rats and mice. This work shows the importance of a global analysis of the gene expression in X chromosome, through which it can trace the closest activity profile as possible to reality.

Buracos negros em universos brana com constante cosmológica / Black holes in brane worlds with cosmological constant

Neves, Juliano César Silva 07 October 2008 (has links)
Obtivemos famílias de soluções estáticas e esfericamente simétricas para buracos negros numa brana com vácuo, constante cosmológica não nula e imersa num bulk 5-dimensional assintoticamente anti-de Sitter. Para o caso das geometrias assintoticamente de Sitter, o único membro da família obtida foi a geometria Schwarzschild-de Sitter extrema. Para o caso de geometrias assintoticamente anti-de Sitter, obtivemos toda uma família de soluções, onde cada elemento desta família é determinado por uma constante C. Estudamos o comportamento destas soluções próximo e longe do horizonte de eventos. A seguir, analisamos a evolução de um campo escalar não massivo no exterior dos buracos negros obtidos. Verificamos analiticamente e numericamente o comportamento do potencial efetivo em função da coordenada tartaruga próximo ao horizonte de eventos. Para qualquer geometria ou solução desta família observamos que o campo escalar não massivo decai com o tempo, e o tipo de decaimento depende do valor da constante C. Assim, toda a família de soluções obtida mostrou-se estável. / We found classes of static and spherically symmetric black hole solutions on the brane for a vacuum configuration, non-null cosmological constant, embedded into a 5-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter bulk. In the asymptotically de Sitter case, the only solution obtained was the extreme Schwarzschild-de Sitter geometry. In the asymptotically anti-de Sitter case, a class of solutions was obtained where a particular geometry is fixed by a constant, C. We studied the behaviour of these solutions near and far from the horizon. Next, we studied the time evolution of a scalar field outside the black hole. For the effective potential as function of tortoise coordinate, the analytical results near the horizon agree with numerical calculations. The scalar field decays with time and the particular form of decay depends of the value for C. Thus, all solutions in the obtained class are stable.

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