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De um discurso que não fosse ideologia = contribuições para uma teoria lacaniana da ideologia / On a discourse that might not be ideology : notes for a lacanian theory of ideologyBarichello, Luigi, 1979- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Nina Virgínia de Araújo Leite / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T20:11:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo observar a relação entre discurso e ideologia a partir da possibilidade de leitura e desnaturalização do axioma que assevera que "todo discurso é ideológico". A existência de tal axioma reafirma a coextensão da ideologia a todas as esferas do cotidiano, até mesmo à possibilidade de negação do referido axioma (a qual, em si, já seria portanto igualmente ideológica). Tal consideração e escopo podem vir a suscitar a crença de que já que lidamos apenas com ficções simbólicas e nunca com a "realidade ela mesma", poderíamos abrir mão, assim, da própria crítica da ideologia. Essa afirmação totalizante é então interpelada nesse trabalho como forma de se atualizar a pertinência e alcance da leitura e crítica da ideologia, propondo-se uma análise atravessada pela psicanálise de orientação lacaniana, tendo por objetivo sublinhar a importância e validade daquilo que "falha" na articulação significante. E, ousamos dizer, na própria interpelação ideológica. Ao registro da ideologia, então, é aproximada a noção de fantasia oriunda da teoria psicanalítica, cuja possibilidade de vínculo fora proposta pelo filósofo esloveno Slavoj ¿i¿ek. Por vislumbrar o [des]encontro do efeito e produto da cadeia significante - respectivamente o sujeito e o objeto - o matema da fantasia se mostra frutífero em uma leitura da ideologia que tencione fazer comparecer à teorização não apenas o jogo significante, mas aquilo que nele é convocado e produzido. A inclusão do sujeito e do objeto abre então uma via profícua para a entrada da teoria dos discursos forjada por Jacques Lacan, uma vez que, em sua estruturação, estão postos, justamente, a articulação da cadeia significante, o sujeito e o objeto. A tomada do discurso convoca, por sua vez, a pertinência do gozo, o qual origina e também é visado pela movimentação discursiva, e cuja impossibilidade de acesso ao falante não é sem conseqüências, trazendo à cena a relação entre saber e verdade. E é na consideração de tais registros, pois, que residiria a pertinência de uma leitura da ideologia calcada não apenas na articulação da cadeia significante, mas naquilo que nela falha. Desse modo, entrevemos um passo a mais na crítica da ideologia, resgatando a possibilidade de "furo" no ideológico. E articulando, assim, uma possível contribuição para uma teoria lacaniana da ideologia / Abstract: This thesis aims to observe the relationship between discourse and ideology from the possibility of reading and questioning the axiom which holds that "all discourse is ideological". The existence of such axiom reaffirms the extension of ideology to all spheres of everyday life, even to the possibility of denying that axiom (which, in itself, would be equally ideological therefore). Such consideration and scope are likely to raise the belief that since we deal only with symbolic fictions and never with "reality itself," we could then give up of the critique of ideology itself. This totalizing claim is then challenged in this thesis as a way to update the relevance and scope of reading and critique of ideology, proposing an analysis considering the orientation of lacanian psychoanalysis in order to defend the importance and validity of what "fails" in the signifier articulation. And, dare we say, in the ideological interpellation itself. To ideology, then, is approximated the notion of fantasy originated in psychoanalytic theory, whose bond was proposed by Slovenian philosopher Slavoj ¿i¿ek. Glimpsing the [mis]match between the effect and product of the signifying chain - respectively the subject and object - the mathema of fantasy presents itself as a useful way on a reading of the ideology that intends to consider not only the significant chain, but also what is mustered and produced in it. The inclusion of the subject and the object then opens a fruitful path to the entrance of the discourse theory forged by Jacques Lacan, considering that in its structure are set precisely the articulation of the signifying chain, the subject and the object. The consideration of discourse, in turn, calls the relevance of enjoyment, which originates and is also addressed by the discursive movement, and whose inability to access for the speaker is not without consequences, bringing to scene, according to lacanian theory, the relationship between knowledge and truth. Therefore, it is in the consideration of such concepts that would lie the relevance of a reading of ideology grounded not only in the articulation of the signifying chain, but also in what fails in it. This way, we aim to provide a step further on the critique of ideology, recalling the importance of the "gaps" and the possibility of "punctures" in the ideological. Articulating thus a possible contribution to a lacanian theory of ideology / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística
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Désir maternel, désir de l'enfant : expression d’une double aliénation dans la filiation adoptive / Maternal désire, desire of the child : expression of a double alienation in the adoptive filiationRaybaud, Fabienne 23 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail envisage la question de la filiation adoptive d’un point de vue clinique et théorique, avec les éclairages de S. Freud, D-W Winnicott et J. Lacan. Nous nous intéressons à la mère adoptive et à la mère de naissance, à travers les représentations, désirs et fantasmes. Ceux-ci, intrinsèquement liés au manque existentiel d’un enfant porté en soi peuvent s’avérer démesurés et aliénants, dans un écrasement du Symbolique par l’Imaginaire amplifié. Pris dans le désir maternel, l’enfant adopté est dépossédé de son histoire première. Objet réparateur, il est assigné à être satisfaisant. Notre analyse prend source dans les mythes, où les figures maternelles aux prises avec l’inconscient du désir nous permettent d’explorer les effets de l’effraction du Réel dans l’insu des origines, le champ du Symbolique dans la construction de l’être au monde et le jeu de l’Imaginaire, explorant comment le sujet se perçoit dans le regard de l’Autre et avec quels effets. Ensuite, nous approchons la délicate question de l’infécondité. Ce travail propose d’examiner l’adoption dans sa dimension puissamment fantasmatique : prendre un enfant tout fait ouvre à des fantasmes de meurtre de la mère de naissance, de dévoration et de parthénogenèse. Cet enfant du Réel grandit avec deux histoires, il y risque l’inquiétante étrangeté et il manifeste sa crainte d’une nouvelle déchéance. La recherche et l’analyse qui ont construit cette étude laissent percevoir l’importance des implications cliniques au regard de la complexité du maternel mais aussi du champ du langage, de l’approche historique de l’enfant fragilisé par la perte, les ruptures et le retissage de liens. / This work considers the question of the adoptive filiation from a clinical and theoretical point of view. In the Lacanian theory, the subject of the unconscious and the S.R.I, orientates the focus of our research. Maternal fantasies and desires, inherently linked with the essential void created by the absence of a child born from within can be disproportionate and alienating. The Symbolism is crushed by the amplified Imaginary. Our analysis reaches back to myths, where maternal figures are caught in the unconscious desire and allows us to explore: the effects of the break in the Real in unknown origins, the Symbolical domain of the construction of a being to the world and the play on the Imaginary, exploring how the subject perceive itself in the Other’s gaze and what are its effects. During adolescence the adoptive link is shaken and the mother’s psychological organisation is closed by a fantasmatic exacerbation representing the speaking subject being beside himself.We consider the desire to have child from the symbolisation to the conception, then we approach the delicate question of infertility in its distressing psychological aspect. This study offers to examine adoption in its powerful fantasmatic dimension: taking an already-made child can create fantasies about the murder of the birth mother, about devouring urges and parthenogenesis. The research and analysis which constructed this study help to consider the importance of the clinical implication.
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Dragonlord Campaign SettingOlson, Clas January 2008 (has links)
Dragonlord Campaign Setting, which is a book of 250 pages, is an accessory to the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. It describes the game world Saviat that largely is like an ordinary fantasy world, with its fantastic elves and dwarfs, its magic, and supernatural monsters and events. What sets this world apart from all the other worlds that players can place their game in, is the complex and unique caste system in society, as well as the fact the it is real dragons that rule as feudal kings and nobles over the lands on the continent. In the book, the different nations’ geography, culture, history, and society are described, and also places and people that can be interesting for a player or Dungeon Master to know about. It also contains tips and tools that can be used by gamers playing in the world, so that their play in the world of Saviat becomes more interesting and connected to the world. The book directs itself mostly towards people who play D&D, and then mainly to the Dungeon Master. The book is available to be ordered from the Internet, and it is printed with a case-wrap hard cover. / Dragonlord Campaign Setting, som är en bok på 250 sidor, är en tilläggsbok till rollspelssystemet Dungeons and Dragons, publicerat av Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Den beskriver spelvärlden Saviat som i mångt och mycket är en vanlig fantasyvärld, med sina fantastiska alver och dvärgar, sin magi och övernaturliga händelser och varelser. Vad som skiljer denna värld från alla de andra fantasyvärldar som rollspelare kan spela i, är det komplexa och unika kastsystemet i samhället, och det faktum att det är verkliga drakar som styr som feodala kungar och adelsmän över kontinentens länder. I boken beskrivs de olika ländernas geografi, kultur, historia och samhälle, och även platser och personligheter som kan vara intressant för en som spelar rollspel att känna till. Den innehåller även tips och verktyg som kan användas av en grupp som spelar i världen för att deras spel skall bli mer intressant och kopplat till världen. Boken riktar sig främst till spelargrupper som spelar D&D, och då främst till spelledaren. Boken finns tillgänglig att köpa av alla på Internet, i form av en tryckt bok med hårdpärm. / Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion.
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Event scenes in role-playing games : A study about focus during event scenes versus gameplayAndersson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the level of focus a player is displaying while playing a role-playing game. The thesis tries to answer the questions if the level of focus is different while a player is watching an event scene versus during gameplay and if there is a difference in the level of focus displayed by new players versus experience ones. To answer this question a playtest was performed in the role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII and the player’s reaction was recorded and documented. The result suggests that the level of focus a player is displaying is lower during event scenes than during gameplay.
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Berättandets inverkan på våra barn / The effect of narration on our childrenLarsson, Terese January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en grundligare kunskap om berättande. I uppsatsen kan man läsa om vad författare anser om berättandets betydelse, medias påverkan på fantasin och vilka skyldigheter pedagoger har. Jag har även intervjuat tre pedagoger, från förskolan och skolans yngre år. Pedagogerna har givit en förståelse om hur berättande kan användas i praktiken och vilken betydelse de anser att berättande har för barnen. Jag har kommit fram till att berättande används i alla dess former ute i de verksamheter jag har besökt och är uppskattat från både lärare och barn. Jag kom också fram till att berättande hjälper barn att utveckla sitt språk, minne och fantasi. Men att viss media, d.v.s. dator och television, kan göra fantasin lat och hämma den språkliga utvecklingen. / The purpose of the essay is to get a thorough knowledge about narration. You can read about different authors’ opinions about narration, its significance, and the influence media has on the imagination and the duties educationists have. I’ve also interviewed three different educationists, from both pre-school and the early ages of school. They have provided insights about how to use narration in school, and the importance they think narration has for the children. The results show that narration is used in many forms an appreciated by both teachers and children. I’ve also discovered that narration helps children to develop their language skills, their memory and their imagination. But some media, like the computer and the television, could make the imagination lazy and obstruct the linguistic development.
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Enquête sur un condamné : Guy de Maupassant à la lumière de la psychanalyse / Investigation about a condemned person : Guy de Maupassant by the light of psychoanalysisDjilali-Messaoud, Fatiha 27 June 2014 (has links)
Une recherche en psychanalyse nous autorise à effectuer un travail sur un héros ou une héroïne de la littérature et/ou le romancier qui leur a donné vie. À cet effet, nous avons choisi le cas clinique de Guy de Maupassant que nous allons analyser à travers les éprouvés contre-transférentiels de ces divers biographes ainsi qu’à travers ses contes plus circonstanciés et reflétant plus la pensée de leur auteur que ne pouvaient le faire ses romans. Cette dernière option impose que l’on loge entre l’auteur et son oeuvre le fantasme d’auteur qui, une fois déchiffré nous permet de franchir le pont du latent au manifeste et de compléter les contes des biographes par la traduction des énoncés de l’auteur. Les deux facteurs conjugués biographies et étude des contes épurés du fantasme nous permettront de restituer notre propre conte de Maupassant en nous inspirant des études de cas freudiennes dont Freud disait qu’il fallait les lire comme des contes. / A research in psychoanalysis allows us to perform work on a hero or a heroine of literature and/or the novelist who brought them into being. In this regard we will choose the clinical case of Guy de Maupassant that we will analyze (study) through the tested counter-transferences of his various biographers. We will also study Maupassant’s most detailed tales which convey the author’s thought much more than his novels display. This latest choice makes it necessary to insert the author’s fantasy between his true personality and his work, which, once it has been deciphered (decoded) enables us to bridge the gap between what is latent and what is obvious. It also gives us the opportunity to complete biographers’ tales thanks to the commentary of the author’s writing. The two factors composed of biographies and the study of tales both free from fantasy will draw our inspiration from Freudian case-studies considering that Freud used to say they had to be read like tales.
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The Harry Potter phenomenon literary production, generic traditions, and the question of valuesGlover, Jayne Ashleigh January 2004 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the first four books of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. It accounts for the widespread success of the novels by examining their publication and marketing histories, and their literary achievement as narratives including a sophisticated mix of generic traditions. Chapter One looks at the popularity of the novels, comparing their material production and marketing by Rowling’s English language publishers: Bloomsbury in Britain and Scholastic in the United States of America. The publisher’s influence on the public perception of each book is demonstrated by comparative study of its mode of illustration and layout. Further, the design of the books is linked to their strategic marketing and branding within the literary world. The second chapter considers Rowling’s debt to the school story. It concentrates first on the history of this relatively short-lived genre, briefly discussing its stereotypical features and values. Traditional elements of setting and characterisation are then examined to show how the Harry Potter novels present a value system which, though apparently old-fashioned, still has an ethical standpoint designed to appeal to the modern reader. Chapter Three focuses on the characterisation of Harry as a hero-figure, especially on how the influence of classical and medieval texts infuses Rowling’s portrayal of Harry as a hero in the chivalric mode. The episodes of “quest” and “test” in each book illustrate specifically how he learns the values of selflessness, loyalty, mercy and fairness. Chapter Four surveys the contribution of modern fantasy writing to the series. It shows how Rowling creates a secondary world that allows us to perceive magic as a metaphorical representation of power. This focus on the relationship between magic and power in turn has a bearing on our assessment of the author’s moral stance. The thesis concludes by suggesting that Rowling’s unusual mix of genres is justified by the values they share, and which are inscribed in her work: the generic combination forms a workable, new and exciting mode of writing that helps to account for the phenomenal popularity of the series.
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Terry Pratchett and the Johnny Maxwell Trilogy : death, war and laughterJoubert, Michelle Anne January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was to critically analyse Terry Pratchett’s Johnny
Maxwell trilogy in terms of three areas, namely Pratchett’s use of various fantasy techniques;
how comedy and satire function as distancing mechanisms; and how fantasy and comedy
function in accordance with Erikson’s and Bettelheim’s theories concerning identity
formation in adolescent and child readers. The primary aim of this dissertation was therefore
to provide a literary reading of Pratchett’s trilogy, Only You Can Save Mankind (1992),
Johnny and the Dead (1993) and Johnny and the Bomb (1996). However, it also
acknowledges the possible didactic and developmental benefits of the books. The trilogy is entertaining, exciting, witty and child-friendly (Baldry cited in Butler,
James and Mendlesohn, 2004:41), but it is also clear that Pratchett endeavours to challenge
his child readers by presenting everyday situations from foreign and unusual perspectives.
This dissertation argues that, as Baldry states, Pratchett ‘expands the thinking of his young
readers with new ideas or unconventional ways of looking at familiar ideas’ which will
ultimately help them consider their own lives in alternative and perhaps even more
meaningful ways (quoted in Butler, James and Mendlesohn, 2004:41).
The idea of ‘distancing techniques’ is vital for this study, because it proposes that
readers can be transported from their Primary Realities (in which they live and function on a
daily basis) into Secondary Realities or worlds which are unlike the Primary Reality in form
and composition, but not unlike them in the way they function. Once this removal has taken
place, bibliotherapists argue that readers are able to look back upon their primary world with new insight into their sense of industry and identity and also into the way their primary reality
functions and the way they function within it. J.R.R. Tolkien (1985:35) explains that ‘…fact
becomes that which is manipulated by the fantasy writer to produce a keener perception of
the primary world and a greater ability to survive in it’.
Owing to Pratchett’s specific comic brand of fantasy, a discussion of his comic and
satiric techniques is also presented. Part of this discussion again concentrates on the ability of
comedy to act as a distancing mechanism, while another discusses how Pratchett uses
comedy to satirise certain aspects of society. As Bergson (1911:17) states in his book,
Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic, laughter is a way of ‘correcting men’s
manners’. Pratchett thus makes use of various comic techniques to mock and ridicule certain
features of society, such as its obsession with television, its materialism, or its obsession with
computer games.
This research is important as the fantasy genre is often considered to be mere popular
fiction, to which parents and school teachers are frequently averse. However, with the
increase in sales of fantasy works over the past decade, especially in adolescent and
children’s fantasy, study of the genre and its possible influence on readers is becoming
increasingly necessary. This dissertation undertakes to show that fantasy works can be both
complex and satisfying literary works while they also have a positive influence on child
readers. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / English / unrestricted
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[pt] Durante muito tempo as palavras utilizadas para referir-se a oriente e
ocidente foram exótico, civilizado, arcaico ou desenvolvido. Isso porque
as imagens atribuídas a ambos eram de atrasado x avançado como o pseudo
antagonismo entre mito e logos. No entanto, a falência do discurso cartesiano de
verdade, como narrativa organizadora do cenário contemporâneo, abre espaço
para uma nova abordagem do mito como parte atuante na leitura do mundo. Nesta
tese nos propomos a utilizar a recuperação do mito através da metáfora ainda
presente no discurso filosófico feita por Hans Blumenberg, e fazer um paralelo
com a recuperação da metáfora feita por Paul Ricoeur para um approach entre
oriente e ocidente pelo viés da literatura midiatizada que identificamos na obra do
renomado diretor japonês de animação Hayao Miyazaki. / [en] For a long time the words used to refer to East and West were exotic,
civilized, archaic or developed. That s because the images assigned to both
were backward vs. advanced as well as the pseudo antagonism between myth and
logos. However, the failure of the Cartesian discourse of truth as a structuring
ordering narrative of the contemporary world opens a door to a new approach to
myth as an active part in the reading of the world. This thesis proposes to use the
restoration of the myth through metaphor as in Hans Blumberg s philosophical
work and to form a parallel with Paul Ricouer s restoration of the metaphor,
employing this method as an approach between East and West to delve into the
work based on the literary world of renowned Japanese animation director Hayao
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Beyond the invisible : a representation of magic in contemporary fantasy literatureFratini, Claudia Caia Julia 17 June 2005 (has links)
The realm of fantasy literature has always been that of the 'invisible', in as much as it has either been 'excluded' from traditional academic circles or at most marginalised from the general body of literary texts and considered a literature of 'escape'. This positioning of fantasy literature has caused a definition of the genre that is two-dimensional, and that perpetuates its alienation from the 'canon'. Although the works of fantasy literature by J.R.R. Tolkien are sometimes considered 'worthy' literature, but he is an exception in literary circles. In light of the 'invisible' position that fantasy literature occupies, this thesis attempts, through the use of Derridian and Jungian theory to (re)define fantasy literature by proposing a definition of fantasy literature that is three¬dimensional and that stems precisely from its 'invisible' position. The 'spherical' theory proposed illustrates how fantasy literature allows the reader to (re)examine his/her reality by presenting him/her with a reality that is different to his/her everyday concrete reality, but that at the same time shares the same moral, ethical and identity issues found in the 'visible' world and that the reader is faced with on a daily basis. The prolific use of magic in fantasy cannot be ignored and in this thesis, the use of magic within the texts and its function in a scientifi-rational world is focused on in detail. With each text, a different kind of magic is focused on. In Tolkien, the focus is on Alchemy and how the characters in his novels undergo an Alchemical transformation. The Tolkien texts that are focussed on are The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The chapter on Patricia McKillip focuses primarily on the use of magic in her protagonist's search for identity. The texts used form part of her Riddle Master trilogy and are, The Riddle Master of Hed, Heir of Sea and Fire and Harpist in the Wind. The section on Katherine Kerr explores the idea of a 'new' magic for a 'new' world and focuses on how in the three novels, The Red Wyvern, The Black Raven and The Fire Dragon, magic takes on a 'new' definition. / Dissertation (MA (English))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / English / unrestricted
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