Spelling suggestions: "subject:"advertising""
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Feminism till salu : En multomodal analys av rakhyvelsföretaget Estrids marknadskommunikation / Feminism for sale : a multimodal analysis of the razor company Estrid’s communicationLindblom, Maja January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks rakhyvelsföretaget Estrids marknadskommunikation och hur de laddar sitt varumärke med feministiska värderingar. Studien ämnar besvara hur Estrid framställs som feministiska och vilken presupponerad kvinna kommunikationen riktar sig mot. Studien syftar till att kritiskt belysa hur etisk marknadskommunikation tar sig i uttryck med multimodala medel på den svenska marknaden, och tar avstamp i sociosemiotiken där en skrift-, bild- och reklamfilmsanalys görs med utgångspunkt i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken och multimodalitet. Resultatet visar att Estrids feministiska värderingar framträder genom att de skapar personan Estrid, vilken ses som handlingskraftig och självsäker, och som stöttar kvinnan i ett svårnavigerat och polariserat politiskt klimat. Kvinnan framställs som förhållandevis passiv och osäker, men legitimeras som feminist genom att köpa rakhyveln och synas med den. Kommunikationen går i linje med en kommodiferad aktivism och marknadsfeminism där konsumenter görs till politiska aktivister och som genom konsumtion skaffar sig bättre värderingar och blir en bättre människa. Studien visar även att ökat kvinnligt självförtroende är ett viktigt element i marknadskommunikationen, vilket vidare kan härledas till postfeminismen.
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Is Sexism in Advertising really Necessary? : A quantitative study about Women's Attitudes towards Quality Attributes within the Female Fast Fashion IndustryNyström, Frida, Forsberg, Mimmi January 2020 (has links)
Advertising is constantly surrounding us in different shapes, meaning that companies need to stand out in order to invoke people's attention. Advertising reflects the society's current norms which means that the media and society's values affect each other (Fagerström & Nilsson, 2008). Women have for a long time been objectified and presented in stereotypical roles since sexism is a common component in advertising (Grau & Zotos, 2016). An industry that is frequently being accused of promoting an asymmetrical image of women's bodies is the fast fashion industry (Fay & Price, 1994). It is crucial in both a societal- and business perspective to take responsibility when it comes to sexism in advertising. This study aims to examine female consumers attitudes towards quality attributes in advertising within the female fast fashion industry. Given the research purpose of this thesis, the research questions are: 1) How can the quality attributes in the female fast fashion industry be used to satisfy women as customers? 2) How does quality attributes contribute to customer (dis-)satisfaction in the female fast fashion industry? A preliminary study was organized to state consumers’ different attributes of sexism to use in the questionnaire. Followed by this was the main study with Kano pair questions that included 201 respondents. The pair questions were formulated by the attributes identified in the preliminary study. This study shows how all the presented attributes (“Size zero”, “White people”, “CIS-person”, “Functional variation”, “Unrealistic ideals”, “High level of nudity”, “Erotic way”, “Sexual desire”, “Body focus”, “Behind or breasts” and “Lips or mouth”) were classified as “Reversed” which is an indication of dissatisfaction and an urge for the attribute to be the opposite. This thesis demonstrates the relationship between the quality attributes and theories regarding objectification and portrayal of women. The customers’ attitudes towards the quality attributes correlate with the consequences as results of advertising in a sexist way. Businesses within the female fast fashion industry can prioritise the customer requirements for their advertisements in all assistance measurement and estimation of customer satisfaction in order to rise above the current way of advertising and become more customer oriented and to take responsibility and participation in the development of a gender equal society.
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#FemvertiseThis - Mot bättre förståelse för kvinnlig porträttering vid skapande av rörlig reklamOlofsson, Sandra, Steén, Disa January 2018 (has links)
Femvertising etablerades som begrepp av det amerikanska medieföretaget SheKnows Media år 2014, och innebär reklam som förstärker kvinnor. Då begreppet är relativt nytt finns lite forskning i ämnet. Denna studie syftar till att genom tre studier undersöka vad som utgör kvinnligt förstärkande reklam, och hur medieföretag kan arbeta med femvertising för att undvika traditionella stereotypa porträtt av kvinnor. Den första studien är en experimentell studie, där en kontrollgrupp och en försöksgrupp observerat och värderat hur stereotyp eller icke-stereotyp, och problematisk eller icke-problematisk de ansåg att porträtteringen av kvinnor var i två reklamer. Studien visade att gruppen som observerade femvertising uppfattade kvinnoporträtteringen i videon som lite problematisk, medan gruppen som endast observerade traditionell stereotyp reklam uppfattade porträtteringen som mycket problematisk. Nästa studie var en diskussion med fokusgrupperna där de fick utveckla sina tankar kring de observerade reklamerna och kring reklam i allmänhet. Undersökningen visade att grupperna ansåg att kvinnor ofta är passiva och används som accessoarer i reklam, samt att reklam har en påverkan på den som tittar på den. Detta visar på att det är av vikt för reklamskapare att fundera kring vilken samhällspåverkan kvinnoporträtt har. Den sista studien är en visuell innehållsanalys som gjordes av sju vinnande bidrag i SheKnows Medias #Femvertising awards. Studien visade hur femvertising används i praktiken. Resultatet av samtliga studier ledde fram till en metod för hur reklamskapare kan använda femvertising i syfte att motverka stereotypa kvinnoporträtt i rörlig reklam. / In 2014 the American media company SheKnows Media established the expression “femvertising”. Femvertising is an abbreviation for “female empowerment advertising”. As the notion is relatively new there is not much research made within the subject yet. With the help of three studies, this report aims to explore what makes advertising empowering for females, and how media companies can utilize femvertising to avoid traditional stereotyped portrayals in commercials. The first of three studies were an experimental study, where two groups watched and assessed how stereotype or non-stereotype, and problematic or non-problematic they found the portrayals of women in two commercials. The experiment revealed that the group that watched a femvertising commercial assessed the women in it were portrayed in a much less problematic manner, compared to how the other group assessed a traditional stereotyped commercial. The following study was a focus group study, which demonstrated that the respondents found that women in commercial often were portrayed in a passive manner, and that women often were portrayed as accessories rather that characters. Furthermore, the groups expressed that advertising in general has an effect upon its viewers which proved that it is of importance for advertisers to consider what effect their female portrayals have on society when creating commercials. The last study was a visual content analysis which revealed how femvertising is used in practice. The empirics from the three studies, in relation to previous studies of stereotyped gender portrayals and femvertising, resulted in a three-question method of how advertisers can utilize femvertising to avoid traditional stereotyped portrayals of women in commercials. Meanwhile, the report proved that a deeper understanding of femvertising is necessary for advertisers to further implement it in their production of commercials.
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La femvertising como constructor de la igualdad de género a través del efecto de la tercera persona en las mujeres del emporio de Gamarra / Femvertising as a builder of gender equality through the third person effect on women in the Gamarra emporiumRuiz Sánchez, Katherine Lesly 26 November 2019 (has links)
Este estudio analiza la femvertising, la reciente estrategia publicitaria que emite mensajes de empoderamiento a la mujer e igualdad de género, y su relación con el efecto de la tercera persona, que indica que las personas tienden a percibir a los demás (ellos) como más influenciados por los medios de comunicación que sí mismos (yo). Es un estudio cualitativo cuyo diseño es el estudio de caso, donde se analizó la campaña del BCP: “#NoMeDigasFelizDía” lanzada en el Día Internacional de la Mujer (2019). Se realizó entrevistas semiestructuradas a 15 mujeres trabajadoras del emporio de Gamarra de 25 a 52 años. Como resultado, la femvertising logra construir igualdad de género en las mujeres del emporio comercial de Gamarra mediante los mensajes expuestos en sus anuncios, los cuales muestran las desigualdades de género y formas de empoderamiento de la mujer, eliminando los estereotipos típicos femeninos, pero que no necesariamente se dan por el efecto de la tercera persona. / This study analyzes femvertising, the recent advertising strategy that issues messages of empowerment to women and gender equality, and its relationship with the third-person effect, which indicates that people tend to perceive others (they) as more influenced by the media than themselves (me). It is a qualitative study whose design is the case study, where the BCP campaign was analyzed: "#NoMeDigasFelizDía" launched on International Women's Day (2019). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 women workers from the Gamarra emporium from 25 to 52 years. As a result, femvertising manages to build gender equality in the women of the commercial empire of Gamarra through the messages exposed in their advertisements, which show gender inequalities and forms of empowerment of women, eliminating the typical stereotypes of women but that is not necessarily given by the third-person effect. / Tesis
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The Appropriation of Feminist Values in Multi-Level-Marketing Distribution NetworksFerneborg, Angelica, Amminger, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the communicative and discursive practices used by Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) networks when marketing their network to women as both a business opportunity and as a sisterhood, in order to start and contribute to the conversation regarding the relatively unsupervised communicative practices and their potential effects of MLM distribution networks. By conducting an extensive qualitative analysis on eighteen group call videos posted publicly on YouTube by affiliates of six different MLM networks, this thesis examines the marketing practices used to appropriate feminist values in order to recruit women and sell products. The analysis is done through a theoretical framework of Feminist Media Theory with a focus on feminist values, femvertising, and corporate feminism, in combination with the concept Relational Agency. These theoretical frameworks are used to critically analyze the discursive practices used in the videos. The analysis shows that MLM contractors are utilizing discursive practices such as advertising feminist values to market products and opportunities to potential recruits and downlines. Some of the feminist values communicated are, for example, inclusivity, empowering messages, financial gain, and independency. The findings further suggests that the marketing practices used may have an effect on individuals involved, and on the greater feminist movement at large.
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EN HANDELSVARA I FEMINISTKLÄDER : En studie av feminism inom mode som exempel på reifikation.Ljunggren Forsberg, Vilma January 2017 (has links)
This essay aims to establish a marxist perspective upon a phenomena that could be seen as typical neoliberal–femvertising. I have noticed an expanding trend in fashion; the use of feminism as branding. Fashion brands such as Dior and H&M have lately profiled themselves with feminism, framing it as radical as well as feminist. Meanwhile, the theory of reification by Georg Lukács claims that capitalism fools us to believe that we may acccomplish human aims and characteristics through commodities. I will investigate if it is possible to look upon this phenomena as an example of reification? The attempt brings the capitalistic dimension of femvertising into daylight and questions it´s feminist pretense.
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La percepción de las profesoras de las Facultades de Ingeniería y Ciencias de la Salud de la UPC acerca del spot publicitario ‘Mujeres Presentes’ publicado en YouTube que busca el empoderamiento de la mujer en el ámbito laboral. / The perception of the professors of the Faculties of Engineering and Health Sciences of the UPC about the advertising spot 'Women Present' published on YouTube that seeks the empowerment of women in the workplace.Lingán Laura, Dara Milena 10 September 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, hay marcas que hacen uso del femvertising en sus spots publicitarios, de modo que desafían los estereotipos de género presentes en la sociedad, con la finalidad de lograr el empoderamiento femenino. También, existen investigaciones que analizan la presencia del femvertising en diferentes spots publicitarios relacionados a la belleza o el amor propio. Pero, no se ha publicado alguna investigación que analice algún anuncio relacionado a los estereotipos de género presentes en el ámbito laboral. Por otro lado, se encuentran pocas investigaciones que estudien los efectos del femvertising, es decir, si realmente cumple su objetivo de empoderar a la mujer. El presente trabajo analizará la efectividad del femvertising presente en el spot publicitario ‘Mujeres Presentes’ publicado en YouTube que busca el empoderamiento de la mujer en el ámbito laboral. Para ello, se examinará la percepción de las profesoras de las Facultades de Ingeniería y Ciencias de la Salud de la UPC, carreras consideradas masculinas. Por ello, esta investigación se posicionará en el paradigma fenomenológico y el método que se utilizará será el cualitativo, de forma que se obtendrá una comprensión profunda de las experiencias vividas por parte de las profesoras. Finalmente, se realizarán entrevistas semi estructuradas con la intención de saber si el spot realmente empodera a las profesoras o si ellas se sienten identificadas. / Currently, there are brands that make use of femvertising in their advertising spots, in a way that defies gender stereotypes present in society, in order to achieve female empowerment. Also, there are investigations that analyze the presence of femvertising in different advertising spots related to beauty or self-love; but no research has been published that analyzes any advertisement related to gender stereotypes present in the workplace. On the other hand, there is little research that studies the effects of femvertising, that is, if it really fulfills its objective of empowering women. This work will analyze the effectiveness of the femvertising present in the advertising spot ‘Mujeres Presentes’ published on YouTube that seeks to empower women in the workplace. For this, the perception of the professors of the Faculties of Engineering and Health Sciences the UPC, careers considered male will be examined. Therefore, this research will be positioned in the phenomenological paradigm and the method that will be used will be qualitative, so that a deep understanding of the experiences lived by the teachers is sought. Finally, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the intention of knowing if the place really empowers the teachers or if they feel identified. / Trabajo de investigación
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La belleza como parte del discurso del empoderamiento femenino. Avon, #LaBellezaEsLibre / Beauty as part of the discourse of female empowerment. Avon, #LaBellezaEsLibrePeña Bryson, María Fernanda 19 March 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años, empresas de diferentes rubros han estado abordando una estrategia comunicacional en donde se valora y respeta a la mujer en todos los ámbitos. Uno de estos rubros es el de belleza, en especial el de maquillaje, el cual poco a poco está dejando de lado los cánones de belleza, estereotipos impuestos por la sociedad que aún siguen latentes, para empoderarlas y llenarlas de valor para afrontar al mundo, demostrando la verdadera belleza de una mujer, la interna, capaz de comerse al mundo con su seguridad y con su personalidad. Es pues, que, con este trabajo, veremos cómo es que, a través del maquillaje, que ha sido entendido como una disciplina superficial, y por lo tanto no tan analizado académicamente, podría contribuir al empoderamiento femenino.
En el presente trabajo se analizarán el discurso de la belleza de la campaña de Avon, “La Belleza es libre”, lo que nos dará pie a identificar cuáles son elementos del empoderamiento femenino y como la belleza forma parte de este discurso en la publicidad de cosmética. Para ello, se realizará una investigación cualitativa, ya que nuestra tesis se basa en percepciones e interpretaciones, por los cuales, para obtener información relevante para responder a nuestros objetivos, se utilizará la técnica de entrevistas a profundidad. Los principales hallazgos de la investigación, fueron cómo tanto la belleza física e interna, en conjunto, empoderan a las mujeres, y la percepción de cómo es visto el empoderamiento femenino en el discurso publicitario a través de una mirada más inclusiva, que podría conllevar a un mejor enganche de consumidor a marca. / In recent years, companies in different fields have been addressing a communication strategy where women are valued and respected in all areas. One of these items is beauty, especially makeup, which little by little is leaving aside the canons of beauty, stereotypes imposed by society that are still latent, to empower them and fill them with courage to face the world, demonstrating the true beauty of a woman, the intern, capable of eating the world with her security and her personality. It is therefore that, with this work, we will see how it is that, through makeup, which has been understood as a superficial discipline, and therefore not so academically analyzed, it could contribute to female empowerment.
In this paper, the beauty discourse of Avon's campaign, "Beauty is free" will be analyzed, which will give us the opportunity to identify which are elements of female empowerment and how beauty is part of this discourse in the advertising of cosmetic. For this, a qualitative investigation will be carried out, since our thesis is based on perceptions and interpretations, for which, to obtain relevant information to answer our objectives, the in-depth interview technique will be used. The main findings of the research were how both physical and internal beauty, together, empower women, and the perception of how female empowerment is seen in advertising discourse through a more inclusive perspective, which could lead to a better hook from consumer to brand. / Trabajo de investigación
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El body positive aplicado en estrategias de femvertising. Caso: Forever 21 Instagram / The body positive applied in femvertising strategies. Case: Forever 21Negrete Tuesta, Araceli 14 August 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación busca analizar la percepción sobre el uso del movimiento social body positive en la estrategia de femvertising de la marca Forever 21 Perú en Instagram, entre un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes de universidades privadas entre dieciocho y veinte años, pertenecientes a un nivel socioeconómico medio de Lima Metropolitana, las cuales utilizan Instagram, principalmente, como medio de comunicación en redes sociales. Para analizar el contenido de la marca se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo y se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas en base a una guía de indagación. Los resultados muestran que las entrevistadas tienen un doble discurso en relación al concepto de belleza y con respecto a modelos de tallas grandes (u otras características que no siguen los cánones de belleza clásicos). En un principio, apoyan que, a través de estas estrategias publicitarias, las mujeres ganen seguridad y se empoderen; sin embargo, cuando opinan sobre un producto publicitario en el cual las modelos tienen rasgos físicos distintos de estereotipos de belleza establecidos en sociedad, el primer factor de observación es su apariencia física. Por consiguiente, se puede precisar que el body positive en el femvertising sí genera una apreciación positiva sobre la diversidad de belleza, pero sigue siendo un tema relevante y decisivo para la conceptualización de marca y de la propia persona. La publicidad no es la única disciplina capaz de cambiar el concepto de belleza, pues se requiere de diversas disciplinas sociales para comprender el razonamiento de las personas. / This research focuses on analyzing the perception of the use of the "body positive" social movement in the "femvertising" strategy of Forever 21 Peru on Instagram, among a group of women between eighteen and twenty years old, belonging to a middle socioeconomic level in Metropolitan Lima and private universities, who use Instagram, mainly, as a means of communication in social networks. To analyze the content of the brand, a qualitative methodology was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted based on an inquiry guide. The results show that the interviewees have a double discourse in relation to the concept of beauty and with respect to plus-size models (or other characteristics that do not follow the established canons of beauty). In principle, they support that, through these advertising strategies, women gain confidence and become empowered; however, when they give their opinion about an advertising product in which the models have physical features different from the stereotypes of beauty established in society, the first factor of observation is their physical appearance. Therefore, it can be specified that body positive in femvertising does generate a positive appreciation of the diversity of beauty, but it remains a relevant and decisive issue for the conceptualization of the brand and of the person himself.
Advertising is not the only discipline capable of changing the concept of beauty, various social disciplines are required to understand people's reasoning. / Tesis
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El Femvertising y la imagen de una marca de género masculino desde la perspectiva masculina / Femvertising and the image of a male brand from a male perspectiveOrtega Mendoza, Regina Mariela 10 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo surge ante la necesidad de contribuir con los estudios sobre la imagen de marca en relación al Femvertising, desde la perspectiva masculina. Específicamente, esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cómo el discurso del Femvertising influye en la imagen de una marca de género masculino desde un enfoque cualitativo. Para ello, se desarrollan los conceptos principales relacionados al Femvertising, desde su origen hasta sus características; así como, los conceptos relacionados a la imagen de marca. Seguidamente, se busca entender la posición de los hombres sobre una marca de género masculino. Esta investigación se va a complementar con el estudio de caso de: “Pilsen Callao no es de hombres ni de mujeres, es de patas”. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas al público objetivo primario de la marca, hombres de entre 20 a 35 años. Finalmente, el estudio expone las conclusiones de los resultados, los hallazgos, las limitaciones y la recomendación. / The present work arises from the need to contribute to studies on brand image in relation to Femvertising, from the male perspective. Specifically, this research with a qualitative approach, aims to identify how the Femvertising discourse influences the image of a male brand. To this end, the main concepts related to Femvertising are developed, from its origin to its characteristics, as well as the concepts related to brand image. Next, we seek to understand the position of men on a male brand. This research will be complemented with the case study of: "Pilsen Callao is not for men or women, it is for legs". For this purpose, interviews were conducted with the brand's primary target audience, men between 20 and 35 years old. Finally, the study presents the conclusions of the results, findings, limitations and recommendation. / Trabajo de investigación
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