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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Bibbia e la Certosa. Letture dal De Tralatione Bibliae di Petrus Sutor (1525) sullo sfondo del contrasto tra Erasmo e i teologi di Parigi e Lovanio

SARTORI, PAOLO 30 March 2007 (has links)
Prima parte: L'analisi del rapporto tra spiritualità certosina e devotio moderna consente di individuare il contesto in cui maturò ed ebbe fortuna il De tralatione Bibliae di Petrus Sutor, monaco certosino. La spiritualità certosina ebbe forte influsso sulla Congregazione di Montaigu, espressione estrema della devotio moderna, nella quale lo stesso Sutor fu massima autorità spirituale in qualità di priore della Certosa di Parigi. Alla Congregazione di Montaigu appartennero i principali oppositori di Erasmo nel campo della filologia biblica nell'area di Parigi e Lovanio. In essa ebbe fortuna l'opera di Sutor, anche se il mondo di Montaigu mostra due facce. Il mondo parigino di Montaigu risulta infatti più conservatore di quello lovaniense, che nelle figure di Iacobus Latomus e Frans Titelmans mostra una certa apertura all'umanesimo. Seconda parte e appendice: i contenuti del De tralatione Bibliae mostrano i rapporti di Sutor con altri oppositori erasmiani, Stunica in particolare. Emergono le fonti che stanno alla base delle informazioni storiche fornite da Sutor, tra cui emerge Petrus Comestor, e la risonanza del De tralatione Bibliae negli ambienti culturali inglesi, in particolare in John Fisher. / First Part: In order to supply with due context Sutor's De tralatione Bibliae, it is necessary to rediscover the interplay between Carthusian spirituality and devotio moderna. The carthusian influence was particulary strong in the Congregation of Montaigu, which formed an extreme wing of devotio moderna. Sutor himself played a very important role in the Congregation of Montaigu having been his major authority for three years as Prior of the Parisian Charterhouse. The main critics of Erasmus in the field of biblical philology, who were active in Paris and Louvain theological units belonged to the Montaigu Congregation. There were differences between the Paris and Louvain Montaigu cultural and spiritual habits. Louvain shows a particular trend to moderation and acceptance of some fundamental humanistic issues, that we can trace in Iacobus Latomus and Francis Titelmans. Second Part and Appendix: The contents of Sutor's De tralatione Bibliae display the relationship between Sutor and other critics of Erasmus, in particular Stunica. Through the text we rediscover the different sources Sutor uses in order to supply the reader with historical information, especially Petrus Comestor, and we can identify some echoes of Sutor's works in John Fisher and the English cultural circles.

PHILOSOPHIA MEDICA E MEDICINA RHETORICA IN SENECA / Philosophia medica and medicina rhetorica in Seneca

BOCCHI, GIUSEPPE 02 April 2009 (has links)
E' possibile approfondire la conoscenza del pensiero senecano tenendo conto delle conoscenze mediche del filosofo. L'influenza della scuola medica Pneumatica, di ispirazione stoica, consente di dimostrare che le passioni come l'ira non sono per Seneca solo malattie dell'anima, ma sindromi psicofisiche che coinvolgono tutti i livelli dell'individuo, alla luce di un monismo corpo- anima possibile solo alla luce delle dottrine Pneuamtiche. Malattie come la mania e la melancolia, inoltre, hanno un decorso particolare che oltre ad influenzare la visione senecana dell'ira, permette anche di comprendere il carattere apparentemente incoerente di alcuni personaggi delle tragedie (Clitennestra, Atreo, Fedra e Medea), che possono essere considerati traduzioni drammaturgiche di sindromi maniaco- depressive. / It's possible to deepen our knowledge of Senecan thought by considering his medical knowledge. The influence of the Pneumatic school, inspired by Stoic philosophy, makes possible to show that passions like anger are for Seneca not only soul diseases, but also a kind of psycho- physical syndrome that concerns every aspect of the individual in the light of a psycho- physical monism that is possible to understand only through the Pneumatic doctrines. Diseases like mania and melancholy, moreover, have a peculiar development which, influencing Senecan view of anger, let us understand the apparently incoherent features of some characters of the tragedies (Clitaemestra, Atreus, Phaedra, Medea) who can be considered dramatic translations of manic- depressive syndromes

Il teatro di Rabelais : la poetica del genere totale nel "Gargantua et Pantagruel" / Rabelais's Theatre. The poetics of total genre in the "Gargantua et Pantagruel"

CAVALLERI, ALBERTO 02 March 2012 (has links)
La tesi affronta il problema della teatralità presente nel romanzo di François Rabelais (1483-1553). La scrittura dell’umanista contamina i generi letterari attivi tra tardo Medioevo e Rinascimento, recupera le forme dei generi classici greco-latini e sfrutta la forza vivente delle pièces teatrali francesi. La mescolanza di tutti questi materiali produce una poetica coerente, volta al potenziamento della visione del mondo, che trova nella teatralità la sua evidenza più forte. Ribaltando la prospettiva degli studi critici precedenti, il lavoro analizza l’opera secondo un "découpage" delle categorie teatrali principali: il tempo, lo spazio, il pubblico, il testo e l’attore. Il risultato finale è l’emersione di una teatralità strutturale, diffusa nell’intero romanzo tramite diversi meccanismi: l’ambiguità tra diegesi/mimesi e tra lettura/ascolto, il dialogo tra narratore e lettori, la compresenza di pubblico e personaggi recitanti, le indicazioni di una spazialità performativa, l’importanza della gestualità e della vocalità, la musicalità teatrale della lingua, il lessico specialistico della messinscena, i temi del travestimento, del "théâtre du monde" e del "théâtre anatomique". / The dissertation focuses on the connection between François Rabelais’s Gargantua et Pantagruel and the theatre. Rabelais’s writing possesses generic characteristics, typical of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance periods; it also presents generic forms derived from Greek and Latin literature, and is endowed with the vitality of French medieval theatre. The mingling of these materials results in a coherent poetics expressed through pervasive theatrical elements, and aimed at amplifying the reader’s worldview. Previous scholarly perspectives are here “overturned”, for analysis is built on fundamentally theatrical categories: time, space, audience, text and actor. Theatricality proves to inform the very structure of Rabelais’s work and manifests itself in the alternation of diegesis and mimesis; in the ongoing dialogue between narrator and readers/listeners; in the co-presence of audience and characters/players; in the indications of performative spaces; in the emphasis on gesture and voice; in the theatrical musicality of language; in the specialist vocabulary of the mise-en-scène and the themes of disguise, théâtre du monde and théâtre anatomique.

Lettere di ser Lapo Mazzei a Francesco Datini (1390 - 1399) / Ser Lapo Mazzei's letters to Francesco Datini (1390-1399)

CAMESASCA, GLORIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Ser Lapo Mazzei (1350-1412) fu uno dei notai più legati al mercante pratese Francesco Datini (1335ca-1410). La loro corrispondenza, già pubblicata da Cesare Guasti nel 1880, è una fonte importante, perché restituisce uno spaccato significativo della vita e delle relazioni personali di un mercante e di un notaio vissuti in Toscana alla fine del Trecento. Il presente lavoro è un'edizione più rispondente alle odierne metodologie ecdotiche delle lettere di Mazzei comprese nell'arco cronologico che va dal 1390 al 1399, accompagnate da un opportuno commento. Nei capitoli introduttivi vengono approfonditi i seguenti argomenti: le biografie di Mazzei e Datini e l'analisi grafica, linguistica, stilistica, della struttura e dei principali temi trattati nelle epistole. La ricerca è corredata inoltre dagli indici dei nomi di persona, di luogo, delle cose notevoli e delle fonti d'archivio. / The notary Lapo Mazzei (1350-1412) was a friend and a correspondent of the merchant of Prato Francesco Datini (1335 about-1410). Mazzei's letters written to Datini, published by Cesare Guasti in 1880, are an important source because they return a significant cross-section of life and personal relations of a merchant and a notary lived in Tuscany at the end of the fourteenth century. This work is the critical edition of Mazzei's letters (1390-1399) equipped with a commentary. The introductory chapters face these subjects: Mazzei and Datini's biographies, letters' topics and structure and their graphic, linguistic and stylistic analysis. At the end of the work there are the indexes of personal names, place names, remarkable things and archival sources.

Prosa, mondo e verità in Alessandro Manzoni: rilievi retorici

BATTAGLINI, RAFFAELLA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Il lavoro nasce come prosecuzione del saggio del Professor Langella "Manzoni poeta teologo". Consta di tre parti: una iniziale rassegna critica fa quasi da pretesto per trovare assetto e convergenza metodologica. Il secondo capitolo ripercorre due grandi questioni biografiche manzoniane (conversione e giansenismo). Il terzo capitolo, eminentemente stilistico, contiene anche una riflessione sul valore della similitudine in Manzoni. Schedate in appendice tutte le similitudini del "Fermo e Lucia" e dei "Promessi Sposi". / Dr. Raffaella’s Battaglini’s work was born as an ideal completion of Professor Langella's essay "Manzoni poeta teologo". The present essay is evidently threefold: the critical review at the beginning functions almost as a way - we might even say a pretext – to find the right methodological approach for the entire work. The biographical overview is focused on the knots of Manzoni’s conversion on one hand, and of his Jansenism on the other. A sort of status quaestionis of Manzoni’s Jansenism is presented in the Second Chapter. The final stylistic analysis – which was initially supposed to appear at the beginning of the essay – has undoubtedly great qualities and reveals Dr. Raffaella Battaglini’s talent. The monographic study of the simile summarizes and revives many of the remarks (Trompeo, Petrocchi, Cerisola, Raimondi can be quoted among others) that the critical corpus about Manzoni has often pointed out but not always fully developped. The approach to the text is easy without being ingenuous, the remarks are always thoughtful, the prose is fluent and lively. The final appendix about simile, patiently composed, happily fulfills a literary whole contemplari et aliis contemplata tradere.

Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación y la autonomía de aprendizaje de lenguas. Análisis crítico y estudio de casos en el aprendizaje del FLE

Sanz Gil, Mercedes 25 September 2003 (has links)
Las TIC representan en sí mismas un campo de conocimiento en expansión, tanto en el ámbito de la investigación como en el de la enseñanza.Esta tesis se encuadra en el ámbito del aprendizaje en autonomía, y en concreto, en la formación a la autonomía a través de las potencialidades de las TIC, campos de investigación, autonomía y TIC, de corte muy actual, pero que, tal y como se expone en los diferentes capítulos, no se trata de conceptos nuevos, sino que sus principios estructuradores suponen una evolución en el tiempo y un proceso de maduración.En este sentido, en la primera parte se hace un recorrido por las diferentes corrientes psicopedagógicas y metodologías de aprendizaje de lenguas, señalando cómo aparecen los diferentes aspectos relacionados con el aprendizaje en autonomía. Se presenta también, la evolución producida en el campo de las tecnologías aplicadas a la educación, en cuanto a las posibilidades técnicas que ofrecen, y en cuanto a la interacción con el usuario.Finalmente, un estudio de casos muestra cómo las propuestas tecnológicas de aprendizaje más recientes pueden ser integradas en diferentes proyectos de aprendizaje, según los aprendices y según su estilo cognitivo y de aprendizaje.

Estudios sobre las partículas en el griego de época imperial.

Páez Martínez, Martín 31 May 2013 (has links)
nuestra Tesis Doctoral estudia el uso de las partículas en el griego de época imperial. En el capítulo introductorio se analizan los distintos problemas que estas formas no flexivas plantean, su definición y su categorización como clase de palabras, y las distintas perspectivas que han planteado las corrientes lingüísticas para su estudio. Frente a una koiné en la que desde época helenística se observa un progresivo descenso del uso de partículas de énfasis, la eliminación de sinónimos y su especialización funcional, en época imperial cambia la tendencia, dada la importancia que adquiere el aticismo como voluntad general de imitar el griego clásico de los autores del canon. Especial atención concedemos a Luciano de Samosata, figura clave de la Segunda Sofística, y a los Santos Padres (ss. I-IV d.C.), en cuyos textos se aprecian técnicas de la retórica clásica con marcas y rasgos aticistas. / The aim of our Ph.D. dissertation is to study the use of particles in the Imperial Age Greek. An introductory chapter contains the problematic issues relating to the study of these non-inflectional words, definition and categorization as a class of words, according to the approach of different disciplines and linguistic trends. Koiné greek shows a progressive elimination of two synonym particles, functional specialization and decrease in the use of focus particles; on the other hand, Atticism and Second Sophistic turn the tendency over because of the classical authors imitation. Special attention is focused on Lucian, a key figure of the Second Sophistic, and Early Christian Fathers as well (ss. I-IV AD), as their texts exhibit atticist and classical rhetoric features.

Literature, Gender and Communication in the making: Understanding Toni Morrison's Work in the Information Society

Revelles Benavente, Beatriz 19 December 2014 (has links)
La present tesi doctoral examina una comunicació relacional com a objecte d'estudi per a la literatura. Aquesta comunicació es produeix entre autors i autores i lectors i lectores a través de les xarxes socials. Per a tals fins, utilitza una escriptora en particular, Toni Morrisson i una modalitat de xarxa social concreta, la seva pàgina oficial de Facebook. Utilitzant com a marc teòric el nou materialisme (Van der Tuin & Dolphijn, 2010) i una metodologia "difractiva" (Barad, 2007), aquesta tesi desenvolupa un concepte de comunicació literària basada en mecanismes que infereixen diferències substancials fonamentalment en dos aspectes: gènere i política. / La presente tesis doctoral examina una comunicación relacional como objeto de estudio para la literatura. Dicha comunicación se produce entre autores y autoras y lectores y lectoras a través de las redes sociales. Para tales fines, utiliza una escritora en particular, Toni Morrisson y una modalidad de red social concreta, su página oficial de Facebook. Utilizando como marco teórico el nuevo materialismo (Van der Tuin & Dolphijn, 2010) y una metodología "difractiva" (Barad, 2007), esta tesis desarrolla un concepto de comunicación literaria basada en mecanismos que infieren diferencias sustanciales fundamentalmente en dos aspectos: géenero y política. El marco teórico nuevo materialista lleva como principal premisa la ruptura de opuestos dicotómicos, tales como el binomio sexual entre hombres y mujeres. Por otra parte, la metodología difractiva se opone al "efecto espejo" en el cual las partes de la investigación (investigador o invcestigadora, metodología, instrumentos de medición y objecto de estudo, entre otros) son claramentes diferenciadas con el objeto de representar una realidad. Este punto de partida supone un cambio referencial por el cual buscamos procesos y no resultados. Así pues, en esta tesis encontramos que el objecto literario es la comunicación en sí (y no la obra o el autor o autora), y que en esta comunicación se produce una materialización de política basada en afinidades y no identidades y un concepto de género relacional situado (Haraway, 1991) racialmente. Estos conceptos teóricos se articulan empíricamente gracias al análisis de los afectos (Colman, 2008), o sentimientos, que se encarnan en las relaciones. / The present doctoral dissertation examines a relational communicacion as an object for Literary Studies. This communicacion between authors and readers is stablished through Social Networking Sites. For those means, it uses a concrete autor, Toni Morrisson and a particular Social Network, like her official Facebook page. Using New materialism (Van der Tuin & Dolphijn, 2010) as a theoretical framework and a "diffractive metodology" (Barad, 2007), this thesis develops a concept of literary communication based on mechanisms that produce differences on two main aspects: gender and politics. The new materialist framework postulates mainly breaking through opposite poles such as the sexual binary between men and women. On the other hand, the diffractive methodology is oppodef to the "mirroring effect" in wich the different elements of a research (such as researcher, methodology, apparatuses and object of study, among others) are separated from each other to represent reality. This requires a referential shift to look for processes instead of results. Therefore, in this thesis we find that the object of Literary Studies is the communication itself (not the novel or the author), and this communication materializes politics based uppon affinities and not identities and a concept of gender as relationally "situated" (Haraway, 1991) in a racial context. Theses theoretical concepts are empirically articulated thanks to the analysis of affects (Colman, 2008), or feelings, embedded in those relationships.


PEZZOTTI, MARIA PAOLA 24 April 2014 (has links)
Partendo da un punto di vista lessicale, la ricerca si ripropone di investigare la presenza di elementi musicali all’interno della produzione epigrammatica del periodo ellenistico, con riferimenti, talora, anche ad autori più tardi. Sono stati analizzati due tipi di fonti: epigrammi di tradizione letteraria (che includono componimenti dall’Anthologia Palatina, dal Nuovo Posidippo, e dal materiale raccolto da Gow e Page) ed epigrafi (che comprendono iscrizioni dagli Steinepigramme aus dem Griechischen Osten e dalle Inscriptions métriques de l’Égypte greco-romain), in modo tale da poter agire su un campo di indagine coerente e bilanciato. Il materiale è stato articolato in due sezioni principali, “Mousikà stoikheia” e “Organikè mousa”, rispettivamente dedicate alle categorie musicali e agli strumenti musicali. L’analisi, partendo dalla ricostruzione della potenzialità semantica di ogni termine, basata sull’origine etimologica e sullo sviluppo letterario e teorico, e procedendo attraverso l’interpretazione delle occorrenze più significative all’interno dei testi epigrammatici, evidenzia una particolare sensibilità verso la componente musicale, richiamando sia la terminologia specifica musicale sia, più spesso, il tradizionale trattamento di alcuni temi appartenenti alla tradizione letteraria. Il presente lavoro include anche una Appendice finale, nella quale sono indicizzati i termini emersi durante l’indagine testuale. / Starting from a lexical point of view, this research aims at investigating the presence of musical elements within the epigrammatic production of the Hellenistic period, with references also to later authors. Two kinds of sources have been analysed: literary epigrams (including poems from the Greek Anthology, the New Posidippus, and the material collected by Gow-Page) and epigraphic epigrams (including inscriptions from Steinepigramme aus dem Griechischen Osten and Inscriptions métriques de l’Égypte greco-romain), in order to have a coherent and balanced field of investigation. The material has been divided into two main parts, “Mousikà stoikheia” and “Organikè mousa”, referred to musical categories and musical instruments. The analysis, starting from the reconstruction of the potential musical meaning of each term, based on etymology and literary and theoretical development, and going on through the interpretation of the most relevant occurrences of the term in epigrammatic texts, shows a particular sensibility towards the musical element, recalling both the terminology of musical theory and, more often, the traditional treatment of some themes belonging to the literary tradition. A final Appendix provides an index with the terms found during the textual investigation.

L'obra filològica d'Antoni de Bastero i Lledó. Edició de la Història de la llengua catalana

Feliu, Francesc 24 January 1997 (has links)
S'estudia l'obra filològica d' Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737), des d'una perspectiva de conjunt, per tal de concretar I'activitat d'aquest estudiós en els camps de la lingüística, la filologia o la crítica literària, i fer-ne una valoració adequada als coneixements actuals sobre I'exercici d'aquestes disciplines durant la primera meitat del segle XVIII. La tesi inclou un estudi biogràfic, absolutament necessari per establir moltes de les circumstancies vitals del canonge Bastero, que ens resultaven obscures i que són decisives per explicar el propi interès per la filologia, les relacions amb determinats cercles acadèmics, la datació aproximada dels diversos projectes iniciats, la interpretació correcta de la seva activitat. S'inclou, així mateix, un catàleg exhaustiu de tots els manuscrits conservats d'Antoni de Bastero i que tenen alguna relació amb el seu treball filològic. En total es tenen en compte 69 volums manuscrits, actualment escampats per diversos arxius i biblioteques de Barcelona i Girona, alguns dels quals eren fins ara desconeguts. D'aquests 69 volums, 48 contenen pròpiament obres de Bastero o altres materials publicables, i la resta són materials de treball. En conseqüència, l' obra filològica del canonge es pot concretar en: la producció d'una gramàtica italiana i d'una gramàtica francesa, en català, que va deixar inacabades; la realització de La Crusca provenzale, un magne diccionari etimològic i d'autoritats que recull una gran quantitat d'hipotètics provençalismes italians -només es va publicar el primer volum d'aquesta obra a Roma, l'any 1724, però n'he localitzat pràcticament tot el contingut; l'elaboració d'una extensa antologia de poesies trobadoresques, copiades amb gran rigor d'alguns còdexs de la Biblioteca Vaticana; el plantejament d'una Història de llengua catalana, que havia de ser una gran compilació dels mèrits i les excel·lències d'aquesta llengua -que l'autor identifica amb la provençal- i la seva literatura, i que es va poder desenvolupar nomes de forma parcial. Precisament, la part central de la tesi l'ocupa l'estudi particular i l'edició crítica de les parts redactades d'aquesta obra, que suposa la concreció de la particular percepció lingüística i literària que Bastero havia anat perfilant al llarg dels seus anys d'estudi. Es tracta d'una edició molt complexa, perquè l'obra ens ha arribat només en un esborrany, que presenta múltiples correccions i esmenes i evidencia diferents estadis redaccionals; els manuscrits inclouen, així mateix, nombrosos papers amb anotacions o fragments que, o no pertanyen al cos de l'obra, o bé s'han hagut de resituar en el lloc que els correspon. EI resultat és, tanmateix, un text prou coherent que comprèn quasi la totalitat del Llibre primer -sobre l'origen, el naixement i els diversos noms de la llengua, i sobre el nom de Catalunya- i un capítol del Llibre tercer -sobre la primitiva extensió del català per tot Espanya. EI més rellevant d'aquesta obra és el fet que s'hi basteix una original teoria sobre la formació de les diverses llengües romàniques que té el català com a eix central -proposa la identificació del català provençal amb la lingua romana dels documents alt medievals, en una operació que s'avança quasi cent anys a François Raynouard, que propugnava això mateix, referint-se nomes al provençal, amb un àmplia aprovació de la comunitat científica del seu temps. Destaquen també un excepcional rigor històric i documental, i una notable sensibilitat vers l'oralitat lingüística, que és objecte d'algunes anotacions ben interessants. Tanquen la tesi un seguit d'annexos documentals on es transcriuen diversos documents relacionats amb els aspectes tractats anteriorment. / The philological works of Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737) are studied from the perspective of the whole, in order to specify this scholar's studies in the fields of linguistics, philology and literary criticism, and to make an evaluation based on the knowledge of the day in regards to the exercise of these disciplines during the first half of 17th century. The thesis includes a biographical study, absolutely necessary in order to establish the many vital circumstances surrounding Bastero, which were unclear yet decisive in the explanation of his own interest in philology, in his relationships with specific academic circles, in the approximate dating of his varied initial projects and in the correct interpretation of his activities. Included, also, is an exhaustive catalogue of all of Antoni de Bastero's conserved manuscripts which bear any relevance to his philological work. In total there are sixty-nine series of manuscripts scattered in different archives and libraries in Barcelona and Girona, some of which were unknown until now. Of these sixty-nine volumes, forty-eight contain works attributed to Bastero or other publishable material. The rest are working drafts. Consequently, the Canon's philological works can be specified as: the production of both an Italian and French grammar, in Catalan, which were left unfinished; the completion of La Crusca provenzale, a grand etymological and authoritative dictionary which brings together a large number of hypothetical Italian Provençalisms -only the first volume of this work was published in Rome in I724 although we have located almost the entire contents; the elaboration of an extended anthology of troubadour poetry, copied with great rigor from codices found in the Vatican library; the consideration of a Historia de la llengua catana, which was to be a great compilation of the merits and excellencies of this language -which the author identifies with Provençal- and its literature, and which was only partially completed. It is precisely the specific study and critical edition of these completed parts, which presumes the concretization of the particular linguistic and literary perceptions that Bastero was outlining throughout the many years of his studies, witch occupy the central theme of this thesis. The edition in question is quite complex, keeping in mind that this particular work was available only in its draft form, complete with multiple corrections, rectifications and evidence of differing sages of writing; the manuscripts include, in this manner, numerous annotated or fragmented papers which, either do not belong to the body of the text, or have been restored to their corresponding places in the text. The result is, nevertheless, a quite coherent text which comprises almost the entire First Book -regarding the origin, the birth and various names of the language, and regarding the name Catatonia- and a chapter of Book Three -regarding the early diffusion of Catalan throughout Spain. The most noteworthy aspect of this work is that it offers an original theory of the formation of the various Romance languages with Catalan as the centre axis - proposing the identification of Catalan-Provençal with the Iingua romana of late medieval documents, in an operation that precedes, by almost a hundred years, Francoise Raynouard, who proposes the same idea, but with reference only to Provençal, and was highly supported by the scientific community of his day. His exceptional documentational and historical rigor and a notable sensitivity to linguistic orality are also noteworthy and make for some very interesting annotations. The thesis ends with a series of annexed documentation with the transcriptions of various documents related to previously discussed aspects.

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